Exemple #1
    def descr_memmove(self, w_dest, w_src, n):
ffi.memmove(dest, src, n) copies n bytes of memory from src to dest.

Like the C function memmove(), the memory areas may overlap;
apart from that it behaves like the C function memcpy().

'src' can be any cdata ptr or array, or any Python buffer object.
'dest' can be any cdata ptr or array, or a writable Python buffer
object.  The size to copy, 'n', is always measured in bytes.

Unlike other methods, this one supports all Python buffer including
byte strings and bytearrays---but it still does not support
non-contiguous buffers."""
        return func.memmove(self.space, w_dest, w_src, n)
Exemple #2
    def descr_memmove(self, w_dest, w_src, n):
ffi.memmove(dest, src, n) copies n bytes of memory from src to dest.

Like the C function memmove(), the memory areas may overlap;
apart from that it behaves like the C function memcpy().

'src' can be any cdata ptr or array, or any Python buffer object.
'dest' can be any cdata ptr or array, or a writable Python buffer
object.  The size to copy, 'n', is always measured in bytes.

Unlike other methods, this one supports all Python buffer including
byte strings and bytearrays---but it still does not support
non-contiguous buffers."""
        return func.memmove(self.space, w_dest, w_src, n)