def create_model_state(x, y, z, angle): model_state = ModelState() model_state.model_name = 'jackal' model_state.pose.position.x = x model_state.pose.position.y = y model_state.pose.position.z = z e = qt(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=angle).elements model_state.pose.orientation = Quaternion(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[0]) model_state.reference_frame = "world" return model_state
def _create_global_goal(x, y, angle): """ Create a MoveBaseGoal with x, y position and yaw rotation (in degrees). Returns a MoveBaseGoal """ mb_goal = MoveBaseGoal() mb_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'odom' # Note: the frame_id must be map mb_goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x mb_goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y mb_goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0 # z must be 0.0 (no height in the map) e = qt(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=angle).elements mb_goal.target_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[0]) return mb_goal
setmol(coords) net = caffe.Net('plainpeturb.model',caffe.TEST) res = net.forward() peturb = res['peturb'][0].copy() #need to copy because returned values are references to blobs data = res['data'][0].copy() res = net.forward() peturb2 = res['peturb'][0].copy() data2 = res['data'][0].copy() if len(peturb) != 10: print("Wrong number of rotational numbers") sys.exit(1) trans = peturb[:3] q = qt(peturb[3:7]) euler = toEuler(q) if not isclose(np.square(euler-peturb[-3:]).sum(),0): print("Euler angles don't match quaternion") sys.exit(1) #first make sure different peturbations genreate different grids if np.square(data-data2).sum() < 0.25: print("Not generating distinct grids with peturbation") sys.exit(1) newcoords = np.array(map(q.inverse.rotate,coords-center))+center-trans setmol(newcoords)
def test_perturb(): def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-06, abs_tol=1e-05): return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol) def toEuler(q): '''wikipedia, I am forever in your debt - convert quaternion q to Euler angles''' (w, x, y, z) = q.elements sinr_cosp = +2.0 * (w * x + y * z) cosr_cosp = +1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y) roll = math.atan2(sinr_cosp, cosr_cosp) # pitch (y-axis rotation) sinp = +2.0 * (w * y - z * x) if math.fabs(sinp) >= 1: pitch = math.copysign(math.pi / 2, sinp) # use 90 degrees if out of range else: pitch = math.asin(sinp) #yaw (z-axis rotation) siny_cosp = +2.0 * (w * z + x * y) cosy_cosp = +1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z) yaw = math.atan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp) return (roll, pitch, yaw) #create input file in subdir of current directory try: os.mkdir('peturbfiles') except OSError: pass coords = np.array([[-0.756, 0., 0.], [0.756, 0., 0.]]) moltemplate = '''2 C %f %f %f C %f %f %f ''' def setmol(coords, fname=''): xyz = open('peturbfiles/' + fname, 'w') xyz.write(moltemplate % tuple(coords.flatten())) xyz.close() setmol(coords) setmol(coords, '') types = '''1 ''' typef = open('peturbfiles/input.types', 'w') typef.write(types) typef.close() model = '''layer {{ name: "data" type: "MolGridData" top: "data" top: "label" {topline} molgrid_data_param {{ source: "peturbfiles/input.types" batch_size: 1 dimension: 23.5 resolution: 0.5 shuffle: false balanced: false root_folder: "peturbfiles" random_rotation: {rotate} random_translate: {translate} peturb_ligand: {peturb} peturb_ligand_rotate: {protate} peturb_ligand_translate: {ptranslate} cache_structs: false fix_center_to_origin: {fix} }} }}''' modelf = open('peturbfiles/plain.model', 'w') modelf.write( model.format(rotate="false", translate=0.0, peturb='false', protate='false', ptranslate=0.0, topline='', fix='true')) modelf.close() modelf = open('peturbfiles/plainpeturb.model', 'w') modelf.write( model.format(rotate="false", translate=0.0, peturb='true', protate='true', ptranslate=4.0, topline='top: "peturb"', fix='true')) modelf.close() modelf = open('peturbfiles/rand.model', 'w') modelf.write( model.format(rotate="true", translate=5.0, peturb='false', protate='false', ptranslate=4.0, topline='', fix='true')) modelf.close() modelf = open('peturbfiles/randpeturb.model', 'w') modelf.write( model.format(rotate="true", translate=5.0, peturb='true', protate='true', ptranslate=4.0, topline='top: "peturb"', fix='true')) modelf.close() modelf = open('peturbfiles/fullrandpeturb.model', 'w') modelf.write( model.format(rotate="true", translate=5.0, peturb='true', protate='true', ptranslate=4.0, topline='top: "peturb"', fix='false')) modelf.close() caffe.set_mode_gpu() #to check that a peturbation is correct, we generate a