def align_combine(fitsdir, myfilter, examine=True): from pyraf import iraf iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.apphot(_doprint=0) os.chdir(fitsdir) listfiles = glob.glob(myfilter) listfiles.sort() if (examine): print "Opening ",listfiles[0]," to examine." iraf.imexamine(input=listfiles[0], \ logfile="coords.dat", \ keeplog="yes") with open("align.list",'w') as f: for i in listfiles: f.write(i+"\n") print "Aligning with reference:",listfiles[0] iraf.imalign( input = "@align.list", referenc= listfiles[0], coords = "coords.dat", output = "*****@*****.**") listfiles = glob.glob("a_"+myfilter) listfiles.sort() with open("comb.list",'w') as f: for i in listfiles: f.write(i+"\n") print "Combining" iraf.imcombine(input = "@comb.list",\ output = "out.fits",\ combine= "median")
def check(): lstlst = ['objlst'] if os.path.isfile('objlst'):'objlst')'../errfilelst') iraf.imexamine(input='@objlst', frame=1) print '<<<<<check the list>>>>>'
def checkfile(filename): '''Print statistics and run open imexamine task''' iraf.imstatistics.unlearn() iraf.imexamine.unlearn() print 'Check output file:' iraf.imstatistics(filename) print ' Running "imexamine" task..' iraf.imexamine(filename, 1)
def check(): lstlst = [ 'spec_bias.lst', 'halogen.lst', 'lamp.lst', 'std.lst', 'cor_std.lst' ] for i in lstlst: if os.path.isfile(i): iraf.imexamine(input='@%s' % i, frame=1) if 'i' == 'cor_std.lst': break
def check_bias(): biaspath = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'bias' if os.path.isfile(biaspath + os.sep + 'spec_bias.lst'): os.chdir('bias')'spec_bias.lst') iraf.imexamine(input='@spec_bias.lst[1]', frame=1) dirname = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(dirname) iraf.flpr() else: print('no bias dir in ' + os.getcwd())
def check_bias(): biaspath = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'bias' if os.path.isfile(biaspath + os.sep + 'spec_bias.lst'): os.chdir('bias') os.system('gedit spec_bias.lst &') iraf.imexamine(input = '@spec_bias.lst[1]', frame = 1) dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(dirname) iraf.flpr() else: print('no bias dir in ' + os.getcwd())
def getfwhm(images='@imh.lis', coordlist='ref_stars', outfile='getfwhm.log',radius=4.0,buffer=7.0,width=5.0,rplot=15.0,center='no',verbose='no',imagelist=None,mode='al',DOLLARnargs=0,taskObj=None): Vars = IrafParList('getfwhm') Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(images, datatype='string', name='images',mode='a',prompt='Input image(s)')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(coordlist, datatype='string', name='coordlist',mode='a',prompt='List of object positions')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(outfile, datatype='string', name='outfile',mode='a',prompt='Output file')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(radius, datatype='real', name='radius', mode='h',prompt='Object radius')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(buffer, datatype='real', name='buffer', mode='h',prompt='Background buffer width')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(width, datatype='real', name='width', mode='h',prompt='Background width')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(rplot, datatype='real', name='rplot', mode='h',prompt='Plotting radius')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(center, datatype='bool', name='center', mode='h',prompt='Center object in aperture?')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(verbose, datatype='bool', name='verbose',mode='h',prompt='Verbose output?')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(imagelist, datatype='struct', name='imagelist',list_flag=1,mode='h')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(mode, datatype='string', name='mode', mode='h')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(DOLLARnargs, datatype='int', name='$nargs',mode='h')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='int', name='len', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='image', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='imagefile',mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='imlist', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='coords', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='outputfile',mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='rad', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='buff', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='wid', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='rpl', mode='u')) Vars.imlist = Vars.images Vars.imagefile = iraf.mktemp('tmp$getfwhm') iraf.sections(Vars.imlist, option = 'fullname', Stdout=Vars.imagefile) Vars.imagelist = Vars.imagefile Vars.coords = Vars.coordlist Vars.outputfile = Vars.outfile Vars.rad = Vars.radius Vars.buff = Vars.buffer Vars.wid = Vars.width Vars.rpl = Vars.rplot iraf.rimexam.radius = Vars.rad iraf.rimexam.buffer = Vars.buff iraf.rimexam.width = Vars.wid iraf.rimexam.rplot = Vars.rpl if ( == yes): = yes else: = no iraf.rimexam.fittype = 'gaussian' iraf.rimexam.iterati = 1 iraf.clPrint('# RIMEXAM Parameter Settings: Radius=', Vars.rad,', Buffer=',Vars.buff,', Width=',Vars.wid,StdoutAppend=Vars.outputfile) while (iraf.fscan(locals(), 'Vars.imagelist', 'Vars.image') != EOF): Vars.len = iraf.strlen(Vars.image) if (iraf.substr(Vars.image, Vars.len - 3, Vars.len) == '.imh'): Vars.image = iraf.substr(Vars.image, 1, Vars.len - 4) if (Vars.verbose): iraf.clPrint('...processing ', Vars.image) iraf.clPrint(Vars.image) iraf.imexamine(Vars.image, logfile = Vars.outputfile, keeplog = yes,defkey = 'a',imagecur = Vars.coords,wcs = 'world',use_display = no)
def check_other(path): if os.path.isdir(path): os.chdir(path) lstlst = ['halogen.lst', 'lamp.lst', 'cor_lamp.lst','std.lst','cor_std.lst'] for i in lstlst: if os.path.isfile(i): os.system('gedit %s &' % i) iraf.imexamine(input = '@%s[1]'%i, frame = 1) dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(dirname) iraf.flpr() else: print('no dir ' + path + ' in ' + os.getcwd())
def check_other(path): if os.path.isdir(path): os.chdir(path) lstlst = [ 'halogen.lst', 'lamp.lst', 'cor_lamp.lst', 'std.lst', 'cor_std.lst' ] for i in lstlst: if os.path.isfile(i): iraf.imexamine(input='@%s[1]' % i, frame=1) dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(dirname) iraf.flpr() else: print('no dir ' + path + ' in ' + os.getcwd())
def check_bias(): print 'check bias...' print '***please remove the bad bias from the list***' f = open('bias.lst') l = f.readlines() f.close() if len(l) != 0: os.popen("gedit bias.lst &") iraf.imexamine(input = '@bias.lst//[1]', frame = 1) else: os.remove('bias.lst') label = raw_input('bias.lst has no fits files, do you want to use older bias?') if label == 'y' or label == 'Y' or label == 'yes' or label == 'Yes': path = raw_input('Please input the path of the file:') print 'copying older flat ' + path + '...' shutil.copy(path, './')
