def test(self): module_builder.set_logger_level( logging.CRITICAL ) messages.disable( *messages.all_warning_msgs ) ogre_file = autoconfig.data_directory.replace( 'pyplusplus_dev', 'pygccxml_dev' ) ogre_file = parser.create_gccxml_fc( os.path.join( ogre_file, 'ogre.1.7.xml' ) ) mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ ogre_file ] , gccxml_path=autoconfig.gccxml.executable , indexing_suite_version=2 , compiler=pygccxml.utils.native_compiler.get_gccxml_compiler()) mb.global_ns.exclude() mb.namespace('Ogre').include() x = mb.global_ns.decls( lambda d: 'Animation*' in and 'MapIterator' in ) for y in x: print print y.partial_name print declarations.full_name( y, with_defaults=False ) target_dir = os.path.join( autoconfig.build_directory, 'ogre' ) #~ if os.path.exists( target_dir ): #~ shutil.rmtree( target_dir ) #~ os.mkdir( target_dir ) mb.build_code_creator( 'Ogre3d' ) mb.split_module( target_dir )
def test(self): module_builder.set_logger_level( logging.CRITICAL ) messages.disable( *messages.all_warning_msgs ) xml_file = parser.create_gccxml_fc( os.path.join( autoconfig.data_directory, 'particleuniverse.xml' ) ) mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_file ] , gccxml_path=autoconfig.gccxml.executable , indexing_suite_version=2 , compiler=pygccxml.utils.native_compiler.get_gccxml_compiler()) mb.global_ns.exclude() mb.namespace('ParticleUniverse').include() mb.namespace('Ogre').include() mb.namespace('Ogre').classes().already_exposed = True target_dir = os.path.join( autoconfig.build_directory, 'particle_universe' ) #~ if os.path.exists( target_dir ): #~ shutil.rmtree( target_dir ) #~ os.mkdir( target_dir ) psp = mb.class_( '::ParticleUniverse::ParticleScriptParser' ) declarations.print_declarations( psp ) mb.build_code_creator( 'PU' ) mb.split_module( target_dir )
def test(self): module_builder.set_logger_level( logging.CRITICAL ) messages.disable( *messages.all_warning_msgs ) ogre_file = autoconfig.data_directory.replace( 'pyplusplus_dev', 'pygccxml_dev' ) ogre_file = parser.create_gccxml_fc( os.path.join( ogre_file, 'ogre.1.7.xml' ) ) mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ ogre_file ] , xml_generator_config=autoconfig.xml_generator_config , indexing_suite_version=2) mb.global_ns.exclude() mb.namespace('Ogre').include() x = mb.global_ns.decls( lambda d: 'Animation*' in and 'MapIterator' in ) for y in x: print( print(y.partial_name) print(declarations.full_name( y, with_defaults=False )) target_dir = os.path.join( autoconfig.build_directory, 'ogre' ) #~ if os.path.exists( target_dir ): #~ shutil.rmtree( target_dir ) #~ os.mkdir( target_dir ) mb.build_code_creator( 'Ogre3d' ) mb.split_module( target_dir )
def generate(): ### disable unnecessary warnings # py++ will create a wrapper messages.disable(messages.W1023, messages.W1025, messages.W1026, messages.W1027, messages.W1031) # can't be overridden in python messages.disable(messages.W1049) # "CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS" seems to help with internal compiler error with VS2008SP1 and gccxml 0.9 mb = common_utils.createModuleBuilder("python_CEGUIOpenGLRenderer.h", ["OPENGL_GUIRENDERER_EXPORTS", "CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS"]) CEGUI_ns = mb.global_ns.namespace("CEGUI") mb.register_module_dependency(cegui_base.OUTPUT_DIR) common_utils.addSupportForString(mb) filterDeclarations(mb) common_utils.setDefaultCallPolicies(CEGUI_ns) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly # todo: this should be done automatically common_utils.addVersionInfo(mb, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION) # Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. mb.build_code_creator(module_name = MODULE_NAME, doc_extractor = common_utils.createDocumentationExtractor()) common_utils.writeModule(mb, OUTPUT_DIR)
def generate(): ### disable unnecessary warnings # py++ will create a wrapper messages.disable(messages.W1023, messages.W1025, messages.W1026, messages.W1027, messages.W1031) # can't be overridden in python messages.disable(messages.W1049) # "CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS" seems to help with internal compiler error with VS2008SP1 and gccxml 0.9 mb = common_utils.createModuleBuilder("python_CEGUINullRenderer.h", ["NULL_GUIRENDERER_EXPORTS", "CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS"]) CEGUI_ns = mb.global_ns.namespace("CEGUI") mb.register_module_dependency(cegui_base.OUTPUT_DIR) common_utils.addSupportForString(mb) filterDeclarations(mb) common_utils.setDefaultCallPolicies(CEGUI_ns) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addVersionInfo(mb, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION) # Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. mb.build_code_creator(module_name = MODULE_NAME, doc_extractor = common_utils.createDocumentationExtractor()) common_utils.writeModule(mb, OUTPUT_DIR)
def generate_wrappers(args): module_name = args[1] work_dir = args[2] header_collection = args[3] castxml_binary = args[4] includes = args[5:] xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t(xml_generator_path=castxml_binary, xml_generator="castxml", compiler = "gnu", compiler_path="/usr/bin/c++", include_paths=includes) builder = module_builder.module_builder_t([header_collection], xml_generator_path = castxml_binary, xml_generator_config = xml_generator_config, start_with_declarations = ['chaste'], include_paths = includes, indexing_suite_version=2) messages.disable(messages.W1040) # unexposed declaration messages.disable(messages.W1031) # user to expose non public member function # Don't wrap std library builder.global_ns.namespace('std').exclude() # Set up the builder for each module builder = do_module(module_name, builder) # Make the wrapper code builder.build_code_creator(module_name="_chaste_project_PyChaste_" + module_name) builder.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrapper_headers/") builder.write_module(work_dir + "/dynamic/" + module_name + ".cpp") # Fix a bug with boost units boost_units_namespace_fix(work_dir + "/dynamic/" + module_name + ".cpp") strip_undefined_call_policies(work_dir + "/dynamic/" + module_name + ".cpp")
def generate_wrappers(args): work_dir = args[1] header_collection = args[2] castxml_binary = args[3] module_name = args[4] includes = args[5:] xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t( xml_generator_path=castxml_binary, xml_generator="castxml", #compiler = "gnu", #compiler_path="/usr/bin/c++", cflags="-std=c++11", include_paths=includes) builder = module_builder.module_builder_t( [header_collection], xml_generator_path=castxml_binary, xml_generator_config=xml_generator_config, start_with_declarations=['chaste'], include_paths=includes, #cflags = "-std=c++11", indexing_suite_version=2, cache=file_cache_t(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/castxml_cache.xml")) messages.disable(messages.W1040) # unexposed declaration messages.disable( messages.W1031) # user to expose non public member function messages.disable(messages.W1023) # user to define some functions messages.disable(messages.W1014) # operator not supported messages.disable(messages.W1036) # can't expose immutable member variables # Don't wrap std or boost library builder.global_ns.namespace('std').exclude() builder.global_ns.namespace('boost').exclude() # Strip out Instantiation 'tricks' in the header file # todo - the first line is presumably no longer necessary builder.free_function("GetPetscMatForWrapper" ).call_policies = call_policies.return_value_policy( call_policies.return_opaque_pointer) builder.free_function("GetPetscMatForWrapper").exclude() builder.free_function("Instantiation").exclude() # Load the classes to be wrapped with open(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/class_data.p", 'rb') as fp: classes = pickle.load(fp) possible_module_names = [module_name] possible_module_names = [ "core", "ode", "pde", "mesh", "cell_based", "tutorial", "visualization" ] if module_name == "All": possible_module_names = [ "core", "ode", "pde", "mesh", "cell_based", "tutorial", "visualization" ] for idx, eachModule in enumerate(possible_module_names): print 'Generating Wrapper Code for: ' + eachModule + ' Module.' if "core" not in eachModule and len(possible_module_names) > 1: builder.register_module_dependency(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + possible_module_names[idx - 1]) # Set up the builder for each module print 'Starting Module: ' + eachModule + ' Module.' builder = do_module(eachModule, builder, work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/", classes) # Make the wrapper code # builder.build_code_creator(module_name="_chaste_project_PyChaste_" + module_name, # doc_extractor=doxygen_extractor.doxygen_doc_extractor()) builder.build_code_creator(module_name="_chaste_project_PyChaste_" + eachModule) builder.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(work_dir) builder.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/") builder.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/") builder.code_creator.license = chaste_license file_list = builder.split_module(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule) value_traits_files = [] for eachFile in file_list: if "__value_traits" in eachFile: value_traits_files.append(ntpath.basename(eachFile)) # Manually strip any undefined call policies we have missed. Strictly there should not be any/many. for file in os.listdir(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/"): if file.endswith(".cpp"): strip_undefined_call_policies(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/" + file) # Manually remove some value traits in std headers ( for file in os.listdir(work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/"): if file.endswith(".cpp"): strip_value_traits( work_dir + "/dynamic/wrappers/" + eachModule + "/" + file, value_traits_files)
