Exemple #1
    def test_forced_ptr_cast(self):
        import array
        A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed, hints={'nolength': True})
        B = lltype.Array(lltype.Char, hints={'nolength': True})
        a = lltype.malloc(A, 10, flavor='raw')
        for i in range(10):
            a[i] = i * i

        b = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(B), a)

        checker = array.array('l')
        for i in range(10):
            checker.append(i * i)
        expected = checker.tostring()

        for i in range(len(expected)):
            assert b[i] == expected[i]

        c = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, a)
        addr = lltype2ctypes(c)
        #assert addr == ctypes.addressof(a._obj._ctypes_storage)
        d = ctypes2lltype(rffi.VOIDP, addr)
        assert lltype.typeOf(d) == rffi.VOIDP
        assert c == d
        e = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(A), d)
        for i in range(10):
            assert e[i] == i * i

        c = lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
        addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, c)
        assert addr == 0

        lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
        assert not ALLOCATED  # detects memory leaks in the test
Exemple #2
    def finish_tables(self):
        table = self.layoutbuilder.flatten_table()
        log.info("assigned %s typeids" % (len(table), ))
        log.info("added %s push/pop stack root instructions" %
                 (self.num_pushs, ))
        if self.write_barrier_ptr:
            log.info("inserted %s write barrier calls" %
                     (self.write_barrier_calls, ))

        # replace the type_info_table pointer in gcdata -- at this point,
        # the database is in principle complete, so it has already seen
        # the delayed pointer.  We need to force it to consider the new
        # array now.


        # XXX because we call inputconst already in replace_malloc, we can't
        # modify the instance, we have to modify the 'rtyped instance'
        # instead.  horrors.  is there a better way?

        s_gcdata = self.translator.annotator.bookkeeper.immutablevalue(
        r_gcdata = self.translator.rtyper.getrepr(s_gcdata)
        ll_instance = rmodel.inputconst(r_gcdata, self.gcdata).value

        addresses_of_static_ptrs = (
            self.layoutbuilder.addresses_of_static_ptrs_in_nongc +
        log.info("found %s static roots" % (len(addresses_of_static_ptrs), ))
        additional_ptrs = self.layoutbuilder.additional_roots_sources
        log.info("additional %d potential static roots" % additional_ptrs)
        ll_static_roots_inside = lltype.malloc(lltype.Array(llmemory.Address),
                                               len(addresses_of_static_ptrs) +
        for i in range(len(addresses_of_static_ptrs)):
            ll_static_roots_inside[i] = addresses_of_static_ptrs[i]
        ll_instance.inst_static_root_start = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(
            ll_static_roots_inside) + llmemory.ArrayItemsOffset(
        ll_instance.inst_static_root_nongcend = ll_instance.inst_static_root_start + llmemory.sizeof(
            llmemory.Address) * len(
        ll_instance.inst_static_root_end = ll_instance.inst_static_root_start + llmemory.sizeof(
            llmemory.Address) * len(addresses_of_static_ptrs)

