def flexure_slit(slf, det): """Correct wavelength down slit center for flexure Parameters: ---------- slf : det : int """ # Load Archive skyspec_fil, arx_sky = flexure_archive(slf, det) # Extract censpec_wv = arextract.boxcar_cen(slf, det, slf._mswave[det-1]) censpec_fx = arextract.boxcar_cen(slf, det, slf._bgframe[det-1]) cen_sky = xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((censpec_wv, censpec_fx)) # Find shift fdict = flex_shift(slf, det, cen_sky, arx_sky)"Flexure shift = {:g} down slit center".format(fdict['shift'])) # Refit # What if xfit shifts outside of 0-1? xshift = fdict['shift']/(slf._msarc[det-1].shape[0]-1) mask, fit = arutils.robust_polyfit(np.array(slf._wvcalib[det-1]['xfit'])+xshift, np.array(slf._wvcalib[det-1]['yfit']), len(slf._wvcalib[det-1]['fitc']), function=slf._wvcalib[det-1]['function'], sigma=slf._wvcalib[det-1]['nrej'], minv=slf._wvcalib[det-1]['fmin'], maxv=slf._wvcalib[det-1]['fmax']) # Update wvcalib slf._wvcalib[det-1]['shift'] = fdict['shift'] # pixels slf._wvcalib[det-1]['fitc'] = fit"Add another QA for wavelengths?") # Update mswave wv_calib = slf._wvcalib[det-1] slf._mswave[det-1] = arutils.func_val(wv_calib['fitc'], slf._tilts[det-1], wv_calib['function'], minv=wv_calib['fmin'], maxv=wv_calib['fmax']) # Write to Masters? Not for now # For QA (kludgy..) censpec_wv = arextract.boxcar_cen(slf, det, slf._mswave[det-1]) fdict['sky_spec'] = xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((censpec_wv, censpec_fx)) flex_dict = dict(polyfit=[], shift=[], subpix=[], corr=[], corr_cen=[], spec_file=skyspec_fil, smooth=[], arx_spec=[], sky_spec=[]) #debugger.set_trace() #debugger.xplot(censpec_wv, censpec_fx, xtwo=fdict['arx_spec'].wavelength, ytwo=fdict['arx_spec'].flux*50) for key in ['polyfit', 'shift', 'subpix', 'corr', 'corr_cen', 'smooth', 'sky_spec', 'arx_spec']: flex_dict[key].append(fdict[key]) return flex_dict
def refine_iter(outpar, orders, mask, irshft, relshift, fitord, function='polynomial'): fail = False x0ex = arutils.func_val(outpar['x0res'], orders, function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) # Make the refinement x0ex[irshft] += relshift # Refit the data to improve the refinement good = np.where(mask != 0.0)[0] # x0res = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[good],x0[good],pnpc[0],0.2,function=function) null, x0res = arutils.robust_polyfit(orders[good], x0ex[good], fitord, sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) #x0res = arutils.func_fit(orders[good], x0ex[good], function, fitord, min=outpar['x0in'][0], max=outpar['x0in'][-1]) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, orders, function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) chisq = (x0ex[good]-x0fit[good])**2.0 chisqnu = np.sum(chisq)/np.sum(mask) msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) if chisqnu > 0.5: # The refinement went wrong, ignore the refinement fail = True outpar['x0res'] = x0res extfit =['eigv'], outpar['high_matr'].T) + np.outer(x0fit, np.ones(outpar['eigv'].shape[0])).T return extfit, outpar, fail
def refine_iter(outpar, orders, mask, irshft, relshift, fitord, function='polynomial'): fail = False x0ex = arutils.func_val(outpar['x0res'], orders, function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) # Make the refinement x0ex[irshft] += relshift # Refit the data to improve the refinement good = np.where(mask != 0.0)[0] # x0res = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[good],x0[good],pnpc[0],0.2,function=function) null, x0res = arutils.robust_polyfit(orders[good], x0ex[good], fitord, sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) #x0res = arutils.func_fit(orders[good], x0ex[good], function, fitord, min=outpar['x0in'][0], max=outpar['x0in'][-1]) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, orders, function, minv=outpar['x0in'][0], maxv=outpar['x0in'][-1]) chisq = (x0ex[good] - x0fit[good])**2.0 chisqnu = np.sum(chisq) / np.sum(mask) msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) if chisqnu > 0.5: # The refinement went wrong, ignore the refinement fail = True outpar['x0res'] = x0res extfit =['eigv'], outpar['high_matr'].T) + np.outer( x0fit, np.ones(outpar['eigv'].shape[0])).T return extfit, outpar, fail
def background_subtraction(slf, sciframe, varframe, slitn, det, refine=0.0, doqa=True): """ Generate a frame containing the background sky spectrum Parameters ---------- slf : Class Science Exposure Class sciframe : ndarray science frame varframe : ndarray variance frame slitn : int Slit number det : int Detector index refine : float or ndarray refine the object traces. This should be a small value around 0.0. If a float, a constant offset will be applied. Otherwise, an array needs to be specified of the same length as sciframe.shape[0] that contains the refinement of each pixel along the spectral direction. Returns ------- bgframe : ndarray An image, the same size as sciframe, that contains the background spectrum within the specified slit. nl : int number of pixels from the left slit edge to use as background pixels nr : int number of pixels from the right slit edge to use as background pixels """ # Obtain all pixels that are within the slit edges, and are not masked word = np.where((slf._slitpix[det - 1] == slitn + 1) & (slf._scimask[det - 1] == 0)) if word[0].size == 0: msgs.warn("There are no pixels in slit {0:d}".format(slitn)) debugger.set_trace() nl, nr = 0, 0 return np.zeros_like(sciframe), nl, nr # Calculate the oversampled object profiles oversampling_factor = 3 # should be an integer according to the description in object_profile() xedges, modvals = object_profile(slf, sciframe, slitn, det, refine=refine, factor=oversampling_factor) bincent = 0.5 * (xedges[1:] + xedges[:-1]) npix = slf._pixwid[det - 1][slitn] tilts = slf._tilts[det - 1].copy() lordloc = slf._lordloc[det - 1][:, slitn] rordloc = slf._rordloc[det - 1][:, slitn] # For each pixel, calculate the fraction along the slit's spatial direction spatval = (word[1] - lordloc[word[0]] + refine) / (rordloc[word[0]] - lordloc[word[0]]) # Cumulative sum and normalize csum = np.cumsum(modvals) csum -= csum[0] csum /= csum[-1] # Find a first guess of the edges of the object profile - assume this is the innermost 90 percent of the flux argl = np.argmin(np.abs(csum - 0.05)) argr = np.argmin(np.abs(csum - 0.95)) # Considering the possible background pixels that are left of the object, # find the first time where the object profile no longer decreases as you # move toward the edge of the slit. This is the beginning of the noisy # object profile, which is where the object can no longer be distinguished # from the background. wl = np.where((modvals[1:] < modvals[:-1]) & (bincent[1:] < bincent[argl])) wr = np.where((modvals[1:] > modvals[:-1]) & (bincent[1:] > bincent[argr])) nl, nr = 0, 0 if wl[0].size != 0: # This is the index of the first time where the object profile # no longer decreases as you move towards the slit edge nl_index = np.max(wl[0]) # Calculate nl, defined as: # "number of pixels from the left slit edge to use as background pixels", # which is just nl_index with the sampling factor taken out nl_index_origscale = int(nl_index / oversampling_factor + 0.5) nl = nl_index_origscale if wr[0].size != 0: # This is the index of the first time where the object profile # no longer decreases as you move towards the slit edge nr_index = np.min(wr[0]) # Calculate nr, defined as: # "number of pixels from the right slit edge to use as background pixels", # which is npix minus nr_index with the sampling factor taken out nr_index_origscale = int(nr_index / oversampling_factor + 0.5) nr = npix - nr_index_origscale if nl + nr < 5: msgs.warn( "The object profile appears to extrapolate to the edge of the slit" ) "A background