Exemple #1
def reportEnd():
    Report that we are done launching transports.

    *Call after you have launched all the transports you could launch.*

    config = ServerConfig()
Exemple #2
def reportFailure(name, message):
    Report that a server transport failed to launch.

    *Always call after failing to launch a transport.*

    :param str name: Name of transport.
    :param str message: Error message.

    config = ServerConfig()
    config.writeMethodError(name, message)
Exemple #3
def reportSuccess(name, addrport, options):
    Report that a server transport was launched succesfully.

    *Always call after successfully launching a transport.*

    :param str name: Name of transport.
    :param tuple addrport: (addr,port) where this transport is listening for connections.
    :param str options: Transport options.

    config = ServerConfig()
    config.writeMethod(name, addrport, options)
Exemple #4
def init(supported_transports):
    Bootstrap server-side managed-proxy mode.

    *Call in the beginning of your application.*

    :param list supported_transports: Names of the transports that the application supports.

    :returns: dictionary that contains information for the application:

	    ==========  ========== ==========
	    Key         Type       Value
	    ==========  ========== ==========
	    state_loc   string     Directory where the managed proxy should dump its state files (if needed).
	    orport      tuple      (ip,port) tuple pointing to Tor's ORPort.
	    ext_orport  tuple      (ip,port) tuple pointing to Tor's Extended ORPort. None if Extended ORPort is not supported.
	    transports  dict       A dictionary 'transport => (ip,port)' where 'transport' is the name of the transport that should be spawned, and '(ip,port)' is the location where the transport should bind. The dictionary can be empty.
	    ==========  ========== ==========

    :raises: :class:`pyptlib.config.EnvError` if environment was incomplete or corrupted.

    supportedTransportVersion = '1'

    config = ServerConfig()

    if config.checkManagedTransportVersion(supportedTransportVersion):
        raise EnvError("Unsupported managed proxy protocol version (%s)" %

    retval = {}
    retval['state_loc'] = config.getStateLocation()
    retval['orport'] = config.getORPort()
    retval['ext_orport'] = config.getExtendedORPort()
    retval['transports'] = _getTransportsDict(supported_transports, config)

    return retval