import pyplusplus.code_repository.indexing_suite.pair_header from pyplusplus import decl_wrappers import pyplusplus.file_writers.multiple_files from pyplusplus.function_transformers import templates from pyplusplus.function_transformers import transformer from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies import pair_header_patch #################################################################################################### startTime = time.clock() #################################################################################################### # Da abilitare solo se necessario messages.disable(messages.W1023) # Py++ will generate class wrapper - there are few functions that should be redefined in class wrapper. # Necessario per funzioni virtuali protette messages.disable(messages.W1031) # Py++ will generate class wrapper - user asked to expose non - public member function <name> # Dalla versione 1.40 del boost i duplicati sono supportati messages.disable(messages.W1032) # Boost.Python library does not support enums with duplicate values # Da abilitare solo se necessario messages.disable(messages.W1041) # Property <x> could not be created. There is another exposed declaration with the same name( alias )." The property will make it inaccessible. # Some "declaration is unexposed" is a false warning. messages.disable(messages.W1040) # execution error W1040: The declaration is unexposed, but there are other declarations, which refer to it. This could cause "no to_python converter found" run time error. #################################################################################################### logger = utils._create_logger_(settings.module_name) ####################################################################################################
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # , messages.W1035 # , messages.W1040 # , messages.W1038 , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.opcode.root_dir, "python_opcode.h" ) , environment.opcode.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ['OPCODE_EXPORTS'] #, 'ICE_NO_DLL'] #, 'OPC_USE_CALLBACKS' ] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.opcode.version ) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.opcode.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogre.cflags ) # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() for ns in NAMESPACES: main_ns = global_ns.namespace( ns ) main_ns.include() AutoExclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) AutoInclude ( mb ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb ) ManualFixes ( mb ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # for ns in NAMESPACES: Set_Call_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace (ns) ) #IceMaths::Quat IceMaths::Matrix3x3::operator ::IceMaths::Quat() const [casting operator] c = mb.global_ns.namespace ( 'IceMaths').class_('Matrix3x3') for o in c.operators(): # print o # print dir(o) # print o.partial_decl_string # print if 'Quat' in o.partial_decl_string: o.exclude() print "Excluded Op", o, "\n", o.partial_decl_string ## OP float const * IceMaths::Point::operator float const *() const [casting operator] c = mb.global_ns.namespace ( 'IceMaths').class_('Point') for o in c.operators(): if 'float const *' in o.partial_decl_string: o.exclude() print "Excluded Op", o, "\n", o.partial_decl_string ##Spere(udword nb_verts, const Point* verts); Not Implemented c = mb.global_ns.namespace ( 'IceMaths').class_('Sphere') for o in c.constructors(arg_types=("::udword","::IceMaths::Point const *") ): o.exclude() c = mb.global_ns.namespace ( 'IceMaths').class_('Matrix4x4') for o in c.constructors(): if len (o.arguments) > 10: o.exclude() for o in c.member_functions(): if len (o.arguments) > 10: print "Too Many Arguments - excluded:", o, o.partial_decl_string o.exclude() c = mb.global_ns.namespace ( 'IceMaths').class_('Matrix4x4') for o in c.casting_operators(): rett = o.return_type.decl_string if 'Quat' in rett or 'PR' in rett: o.exclude() print "Excluded Op", o # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for ns in NAMESPACES: main_ns = global_ns.namespace( ns ) for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.opcode ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_opcode_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.opcode.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.opcode.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.opcode.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.opcode.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.opcode.generated_dir, huge_classes) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generaated directory.. additional_dirs=[ [environment.Config.PATH_OPCODE ,''], [os.path.join(environment.Config.PATH_OPCODE, 'Ice'),'Ice'], [os.path.join(environment.Config.PATH_OPCODE, 'Ice'),''], ## double copy to make the compile work.. ] for d,d1 in additional_dirs: for f in os.listdir(d): if f.endswith('cpp') or f.endswith('.h') or f.endswith('.c'): sourcefile = os.path.join(d, f) destfile = os.path.join(environment.opcode.generated_dir, d1, f ) if not os.path.exists ( os.path.join(environment.opcode.generated_dir, d1 ) ): os.mkdir ( os.path.join(environment.opcode.generated_dir, d1 ) ) if not common_utils.samefile( sourcefile ,destfile ): shutil.copy( sourcefile, environment.opcode.generated_dir ) print "Updated ", f, "as it was missing or out of date"
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 , messages.W1039 , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ogredshow.root_dir, "python_ogredshow.h" ) , environment.ogredshow.cache_file ) defined_symbols = [ 'ogredshow_EXPORTS','OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY'] if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogredshow.version ) undefined_symbols = [] # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ogredshow.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols # # , undefine_symbols = undefined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogredshow.cflags ) # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.include() AutoExclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) AutoInclude ( mb ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb ) ManualFixes ( mb ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # Set_Call_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace (MAIN_NAMESPACE) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogredshow ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogredshow_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.ogredshow.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogredshow.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogredshow.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogredshow.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.ogredshow.generated_dir, huge_classes,use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generaated directory.. additional_files=[] paths = [environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_ogredshow] for p in paths: additional_files = os.listdir(p) for f in additional_files: if f.endswith('cpp') or f.endswith('.h'): sourcefile = os.path.join(p, f) destfile = os.path.join(environment.ogredshow.generated_dir, f ) if not common_utils.samefile( sourcefile ,destfile ): shutil.copy( sourcefile, environment.ogredshow.generated_dir ) print "Updated ", f, "as it was missing or out of date"
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # , messages.W1035 # , messages.W1040 # , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1039 # , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.nxogre.root_dir, "python_nxogre.h" ) , environment.nxogre.cache_file ) if == 'nt': defined_symbols = [ '__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE','OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY', 'WIN32', 'GCC_XML','NXOGRE_EXPORTS'] else: defined_symbols = [ '__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE','LINUX','NX_LINUX', 'NX_DISABLE_FLUIDS', 'OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY', 'GCC_XML'] if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.nxogre.version ) undefined_symbols = [] # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.nxogre.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols # # , undefine_symbols = undefined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogre.cflags ) # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False ## This module depends on Ogre and physx mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.physx.generated_dir ) mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.include() AutoExclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) AutoInclude ( mb ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) #, special_vars=['::Ogre::Real &','::Ogre::ushort &','size_t &'] ) ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb ) ManualFixes ( mb ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # Set_Call_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace (MAIN_NAMESPACE) ) # # for op in main_ns.operators(): # # print "op1", op # # # if op.allow_implicit_conversion: # # # print "Implicit conversion on operator ", op # # print dir(op) # # for op in main_ns.constructors(): # # print "con1", op # # if op.allow_implicit_conversion: # # print "Implicit conversion on constructor ", op # # print dir(op) # # for op in main_ns.free_operators(): # # print "op2", op # # # if op.allow_implicit_conversion: # # # print "Implicit conversion on free operator ", op # # print dir(op) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.nxogre ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_nxogre_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.nxogre.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.nxogre.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.nxogre.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.nxogre.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.nxogre.generated_dir, huge_classes,use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generaated directory.. common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_NxOgre, destPath = environment.nxogre.generated_dir, recursive=False )