        newgcdependencies = []
        return newgcdependencies
Exemple #3
 def test_array_type_bug(self):
     A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)
     a1 = lltype.malloc(A, 0, flavor='raw')
     a2 = lltype.malloc(A, 0, flavor='raw')
     c1 = lltype2ctypes(a1)
     c2 = lltype2ctypes(a2)
     assert type(c1) is type(c2)
Exemple #4
 def test_arrayofstruct(self):
     S1 = lltype.Struct('S1', ('x', lltype.Signed))
     A = lltype.Array(S1, hints={'nolength': True})
     a = lltype.malloc(A, 5, flavor='raw')
     a[0].x = 100
     a[1].x = 101
     a[2].x = 102
     a[3].x = 103
     a[4].x = 104
     ac = lltype2ctypes(a, normalize=False)
     assert ac.contents.items[0].x == 100
     assert ac.contents.items[2].x == 102
     ac.contents.items[3].x += 500
     assert a[3].x == 603
     a[4].x += 600
     assert ac.contents.items[4].x == 704
     a1 = ctypes2lltype(lltype.Ptr(A), ac)
     assert a1 == a
     assert a1[2].x == 102
     aitem1 = ctypes2lltype(lltype.Ptr(S1),
     assert aitem1.x == 101
     assert aitem1 == a1[1]
     lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
     assert not ALLOCATED  # detects memory leaks in the test
Exemple #5
 def define_hash_preservation(cls):
     from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash
     from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import compute_identity_hash
     from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import current_object_addr_as_int
     class C:
     class D(C):
     c = C()
     d = D()
     h_d = compute_hash(d)     # force to be cached on 'd', but not on 'c'
     h_t = compute_hash(("Hi", None, (7.5, 2, d)))
     S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed),
                              ('a', lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)))
     s = lltype.malloc(S, 15, zero=True)
     h_s = compute_identity_hash(s)   # varsized: hash not saved/restored
     def f():
         if compute_hash(c) != compute_identity_hash(c): return 12
         if compute_hash(d) != h_d: return 13
         if compute_hash(("Hi", None, (7.5, 2, d))) != h_t: return 14
         c2 = C()
         h_c2 = compute_hash(c2)
         if compute_hash(c2) != h_c2: return 15
         if compute_identity_hash(s) == h_s: return 16   # unlikely
         i = 0
         while i < 6:
             if compute_hash(c2) != h_c2: return i
             i += 1
         return 42
     return f
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, hrtyper):
        self.hrtyper = hrtyper
        RGenOp = hrtyper.RGenOp
        rtyper = hrtyper.rtyper
        bk = rtyper.annotator.bookkeeper
        s_w_bool = annmodel.unionof(bk.immutablevalue(W_BoolObject.w_False),
        r_w_bool = rtyper.getrepr(s_w_bool)
        self.ll_False = r_w_bool.convert_const(W_BoolObject.w_False)
        self.ll_True = r_w_bool.convert_const(W_BoolObject.w_True)

        A = lltype.Array(lltype.typeOf(self.ll_False))
        self.ll_bools = lltype.malloc(A, 2, immortal=True)
        self.ll_bools[0] = self.ll_False
        self.ll_bools[1] = self.ll_True
        self.gv_bools = RGenOp.constPrebuiltGlobal(self.ll_bools)
        self.boolsToken = RGenOp.arrayToken(A)

        self.bools_gv = [

        self.ptrkind = RGenOp.kindToken(r_w_bool.lowleveltype)
        self.boolkind = RGenOp.kindToken(lltype.Bool)

        ll_BoolObject = r_w_bool.rclass.getvtable()
        self.BoolObjectBox = rvalue.redbox_from_prebuilt_value(
            RGenOp, ll_BoolObject)

        self.Falsebox = rvalue.redbox_from_prebuilt_value(RGenOp, False)
        self.Truebox = rvalue.redbox_from_prebuilt_value(RGenOp, True)
        self.boolboxes = [self.Falsebox, self.Truebox]
Exemple #7
    def define_cloning_varsize(cls):
        B = lltype.GcStruct('B', ('x', lltype.Signed))
        A = lltype.GcStruct('A', ('b', lltype.Ptr(B)),
                                 ('more', lltype.Array(lltype.Ptr(B))))
        def make(n):
            b = lltype.malloc(B)
            b.x = n
            a = lltype.malloc(A, 2)
            a.b = b
            a.more[0] = lltype.malloc(B)
            a.more[0].x = n*10
            a.more[1] = lltype.malloc(B)
            a.more[1].x = n*10+1
            return a
        def func():
            oldpool = llop.gc_x_swap_pool(X_POOL_PTR, lltype.nullptr(X_POOL))
            a2 = make(22)
            newpool = llop.gc_x_swap_pool(X_POOL_PTR, oldpool)
            # clone a2
            a2ref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, a2)
            clonedata = lltype.malloc(X_CLONE)
            clonedata.gcobjectptr = a2ref
            clonedata.pool = newpool
            llop.gc_x_clone(lltype.Void, clonedata)
            a2copyref = clonedata.gcobjectptr
            a2copy = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(A), a2copyref)
            a2copy.b.x = 44
            a2copy.more[0].x = 440
            a2copy.more[1].x = 441
            return a2.b.x * 1000000 + a2.more[0].x * 1000 + a2.more[1].x

