def skip_persona_selection(self): # set cookie and redirect response = HTTPFound(location=get_redirect_url(self.request)) response.set_cookie( PERSONA_COOKIE_NAME, value=PERSONA_SKIP_COOKIE_VALUE, max_age=ONE_YEAR) return response
def record_edit(self): zonename = self.request.matchdict['zonename'] recordname = self.request.matchdict['recordname'] zonefile = settings.zones[zonename] zone = Zone(zonename, zonefile) protected = name_is_protected(zonename, recordname) response = {"zonename": zonename, "recordname": recordname} if self.request.POST and protected: return HTTPForbidden("You can not modify this domain name") elif protected: response['protected'] = protected response['record'] = zone.get_record(recordname) return response schema = Record(validator=record_validator) form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) if self.request.POST: controls = self.request.POST.items() try: data = form.validate(controls) except deform.ValidationFailure, e: response['form'] = e.render() return response else: zone.add_record(**data) response = HTTPFound() response.location = self.request.route_url('record', zonename=zonename, recordname=data['name']) return response
def lang(request): # Set language code = request.matchdict['code'] # TODO redirect where we came_from response = HTTPFound(location='/') response.set_cookie('lang', value=code, max_age=31536000) # max_age = year return response
def record_add(self): zonename = self.request.matchdict['zonename'] zonefile = settings.zones[zonename] zone = Zone(zonename, zonefile) schema = Record(validator=record_validator) form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) response = {"zonename": zonename, "recordname": "new"} response["form"] = form.render() if 'submit' in self.request.POST: controls = self.request.POST.items() try: data = form.validate(controls) except deform.ValidationFailure, e: response['form'] = e.render() return response if not name_is_protected(zonename, data['name']): zone.add_record(**data) response = HTTPFound() response.location = self.request.route_url('record', zonename=zonename, recordname=data['name']) return response else: return HTTPForbidden()
def fbauth(request): code = request.params['code'] fb_user = User.fb_user(code) user_id = str( response = HTTPFound(location="/") response.set_cookie('user_id', value=user_id, max_age=31536000) return response
def __call__(self): """Log the user out by deleting cookies and redirecting to CAS logout. """ if security.authenticated_userid(self.request): # Return to this view once we've logged out. here = self.request.route_url( here += '?return=' + self.request.referrer response = HTTPFound(location=here) # Drop the current session for the user. Copy the session to the # new response so the cookies get cleared. response.session = self.request.session response.session.invalidate() # Forget the user's login cookie forget_headers = security.forget(self.request) response.headerlist.extend(forget_headers) return response else: # Once cookies are gone, sign out. Either SSO or redirection. route = self.request.registry.settings[RETURN_ROUTE] # Go back to the original page, or the default return_url = self.request.params.get('return', self.request.route_url(route)) sso_url = self.request.registry.settings[SSO_URL] logout_url = (sso_url + '?url=' + return_url) if \ self.request.registry.settings[ENABLE_SLO] else return_url return HTTPFound(location=logout_url)
def account_verify_email(request): login_store = request.find_service(name="redis_login") try: user_id = int(request.GET["user_id"].strip()) email_address = request.GET["email_address"].strip() token = request.GET["token"].strip() except (KeyError, ValueError): raise HTTPNotFound stored_token = login_store.get("verify_email:%s:%s" % (user_id, email_address)) if not user_id or not email_address or not token or not stored_token: raise HTTPNotFound stored_token = stored_token.decode("utf-8") if not stored_token == token: raise HTTPNotFound try: db = request.find_service(name="db") user = db.query(User).filter( == user_id).one() except NoResultFound: raise HTTPNotFound = email_address response = HTTPFound(request.route_path("account", _query={"saved": "email_address"})) if not request.user or != new_session_id = str(uuid4()) login_store.set("session:" + new_session_id, response.set_cookie("cherubplay", new_session_id, 31536000) return response
def handle_get(self): request = self.request view = request.view_name subpath = request.subpath if not view: route = if route == 'home': self.response = HTTPFound('/frontdoor') return raise HTTPNotFound() elif view in ['login', 'logout']: # This breaks GET has no side effects if view == 'logout': return self.handle_logout({}) self.response = HTTPFound('/frontdoor') return elif view == 'frontdoor': if not len(subpath): template = 'trumpet:templates/webview-app.mako' settings = self.get_app_settings() basecolor = settings['default.css.basecolor'] env = dict(appname='frontdoor', basecolor=basecolor) content = render(template, env) self.response = Response(body=content) self.response.encode_content() else: assetpath = 'trumpet:static/apps/frontdoor' asset = os.path.join(assetpath, *subpath) self.response = static_asset_response(request, asset) else: self.response = HTTPNotFound()
def item_add(self): groupname = self.request.matchdict['groupname'] groupfile = self.files[groupname] group = self.backend(groupname, groupfile) schema = group.get_add_schema() form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) response = {"groupname": groupname, "itemname": "new"} response["form"] = form.render() if 'submit' in self.request.POST and self.request.POST['submit'] == 'submit': controls = self.request.POST.items() try: data = form.validate(controls) except deform.ValidationFailure, e: response['form'] = e.render() return response if data['name'] not in self.protected_names[groupname]: group.add_item(data) response = HTTPFound() response.location = self.request.route_url('item', groupname=groupname, itemname=data['name']) return response else: return HTTPForbidden()
