Exemple #1
 def test_fsconverter(self, space, api):
     # Input is bytes
     w_input = space.wrapbytes("test")
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1) as result:
         # Decoder
         ret = api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(w_input, result)
         assert ret == Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED
         assert space.isinstance_w(from_ref(space, result[0]), space.w_unicode)
         assert api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(None, result) == 1
         # Converter
         ret = api.PyUnicode_FSConverter(w_input, result)
         assert ret == Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED
         assert space.eq_w(from_ref(space, result[0]), w_input)
         assert api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(None, result) == 1
     # Input is unicode
     w_input = space.wrap("test")
     with lltype.scoped_alloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1) as result:
         # Decoder
         ret = api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(w_input, result)
         assert ret == Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED
         assert space.eq_w(from_ref(space, result[0]), w_input)
         assert api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(None, result) == 1
         # Converter
         ret = api.PyUnicode_FSConverter(w_input, result)
         assert ret == Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED
         assert space.isinstance_w(from_ref(space, result[0]), space.w_bytes)
         assert api.PyUnicode_FSDecoder(None, result) == 1
Exemple #2
def PyString_Size(space, ref):
    if from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is space.w_str:
        ref = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, ref)
        return ref.c_size
        w_obj = from_ref(space, ref)
        return space.len_w(w_obj)
Exemple #3
def PyString_AsStringAndSize(space, ref, buffer, length):
    if not PyString_Check(space, ref):
        from pypy.module.cpyext.unicodeobject import (
            PyUnicode_Check, _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString)
        if PyUnicode_Check(space, ref):
            ref = _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString(space, ref, lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO))
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                        "expected string or Unicode object, %T found",
                        from_ref(space, ref))
    ref_str = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, ref)
    if not ref_str.c_buffer:
        # copy string buffer
        w_str = from_ref(space, ref)
        s = space.str_w(w_str)
        ref_str.c_buffer = rffi.str2charp(s)
    buffer[0] = ref_str.c_buffer
    if length:
        length[0] = ref_str.c_size
        i = 0
        while ref_str.c_buffer[i] != '\0':
            i += 1
        if i != ref_str.c_size:
            raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(
                "expected string without null bytes"))
    return 0
Exemple #4
    def test_tuple_resize(self, space, api):
        w_42 = space.wrap(42)
        ar = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')

        py_tuple = api.PyTuple_New(3)
        # inside py_tuple is an array of "PyObject *" items which each hold
        # a reference
        rffi.cast(PyTupleObject, py_tuple).c_ob_item[0] = make_ref(space, w_42)
        ar[0] = py_tuple
        api._PyTuple_Resize(ar, 2)
        w_tuple = from_ref(space, ar[0])
        assert space.int_w(space.len(w_tuple)) == 2
        assert space.int_w(space.getitem(w_tuple, space.wrap(0))) == 42

        py_tuple = api.PyTuple_New(3)
        rffi.cast(PyTupleObject, py_tuple).c_ob_item[0] = make_ref(space, w_42)
        ar[0] = py_tuple
        api._PyTuple_Resize(ar, 10)
        w_tuple = from_ref(space, ar[0])
        assert space.int_w(space.len(w_tuple)) == 10
        assert space.int_w(space.getitem(w_tuple, space.wrap(0))) == 42

        lltype.free(ar, flavor='raw')
Exemple #5
def PyUnicode_GetSize(space, ref):
    if from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is space.w_unicode:
        ref = rffi.cast(PyUnicodeObject, ref)
        return ref.c_length
        w_obj = from_ref(space, ref)
        return space.len_w(w_obj)
Exemple #6
    def test_iterkeys(self, space, api):
        w_dict = space.sys.getdict(space)
        py_dict = make_ref(space, w_dict)

        ppos = lltype.malloc(Py_ssize_tP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
        pkey = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
        pvalue = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')

