def testCanCalculateObjectRadiusAndCenterpoint(self):
     class Tmp:
         iHeight = 100
         iWidth = 100
     entity = Tmp()
     entity.rect = self.entityRect
     proximityManager = ProximityManager(None)
     radius, x, y = proximityManager.calculateObjectRadiusAndCenterpoint(entity)
     self.assertEqual(70, radius, "Should be the radius of the entity.")
     self.assertEqual(50, x, "Should be half of the original")
     self.assertEqual(50, y, "Should be half of the original")
 def testCanReturnFalseIfObjectIsInProximity(self):
     proximityManager = ProximityManager(None)
     result = proximityManager.determineIfObjectsAreInVicinity(5, 5, 30, 70, 70, 10)