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # , messages.W1035 # , messages.W1040 # , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.bullet.root_dir, "python_bullet.h" ) , environment.bullet.cache_file ) defined_symbols = [ 'BULLET_EXPORTS', '__GCCXML__', '_MSC_VER', '__MINGW32__' # needed to turn off allocator allignment which boost can't do.. ] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.bullet.version ) if sys.platform.startswith ( 'linux' ): defined_symbols.append('USE_PTHREADS') # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.bullet.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.bullet.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here ## mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() if MAIN_NAMESPACE == "" : main_ns = global_ns main_ns.include() else: main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.exclude () AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ## note we use our own version, not common_utils common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # Do this earlier than normal as I need to override the default in ManualFixes common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( main_ns ) ManualFixes ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ,special_vars=['btScalar *'] ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: rec = ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() rec.addSetterType ( 'btScalar' ) # this type is a 'float/double' however we need to tell py++ such so it creates setters cls.add_properties( recognizer=rec ) common_utils.Auto_Document( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.bullet ) mem_fun = main_ns.member_function('::btVector3::setX') ##print "setter:", property_recognizer_i (mem_fun) if len( mem_fun.arguments ) != 1: print 'False1' if not declarations.is_void( mem_fun.return_type ): print 'False2' if mem_fun.has_const: print 'False3' if mem_fun.overloads: print 'False4' print "OK" ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## # # extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor( "Ogre" ) # # mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogre_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_bullet_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.bullet.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.bullet.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.bullet.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.bullet.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.bullet.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generaated directory.. additional_files=[ os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) ), 'python_bullet_masterlist.h' ) ] if environment.isLinux(): #sBulletDNAlen is defined in the cpp file not the header!! additional_files.append ( os.path.join( environment.Config.PATH_Bullet, 'src', 'LinearMath','btSerializer.cpp' ) ) for sourcefile in additional_files: p,filename = os.path.split(sourcefile) destfile = os.path.join(environment.bullet.generated_dir, filename ) if not common_utils.samefile( sourcefile ,destfile ): shutil.copy( sourcefile, environment.bullet.generated_dir ) print "Updated ", filename, "as it was missing or out of date"
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # # # , messages.W1035 # # # , messages.W1040 # # # , messages.W1038 # # # , messages.W1041 # # # , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # # # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # # # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes # # # , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable # # # , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.noise.root_dir, "python_noise.h" ) , environment.noise.cache_file ) defined_symbols = [ 'OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD','__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE' ] if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.noise.version ) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.noise.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.noise.cflags ) # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() for n in mb.global_ns.namespaces(): print n._name namespaces = ['noise', 'utils', 'model', 'module'] for n in namespaces: global_ns.namespace(n).include() common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, n ) ## Manual Excludes global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::Terrace::GetControlPointArray').exclude() ## These generate "<<protected declaration>>\n" and compile fails global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::Curve::FindInsertionPos').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::Curve::InsertAtPos').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::RidgedMulti::CalcSpectralWeights').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::Terrace::FindInsertionPos').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::module::Terrace::InsertAtPos').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::utils::WriterBMP::CalcWidthByteCount').exclude() global_ns.mem_fun('::noise::utils::WriterTER::CalcWidthByteCount').exclude() for n in namespaces: common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, n) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) for n in namespaces: AutoFixes ( mb, n ) ManualFixes ( mb ) ## namespaces namespaces = ['noise', 'model' , 'module', 'utils'] # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # for ns in namespaces: common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies (mb.global_ns.namespace(ns)) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( mb.global_ns.namespace(ns) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) ## add properties to the 4 namespaces, in a conservative fashion for ns in namespaces: for cls in mb.global_ns.namespace(ns).classes(): cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.noise ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_noise_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.noise.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.noise.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.noise.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.noise.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.noise.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_noise, destPath = environment.noise.generated_dir, recursive=False )
# The paths that cmake substitutues in the code_generator_t constructor might # contain Unicode characters. # coding: utf-8 import logging from os.path import exists, join, isdir from os import getenv import subprocess from sys import platform from pygccxml import declarations from pyplusplus import module_builder, messages from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies from pyplusplus.decl_wrappers import print_declarations # disable some warnings that are mostly harmless messages.disable( messages.W1014 ) messages.disable( messages.W1023 ) messages.disable( messages.W1040 ) # create a dictionary called "default_replacement" that can be used to replace method # declaration with another method. The dictionary is indexed by method name, # either with or without full scope. For each method there is a 2-tuple. The # first component is a string that tells Boost.Python how to export the # replacement method. The second component is a string that contains the C++ # code for the replacement method. default_replacement = {} # A C++ call like "foo.print(std::cout)" will be replaced with something more # pythonesque using the special __str__ method: "print(foo)" default_replacement['print'] = ('def("__str__", &__str__)', """ std::string __str__(%s* obj) {
for c in ns.classes(_filter, allow_empty=True): classes.add_numpy_construtor(c) for b in c.bases: b.related_class.exclude() # FIXME: fix py++ to include our headers before boost python headers wrap = Wrapper(license='#include "pyhalbe.h"') module_name = wrap.module_name() mb = wrap.mb ns_util = NamespaceUtil() # Less noise ns_util.log.setLevel(logging.WARN) classes.log.setLevel(logging.WARN) messages.disable(messages.W1043) # Ugly names, who cares? ... messages.disable(messages.W1066) # Not exposed typedefs # Collect namespaces ns_hmf = mb.namespace("::HMF") ns_hmf_hicann = mb.namespace("::HMF::HICANN") ns_coordinate = mb.namespace("::HMF::Coordinate") ns_realtime = mb.namespace("::Realtime") included_ns = [ns_hmf, ns_realtime] for ns in ['::boost::serialization', '::boost::archive', '::boost::mpi']: try: mb.namespace(ns).exclude() except matchers.declaration_not_found_t: pass
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # # # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # # , messages.W1035 # # , messages.W1040 # # , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable # , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.bullet.root_dir, "python_bullet.h" ) , environment.bullet.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ['BULLET_EXPORTS'] # defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.bullet.version ) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.bullet.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.bullet.cflags ) # NOTE THE CHANGE HERE mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() AutoInclude ( mb ) AutoExclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb ) ManualFixes ( mb ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # Set_Call_Policies ( mb.global_ns ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] main_ns = global_ns # for cls in main_ns.classes(): # if not in NoPropClasses: # cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) common_utils.add_constants( mb, { 'bullet_version' : '"%s"' % environment.bullet.version.replace("\n", "\\\n") , 'python_version' : '"%s"' % sys.version.replace("\n", "\\\n" ) } ) ## need to create a welcome doc string for this... common_utils.add_constants( mb, { '__doc__' : '"bullet DESCRIPTION"' } ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_bullet_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.bullet.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.bullet.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.bullet.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.bullet.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.bullet.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)
