Exemple #1
def parse_url_overrides(request, kw):
    Parse special arguments passed when generating urls.

    The supplied dictionary is mutated when we pop arguments.
    Returns a 3-tuple of the format:

      ``(app_url, qs, anchor)``.

    app_url = kw.pop('_app_url', None)
    scheme = kw.pop('_scheme', None)
    host = kw.pop('_host', None)
    port = kw.pop('_port', None)
    query = kw.pop('_query', '')
    anchor = kw.pop('_anchor', '')

    if app_url is None:
        if (scheme is not None or host is not None or port is not None):
            app_url = request._partial_application_url(scheme, host, port)
            app_url = request.application_url

    qs = ''
    if query:
        if isinstance(query, string_types):
            qs = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
            qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

    frag = ''
    if anchor:
        frag = '#' + url_quote(anchor, ANCHOR_SAFE)

    return app_url, qs, frag
Exemple #2
 def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=''):
     """ %s """ % quote_path_segment_doc
     # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an
     # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments
     # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or
     # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without
     # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it
         return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)]
     except KeyError:
         if segment.__class__ is text_type:  #isinstance slighly slower (~15%)
             result = url_quote(segment.encode('utf-8'), safe)
             result = url_quote(str(segment), safe)
         # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below
         # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR)
         _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result
         return result
Exemple #3
 def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=""):
     """ %s """ % quote_path_segment_doc
     # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an
     # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments
     # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or
     # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without
     # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it
         return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)]
     except KeyError:
         if segment.__class__ is text_type:  # isinstance slighly slower (~15%)
             result = url_quote(segment.encode("utf-8"), safe)
             result = url_quote(str(segment), safe)
         # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below
         # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR)
         _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result
         return result
Exemple #4
def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=""):
    """ Return a quoted representation of a 'path segment' (such as
    the string ``__name__`` attribute of a resource) as a string.  If the
    ``segment`` passed in is a unicode object, it is converted to a
    UTF-8 string, then it is URL-quoted using Python's
    ``urllib.quote``.  If the ``segment`` passed in is a string, it is
    URL-quoted using Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`.  If the segment
    passed in is not a string or unicode object, an error will be
    raised.  The return value of ``quote_path_segment`` is always a
    string, never Unicode.

    You may pass a string of characters that need not be encoded as
    the ``safe`` argument to this function.  This corresponds to the
    ``safe`` argument to :mod:`urllib.quote`.

    .. note:: The return value for each segment passed to this
              function is cached in a module-scope dictionary for
              speed: the cached version is returned when possible
              rather than recomputing the quoted version.  No cache
              emptying is ever done for the lifetime of an
              application, however.  If you pass arbitrary
              user-supplied strings to this function (as opposed to
              some bounded set of values from a 'working set' known to
              your application), it may become a memory leak.
    # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an
    # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments
    # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or
    # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without
    # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it
        return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)]
    except KeyError:
        if segment.__class__ is unicode:  # isinstance slighly slower (~15%)
            result = url_quote(segment.encode("utf-8"), safe)
            result = url_quote(str(segment), safe)
        # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below
        # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR)
        _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result
        return result
Exemple #5
def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=''):
    """ Return a quoted representation of a 'path segment' (such as
    the string ``__name__`` attribute of a resource) as a string.  If the
    ``segment`` passed in is a unicode object, it is converted to a
    UTF-8 string, then it is URL-quoted using Python's
    ``urllib.quote``.  If the ``segment`` passed in is a string, it is
    URL-quoted using Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`.  If the segment
    passed in is not a string or unicode object, an error will be
    raised.  The return value of ``quote_path_segment`` is always a
    string, never Unicode.

    You may pass a string of characters that need not be encoded as
    the ``safe`` argument to this function.  This corresponds to the
    ``safe`` argument to :mod:`urllib.quote`.

