Exemple #1
    def test_abs_executable(self):
        with tests.temporary_file() as tmpname:
            tmpname = os.path.realpath(tmpname)

                os.symlink(sys.executable, tmpname)
            except (OSError, NotImplementedError):
                self.skipTest("os.symlink() failed")

            self.assertEqual(utils.abs_executable(tmpname), tmpname)
Exemple #2
    def _process_args_impl(self):
        args = self.args

        if args.pipe:
            args.quiet = True
            args.verbose = False
        elif args.quiet:
            args.verbose = False

        has_jit = pyperf.python_has_jit()
        if args.warmups is None and not args.worker and not has_jit:
            args.warmups = 1

        nprocess = self.argparser.get_default('processes')
        nvalues = self.argparser.get_default('values')
        if args.rigorous:
            args.processes = nprocess * 2
            # args.values = nvalues * 5 // 3
        elif args.fast:
            # use at least 3 processes to benchmark 3 different (randomized)
            # hash functions
            args.processes = max(nprocess // 2, 3)
            args.values = max(nvalues * 2 // 3, 2)
        elif args.debug_single_value:
            args.processes = 1
            args.warmups = 0
            args.values = 1
            args.loops = 1
            args.min_time = 1e-9

        # calibration
        if args.calibrate_loops:
            if args.loops:
                raise CLIError("--loops=N is incompatible with "
        elif args.recalibrate_loops:
            if args.loops < 1:
                raise CLIError("--recalibrate-loops requires --loops=N")
        elif args.calibrate_warmups:
            if args.loops < 1:
                raise CLIError("--calibrate-warmups requires --loops=N")
        elif args.recalibrate_warmups:
            if args.loops < 1 or args.warmups is None:
                raise CLIError("--recalibrate-warmups requires "
                               "--loops=N and --warmups=N")
            if args.worker and args.loops < 1:
                raise CLIError("--worker requires --loops=N "
                               "or --calibrate-loops")
            if args.worker and args.warmups is None:
                raise CLIError("--worker requires --warmups=N "
                               "or --calibrate-warmups")

            if args.values < 1:
                raise CLIError("--values must be >= 1")

        filename = args.output
        if filename and os.path.exists(filename):
            raise CLIError("The JSON file %r already exists" % filename)

        if args.worker_task:

        if args.tracemalloc:
                import tracemalloc  # noqa
            except ImportError as exc:
                raise CLIError("fail to import tracemalloc: %s" % exc)

        if args.track_memory:
            if MS_WINDOWS:
                from pyperf._win_memory import check_tracking_memory
                from pyperf._memory import check_tracking_memory
            err_msg = check_tracking_memory()
            if err_msg:
                raise CLIError("unable to track the memory usage "
                               "(--track-memory): %s" % err_msg)

        args.python = abs_executable(args.python)
        if args.compare_to:
            args.compare_to = abs_executable(args.compare_to)

        if args.compare_to:
            for option in ('output', 'append'):
                if getattr(args, option):
                    raise CLIError("--%s option is incompatible "
                                   "with --compare-to option" % option)