Exemple #1
def test_lp_portfolio_allocation_different_params():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w,
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()

    # assert allocation == {
    #     "GOOG": 3,
    #     "AAPL": 32,
    #     "FB": 99,
    #     "BABA": 34,
    #     "AMZN": 2,
    #     "BBY": 15,
    #     "MA": 164,
    #     "PFE": 438,
    #     "SBUX": 15,
    # }

    total = 0
    for ticker, num in allocation.items():
        total += num * latest_prices[ticker]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(total + leftover, 80000, decimal=4)
Exemple #2
def test_greedy_portfolio_allocation():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=0.3)
    allocation, leftover = da.greedy_portfolio()

    assert allocation == {
        "MA": 20,
        "FB": 12,
        "PFE": 54,
        "BABA": 4,
        "AAPL": 4,
        "BBY": 2,
        "SBUX": 1,
        "GOOG": 1,

    total = 0
    for ticker, num in allocation.items():
        total += num * latest_prices[ticker]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(total + leftover, 10000, decimal=4)

    # Cover the verbose parameter,
    allocation_verbose, leftover_verbose = da.greedy_portfolio(verbose=True)
    assert allocation_verbose == allocation
    assert leftover_verbose == leftover
def test_greedy_portfolio_allocation():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    allocation, leftover = da.greedy_portfolio()

    assert {
        "MA": 14,
        "FB": 12,
        "PFE": 51,
        "BABA": 5,
        "AAPL": 5,
        "BBY": 9,
        "SBUX": 6,
        "GOOG": 1,

    total = 0
    for ticker, num in allocation.items():
        total += num * latest_prices[ticker]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(total + leftover, 10000, decimal=4)
Exemple #4
def opt_data(ticker, start, end, amt):
    weight = np.array([1 / len(ticker)] * len(ticker))

    hist_data = get_data(ticker, start, end)

    daily_returns = hist_data.pct_change()
    cov_annual_mat = daily_returns.cov() * 255

    port_variance = np.dot(weight.T, np.dot(cov_annual_mat, weight))
    port_volatility = np.sqrt(port_variance).round(4)
    port_simple_annual_return = np.sum(daily_returns.mean() * weight) * 255

    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(hist_data)
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(hist_data)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()
    cw = ef.clean_weights()

    e = ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=False)
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(hist_data)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(cw, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=amt)

    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()

    return {
        "orignal_port_volatility": str(round(port_volatility, 3) * 100) + "%",
        str(round(port_simple_annual_return, 3) * 100) + "%",
        "new_port_volatility": str(round(e[1], 3) * 100) + "%",
        "new_annual_return": str(round(e[0], 3) * 100) + "%",
        "Allocation": cw,
        "AllocationNo": allocation,
        "Left_Amount": str(round(leftover, 2))
Exemple #5
def calculate_mu_S(options):
    now = datetime.now()
    # Read in price data
    df = pd.read_csv(options.url, parse_dates=True, index_col="date")
    if back_to_future:
        global back_to_future_latest_prices
        back_to_future_latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
        last_date = df.index[-1]
        df = df[df.index < last_date - relativedelta(years=1)]

        f'0. read_csv (with negation):    {(datetime.now() - now).microseconds} microseconds'
    now = datetime.now()
    # Calculate expected returns and sample covariance
    mu = expected_returns_calc_func[options.expected_returns_calc](df)
        f'1. expected_returns_calc_func:  {(datetime.now() - now).microseconds} microseconds'
    now = datetime.now()
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(df)
        f'2. risk_models.sample_cov(df):  {(datetime.now() - now).microseconds} microseconds'
    return mu, S, df
Exemple #6
def test_allocation_errors():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)

