Exemple #1
    def svg(self, file, scale=1, module_color='#000', background=None,
            quiet_zone=4, xmldecl=True, svgns=True, title=None,
            svgclass='pyqrcode', lineclass='pyqrline', omithw=False,
        """This method writes the QR code out as an SVG document. The
        code is drawn by drawing only the modules corresponding to a 1. They
        are drawn using a line, such that contiguous modules in a row
        are drawn with a single line.

        The *file* parameter is used to specify where to write the document
        to. It can either be a writable stream or a file path.
        The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw
        a single module. By default one pixel is used to draw a single
        module. This may make the code too small to be read efficiently.
        Increasing the scale will make the code larger. Unlike the png() method,
        this method will accept fractional scales (e.g. 2.5).

        Note, three things are done to make the code more appropriate for
        embedding in a HTML document. The "white" part of the code is actually
        transparent. The code itself has a class given by *svgclass* parameter. 
        The path making up the QR code uses the class set using the *lineclass*.
        These should make the code easier to style using CSS.

        By default the output of this function is a complete SVG document. If
        only the code itself is desired, set the *xmldecl* to false. This will
        result in a fragment that contains only the "drawn" portion of the code.
        Likewise, you can set the *title* of the document. The SVG name space
        attribute can be suppressed by setting *svgns* to False.

        When True the *omithw* indicates if width and height attributes should
        be omitted. If these attributes are omitted, a ``viewBox`` attribute
        will be added to the document.

        You can also set the colors directly using the *module_color* and
        *background* parameters. The *module_color* parameter sets what color to
        use for the data modules (the black part on most QR codes). The
        *background* parameter sets what color to use for the background (the
        white part on most QR codes). The parameters can be set to any valid
        SVG or HTML color. If the background is set to None, then no background
        will be drawn, i.e. the background will be transparent. Note, many color
        combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be careful.

        The *quiet_zone* parameter sets how wide the quiet zone around the code
        should be. According to the standard this should be 4 modules. It is
        left settable because such a wide quiet zone is unnecessary in many
        applications where the QR code is not being printed.
            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Hello. Uhh, can we have your liver?')
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', 3.6)
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', scale=4,
                         module_color='brown', background='0xFFFFFF')
        builder._svg(self.code, self.version, file, scale=scale, 
                     module_color=module_color, background=background,
                     quiet_zone=quiet_zone, xmldecl=xmldecl, svgns=svgns, 
                     title=title, svgclass=svgclass, lineclass=lineclass,
                     omithw=omithw, debug=debug)
Exemple #2
    def svg(self, file, scale=1, module_color='#000', background=None,
            quiet_zone=4, xmldecl=True, svgns=True, title=None,
            svgclass='pyqrcode', lineclass='pyqrline', omithw=False,
        """This method writes the QR code out as an SVG document. The
        code is drawn by drawing only the modules corresponding to a 1. They
        are drawn using a line, such that contiguous modules in a row
        are drawn with a single line.

        The *file* parameter is used to specify where to write the document
        to. It can either be a writable stream or a file path.
        The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw
        a single module. By default one pixel is used to draw a single
        module. This may make the code too small to be read efficiently.
        Increasing the scale will make the code larger. Unlike the png() method,
        this method will accept fractional scales (e.g. 2.5).

        Note, three things are done to make the code more appropriate for
        embedding in a HTML document. The "white" part of the code is actually
        transparent. The code itself has a class given by *svgclass* parameter. 
        The path making up the QR code uses the class set using the *lineclass*.
        These should make the code easier to style using CSS.

        By default the output of this function is a complete SVG document. If
        only the code itself is desired, set the *xmldecl* to false. This will
        result in a fragment that contains only the "drawn" portion of the code.
        Likewise, you can set the *title* of the document. The SVG name space
        attribute can be suppressed by setting *svgns* to False.

        When True the *omithw* indicates if width and height attributes should
        be omitted. If these attributes are omitted, a ``viewBox`` attribute
        will be added to the document.

        You can also set the colors directly using the *module_color* and
        *background* parameters. The *module_color* parameter sets what color to
        use for the data modules (the black part on most QR codes). The
        *background* parameter sets what color to use for the background (the
        white part on most QR codes). The parameters can be set to any valid
        SVG or HTML color. If the background is set to None, then no background
        will be drawn, i.e. the background will be transparent. Note, many color
        combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be careful.

        The *quiet_zone* parameter sets how wide the quiet zone around the code
        should be. According to the standard this should be 4 modules. It is
        left settable because such a wide quiet zone is unnecessary in many
        applications where the QR code is not being printed.
            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Hello. Uhh, can we have your liver?')
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', 3.6)
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', scale=4,
                         module_color='brown', background='0xFFFFFF')
        builder._svg(self.code, self.version, file, scale=scale, 
                     module_color=module_color, background=background,
                     quiet_zone=quiet_zone, xmldecl=xmldecl, svgns=svgns, 
                     title=title, svgclass=svgclass, lineclass=lineclass,
                     omithw=omithw, debug=debug)
Exemple #3
    def svg(self, file, scale=1, module_color='#000', background=None,
            quiet_zone=4, xmldecl=True, svgns=True, title=None,
            svgclass='pyqrcode', lineclass='pyqrline', omithw=False,
        """这个实例方法是把二维码写成一种 SVG 文档格式。