subtraction will not be performed for slit {0:d}". format(slitn + 1)) nl, nr = 0, 0 return np.zeros_like(sciframe), nl, nr # Find background pixels and fit wbgpix_spatval = np.where( (spatval <= float(nl) / npix) | (spatval >= float(npix - nr) / npix)) # this cannot be used to index the 2D array tilts wbgpix = (word[0][wbgpix_spatval], word[1][wbgpix_spatval] ) # this may be approproate for indexing the 2D array tilts if settings.argflag['reduce']['skysub']['method'].lower() == 'bspline':"Using bspline sky subtraction") srt = np.argsort(tilts[wbgpix]) ivar = arutils.calc_ivar(varframe) # Perform a weighted b-spline fit to the sky background pixels mask, bspl = arutils.robust_polyfit( tilts[wbgpix][srt], sciframe[wbgpix][srt], 3, function='bspline', weights=np.sqrt(ivar)[wbgpix][srt], sigma=5., maxone=False, **settings.argflag['reduce']['skysub']['bspline']) bgf_flat = arutils.func_val(bspl, tilts.flatten(), 'bspline') bgframe = bgf_flat.reshape(tilts.shape) if doqa: plt_bspline_sky(tilts, sciframe, bgf_flat, gdp) debugger.set_trace() else: msgs.error('Not ready for this method for skysub {:s}'.format( settings.argflag['reduce']['skysub']['method'].lower())) if np.any(np.isnan(bgframe)): msgs.warn("NAN in bgframe. Replacing with 0") bad = np.isnan(bgframe) bgframe[bad] = 0. return bgframe, nl, nr
def basis(xfit, yfit, coeff, npc, pnpc, weights=None, skipx0=True, x0in=None, mask=None, function='polynomial', retmask=False): nrow = xfit.shape[0] ntrace = xfit.shape[1] if x0in is None: x0in = np.arange(float(ntrace)) # Mask out some orders if they are bad if mask is None or mask.size == 0: usetrace = np.arange(ntrace) outmask = np.ones((nrow, ntrace)) else: usetrace = np.where(np.in1d(np.arange(ntrace), mask) == False)[0] outmask = np.ones((nrow, ntrace)) outmask[:,mask] = 0.0 # Do the PCA analysis eigc, hidden = get_pc(coeff[1:npc+1, usetrace], npc) modl = arutils.func_vander(xfit[:,0], function, npc) eigv =[:,1:], eigc) med_hidden = np.median(hidden, axis=1) med_highorder = med_hidden.copy() med_highorder[0] = 0 high_order_matrix = med_highorder.T[np.newaxis,:].repeat(ntrace, axis=0) # y = hidden[0,:] # coeff0 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], y, pnpc[1], 0.1, function=function) # y = hidden[1,:] # coeff1 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], y, pnpc[2], 0.1, function=function) coeffstr = [] for i in xrange(1, npc+1): # if pnpc[i] == 0: # coeffstr.append([-9.99E9]) # continue # coeff0 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i-1,:], pnpc[i], 0.1, function=function, min=x0in[0], max=x0in[-1]) if weights is not None: tmask, coeff0 = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i-1,:], pnpc[i], weights=weights[usetrace], sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) else: tmask, coeff0 = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i-1,:], pnpc[i], sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) coeffstr.append(coeff0) high_order_matrix[:,i-1] = arutils.func_val(coeff0, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) # high_order_matrix[:,1] = arutils.func_val(coeff1, x0in, function) high_fit = high_order_matrix.copy() high_order_fit =, high_order_matrix.T) sub = (yfit - high_order_fit) * outmask numer = np.sum(sub, axis=0) denom = np.sum(outmask, axis=0) x0 = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) fitmask = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) #fitmask[mask] = 1 x0fit = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) chisqnu = 0.0 chisqold = 0.0 robust = True #svx0 = numer/(denom+(denom == 0).astype( if not skipx0: fitmask = (np.abs(denom) > 10).astype( if robust: good = np.where(fitmask != 0)[0] bad = np.where(fitmask == 0)[0] x0[good] = numer[good]/denom[good] imask = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) imask[bad] = 1.0 ttmask, x0res = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in, x0, pnpc[0], weights=weights, sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1], initialmask=imask) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) good = np.where(ttmask == 0)[0] xstd = 1.0 # This should represent the dispersion in the fit chisq = ((x0[good]-x0fit[good])/xstd)**2.0 chisqnu = np.sum(chisq)/np.sum(ttmask) fitmask = 1.0-ttmask msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) else: for i in xrange(1, 5): good = np.where(fitmask != 0)[0] x0[good] = numer[good]/denom[good] # x0res = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[good],x0[good],pnpc[0],0.2,function=function) x0res = arutils.func_fit(x0in[good], x0[good], function, pnpc[0], weights=weights, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) chisq = (x0[good]-x0fit[good])**2.0 fitmask[good] *= (chisq < np.sum(chisq)/2.0).astype( chisqnu = np.sum(chisq)/np.sum(fitmask) msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) if chisqnu == chisqold: break else: chisqold = chisqnu if chisqnu > 2.0: msgs.warn("PCA has very large residuals") elif chisqnu > 0.5: msgs.warn("PCA has fairly large residuals") #bad = np.where(fitmask==0)[0] #x0[bad] = x0fit[bad] else: x0res = 0.0 x3fit =,high_order_matrix.T) + np.outer(x0fit,np.ones(nrow)).T outpar = dict({'high_fit': high_fit, 'x0': x0, 'x0in': x0in, 'x0fit': x0fit, 'x0res': x0res, 'x0mask': fitmask, 'hidden': hidden, 'usetrc': usetrace, 'eigv': eigv, 'npc': npc, 'coeffstr': coeffstr}) if retmask: return x3fit, outpar, tmask else: return x3fit, outpar
def bspline_magfit(wave, flux, var, flux_std, nointerp=False, **kwargs): """ Perform a bspline fit to the flux ratio of standard to observed counts. Used to generate a sensitivity function. Parameters ---------- wave : ndarray flux : ndarray counts/s as observed var : ndarray variance flux_std : Quantity array standard star true flux (erg/s/cm^2/A) nointer : bool, optional [False] Skip interpolation over bad points (not recommended)? **kwargs : keywords for robust_polyfit Returns ------- """ from pypit import arutils invvar = (var > 0.)/(var + (var <= 0.)) nx = wave.size pos_error = 1./np.sqrt(np.maximum(invvar,0.) + (invvar == 0)) pos_mask = (flux > pos_error/10.0) & (invvar > 0) & (flux_std > 0.0) #pos = pos_mask==1 npos) fluxlog = 2.5*np.log10(np.maximum(flux,pos_error/10)) logivar = invvar * flux**2 * pos_mask*1.08574 # cap the magfunc so that sensfunc < 1.0e10 magfunc = 2.5*np.log10(np.maximum(flux_std,1.0e-2)) - fluxlog magfunc = np.minimum(magfunc,25.0) sensfunc = 10.0**(0.4*magfunc)*pos_mask # Interpolate over masked pixels if not nointerp: bad = logivar <= 0. if np.sum(bad) > 0: f = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave[~bad], magfunc[~bad], k=2) magfunc[bad] = f(wave[bad]) fi = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave[~bad], logivar[~bad], k=2) logivar[bad] = fi(wave[bad]) # First iteration mask, tck = arutils.robust_polyfit(wave, magfunc, 3, function='bspline', weights=np.sqrt(logivar), **kwargs) logfit1 = arutils.func_val(tck,wave,'bspline') modelfit1 = 10.0**(0.4*(logfit1)) residual = sensfunc/(modelfit1 + (modelfit1 == 0)) - 1. new_mask = pos_mask & (sensfunc > 0) residual_ivar = (modelfit1*flux/(sensfunc + (sensfunc == 0.0)))**2*invvar residual_ivar = residual_ivar*new_mask # Interpolate over masked pixels if not nointerp: if np.sum(bad) > 0: f = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave[~bad], residual[~bad], k=2) residual[bad] = f(wave[bad]) fi = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(wave[~bad], residual_ivar[~bad], k=2) residual_ivar[bad] = fi(wave[bad]) # Now do one more fit to the ratio of data/model - 1. # Fuss with the knots first () inner_knots = arutils.bspline_inner_knots(tck[0]) # mask, tck_residual = arutils.robust_polyfit(wave, residual, 3, function='bspline', weights=np.sqrt(residual_ivar), knots=inner_knots, **kwargs) if tck_residual[1].size != tck[1].size: msgs.error('Problem with bspline knots in bspline_magfit') #bset_residual = bspline_iterfit(wave, residual, weights=np.sqrt(residual_ivar), knots = tck[0]) tck_log1 = list(tck) tck_log1[1] = tck[1] + tck_residual[1] sensfit = 10.0**(0.4*(arutils.func_val(tck_log1,wave, 'bspline'))) absdev = np.median(np.abs(sensfit/modelfit1-1))'Difference between fits is {:g}'.format(absdev)) # QA"Add QA for sensitivity function") return tck_log1