    assert DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        DiscreteAllocation(ef.weights, latest_prices)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices.values.tolist())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=-0.4)
    with pytest.raises(NameError):
        da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    w2 = w.copy()
    w2["AAPL"] = np.nan
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w2, latest_prices)
    latest_prices.iloc[0] = np.nan
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
 def asset_allocation(tickers, start_date):
     today = pd.datetime.today()
     if start_date == '1y':
         delta = today - pd.DateOffset(years=1)
         delta = delta.date()
         delta = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     elif start_date == '3y':
         delta = today - pd.DateOffset(years=3)
         delta = delta.date()
         delta = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     elif start_date == '5y':
         delta = today - pd.DateOffset(years=5)
         delta = delta.date()
         delta = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     elif start_date == '10y':
         delta = today - pd.DateOffset(years=10)
         delta = delta.date()
         delta = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     elif start_date == 'max':
         delta = today - pd.DateOffset(years=30)
         delta = delta.date()
         delta = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     prices = ffn.get(tickers, start=delta)
     mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(prices)
     S = risk_models.sample_cov(prices)
     ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
     raw_weights = ef.max_sharpe()
     cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()
     latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(prices)
     da = DiscreteAllocation(cleaned_weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=amount)
     allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
     st.subheader('Asset Allocation breakdown: ')
     st.write("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
Exemple #8
            def get_momentum_stocks(df, date, portfolio_size, cash):
                # Filter the df to get the top 10 momentum stocks for the latest day
                df_top_m = df.loc[df['date'] == pd.to_datetime(date)]
                df_top_m = df_top_m.sort_values(
                    by='momentum', ascending=False).head(portfolio_size)

                # Set the universe to the top momentum stocks for the period
                universe = df_top_m['symbol'].tolist()

                # Create a df with just the stocks from the universe
                df_u = df.loc[df['symbol'].isin(universe)]

                # Create the portfolio
                # Pivot to format for the optimization library
                df_u = df_u.pivot_table(index='date',

                # Calculate expected returns and sample covariance
                mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df_u)
                S = risk_models.sample_cov(df_u)

                # Optimise the portfolio for maximal Sharpe ratio
                ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S,
                                       gamma=1)  # Use regularization (gamma=1)
                weights = ef.max_sharpe()
                cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()

                # Allocate
                latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df_u)

                da = DiscreteAllocation(cleaned_weights,

                allocation = da.lp_portfolio()[0]

                # Put the stocks and the number of shares from the portfolio into a df
                symbol_list = []
                num_shares_list = []

                for symbol, num_shares in allocation.items():

                # Now that we have the stocks we want to buy we filter the df for those ones
                df_buy = df.loc[df['symbol'].isin(symbol_list)]

                # Filter for the period to get the closing price
                df_buy = df_buy.loc[df_buy['date'] == date].sort_values(

                # Add in the qty that was allocated to each stock
                df_buy['qty'] = num_shares_list

                # Calculate the amount we own for each stock
                df_buy['amount_held'] = df_buy['close'] * df_buy['qty']
                df_buy = df_buy.loc[df_buy['qty'] != 0]
                return df_buy
def calc(stockStartTime,stockEndTime):
    #calculating 2 years prior of the start date
    tempdate = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(stockStartTime)
    tempdate = tempdate - dt.timedelta(weeks=104)
    prices = ffn.get('pfe,ibm,wmt,msft,cat', start= tempdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end=stockStartTime)
    # Expected returns and sample covariance
    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(prices)
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(prices)
    #Minimum volatility. May be useful if you're trying to get an idea of how low the volatility could be, 
    #but in practice it makes a lot more sense to me to use the portfolio that maximises the Sharpe ratio.
    # Optimise portfolio for maximum Sharpe Ratio to serve as benchmark
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    #raw_weights = ef.min_volatility() #ef.max_sharpe()
    cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights() 
    print("Cleaned weights:\n",cleaned_weights)
    print("Portfolio Performance:\n",ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=True))
    #To achieve beta neutrality
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    print(" Weights: ",ef.efficient_return(target_return=0.15, market_neutral=True))
    weights = ef.efficient_return(target_return=0.2, market_neutral=True)
    #weight_sum = sum(w for w in weights.values() if w > 0)
    #normalised_weights = {k:v/weight_sum for k,v in weights.items()}
    #print("Normalized weights: ",normalised_weights)
    #We then need to convert these weights into an actual allocation, telling you how many shares of each asset you should purchase.
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(prices)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=1000000)
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
    for key,val in allocation.items():
        print("Number of positions in ",key," stock: ",val)
    print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
    prices2 = ffn.get('pfe,ibm,wmt,msft,cat', start=stockStartTime, end=stockEndTime)
    latest_prices2 = get_latest_prices(prices2)
    sum1 = 0
    for key,val in allocation.items():
        sum1 = sum1 - (latest_prices[key]*val)
    print("Value of Portfolio after short sales :\t",abs(sum1))
    new = 0
    for key,val in allocation.items():
        new = new + (latest_prices2[key]*val)
        sum1 = sum1 + (latest_prices2[key]*val)
    print("Value at end of period :\t\t",new)
    print("Profit at end of time period :\t\t",sum1)
    return sum1
Exemple #10
def get_momentum_stocks(df, date, portfolio_size, cash):
    # Convert dates and filter all momentum scores to include only top `portfolio_size` movers
    df_top_movers = df.loc[df['date'] == pd.to_datetime(date)]
    df_top_movers = df_top_movers.sort_values(by='momentum', ascending=False).head(portfolio_size)

