def loop(self): """Performs positioning and displays/exports the results.""" position = Coordinates() range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doPositioning(position, self.dimension, self.height, self.algorithm, remote_id=self.remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: if ( == 0): rospy.loginfo("id tag: " + str( print( str(position.x) + '\t' + str(position.y) + '\t' + str(position.z) + '\t') self.Pointmsg.x = position.x self.Pointmsg.y = position.y self.Pointmsg.z = position.z if (self.Pointmsg.x is not 0) and (self.Pointmsg.y is not 0) and (self.Pointmsg.z is not 0): count = 0 #for anchor in self.anchor_ids: # self.pozyx.getDeviceRangeInfo(anchor, range, remote_id) # out_file.write(str(range.distance)+'\t'+str(range.RSS)+'\t'+str(range.timestamp)+'\t') # print (str(range.timestamp)) # count = count + 1 #out_file.write('\n') else: self.printPublishErrorCode("positioning")
def loop(self): """Perform ranging and sets the LEDs accordingly.""" device_range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.destination_id, device_range, self.remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: print(str(device_range)) d = str(device_range) d = d.split(', ') t = int(d[0].replace(' ms', '')) dist = int(d[1].replace(' mm', '')) dbm = int(d[2].replace(' dBm', '')) vector = np.zeros((1, 3)) vector = np.array(([t, dist, dbm])) # if self.ledControl(device_range.distance) == POZYX_FAILURE: # print("ERROR: setting (remote) leds") return vector else: error_code = SingleRegister() status = self.pozyx.getErrorCode(error_code) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: print("ERROR Ranging, local %s" % self.pozyx.getErrorMessage(error_code)) else: print("ERROR Ranging, couldn't retrieve local error") return ([None, None, None])
def loop(self): for i in range(len(self.destination_id)): device_range = DeviceRange() self.pozyx.doRanging(self.destination_id[i], device_range, self.remote_id) distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001 if i == 0: distance_1 = distance elif i == 1: distance_2 = distance elif i == 2: distance_3 = distance elif i == 3: distance_4 = distance #Distance 1 if distance_1 == 0: distance_1 = self.distance_prev_1 self.f1.update(distance_1) self.f1.predict() #Distance 2 if distance_2 == 0: distance_2 = self.distance_prev_2 self.f2.update(distance_2) self.f2.predict() #Distance 3 if distance_3 == 0: distance_3 = self.distance_prev_3 self.f3.update(distance_3) self.f3.predict() #Distance 4 if distance_4 == 0: distance_4 = self.distance_prev_4 self.f4.update(distance_4) self.f4.predict() self.distance_prev_1 = distance_1 self.distance_prev_2 = distance_2 self.distance_prev_3 = distance_3 self.distance_prev_4 = distance_4 self.distances = [distance_1, distance_2, distance_3, distance_4] self.distances_kf = [ self.f1.x[0], self.f2.x[0], self.f3.x[0], self.f4.x[0] ] rospy.loginfo(self.distances) return self.trilaterate3D()
def get_ranges(self): range = DeviceRange() success = False for idx, anchor in enumerate(self.anchors): status = self.pozyx.doRanging(anchor.network_id, range, self.remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: self.send_beacon_distance(idx, range.distance) success = True if success == False: print("Failed to get any ranges")
def loop(self): """Performs ranging and sets the LEDs accordingly""" device_range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.destination_id, device_range, self.remote_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: print(device_range) else: error_code = SingleRegister() status = self.pozyx.getErrorCode(error_code) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: print("ERROR Ranging, local %s" % self.pozyx.getErrorMessage(error_code)) else: print("ERROR Ranging, couldn't retrieve local error")
def loop(self): range = DeviceRange() stat = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.dest, range, self.remote) if (stat == POZYX_SUCCESS): print(range) else: error_code = SingleRegister() status = self.pozyx.getErrorCode(error_code) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: print("ERROR Ranging, local %s" % self.pozyx.getErrorMessage(error_code)) else: print("ERROR Ranging, couldn't retrieve local error")