        keys_w = []
        values_w = []
            ppos[0] = 0
            while api.PyDict_Next(w_dict, ppos, pkey, None):
                w_key = from_ref(space, pkey[0])
            ppos[0] = 0
            while api.PyDict_Next(w_dict, ppos, None, pvalue):
                w_value = from_ref(space, pvalue[0])
            lltype.free(ppos, flavor='raw')
            lltype.free(pkey, flavor='raw')
            lltype.free(pvalue, flavor='raw')

        api.Py_DecRef(py_dict) # release borrowed references

        assert space.eq_w(space.newlist(keys_w),
                          space.call_method(w_dict, "keys"))
        assert space.eq_w(space.newlist(values_w),
                          space.call_method(w_dict, "values"))
Exemple #7
    def test_traceback(self, space, api):
        w_traceback = space.appexec(
            import sys
                return sys.exc_info()[2]
        py_obj = make_ref(space, w_traceback)
        py_traceback = rffi.cast(PyTracebackObject, py_obj)
        assert from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_traceback.c_ob_type)) is space.gettypeobject(PyTraceback.typedef)

        traceback = space.interp_w(PyTraceback, w_traceback)
        assert traceback.lasti == py_traceback.c_tb_lasti
        assert traceback.get_lineno() == py_traceback.c_tb_lineno
        assert space.eq_w(space.getattr(w_traceback, space.wrap("tb_lasti")), space.wrap(py_traceback.c_tb_lasti))
        assert space.is_w(
            space.getattr(w_traceback, space.wrap("tb_frame")),
            from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_traceback.c_tb_frame)),

        while not space.is_w(w_traceback, space.w_None):
            assert space.is_w(w_traceback, from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_traceback)))
            w_traceback = space.getattr(w_traceback, space.wrap("tb_next"))
            py_traceback = py_traceback.c_tb_next

        assert lltype.normalizeptr(py_traceback) is None

Exemple #8
 def test_function(self, space, api):
     w_function = space.appexec([], """():
         def f(): pass
         return f
     ref = make_ref(space, w_function)
     assert (from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is
     assert "f" == space.unwrap(
        from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyFunctionObject, ref).c_func_name))
Exemple #9
def PyString_AsString(space, ref):
    if from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is space.w_str:
        pass    # typecheck returned "ok" without forcing 'ref' at all
    elif not PyString_Check(space, ref):   # otherwise, use the alternate way
        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(
            "PyString_AsString only support strings"))
    ref_str = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, ref)
    if not ref_str.c_buffer:
        # copy string buffer
        w_str = from_ref(space, ref)
        s = space.str_w(w_str)
        ref_str.c_buffer = rffi.str2charp(s)
    return ref_str.c_buffer
Exemple #10
def PyErr_NormalizeException(space, exc_p, val_p, tb_p):
    """Under certain circumstances, the values returned by PyErr_Fetch() below
    can be "unnormalized", meaning that *exc is a class object but *val is
    not an instance of the  same class.  This function can be used to instantiate
    the class in that case.  If the values are already normalized, nothing happens.
    The delayed normalization is implemented to improve performance."""
    operr = OperationError(from_ref(space, exc_p[0]),
                           from_ref(space, val_p[0]))
    Py_DecRef(space, exc_p[0])
    Py_DecRef(space, val_p[0])
    exc_p[0] = make_ref(space, operr.w_type)
    val_p[0] = make_ref(space, operr.get_w_value(space))
Exemple #11
 def test_tuple_resize(self, space, api):
     py_tuple = api.PyTuple_New(3)
     ar = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
     ar[0] = rffi.cast(PyObject, make_ref(space, py_tuple))
     api._PyTuple_Resize(ar, 2)
     py_tuple = from_ref(space, ar[0])
     assert space.int_w(space.len(py_tuple)) == 2
     api._PyTuple_Resize(ar, 10)
     py_tuple = from_ref(space, ar[0])
     assert space.int_w(space.len(py_tuple)) == 10
     lltype.free(ar, flavor='raw')
Exemple #12
def _PyString_AsString(space, ref):
    if from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is space.w_str:
        pass    # typecheck returned "ok" without forcing 'ref' at all
    elif not PyString_Check(space, ref):   # otherwise, use the alternate way
        from pypy.module.cpyext.unicodeobject import (
            PyUnicode_Check, _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString)
        if PyUnicode_Check(space, ref):
            ref = _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString(space, ref, lltype.nullptr(rffi.CCHARP.TO))
            raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                        "expected string or Unicode object, %T found",
                        from_ref(space, ref))
    ref_str = rffi.cast(PyBytesObject, ref)
    return ref_str.c_ob_sval
Exemple #13
    def test_getcode(self, space, api):
        w_function = space.appexec([], """():
            def func(x, y, z): return x
            return func
        w_code = api.PyFunction_GetCode(w_function)
        assert w_code.co_name == "func"

