Exemple #1
    def run(self,
        Nb = Testsys["bus"].shape[0]  # Load test system,Nb为节点数,Ng为发电机组数,Nl为馈线数
        Ng = Testsys["gen"].shape[0]
        Nl = Testsys["branch"].shape[0]

        # Set initial value
        iter = 0
        betavalue = float('inf')  # The stopping criteria停止迭代的标准
        row_index = 0
        # Build matrices that have fix dimension to avoid changing size in each loop
        eqstatus_total = np.zeros(
            (ITER_max, Ng + Nl + 3))  # 建一个100000*(33+38+3)的矩阵
        beta_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))  # "//"除法得到的才是整数
        edns_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))  # 存放评价指标,大小为1*1000
        lole_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))
        plc_table = np.zeros((1, ITER_max // SIMUNIT))
        genbus = np.nonzero((Testsys["bus"][:, PD]))[
            0]  # 第三列(python中坐标是2)是节点的有功功率,表示节点有有功负荷,此处返回该列非零元素的索引,共有17个元素非零
        sizegenbus = genbus.shape[0]  # 有负荷的节点数量赋值给sizegenbus
        Testsys["load"] = sum(Testsys["bus"][:, PD])  # 系统需要的总有功功率
        Testsys["gencost"] = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0],
                                     (Ng, 1))  # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(设置机组费用)
        # treat all load as negtive generator and set their parameters, then add these vitual generators to real gens
        # 将所有载荷视为负发电机,并设置其参数,然后将这些发电机加到实际的发电机中
        loadcost = np.tile([2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0],
                           (sizegenbus, 1))  # np.tile建立重复矩阵块(负荷的“机组费用”)
        Testsys["gencost"] = np.append(Testsys["gencost"], loadcost, axis=0)
        Index = copy.deepcopy(Testsys["gen"][0:sizegenbus, :])  # 将前17台机组的数据取出
        Index[:, 0:10] = np.hstack(
            (Testsys["bus"][genbus, 0].reshape(-1, 1),
             -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1),
             -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1),
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 3].reshape(-1, 1),
             np.zeros((sizegenbus, 1)), Testsys["baseMVA"] * np.ones(
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), np.ones((sizegenbus, 1)),
                 (sizegenbus, 1)), -Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2].reshape(-1, 1)))
        #  负荷参数代替取出的机组数据,将负荷套入机组模型,上面矩阵取数注意与matlab相比坐标要减一
        Testsys["gen"] = np.append(Testsys["gen"], Index, axis=0)
        del Index
        Testsys["bus"][genbus, 2:4] = 0  # 将原来节点中的第3、4列(有功、无功)负荷设为零
        totalprob = failprob()  # 引用前面定义的函数
        ppopt = ppoption(
            PF_DC=1, VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, OPF_ALG_DC=200, OPF_FLOW_LIM=1
        )  # 可以通过ppoption()采用默认变量来看里面需要什么样的输入,这个按照matlab来输入没问题吧?
        result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
        while (betavalue > BETAlimit) & (iter < ITER_max):
            eqstatus_indi = mc_sampling(
                totalprob, SIMUNIT, Ng,
                Nl)  # eqstatus为元件的状态矩阵,为1表示元件故障,为0表示原件正常
            eqstatus_indi = np.hstack(
                (eqstatus_indi, np.ones((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 1)),
                 np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))))
            # 在eqstatus_indi矩阵中加入三列,第一列代表状态重复次数,第二列记载切负荷量大小(没有切负荷则为零),第三列记载是否为容量不足
            eqstatus_indi, ia1 = np.unique(eqstatus_indi,
                                           return_inverse=True)  # 找出抽样中的相同结果
            for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                              Ng + Nl] = sum(ia1 == i)  # 将重复记录次数在第Ng + Nl + 1
            if iter:
                x = 0
                y = eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(y):
                    indi_x = eqstatus_indi[x, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    for j in range(row_index):
                        if (indi_x == eqstatus_total[j, 0:Ng + Nl]).all():
                            eqstatus_total[j, Ng + Nl] = eqstatus_total[
                                j, Ng + Nl] + eqstatus_indi[
                                    Ng + Nl]  # 遇见相同的,就在eqstatus_total的计数中累加次数
                            eqstatus_indi = np.delete(eqstatus_indi, x, axis=0)
                            x = x - 1
                    x = x + 1
                parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))
                para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                n_sample = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                    para[i] = [0] * 5
                    para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    para[i][1] = Testsys
                    para[i][2] = ppopt
                    para[i][3] = Ng
                    para[i][4] = Nl
                with Pool(self.n_processors) as p:
                    load_shedding = list(p.map(mc_simulation, para))
                parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding)
                parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0
                eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp
                eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index +
                               eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi
                row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                parfortemp = np.zeros((eqstatus_indi.shape[0], 2))
                para = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                c = [0] * eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
                for i in range(eqstatus_indi.shape[0]):
                    para[i] = [0] * 5
                    para[i][0] = eqstatus_indi[i, 0:Ng + Nl]
                    para[i][1] = Testsys
                    para[i][2] = ppopt
                    para[i][3] = Ng
                    para[i][4] = Nl
                with Pool(self.n_processors) as p:
                    load_shedding = list(p.map(mc_simulation, para))  # 计算负荷短缺值
                parfortemp[:, 0] = np.asarray(load_shedding)
                parfortemp[:, 1] = (parfortemp[:, 0]) != 0  # 记录是否负荷短缺
                eqstatus_indi[:, Ng + Nl + 1:Ng + Nl + 3] = parfortemp
                eqstatus_total[row_index:row_index +
                               eqstatus_indi.shape[0], :] = eqstatus_indi
                row_index = row_index + eqstatus_indi.shape[0]
            ## Update index
            edns = sum(
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1]) / (iter + SIMUNIT)
            lole = sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                       eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / (
                           iter + SIMUNIT) * 8760
            plc = sum(
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 2]) / (iter + SIMUNIT)
            betavalue = (sum(eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl] *
                             (eqstatus_total[0:row_index, Ng + Nl + 1] - edns)
                             **2))**0.5 / (iter + SIMUNIT) / edns