def generate(): ### disable unnecessary warnings # can't pass function pointer messages.disable(messages.W1004) # operator not supported messages.disable(messages.W1014) # py++ will create a wrapper messages.disable(messages.W1023, messages.W1025, messages.W1026, messages.W1027, messages.W1031) # static pointer member can't be exported messages.disable(messages.W1035) # immutable pointer can't be exposed messages.disable(messages.W1036) # pointer to function can't be exposed messages.disable(messages.W1036, messages.W1037) # can't be overridden in python messages.disable(messages.W1049) mb = common_utils.createModuleBuilder("python_CEGUI.h", ["CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS"]) CEGUI_ns = mb.global_ns.namespace("CEGUI") # first thing to do - converters! # !!! They have to be registered first, otherwise it will all fail horribly !!! common_utils.addStringConverters(mb) common_utils.addSupportForString(mb) filterDeclarations(mb) configureExceptions(mb) common_utils.setDefaultCallPolicies(CEGUI_ns) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly # todo: this should be done automatically common_utils.addVersionInfo(mb, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION) # Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. mb.build_code_creator( module_name=MODULE_NAME, doc_extractor=common_utils.createDocumentationExtractor()) common_utils.writeModule(mb, OUTPUT_DIR)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, re, logging, argparse from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies from pywrap.wrapper import Wrapper from pywrap import containers, namespaces, matchers, classes, functions from pywrap.namespace_util import NamespaceUtil from pygccxml.declarations import templates from pyplusplus import decl_wrappers, messages wrap = Wrapper() mb = wrap.mb classes.log.setLevel(logging.WARN) messages.disable(messages.W1043) # Ugly names messages.disable(messages.W1066) # Not exposed typedefs # propagate constructor "explictness" to python for cls in mb.classes(allow_empty=True): cls.constructors(lambda cpp_func: cpp_func.explicit == True, allow_empty=True).allow_implicit_conversion = False for base in classes.get_all_bases(cls): base.constructors(lambda cpp_func: cpp_func.explicit is True, allow_empty=True).allow_implicit_conversion = False ns_coordinate = mb.namespace("::halco::hicann::v2") ns_common = mb.namespace("::halco::common") ns_detail = mb.namespace("::halco::common::detail") for ns in ['::boost::serialization', '::boost::archive', '::boost::mpi']: try:
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ogrertshadersystem.root_dir, "python_ogrertshadersystem.h" ) , environment.ogrertshadersystem.cache_file ) defined_symbols = environment.defined_symbols defined_symbols .append('OGRE_RTSHADERSYSTEM_EXPORTS') defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogrertshadersystem.version ) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ogrertshadersystem.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogrertshadersystem.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.include() common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualInclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualFixes ( mb ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) #, special_vars=[] ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) # THIS MUST BE AFTER Auto_Functional_Transformation common_utils.Auto_Document( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrertshadersystem ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrertshadersystem_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.ogrertshadersystem.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogrertshadersystem.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogrertshadersystem.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogrertshadersystem.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.ogrertshadersystem.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. # common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_ogrertshadersystem, # destPath = environment.ogrertshadersystem.generated_dir, # recursive=False ) if environment.ogre.version.startswith("1.7"): ## have a code generation issue that needs resolving... filesToFix=['CGProgramProcessor.pypp.cpp', 'GLSLProgramProcessor.pypp.cpp','HLSLProgramProcessor.pypp.cpp', 'ProgramProcessor.pypp.cpp', 'stdMapRTShaderParameterOperand.pypp.cpp', 'stdMapRTShaderParameterParameter.pypp.cpp', 'CGProgramProcessor.pypp.cpp'] for filename in filesToFix: fname = os.path.join( environment.ogrertshadersystem.generated_dir, filename) try: f = open(fname, 'r') buf = f.close() print "CHECKING:", fname if (" MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL" in buf) or ("<MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL" in buf): buf = buf.replace ( " MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", " Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL") buf = buf.replace ( "<MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", "<Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL") f = open ( fname, 'w+') f.write ( buf ) f.close() print "UGLY FIX OK:", fname except: print "ERROR: Unable to fix:", fname
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ogreode.root_dir, "python_ogreode.h" ) , environment.ogreode.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ['OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'ODE_LIB','__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE' ] defined_symbols.append( 'OGREODE_VERSION_' + environment.ogreode.version ) if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ogreode.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogreode.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ode.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() query = lambda decl: isinstance( decl, ( declarations.class_t, declarations.class_declaration_t ) ) \ and 'dx' ) mb.global_ns.decls( query ).opaque = True for ns in MAIN_NAMESPACE: main_ns = global_ns.namespace( ns ) main_ns.include() common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, ns ) common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, ns ) ManualInclude ( mb, ns ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb, ns ) AutoFixes ( mb, ns ) ManualFixes ( mb, ns ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( ns ) ) ManualExclude ( mb ) #mb.global_ns.class_('::std::list<Ogre::Plane, Ogre::STLAllocator<Ogre::Plane, Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<(Ogre::MemoryCategory)0> > >').include(already_exposed=True) try: mb.global_ns.class_('::std::list<Ogre::Plane, Ogre::STLAllocator<Ogre::Plane, Ogre::CategorisedAllocPolicy<(Ogre::MemoryCategory)0> > >').exclude() except: pass # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogreode ) for cls in global_ns.classes(): if not cls.ignore: print cls, cls.decl_string for cls in mb.global_ns.namespace("std").classes(): if not cls.ignore: print cls, cls.decl_string ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogreode_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.ogreode.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogreode.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogreode.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogreode.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.ogreode.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) if False: ## UGLY FIX ## we have a class that needs to be removed and for some reason py++ isn't doing it :( ## for f in ['StdListPlane.pypp.cpp','StdListPlane.pypp.hpp']: fname = os.path.join( environment.ogreode.generated_dir, f) os.remove ( fname ) #remove the extra files # now remove the entries for the stdlistplane class fname = os.path.join( environment.ogreode.generated_dir, '_ogreode_.main.cpp') f = open(fname, 'r') buf = f.readlines() f.close() newbuf =[] for line in buf: if ('stdlistplane' not in line ) and ('StdListPlane' not in line): newbuf.append(line) f = open ( fname, 'w+') f.writelines ( newbuf ) f.close()
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 , messages.W1041 # , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes # , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable # , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ogrepcz.root_dir, "python_ogrepcz.h" ) , environment.ogrepcz.cache_file ) defined_symbols = [ 'OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'OGRE_GCC_VISIBILITY', 'OGRE_PCZPLUGIN_EXPORTS', '__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE'] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogrepcz.version ) if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ogrepcz.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ogrepcz.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() # # # # I'm assuming that any 'std' classes etc we need will have already been exposed by the Ogre library # # # std_ns = global_ns.namespace('std') # std_ns.include(already_exposed=True) # We don't include all of MAIN_NAMESPACE otherwise we get the same full wrapper # so instead we include classes with names that start with PCZ main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) # # main_ns.include( already_exposed = True ) ## force the ogre class to be exposed as well... for c in main_ns.classes(): if ('PCZ') or ('PCPlane') or ('Portal'): c.include() print "Including ", c, c.already_exposed for c in ['Portal','PCPlane']: main_ns.class_(c).include() print "Including ", c common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualInclude ( mb ) ManualExclude ( mb ) common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualFixes ( mb ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrepcz ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrepcz_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.ogrepcz.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogrepcz.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogrepcz.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogrepcz.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.ogrepcz.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. # common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_ogrepcz, # destPath = environment.ogrepcz.generated_dir, # recursive=False ) if environment.ogre.version.startswith("1.7"): ## have a code generation issue that needs resolving... filesToFix=['PCZoneFactoryManager.pypp.cpp'] for filename in filesToFix: fname = os.path.join( environment.ogrepcz.generated_dir, filename) try: f = open(fname, 'r') buf = f.close() buf = buf.replace ( " MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", " Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL") buf = buf.replace ( "<MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL", "<Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL") f = open ( fname, 'w+') f.write ( buf ) f.close() print "UGLY FIX OK:", fname except: print "ERROR: Unable to fix:", fname
