def test_settings_from_config__cmdline_acl(config_file):
    """Ensure the command line acl overrides whatever is in the config."""

    mock_options = mock.Mock()
    mock_options.acl = ["override-acl"]
    mock_options.config = [config_file]
    with open(config_file, "w") as openconf:

    expected_s3 = pypicloud_tools.S3Config(
        "bucket-name", "access-key", "secret-key", "override-acl"
    expected_pypi = pypicloud_tools.PyPIConfig(
        "http://test-server/pypi", "test-username", "test-password"

    s3, pypi = pypicloud_tools.settings_from_config(mock_options)

    assert s3 == expected_s3
    assert pypi == expected_pypi
def test_settings_from_config(config_file):
    """Ensure that the settings are correctly being read from config."""

    mock_options = mock.Mock()
    del mock_options.acl  # unset acl from command line
    mock_options.config = [config_file]
    with open(config_file, "w") as openconf:

    expected_s3 = pypicloud_tools.S3Config(
        "test-bucket-name", "test-access-key", "test-secret-key", "test-acl"
    expected_pypi = pypicloud_tools.PyPIConfig(
        "http://test-server/pypi", "test-username", "test-password"

    s3, pypi = pypicloud_tools.settings_from_config(mock_options)

    assert s3 == expected_s3
    assert pypi == expected_pypi
def test_settings_from_config__no_acl(config_file):
    """Ensure the acl is None when no acl is configured."""

    mock_options = mock.Mock()
    del mock_options.acl
    mock_options.config = [config_file]
    with open(config_file, "w") as openconf:

    expected_s3 = pypicloud_tools.S3Config(
        "bucket-name", "access-key", "secret-key", None,
    expected_pypi = pypicloud_tools.PyPIConfig(
        "http://test-server/pypi", "test-username", "test-password"

    s3, pypi = pypicloud_tools.settings_from_config(mock_options)

    assert s3 == expected_s3
    assert pypi == expected_pypi
def test_settings_from_config__read_errors(config_file, capfd):
    """Ensure behaviour if/when there's an error reading the config file."""

    mock_options = mock.Mock()
    mock_options.config = config_file
    with open(config_file, "w") as openconf:

    assert pypicloud_tools.settings_from_config(mock_options) == (None, None)
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()

    assert "contains parsing errors:" in err
    assert not out
def test_settings_from_config__no_key(config_file):
    """If there is no [pypicloud] key, we should receive None, None."""

    mock_options = mock.Mock()
    mock_options.config = config_file
    with open(config_file, "w") as openconf:

    assert pypicloud_tools.settings_from_config(mock_options) == (None, None)