Exemple #1
def test_sec2slice():
    sub = ':10,10:'
    subslice = parse.sec2slice(sub, require_dim=2)
    assert subslice[0].start is None

    subslice = parse.sec2slice(sub, include_end=True, require_dim=2)
    assert subslice[0].stop == 11

    subslice = parse.sec2slice(sub, one_indexed=True, require_dim=2)
    assert subslice[0].stop == 9
Exemple #2
    def get_pixel_img(self, filename, section, det):
        Create an image identifying the amplifier used to read each pixel.
        This is in the *raw* data format

        .. todo::
            - I find 1-indexing to be highly annoying...
            - Check for overlapping amplifiers?
            - Consider renaming this datasec_ampid or something like
              that.  I.e., the image's main purpose is to tell you where
              the amplifiers are for the data section

        Note on data format
         binning_pypeit = the binning  in the PypeIt convention of (spec, spat)
         binning_raw = the binning in the format of the raw data.
         In other words: PypeIt requires spec to be the first dimension of the image as read into python. If the
         files are stored the other way with spat as the first dimension (as read into python), then the transpose
         flag manages this, which is basically the value of the self.detector[det-1]['specaxis'] above.
         (Note also that BTW the python convention of storing images is transposed relative to the fits convention
         and the datasec typically written to headers. However this flip is dealt with explicitly in the
         parse.spec2slice code and is NOT the transpose we are describing and flipping here).
         TODO Add a blurb on the PypeIt data model.

            filename (str):
                Name of the file from which to read the image size.
            section (str):  'datasec' or 'oscansec'
            det (int):
                Detector number (1-indexed)

            `numpy.ndarray`: Integer array identifying the amplifier
            used to read each pixel.
        # Check the detector is defined
        # Get the image shape
        raw_naxis = self.get_raw_image_shape(filename, det=det)

        binning_raw = self.get_meta_value(filename, 'binning')

        data_sections, one_indexed, include_end \
                    = self.get_image_section(filename, det, section=section)

        # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
        pix_img = np.zeros(raw_naxis, dtype=int)
        for i in range(self.detector[det-1]['numamplifiers']):
            # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
            datasec = parse.sec2slice(data_sections[i], one_indexed=one_indexed,
                                      include_end=include_end, require_dim=2,
                                      binning=binning_raw) #transpose=transpose,
            # Assign the amplifier
            #self.datasec_img[datasec] = i+1
            pix_img[datasec] = i+1

        return pix_img
Exemple #3
    def get_datasec_img(self, filename, det=1, force=True):
        Create an image identifying the amplifier used to read each pixel.

        .. todo::
            - I find 1-indexing to be highly annoying...
            - Check for overlapping amplifiers?
            - Consider renaming this datasec_ampid or something like
              that.  I.e., the image's main purpose is to tell you where
              the amplifiers are for the data section
            filename (str):
                Name of the file from which to read the image size.
            det (int):
                Detector number (1-indexed)
            force (:obj:`bool`, optional):
                Force the image to be remade

            `numpy.ndarray`: Integer array identifying the amplifier
            used to read each pixel.
        if self.datasec_img is None or force:
            # Check the detector is defined
            # Get the image shape
            raw_naxis = self.get_raw_image_shape(filename, det=det)

            # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
            binning = self.get_meta_value(filename, 'binning')

            # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
            data_sections, one_indexed, include_end \
                    = self.get_image_section(filename, det, section='datasec')

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            self.datasec_img = np.zeros(raw_naxis, dtype=int)
            for i in range(self.detector[det - 1]['numamplifiers']):
                # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
                datasec = parse.sec2slice(data_sections[i],
                # Assign the amplifier
                self.datasec_img[datasec] = i + 1

        return self.datasec_img
Exemple #4
    def load_images(self, files=None, det=None, binning=None):
        Load image header, data, and relevant image sections into

        This always forces the data to be re-read, even if it's already
        in memory.

            files (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional):
                One or more files to read and process.  If None, use
            det (:obj:`int`, optional):
                The 1-indexed detector to read.  If None, :attr:`det` is
            binning (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional):
                Binning of the images in PypeIt format (a
                comma-separated string ordered by spatial then spectral
                binning in numbers of pixels).  If None, this is parsed
                from the file headers.

