def add_value(self, key: str, value, round_digits: Optional[int] = None): """ Add a column value to the current step. :param key: data key :param value: value to record, pass '' to print nothing :param round_digits: digits to rounds to, pass `None` (default) for no rounding """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=key, expected_type=str) if round_digits is not None and not isinstance(round_digits, int): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=round_digits, expected_type=int) # Compute full prefixed key key = self._prefix_str + key if self._first_step: # Record new key during first step self._value_keys.append(key) elif key not in self._value_keys: # Make sure the key was used during first step raise pyrado.KeyErr( msg= "New value keys may only be added before the first step is finished" ) # Pre-process lists if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] # Pre-process PyTorch tensors and numpy arrays (the same way) if isinstance(value, to.Tensor): value = value.detach().cpu().numpy() if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): if round_digits is not None: value = np.round(value, round_digits) if value.ndim == 0 or value.size == 1: # scalar value = value.item() else: value = value.flatten() if value.ndim == 1: # vector value = value.tolist() else: raise pyrado.ShapeErr( msg="Logging 2-dim arrays or tensors is not supported." ) # Pre-process floats elif isinstance(value, float): if round_digits is not None: value = round(value, round_digits) # Record value self._current_values[key] = value self._values_changed = True
def adapt(self, domain_distr_param: str, domain_distr_param_value: Union[float, int, to.Tensor]): """ Update this domain parameter. .. note:: This function should by called by the subclasses' `adapt()` function. :param domain_distr_param: distribution parameter to update, e.g. mean or std :param domain_distr_param_value: new value of the distribution parameter """ if domain_distr_param not in self.get_field_names(): raise pyrado.KeyErr( msg= f"The domain parameter {} does not have a domain distribution parameter " f"called {domain_distr_param}!") setattr(self, domain_distr_param, domain_distr_param_value)
def save_snapshot(self, meta_info: dict = None): super().save_snapshot(meta_info) # ParameterExploring subroutine saves the best policy (in this case a DomainDistrParamPolicy) prefix = meta_info.get("prefix", "") if prefix != "": self._subrtn.save_snapshot(meta_info=dict( prefix=f"{prefix}_ddp")) # save self._subrtn.save_snapshot( meta_info=dict(prefix="ddp")) # override joblib.dump(self._subrtn.env, osp.join(self.save_dir, "env_sim.pkl")) # Print the current search distribution's mean cpp = self._subrtn.policy.transform_to_ddp_space( self._subrtn.policy.param_values) self._subrtn.env.adapt_randomizer( domain_distr_param_values=cpp.detach().cpu().numpy()) print_cbt( f"Current policy domain parameter distribution\n{self._subrtn.env.randomizer}", "g") # Set the randomizer to best fitted domain distribution cbp = self._subrtn.policy.transform_to_ddp_space( self._subrtn.best_policy_param) self._subrtn.env.adapt_randomizer( domain_distr_param_values=cbp.detach().cpu().numpy()) print_cbt( f"Best fitted domain parameter distribution\n{self._subrtn.env.randomizer}", "g") if "rollouts_real" not in meta_info: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="rollouts_real", container=meta_info)["rollouts_real"], "rollouts_real.pkl", self.save_dir, prefix=prefix)
def adapt_one_distr_param(self, domain_param_name: str, domain_distr_param: str, domain_distr_param_value: Union[float, int]): """ Update the randomizer's domain parameter distribution for one domain parameter. :param domain_param_name: name of the domain parameter which's distribution parameter should be updated :param domain_distr_param: distribution parameter to update, e.g. mean or std :param domain_distr_param_value: new value of the distribution parameter """ for dp in self.domain_params: if == domain_param_name: if domain_distr_param in dp.get_field_names(): # Set the new value if not isinstance(domain_distr_param_value, (int, float, bool)): pyrado.TypeErr(given=domain_distr_param_value, expected_type=[int, float, bool]) dp.adapt(domain_distr_param, domain_distr_param_value) else: raise pyrado.KeyErr( msg= f"The domain parameter {} does not have a domain distribution parameter " f"called {domain_distr_param}!")