    # Create a universe of top momentum stocks
    universe = df_top_movers['symbol'].tolist()

    # Create universe as DF for these stocks
    df_universe_top_movers = df.loc[df['symbol'].isin(universe)]

    # Create pre-optimzed portfolio
    df_universe_top_movers = df_universe_top_movers.pivot_table(

    # Calculate expected returns and sample covariance
    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df_universe_top_movers)
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(df_universe_top_movers)

    # Optimize by Sharpe Ratio
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, gamma=1) # Use regularization (gamma=1)
    weights = ef.max_sharpe()
    cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()

    # Allocate
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df_universe_top_movers)

    allocated = DiscreteAllocation(

    allocation = allocated.lp_portfolio()[0]

    # Put the stocks and the number of shares from the portfolio into a df
    symbols = []
    num_shares = []

    for sym, shares in allocation.items():

    # Create the to-buy dataframe
    df_buy = df.loc[df['symbol'].isin(symbols)]

    # Filter out irrelevant dates
    df_buy = df_buy.loc[df_buy['date'] == date].sort_values(by='symbol')

    # Add quantity allocations into dataframe
    df_buy['qty'] = num_shares # has thrown -> ValueError

    # Calculate the new/desired equity for each stock
    df_buy['equity'] = df_buy['close'] * df_buy['qty']
    df_buy = df_buy.loc[df_buy['qty'] != 0]

    return df_buy
Exemple #11
def getoptimprices(df, weights, portvalue):
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(weights,
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
    listshares = []
    for k in allocation.values():
    return allocation, leftover, listshares
Exemple #12
def getDiscreteAllocations(df, weights):
	latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
	total_portfolio_value  = 15000
	da = DiscreteAllocation(weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=total_portfolio_value)
	allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()

	print("Best portfolio possible today for the given shares and given contraints for an investment of ", total_portfolio_value, ": ")
	print("Shares allocation:", allocation)
	print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
def create_portfolio():
    today = str(date.today())

#Create the DataFrame and fill with historical data
    df = pd.read_csv(csv, header = 0)

    df = df.clip(lower=0.1)
    print("NEGATIVE: " + str(df.agg(lambda x: sum(x < 0)).sum()))

    df = df.iloc[:, 0:200]

    assets = df.columns

#Calculate the expected annualized returns and the annualized ...
    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df)
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(df)

#Optimize fot the maximal Sharpe ratio
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu,S)

    weights = ef.max_sharpe()
    cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()

