def test_03_Load(self): global mynode dump1 = mynode.dump() metric1 = mynode.metric_dump(dn='load1') del mynode mynode = node('nagios.Central.check.service.localhost9', storage=storage) dump2 = mynode.dump() metric2 = mynode.metric_dump(dn='load1') del dump1['writetime'] del dump2['writetime'] del metric1['writetime'] del metric2['writetime'] if dump1 != dump2: print "First:" print dump1 print "Second:" print dump2 raise Exception('Invalid load of nodes...') if metric1 != metric2: print "First:" print metric1 print "Second:" print metric2 raise Exception('Invalid load of metrics ...')
def bench_store(store, interval=60, duration=60*60*24, point_per_dca=None): print "Start Bench ..." msize = store.size() mynode = node(node_id, storage=store, rotate_plan=rotate_plan, point_per_dca=point_per_dca, dn=[ "BENCH", "FILL" ]) # 1 value / 5 min = 8928 values/month = 107136 values/year bench_start = int(time.time()) - (day*24*60*60) timestamp = bench_start nb = duration / interval start = time.time() for i in range(1,nb+1): mynode.metric_push_value(dn='load1', unit=None, value=math.cos((i/50)) * 10 + 15, timestamp=timestamp) mynode.metric_push_value(dn='load5', unit=None, value=math.sin((i/50)) * 10 + 15, timestamp=timestamp) timestamp += interval bench_stop = timestamp nb = nb * 2 elapsed = time.time() - start print " + WRITE:" print " + %.2f days" % (duration / (60*60*24)) msize = store.size() print " + %.2f MB (%.2f MB/Year)" % ((msize / 1024.0 / 1024.0), ((msize / float(duration))/ 1024.0 / 1024.0) * 60*60*24*365) #nsize = mynode.size() #print " + %.2f MB (%.2f MB/Year)" % ((nsize / 1024.0 / 1024.0), ((nsize / float(duration))/ 1024.0 / 1024.0) * 60*60*24*365) #print " + Delta: %s B" % (msize - nsize) print " + %s values in %s seconds" % ( nb, elapsed) print " + %s values per second" % (int(nb/elapsed)) print "" start = time.time() mynode = node('nagios.Central.check.service.localhost', storage=store) print "Get values between %s and %s" % (bench_start, bench_stop) values = mynode.metric_get_values(dn='load1', tstart=bench_start, tstop=bench_stop) nb = len(values) elapsed = time.time() - start print " + READ:" print " + %s values in %s seconds" % ( nb, elapsed) print " + %s values per second" % (int(nb/elapsed)) print ""
def test_01_Init(self): global mynode, storage, timestamp #storage = filestore(base_path="/tmp/") storage = memstore() _id = 'nagios.Central.check.service.localhost9' mynode = node(_id=_id, dn=_id, point_per_dca=100, storage=storage) timestamp = 1
def test_5_Check_amqp2mongodb_perfstore(self): mynode = node(rk, storage=perfstore) mynode.pretty_print() values = mynode.metric_get_values(dn='mymetric', tstart=int(time.time() - 10), tstop=int(time.time())) if len(values) != 2: raise Exception("Perfsore don't work ...") if values[1][1] != 1: raise Exception("Perfsore don't work ...")
