Exemple #1
def indentedBlock(expr, indent_stack, indent=True):
    """Define space-delimited indentation blocks.

    Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as
    those used to define block statements in Python source code.

    There is also a version in pyparsing but doesn't seem to be working fine
    with JSONAlchemy cfg files.
    def check_sub_indent(string, location, tokens):
        """Check the indentation."""
        cur_col = col(location, string)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(string, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(string, location, tokens):
        """Check the 'undentation'."""
        if location >= len(string):
        cur_col = col(location, string)
        if not (cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(string, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    indent = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy()\
    undent = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    return indent + expr + undent
Exemple #2
def indentedBlock(expr, indent_stack, indent=True):
    """Define space-delimited indentation blocks.

    Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as
    those used to define block statements in Python source code.

    There is also a version in pyparsing but doesn't seem to be working fine
    with JSONAlchemy cfg files.
    def check_sub_indent(string, location, tokens):
        """Check the indentation."""
        cur_col = col(location, string)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(string, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(string, location, tokens):
        """Check the 'undentation'."""
        if location >= len(string):
        cur_col = col(location, string)
        if not(cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(string, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    indent = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy()\
    undent = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    return indent + expr + undent
Exemple #3
    def parse_pabl(self, raw_pabl):
        INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(
        UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(self.check_unindent)

        terminator = Literal(';').suppress()
        comment = Literal('#') + restOfLine
        item_name = Word(alphas, alphanums + '_')
        variable = Word(alphas, alphanums + '_.')
        variable_as = (variable + 'as' + item_name)

        stmt = Forward()
        suite = Group(
            OneOrMore(empty + stmt.setParseAction(self.check_peer_indent)))

        item_start = Literal('@item').suppress()
        item_end = Literal(':').suppress()
        permission_start = Literal('@permissions')

        item_decl = (item_start + item_name.setResultsName('item') + item_end)
        item_defn = Group(item_decl + INDENT + suite + UNDENT)

        permission_decl = (permission_start + Group(
            delimitedList(item_name).setResultsName('permissions')) + item_end)
        permission_defn = Group(permission_decl + INDENT + suite + UNDENT)

        fieldList = delimitedList(
            Group(variable_as) | variable
        ).setResultsName('fields') + terminator

        stmt << (item_defn | fieldList | Group(permission_defn))

        parseTree = suite.parseString(raw_pabl)

        return parseTree
def _create_field_parser():
    Creates a parser using pyparsing that works with bibfield rule definitions

    BNF like grammar:

    rule ::= ([persitent_identifier] json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] "," aliases":" INDENT body UNDENT) | include | python_comment
    include ::= "include(" PATH ")"
    body ::=  [inherit_from] (creator | derived | calculated) [checker] [documentation] [producer]
    aliases ::= json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] ["," aliases]

    creator ::= "creator:" INDENT creator_body+ UNDENT
    creator_body ::= [decorators] source_format "," source_tag "," python_allowed_expr
    source_format ::= MASTER_FORMATS
    source_tag ::= QUOTED_STRING

    derived ::= "derived" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    calculated ::= "calculated:" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    derived_calculated_body ::= [decorators] "," python_allowed_exp

    decorators ::= (peristent_identfier | legacy | do_not_cache | parse_first | depends_on | only_if | only_if_master_value)*
    peristent_identfier ::= @persitent_identifier( level )
    legacy ::= "@legacy(" correspondences+ ")"
    correspondences ::= "(" source_tag [ "," tag_name ] "," json_id ")"
    parse_first ::= "@parse_first(" jsonid+ ")"
    depends_on ::= "@depends_on(" json_id+ ")"
    only_if ::= "@only_if(" python_condition+ ")"
    only_if_master_value ::= "@only_if_master_value(" python_condition+  ")"

    inherit_from ::= "@inherit_from()"

    python_allowed_exp ::= ident | list_def | dict_def | list_access | dict_access | function_call

