Exemple #1
    def resample_omega(self, augmented_data_list):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        K = self.K
        for data in augmented_data_list:
            x = data["x"]
            T = data["T"]

            # TODO: Fix this hack
            if "z" in data:
                z = data["z"]
            elif "states" in data:
                z = data["states"].stateseq
                raise Exception("Could not find latent states in augmented data!")

            psi = z.dot(self.C.T) + self.mu[None, :]
            N = N_vec(x).astype(np.float)
            tmp_omg = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N.ravel(), psi.ravel(), tmp_omg)
            data["omega"] = tmp_omg.reshape((T, self.K-1))

            # Clip out zeros
            data["omega"] = np.clip(data["omega"], 1e-8,np.inf)
Exemple #2
    def resample_auxiliary_variables(self):
        C, D, ed = self.C, self.D, self.emission_distn
        psi = self.gaussian_states.dot(C.T) + self.inputs.dot(D.T) + ed.b.T

        b = ed.b_func(self.data)
        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.ravel(), psi.ravel(), self.omega.ravel())
Exemple #3
    def sample_w(self):
        This method samples the augmenting w parameters from its conditional posterior distribution.
        For details about the augmentation see the paper.
        :return: samples for w_i from a polyagamma distribution.
                list of lists of arrays num_images x num_subjects x T(image, subject).
        nthreads = pypolyagamma.get_omp_num_threads()
        seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
        ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]

        w = []

        for i in range(len(self.saliencies_ts)):

            for saliency_ts in self.saliencies_ts[i]:
                T = saliency_ts.shape[0]
                A = np.ones(T)
                w_is = np.zeros(T)
                    ppgs, A,
                    np.abs(self.b.value * (saliency_ts - self.s_0.value)),
        return w
def pg_spike_train(X, Y, C, Omega, D_out, nthreads=None, N=1, neg_bin=False):
    Sample Polya-Gamma wy|Y,C,D,X where Y are spike trains and X are the continuous latent states
    :param X: List of continuous latent states
    :param Y: list of spike trains
    :param C: emission parameters. bias parameter is appended to last column.
    :param Omega: list used for storing polya-gamma variables
    :param D_out: Dimension of output i..e number of neurons
    :param nthreads: Number of threads for parallel sampling.
    :param N: Maximum number of spikes N for a binomial distribution, or number of failures in negative binomial
    :param neg_bin: Boolean flag dictating whether likelihood is negative binomial
    for idx in range(len(X)):
        T = X[idx][0, 1:].size
        b = N * np.ones(T * D_out)
        if neg_bin:
            b += Y[idx].flatten(order='F')
        if nthreads is None:
            nthreads = n_cpu
        out = np.empty(T * D_out)
        V = C[:, :-1] @ X[
                 1:] + C[:,
                             na]  # Ignore the first point of the time series

        seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
        ppgs = [PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]

        pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b, V.flatten(order='F'), out)
        Omega[idx] = out.reshape((D_out, T), order='F')

    return Omega
def pg_tree_posterior(states, omega, R, path, depth, nthreads=None):
    Sample Polya-Gamma w_n,t|x_t,z_{t+1} where the subscript n denotes the hyperplane
    for which we are augmenting with the Polya-Gamma. Thus will augment all the logistic regressions
    that was taken while traversing down the tree
    :param states: This variable contains the continuous latent states. It is a list of numpy arrays
    :param omega: list for storing polya-gamma variables
    :param R: normal vectors of hyper-plane where the bias term is the last element in that array. The format is a list of arrays.
    :param path: path taken through the tree at time t. a list of numpy arrays
    :param depth: maximum depth of the tree
    :return: a list of pg rvs for each time series
    for idx in range(len(states)):
        T = states[idx][0, :].size
        b = np.ones(T * (depth - 1))
        if nthreads is None:
            nthreads = cpu_count()
        v = np.ones((depth - 1, T))
        out = np.empty(T * (depth - 1))
        #Compute parameters for conditional
        for d in range(depth - 1):
            for t in range(T):
                index = int(path[idx][d, t] - 1)  # Find which node you went through
                v[d, t] = np.matmul(R[d][:-1, index], np.array(states[idx][:, t])) + R[d][-1, index]
        seeds = np.random.randint(2 ** 16, size=nthreads)
        ppgs = [PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
        #Sample in parallel
        pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b, v.flatten(order='F'), out)
        omega[idx] = out.reshape((depth - 1, T), order='F')

