Exemple #1
def decode_utf8(space, s, ps, end, encoding):
    assert ps >= 0
    pt = ps
    # while (s < end && *s != '\\') s++; */ /* inefficient for u".."
    while ps < end and ord(s[ps]) & 0x80:
        ps += 1
    w_u = space.wrap(unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(space, s[pt:ps]))
    w_v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(space, w_u, space.wrap(encoding))
    v = space.str_w(w_v)
    return v, ps
Exemple #2
def parsestr(space, encoding, s, unicode_literals=False):
    # compiler.transformer.Transformer.decode_literal depends on what
    # might seem like minor details of this function -- changes here
    # must be reflected there.

    # we use ps as "pointer to s"
    # q is the virtual last char index of the string
    ps = 0
    quote = s[ps]
    rawmode = False
    unicode = unicode_literals

    # string decoration handling
    o = ord(quote)
    isalpha = (o >= 97 and o <= 122) or (o >= 65 and o <= 90)
    if isalpha or quote == '_':
        if quote == 'b' or quote == 'B':
            ps += 1
            quote = s[ps]
            unicode = False
        elif quote == 'u' or quote == 'U':
            ps += 1
            quote = s[ps]
            unicode = True
        if quote == 'r' or quote == 'R':
            ps += 1
            quote = s[ps]
            rawmode = True
    if quote != "'" and quote != '"':
                             'Internal error: parser passed unquoted literal')
    ps += 1
    q = len(s) - 1
    if s[q] != quote:
            space, 'Internal error: parser passed unmatched '
            'quotes in literal')
    if q - ps >= 4 and s[ps] == quote and s[ps + 1] == quote:
        # triple quotes
        ps += 2
        if s[q - 1] != quote or s[q - 2] != quote:
                space, 'Internal error: parser passed '
                'unmatched triple quotes in literal')
        q -= 2

    if unicode:  # XXX Py_UnicodeFlag is ignored for now
        if encoding is None or encoding == "iso-8859-1":
            buf = s
            bufp = ps
            bufq = q
            u = None
            # "\XX" may become "\u005c\uHHLL" (12 bytes)
            lis = []  # using a list to assemble the value
            end = q
            while ps < end:
                if s[ps] == '\\':
                    ps += 1
                    if ord(s[ps]) & 0x80:
                if ord(s[ps]) & 0x80:  # XXX inefficient
                    w, ps = decode_utf8(space, s, ps, end, "utf-16-be")
                    rn = len(w)
                    assert rn % 2 == 0
                    for i in range(0, rn, 2):
                        lis.append(hexbyte(ord(w[i + 1])))
                    ps += 1
            buf = ''.join(lis)
            bufp = 0
            bufq = len(buf)
        assert 0 <= bufp <= bufq
        substr = buf[bufp:bufq]
        if rawmode:
            v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape(space, substr)
            v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape(space, substr)
        return space.wrap(v)

    need_encoding = (encoding is not None and encoding != "utf-8"
                     and encoding != "iso-8859-1")
    # XXX add strchr like interface to rtyper
    assert 0 <= ps <= q
    substr = s[ps:q]
    if rawmode or '\\' not in s[ps:]:
        if need_encoding:
            w_u = space.wrap(unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(space, substr))
            #w_v = space.wrap(space.unwrap(w_u).encode(encoding)) this works
            w_v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(
                space, w_u, space.wrap(encoding))
            return w_v
            return space.wrap(substr)

    enc = None
    if need_encoding:
        enc = encoding
    v = PyString_DecodeEscape(space, substr, enc)
    return space.wrap(v)
Exemple #3
def parsestr(space, encoding, s, unicode_literal=False):
    """Parses a string or unicode literal, and return a wrapped value.

    If encoding=iso8859-1, the source string is also in this encoding.
    If encoding=None, the source string is ascii only.
    In other cases, the source string is in utf-8 encoding.

    When a bytes string is returned, it will be encoded with the
    original encoding.

    Yes, it's very inefficient.
    Yes, CPython has very similar code.

    # we use ps as "pointer to s"
    # q is the virtual last char index of the string
    ps = 0
    quote = s[ps]
    rawmode = False

    # string decoration handling
    if quote == 'b' or quote == 'B':
        ps += 1
        quote = s[ps]
        unicode_literal = False
    elif quote == 'u' or quote == 'U':
        ps += 1
        quote = s[ps]
        unicode_literal = True
    if quote == 'r' or quote == 'R':
        ps += 1
        quote = s[ps]
        rawmode = True
    if quote != "'" and quote != '"':
                             'Internal error: parser passed unquoted literal')
    ps += 1
    q = len(s) - 1
    if s[q] != quote:
        raise_app_valueerror(space, 'Internal error: parser passed unmatched '
                                    'quotes in literal')
    if q-ps >= 4 and s[ps] == quote and s[ps+1] == quote:
        # triple quotes
        ps += 2
        if s[q-1] != quote or s[q-2] != quote:
            raise_app_valueerror(space, 'Internal error: parser passed '
                                        'unmatched triple quotes in literal')
        q -= 2

    if unicode_literal: # XXX Py_UnicodeFlag is ignored for now
        if encoding is None or encoding == "iso-8859-1":
            # 'unicode_escape' expects latin-1 bytes, string is ready.
            buf = s
            bufp = ps
            bufq = q
            u = None
            # String is utf8-encoded, but 'unicode_escape' expects
            # latin-1; So multibyte sequences must be escaped.
            lis = [] # using a list to assemble the value
            end = q
            # Worst case: "\XX" may become "\u005c\uHHLL" (12 bytes)
            while ps < end:
                if s[ps] == '\\':
                    ps += 1
                    if ord(s[ps]) & 0x80:
                        # A multibyte sequence will follow, it will be
                        # escaped like \u1234. To avoid confusion with
                        # the backslash we just wrote, we emit "\u005c"
                        # instead.
                if ord(s[ps]) & 0x80: # XXX inefficient
                    w, ps = decode_utf8(space, s, ps, end, "utf-16-be")
                    rn = len(w)
                    assert rn % 2 == 0
                    for i in range(0, rn, 2):
                    ps += 1
            buf = ''.join(lis)
            bufp = 0
            bufq = len(buf)
        assert 0 <= bufp <= bufq
        substr = buf[bufp:bufq]
        if rawmode:
            v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape(space, substr)
            v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape(space, substr)
        return space.wrap(v)

    need_encoding = (encoding is not None and
                     encoding != "utf-8" and encoding != "iso-8859-1")
    assert 0 <= ps <= q
    substr = s[ps : q]
    if rawmode or '\\' not in s[ps:]:
        if need_encoding:
            w_u = space.wrap(unicodehelper.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(space, substr))
            w_v = unicodehelper.PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(space, w_u, space.wrap(encoding))
            return w_v
            return space.wrap(substr)

    enc = None
    if need_encoding:
         enc = encoding
    v = PyString_DecodeEscape(space, substr, enc)
    return space.wrap(v)