    checker ::= "checker:" INDENT checker_function+ UNDENT

    documentation ::= INDENT doc_string subfield* UNDENT
    doc_string ::= QUOTED_STRING
    subfield ::= "@subfield" json_id["."json_id*] ":" docstring

    producer ::= "producer:" INDENT producer_body UNDENT
    producer_body ::= producer_code "," python_dictionary
    producer_code ::= ident

    indent_stack = [1]

    def check_sub_indent(str, location, tokens):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(str, location, tokens):
        if location >= len(str):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if not(cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(check_sub_indent)
    UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    json_id = (Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))\
              .setResultsName("json_id", listAllMatches=True)\
              .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
    aliases = delimitedList((Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))
                            .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens)))\
    ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
    dict_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}'))
    list_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    dict_access = list_access = originalTextFor(ident + nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    function_call = originalTextFor(ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + nestedExpr('(', ')'))

    python_allowed_expr = (dict_def ^ list_def ^ dict_access ^ \
            list_access ^ function_call ^ restOfLine)\
            .setResultsName("value", listAllMatches=True)

    persistent_identifier = (Suppress("@persistent_identifier") + \
            nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    legacy = (Suppress("@legacy") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
            .setResultsName("legacy", listAllMatches=True)
    only_if = (Suppress("@only_if") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    only_if_master_value = (Suppress("@only_if_value") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    depends_on = (Suppress("@depends_on") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    parse_first = (Suppress("@parse_first") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    memoize = (Suppress("@memoize") + nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    field_decorator = parse_first ^ depends_on ^ only_if ^ \
            only_if_master_value ^ memoize ^ legacy

    #Independent decorators
    inherit_from = (Suppress("@inherit_from") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    override = (Suppress("@") + "override")\
    extend = (Suppress("@") + "extend")\
    master_format = (Suppress("@master_format") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
            .setResultsName("master_format") \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])

    derived_calculated_body = (ZeroOrMore(field_decorator) + python_allowed_expr)\

    derived = "derived" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT
    calculated = "calculated" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT

    source_tag = quotedString\
            .setResultsName("source_tag", listAllMatches=True)
    source_format = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")\
                    .setResultsName("source_format", listAllMatches=True)
    creator_body = (ZeroOrMore(field_decorator) + source_format + \
            Suppress(",") + source_tag + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
            .setResultsName("creator_def", listAllMatches=True)
    creator = "creator" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + OneOrMore(creator_body) + UNDENT
    field_def = (creator | derived | calculated)\
                .setResultsName("type_field", listAllMatches=True)

    json_dumps = (Suppress('dumps') + Suppress(',') + python_allowed_expr)\
        .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks.value[0])
    json_loads = (Suppress("loads") + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
        .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks.value[0])

    json_extra = (Suppress('json:') + \
            INDENT + Each((json_dumps, json_loads)) + UNDENT)\

    checker_function = (Optional(master_format) + ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + originalTextFor(nestedExpr('(', ')')))\
                       .setResultsName("checker", listAllMatches=True)
    checker = ("checker" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + OneOrMore(checker_function) + UNDENT)

    doc_double = QuotedString(quoteChar='"""', multiline=True)
    doc_single = QuotedString(quoteChar="'''", multiline=True)
    doc_string = INDENT + (doc_double | doc_single) + UNDENT
    description_body = (Suppress('description:') + doc_string).\
                setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0][0])
    description = (description_body | doc_double | doc_single)\

    producer_code = (Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")\
           + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
           .setResultsName('producer_code', listAllMatches=True)
    producer_body = (producer_code + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
                    .setResultsName("producer_rule", listAllMatches=True)
    producer = Suppress("producer:") + INDENT + OneOrMore(producer_body) + UNDENT

    schema = (Suppress('schema:') + INDENT + dict_def + UNDENT)\
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])\

