Exemple #1
def sample_overlap_worker(wfs, configs, pgrad, nsteps, tstep=0.5):
    r"""Run nstep Metropolis steps to sample a distribution proportional to
    :math:`\sum_i |\Psi_i|^2`, where :math:`\Psi_i` = wfs[i]
    nconf, nelec, _ = configs.configs.shape
    for wf in wfs:
    block_avg = {}
    block_avg["acceptance"] = np.zeros(nsteps)
    for n in range(nsteps):
        for e in range(nelec):  # a sweep
            # Propose move
            grads = [
                np.real(wf.gradient(e, configs.electron(e)).T) for wf in wfs
            grad = mc.limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
            gauss = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(tstep), size=(nconf, 3))
            newcoorde = configs.configs[:, e, :] + gauss + grad * tstep
            newcoorde = configs.make_irreducible(e, newcoorde)

            # Compute reverse move
            grads, vals = list(
                zip(*[wf.gradient_value(e, newcoorde) for wf in wfs]))
            grads = [np.real(g.T) for g in grads]
            new_grad = mc.limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
            forward = np.sum(gauss**2, axis=1)
            backward = np.sum((gauss + tstep * (grad + new_grad))**2, axis=1)

            # Acceptance
            t_prob = np.exp(1 / (2 * tstep) * (forward - backward))
            wf_ratios = np.abs(vals)**2
            log_values = np.real(np.array([wf.value()[1] for wf in wfs]))
            weights = np.exp(2 * (log_values - log_values[0]))

            ratio = t_prob * np.sum(wf_ratios * weights,
                                    axis=0) / weights.sum(axis=0)
            accept = ratio > np.random.rand(nconf)
            block_avg["acceptance"][n] += accept.mean() / nelec

            # Update wave function
            configs.move(e, newcoorde, accept)
            for wf in wfs:
                wf.updateinternals(e, newcoorde, configs, mask=accept)

        # Collect rolling average
        save_dat = collect_overlap_data(wfs, configs, pgrad)
        for k, it in save_dat.items():
            if k not in block_avg:
                block_avg[k] = np.zeros((*it.shape, ), dtype=it.dtype)
            if k in ["overlap", "overlap_gradient", "weight_final"]:
                block_avg[k] += save_dat[k] / nsteps
                block_avg[k] += save_dat[k] * save_dat["weight_final"] / nsteps

    for k, it in block_avg.items():
        if k not in [
                "overlap", "overlap_gradient", "weight_final", "acceptance"
            it /= block_avg["weight_final"]
    return block_avg, configs
Exemple #2
def limdrift_cutoff(g, tau, cutoff=1):
    Limit a vector to have a maximum magnitude of cutoff while maintaining direction

      g: a [nconf,ndim] vector
      cutoff: the maximum magnitude

      The vector with the cut off applied and multiplied by tau.
    return mc.limdrift(g, cutoff) * tau
def sample_overlap(wfs, configs, pgrad, nsteps=100, tstep=0.5):

    .. math:: \rho(R) = \sum_i |\Psi_i(R)|^2

    `pgrad` is expected to be a gradient generator. returns data as follows:

    `overlap` : 

    .. math:: \left\langle \frac{\Psi_i^* \Psi_j}{\rho} \right\rangle


    .. math:: \left\langle \frac{\partial_{im} \Psi_i^* \Psi_j}{\rho} \right\rangle

    Note that overlap_gradient is only saved for i = f, where f is the final wave function.

    In addition, any key returned by `pgrad` will be saved for the final wave function.
    nconf, nelec, ndim = configs.configs.shape

    for wf in wfs:

    return_data = {}
    for step in range(nsteps):
        # print("step", step)
        for e in range(nelec):
            # Propose move
            grads = [
                np.real(wf.gradient(e, configs.electron(e)).T) for wf in wfs

            grad = limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
            gauss = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(tstep), size=(nconf, 3))
            newcoorde = configs.configs[:, e, :] + gauss + grad * tstep
            newcoorde = configs.make_irreducible(e, newcoorde)

            # Compute reverse move
            grads = [np.real(wf.gradient(e, newcoorde).T) for wf in wfs]
            new_grad = limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
            forward = np.sum(gauss**2, axis=1)
            backward = np.sum((gauss + tstep * (grad + new_grad))**2, axis=1)

