Exemple #1
from pypot.creatures import PoppyHumanoid as PH

p = PH()

raw_input('Ready to turn off compliance before turning on?')

for m in p.motors:
    m.compliant = False

# raw_input('Ready to make legs/arms/abs/chest compliant?')

# for rl in 'rl':
#     for m in ['ankle', 'knee', 'hip']:
#         getattr(p,'%s_%s_y'%(rl,m)).compliant = True
# for m in p.arms: m.compliant = True
# p.abs_y.compliant = True
# p.bust_y.compliant = True

raw_input('Ready to turn on compliance to get to bag pose?')
for m in p.motors:
    m.compliant = True

raw_input('In bag pose and ready to turn off compliance again?')

for m in p.motors:
    m.compliant = False

raw_input('Compliance should now be off.')

class Poppy(Robot):
    This class encapsulates the methods and properties for interacting with the poppy robot
    It extends the abstract class 'Robot'

    sync_sleep_time = None
    robot_handle = None
    interpolation = None
    fraction_max_speed = None
    wait = None

    def __init__(self,
        The constructor of the class. Class properties should be set here
        The robot handle should be created here
        Any other initializations such as setting angles to particular values should also be taken care of here

        :type sync_sleep_time: float
        :param sync_sleep_time: Time to sleep to allow the joints to reach their targets (in seconds)
        :type interpolation: bool
        :param interpolation: Flag to indicate if intermediate joint angles should be interpolated
        :type fractionMaxSpeed: float
        :param fractionMaxSpeed: Fraction of the maximum motor speed to use
        :type wait: bool
        :param wait: Flag to indicate whether the control should wait for each angle to reach its target

        super(Poppy, self).__init__()

        # Set the properties
        self.sync_sleep_time = sync_sleep_time
        self.interpolation = interpolation
        self.fraction_max_speed = fraction_max_speed
        self.wait = wait

        self._maximumSpeed = 1.0

        # Close existing vrep connections if any

        # Create a new poppy robot and set the robot handle
        self.robot_handle = PoppyHumanoid(simulator='vrep',

        # Sync the robot joints

        # Perform required joint initializations
        # Move arms to pi/2
        # self.robot_handle.l_shoulder_y.goal_position = -90
        # self.robot_handle.r_shoulder_y.goal_position = -90

        # Sleep for a few seconds to allow the changes to take effect

    def set_angles(self, joint_angles, duration=None, joint_velocities=None):
        Sets the joints to the specified angles (after converting radians to degrees since the poppy robot uses degrees)

        :type joint_angles: dict
        :param joint_angles: Dictionary of joint_names: angles (in radians)
        :type duration: float
        :param duration: Time to reach the angular targets (in seconds)
        :type joint_velocities: dict
        :param joint_velocities: dict of joint angles and velocities
        :return: None

        for joint_name in joint_angles.keys():

            # Convert the angle to degrees
            target_angle_degrees = math.degrees(joint_angles[joint_name])

                # Determine the right joint and set the joint angle
                for motor in self.robot_handle.motors:
                    if motor.name == joint_name:
                        motor.compliant = False
                        motor.goal_speed = 1000.0 * min(
                            self.fraction_max_speed, self._maximumSpeed)
                        motor.goal_position = target_angle_degrees
            except Exception as e:  # Catch all exceptions
                print e.message
                raise RuntimeError('Could not set joint angle')

        # Sleep to allow the motors to reach their targets
        if not duration:

    def get_angles(self, joint_names=None):
        Gets the angles of the specified joints and returns a dict of joint_names: angles (in radians)
        If joint_names=None then the values of all joints are returned

        :type joint_names: list
        :param joint_names: List of joint name strings
        :rtype: dict
        :returns: dict of joint names and angles

        # Create the dict to be returned
        joint_angles = dict()

        # Retrieve the list of DxlMXMotor objects
        motors = self.robot_handle.motors

        # If no joint names are specified, return angles of all joints in raidans
        # Else return only the angles (in radians) of the specified joints
        for m in motors:
            if joint_names is None:
                joint_angles[str(m.name)] = math.radians(m.present_position)
                if m.name in joint_names:
                    joint_angles[str(m.name)] = math.radians(

        return joint_angles

    def cleanup(self):
        Cleans up the current connection to the robot
        :return: None
        # TODO check if it works