    body = Optional(field_def) & Optional(checker) & Optional(json_extra) \
            & Optional(description) & Optional(producer) & Optional(schema)
    comment = Literal("#") + restOfLine + LineEnd()
    include = (Suppress("include") + quotedString)\
              .setResultsName("includes", listAllMatches=True)
    rule = (Optional(persistent_identifier) + Optional(inherit_from) + \
            Optional(override) + Optional(extend) +json_id + \
            Optional(Suppress(",") + aliases) + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + body + UNDENT)\
           .setResultsName("rules", listAllMatches=True)

    return OneOrMore(rule | include | comment.suppress())
Exemple #5
    curCol = col(l,s)
    if curCol > indentStack[-1]:
        indentStack.append( curCol )
        raise ParseException(s,l,"not a subentry")

def checkUnindent(s,l,t):
    if l >= len(s): return
    curCol = col(l,s)
    if not(curCol < indentStack[-1] and curCol <= indentStack[-2]):
        raise ParseException(s,l,"not an unindent")

def doUnindent():
INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(checkSubIndent)
UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(checkUnindent)

stmt = Forward()
suite = Group( OneOrMore( empty + stmt.setParseAction( checkPeerIndent ) )  )

identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums)
funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group( "(" + Optional( delimitedList(identifier) ) + ")" ) + ":")
funcDef = Group( funcDecl + INDENT + suite + UNDENT )

rvalue = Forward()
funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Optional(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")")
rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums))
assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue)
stmt << ( funcDef | assignment | identifier )
def _create_config_parser():
    Creates a parser using pyparsing that works with bibfield rule definitions

    BNF like grammar:

    rule ::= ([persitent_identifier] json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] "," aliases":" INDENT body UNDENT) | include
    include ::= "include(" PATH ")"
    body ::=  [inherit_from] (creator | derived | calculated) [checker] [documentation]
    aliases ::= json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] ["," aliases]
    creator ::= "creator:" INDENT creator_body+ UNDENT
    creator_body ::= [parse_first] [legacy] source_format "," source_tag "," python_allowed_expr
    source_format ::= MASTER_FORMATS
    source_tag ::= QUOTED_STRING

    derived ::= "derived" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    calculated ::= "calculated:" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    derived_calculated_body ::= [parse_first] [depends_on] [only_if] [do_not_cache] "," python_allowed_exp

    peristent_identfier ::= @persitent_identifier( level )
    inherit_from ::= "@inherit_from()"
    legacy ::= "@legacy(" correspondences+ ")"
    do_not_cache ::= "@do_not_cache"
    correspondences ::= "(" source_tag [ "," tag_name ] "," json_id ")"
    parse_first ::= "@parse_first(" jsonid+ ")"
    depends_on ::= "@depends_on(" json_id+ ")"
    only_if ::= "@only_if(" python_condition+ ")"

    python_allowed_exp ::= ident | list_def | dict_def | list_access | dict_access | function_call

    checker ::= "checker:" INDENT checker_function+ UNDENT

    documentation ::= INDENT doc_string subfield* UNDENT
    doc_string ::= QUOTED_STRING
    subfield ::= "@subfield" json_id["."json_id*] ":" docstring

    indent_stack = [1]

    def check_sub_indent(str, location, tokens):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(str, location, tokens):
        if location >= len(str):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if not(cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(check_sub_indent)
    UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    json_id = (Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))\
              .setResultsName("json_id", listAllMatches=True)\
              .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
    aliases = delimitedList((Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))
                            .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens)))\
    python_allowed_expr = Forward()
    ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
    dict_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}'))
    list_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    dict_access = list_access = originalTextFor(ident + nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    function_call = originalTextFor(ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + nestedExpr('(', ')'))

    python_allowed_expr << (ident ^ dict_def ^ list_def ^ dict_access ^ list_access ^ function_call)\
                          .setResultsName("value", listAllMatches=True)