def train_policy_sim(self, domain_params: to.Tensor, prefix: str, cnt_rep: int, use_rec_init_states: bool = True) -> float: """ Train a policy in simulation for given hyper-parameters from the domain randomizer. :param domain_params: domain parameters sampled from the posterior [shape N x D where N is the number of samples and D is the number of domain parameters] :param prefix: set a prefix to the saved file name, use "" for no prefix :param cnt_rep: current repetition count, coming from the wrapper function :param use_rec_init_states: if `True`, the previous rollout will be loaded to extract the initial states, and sync them with the recorded ones :return: estimated return of the trained policy in the target domain """ if not (domain_params.ndim == 2 and domain_params.shape[1] == len(self.dp_mapping)): raise pyrado.ShapeErr(given=domain_params, expected_match=(-1, len(self.dp_mapping))) # Insert the domain parameters into the wrapped environment's buffer self.fill_domain_param_buffer(self._env_sim_trn, self.dp_mapping, domain_params) # Set the initial state spaces of the simulation environment to match the observed initial states if use_rec_init_states: rollouts_real = pyrado.load("rollouts_real.pkl", self._save_dir, prefix=prefix) init_states_real = np.stack( [ro.states[0, :] for ro in rollouts_real]) if not init_states_real.shape == ( len(rollouts_real), self._env_sim_trn.state_space.flat_dim): raise pyrado.ShapeErr( given=init_states_real, expected_match=(len(rollouts_real), self._env_sim_trn.state_space.flat_dim)) inner_env( self._env_sim_trn).init_space = DiscreteSpace(init_states_real) print_cbt( "The simulation environment's initial states have been set to the recorded ones.", "w") # Reset the subroutine algorithm which includes resetting the exploration self._cnt_samples += self._subrtn_policy.sample_count self._subrtn_policy.reset() # Propagate the updated training environment to the SamplerPool's workers if hasattr(self._subrtn_policy, "sampler"): self._subrtn_policy.sampler.reinit(env=self._env_sim_trn) else: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="sampler", container=self._subrtn_policy) # Do a warm start, but randomly reset the policy parameters if training failed once self._subrtn_policy.init_modules(self.warmstart and cnt_rep == 0) # Train a policy in simulation using the subroutine self._subrtn_policy.train( snapshot_mode=self._subrtn_policy_snapshot_mode, meta_info=dict(prefix=prefix)) # Return the estimated return of the trained policy in simulation assert len(self._env_sim_trn.buffer) == self.num_eval_samples self._env_sim_trn.ring_idx = 0 # don't reset the buffer to eval on the same domains as trained avg_ret_sim = self.eval_policy(None, self._env_sim_trn, self._subrtn_policy.policy, prefix, self.num_eval_samples) return float(avg_ret_sim)
num_cand = cands.shape[ 0] # number of samples i.e. iterations of BayRn (including init phase) dim_cand = cands.shape[1] # number of domain distribution parameters print_cbt( f'Found {num_cand} candidates of dimension {dim_cand}:\n{cands.detach().cpu().numpy()}', 'w') if dim_cand % 2 != 0: raise pyrado.ShapeErr( msg= 'The dimension of domain distribution parameters must be a multiple of 2!' ) # Remove the initial candidates hparams = load_dict_from_yaml(osp.join(ex_dir, 'hyperparams.yaml')) if 'algo_name' not in hparams: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys='algo_name', container=hparams) if 'dp_map' not in hparams: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys='dp_map', container=hparams) # Process algorithms differently if hparams['algo_name'] == try: num_init_cand = hparams['algo']['num_init_cand'] except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'There was no num_init_cand key in the hparams.yaml file!' 'Are you sure you loaded a BayRn experiment?') if not args.load_all: cands = cands[num_init_cand:, :] # cands_values = cands_values[num_init_cand:, :] num_cand -= num_init_cand
