Exemple #1
    def __init__(
        self, in_script=None, targetfilename=None, canvas=None, gtkmode=False, ns=None, width=None, height=None
        self.inputscript = in_script
        self.targetfilename = targetfilename

        # init internal path container
        self._path = None
        self._autoclosepath = True

        self.color_range = 1.0
        self.color_mode = RGB

        self._fillcolor = self.color(0.2)
        self._strokecolor = None
        self._strokewidth = 1.0

        self._transform = Transform()
        self._transformmode = CENTER
        self.transform_stack = []

        self._font = "Verdana"
        self._fontsize = 10
        self._align = LEFT
        self._lineheight = 1

        self.vars = []
        self._oldvars = self.vars
        self.namespace = {}

        self.framerate = 30
        self.FRAME = 0

        self.screen_ratio = None

        if width and height:
            self.WIDTH = width
            self.HEIGHT = height
            self.WIDTH = DEFAULT_WIDTH
            self.HEIGHT = DEFAULT_HEIGHT

        if canvas:
            self.canvas = canvas
            self.canvas = PILCanvas(width=self.WIDTH, height=self.HEIGHT)

        # from nodebox
        if ns is None:
            ns = {}
            self._ns = ns
Exemple #2
class Context:
    def __init__(
        self, in_script=None, targetfilename=None, canvas=None, gtkmode=False, ns=None, width=None, height=None
        self.inputscript = in_script
        self.targetfilename = targetfilename

        # init internal path container
        self._path = None
        self._autoclosepath = True

        self.color_range = 1.0
        self.color_mode = RGB

        self._fillcolor = self.color(0.2)
        self._strokecolor = None
        self._strokewidth = 1.0

        self._transform = Transform()
        self._transformmode = CENTER
        self.transform_stack = []

        self._font = "Verdana"
        self._fontsize = 10
        self._align = LEFT
        self._lineheight = 1

        self.vars = []
        self._oldvars = self.vars
        self.namespace = {}

        self.framerate = 30
        self.FRAME = 0

        self.screen_ratio = None

        if width and height:
            self.WIDTH = width
            self.HEIGHT = height
            self.WIDTH = DEFAULT_WIDTH
            self.HEIGHT = DEFAULT_HEIGHT

        if canvas:
            self.canvas = canvas
            self.canvas = PILCanvas(width=self.WIDTH, height=self.HEIGHT)

        # from nodebox
        if ns is None:
            ns = {}
            self._ns = ns

    def snapshot(self, filename=None):

    def show(self):

    def save(self, filename=None):
        # self.canvas.flush()
        self.canvas.output(filename, "PNG")
        # self.canvas.show()

    def size(self, width, height):
        self.WIDTH = width
        self.HEIGHT = height
        self._ns["WIDTH"] = width
        self._ns["HEIGHT"] = height

    def image(self, path, x, y, width=None, height=None, alpha=1.0, data=None, draw=True, **kwargs):
        Draws a image form path, in x,y and resize it to width, height dimensions.
        r = self.Image(path, x, y, width, height, alpha, data, **kwargs)
        if draw:

        return r

    def imagesize(self, path):
        img = Image.open(path)
        return img.size

    def rect(self, x, y, width, height, roundness=0.0, draw=True, **kwargs):
        Draws a rectangle with top left corner at (x,y)
        The roundness variable sets rounded corners.
        r = self.BezierPath(**kwargs)
        r.rect(x, y, width, height)

        if draw:

        return r

    def arrow(self, x, y, width=100, type=NORMAL, draw=True, **kwargs):
        Draws an arrow.

        Draws an arrow at position x, y, with a default width of 100.
        There are two different types of arrows: NORMAL and trendy FORTYFIVE degrees arrows.
        When draw=False then the arrow's path is not ended, similar to endpath(draw=False).

        if type == NORMAL:
            return self._arrow(x, y, width, draw, **kwargs)
        elif type == FORTYFIVE:
            return self._arrow45(x, y, width, draw, **kwargs)
            raise Exception("arrow: available types for arrow() are NORMAL and FORTYFIVE\n")

    def _arrow(self, x, y, width, draw, **kwargs):
        head = width * 0.4
        tail = width * 0.2

        p = self.BezierPath(**kwargs)
        p.moveto(x, y)
        p.lineto(x - head, y + head)
        p.lineto(x - head, y + tail)
        p.lineto(x - width, y + tail)
        p.lineto(x - width, y - tail)
        p.lineto(x - head, y - tail)
        p.lineto(x - head, y - head)
        p.lineto(x, y)

        if draw:

        return p

    def _arrow45(self, x, y, width, draw, **kwargs):

        head = 0.3
        tail = 1 + head

        p = self.BezierPath(**kwargs)
        p.moveto(x, y)
        p.lineto(x, y + width * (1 - head))
        p.lineto(x - width * head, y + width)
        p.lineto(x - width * head, y + width * tail * 0.4)
        p.lineto(x - width * tail * 0.6, y + width)
        p.lineto(x - width, y + width * tail * 0.6)
        p.lineto(x - width * tail * 0.4, y + width * head)
        p.lineto(x - width, y + width * head)
        p.lineto(x - width * (1 - head), y)
        p.lineto(x, y)

