Exemple #1
def test_unambig():
    """Test that properties are mirrored in a top level dic"""
    pif = System()
    pif.properties = [Property(name="foo", scalars=1.0), Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)]
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
def datacite_to_pif(dc):
    Parse a top-level datacite dictionary into a PIF
    :param dc: dictionary containing datacite metadata
    :return: System containing metadata from datacite
    system = System()
    system.references = [datacite_to_pif_reference(dc)]
    return system
Exemple #3
def test_unambig():
    """Test that properties are mirrored in a top level dic"""
    pif = System()
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #4
def test_multiple_instances():
    """Test that keys that show up in different places with the same value are kept"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [Property(name="foo", scalars=1.0), Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)]
    pif2 = System(sub_systems = [pif,], properties=[Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #5
def test_read_view():
    """Test that properties are passed through to the readview"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.names = ["example", "ex"]
    pif.properties = [Property(name="foo", scalars=1.0), Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)]
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r.uid == pif.uid
    assert r.names == pif.names
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #6
def test_ambiguity():
    """Test that ambiguous keys are removed from the top level dict"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [Property(name="foo", scalars=1.0), Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)]
    pif2 = System(sub_systems = [pif,], properties=[Property(name="foo", scalars=10.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 10.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert "foo" not in r.keys()
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"]["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #7
def test_nested_read_view():
    """Test that nested Pios (system here) are recursively processed"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [Property(name="foo", scalars=1.0), Property(name="bar", scalars=2.0)]
    pif2 = System(sub_systems=[pif])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #8
def test_read_view():
    """Test that properties are passed through to the readview"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.names = ["example", "ex"]
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r.uid == pif.uid
    assert r.names == pif.names
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #9
def test_nested_read_view():
    """Test that nested Pios (system here) are recursively processed"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(sub_systems=[pif])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #10
def test_multiple_instances():
    """Test that keys that show up in different places with the same value are kept"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(
        properties=[Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #11
def test_method_software():
    """Testing that method and software names are elevated"""
    method = Method(name="spam", software=[Software(name="magic")])
    pif = System(properties=[
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")], methods=[method])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == "bar", "Didn't elevate property key"
    assert "spam" in r.keys(), "Expected spam in keys"
    assert "magic" in r.keys(), "Expected magic in keys"
Exemple #12
def test_condition_elevation():
    """Test that read views elevate conditions"""
    condition = Value(name="spam", scalars=[Scalar(value="eggs")])
    pif = System(properties=[
            name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")], conditions=[condition])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == "bar", "Didn't elevate property key"
    assert r["spam"].scalars[0].value == "eggs", "Didn't elevate condition key"
Exemple #13
def test_ambiguity():
    """Test that ambiguous keys are removed from the top level dict"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(
        properties=[Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=10.0)])])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 10.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert "foo" not in r.keys()
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"]["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemple #14
def test_update_no_conflicts():
    """Test that update works when there are no conflicts"""
    no_conflict_pif = System(
        names=["gas", "methane"]
    combined = update(test_pif, no_conflict_pif)
    expected = {"foo": "bar", "spam": 2.7}

    assert set(x.name for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.keys())
    assert set(x.scalars[0].value for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.values())
    for prop in combined.properties:
        assert expected[prop.name] == prop.scalars[0].value

    assert combined.names == ["gas", "methane"]
Exemple #15
def test_update_extend():
    """Test that update works when extending with no dups"""
    more_pif = System(
            Property(name="band gap", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.3)]),
            Property(name="phase", scalars=[Scalar(value="gas")]),
    combined = update(test_pif, more_pif, extend=True)
    expected = {"band gap": 1.3, "phase": "gas", "foo": "bar", "spam": 2.7}

    assert set(x.name for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.keys())
    assert set(x.scalars[0].value for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.values())
    for prop in combined.properties:
        assert expected[prop.name] == prop.scalars[0].value
Exemple #16
def test_update_conflict():
    """Test that update works when not extending and a field is redefined"""
    more_pif = System(
            Property(name="band gap", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.3)]),
            Property(name="phase", scalars=[Scalar(value="gas")]),
    combined = update(test_pif, more_pif)
    expected = {"band gap": 1.3, "phase": "gas"}

    assert set(x.name for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.keys())
    assert set(x.scalars[0].value for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.values())
    for prop in combined.properties:
        assert expected[prop.name] == prop.scalars[0].value
Exemple #17
def test_update_conflicts():
    """Test that update works when there are conflicts"""
    conflict_pif = System(
            Property(name="band gap", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.3)]),
            Property(name="phase", scalars=[Scalar(value="gas")]),
            Property(name="spam", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)]),

    combined = update(test_pif, conflict_pif, extend=True)
    expected = {"band gap": 1.3, "phase": "gas", "foo": "bar", "spam": 2.0}

    assert set(x.name for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.keys())
    assert set(x.scalars[0].value for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.values())
    for prop in combined.properties:
        assert expected[prop.name] == prop.scalars[0].value
Exemple #18
from pypif_sdk.func import update
from pypif.obj import System, Property, Scalar

test_pif = System(
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")]),
        Property(name="spam", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.7)]),

def test_update_no_conflicts():
    """Test that update works when there are no conflicts"""
    no_conflict_pif = System(
        names=["gas", "methane"]
    combined = update(test_pif, no_conflict_pif)
    expected = {"foo": "bar", "spam": 2.7}

    assert set(x.name for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.keys())
    assert set(x.scalars[0].value for x in combined.properties) == set(expected.values())
    for prop in combined.properties:
        assert expected[prop.name] == prop.scalars[0].value

    assert combined.names == ["gas", "methane"]

def test_update_conflict():
    """Test that update works when not extending and a field is redefined"""
    more_pif = System(
Exemple #19
def test_convert_to_dictionary():
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.names = ["example", "ex"]
    d = pif._convert_to_dictionary(pif)
Exemple #20
from pypif_sdk.func import replace_by_key, copy
from pypif_sdk.accessor import get_property_by_name
from pypif.obj import System, Property, Scalar, Value, FileReference

test_pif = System(names=["methane"],
                      Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")]),

def test_simple_replace():
    """Test replace a single field with default arguments"""
    prop = get_property_by_name(copy(test_pif), "image")
    assert prop.files[
        0].relative_path == "/tmp/file.png", "Didn't shorten file name"
    new_pif = replace_by_key(test_pif, "relative_path",
                             {"/tmp/file.png": "file.png"})
    prop = get_property_by_name(new_pif, "image")
    assert prop.files[
        0].relative_path == "file.png", "Didn't shorten file name"
Exemple #21
def test_create_system():
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.names = ["example", "ex"]