def draw_curve(plot_type: str, ax: plt.Axes, data: pd.DataFrame, x_grid: Union[list, np.ndarray, to.Tensor], x_label: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None, curve_label: Optional[str] = None, area_label: Optional[str] = None, vline_level: Optional[float] = None, vline_label: str = 'approx. solved', title: Optional[str] = None, show_legend: bool = True, legend_kwargs: dict = None, plot_kwargs: dict = None) -> plt.Figure: """ Create a box or violin plot for a list of data arrays or a pandas DataFrame. The plot is neither shown nor saved. .. note:: If you want to have a tight layout, it is best to pass axes of a figure with `tight_layout=True` or `constrained_layout=True`. If you want to order the 4th element to the 2nd position in terms of colors use .. code-block:: python palette.insert(1, palette.pop(3)) :param plot_type: tye of categorical plot, pass box or violin :param ax: axis of the figure to plot on :param data: pandas DataFrame containing the columns `mean`, `std`, `min`, and `max` depending on the `plot_type` :param x_grid: values to plot the data over, e.g. time :param x_label: labels for the categories on the x-axis, if `data` is not given as a `DataFrame` :param y_label: label for the y-axis, pass `None` to set no label :param curve_label: label of the (1-dim) curve :param area_label: label of the (transparent) area :param vline_level: if not `None` (default) add a vertical line at the given level :param vline_label: label for the vertical line :param show_legend: if `True` the legend is shown, useful when handling multiple subplots :param title: title displayed above the figure, set to None to suppress the title :param legend_kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to pyplot's `legend()` function, e.g. `loc='best'` :param plot_kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to seaborn's `boxplot()` or `violinplot()` function :return: handle to the resulting figure """ plot_type = plot_type.lower() if plot_type not in ['mean_std', 'min_mean_max']: raise pyrado.ValueErr(given=plot_type, eq_constraint='mean_std or min_mean_max') if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=data, expected_type=pd.DataFrame) if x_label is not None and not isinstance(x_label, str): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=x_label, expected_type=str) if y_label is not None and not isinstance(y_label, str): raise pyrado.TypeErr(given=y_label, expected_type=str) # Set defaults which can be overwritten by passing plot_kwargs plot_kwargs = merge_dicts([dict(alpha=0.3), plot_kwargs]) legend_kwargs = dict() if legend_kwargs is None else legend_kwargs # palette = sns.color_palette() if palette is None else palette # Preprocess if isinstance(x_grid, list): x_grid = np.array(x_grid) elif isinstance(x_grid, to.Tensor): x_grid = x_grid.detach().cpu().numpy() # Plot if plot_type == 'mean_std': if not ('mean' in data.columns and 'std' in data.columns): raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="'mean' and 'std'", container=data) num_stds = 2 if area_label is None: area_label = rf'$\pm {num_stds}$ std' ax.fill_between(x_grid, data['mean'] - num_stds * data['std'], data['mean'] + num_stds * data['std'], label=area_label, **plot_kwargs) elif plot_type == 'min_mean_max': if not ('mean' in data.columns and 'min' in data.columns and 'max' in data.columns): raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="'mean' and 'min' and 'max'", container=data) if area_label is None: area_label = r'min \& max' ax.fill_between(x_grid, data['min'], data['max'], label=area_label, **plot_kwargs) # plot mean last for proper z-ordering plot_kwargs['alpha'] = 1 ax.plot(x_grid, data['mean'], label=curve_label, **plot_kwargs) # Postprocess if vline_level is not None: # Add dashed line to mark a threshold ax.axhline(vline_level, c='k', ls='--', lw=1., label=vline_label) if x_label is None: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if y_label is not None: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if show_legend: ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return plt.gcf()