            beta_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = betavalue
            edns_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = edns
            lole_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = lole
            plc_table[0, ((iter + SIMUNIT) // SIMUNIT) - 1] = plc
            iter = iter + SIMUNIT
        return edns
def save_recovery_result():
    G0 = case24_ieee_rts()
    G1 = case39()
    G2 = case57()
    G3 = case118()
    G4 = Power_Graph.case_preprocess(case300())
    G = G2

    round = 5
    delete_num = 15
    ramp_rate = 0.3
    seq_len = 5

    path = 'exhaustive/case' + str(len(G['bus']))
    if os.path.exists(path) == False:
    file_name = path + '/case' + str(len(G['bus'])) + '_exh2' + '.txt'
    new_file = open(file_name, 'w')
    new_file.write('ramp_rate = ' + str(ramp_rate) + '\n')
    new_file.write('length of recovery seq ' + str(seq_len) + '\n')

    g = Power_Graph()
    delete_list = []
    while len(delete_list) != delete_num:
        ran_num = random.randint(1, len(G['bus']))
        if ran_num not in delete_list:

    #delete_list =  [66, 289, 298, 255, 72, 87, 263, 290, 83, 167, 241, 13, 225, 243, 232, 34, 147, 269, 132, 249, 122, 2, 37, 127, 94, 199, 202, 76, 156, 67, 131, 248, 188, 238, 15, 84, 44, 8, 220, 189, 206, 162, 169, 107, 17, 282, 164, 198, 115, 261]
    #delete_list = [44, 54, 11, 3, 6, 28, 2, 15, 30, 9]
    new_file.write('delete length ' + str(len(delete_list)) + '\n')
    new_file.write('delete list ' + str(delete_list) + '\n')

    for item in delete_list:
    cf = Power_Failure(g)
    for item in delete_list:


    new_file.write('num of failed bus ' + str(len(cf.failed_bus_id)) + '\n')
    new_file.write('failed bus ' + str(cf.failed_bus_id) + '\n')
    steady_bus_num = 0
    steady_branch_num = 0
    for graph in cf.steady_list:
        steady_bus_num += len(graph.bus_id)
        steady_branch_num += len(graph.branch)
    new_file.write('num of steady bus ' + str(steady_bus_num) + '\n')
    new_file.write('num of steady branch ' + str(steady_branch_num) + '\n\n')

    ini_g = Power_Graph()

    gr = Grid_Recovery(cf.steady_list, ini_g)
    candidate_num = len(gr.connect_bus_list(cf.steady_list))
    new_file.write('num of failed bus which can be recovered ' +
                   str(candidate_num) + '\n')
    ini_residual_per = gr.cal_residual_power()
    new_file.write('residual power before recovery ' + str(ini_residual_per) +
    R_srg = Recovery_SAG.Recovery_SAG(cf.steady_list, ini_g)
    R_srg.initialize_param(44, 16, round)
    candidate_P_set = R_srg.cal_candidate_set()
    sorted_list = sorted(candidate_P_set.items(),
                         key=lambda item: item[1],
    new_file.write('candidate P set ' + '\n')
    for item in sorted_list:
        new_file.write(str(item[0]) + ' ' + str(item[1]) + '\n')