        if draw:

        return p

    def rectmode(self, mode=None):
        if mode in (self.CORNER, self.CENTER, self.CORNERS):
            self.rectmode = mode
            return self.rectmode
        elif mode is None:
            return self.rectmode
            raise Exception("rectmode: invalid input")

    def oval(self, x, y, width, height, draw=True, **kwargs):
        """Draws an ellipse starting from (x,y) -  ovals and ellipses are not the same"""
        r = self.BezierPath(**kwargs)
        r.ellipse(x, y, width, height)

        if draw:

        return r

    def ellipse(self, x, y, width, height, draw=True, **kwargs):
        """Draws an ellipse starting from (x,y)"""
        r = self.BezierPath(**kwargs)
        r.ellipse(x, y, width, height)

        if draw:

        return r

    def circle(self, x, y, diameter):
        self.ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter)

    def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, draw=True):
        """Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)"""
        r = self.BezierPath()
        r.line(x1, y1, x2, y2)

        if draw:

        return r

    def star(self, startx, starty, points=20, outer=100, inner=50):
        """Draws a star.

        Taken from Nodebox.
        self.moveto(startx, starty + outer)

        for i in range(1, int(2 * points)):
            angle = i * pi / points
            x = sin(angle)
            y = cos(angle)
            if i % 2:
                radius = inner
                radius = outer
            x = startx + radius * x
            y = starty + radius * y
            self.lineto(x, y)


    def beginpath(self, x=None, y=None):
        self._path = self.BezierPath()

        if x and y:
            self._path.moveto(x, y)
        self._path.closed = False

        # if we have arguments, do a moveto too
        if x is not None and y is not None:
            self._path.moveto(x, y)

    def moveto(self, x, y):
        if self._path is None:
            ## self.beginpath()
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.moveto(x, y)

    def lineto(self, x, y):
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.lineto(x, y)

    def curveto(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.curveto(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

    def arc(self, x, y, radius, angle1, angle2):
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.arc(x, y, radius, angle1, angle2)

    def closepath(self):
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        if not self._path.closed:
            self._path.closed = True

    def endpath(self, draw=True):
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")

        if self._autoclosepath:

        p = self._path

        if draw:
            self._path = None

        return p

    def drawpath(self, path):
        if isinstance(path, BezierPath):
            # p = self.BezierPath(path)
        elif isinstance(path, Image):

    def drawimage(self, image):

    def autoclosepath(self, close=True):
        self._autoclosepath = close

    def transform(self, mode=None):  # Mode can be CENTER or CORNER
        if mode:
            self._transformmode = mode
        return self._transformmode

    def translate(self, x, y):
        self._transform.translate(x, y)

    def rotate(self, degrees=0, radians=0):
        if radians:
            angle = radians
            angle = (degrees * pi) / 180.0


    def scale(self, x=1, y=None):
        if not y:
            y = x

        if x == 0 or x == -1:
            # Cairo borks on zero values
            x = 1
        if y == 0 or y == -1:
            y = 1
        self._transform.scale(x, y)

    def skew(self, x=1, y=0):
        self._transform.skew(x, y)

    def push(self):

    def pop(self):
        self._transform = self.transform_stack.pop()

    def reset(self):
        self._transform = Transform()

    def relmoveto(self, x, y):
        """Move relatively to the last point."""
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.relmoveto(x, y)

    def rellineto(self, x, y):
        """Draw a line using relative coordinates."""
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.rellineto(x, y)

    def relcurveto(self, h1x, h1y, h2x, h2y, x, y):
        """Draws a curve relatively to the last point.
        if self._path is None:
            raise Exception("No current path. Use beginpath() first.")
        self._path.relcurveto(x, y)

    def findpath(self, points, curvature=1.0):
        """Constructs a path between the given list of points.

        Interpolates the list of points and determines
        a smooth bezier path betweem them.

        The curvature parameter offers some control on
        how separate segments are stitched together:
        from straight angles to smooth curves.
        Curvature is only useful if the path has more than  three points.