def step(self, snapshot_mode: str, meta_info: dict = None): if "rollouts_real" not in meta_info: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="rollouts_real", container=meta_info) # Extract the initial states from the real rollouts rollouts_real = meta_info["rollouts_real"] init_states_real = [ro.states[0, :] for ro in rollouts_real] # Sample new policy parameters a.k.a domain distribution parameters param_sets = self._subrtn.expl_strat.sample_param_sets( nominal_params=self._subrtn.policy.param_values, num_samples=self._subrtn.pop_size, include_nominal_params=True, ) # Iterate over every domain parameter distribution. We basically mimic the ParameterExplorationSampler here, # but we need to adapt the randomizer (and not just the domain parameters) por every policy param set param_samples = [] loss_hist = [] for idx_ps, ps in enumerate(param_sets): # Update the randomizer to use the new new_ddp_vals = self._subrtn.policy.transform_to_ddp_space(ps) self._subrtn.env.adapt_randomizer( domain_distr_param_values=new_ddp_vals.detach().cpu().numpy()) self._subrtn.env.randomizer.randomize( num_samples=self.num_rollouts_per_distr) sampled_domain_params = self._subrtn.env.randomizer.get_params() # Sample the rollouts rollouts_sim = self.behavior_sampler.sample(init_states_real, sampled_domain_params, eval=True) # Iterate over simulated rollout with the same initial state for idx_real, idcs_sim in enumerate( gen_ordered_batch_idcs(self.num_rollouts_per_distr, len(rollouts_sim), sorted=True)): # Clip the rollouts rollouts yielding two lists of pairwise equally long rollouts ros_real_tr, ros_sim_tr = self.truncate_rollouts( [rollouts_real[idx_real]], rollouts_sim[slice(idcs_sim[0], idcs_sim[-1] + 1)]) # Check the validity of the initial states. The domain parameters will be different. assert len(ros_real_tr) == len(ros_sim_tr) == len(idcs_sim) assert check_all_equal([ro.states[0, :] for ro in ros_real_tr]) assert check_all_equal([ro.states[0, :] for ro in ros_sim_tr]) assert all([ np.allclose(r.states[0, :], s.states[0, :]) for r, s in zip(ros_real_tr, ros_sim_tr) ]) # Compute the losses losses = np.asarray([ self.loss_fcn(ro_r, ro_s) for ro_r, ro_s in zip(ros_real_tr, ros_sim_tr) ]) if np.all(losses == 0.0): raise pyrado.ValueErr( msg= "All SysIdViaEpisodicRL losses are equal to zero! Most likely the domain" "randomization is too extreme, such that every trajectory is done after" "one step. Check the exploration strategy.") # Handle zero losses by setting them to the maximum current loss losses[losses == 0] = np.max(losses) loss_hist.extend(losses) # We need to assign the loss value to the simulated rollout, but this one can be of a different # length than the real-world rollouts as well as of different length than the original # (non-truncated) simulated rollout. Thus, we simply write the loss value into the first step. for i, l in zip(range(idcs_sim[0], idcs_sim[-1] + 1), losses): rollouts_sim[i].rewards[:] = 0.0 rollouts_sim[i].rewards[0] = -l # Collect the results param_samples.append( ParameterSample(params=ps, rollouts=rollouts_sim)) # Bind the parameter samples and their rollouts in the usual container param_samp_res = ParameterSamplingResult(param_samples) self._cnt_samples += sum( [len(ro) for pss in param_samp_res for ro in pss.rollouts]) # Log metrics computed from the old policy (before the update) loss_hist = np.asarray(loss_hist) self.logger.add_value("min sysid loss", np.min(loss_hist), 6) self.logger.add_value("median sysid loss", np.median(loss_hist), 6) self.logger.add_value("avg sysid loss", np.mean(loss_hist), 6) self.logger.add_value("max sysid loss", np.max(loss_hist), 6) self.logger.add_value("std sysid loss", np.std(loss_hist), 6) # Extract the best policy parameter sample for saving it later self._subrtn.best_policy_param = param_samp_res.parameters[np.argmax( param_samp_res.mean_returns)].clone() # Save snapshot data self.make_snapshot(snapshot_mode, float(np.max(param_samp_res.mean_returns)), meta_info) # Update the wrapped algorithm's update method self._subrtn.update( param_samp_res, ret_avg_curr=param_samp_res[0].mean_undiscounted_return)