    R_ex = Recovery_exhaustive(cf.steady_list, ini_g)

    for num in range(1, seq_len + 1):
        seq_dic = R_ex.recovery_exhaustive(num)
        sorted_list = sorted(seq_dic.items(),
                             key=lambda item: item[1],
        new_file.write('exhaustive search recovery sequence length: ' +
                       str(num) + '\n')
        for item in sorted_list:
            new_file.write(str(item[0]) + ' ' + str(item[1]) + '\n')


            if len(seq) == num:

        print 'random based recovery seq', seq
        return self.recover_with_sequence(seq), seq

if __name__ == '__main__':

    G = case24_ieee_rts()
    #G = case118()
    g = Power_Graph()

    print 'draw initial graph'
    #g.delete_branch(24, 70)
    g.delete_branch(2, 4)
    cf = Power_Failure(g)
    for graph in cf.steady_list:
        print 'steady graph', graph.bus_id
    print 'draw steady graph before recovery'
Exemple #4
def test_case24():
    net = from_ppc(c24.case24_ieee_rts())
    assert net.OPF_converged

def mc_simulation(eqstatus, Testsys, ppopt, Ng, Nl):
    statusgen = eqstatus[0:Ng]
    Testsys["gen"][0:Ng, 8] = 1 - statusgen
    statusbranch = eqstatus[Ng:Ng + Nl]
    Testsys["branch"][0:Nl, 10] = 1 - statusbranch

    Result = runopf(casedata=Testsys, ppopt=ppopt)
    dns = Result["f"] + Testsys["load"]
    if dns < 0.1:
        dns = 0
        return dns

Testsys = case24_ieee_rts()
# Load test system,Nb为节点数,Ng为发电机组数,Nl为馈线数
Nb = Testsys["bus"].shape[0]
Ng = Testsys["gen"].shape[0]
Nl = Testsys["branch"].shape[0]
# Set initial value
BETAlimit = 0.0017
ITER_max = 100000
iter = 0
lole = 0
edns = 0
betavalue = float('inf')
row_index = 0
# Build matrices that have fix dimension to avoid changing size in each loop
eqstatus_total = np.zeros((ITER_max, Ng + Nl + 3))
def save_recovery_result_2():
    G0 = case24_ieee_rts()
    G1 = case39()
    G2 = case57()
    G3 = case118()
    G4 = Power_Graph.case_preprocess(case300())
    G_list = [G0, G1, G2, G3, G4]
    G = G4

    P = 30
    R = 16
    round = 9
    delete_num = 15
    #iter_times = 11
    ramp_rate = 0.3
    seq_len = 9
    random_rep_num = 50
    ramp_arr = np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1)
    P_arr = np.arange(10, 32, 2)
    R_arr = np.arange(2, 32, 2)

    for p in P_arr:

        path = 'recovery_result4/case' + str(len(G['bus'])) + '_0.3'
        if os.path.exists(path) == False:
        file_name = path + '/case' + str(len(
            G['bus'])) + '_setup_' + str(p) + '.txt'
        new_file = open(file_name, 'w')
        new_file.write('ramp_rate = ' + str(ramp_rate) + '\n')
        new_file.write('P=' + str(p) + ' , ' + 'R=' + str(R) + ' , ' +
                       'round=' + str(round) + '\n')
        new_file.write('length of recovery seq ' + str(seq_len) + '\n')

        g = Power_Graph()
        delete_list = []
        while len(delete_list) != delete_num:
            ran_num = random.randint(1, len(G['bus']))
            if ran_num not in delete_list:
        delete_list = [
            66, 289, 298, 255, 72, 87, 263, 290, 83, 167, 241, 13, 225, 243,
            232, 34, 147, 269, 132, 249, 122, 2, 37, 127, 94, 199, 202, 76,
            156, 67, 131, 248, 188, 238, 15, 84, 44, 8, 220, 189, 206, 162,
            169, 107, 17, 282, 164, 198, 115, 261
        #delete_list=[192, 27, 15, 153, 198, 189, 171, 33, 256, 265, 25, 218, 284, 6, 261, 155, 131, 260, 97, 93, 55, 95, 124, 69, 37, 34, 94, 201, 12, 144, 1, 254, 193, 83, 59, 230, 289, 9, 200, 264, 277, 246, 143, 179, 100, 232, 233, 91, 151, 170]
        #delete_list=[105, 49, 69, 110, 28, 62, 31, 41, 96, 15, 108, 67, 63, 115, 79, 101, 83, 76, 61, 75, 45, 12, 32, 113, 98, 111, 91, 95, 68, 9]
        #delete_list = [74, 45, 51, 1, 106, 3, 82, 67, 90, 114, 81, 30, 7, 17, 79, 103, 95, 46, 115, 118, 40, 117, 96, 116, 88, 27, 57, 110, 28, 21]
        #delete_list=[25, 17, 8, 32, 37, 24, 9, 28, 47, 15]
        #delete_list = [37, 18, 31, 20, 1, 35, 15, 57, 54, 2, 17, 6, 51, 3, 55]
        new_file.write('delete length ' + str(len(delete_list)) + '\n')
        new_file.write('delete list ' + str(delete_list) + '\n')