        其中 *file* 参数是用来描述存储文件位置用的。
        其中 *scale* 参数是设置单个数据块要绘制多大。
        增加参数值会让二维码变大。与 `png()` 方法不一样,

        注意,有三件事实现后能建立适合嵌入到 HTML 文档中的二维码。
        那就是二维码的 "白色" 部分要完全透明。
        二维码本身有一个已知类 *svgclass* 参数。
        组成二维码的路径使用这个类设置,使用的是 *lineclass* 参数。
        这些因素让建立二维码更容易使用 CSS 风格。

        这个方法的默认输出结果是一个含有完整的 SVG 的 XML 文档。
        如果只想要二维码本身的话,把 *xmldecl* 参数值设置成 `False` 即可。
        这样会形成一个含有只绘制二维码部分的 SVG 片段。
        同时,你可以设置 *title* 参数给文档提供页面抬头内容。
        对于 SVG 名字空间属性可以通过设置 *svgns* 参数值为 `False` 来
        实现不显示二维码图形,只显示 XML 文档树内容。

        其中 *omithw* 参数值设置成 `True` 会说明要忽略宽高属性。
        那么会有一项 ``viewBox`` 属性增加到 XML 文档中,效果就是

        你也可以直接设置颜色,使用 *module_color* 和 *background* 参数。
        其中 *module_color* 参数是设置数据块要使用的颜色(大部分都是黑色)。
        其中 *background* 参数是设置背景色(大部分都是白色)。
        这两个参数可以设置成任何一种合法的 SVG 或 HTML 安全色。
        如果背景参数值设置成 `None` 的话,不会绘制背景色,例如背景色是透明的。

        其中 *quiet_zone* 参数是设置无噪点区域宽应该是多大。
            >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Hello. Uhh, can we have your liver?')
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', 3.6)
            >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', scale=4,
                         module_color='brown', background='0xFFFFFF')
        builder._svg(self.code, self.version, file, scale=scale, 
                     module_color=module_color, background=background,
                     quiet_zone=quiet_zone, xmldecl=xmldecl, svgns=svgns, 
                     title=title, svgclass=svgclass, lineclass=lineclass,
                     omithw=omithw, debug=debug)
Exemple #4
 def svg(self, file, scale=1, module_color='#000000', background=None):
     """This method writes the QR code out as an SVG document. The
     code is drawn by drawing only the modules corresponding to a 1. They
     are drawn using a line, such that contiguous modules in a row
     are drawn with a single line.
     The *file* parameter is used to specify where to write the document
     to. It can either be a writable stream or a file path.
     The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw
     a single module. By default one pixel is used to draw a single
     module. This may make the code too small to be read efficiently.
     Increasing the scale will make the code larger. Unlike the png() method,
     this method will accept fractional scales (e.g. 2.5).
     Note, three things are done to make the code more appropriate for
     embedding in a HTML document. The "white" part of the code is actually
     transparent. The code itself has a class of "pyqrcode". The lines
     making up the QR code have a class "pyqrline". These should make the
     code easier to style using CSS.
     You can also set the colors directly using the *module_color* and
     *background* parameters. The *module_color* parameter sets what color to
     use for the data modules (the black part on most QR codes). The
     *background* parameter sets what color to use for the background (the
     white part on most QR codes). The parameters can be set to any valid
     SVG or HTML color. If the background is set to None, then no background
     will be drawn, i.e. the background will be transparent. Note, many color
     combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be careful.
         >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Hello. Uhh, can we have your liver?')
         >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', 3.6)
         >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', scale=4,
                      module_color='brown', background='0xFFFFFF')
     builder._svg(self.code, self.version, file, scale,
                  module_color, background)
Exemple #5
 def svg(self, file, scale=1, module_color='#000000', background=None):
     """This method writes the QR code out as an SVG document. The
     code is drawn by drawing only the modules corresponding to a 1. They
     are drawn using a line, such that contiguous modules in a row
     are drawn with a single line.
     The *file* parameter is used to specify where to write the document
     to. It can either be a writable stream or a file path.
     The *scale* parameter sets how large to draw
     a single module. By default one pixel is used to draw a single
     module. This may make the code too small to be read efficiently.
     Increasing the scale will make the code larger. Unlike the png() method,
     this method will accept fractional scales (e.g. 2.5).
     Note, three things are done to make the code more appropriate for
     embedding in a HTML document. The "white" part of the code is actually
     transparent. The code itself has a class of "pyqrcode". The lines
     making up the QR code have a class "pyqrline". These should make the
     code easier to style using CSS.
     You can also set the colors directly using the *module_color* and
     *background* parameters. The *module_color* parameter sets what color to
     use for the data modules (the black part on most QR codes). The
     *background* parameter sets what color to use for the background (the
     white part on most QR codes). The parameters can be set to any valid
     SVG or HTML color. If the background is set to None, then no background
     will be drawn, i.e. the background will be transparent. Note, many color
     combinations are unreadable by scanners, so be careful.
         >>> code = pyqrcode.create('Hello. Uhh, can we have your liver?')
         >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', 3.6)
         >>> code.svg('live-organ-transplants.svg', scale=4,
                      module_color='brown', background='0xFFFFFF')
     builder._svg(self.code, self.version, file, scale, module_color,