peturbed ligand grid, #then use the inverse of the output peturbation to transform the original ligand, use #the plain model to generate a grid from that and compare the generated densities center = coords.mean(axis=0) setmol(coords) net = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/plainpeturb.model', caffe.TEST) res = net.forward() peturb = res['peturb'][0].copy( ) #need to copy because returned values are references to blobs data = res['data'][0].copy() res = net.forward() peturb2 = res['peturb'][0].copy() data2 = res['data'][0].copy() if len(peturb) != 10: print("Wrong number of rotational numbers") sys.exit(1) trans = peturb[:3] q = qt(peturb[3:7]) euler = toEuler(q) if not isclose(np.square(euler - peturb[-3:]).sum(), 0): print("Euler angles don't match quaternion") sys.exit(1) #first make sure different peturbations genreate different grids if np.square(data - data2).sum() < 0.25: print("Not generating distinct grids with peturbation") sys.exit(1) newcoords = np.array(list(map(q.inverse.rotate, coords - center))) + center - trans setmol(newcoords) plainnet = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/plain.model', caffe.TEST) plainres = plainnet.forward() plaindata = plainres['data'][0].copy() diff = np.square(plaindata - data).sum() if not isclose(diff, 0): print(("Peturbed ligand not as expected %f" % diff)) sys.exit(1) #now have to check the rotated case #first make sure random transformation is working as expected setmol(coords) setmol(coords, '') net = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/rand.model', caffe.TEST) res = net.forward() data = res['data'][0].copy() l = net.layers[0] mt = l.get_moltransform(0) trans = np.array(tuple(mt.get_translation())) Q = mt.get_quaternion() q = qt(Q.R_component_1(), Q.R_component_2(), Q.R_component_3(), Q.R_component_4()) #rotating newcoords = np.array(list(map(q.rotate, coords - center))) + center + trans setmol(newcoords) setmol(newcoords, '') plainnet = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/plain.model', caffe.TEST) plainres = plainnet.forward() plaindata = plainres['data'][0].copy() diff = np.square(plaindata - data).sum() if not isclose(diff, 0): print(("Rotated ligand not as expected %f" % diff)) sys.exit(1) #check peturbed ligand with rotation setmol(coords) setmol(coords, '') net = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/randpeturb.model', caffe.TEST) res = net.forward() data = res['data'][0].copy() peturb = res['peturb'][0].copy() trans = peturb[:3] q = qt(peturb[3:7]) l = net.layers[0] mt = l.get_moltransform(0) Rtrans = np.array(tuple(mt.get_translation())) Q = mt.get_quaternion() Rq = qt(Q.R_component_1(), Q.R_component_2(), Q.R_component_3(), Q.R_component_4()) #first randomize, then peturb center = np.mean(coords, axis=0) newreccoords = np.array(list(map(Rq.rotate, coords - center))) + center + Rtrans newligcoords = np.array(list(map(Rq.rotate, coords - center))) + center + Rtrans center = np.mean(newligcoords, axis=0) newligcoords = np.array(list(map(q.inverse.rotate, newligcoords - center))) + center - trans setmol(newligcoords) setmol(newreccoords, '') plainnet = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/plain.model', caffe.TEST) plainres = plainnet.forward() plaindata = plainres['data'][0].copy() diff = np.square(plaindata - data).sum() if not isclose(diff, 0): print(("Rotated and peturbed ligand not as expected %f" % diff)) sys.exit(1) #don't fix to the origin - result will be centered around ligand, and then translated #rotation center is grid center, not molecule center setmol(coords) setmol(coords, '') net = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/fullrandpeturb.model', caffe.TEST) res = net.forward() data = res['data'][0].copy() peturb = res['peturb'][0].copy() trans = peturb[:3] q = qt(peturb[3:7]) l = net.layers[0] mt = l.get_moltransform(0) Rtrans = np.array(tuple(mt.get_translation())) Q = mt.get_quaternion() Rq = qt(Q.R_component_1(), Q.R_component_2(), Q.R_component_3(), Q.R_component_4()) center = np.mean(coords, axis=0) #first rotate newligcoords = np.array(list(map(Rq.rotate, coords - center))) + center + Rtrans newreccoords = np.array(list(map(Rq.rotate, coords - center))) + center + Rtrans center = np.mean(newligcoords, axis=0) #then peturb, using updated ligand center newligcoords = np.array(list(map(q.inverse.rotate, newligcoords - center))) + center - trans setmol(newligcoords) setmol(newreccoords, '') plainnet = caffe.Net('peturbfiles/plain.model', caffe.TEST) plainres = plainnet.forward() plaindata = plainres['data'][0].copy() diff = np.square(plaindata - data).sum() if not isclose(diff, 0): print(("Fully Rotated and peturbed ligand not as expected %f" % diff)) sys.exit(1)