        for item in delete_list:
        cf = Power_Failure(g)
        for item in delete_list:


        new_file.write('num of failed bus ' + str(len(cf.failed_bus_id)) +
        new_file.write('failed bus ' + str(cf.failed_bus_id) + '\n')
        steady_bus_num = 0
        steady_branch_num = 0
        for graph in cf.steady_list:
            steady_bus_num += len(graph.bus_id)
            steady_branch_num += len(graph.branch)
        new_file.write('num of steady bus ' + str(steady_bus_num) + '\n')
        new_file.write('num of steady branch ' + str(steady_branch_num) +

        ini_g = Power_Graph()
        R_SAG = Recovery_SAG(cf.steady_list, ini_g)
        R_SAG.initialize_param(p, R, round)
        candidate_set = R_SAG.cal_candidate_set()
        RRC_set = R_SAG.cal_RRC_set()
        RRC_seq = {}
        RRC_residual_per = {}
        for i in range(1, seq_len + 1):
            RRC_residual_per[i] = 0.0
        for item in RRC_set.items():
            # print item
            new_file.write(str(item[0]) + '\n')
            current_set = item[1]
            sorted_list = sorted(current_set.items(),
                                 key=lambda item: item[1],
            for k, v in sorted_list:
                new_file.write(str(k) + ' ' + str(v) + '\n')
                if v > RRC_residual_per[len(k)]:
                    RRC_seq[len(k)] = k
                    RRC_residual_per[len(k)] = v

        new_file.write('node num of SRG ' + str(len(R_SAG.SAG.node_list)) +

        for current in range(2, seq_len + 1):
            SAG_seq = R_SAG.cal_SAG_recovery_seq_2(current)
            steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
            gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
            ini_residual_per = gr.cal_residual_power()
            SRG_residual_per = gr.recover_with_sequence(SAG_seq)

            steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
            gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
            degree_residual_per, degree_seq = gr.recovery_degree_2(current)

            steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
            gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
            low_degree_residual_per, low_degree_seq = gr.recovery_low_degree_2(

            steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
            gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
            load_residual_per, load_seq = gr.recovery_load_2(current)

            steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
            gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
            low_load_residual_per, low_load_seq = gr.recovery_low_load_2(

            sum = 0.0
            for i in range(0, random_rep_num):
                steady_list = copy.deepcopy(cf.steady_list)
                gr = Grid_Recovery(steady_list, ini_g)
                residual_per, seq = gr.recovery_random_2(current)
                sum += residual_per
            aver_residual_per = sum / random_rep_num

            new_file.write('current length of seq: ' + str(current) + '\n')
            new_file.write('SRG recovery seq ' + str(SAG_seq) + '\n')
            new_file.write('RRC recovery seq ' + str(RRC_seq[current]) + '\n')
            new_file.write('high degree based recovery seq ' +
                           str(degree_seq) + '\n')
            new_file.write('low degree based recovery seq ' +
                           str(low_degree_seq) + '\n')
            new_file.write('high load based recovery seq ' + str(load_seq) +
            new_file.write('low load based recovery seq ' + str(low_load_seq) +

            new_file.write('residual percent of power before recovery ' +
                           str(ini_residual_per) + '\n')
            new_file.write('residual percent of power after SRG recovery ' +
                           str(SRG_residual_per) + '\n')
            new_file.write('residual percent of power after RRC recovery ' +
                           str(RRC_residual_per[current]) + '\n')
                'residual percent of power after high degree based recovery ' +
                str(degree_residual_per) + '\n')
                'residual percent of power after low degree based recovery ' +
                str(low_degree_residual_per) + '\n')
                'residual percent of power after high load based recovery ' +
                str(load_residual_per) + '\n')
                'residual percent of power after low load based recovery ' +
                str(low_load_residual_per) + '\n')
                'average residual percent of power after random based recovery '
                + str(aver_residual_per) + '\n')