    .. note:: The return value for each segment passed to this
              function is cached in a module-scope dictionary for
              speed: the cached version is returned when possible
              rather than recomputing the quoted version.  No cache
              emptying is ever done for the lifetime of an
              application, however.  If you pass arbitrary
              user-supplied strings to this function (as opposed to
              some bounded set of values from a 'working set' known to
              your application), it may become a memory leak.
    # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an
    # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments
    # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or
    # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without
    # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it
        return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)]
    except KeyError:
        if segment.__class__ is unicode:  # isinstance slighly slower (~15%)
            result = url_quote(segment.encode('utf-8'), safe)
            result = url_quote(str(segment), safe)
        # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below
        # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR)
        _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result
        return result
Exemple #6
def parse_url_overrides(kw):
    """Parse special arguments passed when generating urls.

    The supplied dictionary is mutated, popping arguments as necessary.
    Returns a 6-tuple of the format ``(app_url, scheme, host, port,
    qs, anchor)``.
    anchor = ''
    qs = ''
    app_url = None
    host = None
    scheme = None
    port = None

    if '_query' in kw:
        query = kw.pop('_query')
        if isinstance(query, string_types):
            qs = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
        elif query:
            qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

    if '_anchor' in kw:
        anchor = kw.pop('_anchor')
        anchor = url_quote(anchor, ANCHOR_SAFE)
        anchor = '#' + anchor

    if '_app_url' in kw:
        app_url = kw.pop('_app_url')

    if '_host' in kw:
        host = kw.pop('_host')

    if '_scheme' in kw:
        scheme = kw.pop('_scheme')

    if '_port' in kw:
        port = kw.pop('_port')

    return app_url, scheme, host, port, qs, anchor
Exemple #7
def parse_url_overrides(kw):
    """Parse special arguments passed when generating urls.

    The supplied dictionary is mutated, popping arguments as necessary.
    Returns a 6-tuple of the format ``(app_url, scheme, host, port,
    qs, anchor)``.
    anchor = ''
    qs = ''
    app_url = None
    host = None
    scheme = None
    port = None

    if '_query' in kw:
        query = kw.pop('_query')
        if isinstance(query, string_types):
            qs = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
        elif query:
            qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

    if '_anchor' in kw:
        anchor = kw.pop('_anchor')
        anchor = url_quote(anchor, ANCHOR_SAFE)
        anchor = '#' + anchor

    if '_app_url' in kw:
        app_url = kw.pop('_app_url')

    if '_host' in kw:
        host = kw.pop('_host')

    if '_scheme' in kw:
        scheme = kw.pop('_scheme')

    if '_port' in kw:
        port = kw.pop('_port')

    return app_url, scheme, host, port, qs, anchor
Exemple #8
 def generator(dict):
     newdict = {}
     for k, v in dict.items():
         if isinstance(v, unicode):
             v = v.encode('utf-8')
         if k == star and hasattr(v, '__iter__'):
             v = '/'.join([quote_path_segment(x) for x in v])
         elif k != star:
                 v = url_quote(v)
             except TypeError:
         newdict[k] = v
     return gen % newdict
Exemple #9
 def generator(dict):
     newdict = {}
     for k, v in dict.items():
         if isinstance(v, unicode):
             v = v.encode('utf-8')
         if k == star and hasattr(v, '__iter__'):
             v = '/'.join([quote_path_segment(x) for x in v])
         elif k != star:
                 v = url_quote(v)
             except TypeError:
         newdict[k] = v
     return gen % newdict
Exemple #10
    def _partial_application_url(self, scheme=None, host=None, port=None):
        Construct the URL defined by request.application_url, replacing any
        of the default scheme, host, or port portions with user-supplied