def check_obj(): print 'check object...' print '***please correct the wrong fits in the list***' name = os.popen('ls object*.lst').readlines() name = [i.split('\n')[0] for i in name] for i in name: f = open(i) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [i2.split('\n')[0] for i2 in l if '.fits' in i2] output = open('temp.lst', 'w') for i2 in l: output.write(i2 + '\n') output.close() os.popen("gedit " + i + " &") iraf.imexamine(input = '@temp.lst//[1]', frame = 1) os.remove("temp.lst")
def shift_align(filenames): if len(filenames) == 0: return '' fno = 1 for i in filenames: iraf.display(image = i, frame = fno) fno += 1 print 'The fits number is', len(filenames) if len(filenames) > 1: print 'Please check the fits pic and determine whether you need to shift the pic' print 'imexamine...' iraf.imexamine() valget = raw_input('Are you need to shift the fits picture?(y)') if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y': nfilenames = [filenames[0]] for i2 in filenames: print 'implot ' + i2 iraf.implot(image = i2) fno = 1 iraf.immatch() while fno < len(filenames): valget = raw_input('Please input ' + filenames[fno] + ' xshift, yshift: ') valget = valget.split() fxshift = float(valget[0]) fyshift = float(valget[1]) ims_key = 1 if os.path.isfile('shift_' + filenames[fno]): valget = raw_input('shift_' + filenames[fno] + ' is already exist, are you want to delete the old one?(y):') if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y' or valget == 'yes' or valget == 'Yes': os.remove('shift_' + filenames[fno]) else: ims_key = 0 if ims_key == 1: print 'what happend????????????????' iraf.imshift(input = filenames[fno] , output = 'shift_' + filenames[fno], xshift = fxshift , yshift = fyshift, shifts_file = '', interp_type = 'linear' , boundary_type = 'nearest', constant = 0.0) nfilenames.append('shift_' + filenames[fno]) fno += 1 for i2 in xrange(len(nfilenames)): iraf.display(image = nfilenames[i2], frame = i2 + 1) iraf.imexamine() return cos_clear(nfilenames) return cos_clear(filenames)
def _profiler(self,coordfile,coord): # deploy task to pyraf results = iraf.imexamine(self.filename,image=self.filename,use_display='no',logfile='',defkey='r',imagecur=coordfile,frame=1,mode='h',,Stdout=1) try: results = results[0].split() # prad frad flux bgd mpeak ellip pa mbeta 2dfwhm mfwhm fwhm except IndexError: # some error results = [np.nan]*len(self.R_COLMAP) # first, process stdout for idx,r in enumerate(results): try: results[idx] = np.float(r) except ValueError: results[idx] = np.nan results = OrderedDict(zip(self.R_COLMAP,results)) tbl = Table([results]) tbl = tbl[self.R_COLMAP] tbl['flux'].unit = u.ct tbl['bgd'].unit = u.ct tbl['mpeak'].unit = u.ct tbl['pa'].unit = u.deg #tbl['2dfwhm'].unit = u.pix tbl['mfwhm'].unit = u.pix tbl['fwhm'].unit = u.pix # add xi,yi xi,yi = (np.float(i) for i in coord) tbl.add_column(Column([xi],name='xi',format='%.2f'),0) tbl.add_column(Column([yi],name='yi',format='%.2f'),1) #remove 2dfwhm cuz wut? tbl.remove_column('2dfwhm') #add arcsec columns for fwhmcol in tbl.colnames[-2:]: try: val = tbl[fwhmcol]*self.pxscale except TypeError: val = [np.nan] tbl.add_column(Column(val,name='%s_s'%fwhmcol,unit=u.arcsec,format='%.3f'),tbl.index_column(fwhmcol)+1) # process profile graphics gki = iraf.gkidecode(,Stdout=1,verbose=True) gki = '\n'.join(gki) xr,yr,xf,yf = self.extract_gkidata(gki) vals = [tbl[x][0] for x in tbl.colnames] + [xr,yr,xf,yf,tbl] p = Profile(*vals) return p
def label_objects(images, xfield, yfield): '''Given a list of images, allow the user to pick an object in the display and have the x and y coordinates saved as header keywords xfield and yfield.''' files = get_files(images) print "Please use the 'a' key to select objects" for file in files: iraf.display(file, 1) res = iraf.imexamine(file, Stdout=1) #res = iraf.rimcursor(file, Stdout=1) x, y = map(float, (string.split(res[2])[0:2])) iraf.hedit(images=file, fields=xfield, value=x, add=1, verify=0) iraf.hedit(images=file, fields=yfield, value=y, add=1, verify=0)
def check_flat(): print 'check flat...' print '***please remove the bad flat from the list***' name = os.popen('ls *flat.lst').readlines() name1 = [i.split('\n')[0] for i in name if '_no_flat' not in i] name2 = [i.split('\n')[0] for i in name if '_no_flat' in i] for i in name1: os.popen("gedit " + i + " &") iraf.imexamine(input = '@' + i + '//[1]', frame = 1) for i in name2: if i.replace('_no','') not in name1: label = raw_input(i + " has no flat fits, do you want use older flat?") if label == 'y' or label == 'Y' or label == 'yes' or label == 'Yes': path = raw_input('Please input the path of the lstfile:') print 'coping older lstflat ' + path + ' as new name ' + i.replace('_no','') + '...' shutil.copy(path, './' + i.replace('_no','')) path = path[0:path.rfind('/')] file1 = open(i.replace('_no','')) file1_ctent = file1.readlines() file1.close() file1_ctent = [j.split('\n')[0] for j in file1_ctent] for j in file1_ctent: print 'coping ' + j + '...' shutil.copy(path + '/' + j, './')
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None: _datamax = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'datamax') _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') elif interactive: iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() elif interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if interactive or show: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
if not os.path.isdir('flat_files'): os.mkdir('flat_files') allfiles = flatlist for file in allfiles: shutil.copy(file, 'flat_files/') # combine flat images print 'Combining flat images ...' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.ccdtype = '' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.process = 'no' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.reject = 'ccdclip' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.rdnoise = 'rdnoise' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.gain = 'gain' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.output = 'Flat' iraf.ccdred.flatcombine(input=flatin) for file in flatlist: os.remove(file) print 'openning a ds9 window if not already openned...' ds9.ds9() # check output flat image print 'Check output file:' iraf.imstatistics('Flat') print ' Running "imexamine" task..' iraf.imexamine('Flat', 1) print '--- DONE ---'
def main(): print '=' * 20 + ' check wcal2d ' + '=' * 20 iraf.imexamine('wftbo//@cor_halogen.lst', frame=1)