num_cand = cands.shape[ 0] # number of samples i.e. iterations of BayRn (including init phase) dim_cand = cands.shape[1] # number of domain distribution parameters print_cbt( f"Found {num_cand} candidates of dimension {dim_cand}:\n{cands.detach().cpu().numpy()}", "w") if dim_cand % 2 != 0: raise pyrado.ShapeErr( msg= "The dimension of domain distribution parameters must be a multiple of 2!" ) # Remove the initial candidates hparams = load_dict_from_yaml(osp.join(ex_dir, "hyperparams.yaml")) if "algo_name" not in hparams: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="algo_name", container=hparams) if "dp_map" not in hparams: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys="dp_map", container=hparams) # Process algorithms differently if hparams["algo_name"] == try: num_init_cand = hparams["algo"]["num_init_cand"] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "There was no num_init_cand key in the hparams.yaml file!" "Are you sure you loaded a BayRn experiment?") if not args.load_all: cands = cands[num_init_cand:, :] # cands_values = cands_values[num_init_cand:, :] num_cand -= num_init_cand
def init_param(m, **kwargs): """ Initialize the parameters of the PyTorch Module / layer / network / cell according to its type. :param m: PyTorch Module / layer / network / cell to initialize :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments, e.g. `t_max` for LSTM's chrono initialization [2], or `uniform_bias` .. seealso:: [1] A.M. Sachse, J. L. McClelland, S. Ganguli, "Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks", 2014 [2] C. Tallec, Y. Ollivier, "Can recurrent neural networks warp time?", 2018, ICLR """ kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else dict() if isinstance(m, (nn.Linear, nn.RNN, nn.GRU, nn.GRUCell)): for name, param in m.named_parameters(): if 'weight' in name: if len(param.shape) >= 2: # Most common case init.orthogonal_( # former: init.xavier_normal_( else: init.normal_( elif 'bias' in name: if kwargs.get('uniform_bias', False): init.uniform_(, a=-1. / sqrt(, b=1. / sqrt( else: # Default case init.normal_(, std=1. / sqrt( else: raise pyrado.KeyErr(keys='weight or bias', container=param) elif isinstance(m, (nn.LSTM, nn.LSTMCell)): for name, param in m.named_parameters(): if 'weight_ih' in name: # Initialize the input to hidden weights orthogonally # w_ii, w_if, w_ic, w_io nn.init.orthogonal_( elif 'weight_hh' in name: # Initialize the hidden to hidden weights separately as identity matrices and stack them afterwards # w_ii, w_if, w_ic, w_io weight_hh_ii = to.eye(m.hidden_size, m.hidden_size) weight_hh_if = to.eye(m.hidden_size, m.hidden_size) weight_hh_ic = to.eye(m.hidden_size, m.hidden_size) weight_hh_io = to.eye(m.hidden_size, m.hidden_size) weight_hh_all = [weight_hh_ii, weight_hh_if, weight_hh_ic, weight_hh_io], dim=0) elif 'bias' in name: # b_ii, b_if, b_ig, b_io if 't_max' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['t_max'], (float, int, to.Tensor)): raise pyrado.TypeErr( given=kwargs['t_max'], expected_type=[float, int, to.Tensor]) # Initialize all biases to 0, but the bias of the forget and input gate using the chrono init nn.init.constant_(, val=0)[m.hidden_size:m.hidden_size * 2] = to.log( nn.init.uniform_( # forget gate[m.hidden_size:m.hidden_size * 2], 1, kwargs['t_max'] - 1))[0:m.hidden_size] =[ m.hidden_size:2 * m.hidden_size] # input gate else: # Initialize all biases to 0, but the bias of the forget gate to 1 nn.init.constant_(, val=0)[m.hidden_size:m.hidden_size * 2].fill_(1) elif isinstance(m, nn.Conv1d): if kwargs.get('bell', False): # Initialize the kernel weights with a shifted of shape exp(-x^2 / sigma^2). # The biases are left unchanged. if[2] % 2 == 0: ks_half =[2] // 2 ls_half = to.linspace(ks_half, 0, ks_half) # descending ls =[ls_half, reversed(ls_half)]) else: ks_half = ceil([2] / 2) ls_half = to.linspace(ks_half, 0, ks_half) # descending ls =[ls_half, reversed(ls_half[:-1])]) _apply_weights_conf(m, ls, ks_half) elif isinstance(m, MirrConv1d): if kwargs.get('bell', False): # Initialize the kernel weights with a shifted of shape exp(-x^2 / sigma^2). # The biases are left unchanged (does not exist by default). ks =[2] # ks_mirr = ceil(ks_conv1d / 2) ls = to.linspace(ks, 0, ks) # descending _apply_weights_conf(m, ls, ks) elif isinstance(m, ScaleLayer): # Initialize all weights to 1 elif isinstance(m, PositiveScaleLayer): # Initialize all weights to 1 elif isinstance(m, IndiNonlinLayer): # Initialize all weights to 1 and all biases to 0 (if they exist) if m.weight is not None: init.normal_(m.weight, std=1. / sqrt(m.weight.nelement())) if m.bias is not None: init.normal_(m.bias, std=1. / sqrt(m.bias.nelement())) else: pass