def simple_calib(slf, det, get_poly=False): """Simple calibration algorithm for longslit wavelengths Uses slf._arcparam to guide the analysis Parameters ---------- get_poly : bool, optional Pause to record the polynomial pix = b0 + b1*lambda + b2*lambda**2 Returns ------- final_fit : dict Dict of fit info """ # Extract the arc"Detecting lines..") tampl, tcent, twid, w, satsnd, yprep = detect_lines( slf, det, slf._msarc[det - 1]) # Cut down to the good ones tcent = tcent[w] tampl = tampl[w]'Detected {:d} lines in the arc spectrum.'.format(len(w[0]))) # Parameters (just for convenience) aparm = slf._arcparam[det - 1] # Read Arc linelist llist = aparm['llist'] # IDs were input by hand if len(settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDpixels']) > 0: # Check that there are at least 5 values pixels = np.array(settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDpixels']) if np.sum(pixels > 0.) < 5: msgs.error("Need to give at least 5 pixel values!") #"Using input lines to seed the wavelength solution") # Calculate median offset mdiff = [ np.min(np.abs(tcent - pix)) for pix in settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDpixels'] ] med_poff = np.median(np.array(mdiff))"Will apply a median offset of {:g} pixels".format(med_poff)) # Match input lines to observed spectrum nid = len(settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDpixels']) idx_str = np.ones(nid).astype(int) ids = np.zeros(nid) idsion = np.array([' '] * nid) gd_str = np.arange(nid).astype(int) for jj, pix in enumerate( settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDpixels']): diff = np.abs(tcent - pix - med_poff) if np.min(diff) > 2.: debugger.set_trace() msgs.error("No match with input pixel {:g}!".format(pix)) else: imn = np.argmin(diff) # Set idx_str[jj] = imn # Take wavelength from linelist instead of input value wdiff = np.abs(llist['wave'] - settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDwaves'][jj]) imnw = np.argmin(wdiff) if wdiff[imnw] > 0.015: # Arbitrary tolerance msgs.error( "Input IDwaves={:g} is not in the linelist. Fix".format( settings.argflag['arc']['calibrate']['IDwaves'][jj])) else: ids[jj] = llist['wave'][imnw] idsion[jj] = llist['Ion'][imnw]"Identifying arc line: {:s} {:g}".format( idsion[jj], ids[jj])) else: # Generate dpix pairs"Using pair algorithm for wavelength solution") nlist = len(llist) dpix_list = np.zeros((nlist, nlist)) for kk, row in enumerate(llist): #dpix_list[kk,:] = (np.array(row['wave'] - llist['wave']))/disp dpix_list[kk, :] = slf._msarc[det - 1].shape[0] * ( aparm['b1'] * (np.array(row['wave'] - llist['wave'])) + aparm['b2'] * np.array(row['wave']**2 - llist['wave']**2)) # Lambda pairs for the strongest N lines srt = np.argsort(tampl) idx_str = srt[-aparm['Nstrong']:] idx_str.sort() dpix_obs = np.zeros((aparm['Nstrong'], aparm['Nstrong'])) for kk, idx in enumerate(idx_str): dpix_obs[kk, :] = np.array(tcent[idx] - tcent[idx_str]) # Match up (ugly loops) ids = np.zeros(aparm['Nstrong']) idsion = np.array([' '] * aparm['Nstrong']) for kk in range(aparm['Nstrong']): med_off = np.zeros(nlist) for ss in range(nlist): dpix = dpix_list[ss] min_off = [] for jj in range(aparm['Nstrong']): min_off.append(np.min(np.abs(dpix_obs[kk, jj] - dpix))) med_off[ss] = np.median(min_off) # Set by minimum idm = np.argmin(med_off) ids[kk] = llist['wave'][idm] idsion[kk] = llist['Ion'][idm] # Calculate disp of the strong lines disp_str = np.zeros(aparm['Nstrong']) for kk in range(aparm['Nstrong']): disp_val = (ids[kk] - ids) / (tcent[idx_str[kk]] - tcent[idx_str]) isf = np.isfinite(disp_val) disp_str[kk] = np.median(disp_val[isf]) # Consider calculating the RMS with clipping gd_str = np.where( np.abs(disp_str - aparm['disp']) / aparm['disp'] < aparm['disp_toler'])[0]'Found {:d} lines within the dispersion threshold'.format( len(gd_str))) if len(gd_str) < 5: if msgs._debug['arc']: msgs.warn('You should probably try your best to ID lines now.') debugger.set_trace() debugger.plot1d(yprep) else: msgs.error('Insufficient lines to auto-fit.') # Debug #debug=True if msgs._debug['arc']: #tmp = list(gd_str) #tmp.pop(1) #gd_str = np.array(tmp) #xdb.xpcol(tcent[idx_str[gd_str]],ids[gd_str]) #xdb.xplot(tcent[idx_str[gd_str]],ids[gd_str],scatter=True) # debugger.xplot(yprep) debugger.set_trace()'Cross correlate here?') # Setup for fitting ifit = idx_str[gd_str] sv_ifit = list(ifit) # Keep the originals all_ids = -999. * np.ones(len(tcent)) all_idsion = np.array(['12345'] * len(tcent)) all_ids[ifit] = ids[gd_str] all_idsion[ifit] = idsion[gd_str] # Fit n_order = aparm['n_first'] flg_quit = False fmin, fmax = -1., 1.'Iterative wavelength fitting..') while (n_order <= aparm['n_final']) and (flg_quit is False):'n_order={:d}'.format(n_order)) # Fit with rejection xfit, yfit = tcent[ifit], all_ids[ifit] mask, fit = arutils.robust_polyfit(xfit, yfit, n_order, function=aparm['func'], sigma=aparm['nsig_rej'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) # Reject but keep originals (until final fit) ifit = list(ifit[mask == 0]) + sv_ifit # Find new points (should we allow removal of the originals?) twave = arutils.func_val(fit, tcent, aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) for ss, iwave in enumerate(twave): mn = np.min(np.abs(iwave - llist['wave'])) if mn / aparm['disp'] < aparm['match_toler']: imn = np.argmin(np.abs(iwave - llist['wave'])) #if msgs._debug['arc']: # print('Adding {:g} at {:g}'.format(llist['wave'][imn],tcent[ss])) # Update and append all_ids[ss] = llist['wave'][imn] all_idsion[ss] = llist['Ion'][imn] ifit.append(ss) # Keep unique ones ifit = np.unique(np.array(ifit, dtype=int)) #if msgs._debug['arc']: # debugger.set_trace() # Increment order if n_order < aparm['n_final']: n_order += 1 else: # This does 2 iterations at the final order flg_quit = True # Final fit (originals can now be rejected) fmin, fmax = 0., 1. xfit, yfit = tcent[ifit] / (slf._msarc[det - 1].shape[0] - 1), all_ids[ifit] mask, fit = arutils.robust_polyfit(xfit, yfit, n_order, function=aparm['func'], sigma=aparm['nsig_rej_final'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) #, debug=True) irej = np.where(mask == 1)[0] if len(irej) > 0: xrej = xfit[irej] yrej = yfit[irej] for imask in irej:'Rejecting arc line {:g}'.format(yfit[imask])) else: xrej = [] yrej = [] xfit = xfit[mask == 0] yfit = yfit[mask == 0] ions = all_idsion[ifit][mask == 0] # if msgs._debug['arc']: msarc = slf._msarc[det - 1] wave = arutils.func_val(fit, np.arange(msarc.shape[0]) / float(msarc.shape[0]), 'legendre', minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) debugger.set_trace() #debugger.xplot(xfit, np.ones(len(xfit)), scatter=True, # xtwo=np.arange(msarc.shape[0]),ytwo=yprep) #debugger.xplot(xfit,yfit, scatter=True, xtwo=np.arange(msarc.shape[0]), # ytwo=wave) #debugger.set_trace() #wave = arutils.func_val(fit, np.arange(msarc.shape[0])/float(msarc.shape[0]), # 'legendre', min=fmin, max=fmax) # 2nd order Poly fit for archival #get_poly=True if get_poly: poly_fit = arutils.func_fit(yfit, xfit, 'polynomial', 2, minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) print(' Most likely you with to record these values:') print(poly_fit) debugger.set_trace() # Pack up fit final_fit = dict(fitc=fit, function=aparm['func'], xfit=xfit, yfit=yfit, ions=ions, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, xnorm=float(slf._msarc[det - 1].shape[0]), xrej=xrej, yrej=yrej, mask=mask, spec=yprep, nrej=aparm['nsig_rej_final'], shift=0., tcent=tcent) # QA arqa.arc_fit_qa(slf, final_fit) # RMS rms_ang = arutils.calc_fit_rms(xfit, yfit, fit, aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) wave = arutils.func_val(fit, np.arange(slf._msarc[det - 1].shape[0]) / float(slf._msarc[det - 1].shape[0]), aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) rms_pix = rms_ang / np.median(np.abs(wave - np.roll(wave, 1)))"Fit RMS = {} pix".format(rms_pix)) # Return return final_fit