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1041 # , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes # , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable # , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.watermesh.root_dir, "python_watermesh.h" ) , environment.watermesh.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ['OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD'] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.watermesh.version ) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.watermesh.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.watermesh.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.exclude() common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualExclude ( mb ) common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualFixes ( mb ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.watermesh ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_watermesh_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.watermesh.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.watermesh.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.watermesh.version ) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.watermesh.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.watermesh.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = environment.Config.PATH_watermesh, destPath = environment.watermesh.generated_dir, recursive=False )
# Author: Mark Moll # The paths that cmake substitutues in the code_generator_t constructor might # contain Unicode characters. # coding: utf-8 import time import threading import sys from pygccxml import parser from pyplusplus import module_builder, messages from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies # disable some warnings that are mostly harmless messages.disable(messages.W1014) messages.disable(messages.W1023) messages.disable(messages.W1040) # create a dictionary called "default_replacement" that can be used to replace method # declaration with another method. The dictionary is indexed by method name, # either with or without full scope. For each method there is a 2-tuple. The # first component is a string that tells Boost.Python how to export the # replacement method. The second component is a string that contains the C++ # code for the replacement method. default_replacement = {} # A C++ call like "foo.print(std::cout)" will be replaced with something more # pythonesque using the special __str__ method: "print(foo)" default_replacement['print'] = ('def("__str__", &__str__)', """ std::string __str__(%s* obj) {
def generate(defined_symbols, extraIncludes): messages.disable( messages.W1005 # using a non public variable type for arguments or returns , messages.W1006 # `Py++` need your # help to expose function that takes > as argument/returns C++ arrays. # Take a look on "Function Transformation" > functionality and define # the transformation. , messages.W1007 # more than 10 args -> BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY is set , messages.W1009 # execution error W1009: The function takes as argument (name=pFunIdx, pos=1) > # non-const reference to Python immutable type - function could not be called > from Python , messages.W1014 # "operator*" is not supported. See , messages.W1016 # `Py++` does not exports non-const casting operators # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X , messages.W1023 # Py++` will generate class wrapper - there are few functions that should be # redefined in class wrapper , messages.W1025 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "c_" - T* > member variable , messages.W1026 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "arr_" - T& > member variable , messages.W1027 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "mat_" - > array member variable , messages.W1035 # error. `Py++` can not expose static pointer member variables. , messages.W1036 # error. `Py++` can not expose pointer to Python immutable > member variables. This # could be changed in future. , messages.W1040 # error. The declaration is unexposed, but there are other > declarations, which # refer to it. This could cause "no to_python converter > found" run # time error # This is serious and lead to RuntimeError: `Py++` is going to write different content to the same file , messages.W1047 # There are two or more classes that use same > alias("MatElement"). Duplicated aliases causes # few problems, but the main one > is that some of the classes will not # be exposed to Python.Other classes : > , messages.W1049 # This method could not be overriden in Python - method returns > # reference to local variable! , messages.W1052 # `Py++` will not expose free operator ) logger.debug("Install SRC: ", os.path.abspath(__file__)) logger.debug("Execute from: ", os.getcwd()) sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sourceHeader = os.path.abspath(sourcedir + "/" + r"pygimli.h") gimliInclude = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(sourcedir + "/../src/" + r"gimli.h")) settings.includesPaths.append(gimliInclude) xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( sourceHeader, settings.module_name + '.cache') #xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(os.path.join(r"pygimli.h"), settings.module_name + '.cache') import platform defines = ['PYGIMLI_CAST', 'HAVE_BOOST_THREAD_HPP'] caster = 'gccxml' if platform.architecture()[ 0] == '64bit' and platform.system() == 'Windows': if sys.platform == 'darwin': pass else: defines.append('_WIN64')'Marking win64 for gccxml') for define in [settings.gimli_defines, defined_symbols]: if len(define) > 0: defines.append(define) try: if sys.platform == 'win32': # == 'nt' (default on my mingw) results in wrong commandline # for gccxml = 'mingw' casterpath = settings.caster_path.replace('\\', '\\\\') casterpath = settings.caster_path.replace('/', '\\') if not 'gccxml' in casterpath: caster = 'castxml' if not '.exe' in casterpath: casterpath += '\\' + caster + '.exe' else: casterpath = settings.caster_path if not 'gccxml' in casterpath: caster = 'castxml' except Exception as e:"caster_path=%s" % casterpath) raise Exception("Problems determine castxml binary") settings.includesPaths.insert(0, os.path.abspath(extraIncludes))"caster_path=%s" % casterpath)"working_directory=%s" % settings.gimli_path)"include_paths=%s" % settings.includesPaths)"define_symbols=%s" % defines)"indexing_suite_version=2") mb = module_builder.module_builder_t([xml_cached_fc], gccxml_path=casterpath, working_directory=settings.gimli_path, include_paths=settings.includesPaths, define_symbols=defines, indexing_suite_version=2, caster=caster )"Reading of c++ sources done.") mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True mb.calldefs().create_with_signature = True global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace(MAIN_NAMESPACE) main_ns.include() #for c in main_ns.free_functions(): ##print(c) #if 'pow' in #print(c) #print( ##if c.decl_string.startswith('::GIMLI::pow'): ##print(c) ##print( #sys.exit()"Apply handmade wrappers.") hand_made_wrappers.apply(mb)"Apply custom rvalues.") # START manual r-value converters rvalue_converters = [ 'register_pytuple_to_rvector3_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_rvector_conversion', #'register_pysequence_to_bvector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_indexvector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_r3vector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_StdVectorRVector3_conversion', #'register_rvector_to_ndarray_conversion', ] for converter in rvalue_converters: mb.add_declaration_code('void %s();' % converter) mb.add_registration_code('%s();' % converter) # END manual r-value converters custom_rvalue_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'custom_rvalue.cpp')"Starting to exclude stuff that we don't need or that is known to be spurious.") exclude(main_ns.variables, name=[ 'Triangle6_S1', 'Triangle6_S2', 'Triangle6_S3', 'HexahedronFacesID', 'Hexahedron20FacesID', 'TetrahedronFacesID', 'HexahedronSplit5TetID', 'HexahedronSplit6TetID', 'TriPrismFacesID', 'TriPrimSplit3TetID', 'NodeCoordinates', 'EdgeCoordinates', 'TriCoordinates', 'QuadCoordinates', 'TetCoordinates', 'HexCoordinates', 'PrismCoordinates', 'PyramidCoordinates', 'PyramidFacesID', 'Tet10NodeSplit', 'Tet10NodeSplitZienk', 'Hex20NodeSplit', 'Prism15NodeSplit', 'Pyramid13NodeSplit' ] ) exclude(main_ns.free_functions, return_type=[ 'float *', 'float &', "::GIMLI::__VectorExpr< double, GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp< double, GIMLI::VectorIterator< double >, GIMLI::ABS_ > >"], name=[ 'strReplaceBlankWithUnderscore', 'toStr', 'toInt', 'toFloat', 'toDouble', 'str', 'getRowSubstrings', 'getNonEmptyRow', 'getSubstrings', 'abs', 'type'] ) exclude(main_ns.free_operators, name=[''], return_type=['::std::ostream &', '::std::istream &'] ) exclude(main_ns.classes, name=['ABS_', 'ACOT', 'ATAN', 'COS', 'COT', 'EXP', 'ABS_', 'LOG', 'LOG10', 'SIGN', 'SIN', 'SQRT', 'SQR', 'TAN', 'TANH', 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'MULT', 'DIVID', 'BINASSIGN', 'cerrPtr', 'cerrPtrObject', 'coutPtr', 'coutPtrObject', 'deletePtr', 'edge_', 'distancePair_', 'IPCMessage', 'PythonGILSave', ] ) exclude(main_ns.member_functions, name=['begin', 'end', 'val'], return_type=[''] ) exclude(main_ns.member_operators, symbol=['']) for f in main_ns.declarations: if isinstance(f, decl_wrappers.calldef_wrapper.free_function_t): if (str(f.return_type).find('GIMLI::VectorExpr') != -1): f.exclude() ex = ['::GIMLI::MatrixElement', '::GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorBinaryExprOp', '::GIMLI::__ValVectorExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorValExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorExpr', '::GIMLI::Expr', '::GIMLI::InversionBase', 'GIMLI::MatrixElement', 'GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorBinaryExprOp', 'GIMLI::__ValVectorExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorValExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorExpr', 'GIMLI::Expr', 'GIMLI::InversionBase', 'std::vector<unsigned long', ] for c in main_ns.free_functions(): for e in ex: if c.