Exemple #1
def _hand_description_two_pair(hand: List[Card]):
    Private method that produces the proper hand description for a two pair hand.

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: String of the hand description

    higher_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2)
    higher_pair_rank = list(
        filter(lambda card: card.value == higher_pair_value, hand))[0].rank

    remaining_cards = list(
        filter(lambda card: card.value != higher_pair_value, hand))
    lower_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)
    lower_pair_rank = list(
        filter(lambda card: card.value == lower_pair_value,

    kicker = list(
        filter(lambda card: card.value != lower_pair_value, remaining_cards))

    if kicker:
        return f"Two Pair ({higher_pair_rank}s and {lower_pair_rank}s with kicker {kicker[0].rank})"
        return f"Two Pair ({higher_pair_rank}s and {lower_pair_rank}s)"
Exemple #2
def _rank_full_house(hands: List[List[Card]]):
    Private tiebreaker method to determine the best full house hand in the list of hands

    :param hands: List of list of cards. each internal list of cards represents a full house hand
    :return: Dictionary in the following format of KEY = Rank number (1,2,3,4...) VALUE = List of hands for that rank
        If there are tied hands, then multiple hands will appear as the value for that rank.

    ordered_hands = []

    for hand in hands:
        trips_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 3)
        remaining_cards = filter(lambda card: card.value != trips_value, hand)
        pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)
        ordered_hands.append((hand, trips_value, pair_value))

    ordered_hands.sort(key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[2]), reverse=True)

    current_rank = 1
    ranked_hands = {current_rank: [ordered_hands[0][0]]}
    current_trip = ordered_hands[0][1]
    current_pair = ordered_hands[0][2]

    for hand, trip, pair in ordered_hands[1:]:
        if current_trip == trip and current_pair == pair:
            current_rank += 1
            current_trip = trip
            current_pair = pair
            ranked_hands[current_rank] = [hand]

    return ranked_hands
Exemple #3
def _hand_test_two_pair(hand: List[Card]) -> bool:
    Private method to test if a hand is a two pair hand

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: Boolean indicating if the hand is a straight flush

    high_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2)
    remaining_cards = list(filter(lambda card: card.value != high_pair_value, hand))
    low_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)

    return bool(high_pair_value and low_pair_value)
Exemple #4
def _hand_test_full_house(hand: List[Card]) -> bool:
    Private method to test if a hand is a quads hand

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: Boolean indicating if the hand is a straight flush

    trips_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 3)
    remaining_cards = filter(lambda card: card.value != trips_value, hand)
    pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)

    return bool(trips_value and pair_value)
Exemple #5
def _hand_description_full_house(hand: List[Card]):
    Private method that produces the proper hand description for a full house hand.

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: String of the hand description

    trips_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 3)
    trips_rank = list(filter(lambda card: card.value == trips_value,
    remaining_cards = filter(lambda card: card.value != trips_value, hand)
    pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)
    pair_rank = list(filter(lambda card: card.value == pair_value,
    return f"Full House ({trips_rank}s full of {pair_rank}s)"
Exemple #6
def _rank_pair(hands: List[List[Card]]):
    Private tiebreaker method to determine the best pair hand in the list of hands

    :param hands: List of list of cards. each internal list of cards represents a pair hand
    :return: Dictionary in the following format of KEY = Rank number (1,2,3,4...) VALUE = List of hands for that rank
        If there are tied hands, then multiple hands will appear as the value for that rank.

    hands_pair = [(hand, hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2)) for hand in hands]
    pair_values = list(set([tup[1] for tup in hands_pair]))

    ranked_hands = dict()

    for pair_value in pair_values:
        pair_value_hands = filter(
            lambda hand_tuple: hand_tuple[1] == pair_value, hands_pair)
        pair_value_hands = order_hands_highest_card(
            [tup[0] for tup in pair_value_hands])

        current_rank = 1 if not ranked_hands else max(ranked_hands.keys()) + 1
        ranked_hands[current_rank] = [pair_value_hands[0]]

        for hand in pair_value_hands[1:]:
            if hands_have_same_card_values(hand,
                current_rank += 1
                ranked_hands[current_rank] = [hand]

    return ranked_hands
Exemple #7
def _rank_two_pair(hands: List[List[Card]]):
    Private tiebreaker method to determine the best two pair hand in the list of hands