#Get the discrete allocation of each share per stock
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    weights = cleaned_weights
    da = DiscreteAllocation(weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=portfolio_val)
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
#print('Discrete allocation: ', allocation)
#print('Funds Rreaming $', leftover)

    symbols = []
    discrete_allocation_list = []
    company_name = []
    for symbol in allocation:

    portfolio_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Cég', 'Szimbólum', 'Részvények_száma'])

    portfolio_df['Cég'] = company_name
    portfolio_df['Szimbólum'] = allocation
    portfolio_df['Részvények_száma'] = discrete_allocation_list

    above_df = "Várható éves hozam: " +  str(round(ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=True)[0] * 100, 2)) + "%   |  " + "Volatilitás: " +  str(round(ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=True)[1] * 100, 2)) + "%   |  " + "Sharpe-ráta: " +  str(round(ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=True)[2], 3))

    st.write("Az első két oszlop a cég nevét és tőzsdei szimbólumát mutatja, a harmadik pedig azt, hogy hány darab részvényt kell belőle venned a kalkuláció szerint")
    st.write(portfolio_df, 'A végén marad: ' + str(round(leftover, 2)) + "$")
    st.write("Elemzéshez felhasznált részvények listája:")
Exemple #14
def test_lp_allocation_rmse_error_short():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=0.3)
    assert da._allocation_rmse_error(verbose=False) < 0.1
def test_greedy_allocation_rmse_error():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(da._allocation_rmse_error(), 0.0383845)
def test_lp_allocation_rmse_error_short():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(da._allocation_rmse_error(), 0.02901217)
 def get_discrete_allocation(self):
     latest_prices = get_latest_prices(self.df)
     weights = self.get_expected_returns['cleanedWeights']
     da = DiscreteAllocation(weights,
     discrete_allocarion_and_remaining = {
         'discreteAllocation': 'Discrete allocation: ' + str(allocation),
         'fundsRemaining': 'Funds remaining: ${:.2f}'.format(leftover)
     return discrete_allocarion_and_remaining
Exemple #18
def process_options(options):
    global back_to_future
    back_to_future = options.back_to_future

    if options.invert_returns:
        ret_val = {
            "operation": "invert-returns",
            "filename": options.invert_returns
    elif options.to_cache:
        mu, S, df = calculate_mu_S(options)
        latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
        cache_to_save = {
            'mu': mu,
            'S': S,
            'latest_prices': latest_prices,
            'url': options.url
        ret_val = {
            "operation": "saved-to-cache",
            "hash": hash(str(cache_to_save))
    elif options.reuse_cache:
        cache_loaded = load_cache_func[options.reuse_cache](options.cache_key)
        description = f'using cache {options.reuse_cache}, url {cache_loaded["url"]}'
        ret_val = calculate_all(cache_loaded['mu'], cache_loaded['S'],
                                cache_loaded['latest_prices'], options,
    elif options.no_cache_calculation:
        mu, S, df = calculate_mu_S(options)
        latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
        ret_val = calculate_all(mu, S, latest_prices, options, 'no cache')
        ret_val = {
            "options do not match. Either use cache result, or reuse cache or -x to calculate all"

    return ret_val
def test_lp_allocation_rmse_error():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices)
    def get_discrete_allocation(self):
        latest_prices = get_latest_prices(self.price_data_df)