def clean_cr(spectra, smask, n_grow_mask=1, cr_nsig=7., nrej_low=5., debug=False, cr_everyn=6, cr_bsigma=5., cr_two_alg='bspline', **kwargs): """ Sigma-clips the flux arrays to remove obvious CR Parameters ---------- spectra : smask : ndarray Data mask n_grow_mask : int, optional Number of pixels to grow the initial mask by on each side. Defaults to 1 pixel cr_nsig : float, optional Number of sigma for rejection for CRs Returns ------- """ # Init fluxes, sigs, wave = unpack_spec(spectra) npix = wave.size if spectra.nspec == 2:"Only 2 exposures. Using custom procedure") if cr_two_alg == 'diff': diff = fluxes[0, :] - fluxes[1, :] # Robust mean/median med, mad = arutils.robust_meanstd(diff) # Spec0? cr0 = (diff - med) > cr_nsig * mad if n_grow_mask > 0: cr0 = grow_mask(cr0, n_grow=n_grow_mask)"Rejecting {:d} CRs in exposure 0".format(np.sum(cr0))) smask[0, cr0] = True if debug: debugger.plot1d(wave, fluxes[0, :], xtwo=wave[cr0], ytwo=fluxes[0, cr0], mtwo='s') # Spec1? cr1 = (-1 * (diff - med)) > cr_nsig * mad if n_grow_mask > 0: cr1 = grow_mask(cr1, n_grow=n_grow_mask) smask[1, cr1] = True if debug: debugger.plot1d(wave, fluxes[1, :], xtwo=wave[cr1], ytwo=fluxes[1, cr1], mtwo='s')"Rejecting {:d} CRs in exposure 1".format(np.sum(cr1))) elif cr_two_alg == 'ratio': diff = fluxes[0, :] - fluxes[1, :] rtio = fluxes[0, :] / fluxes[1, :] # Robust mean/median rmed, rmad = arutils.robust_meanstd(rtio) dmed, dmad = arutils.robust_meanstd(diff) # Spec0? med, mad = arutils.robust_meanstd(diff) cr0 = ((rtio - rmed) > cr_nsig * rmad) & ( (diff - dmed) > cr_nsig * dmad) if n_grow_mask > 0: cr0 = grow_mask(cr0, n_grow=n_grow_mask)"Rejecting {:d} CRs in exposure 0".format(np.sum(cr0))) smask[0, cr0] = True if debug: debugger.plot1d(wave, fluxes[0, :], xtwo=wave[cr0], ytwo=fluxes[0, cr0], mtwo='s') # Spec1? cr1 = (-1 * (rtio - rmed) > cr_nsig * rmad) & (-1 * (diff - dmed) > cr_nsig * dmad) if n_grow_mask > 0: cr1 = grow_mask(cr1, n_grow=n_grow_mask) smask[1, cr1] = True if debug: debugger.plot1d(wave, fluxes[1, :], xtwo=wave[cr1], ytwo=fluxes[1, cr1], mtwo='s')"Rejecting {:d} CRs in exposure 1".format(np.sum(cr1))) elif cr_two_alg == 'bspline': # Package Data for convenience waves =['wave'].flatten() # Packed 0,1 flux = fluxes.flatten() sig = sigs.flatten() # gd = np.where(sig > 0.)[0] srt = np.argsort(waves[gd]) idx = gd[srt] # The following may eliminate bright, narrow emission lines mask, spl = arutils.robust_polyfit(waves[idx], flux[idx], 3, function='bspline', weights=1. / sig[gd][srt], sigma=cr_bsigma, maxone=False, everyn=cr_everyn) # Reject CR (with grow) spec_fit = arutils.func_val(spl, wave, 'bspline') for ii in range(2): diff = fluxes[ii, :] - spec_fit cr = (diff > cr_nsig * sigs[ii, :]) & (sigs[ii, :] > 0.) if debug: debugger.plot1d(['wave'][0, :],['flux'][ii, :], spec_fit,['wave'][0, cr],['flux'][ii, cr], mtwo='s') if n_grow_mask > 0: cr = grow_mask(cr, n_grow=n_grow_mask) # Mask smask[ii, cr] = True"Cleaning {:d} CRs in exposure {:d}".format( np.sum(cr), ii)) # Reject Low if nrej_low > 0.: for ii in range(2): diff = spec_fit - fluxes[ii, :] rej_low = (diff > nrej_low * sigs[ii, :]) & (sigs[ii, :] > 0.) if False: debugger.plot1d(['wave'][0, :],['flux'][ii, :], spec_fit,['wave'][0, rej_low],['flux'][ii, rej_low], mtwo='s') "Removing {:d} low values in exposure {:d}".format( np.sum(rej_low), ii)) smask[ii, rej_low] = True else: msgs.error("Bad algorithm for combining two spectra!") # Check if debug: gd0 = ~smask[0, :] gd1 = ~smask[1, :] debugger.plot1d(wave[gd0], fluxes[0, gd0], xtwo=wave[gd1], ytwo=fluxes[1, gd1]) debugger.set_trace() else: # Median of the masked array -- Best for 3 or more spectra mflux =, mask=smask) refflux =, axis=0) diff = fluxes - refflux.filled(0.) # Loop on spectra for ispec in range(spectra.nspec): # Generate ivar gds = (~smask[ispec, :]) & (sigs[ispec, :] > 0.) ivar = np.zeros(npix) ivar[gds] = 1. / sigs[ispec, gds]**2 # chi2 = diff[ispec]**2 * ivar badchi = (ivar > 0.0) & (chi2 > cr_nsig**2) nbad = np.sum(badchi) if nbad > 0: # Grow? if n_grow_mask > 0: badchi = grow_mask(badchi, n_grow=n_grow_mask) # Mask smask[ispec, badchi] = True"Rejecting {:d} CRs in exposure {:d}".format( nbad, ispec)) # Return return
def iterative_fitting(spec, tcent, ifit, IDs, llist, disp, plot_fil=None, verbose=False, load_pypit=False, aparm=None): if aparm is None: aparm = dict( llist='', disp=disp, # Ang/unbinned pixel disp_toler=0.1, # 10% tolerance match_toler=3., # Matcing tolerance (pixels) func='legendre', # Function for fitting n_first=3, # Order of polynomial for first fit n_final=4, # Order of polynomial for final fit nsig_rej=2., # Number of sigma for rejection nsig_rej_final=3.0) # Number of sigma for rejection (final fit) # PYPIT if load_pypit: from pypit import pyputils msgs = pyputils.get_dummy_logger() from pypit import arutils from pypit import arqa if load_pypit: arutils.dummy_settings() npix = spec.size # Setup for fitting sv_ifit = list(ifit) # Keep the originals all_ids = -999. * np.ones(len(tcent)) all_idsion = np.array(['UNKNWN'] * len(tcent)) all_ids[ifit] = IDs # Fit n_order = aparm['n_first'] flg_quit = False fmin, fmax = -1., 1. while (n_order <= aparm['n_final']) and (flg_quit is False): # Fit with rejection xfit, yfit = tcent[ifit], all_ids[ifit] mask, fit = arutils.robust_polyfit(xfit, yfit, n_order, function=aparm['func'], sigma=aparm['nsig_rej'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) rms_ang = arutils.calc_fit_rms(xfit[mask == 0], yfit[mask == 0], fit, aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) rms_pix = rms_ang / disp if verbose: print("RMS = {:g}".format(rms_pix)) # DEBUG # Reject but keep originals (until final fit) ifit = list(ifit[mask == 0]) + sv_ifit # Find new points (should we allow removal of the originals?) twave = arutils.func_val(fit, tcent, aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) for ss, iwave in enumerate(twave): mn = np.min(np.abs(iwave - llist['wave'])) if mn / aparm['disp'] < aparm['match_toler']: imn = np.argmin(np.abs(iwave - llist['wave'])) #if verbose: # print('Adding {:g} at {:g}'.format(llist['wave'][imn],tcent[ss])) # Update and append all_ids[ss] = llist['wave'][imn] all_idsion[ss] = llist['ion'][imn] ifit.append(ss) # Keep unique ones ifit = np.unique(np.array(ifit, dtype=int)) # Increment order if n_order < (aparm['n_final'] + 2): n_order += 1 else: # This does 2 iterations at the final order flg_quit = True # Final fit (originals can now be rejected) fmin, fmax = 0., 1. xfit, yfit = tcent[ifit] / (npix - 1), all_ids[ifit] mask, fit = arutils.robust_polyfit(xfit, yfit, n_order, function=aparm['func'], sigma=aparm['nsig_rej_final'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) #, debug=True) irej = np.where(mask == 1)[0] if len(irej) > 0: xrej = xfit[irej] yrej = yfit[irej] if verbose: for kk, imask in enumerate(irej): wave = arutils.func_val(fit, xrej[kk], aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) print('Rejecting arc line {:g}; {:g}'.format( yfit[imask], wave)) else: xrej = [] yrej = [] xfit = xfit[mask == 0] yfit = yfit[mask == 0] ions = all_idsion[ifit][mask == 0] # Final RMS rms_ang = arutils.calc_fit_rms(xfit, yfit, fit, aparm['func'], minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) rms_pix = rms_ang / disp # ''' if msgs._debug['arc']: msarc = slf._msarc[det-1] wave = arutils.func_val(fit, np.arange(msarc.shape[0])/float(msarc.shape[0]), 'legendre', minv=fmin, maxv=fmax) debugger.xplot(xfit,yfit, scatter=True, xtwo=np.arange(msarc.shape[0])/float(msarc.shape[0]), ytwo=wave) debugger.xpcol(xfit*msarc.shape[0], yfit) debugger.set_trace() ''' #debugger.xplot(xfit, np.ones(len(xfit)), scatter=True, # xtwo=np.arange(msarc.shape[0]),ytwo=yprep) #debugger.xplot(xfit,yfit, scatter=True, xtwo=np.arange(msarc.shape[0]), # ytwo=wave) #debugger.set_trace() #wave = arutils.func_val(fit, np.arange(msarc.shape[0])/float(msarc.shape[0]), # 'legendre', min=fmin, max=fmax) # Pack up fit final_fit = dict(fitc=fit, function=aparm['func'], xfit=xfit, yfit=yfit, ions=ions, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, xnorm=float(npix), xrej=xrej, yrej=yrej, mask=mask, spec=spec, nrej=aparm['nsig_rej_final'], shift=0., tcent=tcent, rms=rms_pix) # QA if plot_fil is not None: arqa.arc_fit_qa(None, final_fit, outfil=plot_fil) # Return return final_fit
ireg = HAND_FLAG == False for iiter in range(niter): xpos1, xerr1 = trace_fweight(image*mask,xfit1[:,ireg], radius = fwhm_vec[iiter]) # Get the indices of the current trace tracemask = np.zeros_like(xpos0,dtype=int) xfit1[:,ireg] = 0.0 # Mask out anything that left the image. off_image = (xpos1 < -0.2*nspat) | (xpos1 > 1.2*nspat) tracemask[off_image] = 1 xind = (np.fmax(np.fmin(np.rint(xpos1),nspat-1),0)).astype(int) for iobj in range(nobj): if specobjs[iobj].HAND_FLAG==False: # Mask out anything that has left the slit/order. tracemask[:,iobj] = (thismask[yind, xind[:,iobj]] == False).astype(int) # ToDO add maxdev functionality? polymask, coeff_fit1 = robust_polyfit(spec_vec,xpos1[:,iobj], ncoeff, function = 'legendre', initialmask= tracemask[:,iobj],forceimask=True) xfit1[:,iobj] = func_val(coeff_fit1, spec_vec, 'legendre') plt.plot(spec_vec,xpos1[:,iobj],c='k',marker='+',markersize=1.5,linestyle='None') if (tracemask[:,iobj] == 1).any(): plt.plot(spec_vec[(tracemask[:,iobj] == 1)],xpos1[(tracemask[:,iobj] == 1),iobj],c='r',marker='+',markersize=1.5,linestyle='None') plt.plot(spec_vec,xfit1[:,iobj],c='orange') else: pass # pos_set1 = xy2traceset(ypos,xpos1, ncoeff=ncoeff,maxdev = 5.0,invvar = xinvvar)
def flex_shift(slf, det, obj_skyspec, arx_skyspec): """ Calculate shift between object sky spectrum and archive sky spectrum Parameters ---------- slf det obj_skyspec arx_skyspec Returns ------- flex_dict """ #Determine the brightest emission lines msgs.warn("If we use Paranal, cut down on wavelength early on") arx_amp, arx_cent, arx_wid, arx_w, arx_satsnd, arx_yprep = ararc.detect_lines( slf, det, msarc=None, censpec=arx_skyspec.flux.value, MK_SATMASK=False) obj_amp, obj_cent, obj_wid, obj_w, obj_satsnd, obj_yprep = ararc.detect_lines( slf, det, msarc=None, censpec=obj_skyspec.flux.value, MK_SATMASK=False) #Keep only 5 brightest amplitude lines (xxx_keep is array of indices within arx_w of the 5 brightest) arx_keep = np.argsort(arx_amp[arx_w])[-5:] obj_keep = np.argsort(obj_amp[obj_w])[-5:] #Calculate wavelength (Angstrom per pixel) arx_disp = np.append( arx_skyspec.wavelength.value[1] - arx_skyspec.wavelength.value[0], arx_skyspec.wavelength.value[1:] - arx_skyspec.wavelength.value[:-1]) #arx_disp = (np.amax(arx_sky.wavelength.value)-np.amin(arx_sky.wavelength.value))/arx_sky.wavelength.size obj_disp = np.append( obj_skyspec.wavelength.value[1] - obj_skyspec.wavelength.value[0], obj_skyspec.wavelength.value[1:] - obj_skyspec.wavelength.value[:-1]) #obj_disp = (np.amax(obj_sky.wavelength.value)-np.amin(obj_sky.wavelength.value))/obj_sky.wavelength.size #Calculate resolution (lambda/delta lambda_FWHM)..maybe don't need this? can just use sigmas arx_idx = (arx_cent + 0.5).astype([arx_w][arx_keep] # The +0.5 is for rounding arx_res = arx_skyspec.wavelength.value[arx_idx]/\ (arx_disp[arx_idx]*(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))*arx_wid[arx_w][arx_keep]) obj_idx = (obj_cent + 0.5).astype([obj_w][obj_keep] # The +0.5 is for rounding obj_res = obj_skyspec.wavelength.value[obj_idx]/ \ (obj_disp[obj_idx]*(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))*obj_wid[obj_w][obj_keep]) #obj_res = (obj_sky.wavelength.value[0]+(obj_disp*obj_cent[obj_w][obj_keep]))/( # obj_disp*(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)))*obj_wid[obj_w][obj_keep])"Resolution of Archive={:g} and Observation={:g}".format( np.median(arx_res), np.median(obj_res))) #Determine sigma of gaussian for smoothing arx_sig2 = (arx_disp[arx_idx] * arx_wid[arx_w][arx_keep])**2. obj_sig2 = (obj_disp[obj_idx] * obj_wid[obj_w][obj_keep])**2. arx_med_sig2 = np.median(arx_sig2) obj_med_sig2 = np.median(obj_sig2) if obj_med_sig2 >= arx_med_sig2: smooth_sig = np.sqrt(obj_med_sig2 - arx_med_sig2) # Ang smooth_sig_pix = smooth_sig / np.median(arx_disp[arx_idx]) arx_skyspec = arx_skyspec.gauss_smooth(smooth_sig_pix * 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) else: msgs.warn("Prefer archival sky spectrum to have higher resolution") smooth_sig_pix = 0. msgs.warn("New Sky has higher resolution than Archive. Not smoothing") #smooth_sig = np.sqrt(arx_med_sig**2-obj_med_sig**2) #Determine region of wavelength overlap min_wave = max(np.amin(arx_skyspec.wavelength.value), np.amin(obj_skyspec.wavelength.value)) max_wave = min(np.amax(arx_skyspec.wavelength.value), np.amax(obj_skyspec.wavelength.value)) #Smooth higher resolution spectrum by smooth_sig (flux is conserved!) # if np.median(obj_res) >= np.median(arx_res): # msgs.warn("New Sky has higher resolution than Archive. Not smoothing") #obj_sky_newflux = ndimage.gaussian_filter(obj_sky.flux, smooth_sig) # else: #tmp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(arx_sky.flux, smooth_sig) # arx_skyspec = arx_skyspec.gauss_smooth(smooth_sig_pix*2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))) #arx_sky.flux = ndimage.gaussian_filter(arx_sky.flux, smooth_sig) # Define wavelengths of overlapping spectra keep_idx = np.where((obj_skyspec.wavelength.value >= min_wave) & (obj_skyspec.wavelength.value <= max_wave))[0] #keep_wave = [i for i in obj_sky.wavelength.value if i>=min_wave if i<=max_wave] #Rebin both spectra onto overlapped wavelength range if len(keep_idx) <= 50: msgs.error("Not enough overlap between sky spectra") else: #rebin onto object ALWAYS keep_wave = obj_skyspec.wavelength[keep_idx] arx_skyspec = arx_skyspec.rebin(keep_wave) obj_skyspec = obj_skyspec.rebin(keep_wave) # Trim edges (rebinning is junk there)['flux'][0, :2] = 0.['flux'][0, -2:] = 0.['flux'][0, :2] = 0.