    persistent_identifier = (Suppress("@persistent_identifier") +  nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    inherit_from = (Suppress("@inherit_from") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    legacy = (Suppress("@legacy") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
             .setResultsName("legacy", listAllMatches=True)
    only_if = (Suppress("@only_if") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    depends_on = (Suppress("@depends_on") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    parse_first = (Suppress("@parse_first") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    do_not_cache = (Suppress("@") + "do_not_cache")\
    master_format = (Suppress("@master_format") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\

    derived_calculated_body = Optional(parse_first) + Optional(depends_on) + Optional(only_if) + Optional(do_not_cache) + python_allowed_expr

    derived = "derived" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT
    calculated = "calculated" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT

    source_tag = quotedString\
                .setResultsName("source_tag", listAllMatches=True)
    source_format = oneOf(CFG_BIBFIELD_MASTER_FORMATS)\
                    .setResultsName("source_format", listAllMatches=True)
    creator_body = (Optional(parse_first) + Optional(depends_on) + Optional(only_if) +  Optional(legacy) + source_format + Suppress(",") + source_tag + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
                                            .setResultsName("creator_def", listAllMatches=True)
    creator = "creator" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + OneOrMore(creator_body) + UNDENT

    checker_function = (Optional(master_format) + ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + originalTextFor(nestedExpr('(', ')')))\
                       .setResultsName("checker_function", listAllMatches=True)
    checker = ("checker" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + OneOrMore(checker_function) + UNDENT)

    doc_string = QuotedString(quoteChar='"""', multiline=True) | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
    subfield = (Suppress("@subfield") + Word(alphanums + "_" + '.') + Suppress(":") + Optional(doc_string))\
                 .setResultsName("subfields", listAllMatches=True)
    documentation = ("documentation" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + Optional(doc_string).setResultsName("main_doc") + ZeroOrMore(subfield) + UNDENT)\

    field_def = (creator | derived | calculated)\
                .setResultsName("type_field", listAllMatches=True)

    body = Optional(inherit_from) + Optional(field_def) + Optional(checker) + Optional(documentation)
    comment = Literal("#") + restOfLine + LineEnd()
    include = (Suppress("include") + quotedString)\
              .setResultsName("includes", listAllMatches=True)
    rule = (Optional(persistent_identifier) + json_id + Optional(Suppress(",") + aliases) + Suppress(":") + INDENT + body + UNDENT)\
           .setResultsName("rules", listAllMatches=True)

    return OneOrMore(rule | include | comment.suppress())
def _create_config_parser():
    Creates a parser using pyparsing that works with bibfield rule definitions

    BNF like grammar:

    rule ::= ([persitent_identifier] json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] "," aliases":" INDENT body UNDENT) | include
    include ::= "include(" PATH ")"
    body ::=  [inherit_from] (creator | derived | calculated) [checker] [documentation]
    aliases ::= json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] ["," aliases]
    creator ::= "creator:" INDENT creator_body+ UNDENT
    creator_body ::= [parse_first] [legacy] source_format "," source_tag "," python_allowed_expr
    source_format ::= MASTER_FORMATS
    source_tag ::= QUOTED_STRING

    derived ::= "derived" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    calculated ::= "calculated:" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    derived_calculated_body ::= [parse_first] [depends_on] [only_if] [do_not_cache] "," python_allowed_exp

    peristent_identfier ::= @persitent_identifier( level )
    inherit_from ::= "@inherit_from()"
    legacy ::= "@legacy(" correspondences+ ")"
    do_not_cache ::= "@do_not_cache"
    correspondences ::= "(" source_tag [ "," tag_name ] "," json_id ")"
    parse_first ::= "@parse_first(" jsonid+ ")"
    depends_on ::= "@depends_on(" json_id+ ")"
    only_if ::= "@only_if(" python_condition+ ")"

    python_allowed_exp ::= ident | list_def | dict_def | list_access | dict_access | function_call

    checker ::= "checker:" INDENT checker_function+ UNDENT

    documentation ::= INDENT doc_string subfield* UNDENT
    doc_string ::= QUOTED_STRING
    subfield ::= "@subfield" json_id["."json_id*] ":" docstring

    indent_stack = [1]