        return func
Exemple #8
 def test_carray_to_ll(self):
     A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed, hints={'nolength': True})
     a = lltype.malloc(A, 10, flavor='raw')
     a2 = lltype.malloc(A, 10, flavor='raw')
     a[0] = 100
     a[1] = 101
     a[2] = 110
     ac = lltype2ctypes(a)
     b = ctypes2lltype(lltype.Ptr(A), ac)
     assert lltype.typeOf(b) == lltype.Ptr(A)
     assert b == a
     assert not (b != a)
     assert a == b
     assert not (a != b)
     assert b != lltype.nullptr(A)
     assert not (b == lltype.nullptr(A))
     assert lltype.nullptr(A) != b
     assert not (lltype.nullptr(A) == b)
     assert b != a2
     assert not (b == a2)
     assert a2 != b
     assert not (a2 == b)
     assert b[2] == 110
     b[2] *= 2
     assert a[2] == 220
     a[2] *= 3
     assert b[2] == 660
     lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
     lltype.free(a2, flavor='raw')
     assert not ALLOCATED  # detects memory leaks in the test
Exemple #9
    def test_qsort(self):
        CMPFUNC = lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, rffi.VOIDP], rffi.INT)
        qsort = rffi.llexternal(
            [rffi.VOIDP, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.SIZE_T,
             lltype.Ptr(CMPFUNC)], lltype.Void)

        lst = [23, 43, 24, 324, 242, 34, 78, 5, 3, 10]
        A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed, hints={'nolength': True})
        a = lltype.malloc(A, 10, flavor='raw')
        for i in range(10):
            a[i] = lst[i]

        SIGNEDPTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FixedSizeArray(lltype.Signed, 1))

        def my_compar(p1, p2):
            p1 = rffi.cast(SIGNEDPTR, p1)
            p2 = rffi.cast(SIGNEDPTR, p2)
            print 'my_compar:', p1[0], p2[0]
            return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, cmp(p1[0], p2[0]))

        qsort(rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, a), rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, 10),
              rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, llmemory.sizeof(lltype.Signed)),
              llhelper(lltype.Ptr(CMPFUNC), my_compar))

        for i in range(10):
            print a[i],
        for i in range(10):
            assert a[i] == lst[i]
        lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
        assert not ALLOCATED  # detects memory leaks in the test
Exemple #10
class StringBuilderRepr(BaseStringBuilderRepr):
    lowleveltype = lltype.Ptr(STRINGBUILDER)
    basetp = STR
    mallocfn = staticmethod(rstr.mallocstr)
    string_repr = string_repr
    char_repr = char_repr
    raw_ptr_repr = PtrRepr(
        lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(lltype.Char, hints={'nolength': True})))
Exemple #11
class UnicodeBuilderRepr(BaseStringBuilderRepr):
    lowleveltype = lltype.Ptr(UNICODEBUILDER)
    basetp = UNICODE
    mallocfn = staticmethod(rstr.mallocunicode)
    string_repr = unicode_repr
    char_repr = unichar_repr
    raw_ptr_repr = PtrRepr(
        lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(lltype.UniChar, hints={'nolength': True})))
Exemple #12
 def test_interior_ptr_with_field_and_index(self):
     py.test.skip("llptr support not really useful any more")
     S = lltype.Struct("S", ('x', lltype.Signed))
     T = lltype.GcStruct("T", ('items', lltype.Array(S)))
     def f(x):
         t = lltype.malloc(T, 1)
         t.items[0].x = x
         return t.items[0].x
     graph = self.check(f, [int], [42], 42)
Exemple #13
def test_sizeof_array_with_no_length():
    A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed, hints={'nolength': True})
    arraysize = llmemory.sizeof(A, 10)
    signedsize = llmemory.sizeof(lltype.Signed)
    def f():
        return arraysize-signedsize*10
    fn, t = getcompiled(f, [])
    res = fn()
    assert res == 0
Exemple #14
 def define_hash_varsized(self):
     S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('abc', lltype.Signed),
                              ('def', lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)))
     s = lltype.malloc(S, 3, zero=True)
     h_s = lltype.identityhash(s)
     def f():
         return lltype.identityhash(s) - h_s    # != 0 (so far),
                             # because S is a varsized structure.
     return f
Exemple #15
 def test_varsized_struct(self):
     STR = lltype.Struct(
         'rpy_string', ('hash', lltype.Signed),
         ('chars', lltype.Array(lltype.Char, hints={'immutable': True})))
     s = lltype.malloc(STR, 3, flavor='raw')
     one = force_cast(rffi.VOIDP, s)
     # sanity check
     #assert lltype2ctypes(one).contents.items._length_ > 0
     two = force_cast(lltype.Ptr(STR), one)
     assert s == two
Exemple #16
 def test_array_type_bug(self):
     A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)
     a1 = lltype.malloc(A, 0, flavor='raw')
     a2 = lltype.malloc(A, 0, flavor='raw')
     c1 = lltype2ctypes(a1)
     c2 = lltype2ctypes(a2)
     assert type(c1) is type(c2)
     lltype.free(a1, flavor='raw')
     lltype.free(a2, flavor='raw')
     assert not ALLOCATED  # detects memory leaks in the test
Exemple #17
    def test_interior_ptr_with_field_and_index(self):
        S = lltype.Struct("S", ('x', lltype.Signed))
        T = lltype.GcStruct("T", ('items', lltype.Array(S)))