        If ``scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and the ``port`` is *not*
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to ``443``.  Likewise, if
        ``scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and ``port`` is not passed, the
        ``port`` value is assumed to be ``80``.
        e = self.environ
        if scheme is None:
            scheme = e['wsgi.url_scheme']
            if scheme == 'https':
                if port is None:
                    port = '443'
            if scheme == 'http':
                if port is None:
                    port = '80'
        url = scheme + '://'
        if port is not None:
            port = str(port)
        if host is None:
            host = e.get('HTTP_HOST')
        if host is None:
            host = e['SERVER_NAME']
        if port is None:
            if ':' in host:
                host, port = host.split(':', 1)
                port = e['SERVER_PORT']
            if ':' in host:
                host, _ = host.split(':', 1)
        if scheme == 'https':
            if port == '443':
                port = None
        elif scheme == 'http':
            if port == '80':
                port = None
        url += host
        if port:
            url += ':%s' % port

        url_encoding = getattr(self, 'url_encoding', 'utf-8')  # webob 1.2b3+
        bscript_name = bytes_(self.script_name, url_encoding)
        return url + url_quote(bscript_name, PATH_SAFE)
Exemple #11
    def _partial_application_url(self, scheme=None, host=None, port=None):
        Construct the URL defined by request.application_url, replacing any
        of the default scheme, host, or port portions with user-supplied

        If ``scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and the ``port`` is *not*
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to ``443``.  Likewise, if
        ``scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and ``port`` is not passed, the
        ``port`` value is assumed to be ``80``.
        e = self.environ
        if scheme is None:
            scheme = e['wsgi.url_scheme']
            if scheme == 'https':
                if port is None:
                    port = '443'
            if scheme == 'http':
                if port is None:
                    port = '80'
        url = scheme + '://'
        if port is not None:
            port = str(port)
        if host is None:
            host = e.get('HTTP_HOST')
        if host is None:
            host = e['SERVER_NAME']
        if port is None:
            if ':' in host:
                host, port = host.split(':', 1)
                port = e['SERVER_PORT']
            if ':' in host:
                host, _ = host.split(':', 1)
        if scheme == 'https':
            if port == '443':
                port = None
        elif scheme == 'http':
            if port == '80':
                port = None
        url += host
        if port:
            url += ':%s' % port

        url_encoding = getattr(self, 'url_encoding', 'utf-8') # webob 1.2b3+
        bscript_name = bytes_(self.script_name, url_encoding)
        return url + url_quote(bscript_name, PATH_SAFE)
Exemple #12
 def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=PATH_SEGMENT_SAFE):
     """ %s """ % quote_path_segment_doc
     # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an
     # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments
     # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or
     # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without
     # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it
         return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)]
     except KeyError:
         if segment.__class__ not in (text_type, binary_type):
             segment = str(segment)
         result = url_quote(native_(segment, 'utf-8'), safe)
         # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below
         # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR)
         _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result
         return result
Exemple #13
def absolute_url(context, request, view_name=None, query=None):
    """Get resource absolute_url

    :param object context: the persistent object for which absolute URL is required
    :param request: the request on which URL is based
    :param str view_name: an optional view name to add to URL
    :param str/dict query: an optional URL arguments string or mapping

    This absolute URL function is based on default Pyramid's :py:func:`resource_url` function, but
    add checks to remove some double slashes, and add control on view name when it begins with a '#'
    character which is used by MyAMS.js framework.

    # if we pass a string to absolute_url(), argument is returned as-is!
    if isinstance(context, str):
        return context

    # if we have several parents without name in the lineage, the resource URL contains a double
    # slash which generates "NotFound" exceptions; so we replace it with a single slash...
    result = resource_url(context, request).replace('//',
                                                    '/').replace(':/', '://')
    if result.endswith('/'):
        result = result[:-1]
    if view_name:
        if view_name.startswith('#'):
            result += view_name
            result += '/' + view_name
    if query:
        qstr = ''
        if isinstance(query, str):
            qstr = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
        elif query:
            qstr = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)
        result += qstr
    return result
Exemple #14
    def resource_url(self, resource, *elements, **kw):