        da = DiscreteAllocation(self.weights,
        self.allocation, self.leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
        self.allocation = {k: int(v) for k, v in self.allocation.items()}
        print('Discrete allocation: {}'.format(self.allocation))
        print('Funds remaining: ${:.2f}'.format(self.leftover))
        self.exp_return, self.volatility, self.sharpe_ratio = self.ef.portfolio_performance(
def test_greedy_allocation_rmse_error_short():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=0.3)
Exemple #22
def calculate_allocation(stock_price, cash, Portfolio):
    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(stock_price)
    S = risk_models.sample_cov(stock_price)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(stock_price)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(cleaned_weights,
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
    print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
    print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
Exemple #23
 def build_portfolio(self, price_pivot, portfolio_total=10000):
     ''' build a portfolio from price data'''
     mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(price_pivot)
     shrink = risk_models.CovarianceShrinkage(price_pivot)
     S = shrink.ledoit_wolf()
     ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(0, 0.2), gamma=0.8)
     weights = ef.max_sharpe()
     weights = ef.clean_weights()
     latest_prices = get_latest_prices(price_pivot)
     weights = {k: v for k, v in weights.items() if weights[k] > 0.0}
     da = DiscreteAllocation(weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=portfolio_total)
     allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
     # print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
     return allocation
Exemple #24
 def calculate_allocation(self, cash):
     # if you have cash to allocate to a set of stocks, this function will return how to allocate that
     # see rebalance_weight to identify most suitable portfolio
     self.cash = cash
     ef = EfficientFrontier(self.mu, self.S)
     weights = ef.max_sharpe()
     cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()
     latest_prices = get_latest_prices(self.stock_prices)
     da = DiscreteAllocation(cleaned_weights,
     allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
     print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
     print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
Exemple #25
def GetPort(
):  #tickers = ['BSX','AES','BRK-B','SEE','QQQ','SPY'], first = 0, funds = 10000):
    ticks = request.args.get('tickers')
    tickers = list(ticks.split(" "))
    first = request.args.get('first')
    funds = request.args.get('Funds')

    thelen = len(tickers)
    price_data = []
    for ticker in range(thelen):
        prices = web.DataReader(tickers[ticker],
        price_data.append(prices.assign(ticker=ticker)[['Adj Close']])
    df_stocks = pd.concat(price_data, axis=1)
    df_stocks.columns = tickers
    #nullin_df = pd.DataFrame(df_stocks,columns=tickers)

    mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df_stocks)
    Sigma = risk_models.sample_cov(df_stocks)
    if int(first) == 1:
        ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, Sigma, weight_bounds=(0, 1))
        ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, Sigma, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    sharpe_pfolio = ef.max_sharpe()
    cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()


    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df_stocks)

    da = DiscreteAllocation(cleaned_weights,
    allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()
    #print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
    #print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
    #new_alloc = {str(key): str(value) for key, value in allocation}
    new_alloc = {}
    for key in allocation:
        new_alloc[key] = str(allocation[key])

    allocjson = json.dumps(new_alloc)
    return jsonify(allocation=new_alloc, leftover=leftover)
    def __init__(self, table):
        mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(table)
        S = risk_models.sample_cov(table)

        # Optimise for maximal Sharpe ratio
        ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
        ef.max_sharpe()  # Raw weights
        self.cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()

        latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(table)
        self.allocation, self.leftover = discrete_allocation.portfolio(
            self.cleaned_weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=10000
Exemple #27
def test_rmse_decreases_with_value():
    # As total_portfolio_value increases, rmse should decrease.
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)

    da1 = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=10000)
    rmse1 = da1._allocation_rmse_error(verbose=False)
    da2 = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=100000)
    rmse2 = da2._allocation_rmse_error(verbose=False)
    assert rmse2 < rmse1
Exemple #28
def test_allocation_errors():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()
    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        DiscreteAllocation(ef.weights, latest_prices)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices.values.tolist())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=-0.4)
def test_greedy_portfolio_allocation_short():
    df = get_data()
    mu = mean_historical_return(df)
    S = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
    da = DiscreteAllocation(w, latest_prices, short_ratio=0.3)
    allocation, leftover = da.greedy_portfolio()

    assert allocation == {
        "MA": 19,
        "PFE": 42,
        "FB": 7,
        "GOOG": 1,
        "BABA": 5,
        "AAPL": 4,
        "SBUX": 8,
        "BBY": 6,
        "XOM": 4,
        "WMT": 3,
        "BAC": -32,
        "AMD": -48,
        "SHLD": -132,
        "GM": -9,
        "RRC": -19,
        "GE": -14,
        "T": -5,
        "UAA": -8,
    long_total = 0
    short_total = 0
    for ticker, num in allocation.items():
        if num > 0:
            long_total += num * latest_prices[ticker]
            short_total -= num * latest_prices[ticker]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(long_total + short_total + leftover,