['flux'][0, -2:] = 0. # Normalize spectra to unit average sky count norm = np.sum(obj_skyspec.flux.value) / obj_skyspec.npix obj_skyspec.flux = obj_skyspec.flux / norm norm2 = np.sum(arx_skyspec.flux.value) / arx_skyspec.npix arx_skyspec.flux = arx_skyspec.flux / norm2 if (norm < 0.): msgs.warn("Bad normalization of object in flexure algorithm") msgs.warn("Will try the median") norm = np.median(obj_skyspec.flux.value) if (norm < 0.): msgs.error("Improper sky spectrum for flexure. Is it too faint??") if (norm2 < 0.): msgs.error( "Bad normalization of archive in flexure. You are probably using wavelengths well beyond the archive." ) #deal with bad pixels"Need to mask bad pixels") #deal with underlying continuum"Consider taking median first [5 pixel]") everyn = obj_skyspec.npix // 20 mask, ct = arutils.robust_polyfit(obj_skyspec.wavelength.value, obj_skyspec.flux.value, 3, function='bspline', sigma=3., everyn=everyn) obj_sky_cont = arutils.func_val(ct, obj_skyspec.wavelength.value, 'bspline') obj_sky_flux = obj_skyspec.flux.value - obj_sky_cont mask, ct_arx = arutils.robust_polyfit(arx_skyspec.wavelength.value, arx_skyspec.flux.value, 3, function='bspline', sigma=3., everyn=everyn) arx_sky_cont = arutils.func_val(ct_arx, arx_skyspec.wavelength.value, 'bspline') arx_sky_flux = arx_skyspec.flux.value - arx_sky_cont # Consider shaprness filtering (e.g. LowRedux)"Consider taking median first [5 pixel]") #Cross correlation of spectra #corr = np.correlate(arx_skyspec.flux, obj_skyspec.flux, "same") corr = np.correlate(arx_sky_flux, obj_sky_flux, "same") #Create array around the max of the correlation function for fitting for subpixel max # Restrict to pixels within maxshift of zero lag lag0 = corr.size // 2 mxshft = settings.argflag['reduce']['flexure']['maxshift'] max_corr = np.argmax(corr[lag0 - mxshft:lag0 + mxshft]) + lag0 - mxshft subpix_grid = np.linspace(max_corr - 3., max_corr + 3., 7.) #Fit a 2-degree polynomial to peak of correlation function fit = arutils.func_fit(subpix_grid, corr[subpix_grid.astype(], 'polynomial', 2) max_fit = -0.5 * fit[1] / fit[2] #Calculate and apply shift in wavelength shift = float(max_fit) - lag0"Flexure correction of {:g} pixels".format(shift)) #model = (fit[2]*(subpix_grid**2.))+(fit[1]*subpix_grid)+fit[0] if msgs._debug['flexure']: debugger.plot1d(arx_skyspec.wavelength, arx_sky_flux, xtwo=np.roll(obj_skyspec.wavelength, int(-1 * shift)), ytwo=obj_sky_flux) #debugger.xplot(arx_sky.wavelength, arx_sky.flux, xtwo=np.roll(obj_sky.wavelength.value,9), ytwo=obj_sky.flux*100) debugger.set_trace() flex_dict = dict(polyfit=fit, shift=shift, subpix=subpix_grid, corr=corr[subpix_grid.astype(], sky_spec=obj_skyspec, arx_spec=arx_skyspec, corr_cen=corr.size / 2, smooth=smooth_sig_pix) # Return return flex_dict
def basis(xfit, yfit, coeff, npc, pnpc, weights=None, skipx0=True, x0in=None, mask=None, function='polynomial', retmask=False): nrow = xfit.shape[0] ntrace = xfit.shape[1] if x0in is None: x0in = np.arange(float(ntrace)) # Mask out some orders if they are bad if mask is None or mask.size == 0: usetrace = np.arange(ntrace) outmask = np.ones((nrow, ntrace)) else: usetrace = np.where(np.in1d(np.arange(ntrace), mask) == False)[0] outmask = np.ones((nrow, ntrace)) outmask[:, mask] = 0.0 # Do the PCA analysis eigc, hidden = get_pc(coeff[1:npc + 1, usetrace], npc) modl = arutils.func_vander(xfit[:, 0], function, npc) eigv =[:, 1:], eigc) med_hidden = np.median(hidden, axis=1) med_highorder = med_hidden.copy() med_highorder[0] = 0 high_order_matrix = med_highorder.T[np.newaxis, :].repeat(ntrace, axis=0) # y = hidden[0,:] # coeff0 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], y, pnpc[1], 0.1, function=function) # y = hidden[1,:] # coeff1 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], y, pnpc[2], 0.1, function=function) coeffstr = [] for i in xrange(1, npc + 1): # if pnpc[i] == 0: # coeffstr.append([-9.99E9]) # continue # coeff0 = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i-1,:], pnpc[i], 0.1, function=function, min=x0in[0], max=x0in[-1]) if weights is not None: tmask, coeff0 = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i - 1, :], pnpc[i], weights=weights[usetrace], sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) else: tmask, coeff0 = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in[usetrace], hidden[i - 1, :], pnpc[i], sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) coeffstr.append(coeff0) high_order_matrix[:, i - 1] = arutils.func_val(coeff0, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) # high_order_matrix[:,1] = arutils.func_val(coeff1, x0in, function) high_fit = high_order_matrix.copy() high_order_fit =, high_order_matrix.T) sub = (yfit - high_order_fit) * outmask numer = np.sum(sub, axis=0) denom = np.sum(outmask, axis=0) x0 = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) fitmask = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) #fitmask[mask] = 1 x0fit = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) chisqnu = 0.0 chisqold = 0.0 robust = True #svx0 = numer/(denom+(denom == 0).astype( if not skipx0: fitmask = (np.abs(denom) > 10).astype( if robust: good = np.where(fitmask != 0)[0] bad = np.where(fitmask == 0)[0] x0[good] = numer[good] / denom[good] imask = np.zeros(float(ntrace)) imask[bad] = 1.0 ttmask, x0res = arutils.robust_polyfit(x0in, x0, pnpc[0], weights=weights, sigma=2.0, function=function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1], initialmask=imask) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) good = np.where(ttmask == 0)[0] xstd = 1.0 # This should represent the dispersion in the fit chisq = ((x0[good] - x0fit[good]) / xstd)**2.0 chisqnu = np.sum(chisq) / np.sum(ttmask) fitmask = 1.0 - ttmask msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) else: for i in xrange(1, 5): good = np.where(fitmask != 0)[0] x0[good] = numer[good] / denom[good] # x0res = arutils.robust_regression(x0in[good],x0[good],pnpc[0],0.2,function=function) x0res = arutils.func_fit(x0in[good], x0[good], function, pnpc[0], weights=weights, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) x0fit = arutils.func_val(x0res, x0in, function, minv=x0in[0], maxv=x0in[-1]) chisq = (x0[good] - x0fit[good])**2.0 fitmask[good] *= (chisq < np.sum(chisq) / 2.0).astype( chisqnu = np.sum(chisq) / np.sum(fitmask) msgs.prindent(" Reduced chi-squared = {0:E}".format(chisqnu)) if chisqnu == chisqold: break else: chisqold = chisqnu if chisqnu > 2.0: msgs.warn("PCA has very large residuals") elif chisqnu > 0.5: msgs.warn("PCA has fairly large residuals") #bad = np.where(fitmask==0)[0] #x0[bad] = x0fit[bad] else: x0res = 0.0 x3fit =, high_order_matrix.T) + np.outer(x0fit, np.ones(nrow)).T outpar = dict({ 'high_fit': high_fit, 'x0': x0, 'x0in': x0in, 'x0fit': x0fit, 'x0res': x0res, 'x0mask': fitmask, 'hidden': hidden, 'usetrc': usetrace, 'eigv': eigv, 'npc': npc, 'coeffstr': coeffstr }) if retmask: return x3fit, outpar, tmask else: return x3fit, outpar
def reduce_echelle(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det, standard=False, triml=1, trimr=1, mspixelflatnrm=None, doqa=True): """ Run standard extraction steps on an echelle frame Parameters ---------- sciframe : image Bias subtracted image (using arload.load_frame) scidx : int Index of the frame fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Detector index standard : bool, optional Standard star frame? triml : int (optional) Number of pixels to trim from the left slit edge trimr : int (optional) Number of pixels to trim from the right slit edge """"Multiprocess this algorithm") nspec = sciframe.shape[0] nord = slf._lordloc[det - 1].shape[1] # Prepare the frames for tracing and extraction sciframe, rawvarframe, crmask = reduce_prepare( slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det, mspixelflatnrm=mspixelflatnrm, standard=standard, slitprof=slitprof) bgframe = np.zeros_like(sciframe) bgnl, bgnr = np.zeros(nord,, np.zeros(nord, skysub = True if settings.argflag['reduce']['skysub']['perform']: # Identify background pixels, and generate an image of the sky spectrum in each slit for o in range(nord): word = np.where((slf._slitpix[det - 1] == o + 1) & (slf._scimask[det - 1] == 0)) if word[0].size == 0: msgs.warn("There are no pixels in slit {0:d}".format(o + 1)) continue tbgframe, nl, nr = background_subtraction(slf, sciframe, rawvarframe, o, det) bgnl[o], bgnr[o] = nl, nr bgframe += tbgframe if nl == 0 and nr == 0: pass # If just one slit cannot do sky subtraction, don't do sky subtraction # msgs.warn("A sky subtraction will not be performed") # skysub = False # bgframe = np.zeros_like(sciframe) # modelvarframe = rawvarframe.copy() # break if skysub: # Provided the for loop above didn't break early, model the variance frame dnum = settings.get_dnum(det) modelvarframe = arprocimg.variance_frame(datasec_img, det, sciframe, scidx, settings.spect[dnum], fitsdict=fitsdict, skyframe=bgframe) else: modelvarframe = rawvarframe.copy() bgframe = np.zeros_like(sciframe) if not standard: # Need to save slf._modelvarframe[det - 1] = modelvarframe slf._bgframe[det - 1] = bgframe # Obtain a first estimate of the object trace then # fit the traces and perform a PCA for the refinements trccoeff = np.zeros( (settings.argflag['trace']['object']['order'] + 1, nord)) trcxfit = np.arange(nspec) extrap_slit = np.zeros(nord) for o in range(nord): trace, error = artrace.trace_weighted(sciframe - bgframe, slf._lordloc[det - 1][:, o], slf._rordloc[det - 1][:, o], mask=slf._scimask[det - 1], wght="flux") if trace is None: extrap_slit[o] = 1 continue # Find only the good pixels w = np.where((error != 0.0) & (~np.isnan(error))) if w[0].size <= 2 * settings.argflag['trace']['object']['order']: extrap_slit[o] = 1 continue # Convert the trace locations to be a fraction of the slit length, # measured from the left slit edge. trace -= slf._lordloc[det - 1][:, o] trace /= (slf._rordloc[det - 1][:, o] - slf._lordloc[det - 1][:, o]) try: msk, trccoeff[:, o] = arutils.robust_polyfit( trcxfit[w], trace[w], settings.argflag['trace']['object']['order'], function=settings.argflag['trace']['object']['function'], weights=1.0 / error[w]**2, minv=0.0, maxv=nspec - 1.0) except:"arproc.reduce_echelle") debugger.set_trace() refine = 0.0 if settings.argflag['trace']['object']['method'] == "pca": # Identify the orders to be extrapolated during reconstruction orders = 1.0 + np.arange(nord)"Performing a PCA on the object trace") ofit = settings.argflag['trace']['object']['params'] lnpc = len(ofit) - 1 maskord = np.where(extrap_slit == 1)[0] xcen = trcxfit[:, np.newaxis].repeat(nord, axis=1) trccen = arutils.func_val( trccoeff, trcxfit, settings.argflag['trace']['object']['function'], minv=0.0, maxv=nspec - 1.0).T if np.sum(1.0 - extrap_slit) > ofit[0] + 1: fitted, outpar = arpca.basis( xcen, trccen, trccoeff, lnpc, ofit, skipx0=False, mask=maskord, function=settings.argflag['trace']['object']['function']) if doqa: # arqa.pca_plot(slf, outpar, ofit, "Object_Trace", pcadesc="PCA of object trace") arpca.pca_plot(slf.setup, outpar, ofit, "Object_Trace", pcadesc="PCA of object trace") # Extrapolate the remaining orders requested trccen, outpar = arpca.extrapolate( outpar, orders, function=settings.argflag['trace']['object']['function']) #refine = trccen-trccen[nspec//2, :].reshape((1, nord)) else: msgs.warn("Could not perform a PCA on the object trace" + msgs.newline() + "Not enough well-traced orders")"Using direct determination of the object trace instead") pass else: msgs.error("Not ready for object trace method:" + msgs.newline() + settings.argflag['trace']['object']['method']) # Construct the left and right traces of the object profile # The following code ensures that the fraction of the slit # containing the object remains constant along the spectral # direction trcmean = np.mean(trccen, axis=0) trobjl = (trcmean - (1 + bgnl) / slf._pixwid[det - 1].astype(np.float)).reshape( (1, nord)).repeat(nspec, axis=0) trobjl = trccen - trobjl trobjr = (-trcmean + (slf._pixwid[det - 1] - bgnr - 1) / slf._pixwid[det - 1].astype(np.float)).reshape( (1, nord)).repeat(nspec, axis=0) trobjr = trccen + trobjr # Convert trccen to the actual trace locations trccen *= (slf._rordloc[det - 1] - slf._lordloc[det - 1]) trccen += slf._lordloc[det - 1] trobjl *= (slf._rordloc[det - 1] - slf._lordloc[det - 1]) trobjl += slf._lordloc[det - 1] trobjr *= (slf._rordloc[det - 1] - slf._lordloc[det - 1]) trobjr += slf._lordloc[det - 1] # Generate an image of pixel weights for each object. Each weight can # take any floating point value from 0 to 1 (inclusive). For the rec_obj_img, # a weight of 1 means that the pixel is fully contained within the object # region, and 0 means that the pixel is fully contained within the background # region. The opposite is true for the rec_bg_img array. A pixel that is on # the border of object/background is assigned a value between 0 and 1. "Eventually allow ARMED to find multiple objects in the one slit") nobj = 1 rec_obj_img = np.zeros(sciframe.shape + (nobj, )) rec_bg_img = np.zeros(sciframe.shape + (nobj, )) for o in range(nord): # Prepare object/background regions objl = np.array([bgnl[o]]) objr = np.array([slf._pixwid[det - 1][o] - bgnr[o] - triml - trimr]) bckl = np.zeros((slf._pixwid[det - 1][o] - triml - trimr, 1)) bckr = np.zeros((slf._pixwid[det - 1][o] - triml - trimr, 1)) bckl[:bgnl[o]] = 1 if bgnr[o] != 0: bckr[-bgnr[o]:] = 1 tobj_img, tbg_img = artrace.trace_objbg_image(slf, det, sciframe - bgframe, o, [objl, objr], [bckl, bckr], triml=triml, trimr=trimr) rec_obj_img += tobj_img rec_bg_img += tbg_img # Create trace dict scitrace = artrace.trace_object_dict(nobj, trccen[:, 0].reshape(trccen.shape[0], 1), object=rec_obj_img, background=rec_bg_img) for o in range(1, nord): scitrace = artrace.trace_object_dict(nobj, trccen[:, o].reshape( trccen.shape[0], 1), tracelist=scitrace) # Save the quality control if doqa: artrace.obj_trace_qa(slf, sciframe, trobjl, trobjr, None, det, root="object_trace", normalize=False) # Finalize the Sky Background image if settings.argflag['reduce']['skysub']['perform'] and (nobj > 0) and skysub:"Finalizing the sky background image") # Identify background pixels, and generate an image of the sky spectrum in each slit bgframe = np.zeros_like(sciframe) for o in range(nord): tbgframe, nl, nr = background_subtraction(slf, sciframe, rawvarframe, o, det, refine=refine) bgnl[o], bgnr[o] = nl, nr bgframe += tbgframe modelvarframe = arprocimg.variance_frame(datasec_img, det, sciframe, scidx, settings.spect[dnum], fitsdict=fitsdict, skyframe=bgframe) # Perform an optimal extraction return reduce_frame(slf, sciframe, rawvarframe, modelvarframe, bgframe, scidx, fitsdict, det, crmask, scitrace=scitrace, standard=standard)
def obj_profiles(slf, det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, COUNT_LIM=25., doqa=True, pickle_file=None): """ Derive spatial profiles for each object Parameters ---------- slf det specobjs sciframe varframe skyframe crmask scitrace Returns ------- """ ''' FOR DEVELOPING import pickle if False: tilts = slf._tilts[det-1] args = [det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, tilts] msgs.warn("Pickling in the profile code") with open("trc_pickle.p",'wb') as f: pickle.dump(args,f) debugger.set_trace() if pickle_file is not None: f = open(pickle_file,'r') args = pickle.load(f) f.close() det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, tilts = args slf = None else: tilts = slf._tilts[det-1] ''' # Init QA # sigframe = np.sqrt(varframe) # Loop on slits for sl in range(len(specobjs)): # Loop on objects nobj = scitrace[sl]['traces'].shape[1] scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'] = []"Should probably loop on S/N") for o in range(nobj): "Deriving spatial profile of object {0:d}/{1:d} in slit {2:d}/{3:d}" .format(o + 1, nobj, sl + 1, len(specobjs))) # Get object pixels if scitrace[sl]['background'] is None: # The object for all slits is provided in the first extension objreg = np.copy(scitrace[0]['object'][:, :, o]) wzro = np.where(slf._slitpix[det - 1] != sl + 1) objreg[wzro] = 0.0 else: objreg = scitrace[sl]['object'][:, :, o] # Calculate slit image slit_img = artrace.slit_image(slf, det, scitrace[sl], o) #, tilts=tilts) # Object pixels weight = objreg.copy() # Identify good rows gdrow = np.where(specobjs[sl][o].boxcar['counts'] > COUNT_LIM)[0] # Normalized image norm_img = sciframe / np.outer(specobjs[sl][o].boxcar['counts'], np.ones(sciframe.shape[1])) # Eliminate rows with CRs (wipes out boxcar) crspec = np.sum(crmask * weight, axis=1) cr_rows = np.where(crspec > 0)[0] weight[cr_rows, :] = 0. # if