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: c.exclude() logger.debug("Exclude: " + str(c)) except: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(c)) for c in main_ns.classes(): for e in ex: if c.decl_string.startswith(e): try: c.exclude() logger.debug("Exclude: " + except: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + try: for mem in c.constructors(): for e in ex: if mem.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: mem.exclude()"Exclude: " + str(mem)) except: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(mem)) for mem in c.member_functions(): for e in ex: if mem.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: mem.exclude()"Exclude: " + str(mem)) except: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(mem)) except: #print(c, "has no member functions") pass #print('#'*100) #print(c, if'Vector<unsigned long>'): #print(' ', for mem in c.constructors(): #print("mem", mem, mem.decl_string) if mem.decl_string.find('( ::GIMLI::Index )') > -1: logger.debug("Exclude: " + str(mem)) mem.exclude() #print("mem", mem) mb.calldefs(access_type_matcher_t('protected')).exclude() mb.calldefs(access_type_matcher_t('private')).exclude() # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, [ '::GIMLI::Node &' #, '::GIMLI::Cell &' #, '::GIMLI::Boundary &' #, '::GIMLI::Shape &' #, '::GIMLI::Node *' #, '::GIMLI::Cell *' #, '::GIMLI::Boundary *' #, '::GIMLI::Shape *' #] #, call_policies.reference_existing_object) setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn( mb, ['::std::string *', 'float *', 'double *', 'int *', 'long *', 'long int *', 'long long int *', 'unsigned int *', 'long unsigned int *', 'unsigned long long int *', '::GIMLI::Index *', '::GIMLI::SIndex *', 'bool *'], call_policies.return_pointee_value) setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, ['::std::string &', 'float &', 'double &', 'int &', 'long &', 'long int &', 'long long int &', 'unsigned int &', 'long unsigned int &', 'unsigned long long int &', '::GIMLI::Index &', '::GIMLI::SIndex &', 'bool &' ], call_policies.return_by_value) # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, ['::GIMLI::VectorIterator<double> &'] #, call_policies.copy_const_reference) # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, [ #, 'double &' ] #, call_policies.reference_existing_object) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.reference_existing_object) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_non_const_reference) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_const_reference) # addAutoConversions(mb) # excludeMemberByReturn(main_ns, ['::DCFEMLib::SparseMatrix<double> &']) #main_ns.classes(decl_starts_with(['STLMatrix']), allow_empty=True).exclude() #fun = mb.global_ns.member_functions('begin', allow_empty=True) # for f in fun: # f.exclude() # excludeFreeFunctionsByName(main_ns, ['strReplaceBlankWithUnderscore' #'toStr', 'toInt', 'toFloat', 'toDouble', #'getRowSubstrings', 'getNonEmptyRow', 'getSubstrings' ]) #excludeFreeFunctionsByReturn(main_ns, [ 'float *', 'float &' ]) #fun = ns.free_operators(return_type=funct, allow_empty=True) #excludeMemberOperators(main_ns, ['++', '--', '*']) # exclude all that does not match any predefined callpolicie excludeRest = True if excludeRest: mem_funs = mb.calldefs() for mem_fun in mem_funs: if mem_fun.call_policies: continue if not mem_fun.call_policies and \ (declarations.is_reference(mem_fun.return_type) or declarations.is_pointer(mem_fun.return_type)): # print mem_fun # mem_fun.exclude() mem_fun.call_policies = call_policies.return_value_policy( call_policies.reference_existing_object) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.return_pointee_value) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.return_opaque_pointer) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_non_const_reference)"Create api documentation from Doxgen comments.") # Now it is the time to give a name to our module from doxygen import doxygen_doc_extractor extractor = doxygen_doc_extractor()"Create code creator.") mb.build_code_creator(settings.module_name, doc_extractor=extractor) # It is common requirement in software world - each file should have license #mb.code_creator.license = '//Boost Software License(' # I don't want absolute includes within code mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(os.path.abspath('.')) # And finally we can write code to the disk def ignore(val): pass"Create bindings code.") mb.split_module('./generated', on_unused_file_found=ignore) additional_files = [ os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'custom_rvalue.cpp'), os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'generators.h'), os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'tuples.hpp')]"Add additional files.") for sourcefile in additional_files: p, filename = os.path.split(sourcefile) destfile = os.path.join('./generated', filename) if not samefile(sourcefile, destfile): shutil.copy(sourcefile, './generated')"Updated " + filename + "as it was missing or out of date")
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 # , messages.W1035 # , messages.W1040 # , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ode.root_dir, "python_ode.h" ) , environment.ode.cache_file ) mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ode.include_dirs , define_symbols=['ode_NONCLIENT_BUILD', 'ODE_LIB'] , indexing_suite_version=2 ) filter_declarations (mb) query = lambda decl: isinstance( decl, ( declarations.class_t, declarations.class_declaration_t ) ) \ and 'dx' ) mb.global_ns.decls( query ).opaque = True # mb.global_ns.variable('dSpaceID').opaque=True # ## here we adjust for functions that return poiners to ODE "ID's", which are really C structs # ## I may have been over agressive in identifing these functions but hopefully not... # for func in mb.namespace( 'OgreOde' ).member_functions(): # if func.return_type.decl_string.endswith('ID'): # print "Setting ",, "to Opaque" # func.opaque = True # func.call_policies = call_policies.return_value_policy( # call_policies.return_opaque_pointer ) mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True Set_Call_Policies (mb) AutoArrayArgs( mb ) ReturnReals( mb ) hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) ode_ns = mb.global_ns ## .namespace ('ode') common_utils.add_properties( ode_ns.classes() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ode ) #Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ode_' , doc_extractor= extractor) for inc in environment.ode.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ode.generated_dir ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files(environment.ode.version) ) # # mb.code_creator.add_include( "__convenience.pypp.hpp" ) # # mb.code_creator.add_system_header( code_repository.convenience.file_name ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ode.version) ) mb.split_module(environment.ode.generated_dir, huge_classes) return_pointee_value_source_path \ = os.path.join( environment.pyplusplus_install_dir # , 'pyplusplus_dev' , 'pyplusplus' , 'code_repository' , 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) if not os.path.exists(return_pointee_value_source_path): return_pointee_value_source_path \ = os.path.join ( os.path.dirname(code_repository.__file__), 'return_pointee_value.hpp') if not os.path.exists(return_pointee_value_source_path): return_pointee_value_source_path \ = os.path.join ( os.getcwd(), 'return_pointee_value.hpp') return_pointee_value_target_path \ = os.path.join( environment.ode.generated_dir, 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) if not os.path.exists( return_pointee_value_target_path ): shutil.copy( return_pointee_value_source_path, environment.ode.generated_dir )