            Five lists are returned::
                - numpy arrays with the raw image data.  See
                - :class:`astropy.io.fits.Header` instances with the
                  relevant header for the image data.  See
                - :obj:`str` objects with the PypeIt-format binning
                - :obj:`slice` objects that select the data sections of
                  the returned image data, accounting for any image binning.
                - :obj:`slice` objects that select the overscan sections
                  of the returned image data, accounting for any image binning.
        if files is not None:

        # Set the detector
        if det is not None:
            self.det = det

        # Zero out any previous load
        # TODO: Do we need to be more explicit than this?  I.e., use del
        self.raw_images = [None] * self.nfiles
        self.headers = [None] * self.nfiles
        self.binning = [None] * self.nfiles if binning is None else binning
        self.datasec = [None] * self.nfiles
        self.oscansec = [None] * self.nfiles

        for i in range(self.nfiles):
            # Load the image data and headers
            self.raw_images[i], self.headers[i] \
                    = self.spectrograph.load_raw_frame(self.files[i], det=self.det)

            if self.binning[i] is None:
                # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
                self.binning[i] = self.spectrograph.get_meta_value(
                    self.files[i], 'binning')

            # Get the data sections, one section per amplifier
                # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
                datasec, one_indexed, include_end \
                        = self.spectrograph.get_image_section(inp=self.headers[i], det=self.det,
                # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
                datasec, one_indexed, include_end \
                        = self.spectrograph.get_image_section(inp=self.files[i], det=self.det,
            self.datasec[i] = [
                                binning=self.binning[i]) for sec in datasec
            # Get the overscan sections, one section per amplifier
                # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
                oscansec, one_indexed, include_end \
                        = self.spectrograph.get_image_section(inp=self.headers[i], det=self.det,
                # This *always* returns spectral then spatial
                oscansec, one_indexed, include_end \
                        = self.spectrograph.get_image_section(inp=self.files[i], det=self.det,
            # Parse, including handling binning
            self.oscansec[i] = [
                                binning=self.binning[i]) for sec in oscansec
        # Include step
Exemple #5
    def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det):
        Read a raw KCWI data frame

        NOTE: The amplifiers are arranged as follows:

        |   (0,ny)  --------- (nx,ny)
        |           | 3 | 4 |
        |           ---------
        |           | 1 | 2 |
        |     (0,0) --------- (nx, 0)

        raw_file : str
        det (int or None):
            Detector number

        array : ndarray
            Combined image
        hdu : HDUList
            Opened fits file.
        sections : list
            List of datasec, oscansec, ampsec sections. datasec,
            oscansec needs to be for an *unbinned* image as per
            standard convention
        # Check for file; allow for extra .gz, etc. suffix
        fil = glob.glob(raw_file + '*')
        if len(fil) != 1:
            msgs.error("Found {:d} files matching {:s}".format(
                len(fil), raw_file))

        # Read
        msgs.info("Reading KCWI file: {:s}".format(fil[0]))
        hdu = fits.open(fil[0])
        detpar = self.get_detector_par(hdu, det if det is None else 1)
        head0 = hdu[0].header
        raw_img = hdu[detpar['dataext']].data.astype(float)

        # Some properties of the image
        numamps = head0['NVIDINP']
        # Exposure time (used by ProcessRawImage)
        headarr = self.get_headarr(hdu)
        exptime = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'exptime')

        # get the x and y binning factors...
        binning = head0['BINNING']
        xbin, ybin = [int(ibin) for ibin in binning.split(',')]
        binning_raw = binning

        # Always assume normal FITS header formatting
        one_indexed = True
        include_last = True
        for section in ['DSEC', 'BSEC']:

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            pix_img = np.zeros(raw_img.shape, dtype=int)
            for i in range(numamps):
                # Get the data section
                sec = head0[section + "{0:1d}".format(i + 1)]

                # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
                datasec = parse.sec2slice(sec,
                # Flip the datasec
                datasec = datasec[::-1]

                # Assign the amplifier
                pix_img[datasec] = i + 1

            # Finish
            if section == 'DSEC':
                rawdatasec_img = pix_img.copy()
            elif section == 'BSEC':
                oscansec_img = pix_img.copy()

        # Return
        return detpar, raw_img, hdu, exptime, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img
Exemple #6
    def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det):
        Load up the raw image and generate a few other bits and pieces
        that are key for image processing

            raw_file (str):
            det (int):

                raw_img (np.ndarray) -- Raw image for this detector
                hdu (astropy.io.fits.HDUList)
                exptime (float)
                rawdatasec_img (np.ndarray)
                oscansec_img (np.ndarray)
                binning_raw (tuple)