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, interactive, ds9, fixaperture=False,_catalog=''): try: import agnkey import string hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 45000 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 120000 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'em03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['fs02', 'fs03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['em01']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 try: _wcserr = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') if float(_wcserr) == 0: if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'fs02', 'fs03', 'em03', 'em01']: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() elif _catalog: # cat1=agnkey.agnastrodef.readtxt(_catalog) # cat1['ra'],cat1['dec'] ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) #print a,b,c ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], float(fluxrad[i]))) ff.close() ## End automatic selection print 80 * "#" photmag = apfit(img, fwhm, hdr, interactive, _datamax, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec)): aa = radec[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
_xpos, _ypos = pix1[0][0], pix1[0][1] else: _xpos, _ypos = '', '' if _xpos and _ypos: print 'use xpos and ypos from fits table' print _xpos, _ypos else: print 'no xpos and ypos define, do that interactively' jj = 0 while not _xpos or not _ypos: print " MARK SN REGION WITH - x -, EXIT - q -" try: agnkey.util.delete('tmp.log') zz1, zz2, goon = agnkey.util.display_image(img, 1, '', '', True) # iraf.display(img,1,fill=True,Stdout=1) iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xytargets = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2', Stdout=1) _xpos, _ypos = string.split(xytargets[0])[0], string.split(xytargets[0])[1] except: _xpos, _ypos = '', '' jj = jj + 1 if jj > 10: goon = False break if goon: print _xpos, _ypos, _mag print img0, psfimg, _xpos, _ypos, _mag imgout = re.sub('.fits', '.temp.fits', string.split(img0, '/')[-1]) agnkey.util.delete('_tmp.fits,_tmp2.fits,,' + imgout)
xpa('catalog symbol shape text') if environ == 'mac': xpa('catalog save sb "' + userPath + '/tmp.catsel"') elif environ == 'linux': xpa('catalog save sb "' + userPath + '/tmp.catsel"') xpa('raise') iraf.fields('tmp.catsel', '1,2', Stdout='') answ = 'no' while answ != 'yes': print '>> Identify (minimum 2, preferably 3) reference stars (mark with "a") in your image' iraf.imexamine(img, 1, logfile='tmp.coo', keeplog='yes') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', radii=10, nxoffse=10, nyoffse=10, color=214, txsize=2) xycoo = iraf.fields('tmp.coo', '1,2,13', Stdout=1) print '>> Identify reference stars' idcat = [] for i in range(len(xycoo)): idcat.append(int(raw_input('Star ' + str(i + 1) + '= ? ')))
def register_module(img, _system, coordinatelist, interactive, logincl, _filter): from snoopy2 import src import snoopy2 import string, os # logincl=src.open_program() from pyraf import iraf iraf.astcat(_doprint=0) iraf.imcoords(_doprint=0) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') = 'yes' subdirectory = ['optical/', 'infrared/', 'sloan/'] iraf.delete(coordinatelist + ".tv", verify='no') iraf.delete(coordinatelist + "_templ.coo", verify='no') iraf.delete("_templ.*", verify='no') try: dir_system = subdirectory[_system] iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '2,3,1', Stdout=coordinatelist + '.tv') iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1', Stdout='_templ.coo') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', '_templ.coo2', 'home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '_templ.fits', inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') a = iraf.fields('_templ.coo', '1', Stdout=1) b = iraf.fields('_templ.coo2', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2:] ff = open(coordinatelist + '_templ.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(a)): ff.write(b[i] + '\t' + a[i] + ' \n') ff.close() if _system == 0 or _system == 2: standard = iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1,4,5,6,7,8', Stdout=1) else: standard = iraf.fields('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '1,4,5,6', Stdout=1) except Exception as e: print e print "WARNING: no coordinate " + coordinatelist + " file found in " + snoopy2.__path__[ 0] + '/coordinate_std/' + dir_system + ' !!! ' src.close_program(logincl) stars = [] for i in standard: nome = string.split(i) stars.append(nome[0]) # _filter='XXX' src.delete("tmp." + img + ".coo") iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') if interactive: print '######### Select FRAME TILE on your DS9 !!!!!' _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image( snoopy2.__path__[0] + '/coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '_templ.fits', 2, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.tvmark(2, coordinatelist + '_templ.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=214, txsize=4) _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=205, txsize=2) answ = raw_input( 'is the astrometry of the field good ? \n [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ: answ = 'y' if answ == 'n': try: src.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo') src.delete('tmp.ccdb') iraf.ccmap('_first.ccmap', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) iraf.wcsctran('', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='no', label='yes', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=206, txsize=4) answ = raw_input( 'AND NOW, is the astrometry of the field good [y/n] ? [y] ' ) if not answ: answ = 'y' except: pass while answ == 'n': _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) print '>> Identify (minimum 2, preferably 3) reference stars (mark with "a")' iraf.delete('tmp.coo', verify='no') iraf.imexamine(img, 1, logfile='tmp.coo', keeplog='yes') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=15, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=214, txsize=4) xycoo = iraf.fields('tmp.coo', '1,2,13', Stdout=1) print '>> Identify reference stars' idcat = [] for i in range(len(xycoo)): idcat.append(raw_input('Star ' + str(i + 1) + '= ? ')) ff = open(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'r') rr = ff.readlines() ff.close() gg = open('tmp.ccmap', 'w') fw = [] for i in range(len(idcat)): idpos = stars.index(idcat[i]) _rr = string.split(rr[idpos]) _x, _y, _fw = string.split(xycoo[i]) gg.write(_x + ' ' + _y + ' ' + _rr[0] + ' ' + _rr[1] + ' \n') fw.append(float(_fw)) gg.close() iraf.delete('', verify='no') iraf.delete('_first.ccmap', verify='no') os.system('cp ' + coordinatelist + '.tv') os.system('cp tmp.ccmap _first.ccmap') iraf.ccmap('tmp.ccmap', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) iraf.