        ref = make_ref(space, w_code)
        assert (from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type)) is
        assert "func" == space.unwrap(
           from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyCodeObject, ref).c_co_name))
        assert 3 == rffi.cast(PyCodeObject, ref).c_co_argcount
Exemple #14
def PyMember_GetOne(space, obj, w_member):
    addr = rffi.cast(ADDR, obj)
    addr += w_member.c_offset

    member_type = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, w_member.c_type)
    for converter in integer_converters:
        typ, lltyp, _ = converter
        if typ == member_type:
            result = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltyp), addr)
            if lltyp is rffi.FLOAT:
                w_result = space.wrap(lltype.cast_primitive(lltype.Float,
            elif typ == T_BOOL:
                x = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result[0])
                w_result = space.wrap(x != 0)
                w_result = space.wrap(result[0])
            return w_result

    if member_type == T_STRING:
        result = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARPP, addr)
        if result[0]:
            w_result = PyString_FromString(space, result[0])
            w_result = space.w_None
    elif member_type == T_STRING_INPLACE:
        result = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, addr)
        w_result = PyString_FromString(space, result)
    elif member_type == T_CHAR:
        result = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, addr)
        w_result = space.wrap(result[0])
    elif member_type == T_OBJECT:
        obj_ptr = rffi.cast(PyObjectP, addr)
        if obj_ptr[0]:
            w_result = from_ref(space, obj_ptr[0])
            w_result = space.w_None
    elif member_type == T_OBJECT_EX:
        obj_ptr = rffi.cast(PyObjectP, addr)
        if obj_ptr[0]:
            w_result = from_ref(space, obj_ptr[0])
            w_name = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(w_member.c_name))
            raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, w_name)
        raise OperationError(space.w_SystemError,
                             space.wrap("bad memberdescr type"))
    return w_result
Exemple #15
def _type_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates an interpreter type from a PyTypeObject structure.
    # missing:
    # inheriting tp_as_* slots
    # unsupported:
    # tp_mro, tp_subclasses
    py_type = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, py_obj)

    if not py_type.c_tp_base:
        # borrowed reference, but w_object is unlikely to disappear
        base = make_ref(space, space.w_object)
        Py_DecRef(space, base)
        py_type.c_tp_base = rffi.cast(PyTypeObjectPtr, base)

    finish_type_1(space, py_type)

    w_metatype = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, py_type.c_ob_type))

    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCTypeObject, w_metatype)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    w_obj.__init__(space, py_type)

    finish_type_2(space, py_type, w_obj)

    state = space.fromcache(RefcountState)

    return w_obj
Exemple #16
 def getitems(self, w_list):
     # called when switching list strategy, so convert storage
     storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
     retval = [None] * storage._length
     for i in range(storage._length):
         retval[i] = from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[i])
     return retval
Exemple #17
def frame_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the frame in the interpreter. The PyFrameObject structure must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyObject, py_frame.c_f_code)
    w_code = from_ref(space, py_code)
    code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code)
    w_globals = from_ref(space, py_frame.c_f_globals)