        # Raw image
        hdu = fits.open(raw_file)
        raw_img = hdu[self.detector[det-1]['dataext']].data.astype(float)

        # Extras
        headarr = self.get_headarr(hdu)

        # Exposure time (used by ProcessRawImage)
        exptime = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'exptime')

        # Rawdatasec, oscansec images
        binning = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'binning')
        if self.detector[det - 1]['specaxis'] == 1:
            binning_raw = (',').join(binning.split(',')[::-1])
            binning_raw = binning

        for section in ['datasec', 'oscansec']:

            # Get the data section
            # Try using the image sections as header keywords
            # TODO -- Deal with user windowing of the CCD (e.g. Kast red)
            #  Code like the following maybe useful
            #hdr = hdu[self.detector[det - 1]['dataext']].header
            #image_sections = [hdr[key] for key in self.detector[det - 1][section]]
            # Grab from DetectorPar in the Spectrograph class
            image_sections = self.detector[det-1][section]
            if not isinstance(image_sections, list):
                image_sections = [image_sections]
            # Always assume normal FITS header formatting
            one_indexed = True
            include_last = True

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            pix_img = np.zeros(raw_img.shape, dtype=int)
            for i in range(self.detector[det-1]['numamplifiers']):

                if image_sections[i] is not None:
                    # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
                    datasec = parse.sec2slice(image_sections[i], one_indexed=one_indexed,
                                              include_end=include_last, require_dim=2,
                    # Assign the amplifier
                    pix_img[datasec] = i+1
            # Finish
            if section == 'datasec':
                rawdatasec_img = pix_img.copy()
                oscansec_img = pix_img.copy()

        # Return
        return raw_img, hdu, exptime, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img
Exemple #7
    def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det):
        Load up the raw image and generate a few other bits and pieces
        that are key for image processing

        raw_file : :obj:`str`
            File to read
        det : :obj:`int`
            Detector to read

        detector_par : :class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.DetectorPar`
        raw_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Raw image for this detector
        hdu : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_
            Opened fits file
        exptime : :obj:`float`
        rawdatasec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
        oscansec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_

        # Open
        hdu = fits.open(raw_file)

        # Grab the DetectorPar
        detector = self.get_detector_par(hdu, det)

        # Raw image
        raw_img = hdu[detector['dataext']].data.astype(float)
        # TODO -- Move to FLAMINGOS2 spectrograph
        # raw data from some spectrograph (i.e. FLAMINGOS2) have an addition extention, so I add the following two lines.
        # it's easier to change here than writing another get_rawimage function in the spectrograph file.
        if raw_img.ndim == 3:
            raw_img = raw_img[0]

        # Extras
        headarr = self.get_headarr(hdu)

        # Exposure time (used by ProcessRawImage)
        exptime = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'exptime')

        # Rawdatasec, oscansec images
        binning = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'binning')
        if detector['specaxis'] == 1:
            binning_raw = (',').join(binning.split(',')[::-1])
            binning_raw = binning

        for section in ['datasec', 'oscansec']:

            # Get the data section
            # Try using the image sections as header keywords
            # TODO -- Deal with user windowing of the CCD (e.g. Kast red)
            #  Code like the following maybe useful
            #hdr = hdu[detector[det - 1]['dataext']].header
            #image_sections = [hdr[key] for key in detector[det - 1][section]]
            # Grab from Detector
            image_sections = detector[section]
            #if not isinstance(image_sections, list):
            #    image_sections = [image_sections]
            # Always assume normal FITS header formatting
            one_indexed = True
            include_last = True

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            pix_img = np.zeros(raw_img.shape, dtype=int)
            for i in range(detector['numamplifiers']):

                if image_sections is not None:  # and image_sections[i] is not None:
                    # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
                    datasec = parse.sec2slice(image_sections[i],
                    # Assign the amplifier
                    pix_img[datasec] = i + 1
            # Finish
            if section == 'datasec':
                rawdatasec_img = pix_img.copy()
                oscansec_img = pix_img.copy()

        # Return
        return detector, raw_img, hdu, exptime, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img
Exemple #8
    def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det):
        Read a raw KCWI data frame

        NOTE: The amplifiers are arranged as follows:

        |   (0,ny)  --------- (nx,ny)
        |           | 3 | 4 |
        |           ---------
        |           | 1 | 2 |
        |     (0,0) --------- (nx, 0)

        raw_file : :obj:`str`
            File to read
        det : :obj:`int`
            1-indexed detector to read

        detector_par : :class:`pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer`
            Detector metadata parameters.
        raw_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Raw image for this detector.
        hdu : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_
            Opened fits file
        exptime : :obj:`float`
            Exposure time read from the file header
        rawdatasec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Data (Science) section of the detector as provided by setting the
            (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector
            pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0.
        oscansec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Overscan section of the detector as provided by setting the
            (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector
            pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0.
        # Check for file; allow for extra .gz, etc. suffix
        fil = glob.glob(raw_file + '*')
        if len(fil) != 1:
            msgs.error("Found {:d} files matching {:s}".format(
                len(fil), raw_file))