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo', verify='no') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=20, nxoffse=15, nyoffse=15, color=205, txsize=4) iraf.delete("tmp.ccmap", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.coo", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.ccdb", verify='no') answ = raw_input( 'is the astrometry of the field good [y/n] ? [y]') if not answ: answ = 'y' iraf.delete("", verify='no') iraf.ccfind('home$coordinate_std/' + dir_system + coordinatelist + '.list', '', img, lngcolu=2, latcolu=3, lngunit='degrees', usewcs='yes') iraf.ccmap('', 'tmp.ccdb', images=img, fitgeome='rscale', xcolum=9, ycolum=10, lngcolum=2, latcolumn=3, lngunit='degrees', update='yes', interact=False) iraf.delete('tmp.' + img + '.coo', verify='no') iraf.wcsctran(coordinatelist + '.tv', 'tmp.' + img + '.coo', img, inwcs='world', units='degrees degrees', outwcs='logical', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f') iraf.delete("tmp.ccdb", verify='no') iraf.delete("", verify='no') iraf.delete("tmp.coo", verify='no') return stars, 'tmp.' + img + '.coo'
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False,_catalog='',_datamax=''): try: import agnkey hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if 'kb' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 45000 elif 'fl' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fs' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 65000 try: #if 1==1: if 'WCSERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCSERR'] elif 'WCS_ERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCS_ERR'] print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'kb' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fl' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fs' in instrument: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except ValueError: # except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'.fits[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img+'.fits[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img+'[0]', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) _ra1,_dec1,xx11,yy11,_mag,_dist = agnkey.agnastrodef.starsfields(img+'.fits',20,19) if len(_ra1): dist,pos0,pos1 = agnkey.agnastrodef.crossmatchxy(xs,ys,xx11,yy11,10) if len(pos0): xs = xs[pos0] ys = ys[pos0] ran = ran[pos0] decn = decn[pos0] magbest = magbest[pos0] classstar = classstar[pos0] fluxrad = fluxrad[pos0] bkg = bkg[pos0] ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) sect = '[' + str(x1) + ':' + str(x2) + ',' + str(y1) + ':' + str(y2) + ']' try: fmax = iraf.imstat(img+'.fits[0]' + sect, fields='max', Stdout=1)[1] ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) except: print sect # print 'problem here' # pass ff.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog ' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # print '\n### use sextractor' # xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) # ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') # for i in range(len(xs)): # ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) # ff.close() ################################################################################### print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=False, Stdin=photmag) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='rectangle', length=35, label=False, Stdin=pst) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) new_cols = pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(new_cols) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except IOError as e: print e result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False,_catalog='',_datamax=''): try: import agnkey hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print ('INSTRUMENT:', instrument) if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if 'kb' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 45000 elif 'fl' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fa' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 60000 elif 'fs' in instrument: scale = pixelscale if not _datamax: _datamax = 65000 try: #if 1==1: if 'WCSERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCSERR'] elif 'WCS_ERR' in hdr: _wcserr = hdr['WCS_ERR'] print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'kb' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fl' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fa' in instrument: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'fs' in instrument: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except ValueError: # except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'.fits[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img+'.fits[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img+'[0]', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) _ra1,_dec1,xx11,yy11,_mag,_dist = agnkey.agnastrodef.starsfields(img+'.fits',20,19) if len(_ra1): dist,pos0,pos1 = agnkey.agnastrodef.crossmatchxy(xs,ys,xx11,yy11,10) if len(pos0): xs = xs[pos0] ys = ys[pos0] ran = ran[pos0] decn = decn[pos0] magbest = magbest[pos0] classstar = classstar[pos0] fluxrad = fluxrad[pos0] bkg = bkg[pos0] ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) sect = '[' + str(x1) + ':' + str(x2) + ',' + str(y1) + ':' + str(y2) + ']' try: fmax = iraf.imstat(img+'.fits[0]' + sect, fields='max', Stdout=1)[1] ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) except: print sect # print 'problem here' # pass ff.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog ' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # print '\n### use sextractor' # xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) # ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') # for i in range(len(xs)): # ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) # ff.close() ################################################################################### print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, \ Stdout=1, image=img+'.fits[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=False, Stdin=photmag) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='rectangle', length=35, label=False, Stdin=pst) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) new_cols = pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ]) tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(new_cols) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except IOError as e: print e result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