    def check_sub_indent(str, location, tokens):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(str, location, tokens):
        if location >= len(str):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if not (cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(
    UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    json_id = (Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))\
              .setResultsName("json_id", listAllMatches=True)\
              .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
    aliases = delimitedList((Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))
                            .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens)))\
    python_allowed_expr = Forward()
    ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
    dict_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}'))
    list_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    dict_access = list_access = originalTextFor(ident + nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    function_call = originalTextFor(
        ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + nestedExpr('(', ')'))

    python_allowed_expr << (ident ^ dict_def ^ list_def ^ dict_access ^ list_access ^ function_call)\
                          .setResultsName("value", listAllMatches=True)

    persistent_identifier = (Suppress("@persistent_identifier") +  nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    inherit_from = (Suppress("@inherit_from") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    legacy = (Suppress("@legacy") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
             .setResultsName("legacy", listAllMatches=True)
    only_if = (Suppress("@only_if") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    depends_on = (Suppress("@depends_on") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    parse_first = (Suppress("@parse_first") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    do_not_cache = (Suppress("@") + "do_not_cache")\
    master_format = (Suppress("@master_format") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\

    derived_calculated_body = Optional(parse_first) + Optional(
        depends_on) + Optional(only_if) + Optional(
            do_not_cache) + python_allowed_expr

    derived = "derived" + Suppress(
        ":") + INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT
    calculated = "calculated" + Suppress(
        ":") + INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT

    source_tag = quotedString\
                .setResultsName("source_tag", listAllMatches=True)
    source_format = oneOf(CFG_BIBFIELD_MASTER_FORMATS)\
                    .setResultsName("source_format", listAllMatches=True)
    creator_body = (Optional(parse_first) + Optional(depends_on) + Optional(only_if) +  Optional(legacy) + source_format + Suppress(",") + source_tag + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
                                            .setResultsName("creator_def", listAllMatches=True)
    creator = "creator" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + OneOrMore(
        creator_body) + UNDENT

    checker_function = (Optional(master_format) + ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + originalTextFor(nestedExpr('(', ')')))\
                       .setResultsName("checker_function", listAllMatches=True)
    checker = ("checker" + Suppress(":") + INDENT +
               OneOrMore(checker_function) + UNDENT)

    doc_string = QuotedString(
        multiline=True) | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
    subfield = (Suppress("@subfield") + Word(alphanums + "_" + '.') + Suppress(":") + Optional(doc_string))\
                 .setResultsName("subfields", listAllMatches=True)
    documentation = ("documentation" + Suppress(":") + INDENT + Optional(doc_string).setResultsName("main_doc") + ZeroOrMore(subfield) + UNDENT)\

    field_def = (creator | derived | calculated)\
                .setResultsName("type_field", listAllMatches=True)

    body = Optional(inherit_from) + Optional(field_def) + Optional(
        checker) + Optional(documentation)
    comment = Literal("#") + restOfLine + LineEnd()
    include = (Suppress("include") + quotedString)\
              .setResultsName("includes", listAllMatches=True)
    rule = (Optional(persistent_identifier) + json_id + Optional(Suppress(",") + aliases) + Suppress(":") + INDENT + body + UNDENT)\
           .setResultsName("rules", listAllMatches=True)

    return OneOrMore(rule | include | comment.suppress())
Exemple #8
not_logic = Literal('not')

conditionals = Forward()

conditional = Group(comparable_expression + comparison + comparable_expression) | \
              Group(lpar + conditionals + rpar)
conditionals << Optional(not_logic) + conditional + ZeroOrMore(binary_logic + conditional)

if_keyword = Literal('if')

if_statement = (if_keyword + conditionals).setParseAction(IfStatement)

option = Forward()

response_definition = text + lineEnd.suppress() + Optional(if_statement + Literal('then').suppress())
response = (response_definition + ZeroOrMore(indentedBlock(option, indentStack, True))).setParseAction(Response)