    return omega
    def _resample_b(self):
        V = self.V

        # Sample auxiliary variables.
        # We could be more efficient here since we only need
        # the lower triangular part.
        XXTs = [(self.X * m).dot(self.X.T) for m in self.ms]
        psis = [self.b + XXT for XXT in XXTs]
        omegas = []
        for psi in psis:
            omega = np.zeros(V**2)
            pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, np.ones(V**2), psi.ravel(), omega)
            omegas.append(omega.reshape((V, V)))

        # Sample b
        J = 1.0 / (self.sigmasq_b + 1e-8)
        h = 0.0
        for A, mask, XXT, omega in zip(self.As, self.masks, XXTs, omegas):
            J += omega * mask
            h += (A - 0.5 - omega * XXT) * mask

        sigmasq = 1. / J
        mu = sigmasq * h
        self.b = mu + np.sqrt(sigmasq) * npr.randn(V, V)

        # Symmetrize -- only keep lower triangular part
        L = np.tril(np.ones((V, V)), k=-1)
        self.b = self.b * L + self.b.T * L.T
Exemple #7
 def resample_omega(self):
               axis=1).astype('float64').ravel(), self.psi.ravel(),
     np.clip(self.omega, 1e-32, np.inf, out=self.omega)
Exemple #8
    def resample_omega(self, augmented_data_list):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        K = self.K
        for data in augmented_data_list:
            x = data["x"]
            T = data["T"]

            # TODO: Fix this hack
            if "z" in data:
                z = data["z"]
            elif "states" in data:
                z = data["states"].stateseq
                raise Exception("Could not find latent states in augmented data!")

            psi = z.dot(self.C.T) + self.mu[None, :]
            N = N_vec(x).astype(np.float)
            tmp_omg = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N.ravel(), psi.ravel(), tmp_omg)
            data["omega"] = tmp_omg.reshape((T, self.K-1))

            # Clip out zeros
            data["omega"] = np.clip(data["omega"], 1e-8,np.inf)
Exemple #9
    def sample_marks(self):
        """ Samples Polya-Gamma variables (at observed and latent events).

        self.marks = numpy.empty(self.N + self.M)
        pgdrawvpar(self.pg, numpy.ones(self.N + self.M), self.g, self.marks)
Exemple #10
def resample_omega(z, x):
    # Resample with Jesse Windle's ported code
    b = 1. / T
    omega = np.zeros(1)
    psi = z
    ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, np.array([b]), np.array([psi]), omega)

    return omega[0]
Exemple #11
 def resample_omega(self):
         N_vec(self.time_word_topic_counts, axis=1).astype("float64").ravel(),
     np.clip(self.omega, 1e-32, np.inf, out=self.omega)
Exemple #12
    def _info_form_heldout_log_likelihood(self, X, M=10):
        We can analytically integrate out z (latent states)
        given omega. To estimate the heldout log likelihood of a
        data sequence, we Monte Carlo integrate over omega,
        where omega is drawn from the prior.
        :param data:
        :param M: number of Monte Carlo samples for integrating out omega
        # assert len(self.data_list) == 1, "TODO: Support more than 1 data set"

        T, K = X.shape
        assert K == self.K
        kappa = kappa_vec(X)
        N = N_vec(X)

        # Compute the data-specific normalization constant from the
        # augmented multinomial distribution
        Z_mul = (gammaln(N + 1) - gammaln(X[:, :-1] + 1) -
                 gammaln(N - X[:, :-1] + 1)).sum()
        Z_mul += (-N * np.log(2.)).sum()

        # Monte carlo integrate wrt omega ~ PG(N, 0)
        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        hlls = np.zeros(M)
        for m in range(M):
            # Sample omega using the emission distributions samplers
            omega = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.emission_distn.ppgs, N.ravel(),
                           np.zeros(N.size), omega)
            omega = omega.reshape((T, K - 1))