_mag0 = raw_input( 'which mag do you want to subtract ' + str(_mag) + ' ? ') if _mag0: _mag = float(_mag0) print 'magnitude to be subtracted:', _mag ####################### Chose Ra and Dec ############## if chosepos: print 'choose xpos, ypos interactively' lsc.util.delete('tmp.log') zz1, zz2, goon = lsc.util.display_image( img, 1, '', '', True) iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xytargets = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2', Stdout=1) _xpos, _ypos = string.split(xytargets[0])[0], string.split( xytargets[0])[1] elif not _ra or not _dec: print 'use ra and dec from input database !!! ' _ra, _dec, _SN0, _type = lsc.util.checksndb( img0, 'targets') if _ra and _dec: print 'convert RA, dec to xpos, ypos using header' hdr0 = lsc.util.readhdr(img0) wcs = WCS(hdr0) pix1 = wcs.wcs_world2pix([(_ra, _dec)], 1)
op1 = cordatals[i].split('_')[3] op2 = cordatals[i + 1].split('_')[3] print "\tnormal step:" print ' subtracting', rname + '_' + op1 + '' + '-' + rname + '_' + op2 + '', 'to create:', rname + '_' + op1 + '-' + op2 + '' iraf.imarith(operand1=rname + '_' + op1 + '', op="-", operand2=rname + '_' + op2 + '', result=rname + '_' + op1 + '-' + op2 + '') imimlst.write(rname + '_' + op1 + '-' + op2 + '' + '\n') imimlst.close() # setting display parameters and imexamine (<<< select star to align) print "> displaying images to select the star used for alignment" iraf.set(stdimage="imt1024") iraf.imexamine("@imexamine_image.irafl", frame=1, logfile="imexamine.irafl", keeplog="yes") # preparation and manipulation of lists and align/shift processes shimlst1 = open('images_to_shift.irafl', 'w') shimlst22 = open('shifted_images.irafl', 'w') imlog = open("imexamine.irafl", "r") # selecting the x,y values only lines = imlog.readlines() imlog.close() x = [] y = [] for lin in lines: lin.split(' ') if lin.split()[0] != "#": print lin.split()[0], lin.split()[1]
def Main(obj, obstime_kw=None, iraf_display_mode='display'): """ Given a list of images in a specified folder, will display them using iraf.display (if iraf_display_mode=='display') or iraf.imexamine (if iraf_display_mode=='imexamine') in blocks of 10. For first pass inspection, the point is to see whether there are any significant pointing drifts between frames that will cause the source tracking algorithm to fail. For second pass inspection, the point is to make a quick comparison between the absolute photometry output from the pipeline and manual imexam photometry values. """ images = np.loadtxt(obj.image_list, dtype='str') if obstime_kw!=None: obstimes = np.zeros(len(images)) for i in range(len(obstimes)): h = pyfits.getheader(images[i]) obstimes[i] = h[obstime_kw] ixs = np.argsort(obstimes) images = images[ixs] blockids = np.zeros(len(images)) nperblock = 10 nimages = len(images) nblocks = int(np.ceil(float(nimages)/nperblock)) record_outcome = np.ones(nblocks) block_counter = 0 for i in range(nblocks): n = min([nperblock, nimages-i*nperblock]) print '\nBlock %i of %i' % (i+1,nblocks) for j in range(n): ix = i*nperblock+j blockids[ix] = i try: print 'Loading %s...' % images[ix] if iraf_display_mode=='display': iraf.display(images[ix],j+1) elif iraf_display_mode=='imexamine': iraf.imexamine(images[ix],j+1) else: pdb.set_trace() except: pass print '\nEnter 1 for OK, 0 if not:\n' outcome = '' while outcome=='': outcome = raw_input('') record_outcome[i] = outcome ixs = np.arange(nblocks)[record_outcome==0] ncloser = len(ixs) print '\nYou identified %i blocks to look at again closely.' % ncloser print 'Enter y to go through them again now, or n to exit:' outcome = '' while outcome=='': outcome = raw_input('') if outcome=='y': for i in range(ncloser): closer_images = images[blockids==ixs[i]] print '\n Block %i:' % (ixs[i]+1) for j in range(len(closer_images)): print closer_images[j] iraf.display(closer_images[j],j+1) print ' (enter c to continue)' outcome = '' while outcome=='': outcome = raw_input('') else: print '\nFor future reference, the identified blocks were:' for i in range(ncloser): print '\n Block %i, containing:' % ixs[i] closer_images = images[blockids==ixs[i]] for j in range(len(closer_images)): print ' - %s' % closer_images[j] return None
print '\ncreating a zero_files/ dir to store original data' if not os.path.isdir('zero_files'): os.mkdir('zero_files') allfiles = zerolist for file in allfiles: shutil.copy(file, 'zero_files/') # combine bias images print 'Combining zero level images...' iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.ccdtype = '' iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.reject = 'ccdclip' iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.rdnoise = 'rdnoise' iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.gain = 'gain' iraf.ccdred.zerocombine(input=zeroin) for zero in zerolist: os.remove(zero) print 'openning a ds9 window if not already openned...' ds9.ds9() # check output image print 'Check output file:' iraf.imstatistics('Zero') print ' Running "imexamine" task..' iraf.imexamine('Zero', 1) print '--- DONE ---'
def radprof_iraf(image, coords, radius, step=0.1, output='STDOUT', plotfile=None, verbose=False, test=False, pxscale=None): iraf.apphot.centerpars.setParam('maxshift', radius) # search radius if test: results = iraf.imexamine(image, image=image, use_display='no', logfile='', defkey='r', imagecur=coords, frame=1, mode='h', StdoutG=plotfile, Stdout=1) results = [np.float(x) for x in results[0].split()] # prad frad flux bgd mpeak ellip pa mbeta 2dfwhm mfwhm fwhm results = OrderedDict(zip(R_COLMAP, results)) tbl = Table([results]) tbl = tbl[R_COLMAP] tbl['flux'].unit = u.ct tbl['bgd'].unit = u.ct tbl['mpeak'].unit = u.ct tbl['pa'].unit = u.deg #tbl['2dfwhm'].unit = u.pix tbl['mfwhm'].unit = u.pix tbl['fwhm'].unit = u.pix #remove 2dfwhm cuz wut? tbl.remove_column('2dfwhm') if pxscale: #add arcsec columns for fwhmcol in tbl.colnames[-2:]: tbl.add_column( Column(tbl[fwhmcol] * pxscale, name='%s_s' % fwhmcol, unit=u.arcsec, format='%.3f'), tbl.index_column(fwhmcol) + 1) gki = iraf.gkidecode(plotfile, Stdout=1, verbose=True) gki = '\n'.join(gki) xr, yr, xf, yf = extract_gkidata(gki) #plt.scatter(xr,yr) #plt.plot(xf,yf) return tbl, xr, yr, xf, yf results = iraf.apphot.radprof(image, radius=radius, step=step, coords=coords, output=output, verbose=verbose, verify=False, interactive=False, Stdout=1) #remove datalines data = [] pradline = None for idx, line in enumerate(results): if '*\\' in line: line = line.split()[0:3] line = [np.float(x) for x in line] data.append((idx, line)) #remove pradius line descriptors elif 'PRADIUS' in line: pradline = idx idx, data = zip(*data) #print data #remove from min idx onward ridx = np.min(idx) del results[ridx:] del results[pradline:pradline + 4] # remove '\' from last line results[-1] = results[-1][0:-1] results = '\n'.join(results[1:]) rtbl =, format='ascii.daophot') #print rtbl['PFWHM']/2.0 ptbl = Table(rows=data, names=('radius', 'intensity', 'tintensity')) ptbl['intensity'] *= rtbl['INORM'] #tbl.pprint() #plt.plot(tbl['radius'],tbl['intensity']*ptbl['INORM']) return ptbl