    # Cover the verbose parameter,
    allocation_verbose, leftover_verbose = da.greedy_portfolio(verbose=True)
    assert allocation_verbose == allocation
    assert leftover_verbose == leftover
    def compute_portfolio(self, customer_metrics, stock_info_container):

        if customer_metrics.get_initial_investment() <= 0:
            return ""

        # TODO Integrate all customer_metrics

        # def generate_portfolio(starting_investment, stock_price_history):
        # Reset the date as the index
        # stock_price_history = stock_price_history.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(stock_price_history['Date'].values))

        # Get the stock prices
        stock_price_history = stock_info_container.get_all_price_history()
        latest_prices = get_latest_prices(stock_price_history)

        # Clean up data
        # stock_price_history.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)

        # Optimize the portfolio
        # Calculate the expected annualized returns and the annualized sample covariance matrix of the daily asset returns
        mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(stock_price_history)
        S = risk_models.sample_cov(stock_price_history)

        # Optimize for the maximal Sharpe ratio
        ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)  # Creates the Efficient Frontier Object
        weights = ef.max_sharpe()
        cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()

        # Get expected performance
        expected_performance_tuple = ef.portfolio_performance(verbose=True)
        expected_performance = EfficientFrontierPerformance(
            expected_performance_tuple[0], expected_performance_tuple[1],

        # Get the descret allocation of each share per stock
        da = DiscreteAllocation(
        allocation, leftover = da.lp_portfolio()

        # Store in StockInfoContainer

        return stock_info_container
def test_portfolio_allocation_errors():
    df = get_data()
    e_ret = mean_historical_return(df)
    cov = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(e_ret, cov)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()
    latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(df)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        discrete_allocation.portfolio(ef.weights, latest_prices)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        discrete_allocation.portfolio(w, latest_prices.values.tolist())

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        discrete_allocation.portfolio(w, latest_prices, min_allocation=0.5)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        discrete_allocation.portfolio(w, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=0)
def test_portfolio_allocation():
    df = get_data()
    e_ret = mean_historical_return(df)
    cov = sample_cov(df)
    ef = EfficientFrontier(e_ret, cov)
    w = ef.max_sharpe()

    latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(df)
    allocation, leftover = discrete_allocation.portfolio(w, latest_prices)
    assert allocation == {
        "MA": 14,
        "FB": 12,
        "PFE": 51,
        "BABA": 5,
        "AAPL": 5,
        "AMZN": 0,
        "BBY": 9,
        "SBUX": 6,
        "GOOG": 1,
    total = 0
    for ticker, num in allocation.items():
        total += num * latest_prices[ticker]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(total + leftover, 10000)
def test_get_latest_prices_error():
    df = get_data()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_get_latest_prices():
    df = get_data()
    latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(df)
    assert len(latest_prices) == 20
    assert list(latest_prices.index) == list(df.columns)
    assert latest_prices.name == pd.Timestamp(2018, 4, 11)
from pypfopt.hierarchical_risk_parity import hrp_portfolio
from pypfopt.value_at_risk import CVAROpt
from pypfopt import discrete_allocation

# Reading in the data; preparing expected returns and a risk model
df = pd.read_csv("tests/stock_prices.csv", parse_dates=True, index_col="date")
returns = df.pct_change().dropna(how="all")
mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df)
S = risk_models.sample_cov(df)

# Long-only Maximum Sharpe portfolio, with discretised weights
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
weights = ef.max_sharpe()
latest_prices = discrete_allocation.get_latest_prices(df)
allocation, leftover = discrete_allocation.portfolio(weights, latest_prices)
print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))

Expected annual return: 33.0%
Annual volatility: 21.7%
Sharpe Ratio: 1.43

Discrete allocation: {'MA': 14, 'FB': 12, 'PFE': 51, 'BABA': 5, 'AAPL': 5,
                      'AMZN': 0, 'BBY': 9, 'SBUX': 6, 'GOOG': 1}
Funds remaining: $12.15

# Long-only minimum volatility portfolio, with a weight cap and regularisation