            # Acceptance
            t_prob = np.exp(1 / (2 * tstep) * (forward - backward))
            wf_ratios = np.array([wf.testvalue(e, newcoorde)**2 for wf in wfs])
            log_values = np.array([wf.value()[1] for wf in wfs])
            ref = log_values[0]
            weights = np.exp(2 * (log_values - ref))

            ratio = (t_prob * np.sum(wf_ratios * weights, axis=0) /
                     np.sum(weights, axis=0))
            accept = ratio > np.random.rand(nconf)

            # Update wave function
            configs.move(e, newcoorde, accept)
            for wf in wfs:
                wf.updateinternals(e, newcoorde, mask=accept)
            # print("accept", np.mean(accept))

        log_values = np.array([wf.value() for wf in wfs])
        # print(log_values.shape)
        ref = np.max(log_values[:, 1, :], axis=0)
        save_dat = {}
        denominator = np.sum(np.exp(2 * (log_values[:, 1, :] - ref)), axis=0)
        normalized_values = log_values[:, 0, :] * np.exp(log_values[:, 1, :] -
        save_dat["overlap"] = np.mean(
            np.einsum("ik,jk->ijk", normalized_values, normalized_values) /
        weight = np.array([
            np.exp(-2 * (log_values[i, 1, :] - log_values[:, 1, :]))
            for i in range(len(wfs))
        weight = 1.0 / np.sum(weight, axis=1)
        dat = pgrad(configs, wfs[-1])
        save_dat["overlap_gradient"] = np.mean(
            np.einsum("km,k,jk->jmk", dat['dppsi'], normalized_values[-1],
                      normalized_values) / denominator,
        for k in dat.keys():
            save_dat[k] = np.average(dat[k], axis=0, weights=weight[-1])
        save_dat["weight"] = np.mean(weight, axis=1)
        for k, it in save_dat.items():
            if k not in return_data:
                return_data[k] = np.zeros((nsteps, *it.shape))
            return_data[k][step, ...] = it.copy()
    return return_data, configs
Exemple #4
def sample_overlap(wfs,

    .. math:: \rho(R) = \sum_i |\Psi_i(R)|^2

    `pgrad` is expected to be a gradient generator. returns data as follows:

    `overlap` : 

    .. math:: \left\langle \frac{\Psi_i^* \Psi_j}{\rho} \right\rangle


    .. math:: \left\langle \frac{\partial_{im} \Psi_i^* \Psi_j}{\rho} \right\rangle

    Note that overlap_gradient is only saved for i = f, where f is the final wave function.

    In addition, any key returned by `pgrad` will be saved for the final wave function.
    nconf, nelec, _ = configs.configs.shape

    if nsteps is not None:
        nblocks = nsteps
        nsteps_per_block = 1

    for wf in wfs:

    return_data = {}
    for block in range(nblocks):
        block_avg = {}
        for step in range(nsteps_per_block):
            for e in range(nelec):
                # Propose move
                grads = [
                    np.real(wf.gradient(e, configs.electron(e)).T)
                    for wf in wfs

                grad = limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
                gauss = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(tstep), size=(nconf, 3))
                newcoorde = configs.configs[:, e, :] + gauss + grad * tstep
                newcoorde = configs.make_irreducible(e, newcoorde)

                # Compute reverse move
                grads = [np.real(wf.gradient(e, newcoorde).T) for wf in wfs]
                new_grad = limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
                forward = np.sum(gauss**2, axis=1)
                backward = np.sum((gauss + tstep * (grad + new_grad))**2,

                # Acceptance
                t_prob = np.exp(1 / (2 * tstep) * (forward - backward))
                wf_ratios = np.array(
                    [wf.testvalue(e, newcoorde)**2 for wf in wfs])
                log_values = np.array([wf.value()[1] for wf in wfs])
                ref = log_values[0]
                weights = np.exp(2 * (log_values - ref))

                ratio = (t_prob * np.sum(wf_ratios * weights, axis=0) /
                         np.sum(weights, axis=0))
                accept = ratio > np.random.rand(nconf)

                # Update wave function
                configs.move(e, newcoorde, accept)
                for wf in wfs:
                    wf.updateinternals(e, newcoorde, mask=accept)
                # print("accept", np.mean(accept))

            log_values = np.array([wf.value() for wf in wfs])
            # print(log_values.shape)
            ref = np.max(log_values[:, 1, :], axis=0)
            save_dat = {}
            denominator = np.sum(np.exp(2 * (log_values[:, 1, :] - ref)),
            normalized_values = log_values[:,
                                           0, :] * np.exp(log_values[:, 1, :] -
            save_dat["overlap"] = np.mean(
                np.einsum("ik,jk->ijk", normalized_values, normalized_values) /
            weight = np.array([
                np.exp(-2 * (log_values[i, 1, :] - log_values[:, 1, :]))
                for i in range(len(wfs))
            weight = 1.0 / np.sum(weight, axis=1)

