def goal_options(): result = [] for name, doc, cmdline, extra in GOALS: optional = False if name.startswith('?'): optional = True name = name[1:] yesdoc = doc[0].upper()+doc[1:]+extra result.append(BoolOption(name, yesdoc, default=False, cmdline=cmdline, negation=False)) if not optional: result.append(BoolOption("no_%s" % name, "Don't "+doc, default=False, cmdline="--no-"+name, negation=False)) return result
def get_combined_translation_config(other_optdescr=None, existing_config=None, overrides=None, translating=False): if overrides is None: overrides = {} d = BoolOption("translating", "indicates whether we are translating currently", default=False, cmdline=None) if other_optdescr is None: children = [] newname = "" else: children = [other_optdescr] newname = other_optdescr._name if existing_config is None: children += [d, translation_optiondescription] else: children += [ child for child in existing_config._cfgimpl_descr._children if child._name != newname ] descr = OptionDescription("pypy", "all options", children) config = Config(descr, **overrides) if translating: config.translating = True if existing_config is not None: for child in existing_config._cfgimpl_descr._children: if child._name == newname: continue value = getattr(existing_config, child._name) config._cfgimpl_values[child._name] = value return config
IS_64_BITS = sys.maxint > 2147483647 PLATFORMS = [ 'maemo', 'host', 'distutils', ] translation_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "translation", "Translation Options", [ BoolOption("continuation", "enable single-shot continuations", default=False, cmdline="--continuation", requires=[("translation.type_system", "lltype")]), ChoiceOption( "type_system", "Type system to use when RTyping", ["lltype", "ootype"], cmdline=None, default="lltype", requires={ "ootype": [ ("translation.backendopt.constfold", False), ("translation.backendopt.clever_malloc_removal", False), ( "translation.gc", "boehm" ), # it's not really used, but some jit code expects a value here
"pypy", cmdline='--parser'), ChoiceOption("compiler", "which compiler to use for app-level code", ["cpython", "ast"], "ast", cmdline='--compiler'), ChoiceOption("pyversion", "which grammar to use for app-level code", ["2.3", "2.4", "2.5a"], "2.4", cmdline='--pyversion'), OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [ BoolOption( "CALL_LIKELY_BUILTIN", "emit a special bytecode for likely calls to builtin functions", default=False, requires=[("objspace.std.withmultidict", True), ("translation.stackless", False)]), BoolOption("CALL_METHOD", "emit a special bytecode for", default=False), ]), BoolOption("nofaking", "disallow faking in the object space", default=False, requires=[("objspace.usemodules.posix", True), ("objspace.usemodules.time", True), ("objspace.usemodules.errno", True)], cmdline='--nofaking'), OptionDescription("usemodules", "Which Modules should be used", [ BoolOption(modname,
except ImportError: pass from pypy.tool import option from py.compat.optparse import make_option from pypy.interpreter import main, interactive, error, gateway from pypy.config.config import OptionDescription, BoolOption, StrOption from pypy.config.config import Config, to_optparse from pypy.config import pypyoption import os, sys import time cmdline_optiondescr = OptionDescription( "interactive", "the options of", [ BoolOption("verbose", "show verbose interpreter-level traceback", default=os.getenv("PYPY_TB"), cmdline="-v"), BoolOption("interactive", "inspect interactively after running script", default=False, cmdline="-i"), BoolOption("completer", "use readline commandline completer", default=False, cmdline="-C"), BoolOption("optimize", "dummy optimization flag for compatibility with CPython", default=False, cmdline="-O"), BoolOption("no_site_import", "do not 'import site' on initialization",
from pypy.config.config import OptionDescription, BoolOption, IntOption, ArbitraryOption, FloatOption from pypy.config.config import ChoiceOption, StrOption, to_optparse, Config DEFL_INLINE_THRESHOLD = 32.4 # just enough to inline add__Int_Int() # and just small enough to prevend inlining of some rlist functions. DEFL_PROF_BASED_INLINE_THRESHOLD = 32.4 DEFL_CLEVER_MALLOC_REMOVAL_INLINE_THRESHOLD = 32.4 translation_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "translation", "Translation Options", [ BoolOption("stackless", "enable stackless features during compilation", default=False, cmdline="--stackless", requires=[("translation.type_system", "lltype")]), ChoiceOption( "type_system", "Type system to use when RTyping", ["lltype", "ootype"], cmdline=None, requires={ "ootype": [ ("translation.backendopt.constfold", False), ("translation.backendopt.heap2stack", False), ("translation.backendopt.clever_malloc_removal", False), ] }), ChoiceOption( "backend",