event_send = Literal('->')
event_message_separator = Literal('!').suppress()

event_atom = atom.copy().setParseAction(lambda t: repr(t[0]))
event_message = quotedString | event_atom
event_send_separator = Literal(',').suppress()
event_statement = (event_send + event_atom + event_message_separator + event_message).setParseAction(Event)

options_delimiter =  Literal('~')
options_definition = options_delimiter + text + Optional(event_statement + ZeroOrMore(event_send_separator + event_statement))

option << (options_definition + ZeroOrMore(indentedBlock(response, indentStack, True))).setParseAction(Option)
Exemple #9
        raise ParseException(s, l, "not a subentry")

def checkUnindent(s, l, t):
    if l >= len(s):
    curCol = col(l, s)
    if not(curCol < indentStack[-1] and curCol <= indentStack[-2]):
        raise ParseException(s, l, "not an unindent")

def doUnindent():

INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + \
UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(checkUnindent)

stmt = Forward()
suite = Group(OneOrMore(empty + stmt.setParseAction(checkPeerIndent)))

identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums)
funcDecl = ("def" + identifier +
            Group("(" + Optional(delimitedList(identifier)) + ")") + ":")
funcDef = Group(funcDecl + INDENT + suite + UNDENT)

rvalue = Forward()
funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Optional(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")")
rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums))
Exemple #10
def _create_field_parser():
    Creates a parser using pyparsing that works with bibfield rule definitions

    BNF like grammar:

    rule ::= ([persitent_identifier] json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] "," aliases":" INDENT body UNDENT) | include | python_comment
    include ::= "include(" PATH ")"
    body ::=  [inherit_from] (creator | derived | calculated) [checker] [documentation] [producer]
    aliases ::= json_id ["[0]" | "[n]"] ["," aliases]

    creator ::= "creator:" INDENT creator_body+ UNDENT
    creator_body ::= [decorators] source_format "," source_tag "," python_allowed_expr
    source_format ::= MASTER_FORMATS
    source_tag ::= QUOTED_STRING

    derived ::= "derived" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    calculated ::= "calculated:" INDENT derived_calculated_body UNDENT
    derived_calculated_body ::= [decorators] "," python_allowed_exp

    decorators ::= (peristent_identfier | legacy | do_not_cache | parse_first | depends_on | only_if | only_if_master_value)*
    peristent_identfier ::= @persitent_identifier( level )
    legacy ::= "@legacy(" correspondences+ ")"
    correspondences ::= "(" source_tag [ "," tag_name ] "," json_id ")"
    parse_first ::= "@parse_first(" jsonid+ ")"
    depends_on ::= "@depends_on(" json_id+ ")"
    only_if ::= "@only_if(" python_condition+ ")"
    only_if_master_value ::= "@only_if_master_value(" python_condition+  ")"

    inherit_from ::= "@inherit_from()"

    python_allowed_exp ::= ident | list_def | dict_def | list_access | dict_access | function_call

    checker ::= "checker:" INDENT checker_function+ UNDENT

    documentation ::= INDENT doc_string subfield* UNDENT
    doc_string ::= QUOTED_STRING
    subfield ::= "@subfield" json_id["."json_id*] ":" docstring

    producer ::= "producer:" INDENT producer_body UNDENT
    producer_body ::= producer_code "," python_dictionary
    producer_code ::= ident

    indent_stack = [1]

    def check_sub_indent(str, location, tokens):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not a subentry")

    def check_unindent(str, location, tokens):
        if location >= len(str):
        cur_col = col(location, str)
        if not (cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
            raise ParseException(str, location, "not an unindent")

    def do_unindent():