color=206, txsize=4) answ = raw_input( 'AND NOW, is the astrometry of the field good [y/n] ? [y] ' ) if not answ: answ = 'y' except: pass while answ == 'n': _z1, _z2, goon = src.display_image(img, 1, '', '', False) if not goon: src.close_program(logincl) print '>> Identify (minimum 2, preferably 3) reference stars (mark with "a")' iraf.imexamine(img, 1, logfile='tmp.coo', keeplog='yes') iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmp.coo', mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=5, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=214, txsize=4) xycoo = iraf.fields('tmp.coo', '1,2,13', Stdout=1) print '>> Identify reference stars' idcat = [] for i in range(len(xycoo)): idcat.append(raw_input('Star ' + str(i + 1) + '= ? '))
@author: jlee """ import numpy as np import os from time import sleep from pyraf import iraf iraf.images() import init_cfg as ic com_ds9 = 'ds9 -scalemode zscale -scale lock yes -frame lock image ' # ----- Enter an image list (manually!) ----- # # imglist = ' ' # for i in np.arange(len(ic.nfits)): # imglist += ic.nfits[i]+' ' imgs = ['B.fits', 'mB.fits', 'V.fits'] imglist = ' ' for i in np.arange(len(imgs)): imglist += imgs[i] + ' ' # ------------------------------------------- # os.system(com_ds9 + imglist + '&') sleep(float(len(ic.nfits))) iraf.imexamine()
fin = open('alginput.list', 'w+') fout = open('algoutput.list', 'w+') for afile in files: print >> fin, afile print >> fout, 'alg' + afile fin.close() fout.close() print green("\nUse imexam to mark stars in your reference image.") print green( "Use keystroke 'a' to measure a point source, and keystroke 'q' to quit." ) print green("The reference image is: %s\n" % reference) #Imexam output = iraf.imexamine(Stdout=1) #make coordinate file f = open('images.coord', 'w+') for i in range(1, len(output)): splt = output[i].split() if len(splt) == 4: print >> f, splt[0] + ' ' + splt[1] f.close() print green( "\nUse imexam to mark a star in all images that are to be aligned, starting with your" ) print green("reference image. Mark the same star in all images.") print green( "Use keystroke 'a' to measure a point source, and keystroke 'q' to quit."
def ntrim_flat(filename): flatname = get_flatlst_name(filename) f = open(filename) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [i.split()[0] for i in l] objfitsnames = [] for i in l: if '.fits' in i: objfitsnames.append(i) f = open(flatname) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [i.split()[0] for i in l] flatfitsnames = [] for i in l: if '.fits' in i: flatfitsnames.append(i) fitsnames = objfitsnames + flatfitsnames tempfile = 'temp.lst' f = open(tempfile,'w') for i in fitsnames: f.write(i + '\n') f.close() temppath = sys.argv[0] tempindex = temppath.rfind(os.sep) temppath = temppath[:tempindex] trimfile = temppath + os.sep + 'trim.lst' print 'get trimlst' f = open(trimfile) l = f.readlines() f.close() trimseclist = [] for i in l: trimseclist.append(i.split()) trimsec = '' for i in trimseclist: if i[0] == filename: trimsec = i[1] break if trimsec == '': print 'trim.lst not have the object' print 'Please check the fits image and determine the size to trim...' os.popen('gedit ' + tempfile +' &') iraf.imexamine(input = 'bo//@' + tempfile, frame = 1) xy = raw_input("Please input x1, x2, y1, y2 to trim: ") xy = xy.split() trimsec = '[' + xy[0] + ':' + xy[1] + ',' + xy[2] + ':' + xy[3] +']' f = open(trimfile,'a') f.write(filename + ' ' + trimsec + '\n') f.close() print '=' * 20, 'correct trim', '=' * 20 correct_trim(tempfile, trimsec) print '=' * 20, 'cimbine flat', '=' * 20 dtempname = combine_flat(flatname) f = open(tempfile, 'w') for i in objfitsnames: f.write(i + '\n') f.close() print '=' * 20, 'correct flat', '=' * 20 correct_flat(tempfile, dtempname[-1]) print 'delete useless file...' print 'delete ' + tempfile os.remove(tempfile) for i in dtempname: print 'delete ' + i os.remove(i) for i in flatfitsnames: print 'delete ' + 'tbo' + i os.remove('tbo' + i) print 'correct standard file name...' objname = filename.split('_')[1] f = open(filename) l = f.readlines() f.close() l = [i.split()[0] for i in l] sindex = l.index('standard') + 1 while sindex < len(l): if '.fits' in l[sindex]: nname = l[sindex].replace('.fits', objname + '.fits') print 'ftbo' + l[sindex], 'rename', 'ftbo' + nname os.rename('ftbo' + l[sindex], 'ftbo' + nname) print 'delete tbo' + l[sindex] os.remove('tbo' + l[sindex]) l[sindex] = nname sindex += 1 else: break f = open(filename, 'w') for i in l: f.write(i + '\n') f.close()
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, interactive, ds9, fixaperture=False, _catalog=''): try: import agnkey import string hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3( hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if instrument in [ 'kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79' ]: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 45000 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 120000 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'em03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['fs02', 'fs03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['em01']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 try: _wcserr = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') if float(_wcserr) == 0: if instrument in [ 'kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79' ]: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'fs02', 'fs03', 'em03', 'em01']: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3( hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() elif _catalog: # cat1=agnkey.agnastrodef.readtxt(_catalog) # cat1['ra'],cat1['dec'] ddd = iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog, output='STDOUT', Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='world', outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees', columns='1 2', formats='%10.1f %10.1f', verbose='no') ddd = [i for i in ddd if i[0] != '#'] ddd = [' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a, b, c = string.split(i) #print a,b,c ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex( img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], float(fluxrad[i]))) ff.close() ## End automatic selection print 80 * "#" photmag = apfit(img, fwhm, hdr, interactive, _datamax, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec)): aa = radec[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table( pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array( np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels'] }) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels'] }) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, { 'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot'] }) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def continuum_imexamine(setup, frame, sample_ext, cursor_file): iraf.imexamine(input='%s[%d]' % (frame,sample_ext), logfile='%s_ext%s_continuum_fit' % (setup, sample_ext), keeplog='yes', imagecur='%s_%s_cursor_file.dat' % (setup, frame))