def get_states(self, nodeId, metric, start, stop): #Load perfstore Node mynode = node(_id=nodeId, storage=self.perfstorage) # Get Values points = mynode.metric_get_values( dn=metric, tstart=start, tstop=stop, aggregate=False ) return points
def to_perfstore(self, _id, perf_data, timestamp, dn=None): if isinstance(perf_data, list): try: mynode = node( _id=_id, dn=dn,, point_per_dca=self.point_per_dca, rotate_plan=self.rotate_plan, logging_level=self.logging_level) except Exception, err: raise Exception("Imposible to init node: %s (%s)" % (_id, err)) #[ {'min': 0.0, 'metric': u'rta', 'value': 0.097, 'warn': 100.0, 'crit': 500.0, 'unit': u'ms'}, {'min': 0.0, 'metric': u'pl', 'value': 0.0, 'warn': 20.0, 'crit': 60.0, 'unit': u'%'} ] for perf in perf_data: dn = perf['metric'] value = perf['value'] dtype = perf.get('type', None) unit = perf.get('unit', None) if unit: unit = str(unit) vmin = perf.get('min', None) vmax = perf.get('max', None) vwarn = perf.get('warn', None) vcrit = perf.get('crit', None) retention = perf.get('retention', None) if vmin: vmin = Str2Number(vmin) if vmax: vmax = Str2Number(vmax) if vwarn: vwarn = Str2Number(vwarn) if vcrit: vcrit = Str2Number(vcrit) value = Str2Number(value) self.logger.debug(" + Put metric '%s' (%s %s (%s)) for ts %s ..." % (dn, value, unit, dtype, timestamp)) try: mynode.metric_push_value(dn=dn, unit=unit, value=value, timestamp=timestamp, dtype=dtype, min_value=vmin, max_value=vmax, thld_warn_value=vwarn, thld_crit_value=vcrit) except Exception, err: self.logger.warning('Impossible to put value in perfstore (%s) (metric=%s, unit=%s, value=%s)', err, dn, unit, value)
def perfstore_getMetric(_id): logger.error("GET metrics of '%s'" % _id) mynode = node(_id, storage=perfstore) metrics = mynode.metric_get_all_dn() output = [] if metrics: for metric in metrics: output.append({'metric': metric,'node':_id }) output = {'total': len(output), 'success': True, 'data': output} return output
def perfstore_get_last_value(_id, metrics): output=[] logger.debug(" + node: %s" % _id) logger.debug(" + metrics: %s" % metrics) mynode = node(_id, storage=perfstore) if metrics: if (metrics[0] == "<all>"): metrics = mynode.metric_get_all_dn() logger.debug(" + metrics: %s" % metrics) for dn in metrics: metric = mynode.metric_get(dn=dn) value = metric.last_point value[0] = value[0] * 1000 output.append({'node': _id, 'metric': dn, 'values': [value], 'bunit': metric.bunit, 'min': metric.min_value, 'max': metric.max_value, 'thld_warn': metric.thld_warn_value, 'thld_crit': metric.thld_crit_value}) return output
def calcul_time_by_state(self, _id, config): rk = config['rk'] self.logger.debug("Calcul time by state") self.logger.debug(" + Get States of %s (%s)" % (_id, rk)) sla_timewindow = config.get('sla_timewindow', self.default_sla_timewindow) sla_interval = config.get('sla_interval', sla_timewindow) sla_lastcalcul = config.get('sla_lastcalcul', int(time.time() - sla_interval)) stop = int(time.time()) start = sla_lastcalcul self.logger.debug(" + sla_lastcalcul: %s" % sla_lastcalcul) self.logger.debug(" + start: %s" % start) self.logger.debug(" + stop: %s" % stop) points = self.get_states(rk, "cps_state", start, stop) if len(points) >= 2: first_point = points[0] last_point = points[len(points)-1] # Get the first state (initial) of serie if start == first_point[0]: (last_state, state_type, extra) = self.split_state(first_point[1]) self.logger.debug(" + Set last state to %s (initial)" % last_state) # Remove first point del points[0] else: last_state = 0 start = first_point[0] self.logger.debug(" + Set last state to default: %s (initial)" % last_state) self.logger.debug(" + New start: %s" % start) # Calcul each state's time for period start -> stop self.logger.debug(" + Parse Points:") states_sum = states.copy() total = 0 last_timestamp = start for point in points: timestamp = point[0] value = point[1] try: (state, state_type, extra) = self.split_state(value) interval = timestamp - last_timestamp states_sum[last_state] += interval total += interval self.logger.debug(" + %s: interval (%s): state: %s, state_type: %s, extra: %s, last_state: %s" % (timestamp, interval, state, state_type, extra, last_state)) last_state = state last_timestamp = timestamp except Exception, err: self.logger.error("Error in parsing: %s" % err) self.logger.debug(" + Total: %s" % total) self.logger.debug(" + States: %s" % states_sum) # Set last point timestamp self.logger.debug(" + Set sla_lastcalcul to: %s" % last_point[0]) last_timestamp = last_point[0] # Store result in perfstore # Don't submit Canopsis event because data it's just for next calcul rk = self.get_rk(config['name']) slanode = node( _id=rk, dn=[ config['name'], "sla" ], storage=self.perfstorage, point_per_dca=300, rotate_plan={'PLAIN': 0, 'TSC': 3,} ) for state in states_sum: #perf_data_array.append({"metric": 'cps_time_by_state_%s' % state, "value": states_sum[state], "unit": "s"}) slanode.metric_push_value( dn = 'cps_time_by_state_%s' % state, unit = "s", value = states_sum[state], timestamp = last_timestamp ), {'sla_lastcalcul': last_timestamp, 'sla_node_id': slanode._id}) return slanode
def clean(): storage.remove(rk) records = storage.find({'rk': rk}, namespace='events_log') storage.remove(records, namespace='events_log') node(rk, storage=perfstore).remove()
msize = store.size() print " + %.2f MB (%.2f MB/Year)" % ((msize / 1024.0 / 1024.0), ((msize / float(duration))/ 1024.0 / 1024.0) * 60*60*24*365) #nsize = mynode.size() #print " + %.2f MB (%.2f MB/Year)" % ((nsize / 1024.0 / 1024.0), ((nsize / float(duration))/ 1024.0 / 1024.0) * 60*60*24*365) #print " + Delta: %s B" % (msize - nsize) print " + %s values in %s seconds" % ( nb, elapsed) print " + %s values per second" % (int(nb/elapsed)) print "" start = time.time() mynode = node('nagios.Central.check.service.localhost', storage=store) print "Get values between %s and %s" % (bench_start, bench_stop) values = mynode.metric_get_values(dn='load1', tstart=bench_start, tstop=bench_stop) nb = len(values) elapsed = time.time() - start print " + READ:" print " + %s values in %s seconds" % ( nb, elapsed) print " + %s values per second" % (int(nb/elapsed)) print "" print "Mongo Store" storage = mongostore(mongo_safe=False) mynode = node(node_id, storage=storage) mynode.remove() bench_store( storage, interval=interval, duration=60*60*24*day, point_per_dca=point_per_dca)
def perfstore_node_get(_id): mynode = node(_id, storage=perfstore) output = [ mynode.dump() ] return {'total': len(output), 'success': True, 'data': output}
def perfstore_get_values(_id, metrics, start=None, stop=None, time_interval=None, aggregate_method=None,use_window_ts=None): if start and not stop: stop = start if stop: stop = int(int(stop) / 1000) else: stop = int(time.time()) if start: start = int(int(start) / 1000) else: start = stop - 86400 if time_interval: time_interval = int(time_interval) max_points = pyperfstore_aggregate_maxpoints if not aggregate_method: aggregate_method = pyperfstore_aggregate_method logger.debug(" + node: %s" % _id) logger.debug(" + metrics: %s" % metrics) logger.debug(" + start: %s" % start) logger.debug(" + stop: %s" % stop) logger.debug('Aggregate:') logger.debug(' + max_points : %s' % max_points) logger.debug(' + interval : %s' % time_interval) if (time_interval): start -= start % time_interval stop -= stop % time_interval max_points = int( round((stop - start) / time_interval + 0.5) ) mynode = node(_id=_id, storage=perfstore) output=[] if metrics: if (metrics[0] == "<all>"): metrics = mynode.metric_get_all_dn() logger.debug(" + metrics: %s" % metrics) for dn in metrics: try: values = mynode.metric_get_values( dn=dn, tstart=start, tstop=stop, aggregate=pyperfstore_aggregate, atype=aggregate_method, max_points=max_points, time_interval=time_interval ) values = [[x[0] * 1000, x[1]] for x in values] if len(values) >= 1: metric = mynode.metric_get(dn=dn) bunit = metric.bunit output.append({'node': _id, 'metric': dn, 'values': values, 'bunit': bunit, 'min': metric.min_value, 'max': metric.max_value, 'thld_warn': metric.thld_warn_value, 'thld_crit': metric.thld_crit_value}) except Exception, err: logger.error(err)