        Generate a string representing the absolute URL of the
        :term:`resource` object based on the ``wsgi.url_scheme``,
        ``HTTP_HOST`` or ``SERVER_NAME`` in the request, plus any
        ``SCRIPT_NAME``.  The overall result of this method is always a
        UTF-8 encoded string.


            request.resource_url(resource) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', query={'q':'1'}) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', anchor='abc') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, app_url='') =>


        Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` must be strings
        Unicode objects, or integer objects.  These will be joined by slashes
        and appended to the generated resource URL.  Each of the elements
        passed in is URL-quoted before being appended; if any element is
        Unicode, it will converted to a UTF-8 bytestring before being
        URL-quoted. If any element is an integer, it will be converted to its
        string representation before being URL-quoted.

        .. warning:: if no ``elements`` arguments are specified, the resource
                     URL will end with a trailing slash.  If any
                     ``elements`` are used, the generated URL will *not*
                     end in a trailing slash.

        If a keyword argument ``query`` is present, it will be used to compose
        a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the URL.  The value
        of ``query`` may be a sequence of two-tuples *or* a data structure with
        an ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of two-tuples
        (presumably a dictionary).  This data structure will be turned into a
        query string per the documentation of :func:``pyramid.url.urlencode``
        function.  This will produce a query string in the
        ``x-www-form-urlencoded`` encoding.  A non-``x-www-form-urlencoded``
        query string may be used by passing a *string* value as ``query`` in
        which case it will be URL-quoted (e.g. query="foo bar" will become
        "foo%20bar").  However, the result will not need to be in ``k=v`` form
        as required by ``x-www-form-urlencoded``.  After the query data is
        turned into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended, and the
        resulting string is appended to the generated URL.

        .. note::

           Python data structures that are passed as ``query`` which are
           sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same
           rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq``
           argument equal to ``True``.  This means that sequences can be passed
           as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for
           each value.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           Allow the ``query`` option to be a string to enable alternative

        If a keyword argument ``anchor`` is present, its string
        representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL
        (e.g. if ``anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the resource URL is
        ``http://example.com/resource/url``, the resulting generated URL will
        be ``http://example.com/resource/url#foo``).

        .. note::

           If ``anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If
           ``anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to
           UTF-8 before being appended to the URL.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           The ``anchor`` option will be escaped instead of using
           its raw string representation.

        If both ``anchor`` and ``query`` are specified, the anchor element
        will always follow the query element,
        e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``.

        If any of the keyword arguments ``scheme``, ``host``, or ``port`` is
        passed and is non-``None``, the provided value will replace the named
        portion in the generated URL.  For example, if you pass
        ``host='foo.com'``, and the URL that would have been generated
        without the host replacement is ``http://example.com/a``, the result
        will be ``http://foo.com/a``.
        If ``scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and an explicit ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as ``443``.
        Likewise, if ``scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as
        ``80``. To avoid this behavior, always explicitly pass ``port``
        whenever you pass ``scheme``.

        If a keyword argument ``app_url`` is passed and is not ``None``, it
        should be a string that will be used as the port/hostname/initial
        path portion of the generated URL instead of the default request
        application URL.  For example, if ``app_url='http://foo'``, then the
        resulting url of a resource that has a path of ``/baz/bar`` will be
        ``http://foo/baz/bar``.  If you want to generate completely relative
        URLs with no leading scheme, host, port, or initial path, you can
        pass ``app_url=''``.  Passing ``app_url=''`` when the resource path is
        ``/baz/bar`` will return ``/baz/bar``.

        .. versionadded:: 1.3

        If ``app_url`` is passed and any of ``scheme``, ``port``, or ``host``
        are also passed, ``app_url`` will take precedence and the values
        passed for ``scheme``, ``host``, and/or ``port`` will be ignored.