return result translate_optiondescr = OptionDescription( "translate", "XXX", [ StrOption( "targetspec", "XXX", default='targetpypystandalone', cmdline=None), ChoiceOption("opt", "optimization level", OPT_LEVELS, default=DEFAULT_OPT_LEVEL, cmdline="--opt -O"), BoolOption("profile", "cProfile (to debug the speed of the translation process)", default=False, cmdline="--profile"), BoolOption("pdb", "Always run pdb even if the translation succeeds", default=False, cmdline="--pdb"), BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False, cmdline="--batch", negation=False), IntOption("huge", "Threshold in the number of functions after which " "a local call graph and not a full one is displayed", default=100, cmdline="--huge"), BoolOption("view",
if name.startswith('?'): optional = True name = name[1:] yesdoc = doc[0].upper()+doc[1:]+extra result.append(BoolOption(name, yesdoc, default=False, cmdline=cmdline, negation=False)) if not optional: result.append(BoolOption("no_%s" % name, "Don't "+doc, default=False, cmdline="--no-"+name, negation=False)) return result translate_optiondescr = OptionDescription("translate", "XXX", [ StrOption("targetspec", "XXX", default='targetpypystandalone', cmdline=None), BoolOption("profile", "cProfile (to debug the speed of the translation process)", default=False, cmdline="--profile"), BoolOption("batch", "Don't run interactive helpers", default=False, cmdline="--batch", negation=False), IntOption("huge", "Threshold in the number of functions after which " "a local call graph and not a full one is displayed", default=100, cmdline="--huge"), BoolOption("text", "Don't start the pygame viewer", default=False, cmdline="--text", negation=False), BoolOption("help", "show this help message and exit", default=False, cmdline="-h --help", negation=False), ArbitraryOption("goals", "XXX", defaultfactory=list), # xxx default goals ['annotate', 'rtype', 'backendopt', 'source', 'compile'] ArbitraryOption("skipped_goals", "XXX", defaultfactory=lambda: ['run']),
return validator else: return None pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription( "objspace", "Object Space Options", [ ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name", ["std", "flow", "thunk", "dump"], "std", cmdline='--objspace -o'), OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [ BoolOption("CALL_METHOD", "emit a special bytecode for", default=False), ]), BoolOption("nofaking", "disallow faking in the object space", default=False, requires=[("objspace.usemodules.posix", True), ("objspace.usemodules.time", True), ("objspace.usemodules.errno", True)], cmdline='--nofaking'), OptionDescription("usemodules", "Which Modules should be used", [ BoolOption(modname, "use module %s" % (modname, ), default=modname in default_modules, cmdline="--withmod-%s" % (modname, ), requires=module_dependencies.get(modname, []),
pass import pypy from pypy.tool import option from optparse import make_option from pypy.interpreter import main, interactive, error, gateway from pypy.config.config import OptionDescription, BoolOption, StrOption from pypy.config.config import Config, to_optparse from pypy.config import pypyoption import os, sys import time cmdline_optiondescr = OptionDescription( "interactive", "the options of", [ BoolOption("verbose", "show verbose interpreter-level traceback", default=os.getenv("PYPY_TB"), cmdline="-v"), BoolOption("interactive", "inspect interactively after running script", default=False, cmdline="-i"), BoolOption("completer", "use readline commandline completer", default=False, cmdline="-C"), BoolOption("optimize", "dummy optimization flag for compatibility with CPython", default=False, cmdline="-O"), BoolOption("no_site_import", "do not 'import site' on initialization",
#from pypy.translator.js.test.runtest import compile_function #from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext from pypy.translator.driver import TranslationDriver from pypy.translator.js.js import JS from pypy.tool.error import AnnotatorError, FlowingError, debug from pypy.rlib.nonconst import NonConstant from pypy.annotation.policy import AnnotatorPolicy from py.compat import optparse from pypy.config.config import OptionDescription, BoolOption, StrOption from pypy.config.config import Config, to_optparse import py import sys js_optiondescr = OptionDescription("jscompile", "", [ BoolOption("view", "View flow graphs", default=False, cmdline="--view"), BoolOption("use_pdb", "Use debugger", default=False, cmdline="--pdb"), StrOption("output", "File to save results (default output.js)", default="output.js", cmdline="--output")]) class FunctionNotFound(Exception): pass class BadSignature(Exception): pass class JsPolicy(AnnotatorPolicy): allow_someobjects = False