            # Fast evaluation of dppsi_reg
            dppsi = pgrad.transform.serialize_gradients(wfs[-1].pgradient())
            node_cut, f = pgrad._node_regr(configs, wfs[-1])
            dppsi_regularized = dppsi * f[:, np.newaxis]

            save_dat["overlap_gradient"] = np.mean(
                ) / denominator,

            # Weighted average on rest
            dat = pgrad.avg(configs, wf, weight[-1])
            for k in dat.keys():
                save_dat[k] = dat[k]
            save_dat["weight"] = np.mean(weight, axis=1)

            # Rolling average within block
            for k, it in save_dat.items():
                if k not in block_avg:
                    block_avg[k] = np.zeros((*it.shape, ))
                block_avg[k] += save_dat[k] / nsteps_per_block

        # Blocks stored
        for k, it in block_avg.items():
            if k not in return_data:
                return_data[k] = np.zeros((nblocks, *it.shape))
            return_data[k][block, ...] = it.copy()
    return return_data, configs
Exemple #5
def sample_overlap_worker(wfs,
    r"""Run nstep Metropolis steps to sample a distribution proportional to
    :math:`\sum_i |\Psi_i|^2`, where :math:`\Psi_i` = wfs[i]
    nconf, nelec, _ = configs.configs.shape
    for wf in wfs:
    weighted = []
    unweighted = []
    for block in range(nblocks):
        weighted_block = {}
        unweighted_block = {}

        for n in range(nsteps):
            for e in range(nelec):  # a sweep
                # Propose move
                grads = [
                    np.real(wf.gradient(e, configs.electron(e)).T)
                    for wf in wfs
                grad = mc.limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
                gauss = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(tstep), size=(nconf, 3))
                newcoorde = configs.configs[:, e, :] + gauss + grad * tstep
                newcoorde = configs.make_irreducible(e, newcoorde)

                # Compute reverse move
                grads, vals = list(
                    zip(*[wf.gradient_value(e, newcoorde) for wf in wfs]))
                grads = [np.real(g.T) for g in grads]
                new_grad = mc.limdrift(np.mean(grads, axis=0))
                forward = np.sum(gauss**2, axis=1)
                backward = np.sum((gauss + tstep * (grad + new_grad))**2,

                # Acceptance
                t_prob = np.exp(1 / (2 * tstep) * (forward - backward))
                wf_ratios = np.abs(vals)**2
                log_values = np.real(np.array([wf.value()[1] for wf in wfs]))
                weights = np.exp(2 * (log_values - log_values[0]))

                ratio = t_prob * np.sum(wf_ratios * weights,
                                        axis=0) / weights.sum(axis=0)
                accept = ratio > np.random.rand(nconf)
                #block_avg["acceptance"][n] += accept.mean() / nelec

                # Update wave function
                configs.move(e, newcoorde, accept)
                for wf in wfs:
                    wf.updateinternals(e, newcoorde, configs, mask=accept)

            # Collect rolling average
            weighted_dat, unweighted_dat = collect_overlap_data(
                wfs, configs, energy, transforms)
            for k, it in unweighted_dat.items():
                if k not in unweighted_block:
                    unweighted_block[k] = np.zeros((*it.shape, ),
                unweighted_block[k] += unweighted_dat[k] / nsteps

            for k, it in weighted_dat.items():
                if k not in weighted_block:
                    weighted_block[k] = [
                        np.zeros((*x.shape, ), dtype=x.dtype) for x in it
                for b, v in zip(weighted_block[k], it):
                    b += v / nsteps

    # here we modify the data so that it's a dictionary of lists of arrays for weighted
    # and a dictionary of arrays for unweighted
    # Access weighted as weighted[quantity][block, ...]
    # Access unweighted as unweighted[quantity][block,...]
    weighted = invert_list_of_dicts(weighted)
    unweighted = invert_list_of_dicts(unweighted)

    for k in weighted.keys():
        weighted[k] = np.asarray(weighted[k])
    for k in unweighted.keys():
        unweighted[k] = np.asarray(unweighted[k])
    return weighted, unweighted, configs