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020, messages.W1021, messages.W1022, messages.W1023, messages.W1024, messages.W1025, messages.W1026, messages.W1027, messages.W1028, messages.W1029, messages.W1030, messages.W1031 # , messages.W1035 # , messages.W1040 # , messages.W1038 # , messages.W1041 , messages.W1036, # pointer to Python immutable member messages.W1033, # unnamed variables messages.W1018, # expose unnamed classes messages.W1049, # returns reference to local variable messages.W1014, # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join(environment.ogreforests.root_dir, "python_forests.h"), environment.ogreforests.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ["OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD", "WIN32", "GCCXML_BUG", "__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE"] undefine_symbols = [] if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append("BOOST_HAS_THREADS") defined_symbols.append("BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS") defined_symbols.append("VERSION_" + environment.ogreforests.version) # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [xml_cached_fc], gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin, working_directory=environment.root_dir, include_paths=environment.ogreforests.include_dirs, define_symbols=defined_symbols, indexing_suite_version=2, cflags=environment.ogreforests.cflags, ) # if this module depends on another set it here ## mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.register_module_dependency(environment.ogre.generated_dir) mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace(MAIN_NAMESPACE) main_ns.include() common_utils.AutoExclude(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE) ManualExclude(mb) common_utils.AutoInclude(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE) ManualInclude(mb) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables and are not autmatically fixed ManualTransformations(mb) AutoFixes(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE) ManualFixes(mb) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation(main_ns) common_utils.Auto_Document(mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE) ## note change to clear prefix_output as this will force all transforms to be inout (and not 'output') to ensure the arguments are matched ## problem with overload virtual fuctions from parent class such as getMetrics in RenderWindow and RenderTarget common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation( main_ns ) ##, special_vars=['::Ogre::Real &','::Ogre::ushort &','size_t &'] ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies(main_ns) for c in main_ns.classes(): print "CLass", c # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply(mb) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties(recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t()) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion(mb, environment, environment.ogreforests) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator(module_name="_ogreforests_", doc_extractor=extractor) for inc in environment.ogreforests.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(environment.ogreforests.generated_dir) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers(customization_data.header_files(environment.ogreforests.version)) huge_classes = map(mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ogreforests.version)) mb.split_module(environment.ogreforests.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False) ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. common_utils.copyTree( sourcePath=environment.Config.PATH_INCLUDE_ogreforests, destPath=environment.ogreforests.generated_dir, recursive=False, )
def dopypp(task): global included_decls # Set the path for importing additional tools if not os.path.join(task.srcpath, 'tools', 'waf') in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.path.join(task.srcpath, 'tools', 'waf')) # Increase recursion limit for tough includes sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit()*2) from pyplusplus import module_builder, messages, utils, code_repository from pygccxml import declarations,parser from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies from pypp_utils import TemplateBuilder import logging # Disable some annoying messages if not Logs.verbose: module_builder.set_logger_level(logging.FATAL) messages.disable(messages.W1023) messages.disable(messages.W1025) messages.disable(messages.W1026) messages.disable(messages.W1027) messages.disable(messages.W1031) messages.disable(messages.W1043) elif Logs.verbose > 2: module_builder.set_logger_level(logging.DEBUG) ## ????????????????????????????????????? What is this for ????????????????????????????? logger_lock.acquire() log = logging.getLogger() temp_handler = None if len(log.handlers) > 0: temp_handler = log.handlers[0] log.removeHandler(log.handlers[0]) logger_lock.release() # Create source list with proper directories sources = map(lambda a: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(task.bldpath, a.srcpath(task.env))), task.inputs) # Create include list global_includes = task.includes global_includes += task.env['CPPPATH'] global_includes += [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(task.bldpath, i.srcpath(task.env))) for i in task.path_lst] try: #if int(task.env['CC_VERSION'][1]) >= 3: #compilerExec = task.env['CXX_OLD_VERSION'][0] #else: compilerExec = task.env['CXX'][0] # No cache can be used on mac-osx systems, otherwise pygccxml segfaults if sys.platform != 'darwin': mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( files=sources , start_with_declarations = task.start_decls , define_symbols = task.define_symbols , working_directory = task.bldpath , include_paths = global_includes , compiler = compilerExec , cache=parser.file_cache_t(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(task.bldpath, task.outputs[0].bldpath(task.env)+'_cache' )))) else: mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( files=sources , start_with_declarations = task.start_decls , define_symbols = task.define_symbols , working_directory = task.bldpath , include_paths = global_includes , compiler = compilerExec) except Exception, e: print e if temp_handler: log.addHandler(temp_handler) return 1
def generate(defined_symbols, extraIncludes): messages.disable( messages.W1005 # using a non public variable type for arguments or returns , messages.W1006 # `Py++` need your # help to expose function that takes > as argument/returns C++ arrays. # Take a look on "Function Transformation" > functionality and define # the transformation. , messages.W1007 # more than 10 args -> BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY is set , messages.W1009 # execution error W1009: The function takes as argument (name=pFunIdx, pos=1) > # non-const reference to Python immutable type - function could not be called > from Python , messages.W1014 # "operator*" is not supported. See , messages.W1016 # `Py++` does not exports non-const casting operators # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X , messages.W1023 # Py++` will generate class wrapper - there are few functions that should be # redefined in class wrapper , messages.W1025 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "c_" - T* > member variable , messages.W1026 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "arr_" - T& > member variable , messages.W1027 # `Py++` will generate class wrapper - class contains "mat_" - > array member variable , messages.W1035 # error. `Py++` can not expose static pointer member variables. , messages.W1036 # error. `Py++` can not expose pointer to Python immutable > member variables. This # could be changed in future. , messages.W1040 # error. The declaration is unexposed, but there are other > declarations, which # refer to it. This could cause "no to_python converter > found" run # time error # This is serious and lead to RuntimeError: `Py++` is going to write different content to the same file , messages.W1047 # There are two or more classes that use same > alias("MatElement"). Duplicated aliases causes # few problems, but the main one > is that some of the classes will not # be exposed to Python.Other classes : > , messages.W1049 # This method could not be overriden in Python - method returns > # reference to local variable! , messages.W1052 # `Py++` will not expose free operator ) logger.debug("Install SRC: ", os.path.abspath(__file__)) logger.debug("Execute from: ", os.getcwd()) sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sourceHeader = os.path.abspath(sourcedir + "/" + r"pygimli.h") gimliInclude = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(sourcedir + "/../src/" + r"gimli.h")) settings.includesPaths.append(gimliInclude) xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( sourceHeader, settings.module_name + '.cache') import platform defines = ['PYGIMLI_CAST', 'HAVE_BOOST_THREAD_HPP'] caster = 'gccxml' compiler_path = options.clang if platform.system() == 'Windows': if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': #compiler_path = 'C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/clang++' if sys.platform == 'darwin': pass else: defines.append('_WIN64') defines.append('MS_WIN64')'Marking win64 for gccxml') else: pass #compiler_path = 'C:/msys32/mingw32/bin/clang++' if len(compiler_path) == 0: compiler_path = None for define in [settings.gimli_defines, defined_symbols]: if len(define) > 0: defines.append(define) try: if sys.platform == 'win32': # == 'nt' (default on my mingw)results in wrong commandline # for gccxml = 'mingw' casterpath = settings.caster_path.replace('\\', '\\\\') casterpath = settings.caster_path.replace('/', '\\') if 'gccxml' not in casterpath: caster = 'castxml' if '.exe' not in casterpath: casterpath += '\\' + caster + '.exe' else: casterpath = settings.caster_path if 'gccxml' not in casterpath: caster = 'castxml' except Exception as e:"caster_path=%s" % casterpath) raise Exception("Problems determine castxml binary") settings.includesPaths.insert(0, os.path.abspath(extraIncludes))"caster_path=%s" % casterpath)"working_directory=%s" % settings.gimli_path)"include_paths=%s" % settings.includesPaths)"define_symbols=%s" % defines)"compiler_path=%s" % compiler_path)"indexing_suite_version=2") xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t( xml_generator=caster, xml_generator_path=casterpath, working_directory=settings.gimli_path, include_paths=settings.includesPaths, define_symbols=defines, ignore_gccxml_output=False, cflags="", compiler_path=compiler_path) mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [xml_cached_fc], indexing_suite_version=2, xml_generator_config=xml_generator_config )"Reading of c++ sources done.") mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True mb.calldefs().create_with_signature = True global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace(MAIN_NAMESPACE) main_ns.include() # for c in main_ns.free_functions(): # print(c) # if 