iraf.ccdred.combine.unlearn() iraf.ccdred.zerocombine.unlearn() iraf.ccdred.flatcombine.unlearn() iraf.specred.response.unlearn() # regular expression of files (e.g bias_00*.fits, flat-2000jan01_?.*) theflat = str(raw_input('Enter flat image: ')) iraf.specred.extinction = '' iraf.specred.caldir = '' iraf.specred.observatory = 'lna' print 'Create a response for flat...' iraf.specred.response.interactive = True iraf.specred.response.high_reject = 3.0 iraf.specred.response.low_reject = 3.0 iraf.specred.response(calibration=theflat, normalization=theflat, response='nFlat') # check output flat image print 'openning a ds9 window if not already openned...' ds9.ds9() print 'Check output file:' iraf.imstatistics('nFlat') print ' Running "imexamine" task..' iraf.imexamine('nFlat', 1) print '--- DONE ---'
def skynoise(image,path=None): ''' Calcula el ruido del cielo de una imagen. Toma una moda de la imagen total con \verb|imstat|. Luego genera una lista de n puntos aleatorios entre los límites de la imagen, con $n=\frac{anchoCCD^2}{10}$, y corre \verb|imexa| sobre cada punto, sacando la estadística. Descarta los puntos que superen en cuentas 3 veces la moda y toma la media de la desviación estandar del cielo de los puntos restantes. Este valor es el que devuelve como aproximación del skynoise. INPUT image : una imagen (path): camino a imagen ''' if path is not None: originalpath=aux.chdir(path,save=True) stat= iraf.imstat(image,fields='mode',Stdout=1) #get the mode of the image moda=float(stat[1]) # reads the mode as a float variable binn=aux.hselect(image,'CCDSUM') # gets binning of the image binn=binn[0] # access element 0 of the array binn=binn[1] # access first character binn=int(binn) # converts string to integer #------------------------------------------------------------------ ccdsec=aux.hselect(image,'CCDSEC') # para agarrar imagenes con trim if ccdsec[0]=='': limits=aux.hselect(image,'CCDSIZE') # gets ccd pixel size else: limits=aux.hselect(image,'BIASSEC') limit=limits[0] # gets element 0 of the array limit=limit.strip() # removes white space dd=[] # stores position of double dot c=[] # stores position of comma i=0 for x in limit: # for every character if x==':': # if character is : dd.append(i) #stores index elif x==',': # if character is , c.append(i) #stores index i=i+1 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # # x1=int(limit[1:dd[0]]) # saves first limit # y1=int(limit[c[0]+1:dd[1]]) #saves las limit x2=int(limit[dd[0]+1:c[0]]) y2=int(limit[dd[1]+1:-1]) l1=x2/binn # limit one l2=y2/binn # limit two # set random numbers aux file aux.rm('ruidoceleste.coo') #delete if already exists output='ruidoceleste.coo' coords=[] nrandom=int((l1**2)/100.) #quadratic growth f=open(output,'a+') # creates outfile for i in range(nrandom): # creates l1/10 random coordinates x=random.randint(1,l1) # random x coord, from x1 to l1 y=random.randint(1,l2) # random y coord, from y1 to l2 coords.append([x,y]) print >> f,x,y # writes coords in file f.close() iraf.unlearn(iraf.imexamine) #unlearns imexamine first # tuve que mandar estos comandos para que no me cambie el z1yz2 cada vez # que calculaba todo. Cosa de como tenia mi seteado mi iraf ( o no?) iraf.imexamine.autoredraw='no' #noredraw of the image # iraf.display.zscale='no' iraf.imexamine.allframes='no' iraf.imexamine.use_display='no' iraf.imexamine.imagecur=output # sets imexa infile iraf.imexamine.defkey='m' # sets key to use in imexa imst=iraf.imexamine(image,frame=1,Stdout=1) # calls imexa stdev=[] maxi=[] for lin in imst[1:]: stdev.append(float(lin.split()[4])) maxi.append(float(lin.split()[6])) # criterio de seleccion <3*moda no es estrella validos=[] for j in range(nrandom): if maxi[j] < 3*moda: validos.append(stdev[j]) sigmasky=mode(validos) # toma la moda sigmasky=sigmasky[0][0] # tomo la media de la disperción # sigmasky=np.mean(validos) # print validos aux.rm(output) # mata el archivo auxiliar if path is not None: aux.chdir(originalpath) return(sigmasky)
def getfwhm(images='@imh.lis', coordlist='ref_stars', outfile='getfwhm.log', radius=4.0, buffer=7.0, width=5.0, rplot=15.0, center='no', verbose='no', imagelist=None, mode='al', DOLLARnargs=0, taskObj=None): Vars = IrafParList('getfwhm') Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(images, datatype='string', name='images', mode='a', prompt='Input image(s)')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(coordlist, datatype='string', name='coordlist', mode='a', prompt='List of object positions')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(outfile, datatype='string', name='outfile', mode='a', prompt='Output file')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(radius, datatype='real', name='radius', mode='h', prompt='Object radius')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(buffer, datatype='real', name='buffer', mode='h', prompt='Background buffer width')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(width, datatype='real', name='width', mode='h', prompt='Background width')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(rplot, datatype='real', name='rplot', mode='h', prompt='Plotting radius')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(center, datatype='bool', name='center', mode='h', prompt='Center object in aperture?')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(verbose, datatype='bool', name='verbose', mode='h', prompt='Verbose output?')