    frame = space.FrameClass(space, code, w_globals, closure=None)
    frame.f_lineno = py_frame.c_f_lineno
    w_obj = space.wrap(frame)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Exemple #18
def int_realize(space, obj):
    intval = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, rffi.cast(PyIntObject, obj).c_ob_ival)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_IntObject, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Exemple #19
def _PyTuple_Resize(space, ref, newsize):
    """Can be used to resize a tuple.  newsize will be the new length of the tuple.
    Because tuples are supposed to be immutable, this should only be used if there
    is only one reference to the object.  Do not use this if the tuple may already
    be known to some other part of the code.  The tuple will always grow or shrink
    at the end.  Think of this as destroying the old tuple and creating a new one,
    only more efficiently.  Returns 0 on success. Client code should never
    assume that the resulting value of *p will be the same as before calling
    this function. If the object referenced by *p is replaced, the original
    *p is destroyed.  On failure, returns -1 and sets *p to NULL, and
    raises MemoryError or SystemError."""
    py_tuple = from_ref(space, ref[0])
    if not PyTuple_Check(space, py_tuple):
    py_newtuple = PyTuple_New(space, newsize)
    to_cp = newsize
    oldsize = space.int_w(space.len(py_tuple))
    if oldsize < newsize:
        to_cp = oldsize
    for i in range(to_cp):
        _setitem_tuple(py_newtuple, i, space.getitem(py_tuple, space.wrap(i)))
    Py_DecRef(space, ref[0])
    ref[0] = make_ref(space, py_newtuple)
    return 0
Exemple #20
def finish_type_2(space, pto, w_obj):
    Sets up other attributes, when the interpreter type has been created.
    pto.c_tp_mro = make_ref(space, space.newtuple(w_obj.mro_w))
    base = pto.c_tp_base
    if base:
        inherit_special(space, pto, base)
    for w_base in space.fixedview(from_ref(space, pto.c_tp_bases)):
        inherit_slots(space, pto, w_base)

    if not pto.c_tp_setattro:
        from pypy.module.cpyext.object import PyObject_GenericSetAttr
        pto.c_tp_setattro = llhelper(

    if not pto.c_tp_getattro:
        from pypy.module.cpyext.object import PyObject_GenericGetAttr
        pto.c_tp_getattro = llhelper(

    if w_obj.is_cpytype():
        Py_DecRef(space, pto.c_tp_dict)
        w_dict = w_obj.getdict(space)
        pto.c_tp_dict = make_ref(space, w_dict)
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, space, pto):
        bases_w = space.fixedview(from_ref(space, pto.c_tp_bases))
        dict_w = {}

        add_operators(space, dict_w, pto)
        convert_method_defs(space, dict_w, pto.c_tp_methods, self)
        convert_getset_defs(space, dict_w, pto.c_tp_getset, self)
        convert_member_defs(space, dict_w, pto.c_tp_members, self)

        name = rffi.charp2str(pto.c_tp_name)
        flag_heaptype = pto.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE
        if flag_heaptype:
            minsize = rffi.sizeof(PyHeapTypeObject.TO)
            minsize = rffi.sizeof(PyObject.TO)
        new_layout = (pto.c_tp_basicsize > minsize or pto.c_tp_itemsize > 0)

        W_TypeObject.__init__(self, space, name,
            bases_w or [space.w_object], dict_w, force_new_layout=new_layout,
        self.flag_cpytype = True
        # if a sequence or a mapping, then set the flag to force it
        if pto.c_tp_as_sequence and pto.c_tp_as_sequence.c_sq_item:
            self.flag_map_or_seq = 'S'
        elif (pto.c_tp_as_mapping and pto.c_tp_as_mapping.c_mp_subscript and
              not (pto.c_tp_as_sequence and pto.c_tp_as_sequence.c_sq_slice)):
            self.flag_map_or_seq = 'M'
        if pto.c_tp_doc:
            self.w_doc = space.wrap(rffi.charp2str(pto.c_tp_doc))
Exemple #22
def PyString_AsString(space, ref):
    ref_str = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, ref)
    if not ref_str.c_buffer:
        # copy string buffer
        w_str = from_ref(space, ref)
        s = space.str_w(w_str)
        ref_str.c_buffer = rffi.str2charp(s)
    return ref_str.c_buffer
Exemple #23
def methoddescr_realize(space, obj):
    # XXX NOT TESTED When is this ever called?
    method = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(PyMethodDef), obj)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_PyCMethodObject, w_type)
    w_obj.__init__(space, method, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Exemple #24
 def wrap_result(self, space, lresult):
     from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import PyObject, from_ref, make_ref, Py_DecRef
     result = rffi.cast(PyObject, lresult)
     w_obj = from_ref(space, result)
     if result:
         Py_DecRef(space, result)
     return w_obj
Exemple #25
def frame_realize(space, py_obj):
    Creates the frame in the interpreter. The PyFrameObject structure must not
    be modified after this call.
    py_frame = rffi.cast(PyFrameObject, py_obj)
    py_code = rffi.cast(PyObject, py_frame.c_f_code)
    w_code = from_ref(space, py_code)
    code = space.interp_w(PyCode, w_code)
    w_globals = from_ref(space, py_frame.c_f_globals)