        # Read
        msgs.info("Reading KCWI file: {:s}".format(fil[0]))
        hdu = io.fits_open(fil[0])
        detpar = self.get_detector_par(hdu, det if det is None else 1)
        head0 = hdu[0].header
        raw_img = hdu[detpar['dataext']].data.astype(float)

        # Some properties of the image
        numamps = head0['NVIDINP']
        # Exposure time (used by ProcessRawImage)
        headarr = self.get_headarr(hdu)
        exptime = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'exptime')

        # get the x and y binning factors...
        #binning = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'binning')

        # Always assume normal FITS header formatting
        one_indexed = True
        include_last = True
        for section in ['DSEC', 'BSEC']:

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            pix_img = np.zeros(raw_img.shape, dtype=int)
            for i in range(numamps):
                # Get the data section
                sec = head0[section + "{0:1d}".format(i + 1)]

                # Convert the data section from a string to a slice
                # TODO :: RJC - I think something has changed here... and the BPM is flipped (or not flipped) for different amp modes.
                # TODO :: RJC - Note, KCWI records binned sections, so there's no need to pass binning in as an arguement
                datasec = parse.sec2slice(sec,
                                          require_dim=2)  #, binning=binning)
                # Flip the datasec
                datasec = datasec[::-1]

                # Assign the amplifier
                pix_img[datasec] = i + 1

            # Finish
            if section == 'DSEC':
                rawdatasec_img = pix_img.copy()
            elif section == 'BSEC':
                oscansec_img = pix_img.copy()

        # Calculate the pattern frequency
        hdu = self.calc_pattern_freq(raw_img, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img,

        # Return
        return detpar, raw_img, hdu, exptime, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img
Exemple #9
    def get_rawimage(self, raw_file, det):
        Read raw images and generate a few other bits and pieces
        that are key for image processing.

        For LDT/DeVeny, the LOIS control system automatically adjusts the
        DATASEC and OSCANSEC regions if the CCD is used in a binning other
        than 1x1.  The get_rawimage() method in the base class assumes these
        sections are fixed and adjusts them based on the binning -- incorrect
        for this instrument.

        This method is a stripped-down version of the base class method and
        additionally does NOT send the binning to parse.sec2slice().

        raw_file : :obj:`str`
            File to read
        det : :obj:`int`
            1-indexed detector to read

        detector_par : :class:`pypeit.images.detector_container.DetectorContainer`
            Detector metadata parameters.
        raw_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Raw image for this detector.
        hdu : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_
            Opened fits file
        exptime : :obj:`float`
            Exposure time *in seconds*.
        rawdatasec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Data (Science) section of the detector as provided by setting the
            (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector
            pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0.
        oscansec_img : `numpy.ndarray`_
            Overscan section of the detector as provided by setting the
            (1-indexed) number of the amplifier used to read each detector
            pixel. Pixels unassociated with any amplifier are set to 0.
        # Open
        hdu = io.fits_open(raw_file)

        # Grab the DetectorContainer and extract the raw image
        detector = self.get_detector_par(det, hdu=hdu)
        raw_img = hdu[detector['dataext']].data.astype(float)

        # Exposure time (used by RawImage) from the header
        headarr = self.get_headarr(hdu)
        exptime = self.get_meta_value(headarr, 'exptime')

        for section in ['datasec', 'oscansec']:
            # Get the data section from Detector
            image_sections = detector[section]

            # Initialize the image (0 means no amplifier)
            pix_img = np.zeros(raw_img.shape, dtype=int)
            for i in range(detector['numamplifiers']):

                if image_sections is not None:
                    # Convert the (FITS) data section from a string to a slice
                    # DO NOT send the binning (default: None)
                    datasec = parse.sec2slice(image_sections[i],
                    # Assign the amplifier
                    pix_img[datasec] = i + 1

            # Finish
            if section == 'datasec':
                rawdatasec_img = pix_img.copy()
                oscansec_img = pix_img.copy()

        # Return
        return detector, raw_img, hdu, exptime, rawdatasec_img, oscansec_img