        If the ``resource`` passed in has a ``__resource_url__`` method, it
        will be used to generate the URL (scheme, host, port, path) for the
        base resource which is operated upon by this function.
        .. seealso::

            See also :ref:`overriding_resource_url_generation`.

        .. versionadded:: 1.5
           ``route_name``, ``route_kw``, and ``route_remainder_name``
        If ``route_name`` is passed, this function will delegate its URL
        production to the ``route_url`` function.  Calling
        ``resource_url(someresource, 'element1', 'element2', query={'a':1},
        route_name='blogentry')`` is roughly equivalent to doing::

           remainder_path = request.resource_path(someobject)
           url = request.route_url(

        It is only sensible to pass ``route_name`` if the route being named has
        a ``*remainder`` stararg value such as ``*traverse``.  The remainder
        value will be ignored in the output otherwise.

        By default, the resource path value will be passed as the name
        ``traverse`` when ``route_url`` is called.  You can influence this by
        passing a different ``route_remainder_name`` value if the route has a
        different ``*stararg`` value at its end.  For example if the route
        pattern you want to replace has a ``*subpath`` stararg ala


        If ``route_name`` is passed, it is also permissible to pass
        ``route_kw``, which will passed as additional keyword arguments to
        ``route_url``.  Saying ``resource_url(someresource, 'element1',
        'element2', route_name='blogentry', route_kw={'id':'4'},
        _query={'a':'1'})`` is roughly equivalent to::

           remainder_path = request.resource_path_tuple(someobject)
           kw = {'id':'4', '_query':{'a':'1'}, 'traverse':traversal_path}
           url = request.route_url(

        If ``route_kw`` or ``route_remainder_name`` is passed, but
        ``route_name`` is not passed, both ``route_kw`` and
        ``route_remainder_name`` will be ignored.  If ``route_name``
        is passed, the ``__resource_url__`` method of the resource passed is
        ignored unconditionally.  This feature is incompatible with
        resources which generate their own URLs.
        .. note::

           If the :term:`resource` used is the result of a :term:`traversal`, it
           must be :term:`location`-aware.  The resource can also be the context
           of a :term:`URL dispatch`; contexts found this way do not need to be

        .. note::

           If a 'virtual root path' is present in the request environment (the
           value of the WSGI environ key ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT``), and the resource
           was obtained via :term:`traversal`, the URL path will not include the
           virtual root prefix (it will be stripped off the left hand side of
           the generated URL).

        .. note::

           For backwards compatibility purposes, this method is also
           aliased as the ``model_url`` method of request.
            reg = self.registry
        except AttributeError:
            reg = get_current_registry() # b/c

        url_adapter = reg.queryMultiAdapter((resource, self), IResourceURL)
        if url_adapter is None:
            url_adapter = ResourceURL(resource, self)

        virtual_path = getattr(url_adapter, 'virtual_path', None)

        if virtual_path is None:
            # old-style IContextURL adapter (Pyramid 1.2 and previous)
                'Pyramid is using an IContextURL adapter to generate a '
                'resource URL; any "app_url", "host", "port", or "scheme" '
                'arguments passed to resource_url are being ignored.  To '
                'avoid this behavior, as of Pyramid 1.3, register an '
                'IResourceURL adapter instead of an IContextURL '
                'adapter for the resource type(s).  IContextURL adapters '
                'will be ignored in a later major release of Pyramid.',

            resource_url = url_adapter()