    frame = space.FrameClass(space, code, w_globals, outer_func=None)
    d = frame.getorcreatedebug()
    d.f_lineno = rffi.getintfield(py_frame, 'c_f_lineno')
    w_obj = space.wrap(frame)
    track_reference(space, py_obj, w_obj)
    return w_obj
Exemple #26
 def test_coerce(self, space, api):
     w_obj1 = space.wrap(123)
     w_obj2 = space.wrap(456.789)
     pp1 = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
     pp1[0] = make_ref(space, w_obj1)
     pp2 = lltype.malloc(PyObjectP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
     pp2[0] = make_ref(space, w_obj2)
     assert api.PyNumber_Coerce(pp1, pp2) == 0
     assert space.str_w(space.repr(from_ref(space, pp1[0]))) == '123.0'
     assert space.str_w(space.repr(from_ref(space, pp2[0]))) == '456.789'
     Py_DecRef(space, pp1[0])
     Py_DecRef(space, pp2[0])
     lltype.free(pp1, flavor='raw')
     # Yes, decrement twice since we decoupled between w_obj* and pp*[0].
     Py_DecRef(space, w_obj1)
     Py_DecRef(space, w_obj2)
     lltype.free(pp2, flavor='raw')
Exemple #27
    def test_setitem(self, space, api):
        py_tuple = api.PyTuple_New(2)
        api.PyTuple_SetItem(py_tuple, 0, make_ref(space, space.wrap(42)))
        api.PyTuple_SetItem(py_tuple, 1, make_ref(space, space.wrap(43)))