            # Exactly integrate out the latent states z using message passing
            # The "data" is the normal potential from the
            states = MultinomialLDSStates(model=self, data=X)
            conditional_mean = kappa / np.clip(
                omega, 1e-64, np.inf) - self.emission_distn.mu[None, :]
            conditional_prec = np.zeros((T, K - 1, K - 1))
            for t in range(T):
                conditional_prec[t, :, :] = np.diag(omega[t, :])

            Z_lds = states.info_log_likelihood(conditional_mean,

            # Sum them up to get the heldout log likelihood for this omega
            hlls[m] = Z_mul + Z_lds

        # Now take the log of the average to get the log likelihood
        hll = logsumexp(hlls) - np.log(M)

        # Use bootstrap to compute error bars
        samples = np.random.choice(hlls, size=(100, M), replace=True)
        hll_samples = logsumexp(samples, axis=1) - np.log(M)
        std_hll = hll_samples.std()

        return hll, std_hll
Exemple #13
    def resample_omega(self, x):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        assert x.ndim == 2
        N = x.sum()

        #  Sum the N's (i.e. the b's in the denominator)
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N * np.ones(self.K), self.rho, self.omega)
Exemple #14
    def resample_omega(self, x):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        assert x.ndim == 2
        N = x.sum()

        #  Sum the N's (i.e. the b's in the denominator)
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N * np.ones(self.K), self.rho, self.omega)
Exemple #15
 def omega(self, X, y):
     In the Polya-gamma augmentation, the precision is
     given by an auxiliary variable that we must sample
     import pypolyagamma as ppg
     psi = self.activation(X)
     omega = np.zeros(y.size)
     ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, self.b_func(y).ravel(), psi.ravel(), omega)
     return omega.reshape(y.shape)
Exemple #16
    def _info_form_heldout_log_likelihood(self, X, M=10):
        We can analytically integrate out z (latent states)
        given omega. To estimate the heldout log likelihood of a
        data sequence, we Monte Carlo integrate over omega,
        where omega is drawn from the prior.
        :param data:
        :param M: number of Monte Carlo samples for integrating out omega
        # assert len(self.data_list) == 1, "TODO: Support more than 1 data set"

        T, K = X.shape
        assert K == self.K
        kappa = kappa_vec(X)
        N = N_vec(X)

        # Compute the data-specific normalization constant from the
        # augmented multinomial distribution
        Z_mul = (gammaln(N + 1) - gammaln(X[:,:-1]+1) - gammaln(N-X[:,:-1]+1)).sum()
        Z_mul += (-N * np.log(2.)).sum()

        # Monte carlo integrate wrt omega ~ PG(N, 0)
        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        hlls = np.zeros(M)
        for m in range(M):
            # Sample omega using the emission distributions samplers
            omega = np.zeros(N.size)
                           N.ravel(), np.zeros(N.size),
            omega = omega.reshape((T, K-1))

            # Exactly integrate out the latent states z using message passing
            # The "data" is the normal potential from the
            states = MultinomialLDSStates(model=self, data=X)
            conditional_mean = kappa / np.clip(omega, 1e-64,np.inf) - self.emission_distn.mu[None, :]
            conditional_prec = np.zeros((T, K-1, K-1))
            for t in range(T):
                conditional_prec[t,:,:] = np.diag(omega[t,:])

            Z_lds = states.info_log_likelihood(conditional_mean, conditional_prec)

            # Sum them up to get the heldout log likelihood for this omega
            hlls[m] = Z_mul + Z_lds

        # Now take the log of the average to get the log likelihood
        hll = logsumexp(hlls) - np.log(M)

        # Use bootstrap to compute error bars
        samples = np.random.choice(hlls, size=(100, M), replace=True)
        hll_samples = logsumexp(samples, axis=1) - np.log(M)
        std_hll = hll_samples.std()

        return hll, std_hll
Exemple #17
    def resample_omega(self, x):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        assert x.ndim == 2
        N = N_vec(x)

        #  Sum the N's (i.e. the b's in the denominator)
        NN = N.sum(0).astype(np.float)
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, NN, self.psi, self.omega)
Exemple #18
    def resample_omega(self):
        # Resample the omega's given N and psi
        for data in self.data_list:
            M = data["M"]
            N = data["N"]
            psi = data["psi"] + self.mu[None, :]