        # The list of points consists of Point objects,
        # but it shouldn't crash on something straightforward
        # as someone supplying a list of (x,y)-tuples.

        for i, pt in enumerate(points):
            if type(pt) == TupleType:
                points[i] = Point(pt[0], pt[1])

        if len(points) == 0:
            return None
        if len(points) == 1:
            path = self.BezierPath(None)
            path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y)
            return path
        if len(points) == 2:
            path = self.BezierPath(None)
            path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y)
            path.lineto(points[1].x, points[1].y)
            return path

        # Zero curvature means straight lines.

        curvature = max(0, min(1, curvature))
        if curvature == 0:
            path = self.BezierPath(None)
            path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y)
            for i in range(len(points)):
                path.lineto(points[i].x, points[i].y)
            return path

        curvature = 4 + (1.0 - curvature) * 40

        dx = {0: 0, len(points) - 1: 0}
        dy = {0: 0, len(points) - 1: 0}
        bi = {1: -0.25}
        ax = {1: (points[2].x - points[0].x - dx[0]) / 4}
        ay = {1: (points[2].y - points[0].y - dy[0]) / 4}

        for i in range(2, len(points) - 1):
            bi[i] = -1 / (curvature + bi[i - 1])
            ax[i] = -(points[i + 1].x - points[i - 1].x - ax[i - 1]) * bi[i]
            ay[i] = -(points[i + 1].y - points[i - 1].y - ay[i - 1]) * bi[i]

        r = range(1, len(points) - 1)
        for i in r:
            dx[i] = ax[i] + dx[i + 1] * bi[i]
            dy[i] = ay[i] + dy[i + 1] * bi[i]

        path = self.BezierPath(None)
        path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y)
        for i in range(len(points) - 1):
                points[i].x + dx[i],
                points[i].y + dy[i],
                points[i + 1].x - dx[i + 1],
                points[i + 1].y - dy[i + 1],
                points[i + 1].x,
                points[i + 1].y,

        return path

    def beginclip(self, path):
        # self.canvas._context.save()
        p = self.ClippingPath(path)
        return p

    def endclip(self):
        p = self.RestoreCtx()

    def fill(self, *args):
        """Sets a fill color, applying it to new paths."""
        self._fillcolor = self.color(*args)
        return self._fillcolor

    def nofill(self):
        """ Stop applying fills to new paths."""
        self._fillcolor = None

    def stroke(self, *args):
        """Set a stroke color, applying it to new paths."""
        self._strokecolor = self.color(*args)
        return self._strokecolor

    def nostroke(self):
        """ Stop applying strokes to new paths."""
        self._strokecolor = None

    def strokewidth(self, w=None):
        """Set the stroke width."""
        if w is not None:
            self._strokewidth = w
            return self._strokewidth

    def background(self, *args):
        """Set the background colour."""
        r = self.BezierPath()
        r.rect(0, 0, self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
        r.fill = self.color(*args)

    def _makeInstance(self, clazz, args, kwargs):
        """Creates an instance of a class defined in this document.
           This method sets the context of the object to the current context."""
        inst = clazz(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return inst

    def RestoreCtx(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(RestoreCtx, args, kwargs)

    def BezierPath(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(BezierPath, args, kwargs)

    def ClippingPath(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(ClippingPath, args, kwargs)

    def Rect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Rect, args, kwargs)

    def Oval(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Oval, args, kwargs)

    def Ellipse(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Ellipse, args, kwargs)

    def Color(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Color, args, kwargs)

    def Image(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Image, args, kwargs)

    def Text(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._makeInstance(Text, args, kwargs)

    def color(self, *args):
        return Color(mode=self.color_mode, color_range=self.color_range, *args)

    def Height(self):
        return self.HEIGHT

    HEIGHT = property(Height)

    def Width(self):
        return self.WIDTH

    WIDTH = property(Width)

    def font(self, fontpath=None, fontsize=None):
        """Set the font to be used with new text instances.

        Accepts TrueType and OpenType files. Depends on FreeType being

        if fontpath is not None:
            self._fontfile = fontpath
            return self._fontfile
        if fontsize is not None:
            self._fontsize = fontsize

    def fontsize(self, fontsize=None):
        if fontsize is not None:
            self._fontsize = fontsize
            return self.canvas.font_size

    def text(self, txt, x, y, width=None, height=None, outline=False, draw=True, **kwargs):
        Draws a string of text according to current font settings.
        path = self.BezierPath(None)
        txt = self.Text(txt, x, y, path=path, **kwargs)

        if outline:
            path = txt.path
            if draw:
            return path

            if draw:
                self.canvas.add(txt, priority=3)

            return txt

    def textpath(self, txt, x, y, width=None, height=1000000, draw=True, **kwargs):
        Draws an outlined path of the input text
        txt = self.Text(txt, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, **kwargs)
        path = txt.path
        if draw:
        return path

    def textmetrics(self, txt, width=None, height=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns the width and height of a string of text as a tuple
        (according to current font settings).
        # for now only returns width and height (as per Nodebox behaviour)
        # but maybe we could use the other data from cairo
        txt = self.Text(txt, 0, 0, width, height, **kwargs)
        return txt.metrics

    def textwidth(self, txt, width=None):
        """Returns the width of a string of text according to the current
        font settings.
        w = width
        return self.textmetrics(txt, width=w)[0]

    def textheight(self, txt, width=None):
        """Returns the height of a string of text according to the current
        font settings.
        w = width
        return self.textmetrics(txt, width=w)[1]

    def lineheight(self, height=None):
        if height is not None:
            self._lineheight = height

    def align(self, align="LEFT"):
        self._align = align