    INDENT = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy().setParseAction(
    UNDENT = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)

    json_id = (Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))\
              .setResultsName("json_id", listAllMatches=True)\
              .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
    aliases = delimitedList((Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(oneOf("[0] [n]")))
                            .setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens)))\
    ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
    dict_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}'))
    list_def = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    dict_access = list_access = originalTextFor(ident + nestedExpr('[', ']'))
    function_call = originalTextFor(
        ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + nestedExpr('(', ')'))

    python_allowed_expr = (dict_def ^ list_def ^ dict_access ^ \
            list_access ^ function_call ^ restOfLine)\
            .setResultsName("value", listAllMatches=True)

    persistent_identifier = (Suppress("@persistent_identifier") + \
            nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    legacy = (Suppress("@legacy") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
            .setResultsName("legacy", listAllMatches=True)
    only_if = (Suppress("@only_if") + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    only_if_master_value = (Suppress("@only_if_value") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    depends_on = (Suppress("@depends_on") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    parse_first = (Suppress("@parse_first") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    memoize = (Suppress("@memoize") + nestedExpr("(", ")"))\
    field_decorator = parse_first ^ depends_on ^ only_if ^ \
            only_if_master_value ^ memoize ^ legacy

    #Independent decorators
    inherit_from = (Suppress("@inherit_from") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
    override = (Suppress("@") + "override")\
    extend = (Suppress("@") + "extend")\
    master_format = (Suppress("@master_format") + \
            originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
            .setResultsName("master_format") \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])

    derived_calculated_body = (ZeroOrMore(field_decorator) + python_allowed_expr)\

    derived = "derived" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT
    calculated = "calculated" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + derived_calculated_body + UNDENT

    source_tag = quotedString\
            .setResultsName("source_tag", listAllMatches=True)
    source_format = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")\
                    .setResultsName("source_format", listAllMatches=True)
    creator_body = (ZeroOrMore(field_decorator) + source_format + \
            Suppress(",") + source_tag + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
            .setResultsName("creator_def", listAllMatches=True)
    creator = "creator" + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + OneOrMore(creator_body) + UNDENT
    field_def = (creator | derived | calculated)\
                .setResultsName("type_field", listAllMatches=True)

    json_dumps = (Suppress('dumps') + Suppress(',') + python_allowed_expr)\
        .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks.value[0])
    json_loads = (Suppress("loads") + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
        .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks.value[0])

    json_extra = (Suppress('json:') + \
            INDENT + Each((json_dumps, json_loads)) + UNDENT)\

    checker_function = (Optional(master_format) + ZeroOrMore(ident + ".") + ident + originalTextFor(nestedExpr('(', ')')))\
                       .setResultsName("checker", listAllMatches=True)
    checker = ("checker" + Suppress(":") + INDENT +
               OneOrMore(checker_function) + UNDENT)

    doc_double = QuotedString(quoteChar='"""', multiline=True)
    doc_single = QuotedString(quoteChar="'''", multiline=True)
    doc_string = INDENT + (doc_double | doc_single) + UNDENT
    description_body = (Suppress('description:') + doc_string).\
                setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0][0])
    description = (description_body | doc_double | doc_single)\

    producer_code = (Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")\
           + originalTextFor(nestedExpr("(", ")")))\
           .setResultsName('producer_code', listAllMatches=True)
    producer_body = (producer_code + Suppress(",") + python_allowed_expr)\
                    .setResultsName("producer_rule", listAllMatches=True)
    producer = Suppress("producer:") + INDENT + OneOrMore(
        producer_body) + UNDENT

    schema = (Suppress('schema:') + INDENT + dict_def + UNDENT)\
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])\

    body = Optional(field_def) & Optional(checker) & Optional(json_extra) \
            & Optional(description) & Optional(producer) & Optional(schema)
    comment = Literal("#") + restOfLine + LineEnd()
    include = (Suppress("include") + quotedString)\
              .setResultsName("includes", listAllMatches=True)
    rule = (Optional(persistent_identifier) + Optional(inherit_from) + \
            Optional(override) + Optional(extend) +json_id + \
            Optional(Suppress(",") + aliases) + Suppress(":") + \
            INDENT + body + UNDENT)\
           .setResultsName("rules", listAllMatches=True)

    return OneOrMore(rule | include | comment.suppress())