    :param hands: List of list of cards. each internal list of cards represents a two pair hand
    :return: Dictionary in the following format of KEY = Rank number (1,2,3,4...) VALUE = List of hands for that rank
        If there are tied hands, then multiple hands will appear as the value for that rank.

    hands_two_pair_kicker = []

    for hand in hands:
        high_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2)
        remaining_cards = filter(lambda card: card.value != high_pair_value,
        low_pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(remaining_cards, 2)
        kicker_value = list(
                lambda card: card.value != high_pair_value and card.value !=
            (hand, high_pair_value, low_pair_value, kicker_value))

    hands_two_pair_kicker.sort(key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[2], tup[3]),

    current_rank = 1
    current_high_pair = hands_two_pair_kicker[0][1]
    current_low_pair = hands_two_pair_kicker[0][2]
    current_kicker = hands_two_pair_kicker[0][3]
    ranked_hands = {current_rank: [hands_two_pair_kicker[0][0]]}

    for hand, high_pair, low_pair, kicker in hands_two_pair_kicker[1:]:
        if (high_pair == current_high_pair and low_pair == current_low_pair
                and kicker == current_kicker):
            current_rank += 1
            current_high_pair = high_pair
            current_low_pair = low_pair
            current_kicker = kicker
            ranked_hands[current_rank] = [hand]

    return ranked_hands
Exemple #8
def _hand_test_pair(hand: List[Card]) -> bool:
    Private method to test if a hand is a two pair hand

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: Boolean indicating if the hand is a straight flush

    return bool(hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2))
Exemple #9
def _hand_description_quads(hand: List[Card]):
    Private method that produces the proper hand description for a quads hand.

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: String of the hand description

    quads_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 4)
    quads_rank = list(filter(lambda card: card.value == quads_value,
    kicker = list(filter(lambda card: card.value != quads_value, hand))
    if kicker:
        return f"Quads ({quads_rank}s with {kicker[0].rank} kicker)"
        return f"Quads ({quads_rank}s)"
Exemple #10
def _hand_description_trips(hand: List[Card]):
    Private method that produces the proper hand description for a quads hand.

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: String of the hand description

    trips_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 3)
    trips_rank = list(filter(lambda card: card.value == trips_value,
    kickers = list(filter(lambda card: card.value != trips_value, hand))

    if not kickers:
        return f"Trips ({trips_rank}s)"

    kickers.sort(key=lambda card: card.value, reverse=True)
    kickers_rank = [card.rank for card in kickers]
    return f"Trips ({trips_rank}s with kickers {', '.join(kickers_rank)})"
Exemple #11
def _hand_description_pair(hand: List[Card]):
    Private method that produces the proper hand description for a pair hand.

    :param hand: List of Card objects representing a players hand
    :return: String of the hand description

    pair_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, 2)
    pair_rank = list(filter(lambda card: card.value == pair_value,

    kickers = list(filter(lambda card: card.value != pair_value, hand))

    if kickers:
        kickers.sort(key=lambda card: card.value, reverse=True)
        kickers = [kicker.rank for kicker in kickers]
        return f"Pair ({pair_rank}s with kickers {', '.join(kickers)})"
        return f"Pair ({pair_rank}s)"
Exemple #12
def test_when_hand_has_value_tuple_then_correct_response_returned(
        hand_name, tuple_length, expected_tuple_value):
    hand = get_hand(hand_name)
    tuple_value = hand_highest_value_tuple(hand, tuple_length)
    assert tuple_value == expected_tuple_value