Exemple #1
def repr__Rope(space, w_str):
    node = w_str._node
    length = node.length()

    i = 0
    buf = [' '] * (length * 4 + 2)  # safely overallocate

    quote = "'"
    if (rope.find_int(node, ord(quote)) != -1
            and rope.find_int(node, ord('"')) == -1):
        quote = '"'

    buf[0] = quote

    iter = rope.ItemIterator(node)
    while 1:
            c = iter.nextchar()
            i += 1
        except StopIteration:
        bs_char = None  # character quoted by backspace

        if c == '\\' or c == quote:
            bs_char = c
        elif c == '\t':
            bs_char = 't'
        elif c == '\r':
            bs_char = 'r'
        elif c == '\n':
            bs_char = 'n'
        elif not '\x20' <= c < '\x7f':
            n = ord(c)
            buf[i] = '\\'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = 'x'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n >> 4]
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n & 0xF]
            buf[i] = c

        if bs_char is not None:
            buf[i] = '\\'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = bs_char

    i += 1
    buf[i] = quote

    return W_RopeObject(rope.rope_from_charlist(buf[:i + 1]))
Exemple #2
def repr__Rope(space, w_str):
    node = w_str._node
    length = node.length()

    i = 0
    buf = [" "] * (length * 4 + 2)  # safely overallocate

    quote = "'"
    if rope.find_int(node, ord(quote)) != -1 and rope.find_int(node, ord('"')) == -1:
        quote = '"'

    buf[0] = quote

    iter = rope.ItemIterator(node)
    while 1:
            c = iter.nextchar()
            i += 1
        except StopIteration:
        bs_char = None  # character quoted by backspace

        if c == "\\" or c == quote:
            bs_char = c
        elif c == "\t":
            bs_char = "t"
        elif c == "\r":
            bs_char = "r"
        elif c == "\n":
            bs_char = "n"
        elif not "\x20" <= c < "\x7f":
            n = ord(c)
            buf[i] = "\\"
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "x"
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n >> 4]
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n & 0xF]
            buf[i] = c

        if bs_char is not None:
            buf[i] = "\\"
            i += 1
            buf[i] = bs_char

    i += 1
    buf[i] = quote

    return W_RopeObject(rope.rope_from_charlist(buf[: i + 1]))
Exemple #3
def repr__Rope(space, w_str):
    node = w_str._node
    length = node.length()

    i = 0
    buf = [' '] * (length * 4 + 2) # safely overallocate

    quote = "'"
    if (rope.find_int(node, ord(quote)) != -1 and
        rope.find_int(node, ord('"')) == -1):
        quote = '"'

    buf[0] = quote

    iter = rope.ItemIterator(node)
    while 1:
            c = iter.nextchar()
            i += 1
        except StopIteration:
        bs_char = None # character quoted by backspace

        if c == '\\' or c == quote:
            bs_char = c
        elif c == '\t': bs_char = 't'
        elif c == '\r': bs_char = 'r'
        elif c == '\n': bs_char = 'n'
        elif not '\x20' <= c < '\x7f':
            n = ord(c)
            buf[i] = '\\'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = 'x'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n>>4]
            i += 1
            buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[n&0xF]
            buf[i] = c

        if bs_char is not None:
            buf[i] = '\\'
            i += 1
            buf[i] = bs_char

    i += 1
    buf[i] = quote

    return W_RopeObject(rope.rope_from_charlist(buf[:i+1]))