            # IResourceURL adapter (Pyramid 1.3 and after)
            app_url = None
            scheme = None
            host = None
            port = None

            if 'route_name' in kw:
                newkw = {}
                route_name = kw['route_name']
                remainder = getattr(url_adapter, 'virtual_path_tuple', None)
                if remainder is None:
                    # older user-supplied IResourceURL adapter without 1.5
                    # virtual_path_tuple
                    remainder = tuple(url_adapter.virtual_path.split('/'))
                remainder_name = kw.get('route_remainder_name', 'traverse')
                newkw[remainder_name] = remainder

                for name in (
                    'app_url', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'query', 'anchor'
                    val = kw.get(name, None)
                    if val is not None:
                        newkw['_' + name] = val
                if 'route_kw' in kw:
                    route_kw = kw.get('route_kw')
                    if route_kw is not None:

                return self.route_url(route_name, *elements, **newkw)

            if 'app_url' in kw:
                app_url = kw['app_url']

            if 'scheme' in kw:
                scheme = kw['scheme']

            if 'host' in kw:
                host = kw['host']

            if 'port' in kw:
                port = kw['port']

            if app_url is None:
                if scheme or host or port:
                    app_url = self._partial_application_url(scheme, host, port)
                    app_url = self.application_url

            resource_url = None
            local_url = getattr(resource, '__resource_url__', None)

            if local_url is not None:
                # the resource handles its own url generation
                d = dict(
                    virtual_path = virtual_path,
                    physical_path = url_adapter.physical_path,
                    app_url = app_url,
                # allow __resource_url__ to punt by returning None
                resource_url = local_url(self, d)

            if resource_url is None:
                # the resource did not handle its own url generation or the
                # __resource_url__ function returned None
                resource_url = app_url + virtual_path

        qs = ''
        anchor = ''

        if 'query' in kw:
            query = kw['query']
            if isinstance(query, string_types):
                qs = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
            elif query:
                qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

        if 'anchor' in kw:
            anchor = kw['anchor']
            anchor = url_quote(anchor, ANCHOR_SAFE)
            anchor = '#' + anchor

        if elements:
            suffix = _join_elements(elements)
            suffix = ''

        return resource_url + suffix + qs + anchor
def quote(path):
    """URL encode the path"""
    return url_quote(path, safe=PATH_SAFE)
Exemple #16
def quote(path):
    """URL encode the path"""
    return url_quote(path, safe=PATH_SAFE)
 def _callFUT(self, val, safe=''):
     from pyramid.encode import url_quote
     return url_quote(val, safe)
Exemple #18
    def resource_url(self, resource, *elements, **kw):

        Generate a string representing the absolute URL of the
        :term:`resource` object based on the ``wsgi.url_scheme``,
        ``HTTP_HOST`` or ``SERVER_NAME`` in the request, plus any
        ``SCRIPT_NAME``.  The overall result of this method is always a
        UTF-8 encoded string.


            request.resource_url(resource) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', query={'q':'1'}) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', anchor='abc') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, app_url='') =>


        Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` must be strings
        Unicode objects, or integer objects.  These will be joined by slashes
        and appended to the generated resource URL.  Each of the elements
        passed in is URL-quoted before being appended; if any element is
        Unicode, it will converted to a UTF-8 bytestring before being
        URL-quoted. If any element is an integer, it will be converted to its
        string representation before being URL-quoted.

        .. warning:: if no ``elements`` arguments are specified, the resource
                     URL will end with a trailing slash.  If any
                     ``elements`` are used, the generated URL will *not*
                     end in a trailing slash.

        If a keyword argument ``query`` is present, it will be used to compose
        a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the URL.  The value
        of ``query`` may be a sequence of two-tuples *or* a data structure with
        an ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of two-tuples
        (presumably a dictionary).  This data structure will be turned into a
        query string per the documentation of :func:``pyramid.url.urlencode``
        function.  This will produce a query string in the
        ``x-www-form-urlencoded`` encoding.  A non-``x-www-form-urlencoded``
        query string may be used by passing a *string* value as ``query`` in
        which case it will be URL-quoted (e.g. query="foo bar" will become
        "foo%20bar").  However, the result will not need to be in ``k=v`` form
        as required by ``x-www-form-urlencoded``.  After the query data is
        turned into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended, and the
        resulting string is appended to the generated URL.