        w_tuple = from_ref(space, py_tuple)
        assert space.eq_w(w_tuple, space.newtuple([space.wrap(42),
Exemple #28
def PyUnicode_AsUnicode(space, ref):
    """Return a read-only pointer to the Unicode object's internal Py_UNICODE
    buffer, NULL if unicode is not a Unicode object."""
    # Don't use PyUnicode_Check, it will realize the object :-(
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type))
    if not space.issubtype_w(w_type, space.w_unicode):
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, "expected unicode object")
    return PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(space, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, ref))
Exemple #29
def slot_tp_new(space, type, w_args, w_kwds):
    from pypy.module.cpyext.tupleobject import PyTuple_Check
    pyo = rffi.cast(PyObject, type)
    w_type = from_ref(space, pyo)
    w_func = space.getattr(w_type, space.wrap("__new__"))
    assert PyTuple_Check(space, w_args)
    args_w = [w_type] + space.fixedview(w_args)
    w_args_new = space.newtuple(args_w)
    return space.call(w_func, w_args_new, w_kwds)
Exemple #30
def int_realize(space, obj):
    intval = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, rffi.cast(PyIntObject, obj).c_ob_ival)
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, obj.c_ob_type))
    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_IntObject, w_type)
    track_reference(space, obj, w_obj)
    state = space.fromcache(RefcountState)
    state.set_lifeline(w_obj, obj)
    return w_obj
Exemple #31
 def test_frombuffer(self, space, api):
     w_buf = space.newbuffer(StringBuffer("hello"))
     w_memoryview = api.PyMemoryView_FromObject(w_buf)
     c_memoryview = rffi.cast(PyMemoryViewObject,
                              make_ref(space, w_memoryview))
     view = c_memoryview.c_view
     assert view.c_ndim == 1
     f = rffi.charp2str(view.c_format)
     assert f == 'B'
     assert view.c_shape[0] == 5
     assert view.c_strides[0] == 1
     assert view.c_len == 5
     o = rffi.charp2str(view.c_buf)
     assert o == 'hello'
     ref = api.PyMemoryView_FromBuffer(view)
     w_mv = from_ref(space, ref)
     for f in ('format', 'itemsize', 'ndim', 'readonly', 'shape', 'strides',
         w_f = space.wrap(f)
         assert space.eq_w(space.getattr(w_mv, w_f),
                           space.getattr(w_memoryview, w_f))
     decref(space, ref)
     decref(space, c_memoryview)
Exemple #32
def PyString_AsStringAndSize(space, ref, buffer, length):
    if not PyString_Check(space, ref):
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("PyString_AsStringAndSize only support strings"))
    ref_str = rffi.cast(PyStringObject, ref)
    if not ref_str.c_buffer:
        # copy string buffer
        w_str = from_ref(space, ref)
        s = space.str_w(w_str)
        ref_str.c_buffer = rffi.str2charp(s)
    buffer[0] = ref_str.c_buffer
    if length:
        length[0] = ref_str.c_size
        i = 0
        while ref_str.c_buffer[i] != '\0':
            i += 1
        if i != ref_str.c_size:
            raise OperationError(
                space.wrap("expected string without null bytes"))
    return 0
Exemple #33
    def test_sequence_api(self, space, api):
        w_tup = space.wrap((1, 2, 3, 4))
        assert api.PySequence_Fast(w_tup, "message") is w_tup

        w_l = space.wrap([1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert api.PySequence_Fast(w_l, "message") is w_l

        py_result = api.PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(w_l, 1)
        w_result = from_ref(space, py_result)
        assert space.int_w(w_result) == 2
        assert api.PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(w_l) == 4

        w_set = space.wrap(set((1, 2, 3, 4)))
        w_seq = api.PySequence_Fast(w_set, "message")
        assert space.type(w_seq) is space.w_tuple
        assert space.len_w(w_seq) == 4

        w_seq = api.PySequence_Tuple(w_set)
        assert space.type(w_seq) is space.w_tuple
        assert sorted(space.unwrap(w_seq)) == [1, 2, 3, 4]

        w_seq = api.PySequence_List(w_set)
        assert space.type(w_seq) is space.w_list
        assert sorted(space.unwrap(w_seq)) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Exemple #34
def PyDict_Next(space, w_dict, ppos, pkey, pvalue):
    """Iterate over all key-value pairs in the dictionary p.  The
    Py_ssize_t referred to by ppos must be initialized to 0
    prior to the first call to this function to start the iteration; the
    function returns true for each pair in the dictionary, and false once all
    pairs have been reported.  The parameters pkey and pvalue should either
    point to PyObject* variables that will be filled in with each key
    and value, respectively, or may be NULL.  Any references returned through
    them are borrowed.  ppos should not be altered during iteration. Its
    value represents offsets within the internal dictionary structure, and
    since the structure is sparse, the offsets are not consecutive.

    For example:

    PyObject *key, *value;
    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;

    while (PyDict_Next(self->dict, &pos, &key, &value)) {
        /* do something interesting with the values... */

    The dictionary p should not be mutated during iteration.  It is safe
    (since Python 2.1) to modify the values but not the keys as you iterate
    over the dictionary, the keys must not change.
    For example:

