Exemple #1
def test_insert_tensor_col(orig, col):
    for col_idx in range(orig.shape[1] + 1):  # also check appending case
        result = insert_tensor_col(orig, col_idx, col)
        # Check number of rows and columns
        assert orig.shape[0] == result.shape[0]
        assert orig.shape[1] == result.shape[1] - 1
        # Check the values
        to.testing.assert_allclose(result[:, col_idx], col.squeeze())
Exemple #2
    def step(self, snapshot_mode: str, meta_info: dict = None):

        if isinstance(inner_env(self._env), BallOnPlate5DSim):
            ctrl_gains = to.tensor([
                [0.1401, 0, 0, 0, -0.09819, -0.1359, 0, 0.545, 0, 0, 0, -0.01417, -0.04427, 0],
                [0, 0.1381, 0, 0.2518, 0, 0, -0.2142, 0, 0.5371, 0, 0.03336, 0, 0, -0.1262],
                [0, 0, 0.1414, 0.0002534, 0, 0, -0.0002152, 0, 0, 0.5318, 0, 0, 0, -0.0001269],
                [0, -0.479, -0.0004812, 39.24, 0, 0, -15.44, 0, -1.988, -0.001934, 9.466, 0, 0, -13.14],
                [0.3039, 0, 0, 0, 25.13, 15.66, 0, 1.284, 0, 0, 0, 7.609, 6.296, 0]

            # Compensate for the mismatching different state definition
            if self.ball_z_dim_mismatch:
                ctrl_gains = insert_tensor_col(ctrl_gains, 7, to.zeros((5, 1)))  # ball z position
                ctrl_gains = insert_tensor_col(ctrl_gains, -1, to.zeros((5, 1)))  # ball z velocity

        elif isinstance(inner_env(self._env), QBallBalancerSim):
            # Since the control module can by tricky to install (recommended using anaconda), we only load it if needed
            import control

            # System modeling
            dp = self._env.domain_param
            dp['J_eq'] = self._env._J_eq
            dp['B_eq_v'] = self._env._B_eq_v
            dp['c_kin'] = self._env._c_kin
            dp['zeta'] = self._env._zeta
            dp['A_m'] = self._env._A_m

            A = np.zeros((self._env.obs_space.flat_dim, self._env.obs_space.flat_dim))
            A[:self._env.obs_space.flat_dim//2, self._env.obs_space.flat_dim//2:] = \
            A[4, 4] = -dp['B_eq_v']/dp['J_eq']
            A[5, 5] = -dp['B_eq_v']/dp['J_eq']
            A[6, 0] = dp['c_kin']*dp['m_ball']*dp['g']*dp['r_ball']**2/dp['zeta']
            A[6, 6] = -dp['c_kin']*dp['r_ball']**2/dp['zeta']
            A[7, 1] = dp['c_kin']*dp['m_ball']*dp['g']*dp['r_ball']**2/dp['zeta']
            A[7, 7] = -dp['c_kin']*dp['r_ball']**2/dp['zeta']
            B = np.zeros((self._env.obs_space.flat_dim, self._env.act_space.flat_dim))
            B[4, 0] = dp['A_m']/dp['J_eq']
            B[5, 1] = dp['A_m']/dp['J_eq']
            # C = np.zeros((self._env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, self._env.obs_space.flat_dim))
            # C[:self._env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, :self._env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2] =
            # np.eye(self._env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2)
            # D = np.zeros((self._env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, self._env.act_space.flat_dim))

            # Get the weighting matrices from the environment
            if not isinstance(self._env.task.rew_fcn, QuadrErrRewFcn):
                # The environment uses a reward function compatible with the LQR
                Q = self._env.task.rew_fcn.Q
                R = self._env.task.rew_fcn.R
                # The environment does not use a reward function compatible with the LQR, apply some fine tuning
                Q = np.diag([1e2, 1e2, 5e2, 5e2, 1e-2, 1e-2, 5e+0, 5e+0])
                R = np.diag([1e-2, 1e-2])

            # Solve the continuous time Riccati eq
            K, _, self.eigvals = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R)  # for discrete system pass dt
            ctrl_gains = to.from_numpy(K).to(to.get_default_dtype())

            raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=inner_env(self._env), expected_type=[BallOnPlate5DSim, QBallBalancerSim])

        # Assign the controller gains
        self._policy.init_param(-1*ctrl_gains)  # in classical control it is u = -K*x; here a = psi(s)*s

        # Sample rollouts to evaluate the LQR
        ros = self.sampler.sample()

        # Logging
        rets = [ro.undiscounted_return() for ro in ros]
        self.logger.add_value('max return', np.max(rets), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('median return', np.median(rets), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('min return', np.min(rets), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('avg return', np.mean(rets), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('std return', np.std(rets), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('avg rollout len', np.mean([ro.length for ro in ros]), 4)
        self.logger.add_value('num total samples', self._cnt_samples)
        self.logger.add_value('min mag policy param',
        self.logger.add_value('max mag policy param',

        # Save snapshot data
        self.make_snapshot(snapshot_mode, float(np.mean(rets)), meta_info)
def get_lin_ctrl(env: SimEnv, ctrl_type: str, ball_z_dim_mismatch: bool = True) -> LinearPolicy:
    Construct a linear controller specified by its controller gains.
    Parameters for BallOnPlate5DSim by Markus Lamprecht (clipped gains < 1e-5 to 0).