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(imagelist, datatype='struct', name='imagelist', list_flag=1, mode='h')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(mode, datatype='string', name='mode', mode='h')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(DOLLARnargs, datatype='int', name='$nargs', mode='h')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='int', name='len', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='image', mode='u')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='imagefile', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='imlist', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='coords', mode='u')) Vars.addParam( makeIrafPar(None, datatype='string', name='outputfile', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='rad', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='buff', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='wid', mode='u')) Vars.addParam(makeIrafPar(None, datatype='real', name='rpl', mode='u')) Vars.imlist = Vars.images Vars.imagefile = iraf.mktemp('tmp$getfwhm') iraf.sections(Vars.imlist, option='fullname', Stdout=Vars.imagefile) Vars.imagelist = Vars.imagefile Vars.coords = Vars.coordlist Vars.outputfile = Vars.outfile Vars.rad = Vars.radius Vars.buff = Vars.buffer Vars.wid = Vars.width Vars.rpl = Vars.rplot iraf.rimexam.radius = Vars.rad iraf.rimexam.buffer = Vars.buff iraf.rimexam.width = Vars.wid iraf.rimexam.rplot = Vars.rpl if ( == yes): = yes else: = no iraf.rimexam.fittype = 'gaussian' iraf.rimexam.iterati = 1 iraf.clPrint('# RIMEXAM Parameter Settings: Radius=', Vars.rad, ', Buffer=', Vars.buff, ', Width=', Vars.wid, StdoutAppend=Vars.outputfile) while (iraf.fscan(locals(), 'Vars.imagelist', 'Vars.image') != EOF): Vars.len = iraf.strlen(Vars.image) if (iraf.substr(Vars.image, Vars.len - 3, Vars.len) == '.imh'): Vars.image = iraf.substr(Vars.image, 1, Vars.len - 4) if (Vars.verbose): iraf.clPrint('...processing ', Vars.image) iraf.clPrint(Vars.image) iraf.imexamine(Vars.image, logfile=Vars.outputfile, keeplog=yes, defkey='a', imagecur=Vars.coords, wcs='world', use_display=no)
def calc_upperlimit( self, skysigfits ): skysigpath = os.path.join(self.dir,skysigfits) hd =[0].header #set region range one_side = round(0.5*self.aperture*np.sqrt(np.pi),0) iraf.imexam.ncstat = one_side iraf.imexam.nlstat = one_side area_unit = one_side*one_side #logical coord range log_xmin = 1 log_xmax = float(hd["NAXIS1"]) log_ymin = 1 log_ymax = float(hd["NAXIS2"]) bias = 65 #np.sqrt((maxfwhm=20*1.75)**2*np.pi) xmin = log_xmin + bias xmax = log_xmax - bias ymin = log_ymin + bias ymax = log_ymax - bias length_x = xmax - xmin length_y = ymax - ymin print length_x,length_y sample_num = 1000 x = np.random.rand(sample_num)*length_x + bias y = np.random.rand(sample_num)*length_y + bias print len(x),len(y) coords = SkyCoord(x,y,0,representation="cartesian") print coords idx,d2d,d3d = coords.match_to_catalog_3d(coords,nthneighbor=2) required_d = one_side*np.sqrt(2) print required_d select = np.where(required_d < d3d) print d3d print select survived = coords[select] points = np.c_[x,y][select][:len(survived)] ap_reg = os.path.join(self.dir,"aperture.reg") #random apertures ap_tmp = os.path.join(self.dir,"aperture.tmp") #imexam m aperture template with open(ap_reg,"w") as f, open(ap_tmp,"w") as g: frame = 1 command = "m" for i,xy in enumerate(points): if i ==0: f.write("global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font=\"helvetica 10 normal roman\" select=1 highlite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1\nimage\n") x = round(xy[0],3) y = round(xy[1],3) tmp = "%s %s %s %s\n" % (x,y,frame,command) g.write(tmp) reg = "circle(%s,%s,10)\n" % (x,y) f.write(reg) output = os.path.join(self.dir,"aperture0.log") iraf.imexamine(input=skysigpath,imagecur=ap_tmp,use_display="no",keeplog="yes",logfile=output,Stdout=True,frame=1) log = os.path.join(self.dir,"aperture.log") if os.path.exists(log):os.remove(log) else:pass os.system("sed -e \"1d\" %s > %s" % (output,log)) os.remove(output) data = print data.keys() select = np.where(-200000. < data["MIN"]) print select S = (0.5*self.aperture)**2*np.pi mean_ls = np.array(data["MEAN"][select]*S) clipper3 = ~sigma_clip(mean_ls,sigma=3).mask mean_clip = mean_ls[clipper3] self.random_ap_num = len(mean_clip) print mean_clip self.sigma = np.std(mean_clip) print self.sigma self.upperlimit = -2.5*np.log10(5*self.sigma) + self.Zmag
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None and 'kb' in instrument: _datamax = 45000 elif _datamax is None: _datamax = 65000 _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and (interactive or show): iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
xx0, yy0 = string.split(iraf.fields('tmp.pix', '1,2', Stdout=1)[2]) print 'box coordinate ',xx0, yy0 os.system('rm -rf tmp.*') else: xx0, yy0 = '', '' if xx0 == '' and not _interactive: sys.exit('coordinate of the object not found, reduction not possible') if _interactive: repeat = 'y' while repeat == 'y': print "_____________________________________________" print " MARK SN REGION WITH - x -, EXIT - q -" try: iraf.imexamine(img + '.fits', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xytargets = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2', Stdout=1) xx0 = xytargets[0].split()[0] yy0 = xytargets[0].split()[1] lsc.util.delete("tmplabel") ff = open('tmplabel', 'w') ff.write(str(xx0) + ' ' + str(yy0) + ' -1' + ' \n') ff.close() iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmplabel', autol='no', mark="cross", inter='no', label='no', txsize=4) repeat = raw_input('### repeat selection ? [y/n] ? [n] ') if not repeat: repeat = 'n' elif repeat == 'yes': repeat = 'y' elif repeat == 'YES': repeat = 'y'
if _interactive: xx0 = '' _z1, _z2 = '', '' z11, z22 = 0, 0 if xx0 == '': #print '\n### coordinate not found, reduction should be interactive' _interactive = True _show = True ###################### POINT TO SN ####################################### repeat = 'y' while repeat == 'y': print "_____________________________________________" print " MARK SN REGION WITH - x -, EXIT - q -" try: iraf.imexamine(img + '.fits', 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xytargets = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2', Stdout=1) x = xytargets[0].split()[0] y = xytargets[0].split()[1] agnkey.util.delete("tmplabel") ff = open('tmplabel', 'w') ff.write(str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ' -1' + ' \n') ff.close() iraf.tvmark(1, 'tmplabel', autol='no', mark="cross", inter='no', label='no',
iraf.imred() iraf.ccdred() iraf.specred() ds9() iraf.zerocombine.unlearn() iraf.zerocombine(input=bias, reject='avsigclip', ccdtype='', rdnoise='rdnoise', gain='gain') iraf.imstat('bias*') iraf.imstat('Zero') iraf.imexamine('Zero') iraf.flatcombine.unlearn() iraf.flatcombine(input=flatcup, output='Flat', ccdtype='', process=False, subsets=False, rdnoise='rdnoise', gain='gain') iraf.flatcombine(input=flati, output='iFlat', ccdtype='', process=False, subsets=False,