        .. note::

           Python data structures that are passed as ``query`` which are
           sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same
           rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq``
           argument equal to ``True``.  This means that sequences can be passed
           as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for
           each value.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           Allow the ``query`` option to be a string to enable alternative

        If a keyword argument ``anchor`` is present, its string
        representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL
        (e.g. if ``anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the resource URL is
        ``http://example.com/resource/url``, the resulting generated URL will
        be ``http://example.com/resource/url#foo``).

        .. note::

           If ``anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If
           ``anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to
           UTF-8 before being appended to the URL.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.5
           The ``anchor`` option will be escaped instead of using
           its raw string representation.

        If both ``anchor`` and ``query`` are specified, the anchor element
        will always follow the query element,
        e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``.

        If any of the keyword arguments ``scheme``, ``host``, or ``port`` is
        passed and is non-``None``, the provided value will replace the named
        portion in the generated URL.  For example, if you pass
        ``host='foo.com'``, and the URL that would have been generated
        without the host replacement is ``http://example.com/a``, the result
        will be ``http://foo.com/a``.
        If ``scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and an explicit ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as ``443``.
        Likewise, if ``scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as
        ``80``. To avoid this behavior, always explicitly pass ``port``
        whenever you pass ``scheme``.

        If a keyword argument ``app_url`` is passed and is not ``None``, it
        should be a string that will be used as the port/hostname/initial
        path portion of the generated URL instead of the default request
        application URL.  For example, if ``app_url='http://foo'``, then the
        resulting url of a resource that has a path of ``/baz/bar`` will be
        ``http://foo/baz/bar``.  If you want to generate completely relative
        URLs with no leading scheme, host, port, or initial path, you can
        pass ``app_url=''``.  Passing ``app_url=''`` when the resource path is
        ``/baz/bar`` will return ``/baz/bar``.

        .. versionadded:: 1.3

        If ``app_url`` is passed and any of ``scheme``, ``port``, or ``host``
        are also passed, ``app_url`` will take precedence and the values
        passed for ``scheme``, ``host``, and/or ``port`` will be ignored.

        If the ``resource`` passed in has a ``__resource_url__`` method, it
        will be used to generate the URL (scheme, host, port, path) for the
        base resource which is operated upon by this function.
        .. seealso::

            See also :ref:`overriding_resource_url_generation`.

        .. versionadded:: 1.5
           ``route_name``, ``route_kw``, and ``route_remainder_name``
        If ``route_name`` is passed, this function will delegate its URL
        production to the ``route_url`` function.  Calling
        ``resource_url(someresource, 'element1', 'element2', query={'a':1},
        route_name='blogentry')`` is roughly equivalent to doing::

           remainder_path = request.resource_path(someobject)
           url = request.route_url(

        It is only sensible to pass ``route_name`` if the route being named has
        a ``*remainder`` stararg value such as ``*traverse``.  The remainder
        value will be ignored in the output otherwise.

        By default, the resource path value will be passed as the name
        ``traverse`` when ``route_url`` is called.  You can influence this by
        passing a different ``route_remainder_name`` value if the route has a
        different ``*stararg`` value at its end.  For example if the route
        pattern you want to replace has a ``*subpath`` stararg ala


        If ``route_name`` is passed, it is also permissible to pass
        ``route_kw``, which will passed as additional keyword arguments to
        ``route_url``.  Saying ``resource_url(someresource, 'element1',
        'element2', route_name='blogentry', route_kw={'id':'4'},
        _query={'a':'1'})`` is roughly equivalent to::

           remainder_path = request.resource_path_tuple(someobject)
           kw = {'id':'4', '_query':{'a':'1'}, 'traverse':traversal_path}
           url = request.route_url(

        If ``route_kw`` or ``route_remainder_name`` is passed, but
        ``route_name`` is not passed, both ``route_kw`` and
        ``route_remainder_name`` will be ignored.  If ``route_name``
        is passed, the ``__resource_url__`` method of the resource passed is
        ignored unconditionally.  This feature is incompatible with
        resources which generate their own URLs.
        .. note::