    :param env: environment
    :param ctrl_type: type of the controller: 'lqr', or 'h2'
    :param ball_z_dim_mismatch: only useful for BallOnPlate5DSim
                                set to True if the given controller dos not have the z component (relative position)
                                of the ball in the state vector, i.e. state is 14-dim instead of 16-dim
    :return: controller compatible with Pyrado Policy
    from pyrado.environments.rcspysim.ball_on_plate import BallOnPlate5DSim

    if isinstance(inner_env(env), BallOnPlate5DSim):
        # Get the controller gains (K-matrix)
        if ctrl_type.lower() == 'lqr':
            ctrl_gains = to.tensor([
                [0.1401, 0, 0, 0, -0.09819, -0.1359, 0, 0.545, 0, 0, 0, -0.01417, -0.04427, 0],
                [0, 0.1381, 0, 0.2518, 0, 0, -0.2142, 0, 0.5371, 0, 0.03336, 0, 0, -0.1262],
                [0, 0, 0.1414, 0.0002534, 0, 0, -0.0002152, 0, 0, 0.5318, 0, 0, 0, -0.0001269],
                [0, -0.479, -0.0004812, 39.24, 0, 0, -15.44, 0, -1.988, -0.001934, 9.466, 0, 0, -13.14],
                [0.3039, 0, 0, 0, 25.13, 15.66, 0, 1.284, 0, 0, 0, 7.609, 6.296, 0]

        elif ctrl_type.lower() == 'h2':
            ctrl_gains = to.tensor([
                [-73.88, -2.318, 39.49, -4.270, 12.25, 0.9779, 0.2564, 35.11, 5.756, 0.8661, -0.9898, 1.421, 3.132,
                [-24.45, 0.7202, -10.58, 2.445, -0.6957, 2.1619, -0.3966, -61.66, -3.254, 5.356, 0.1908, 12.88,
                 6.142, -0.3812],
                [-101.8, -9.011, 64.345, -5.091, 17.83, -2.636, 0.9506, -44.28, 3.206, 37.59, 2.965, -32.65, -21.68,
                [-59.56, 1.56, -0.5794, 26.54, -2.503, 3.827, -7.534, 9.999, 1.143, -16.96, 8.450, -5.302, 4.620,
                [-107.1, 0.4359, 19.03, -9.601, 20.33, 10.36, 0.2285, -74.98, -2.136, 7.084, -1.240, 62.62, 33.66,

            raise pyrado.ValueErr(given=ctrl_type, eq_constraint="'lqr' or 'h2'")

        # Compensate for the mismatching different state definition
        if ball_z_dim_mismatch:
            ctrl_gains = insert_tensor_col(ctrl_gains, 7, to.zeros((5, 1)))  # ball z position
            ctrl_gains = insert_tensor_col(ctrl_gains, -1, to.zeros((5, 1)))  # ball z velocity

    elif isinstance(inner_env(env), QBallBalancerSim):
        # Get the controller gains (K-matrix)
        if ctrl_type.lower() == 'pd':
            # Quanser gains (the original Quanser controller includes action clipping)
            ctrl_gains = -to.tensor([[-14., 0, -14*3.45, 0, 0, 0, -14*2.11, 0],
                                     [0, -14., 0, -14*3.45, 0, 0, 0, -14*2.11]])

        elif ctrl_type.lower() == 'lqr':
            # Since the control module can by tricky to install (recommended using anaconda), we only load it if needed
            import control

            # System modeling
            A = np.zeros((env.obs_space.flat_dim, env.obs_space.flat_dim))
            A[:env.obs_space.flat_dim//2, env.obs_space.flat_dim//2:] = np.eye(env.obs_space.flat_dim//2)
            A[4, 4] = -env.B_eq_v/env.J_eq
            A[5, 5] = -env.B_eq_v/env.J_eq
            A[6, 0] = env.c_kin*env.m_ball*env.g*env.r_ball**2/env.zeta
            A[6, 6] = -env.c_kin*env.r_ball**2/env.zeta
            A[7, 1] = env.c_kin*env.m_ball*env.g*env.r_ball**2/env.zeta
            A[7, 7] = -env.c_kin*env.r_ball**2/env.zeta
            B = np.zeros((env.obs_space.flat_dim, env.act_space.flat_dim))
            B[4, 0] = env.A_m/env.J_eq
            B[5, 1] = env.A_m/env.J_eq
            # C = np.zeros((env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, env.obs_space.flat_dim))
            # C[:env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, :env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2] = np.eye(env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2)
            # D = np.zeros((env.obs_space.flat_dim // 2, env.act_space.flat_dim))

            # Get the weighting matrices from the environment
            Q = env.task.rew_fcn.Q
            R = env.task.rew_fcn.R
            # Q = np.diag([1e2, 1e2, 5e2, 5e2, 1e-2, 1e-2, 1e+1, 1e+1])

            # Solve the continuous time Riccati eq
            K, _, _ = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R)  # for discrete system pass dt
            ctrl_gains = to.from_numpy(K).to(to.get_default_dtype())
            raise pyrado.ValueErr(given=ctrl_type, eq_constraint="'pd', 'lqr'")

        raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=inner_env(env), expected_type=BallOnPlate5DSim)

    # Reconstruct the controller
    feats = FeatureStack([identity_feat])
    ctrl = LinearPolicy(env.spec, feats)
    ctrl.init_param(-1*ctrl_gains)  # in classical control it is u = -K*x; here a = psi(s)*s
    return ctrl