        def f(x):
            t = lltype.malloc(T, 1)
            t.items[0].x = x
            return t.items[0].x

        graph = self.check(f, [int], [42], 42)
Exemple #18
def test_realloc():
    A = lltype.Array(lltype.Float)
    adr = raw_malloc(sizeof(A, 10))
    ptr = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr, lltype.Ptr(A))
    for i in range(10):
        ptr[i] = float(i)
    adr2 = raw_realloc_shrink(adr, sizeof(A, 10), sizeof(A, 5))
    ptr2 = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr2, lltype.Ptr(A))
    assert len(ptr2) == 5
    assert ptr2[3] == 3.0
    assert ptr2[1] == 1.0
Exemple #19
def test_addr_keeps_object_alive():
    A = lltype.Array(Address)
    ptr = lltype.malloc(A, 10, immortal=True)
    adr = cast_ptr_to_adr(ptr) + ArrayItemsOffset(A)
    del ptr
    import gc
    # the following line crashes if the array is dead
    ptr1 = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr, lltype.Ptr(lltype.FixedSizeArray(Address, 1)))
    ptr1[0] = NULL
Exemple #20
def test_varsized_struct_size():
    S1 = lltype.GcStruct('S1', ('parent', S), ('extra', lltype.Signed),
                         ('chars', lltype.Array(lltype.Char)))
    size_parent = get_size(S, False)
    ofs_extra, size_extra = get_field_token(S1, 'extra', False)
    basesize, itemsize, ofs_length = get_array_token(S1, False)
    assert size_parent == ofs_extra
    assert size_extra == WORD
    assert ofs_length == ofs_extra + WORD
    assert basesize == ofs_length + WORD
    assert itemsize == 1
Exemple #21
def test_sizeof():
    # this is mostly an "assert not raises" sort of test
    array = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)
    struct = lltype.Struct("S", ('x', lltype.Signed))
    varstruct = lltype.Struct("S", ('x', lltype.Signed), ('y', array))
    py.test.raises(AssertionError, "sizeof(array)")
    py.test.raises(AssertionError, "sizeof(varstruct)")
    sizeof(array, 1)
    sizeof(varstruct, 2)
Exemple #22
 def test_wrong_args(self):
     # so far the test passes but for the wrong reason :-), i.e. because
     # .arg() only supports integers and floats
     chain = ArgChain()
     x = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcStruct('xxx'))
     y = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcArray(rffi.SIGNED), 3)
     z = lltype.malloc(lltype.Array(rffi.SIGNED), 4, flavor='raw')
     py.test.raises(TypeError, "chain.arg(x)")
     py.test.raises(TypeError, "chain.arg(y)")
     py.test.raises(TypeError, "chain.arg(z)")
     lltype.free(z, flavor='raw')
Exemple #23
def test_shrink_obj():
    from pypy.rpython.memory.gcheader import GCHeaderBuilder
    HDR = lltype.Struct('HDR', ('h', lltype.Signed))
    gcheaderbuilder = GCHeaderBuilder(HDR)
    size_gc_header = gcheaderbuilder.size_gc_header
    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed),
                        ('a', lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)))
    myarenasize = 200
    a = arena_malloc(myarenasize, False)
    arena_reserve(a, size_gc_header + llmemory.sizeof(S, 10))
    arena_shrink_obj(a, size_gc_header + llmemory.sizeof(S, 5))
    arena_reset(a, size_gc_header + llmemory.sizeof(S, 5), False)
Exemple #24
def test_ll_shrink_array_2():
    S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed),
                        ('vars', lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)))
    s1 = lltype.malloc(S, 5)
    s1.x = 1234
    for i in range(5):
        s1.vars[i] = 50 + i
    s2 = rgc.ll_shrink_array(s1, 3)
    assert lltype.typeOf(s2) == lltype.Ptr(S)
    assert s2.x == 1234
    assert len(s2.vars) == 3
    for i in range(3):
        assert s2.vars[i] == 50 + i
Exemple #25
 def test_array_inside_struct(self):
     # like rstr.STR, but not Gc
     STR = lltype.Struct('STR', ('x', lltype.Signed),
                         ('y', lltype.Array(lltype.Char)))
     a = lltype.malloc(STR, 3, flavor='raw')
     a.y[0] = 'x'
     a.y[1] = 'y'
     a.y[2] = 'z'
     ac = lltype2ctypes(a)
     assert ac.contents.y.length == 3
     assert ac.contents.y.items[2] == ord('z')
     lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
     assert not ALLOCATED
Exemple #26
    def test_cast_void_ptr(self):
        TP = lltype.Array(lltype.Float, hints={"nolength": True})
        VOID_TP = lltype.Array(lltype.Void,
                                   "nolength": True,
                                   "uncast_on_llgraph": True

