Exemple #1
def rewire_links(splitblocks, graph):
    for block, splits in splitblocks.items():
        # A splitting position is given by how many operations were
        # folded with the knowledge of an incoming link's constant.
        # Various incoming links may cause various splitting positions.
        # We split the block gradually, starting from the end.
        for position, link, constants in splits:
            assert link.target is block
            if position == len(block.operations) and block.exitswitch is None:
                # a split here would leave nothing in the 2nd part, so
                # directly rewire the links
                assert len(block.exits) == 1
                splitlink = block.exits[0]
                # split the block at the given position
                splitlink = split_block_with_keepalive(block, position)
                assert list(block.exits) == [splitlink]
            assert link.target is block
            assert splitlink.prevblock is block
            complete_constants(link, constants)
            args = [constants.get(v, v) for v in splitlink.args]
            link.args = args
            link.target = splitlink.target
Exemple #2
def rewire_links(splitblocks, graph):
    for block, splits in splitblocks.items():
        # A splitting position is given by how many operations were
        # folded with the knowledge of an incoming link's constant.
        # Various incoming links may cause various splitting positions.
        # We split the block gradually, starting from the end.
        for position, link, constants in splits:
            assert link.target is block
            if position == len(block.operations) and block.exitswitch is None:
                # a split here would leave nothing in the 2nd part, so
                # directly rewire the links
                assert len(block.exits) == 1
                splitlink = block.exits[0]
                # split the block at the given position
                splitlink = split_block_with_keepalive(block, position)
                assert list(block.exits) == [splitlink]
            assert link.target is block
            assert splitlink.prevblock is block
            complete_constants(link, constants)
            args = [constants.get(v, v) for v in splitlink.args]
            link.args = args
            link.target = splitlink.target
Exemple #3
    def do_inline(self, block, index_operation):
        splitlink = split_block_with_keepalive(block, index_operation)
        afterblock = splitlink.target
        # these variables have to be passed along all the links in the inlined
        # graph because the original function needs them in the blocks after
        # the inlined function
        # for every inserted block we need a new copy of these variables,
        # this copy is created with the method passon_vars
        self.original_passon_vars = [arg for arg in block.exits[0].args
                                         if isinstance(arg, Variable)]
        n = 0
        while afterblock.operations[n].opname == 'keepalive':
            n += 1
        assert afterblock.operations[n].opname == self.op.opname
        self.op = afterblock.operations.pop(n)
        #vars that need to be passed through the blocks of the inlined function
        linktoinlined = splitlink
        copiedstartblock = self.copy_block(self.graph_to_inline.startblock)
        copiedstartblock.isstartblock = False
        #find args passed to startblock of inlined function
        passon_args = []
        for arg in self.op.args[1:]:
            if isinstance(arg, Constant):
                index = afterblock.inputargs.index(arg)
        passon_args += self.original_passon_vars

        if self.op.opname == 'oosend' and not isinstance(self.op.args[1], Constant):
            # if we try to inline a graph defined in a superclass, the
            # type of 'self' on the graph differs from the current
            linkv = passon_args[0]
            inputv = copiedstartblock.inputargs[0]
            LINK_SELF = linkv.concretetype
            INPUT_SELF = inputv.concretetype
            if LINK_SELF != INPUT_SELF:
                # need to insert an upcast
                assert ootype.isSubclass(LINK_SELF, INPUT_SELF)
                v = Variable()
                v.concretetype = INPUT_SELF
                upcast = SpaceOperation('ooupcast', [linkv], v)
                passon_args[0] = v

        #rewire blocks
        linktoinlined.target = copiedstartblock
        linktoinlined.args = passon_args
        afterblock.inputargs = [self.op.result] + afterblock.inputargs
        if self.graph_to_inline.returnblock in self.entrymap:
        if self.graph_to_inline.exceptblock in self.entrymap:
        if self.exception_guarded:
            assert afterblock.exits[0].exitcase is None
            afterblock.exitswitch = None
Exemple #4
def test_sbwk_should_insert_keepalives():
    # this is testing something like:
    # v0 <- op_producing_non_gc
    # v1 <- op_using_v0        <- split here
    llops = LowLevelOpList()
    ptr_a = varoftype(lltype.Ptr(GcA))
    v_res = llops.genop("getfield", [ptr_a, model.Constant('b', lltype.Void)],
    llops.genop("direct_call", [model.Constant(None, lltype.Void), v_res],
    block = model.Block([ptr_a])
    block.closeblock(model.Link([], None))
    link = split_block_with_keepalive(block, 1)
    assert 'keepalive' in [op.opname for op in link.target.operations]
    def transform_block(self, graph, block):
        need_exc_matching = False
        n_gen_exc_checks = 0
        if block is graph.exceptblock:
            return need_exc_matching, n_gen_exc_checks
        elif block is graph.returnblock:
            return need_exc_matching, n_gen_exc_checks
        last_operation = len(block.operations) - 1
        if block.exitswitch == c_last_exception:
            need_exc_matching = True
            last_operation -= 1
        elif (len(block.exits) == 1 and 
              block.exits[0].target is graph.returnblock and
              len(block.operations) and
              (block.exits[0].args[0].concretetype is lltype.Void or
               block.exits[0].args[0] is block.operations[-1].result)):
            last_operation -= 1
        lastblock = block
        for i in range(last_operation, -1, -1):
            op = block.operations[i]
            if not self.raise_analyzer.can_raise(op):

            splitlink = support.split_block_with_keepalive(block, i+1, False)
            afterblock = splitlink.target
            if lastblock is block:
                lastblock = afterblock

            self.gen_exc_check(block, graph.returnblock, afterblock)
            n_gen_exc_checks += 1
        if need_exc_matching:
            assert lastblock.exitswitch == c_last_exception
            if not self.raise_analyzer.can_raise(lastblock.operations[-1]):
                #print ("operation %s cannot raise, but has exception"
                #       " guarding in graph %s" % (lastblock.operations[-1],
                #                                  graph))
                lastblock.exitswitch = None
                lastblock.exits[0].exitcase = None
                self.insert_matching(lastblock, graph)
        return need_exc_matching, n_gen_exc_checks