Exemple #1
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=includes)
    CLOCK_T = platform.SimpleType('clock_t', rffi.INT)
    TIMEVAL = platform.Struct('struct timeval', [('tv_sec', rffi.INT),
                                                 ('tv_usec', rffi.INT)])
    HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY = platform.Has('gettimeofday')
    HAVE_FTIME = platform.Has(FTIME)
Exemple #2
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=includes)
    TIMEVAL = platform.Struct('struct timeval', [('tv_sec', rffi.INT),
                                                 ('tv_usec', rffi.INT)])
    HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY = platform.Has('gettimeofday')
    HAVE_FTIME = platform.Has(FTIME)
    if need_rusage:
        RUSAGE = platform.Struct('struct rusage', [('ru_utime', TIMEVAL),
                                                   ('ru_stime', TIMEVAL)])
Exemple #3
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = eci
    calling_conv = 'c'

    CHECK_LIBRARY = platform.Has('dump("x", (int)&BZ2_bzCompress)')

    off_t = platform.SimpleType("off_t", rffi.LONGLONG)
    size_t = platform.SimpleType("size_t", rffi.ULONG)
    BUFSIZ = platform.ConstantInteger("BUFSIZ")
    _alloc_type = lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, rffi.INT, rffi.INT], rffi.VOIDP)
    _free_type = lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, rffi.VOIDP], lltype.Void)
    SEEK_SET = platform.ConstantInteger("SEEK_SET")
    bz_stream = platform.Struct('bz_stream',
                                [('next_in', rffi.CCHARP),
                                 ('avail_in', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('total_in_lo32', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('total_in_hi32', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('next_out', rffi.CCHARP),
                                 ('avail_out', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('total_out_lo32', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('total_out_hi32', rffi.UINT),
                                 ('state', rffi.VOIDP),
                                 ('bzalloc', lltype.Ptr(_alloc_type)),
                                 ('bzfree', lltype.Ptr(_free_type)),
                                 ('opaque', rffi.VOIDP),
Exemple #4
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
        includes = _includes
    CLOCKS_PER_SEC = platform.ConstantInteger("CLOCKS_PER_SEC")
    clock_t = platform.SimpleType("clock_t", rffi.ULONG)
    has_gettimeofday = platform.Has('gettimeofday')
Exemple #5
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
        includes = ['fcntl.h', 'sys/file.h', 'sys/ioctl.h']
    flock = platform.Struct("struct flock",
        [('l_start', rffi.LONGLONG), ('l_len', rffi.LONGLONG),
        ('l_pid', rffi.LONG), ('l_type', rffi.SHORT),
        ('l_whence', rffi.SHORT)])
    has_flock = platform.Has('flock')
Exemple #6
 class CConfig:
     _compilation_info_ = eci
     TIMEVAL = platform.Struct('struct timeval', [('tv_sec', rffi.LONG),
                                                  ('tv_usec', rffi.LONG)])
     TIMESPEC = platform.Struct('struct timespec', [('tv_sec', rffi.TIME_T),
                                                    ('tv_nsec', rffi.LONG)])
     SEM_FAILED = platform.ConstantInteger('SEM_FAILED')
     SEM_VALUE_MAX = platform.ConstantInteger('SEM_VALUE_MAX')
     SEM_TIMED_WAIT = platform.Has('sem_timedwait')
     SEM_T_SIZE = platform.SizeOf('sem_t')
Exemple #7
class CConfig:
    includes = ['locale.h', 'limits.h']
        includes += ['langinfo.h']
        includes += ['libintl.h']
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        includes += ['windows.h']
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=includes, )
    HAVE_BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET = platform.Has('bind_textdomain_codeset')
    lconv = platform.Struct(
        "struct lconv",
            # Numeric (non-monetary) information.
            ("decimal_point", rffi.CCHARP),  # Decimal point character.
            ("thousands_sep", rffi.CCHARP),  # Thousands separator.

            ## Each element is the number of digits in each group;
            ## elements with higher indices are farther left.
            ## An element with value CHAR_MAX means that no further grouping is done.
            ## An element with value 0 means that the previous element is used
            ## for all groups farther left.  */
            ("grouping", rffi.CCHARP),

            ## Monetary information.

            ## First three chars are a currency symbol from ISO 4217.
            ## Fourth char is the separator.  Fifth char is '\0'.
            ("int_curr_symbol", rffi.CCHARP),
            ("currency_symbol", rffi.CCHARP),  # Local currency symbol.
            ("mon_decimal_point", rffi.CCHARP),  # Decimal point character.
            ("mon_thousands_sep", rffi.CCHARP),  # Thousands separator.
            ("mon_grouping", rffi.CCHARP),  # Like `grouping' element (above).
            ("positive_sign", rffi.CCHARP),  # Sign for positive values.
            ("negative_sign", rffi.CCHARP),  # Sign for negative values.
            ("int_frac_digits", rffi.UCHAR),  # Int'l fractional digits.
            ("frac_digits", rffi.UCHAR),  # Local fractional digits.
            ## 1 if currency_symbol precedes a positive value, 0 if succeeds.
            ("p_cs_precedes", rffi.UCHAR),
            ## 1 iff a space separates currency_symbol from a positive value.
            ("p_sep_by_space", rffi.UCHAR),
            ## 1 if currency_symbol precedes a negative value, 0 if succeeds.
            ("n_cs_precedes", rffi.UCHAR),
            ## 1 iff a space separates currency_symbol from a negative value.
            ("n_sep_by_space", rffi.UCHAR),

            ## Positive and negative sign positions:
            ## 0 Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol.
            ## 1 The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol.
            ## 2 The sign string follows the quantity and currency_symbol.
            ## 3 The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol.
            ## 4 The sign string immediately follows the currency_symbol.
            ("p_sign_posn", rffi.UCHAR),
            ("n_sign_posn", rffi.UCHAR),
Exemple #8
class CConfig:
    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(

    HAS_CLOCK_GETTIME = rffi_platform.Has('clock_gettime')

    CLOCK_REALTIME = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("CLOCK_REALTIME")
    CLOCK_MONOTONIC = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("CLOCK_MONOTONIC")
    CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW")
    CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID")
    CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID")
Exemple #9
 class CConfig:
     _compilation_info_ = compilation_info
     HAS_LOCAL_MALLOC = rffi_platform.Has("GC_local_malloc")
Exemple #10
    # depending on the OS
    constant_names = [
    opt_constant_names = [
    for name in constant_names:
        setattr(CConfig, name, rffi_platform.ConstantInteger(name))
    for name in opt_constant_names:
        setattr(CConfig, name, rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger(name))

    CConfig.MREMAP_MAYMOVE = (
    CConfig.has_mremap = rffi_platform.Has('mremap(NULL, 0, 0, 0)')
    # a dirty hack, this is probably a macro

    constant_names = [
    for name in constant_names:
        setattr(CConfig, name, rffi_platform.ConstantInteger(name))

    from pypy.rlib.rwin32 import HANDLE, LPHANDLE
    from pypy.rlib.rwin32 import DWORD, WORD, DWORD_PTR, LPDWORD
    from pypy.rlib.rwin32 import BOOL, LPVOID, LPCVOID, LPCSTR, SIZE_T
    from pypy.rlib.rwin32 import INT, LONG, PLONG
Exemple #11
 class CConfig:
     _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
     HAVE_UTIMES = platform.Has('utimes')