def range_callback(self): """Do ranging periodically, and publish visualizasion_msg MarkerArray""" for tag_id in self.tag_ids: for anchor in self.anchors: device_range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doRanging(anchor.network_id, device_range, tag_id) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: self.publishMarkerArray(device_range.distance, anchor) # self.get_logger().info(f"{device_range.distance}") else: error_code = SingleRegister() status = self.pozyx.getErrorCode(error_code) if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: self.get_logger().error( "ERROR Ranging, local %s" % self.pozyx.getErrorMessage(error_code)) else: self.get_logger().error( "ERROR Ranging, couldn't retrieve local error") self.doPositioning()
def loop(self): device_range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.destination_id, device_range, self.remote_id) dis = device_range.distance return dis
def setup(self): device_range = DeviceRange() #self.pozyx.printDeviceInfo(self.remote_id) self.pozyx.setRangingProtocol(self.protocol, self.remote_id)
def __init__(self,sim,p): rospy.init_node('pozyx') self.sim = sim self.p = p if not self.sim and self.p is None: rospy.loginfo("No pozyx device!") self.denoise = False try: rospy.get_param('anchor0') except KeyError: rospy.loginfo("who is my anchor0?") return try: rospy.get_param('anchor1') except KeyError: rospy.loginfo("who is my anchor1?") return try: rospy.get_param('anchor2') except KeyError: rospy.loginfo("who is my anchor2?") return if self.sim: self.truestate_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/gazebo/model_states', ModelStates, self.truestate_callback) self.anchor0_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/'+rospy.get_param('anchor0')+'/pozyx_position', PoseStamped, self.anchor0_callback) self.anchor1_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/'+rospy.get_param('anchor1')+'/pozyx_position', PoseStamped, self.anchor1_callback) self.anchor2_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/'+rospy.get_param('anchor2')+'/pozyx_position', PoseStamped, self.anchor2_callback) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback) # subscribe to the OBSTACLE_DETECTOR for the sake of determining if there is an obstacle obstructing pozyx self.laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('obstacle_detect', LaserScan, self.laser_callback) = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_namespace()+'pozyx_position', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # for simulation self.gazebo_states, self.scan_reading, self.truepose = None, None, None # for everything self.anchor0, self.anchor1, self.anchor2 = None, None, None # for real pozyx if not self.sim: self.networkId = NetworkID() self.p.getNetworkId(self.networkId) self.anchor_device = {"tb3_2":0x6858, "tb3_3":0x685a, "tb3_0":0x685e, "tb3_1":0x6816} self.ranges = {} for tb in self.anchor_device.keys(): if self.anchor_device[tb] != self.networkId.value: self.ranges[self.anchor_device[tb]] = DeviceRange() self.initialpose = PoseStamped() self.initialpose.header.stamp = self.initialpose.header.frame_id = rospy.get_namespace()+"base_scan" self.initialpose.pose.position.x, self.initialpose.pose.position.y, self.initialpose.pose.position.z = float(sys.argv[2]), float(sys.argv[3]), 0 q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, float(sys.argv[4])) self.initialpose.pose.orientation.x, self.initialpose.pose.orientation.y, self.initialpose.pose.orientation.z, self.initialpose.pose.orientation.w = q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3] rospy.loginfo("pozyx: given initial pose (%f, %f)", self.initialpose.pose.position.x, self.initialpose.pose.position.y) self.odompose = PoseStamped() self.skip_jump_avoidance = (rospy.get_namespace() == "/tb3_3/") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not (self.anchor0 and self.anchor1 and self.anchor2): self.set_initial_position() else: rospy.logdebug("RECEIVED ALL ANCHOR POSITIONS") self.set_pozyx_position() rospy.sleep(0.02) # to do: choose rate