    PyObject *key, *value;
    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;

    while (PyDict_Next(self->dict, &pos, &key, &value)) {
        int i = PyInt_AS_LONG(value) + 1;
        PyObject *o = PyInt_FromLong(i);
        if (o == NULL)
            return -1;
        if (PyDict_SetItem(self->dict, key, o) < 0) {
            return -1;

    if w_dict is None:
        return 0
    if not space.isinstance_w(w_dict, space.w_dict):
        return 0
    pos = ppos[0]
    py_obj = as_pyobj(space, w_dict)
    py_dict = rffi.cast(PyDictObject, py_obj)
    if pos == 0:
        # Store the current keys in the PyDictObject.
        from pypy.objspace.std.listobject import W_ListObject
        decref(space, py_dict.c__tmpkeys)
        w_keys = space.call_method(space.w_dict, "keys", w_dict)
        # w_keys must use the object strategy in order to keep the keys alive
        if not isinstance(w_keys, W_ListObject):
            return 0  # XXX should not call keys() above
        py_dict.c__tmpkeys = create_ref(space, w_keys)
        incref(space, py_dict.c__tmpkeys)
        if not py_dict.c__tmpkeys:
            # pos should have been 0, cannot fail so return 0
            return 0
        w_keys = from_ref(space, py_dict.c__tmpkeys)
    ppos[0] += 1
    if pos >= space.len_w(w_keys):
        decref(space, py_dict.c__tmpkeys)
        py_dict.c__tmpkeys = lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO)
        return 0
    w_key = space.listview(w_keys)[pos]  # fast iff w_keys uses object strat
    w_value = space.getitem(w_dict, w_key)
    if pkey:
        pkey[0] = as_pyobj(space, w_key)
    if pvalue:
        pvalue[0] = as_pyobj(space, w_value)
    return 1
Exemple #35
    def generic_cpy_call(space, func, *args):
        boxed_args = ()
        to_decref = []
        assert len(args) == len(FT.ARGS)
        for i, ARG in unrolling_arg_types:
            arg = args[i]
            if is_PyObject(ARG):
                if arg is None:
                    boxed_args += (lltype.nullptr(PyObject.TO),)
                elif isinstance(arg, W_Root):
                    ref = make_ref(space, arg)
                    boxed_args += (ref,)
                    if decref_args:
                    boxed_args += (arg,)
                boxed_args += (arg,)

            # create a new container for borrowed references
            state = space.fromcache(RefcountState)
            old_container = state.swap_borrow_container(None)
                # Call the function
                result = call_external_function(func, *boxed_args)

            if is_PyObject(RESULT_TYPE):
                if result is None:
                    ret = result
                elif isinstance(result, W_Root):
                    ret = result
                    ret = from_ref(space, result)
                    # The object reference returned from a C function
                    # that is called from Python must be an owned reference
                    # - ownership is transferred from the function to its caller.
                    if result:
                        Py_DecRef(space, result)

                # Check for exception consistency
                has_error = PyErr_Occurred(space) is not None
                has_result = ret is not None
                if has_error and has_result:
                    raise OperationError(space.w_SystemError, space.wrap(
                        "An exception was set, but function returned a value"))
                elif not expect_null and not has_error and not has_result:
                    raise OperationError(space.w_SystemError, space.wrap(
                        "Function returned a NULL result without setting an exception"))

                if has_error:
                    state = space.fromcache(State)

