Exemple #1
    def test_convert_datetime_fields(self):

        # These are essentially random datetimes
        dt1 = datetime.datetime.now()
        dt2 = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 4, 2, 4, 6, 23)
        dt3 = datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 7, 1, 12, 12, 23)

        # Convert them into Power BI Formatted Date Strings
        dt1_str = dt1.strftime(utils._date_fmt_str)
        dt2_str = dt2.strftime(utils._date_fmt_str)
        dt3_str = dt3.strftime(utils._date_fmt_str)

        # Build up several "Records" to convert. The dict_target dictionaries contain what the data should
        # look like after being converted.

        dict1 = {
            "col1": "Hello",
            "col2": dt1_str,
            "col3": dt2_str

        dict1_target = dict1.copy()
        dict1_target["col2"] = dt1
        dict1_target["col3"] = dt2

        dict2 = {
            "col1": "World",
            "col2": dt3_str,
            "col3": None        # Make sure it doesn't try to convert None
        dict2_target = dict2.copy()
        dict2_target["col2"] = dt3

        dict3 = {
            "col1": "World",
            "col2": '',         # Make sure it doesn't try to convert empty strings
            "col3": dt1_str

        dict3_target = dict3.copy()
        dict3_target["col3"] = dt1

        sample_list = [dict1, dict2, dict3]

        target_list = [dict1_target, dict2_target, dict3_target]

        converted_list = utils.convert_datetime_fields(sample_list, ["col2", "col3"])

        for converted, target in zip(converted_list, target_list):
            self.assertEqual(converted, target)
Exemple #2
    def get_dataset_refresh_history(self, dataset_id, group_id=None, top=None):
                Gets the refresh history of a dataset
                :param dataset_id: The id of the dataset to refresh
                :param group_id: The optional id of the group
                :param top: The number of refreshes to retrieve. 5 will get the last 5 refreshes.
        # group_id can be none, account for it
        if group_id is None:
            groups_part = '/'
            groups_part = f'/{self.groups_snippet}/{group_id}/'

        # form the url
        url = f'{self.base_url}{groups_part}/{self.datasets_snippet}/{dataset_id}/{self.refreshes_snippet}'

        if top is not None:
            url = f'{url}?$top={top}'

        # form the headers
        headers = self.client.auth_header

        # get the response
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

        # 200 is the only successful code, raise an exception on any other response code
        if response.status_code != 200:
            raise HTTPError(response, f'Dataset refresh history request returned http error: {response.json()}')

        refresh_data = json.loads(response.text)["value"]

        # Convert the date strings into datetime objects
        time_fields = ['startTime', 'endTime']
        refresh_data = convert_datetime_fields(refresh_data, time_fields)

        return refresh_data