        class A(object):
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.storage = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(VOID_TP), x)

        def f(n):
            x = lltype.malloc(TP, n, flavor="raw", zero=True)
            a = A(x)
            s = 0.0
            rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(TP), a.storage)[0] = 1.0
            s += rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(TP), a.storage)[0]
            lltype.free(x, flavor="raw")
            return s

        res = self.interp_operations(f, [10])
Exemple #27
 def test_wrong_args(self):
     libc = CDLL('libc.so.6')
     # XXX assume time_t is long
     ctime = libc.getpointer('time', [ffi_type_pointer], ffi_type_ulong)
     x = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcStruct('xxx'))
     y = lltype.malloc(lltype.GcArray(rffi.LONG), 3)
     z = lltype.malloc(lltype.Array(rffi.LONG), 4, flavor='raw')
     py.test.raises(ValueError, "ctime.push_arg(x)")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, "ctime.push_arg(y)")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, "ctime.push_arg(z)")
     del ctime
     del libc
     lltype.free(z, flavor='raw')
Exemple #28
def setup():
    """ creates necessary c-level types
    names = populate_inttypes()
    result = []
    for name in names:
        tp = platform.types[name.upper()]
        globals()['r_' + name] = platform.numbertype_to_rclass[tp]
        globals()[name.upper()] = tp
        tpp = lltype.Ptr(lltype.Array(tp, hints={'nolength': True}))
        globals()[name.upper()+'P'] = tpp
    return result
Exemple #29
def test_raw_malloc_varsize():
    A = lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)
    S = lltype.Struct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed), ('y', A))
    adr = raw_malloc(offsetof(S, 'y') + itemoffsetof(A, 10))
    length_adr = adr + offsetof(S, 'y') + ArrayLengthOffset(A)
    length_adr.signed[0] = 10

    p = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr, lltype.Ptr(S))
    p.y[7] = 5
    assert (adr + offsetof(S, 'y') + itemoffsetof(A, 7)).signed[0] == 5
    (adr + offsetof(S, 'y') + itemoffsetof(A, 7)).signed[0] = 18187
    assert p.y[7] == 18187
                   "(adr + offsetof(S, 'y') + itemoffsetof(A, 10)).signed[0]")
Exemple #30
def test_realloc_struct():
    S = lltype.Struct('x', ('one', lltype.Signed),
                      ('a', lltype.Array(lltype.Float)))
    adr = raw_malloc(sizeof(S, 5))
    ptr = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr, lltype.Ptr(S))
    for i in range(5):
        ptr.a[i] = float(i)
    ptr.one = 3
    adr2 = raw_realloc_grow(adr, sizeof(S, 5), sizeof(S, 10))
    ptr2 = cast_adr_to_ptr(adr2, lltype.Ptr(S))
    assert len(ptr2.a) == 10
    assert ptr2.a[3] == 3.0
    assert ptr2.a[0] == 0.0
    assert ptr2.one == 3