                return ret
            return result
            if decref_args:
                for ref in to_decref:
                    Py_DecRef(space, ref)
Exemple #36
 def getitem(self, w_list, index):
     storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
     index = self._check_index(index, storage._length)
     return from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[index])
Exemple #37
def HPy_FromPyObject(space, ctx, obj):
    w_obj = pyobject.from_ref(space, rffi.cast(pyobject.PyObject, obj))
    return handles.new(space, w_obj)
Exemple #38
def _get_w_obj(space, c_obj):
    return from_ref(space, cts.cast('PyObject*', c_obj._as_ptr()))
Exemple #39
def PyType_IsSubtype(space, a, b):
    """Return true if a is a subtype of b.
    w_type1 = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, a))
    w_type2 = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, b))
    return int(abstract_issubclass_w(space, w_type1, w_type2))  #XXX correct?
Exemple #40
def PyType_FromSpecWithBases(space, spec, bases):
    from pypy.module.cpyext.unicodeobject import PyUnicode_FromString
    state = space.fromcache(State)
    p_type = cts.cast('PyTypeObject*', make_ref(space, space.w_type))
    res = state.ccall("PyType_GenericAlloc", p_type, 0)
    res = cts.cast('PyHeapTypeObject *', res)
    typ = res.c_ht_type
    typ.c_tp_flags = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, spec.c_flags)
    typ.c_tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE
    specname = rffi.charp2str(cts.cast('char*', spec.c_name))
    dotpos = specname.rfind('.')
    if dotpos < 0:
        name = specname
        name = specname[dotpos + 1:]
    res.c_ht_name = make_ref(space, space.newtext(name))
    res.c_ht_qualname = res.c_ht_name
    incref(space, res.c_ht_qualname)
    typ.c_tp_name = spec.c_name
    slotdefs = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(cts.gettype('PyType_Slot')), spec.c_slots)
    if not bases:
        w_base = space.w_object
        bases_w = []
        i = 0
        while True:
            slotdef = slotdefs[i]
            slotnum = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, slotdef.c_slot)
            if slotnum == 0:
            elif slotnum == cts.macros['Py_tp_base']:
                w_base = from_ref(space, cts.cast('PyObject*', slotdef.c_pfunc))
            elif slotnum == cts.macros['Py_tp_bases']:
                bases = cts.cast('PyObject*', slotdef.c_pfunc)
                bases_w = space.fixedview(from_ref(space, bases))
            i += 1
        if not bases_w:
            bases_w = [w_base]
        bases_w = space.fixedview(from_ref(space, bases))
    w_base = best_base(space, bases_w)
    base = cts.cast('PyTypeObject*', make_ref(space, w_base))
    if False:  # not base.c_tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE:
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
            "type '%s' is not an acceptable base type",

    typ.c_tp_as_async = res.c_as_async
    typ.c_tp_as_number = res.c_as_number
    typ.c_tp_as_sequence = res.c_as_sequence
    typ.c_tp_as_mapping = res.c_as_mapping
    typ.c_tp_as_buffer = res.c_as_buffer
    typ.c_tp_bases = bases
    typ.c_tp_base = base
    typ.c_tp_basicsize = cts.cast('Py_ssize_t', spec.c_basicsize)
    typ.c_tp_itemsize = cts.cast('Py_ssize_t', spec.c_itemsize)

    i = 0
    while True:
        slotdef = slotdefs[i]
        slot = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, slotdef.c_slot)
        if slot == 0:
        if slot < 0:  # or slot > len(slotoffsets):
            raise oefmt(space.w_RuntimeError, "invalid slot offset")
        if slot in (cts.macros['Py_tp_base'], cts.macros['Py_tp_bases']):
            # Processed above
            i += 1
        fill_ht_slot(res, slot, slotdef.c_pfunc)
        # XXX: need to make a copy of the docstring slot, which usually
        # points to a static string literal
        i += 1

    if not typ.c_tp_dealloc:
        typ.c_tp_dealloc = state.C._PyPy_subtype_dealloc
    py_type_ready(space, typ)
    return cts.cast('PyObject*', res)
Exemple #41
def add_tp_new_wrapper(space, dict_w, pto):
    if "__new__" in dict_w:
    pyo = rffi.cast(PyObject, pto)
    dict_w["__new__"] = PyCFunction_NewEx(space, get_new_method_def(space),
                                          from_ref(space, pyo), None)
Exemple #42
def PyUnicode_CheckExact(space, ref):
    if not ref:
        return False
    w_obj = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref))
    w_obj_type = space.type(w_obj)
    return space.is_w(w_obj_type, space.w_unicode)
Exemple #43
 def getitems_unroll(self, w_list):
     storage = self.unerase(w_list.lstorage)
     retval = [None] * storage._length
     for i in range(storage._length):
         retval[i] = from_ref(w_list.space, storage._elems[i])
     return retval
Exemple #44
def tuple_check_ref(space, ref):
    w_type = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, ref.c_ob_type))
    return (w_type is space.w_tuple or
            space.issubtype_w(w_type, space.w_tuple))