            # Go through each GP and resample psi given the likelihood
            tmp_omg = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N.ravel(), psi.ravel(), tmp_omg)
            data["omega"] = tmp_omg.reshape((M, self.K-1))
Exemple #19
    def resample_omega(self):
        # Resample the omega's given N and psi
        for data in self.data_list:
            M = data["M"]
            N = data["N"]
            psi = data["psi"] + self.mu[None, :]

            # Go through each GP and resample psi given the likelihood
            tmp_omg = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, N.ravel(), psi.ravel(), tmp_omg)
            data["omega"] = tmp_omg.reshape((M, self.K-1))
Exemple #20
    def resample_omega(self, x):
        Resample omega from its conditional Polya-gamma distribution
        assert x.ndim == 2
        N = N_vec(x)

        #  Sum the N's (i.e. the b's in the denominator)
        NN = N.sum(0).astype(np.float)
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, NN, self.psi, self.omega)
Exemple #21
 def omega(self, X, y):
     In the Polya-gamma augmentation, the precision is
     given by an auxiliary variable that we must sample
     import pypolyagamma as ppg
     psi = self.activation(X)
     omega = np.zeros(y.size)
     return omega.reshape(y.shape)
Exemple #22
    def resample(self, augmented_data_list, temperature=1.0):
        Resample omega given xi and psi, then resample psi given omega, X, w, and sigma
        for augmented_data in augmented_data_list:
            psi = self.activation.compute_psi(augmented_data)

            # Resample with Jesse Windle's ported code
            b = self.b(augmented_data) * temperature
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.ravel(), psi.ravel(),

            # Update kappa for the new temperature
            a = self.a(augmented_data) * temperature
            augmented_data["kappa"] = a - b/2.0
def monte_carlo_approx(M=100000):
    ppgs = initialize_polya_gamma_samplers()

    # Compute the left hand side analytically
    loglhs = psi*a - b * np.log1p(np.exp(psi))

    # Compute the right hand side with Monte Carlo
    omegas = np.ones(M)
    ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b*np.ones(M), np.zeros(M), omegas)
    logrhss = -b * np.log(2) + (a-b/2.)*psi -0.5 * omegas*psi**2
    logrhs = logsumexp(logrhss) - np.log(M)

    print("Monte Carlo")
    print("log LHS: ", loglhs)
    print("log RHS: ", logrhs)
Exemple #24
    def resample(self, augmented_data_list, temperature=1.0):
        Resample omega given xi and psi, then resample psi given omega, X, w, and sigma
        for augmented_data in augmented_data_list:
            psi = self.activation.compute_psi(augmented_data)

            # Resample with Jesse Windle's ported code
            b = self.b(augmented_data) * temperature
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.ravel(), psi.ravel(),

            # Update kappa for the new temperature
            a = self.a(augmented_data) * temperature
            augmented_data["kappa"] = a - b / 2.0
Exemple #25
def monte_carlo_approx(M=100000):
    ppgs = initialize_polya_gamma_samplers()

    # Compute the left hand side analytically
    loglhs = psi * a - b * np.log1p(np.exp(psi))

    # Compute the right hand side with Monte Carlo
    omegas = np.ones(M)
    ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b * np.ones(M), np.zeros(M), omegas)
    logrhss = -b * np.log(2) + (a - b / 2.) * psi - 0.5 * omegas * psi**2
    logrhs = logsumexp(logrhss) - np.log(M)

    print("Monte Carlo")
    print("log LHS: ", loglhs)
    print("log RHS: ", logrhs)
Exemple #26
def test_parallel(verbose=False):
    # Call the parallel vectorized version

    n = 5
    nthreads = 8
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    if verbose:
    return True
Exemple #27
def sample_w_i(S, J_i):

    :param S: observation matrix
    :param J_i: neuron i's couplings
    :return: samples for w_i from a polyagamma distribution
    nthreads = pypolyagamma.get_omp_num_threads()
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]