'pow' in # print(c) # print( # if c.decl_string.startswith('::GIMLI::pow'): # print(c) # print( # sys.exit()"Apply handmade wrappers.") try: hand_made_wrappers.apply(mb) except BaseException as e: print(e)"Apply custom rvalues.") # START manual r-value converters rvalue_converters = [ 'register_pytuple_to_rvector3_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_rvector_conversion', # 'register_pysequence_to_bvector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_indexvector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_r3vector_conversion', 'register_pysequence_to_StdVectorRVector3_conversion', # 'register_rvector_to_ndarray_conversion', ] for converter in rvalue_converters: mb.add_declaration_code('void %s();' % converter) mb.add_registration_code('%s();' % converter) # END manual r-value converters custom_rvalue_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'custom_rvalue.cpp')"Starting to exclude stuff that we don't need " "or that is known to be spurious.") exclude(main_ns.variables, name=[ 'Triangle6_S1', 'Triangle6_S2', 'Triangle6_S3', 'HexahedronFacesID', 'Hexahedron20FacesID', 'TetrahedronFacesID', 'HexahedronSplit5TetID', 'HexahedronSplit6TetID', 'TriPrismFacesID', 'TriPrimSplit3TetID', 'NodeCoordinates', 'EdgeCoordinates', 'TriCoordinates', 'QuadCoordinates', 'TetCoordinates', 'HexCoordinates', 'PrismCoordinates', 'PyramidCoordinates', 'PyramidFacesID', 'Tet10NodeSplit', 'Tet10NodeSplitZienk', 'Hex20NodeSplit', 'Prism15NodeSplit', 'Pyramid13NodeSplit' ] ) exclude(main_ns.free_functions, return_type=[ 'float *', 'float &', "::GIMLI::__VectorExpr< double, " + "GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp< double, " + "GIMLI::VectorIterator< double >, GIMLI::ABS_ > >"], name=[ 'strReplaceBlankWithUnderscore', 'toStr', 'toInt', 'toFloat', 'toDouble', 'str', 'getRowSubstrings', 'getNonEmptyRow', 'getSubstrings', 'abs', 'type'] ) exclude(main_ns.free_operators, name=[''], return_type=['::std::ostream &', '::std::istream &'] ) exclude(main_ns.classes, name=['ABS_', 'ACOT', 'ATAN', 'COS', 'COT', 'EXP', 'ABS_', 'LOG', 'LOG10', 'SIGN', 'SIN', 'SQRT', 'SQR', 'TAN', 'TANH', 'PLUS', 'MINUS', 'MULT', 'DIVID', 'BINASSIGN', 'cerrPtr', 'cerrPtrObject', 'coutPtr', 'coutPtrObject', 'deletePtr', 'edge_', 'distancePair_', 'IPCMessage', 'PythonGILSave', ] ) exclude(main_ns.member_functions, name=['begin', 'end', 'val'], return_type=[''] ) exclude(main_ns.member_operators, symbol=['']) for f in main_ns.declarations: if isinstance(f, decl_wrappers.calldef_wrapper.free_function_t): if (str(f.return_type).find('GIMLI::VectorExpr') != -1): f.exclude() ex = ['::GIMLI::MatrixElement', '::GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorBinaryExprOp', '::GIMLI::__ValVectorExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorValExprOp', '::GIMLI::__VectorExpr', '::GIMLI::Expr', '::GIMLI::InversionBase', 'GIMLI::MatrixElement', 'GIMLI::__VectorUnaryExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorBinaryExprOp', 'GIMLI::__ValVectorExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorValExprOp', 'GIMLI::__VectorExpr', 'GIMLI::Expr', 'GIMLI::InversionBase', 'std::vector<unsigned long', 'std::vector<bool', 'std::vector<double', ] for c in main_ns.free_functions(): for e in ex: if c.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: c.exclude() logger.debug("Exclude: " + str(c)) except BaseException as _: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(c)) for c in main_ns.classes(): for e in ex: if c.decl_string.startswith(e): try: c.exclude() logger.debug("Exclude: " + except BaseException as _: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + try: for mem in c.variables(): try: mem.exclude() #"Exclude: " + str(mem)) except BaseException as _: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(mem)) except BaseException as _: # print(c, "has no member functions") pass try: for mem in c.constructors(): for e in ex: if mem.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: mem.exclude() #"Exclude: " + str(mem)) except BaseException as _: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(mem)) for mem in c.member_functions(): for e in ex: if mem.decl_string.find(e) > -1: try: mem.exclude() #"Exclude: " + str(mem)) except BaseException as _: logger.debug("Fail to exclude: " + str(mem)) except BaseException as _: # print(c, "has no member functions") pass # print('#'*100) # print(c, if'Vector<unsigned long>'): # print(' ', for mem in c.constructors(): # print("mem", mem, mem.decl_string) if mem.decl_string.find('( ::GIMLI::Index )') > -1: logger.debug("Exclude: " + str(mem)) mem.exclude() # print("mem", mem) try: mb.calldefs(access_type_matcher_t('protected')).exclude() mb.calldefs(access_type_matcher_t('private')).exclude() except BaseException as _: pass # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, [ '::GIMLI::Node &' # , '::GIMLI::Cell &' # , '::GIMLI::Boundary &' # , '::GIMLI::Shape &' # , '::GIMLI::Node *' # , '::GIMLI::Cell *' # , '::GIMLI::Boundary *' # , '::GIMLI::Shape *' # ] # , call_policies.reference_existing_object) setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn( mb, ['::std::string *', 'float *', 'double *', 'int *', 'long *', 'long int *', 'long long int *', 'unsigned int *', 'long unsigned int *', 'unsigned long long int *', 'long long unsigned int *', '::GIMLI::Index *', '::GIMLI::SIndex *', 'bool *'], call_policies.return_pointee_value) setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, ['::std::string &', 'float &', 'double &', 'int &', 'long &', 'long int &', 'long long int &', 'unsigned int &', 'long unsigned int &', 'long long unsigned int &', 'unsigned long long int &', '::GIMLI::Index &', '::GIMLI::SIndex &', 'bool &' ], call_policies.return_by_value) # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, # ['::GIMLI::VectorIterator<double> &'] # , call_policies.copy_const_reference) # setMemberFunctionCallPolicieByReturn(mb, [ # , 'double &' ] # , call_policies.reference_existing_object) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.reference_existing_object) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_non_const_reference) # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_const_reference) # addAutoConversions(mb) # excludeMemberByReturn(main_ns, ['::DCFEMLib::SparseMatrix<double> &']) # fun = mb.global_ns.member_functions('begin', allow_empty=True) # for f in fun: # f.exclude() # excludeFreeFunctionsByName(main_ns, ['strReplaceBlankWithUnderscore' # 'toStr', 'toInt', 'toFloat', 'toDouble', # 'getRowSubstrings', 'getNonEmptyRow', 'getSubstrings' ]) # excludeFreeFunctionsByReturn(main_ns, [ 'float *', 'float &' ]) # fun = ns.free_operators(return_type=funct, allow_empty=True) # excludeMemberOperators(main_ns, ['++', '--', '*']) # exclude all that does not match any predefined callpolicie excludeRest = True if excludeRest: mem_funs = mb.calldefs() for mem_fun in mem_funs: if mem_fun.call_policies: continue if not mem_fun.call_policies and \ (declarations.is_reference(mem_fun.return_type) or declarations.is_pointer(mem_fun.return_type)): # print mem_fun # mem_fun.exclude() mem_fun.call_policies = call_policies.return_value_policy( call_policies.reference_existing_object) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.return_pointee_value) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.return_opaque_pointer) # mem_fun.call_policies = \ # call_policies.return_value_policy(call_policies.copy_non_const_reference)"Create api documentation from Doxgen comments.") # Now it is the time to give a name to our module from doxygen import doxygen_doc_extractor extractor = doxygen_doc_extractor()"Create code creator.") mb.build_code_creator(settings.module_name, doc_extractor=extractor) # It is common requirement in software world-each file should have license # mb.code_creator.license = '//Boost Software # License(' # I don't want absolute includes within code mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(os.path.abspath('.')) # And finally we can write code to the disk def ignore(val): pass"Create bindings code.") mb.split_module('./generated', on_unused_file_found=ignore) additional_files = [ os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'custom_rvalue.cpp'), os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'generators.h'), os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'tuples.hpp')]"Add additional files.") for sourcefile in additional_files: p, filename = os.path.split(sourcefile) destfile = os.path.join('./generated', filename) if not samefile(sourcefile, destfile): shutil.copy(sourcefile, './generated')"Updated " + filename + "as it was missing or out of date")
def generate(): ### disable unnecessary warnings # can't pass function pointer messages.disable(messages.W1004) # operator not supported messages.disable(messages.W1014) # py++ will create a wrapper messages.disable(messages.W1023, messages.W1025, messages.W1026, messages.W1027, messages.W1031) # static pointer member can't be exported messages.disable(messages.W1035) # immutable pointer can't be exposed messages.disable(messages.W1036) # pointer to function can't be exposed messages.disable(messages.W1036, messages.W1037) # can't be overridden in python messages.disable(messages.W1049) mb = common_utils.createModuleBuilder("python_CEGUI.h", ["CEGUIBASE_EXPORTS"]) CEGUI_ns = mb.global_ns.namespace("CEGUI") # first thing to do - converters! # !!! They have to be registered first, otherwise it will all fail horribly !!! common_utils.addStringConverters(mb) common_utils.addSupportForString(mb) filterDeclarations(mb) configureExceptions(mb) common_utils.setDefaultCallPolicies(CEGUI_ns) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly # todo: this should be done automatically common_utils.addVersionInfo(mb, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION) # Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. mb.build_code_creator(module_name = MODULE_NAME, doc_extractor = common_utils.createDocumentationExtractor()) common_utils.writeModule(mb, OUTPUT_DIR)