           If the :term:`resource` used is the result of a :term:`traversal`, it
           must be :term:`location`-aware.  The resource can also be the context
           of a :term:`URL dispatch`; contexts found this way do not need to be

        .. note::

           If a 'virtual root path' is present in the request environment (the
           value of the WSGI environ key ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT``), and the resource
           was obtained via :term:`traversal`, the URL path will not include the
           virtual root prefix (it will be stripped off the left hand side of
           the generated URL).

        .. note::

           For backwards compatibility purposes, this method is also
           aliased as the ``model_url`` method of request.
            reg = self.registry
        except AttributeError:
            reg = get_current_registry()  # b/c

        url_adapter = reg.queryMultiAdapter((resource, self), IResourceURL)
        if url_adapter is None:
            url_adapter = ResourceURL(resource, self)

        virtual_path = getattr(url_adapter, 'virtual_path', None)

        if virtual_path is None:
            # old-style IContextURL adapter (Pyramid 1.2 and previous)
                'Pyramid is using an IContextURL adapter to generate a '
                'resource URL; any "app_url", "host", "port", or "scheme" '
                'arguments passed to resource_url are being ignored.  To '
                'avoid this behavior, as of Pyramid 1.3, register an '
                'IResourceURL adapter instead of an IContextURL '
                'adapter for the resource type(s).  IContextURL adapters '
                'will be ignored in a later major release of Pyramid.',
                DeprecationWarning, 2)

            resource_url = url_adapter()

            # IResourceURL adapter (Pyramid 1.3 and after)
            app_url = None
            scheme = None
            host = None
            port = None

            if 'route_name' in kw:
                newkw = {}
                route_name = kw['route_name']
                remainder = getattr(url_adapter, 'virtual_path_tuple', None)
                if remainder is None:
                    # older user-supplied IResourceURL adapter without 1.5
                    # virtual_path_tuple
                    remainder = tuple(url_adapter.virtual_path.split('/'))
                remainder_name = kw.get('route_remainder_name', 'traverse')
                newkw[remainder_name] = remainder

                for name in ('app_url', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'query',
                    val = kw.get(name, None)
                    if val is not None:
                        newkw['_' + name] = val

                if 'route_kw' in kw:
                    route_kw = kw.get('route_kw')
                    if route_kw is not None:

                return self.route_url(route_name, *elements, **newkw)

            if 'app_url' in kw:
                app_url = kw['app_url']

            if 'scheme' in kw:
                scheme = kw['scheme']

            if 'host' in kw:
                host = kw['host']

            if 'port' in kw:
                port = kw['port']

            if app_url is None:
                if scheme or host or port:
                    app_url = self._partial_application_url(scheme, host, port)
                    app_url = self.application_url

            resource_url = None
            local_url = getattr(resource, '__resource_url__', None)

            if local_url is not None:
                # the resource handles its own url generation
                d = dict(
                # allow __resource_url__ to punt by returning None
                resource_url = local_url(self, d)

            if resource_url is None:
                # the resource did not handle its own url generation or the
                # __resource_url__ function returned None
                resource_url = app_url + virtual_path

        qs = ''
        anchor = ''

        if 'query' in kw:
            query = kw['query']
            if isinstance(query, string_types):
                qs = '?' + url_quote(query, QUERY_SAFE)
            elif query:
                qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

        if 'anchor' in kw:
            anchor = kw['anchor']
            anchor = url_quote(anchor, ANCHOR_SAFE)
            anchor = '#' + anchor

        if elements:
            suffix = _join_elements(elements)
            suffix = ''

        return resource_url + suffix + qs + anchor
Exemple #19
 def _callFUT(self, val, safe=''):
     from pyramid.encode import url_quote
     return url_quote(val, safe)