    T = S.shape[0]
    A = np.ones(T)
    w_i = np.zeros(T)
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, A, np.dot(S, J_i), w_i)
    return w_i
 def _resample_Omega(self, As=[]):
     Sample auxiliary Polya-gamma variables for each adjacency matrix
     :param As:
     Omegas = []
     for A in As:
         tmp = np.empty(A.size, dtype=np.float)
                    np.ones(A.size, dtype=np.int32),
         Omega = tmp.reshape((self.N, self.N), order="C")
     return Omegas
def test_parallel(verbose=False):
    # Call the parallel vectorized version

    n = 5
    nthreads = pypolyagamma.get_omp_num_threads()
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    if verbose:
    return True
    def _resample_omegav(self, v):
        V = self.V
        notv = np.ones(V, dtype=bool)
        notv[v] = False
        omegas = []
        for n, (A, m) in enumerate(zip(self.As, self.ms)):
            # Scale the covariates by the mask
            Xnotv = self.X[notv] * m
            xv = self.X[v]
            psi = self.b[v][notv] + Xnotv.dot(xv)

            bb = np.ones(V-1)
            omega = np.zeros(V-1)
            pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, bb, psi, omega)
        return omegas
Exemple #31
    def resample_transition_auxiliary_variables(self):
        # Resample the auxiliary variable for the transition matrix
        trans_distn = self.trans_distn
        prev_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[:-1], self.num_states)
        next_state = one_hot(self.stateseq[1:], self.num_states)

        A = trans_distn.A[:, :self.num_states]
        C = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states:self.num_states + self.D_latent]
        # D = trans_distn.A[:, self.num_states+self.D_latent:]
        b = trans_distn.b

        psi = prev_state.dot(A.T) \
              + self.covariates.dot(C.T) \
              + b.T \
              # + self.inputs.dot(D.T) \

        b_pg = trans_distn.b_func(next_state[:,:-1])

        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b_pg.ravel(), psi.ravel(), self.trans_omegas.ravel())
Exemple #32
    def augment_data(self, augmented_data):
        Add a matrix of augmented counts
        :param augmented_data:
        S = augmented_data["S"]
        T = S.shape[0]
        assert S.shape[1] == self.N

        # Initialize auxiliary variables
        augmented_data["omega"] = np.empty((T, self.N))
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, np.ones(T*self.N), np.zeros(T*self.N),

        # Precompute kappa (assuming that it is constant given data)
        # That is, we can only do this if xi is not resampled
        augmented_data["kappa"] = self.a(augmented_data) - self.b(augmented_data)/2.0

        # Initialize the mean field local variational parameters
        augmented_data["omega"] = np.empty((T, self.N))
Exemple #33
    def augment_data(self, augmented_data):
        Add a matrix of augmented counts
        :param augmented_data:
        S = augmented_data["S"]
        T = S.shape[0]
        assert S.shape[1] == self.N

        # Initialize auxiliary variables
        augmented_data["omega"] = np.empty((T, self.N))
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, np.ones(T * self.N), np.zeros(T * self.N),

        # Precompute kappa (assuming that it is constant given data)
        # That is, we can only do this if xi is not resampled
        augmented_data["kappa"] = self.a(
            augmented_data) - self.b(augmented_data) / 2.0

        # Initialize the mean field local variational parameters
        augmented_data["omega"] = np.empty((T, self.N))
Exemple #34
    def resample_auxiliary_variables(self):
        # TODO: move this to cython
        T, C, D, ed = self.T, self.C, self.D, self.emission_distn
        data, size, indices, indptr \
            = self.masked_data, self.masked_data.size, \
              self.masked_data.indices, self.masked_data.indptr
        psi = np.zeros(size)
        offset = 0
        for t in range(T):
            for n in indices[indptr[t]:indptr[t + 1]]:
                psi[offset] = self.gaussian_states[t].dot(C[n])
                psi[offset] += self.inputs[t].dot(D[n])
                psi[offset] += ed.b[n]
                offset += 1
        psi = csr_matrix((psi, indices, indptr), shape=data.shape)
        b = ed.b_func(data)