len(gdrow) > 100: # Good S/N regime"Good S/N for profile") # Eliminate low count regions badrow = np.where( specobjs[sl][o].boxcar['counts'] < COUNT_LIM)[0] weight[badrow, :] = 0. # Extract profile gdprof = (weight > 0) & (sigframe > 0.) & ( ~np.isnan(slit_img) ) # slit_img=nan if the slit is partially on the chip slit_val = slit_img[gdprof] flux_val = norm_img[gdprof] #weight_val = sciframe[gdprof]/sigframe[gdprof] # S/N weight_val = 1. / sigframe[gdprof] # 1/N "Weight by S/N in boxcar extraction? [avoid CRs; smooth?]") # Fit fdict = dict( func=settings.argflag['science']['extraction']['profile'], deg=3, extrap=False) if fdict['func'] == 'gaussian': fdict['deg'] = 2 elif fdict['func'] == 'moffat': fdict['deg'] = 3 else: msgs.error("Not ready for this type of object profile") "Might give our own guess here instead of using default") guess = None # Check if there are enough pixels in the slit to perform fit if slit_val.size <= fdict['deg'] + 1: msgs.warn( "Not enough pixels to determine profile of object={0:s} in slit {1:d}" .format(specobjs[sl][o].idx, sl + 1) + msgs.newline() + "Skipping Optimal") fdict['extrap'] = True scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'].append(copy.deepcopy(fdict)) continue # Fit the profile try: mask, gfit = arutils.robust_polyfit(slit_val, flux_val, fdict['deg'], function=fdict['func'], weights=weight_val, maxone=False, guesses=guess) except RuntimeError: msgs.warn("Bad Profile fit for object={:s}." + msgs.newline() + "Skipping Optimal".format(specobjs[sl][o].idx)) fdict['extrap'] = True scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'].append(copy.deepcopy(fdict)) continue except ValueError: debugger.set_trace() # NaNs in the values? Check"Consider flagging/removing CRs here") # Record fdict['param'] = gfit.copy() fdict['mask'] = mask fdict['slit_val'] = slit_val fdict['flux_val'] = flux_val scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'].append(copy.deepcopy(fdict)) specobjs[sl][o].optimal['fwhm'] = fdict['param'][1] # Pixels if msgs._debug['obj_profile']: gdp = mask == 0 mn = np.min(slit_val[gdp]) mx = np.max(slit_val[gdp]) xval = np.linspace(mn, mx, 1000) model = arutils.func_val(gfit, xval, fdict['func']) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.scatter(slit_val[gdp], flux_val[gdp], marker='.', s=0.7, edgecolor='none', facecolor='black') ax.plot(xval, model, 'b') # Gaussian too? if False: fdictg = dict(func='gaussian', deg=2) maskg, gfitg = arutils.robust_polyfit( slit_val, flux_val, fdict['deg'], function=fdictg['func'], weights=weight_val, maxone=False) modelg = arutils.func_val(gfitg, xval, fdictg['func']) ax.plot(xval, modelg, 'r') debugger.set_trace() elif len(gdrow) > 10: # msgs.warn( "Low extracted flux for obj={:s} in slit {:d}. Not ready for Optimal" .format(specobjs[sl][o].idx, sl + 1)) scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'].append({}) continue elif len(gdrow) >= 0: # limit is ">= 0" to avoid crash for gdrow=0 msgs.warn( "Low extracted flux for obj={:s} in slit {:d}. Not ready for Optimal" .format(specobjs[sl][o].idx, sl + 1)) scitrace[sl]['opt_profile'].append({}) continue # QA if doqa: #not msgs._debug['no_qa'] and doqa:"Preparing QA for spatial object profiles") arqa.obj_profile_qa(slf, specobjs, scitrace, det) return
tracemask = np.zeros_like(xpos0, dtype=int) xfit1[:, ireg] = 0.0 # Mask out anything that left the image. off_image = (xpos1 < -0.2 * nspat) | (xpos1 > 1.2 * nspat) tracemask[off_image] = 1 xind = (np.fmax(np.fmin(np.rint(xpos1), nspat - 1), 0)).astype(int) for iobj in range(nobj): if specobjs[iobj].HAND_FLAG == False: # Mask out anything that has left the slit/order. tracemask[:, iobj] = (thismask[yind, xind[:, iobj]] == False).astype(int) # ToDO add maxdev functionality? polymask, coeff_fit1 = robust_polyfit(spec_vec, xpos1[:, iobj], ncoeff, function='legendre', initialmask=tracemask[:, iobj], forceimask=True) xfit1[:, iobj] = func_val(coeff_fit1, spec_vec, 'legendre') plt.plot(spec_vec, xpos1[:, iobj], c='k', marker='+', markersize=1.5, linestyle='None') if (tracemask[:, iobj] == 1).any(): plt.plot(spec_vec[(tracemask[:, iobj] == 1)], xpos1[(tracemask[:, iobj] == 1), iobj], c='r', marker='+',
def obj_profiles(slf, det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, COUNT_LIM=25., pickle_file=None): """ Derive spatial profiles for each object Parameters ---------- slf det specobjs sciframe varframe skyframe crmask scitrace Returns ------- """ ''' FOR DEVELOPING import pickle if False: tilts = slf._tilts[det-1] args = [det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, tilts] msgs.warn("Pickling in the profile code") with open("trc_pickle.p",'wb') as f: pickle.dump(args,f) debugger.set_trace() if pickle_file is not None: f = open(pickle_file,'r') args = pickle.load(f) f.close() det, specobjs, sciframe, varframe, skyframe, crmask, scitrace, tilts = args slf = None else: tilts = slf._tilts[det-1] ''' # Init QA # sigframe = np.sqrt(varframe) # Loop nobj = scitrace['traces'].shape[1] scitrace['opt_profile'] = []"Should probably loop on S/N") for o in range(nobj): # Calculate slit image slit_img = artrace.slit_image(slf, det, scitrace, o)#, tilts=tilts) # Object pixels weight = scitrace['object'][:,:,o].copy() # Identify good rows gdrow = np.where(specobjs[o].boxcar['counts'] > COUNT_LIM)[0] # Normalized image norm_img = sciframe / np.outer(specobjs[o].boxcar['counts'], np.ones(sciframe.shape[1])) # Eliminate rows with CRs (wipes out boxcar) crspec = np.sum(crmask*weight,axis=1) cr_rows = np.where(crspec > 0)[0] weight[cr_rows,:] = 0. # if len(gdrow) > 100: # Good S/N regime"Good S/N for profile") # Eliminate low count regions badrow = np.where(specobjs[o].boxcar['counts'] < COUNT_LIM)[0] weight[badrow,:] = 0. # Extract profile gdprof = (weight > 0) & (sigframe > 0.) slit_val = slit_img[gdprof] flux_val = norm_img[gdprof] #weight_val = sciframe[gdprof]/sigframe[gdprof] # S/N weight_val = 1./sigframe[gdprof] # 1/N"Weight by S/N in boxcar extraction? [avoid CRs; smooth?]") # Fit fdict = dict(func=slf._argflag['science']['extraction']['profile'], deg=3) if fdict['func'] == 'gaussian': fdict['deg'] = 2 elif fdict['func'] == 'moffat': fdict['deg'] = 3 else: msgs.error("Not ready for this type of object profile")"Might give our own guess here instead of using default") guess = None try: mask, gfit = arutils.robust_polyfit(slit_val, flux_val, fdict['deg'], function=fdict['func'], weights=weight_val, maxone=False, guesses=guess) except RuntimeError: msgs.warn("Bad Profile fit for object={:s}. Skipping Optimal".format(specobjs[o].idx)) scitrace['opt_profile'].append(fdict) continue except ValueError: debugger.set_trace() # NaNs in the values? Check"Consider flagging/removing CRs here") # Record fdict['param'] = gfit fdict['mask'] = mask fdict['slit_val'] = slit_val fdict['flux_val'] = flux_val scitrace['opt_profile'].append(fdict) if msgs._debug['obj_profile']: # gdp = mask == 0 mn = np.min(slit_val[gdp]) mx = np.max(slit_val[gdp]) xval = np.linspace(mn,mx,1000) model = arutils.func_val(gfit, xval, fdict['func']) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.scatter(slit_val[gdp], flux_val[gdp], marker='.', s=0.7, edgecolor='none', facecolor='black') ax.plot(xval, model, 'b') # Gaussian too? if False: fdictg = dict(func='gaussian', deg=2) maskg, gfitg = arutils.robust_polyfit(slit_val, flux_val, fdict['deg'], function=fdictg['func'], weights=weight_val, maxone=False) modelg = arutils.func_val(gfitg, xval, fdictg['func']) ax.plot(xval, modelg, 'r') debugger.set_trace() elif len(gdrow) > 10: # msgs.warn("Low extracted flux for obj={:s}. Not ready for Optimal".format(specobjs[o].idx)) scitrace['opt_profile'].append({}) continue # QA arqa.obj_profile_qa(slf, specobjs, scitrace) return scitrace['opt_profile']