        # Allocate vector for omega
        self.omega = np.zeros(size)
        ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.data, psi.data, self.omega)
        self.omega = csr_matrix((self.omega, indices, indptr),
def pg_spike_train(X, C, Omega, D_out, nthreads=None):
    Sample Polya-Gamma wy|Y,C,D,X where Y are spike trains and X are the continuous latent states
    :param X: continuous latent states
    :param C: emission parameters. bias parameter is appended to last column.
    :param Omega: list used for storing polya-gamma variables
    :param D_out: Dimension of output i..e number of neurons
    :return: polya gamma samples from conditional posterior in a list of numpy arrays
    for idx in range(len(X)):
        T = X[idx][0, 1:].size
        b = np.ones(T * D_out)
        if nthreads is None:
            nthreads = cpu_count()
        out = np.empty(T * D_out)
        V = C[:, :-1] @ X[idx][:, 1:] + C[:, -1][:, na]  # Ignore the initial point of the time series

        seeds = np.random.randint(2 ** 16, size=nthreads)
        ppgs = [PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]

        pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b, V.flatten(order='F'), out)
        Omega[idx] = out.reshape((D_out, T), order='F')

    return Omega
Exemple #36
Call the different sample methods
import numpy as np
import pypolyagamma as pypolyagamma

rng = pypolyagamma.PyRNG(0)
ppg = pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(np.random.randint(2**16))

# # Call the single sample
# v1 = ppg.pgdraw(1.,1.)
# print v1
# # Call the vectorized version
n = 5
# v2 = np.zeros(n)
a = 14 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float)
b = 0 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float)
# ppg.pgdrawv(a, b, v2)
# print v2

# Call the parallel vectorized version
# n = 5
nthreads = 8
v3 = np.zeros(n)
seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)
Exemple #37
 def resample_omega(self):
         self.ppgs, N_vec(self.doc_topic_counts).astype('float64').ravel(),
         self.psi.ravel(), self.omega.ravel())
     np.clip(self.omega, 1e-32, np.inf, out=self.omega)
Exemple #38
 def draw_w(self):
     """w: L-by-N; augmented latent variable"""
     ns = np.ones(self.N, dtype=np.float)
     ## draw polya gamma parallelly
     for l in xrange(self.L):
         ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, ns, self.psi[l, :], self.w[l, :])
Exemple #39
 def _resample_auxiliary_vars(self):
     import pypolyagamma as ppg
     b, psi = self.b, self.psi
     ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.ravel(), psi.ravel(), self.omega.ravel())
Exemple #40
def resample_omega():
    ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, np.ones(T*N), psi.ravel(), omega.ravel())
Call the different sample methods
import numpy as np
import pypolyagamma as ppg

# Call the parallel vectorized version
n = 16
b = 2 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float)
z = 0 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float)
v3 = np.zeros(n)
# print "Different seeds"
# nthreads = 1
# seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
# ppgs = [ppg.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
# ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b, z, v3)
# print v3

# Now try it where they all have the same seed
print "Same seed"
nthreads = ppg.get_omp_num_threads()
print "N threads: ", nthreads
seeds = 5 * np.ones(nthreads, dtype=np.uint)
ppgs = [ppg.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
ppg.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, b, z, v3)
print v3
Exemple #42
 def _resample_auxiliary_vars(self):
     import pypolyagamma as ppg
     b, psi = self.b, self.psi
     ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, b.ravel(), psi.ravel(),
Exemple #43
 def resample(self, psi):
     ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.ppgs, self.b.ravel(), psi.ravel(),
def test_parallel2():
    """Test multiple cases of OMP"""
    num_threads = pypolyagamma.get_omp_num_threads()
    if num_threads < 2:


    # Case 1: n < nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 2: n < nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 3: n < nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 4: n > nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 5: n > nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 6: n > nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 7: n = nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 8: n = nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 9: n = nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    return True
Exemple #45
def test_parallel2():
    """Test multiple cases of OMP"""
    num_threads = pypolyagamma.get_omp_num_threads()
    if num_threads < 2:


    # Case 1: n < nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 2: n < nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 3: n < nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads - 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 4: n > nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 5: n > nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 6: n > nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads + 1
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 7: n = nthreads, nthreads = num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 8: n = nthreads, nthreads < num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads - 1
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    # Case 9: n = nthreads, nthreads > num_threads
    nthreads = num_threads + 1
    n = nthreads
    v3 = np.zeros(n)
    a = 14 * np.ones(n)
    b = 0 * np.ones(n)
    seeds = np.random.randint(2**16, size=nthreads)
    ppgs = [pypolyagamma.PyPolyaGamma(seed) for seed in seeds]
    pypolyagamma.pgdrawvpar(ppgs, a, b, v3)

    return True