def login(self): hubclient = self.request.registry.hubclient response = HTTPFound() # redeem ticket to get user data ticket = self.request.GET.get('ticket', None) if ticket and hubclient: try: user = hubclient.get_user( ticket, self.request.route_url('redirect_to_login')) self.request.session[USER_DATA_SESSION_KEY] = user_id = user.get('uuid') headers = remember(self.request, user_id) response.headerlist.extend(headers) except HubClientException: # TODO: what to do when ticket is invalid? pass redirect_url = self.request.GET.get('url', None) if not (redirect_url and same_origin( redirect_url, self.request.current_route_url())): redirect_url = self.request.route_url(route_name='home') response.location = redirect_url return response
def logout(request): next = request.params.get('next') or request.route_url('index') if not authenticated_userid(request): return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('login')) headers = forget(request) response = HTTPFound(location=next, headers=headers) response.set_cookie('csrf_token', value=None) return response
def logout_view(request): """ The logout view """ loc = request.route_url('index') headers = forget(request) response = HTTPFound(location=loc, headers=headers) response.delete_cookie("remember_me") return response
def logout(self): response = HTTPFound(headers=forget(self.request)) if self.request.referrer and same_origin( self.request.referrer, self.request.current_route_url()): response.location = self.request.referrer else: response.location = self.request.route_url(route_name='home') return response
def login(request): username = request.params.get('username', None) password = request.params.get('password', None) session = DBSession() user = session.query(User).filter(User.username==username).first() if user is not None and user.password == password: response = HTTPFound('/') # totally insecure, TODO in workshop: use auth token or something response.set_cookie('user_id', str(, max_age=timedelta(30)) return response return {'username': username}
def auth(self): self.twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET) auth = self.twitter.get_authentication_tokens(callback_url=CALLBACK_URL) OAUTH_TOKEN = auth['oauth_token'] OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = auth['oauth_token_secret'] auth_url = auth['auth_url'] # set cookies and redirect response = HTTPFound(location=auth_url) response.set_cookie('oauth_token', OAUTH_TOKEN, max_age=86400) response.set_cookie('oauth_token_secret', OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET, max_age=86400) return response
def do_logout(self, request, location): """ do the logout """ # convenient method to set Cache-Control and Expires headers request.response.cache_expires = 0 headers = forget(request) response = HTTPFound(location=location, headers=headers) response.delete_cookie('cis_account', path="/") response.cache_control = 'no-cache' request.session.pop_flash('token') return response
def logout(self, request): request_cookie = request.cookies.get('signed') if not request_cookie: return {} cookie = signed_deserialize(request_cookie, SECRET) cookie_csrf = cookie.get('csrf') if request.method == 'POST': csrf = request.POST.get('csrf') if csrf == cookie_csrf: response = HTTPFound(request.route_url('admin.index')) response.delete_cookie('signed') return response return dict(csrf=cookie_csrf)
def record_delete(self): zonename = self.request.matchdict['zonename'] recordname = self.request.matchdict['recordname'] zonefile = settings.zones[zonename] zone = Zone(zonename, zonefile) if name_is_protected(zonename, recordname): raise HTTPForbidden("You can not modify this domain name") zone.del_record(recordname) response = HTTPFound() response.location = self.request.route_url('zoneview', zonename=zonename) return response
def change_profile(request, profile): """ Sets a cookie for the given profile and deletes any location set in the cookies. Returns a response which directs to the map view. """ response = HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('map_view')) response.set_cookie('_PROFILE_', profile, timedelta(days=90)) if '_LOCATION_' in request.cookies: response.delete_cookie('_LOCATION_') return response
def item_delete(self): groupname = self.request.matchdict['groupname'] itemname = self.request.matchdict['itemname'] groupfile = self.files[groupname] group = self.backend(groupname, groupfile) if itemname in self.protected_names[groupname]: raise HTTPForbidden("You can not modify this domain name") group.del_item(itemname) response = HTTPFound() response.location = self.request.route_url('groupview', groupname=groupname) return response
def login(request): """ Login view. request - Reads AJAX request to get user data and checks permissions on database. """ try: login_url = route_url('login', request) referrer = request.url if referrer == login_url: referrer = '/' came_from = request.params.get('came_from', referrer) message = '' email = '' password = '' if 'form.submitted' in request.params: login = request.params['login'] password = request.params['password'] permissions = groupfinder(login, password, request) if permissions is None: message = 'BŁĘDNE HASŁO.' elif permissions is []: message = 'UŻYTKOWNIK %s NIE JEST ZAREJESTROWANY.' % email elif 'permission:' in permissions: headers = remember(request, permissions) response = HTTPFound(location=came_from, headers=headers) #Add user cookie response.set_cookie('user', value=login, max_age=31536000) return response return dict( message=message, url=request.application_url + '/login', came_from=came_from, login=email, password=password, ) except DBAPIError, ex: print ex return Response(conn_err_msg, content_type='text/plain', status_int=500)
def sudo_employer(self): employer_id = self.request.matchdict['id'] employer = DBSession.query(Employer).get(employer_id) if not employer: raise HTTPNotFound('Unknown employer id') else: self.request.session['employer_id'] = location = self.request.params.get('furl') if not location: location = 'http://%s/employer' % self.request.frontend_domain response = HTTPFound(location=location) response.set_cookie('__admin__', value='true') # max_age = year return response
def sudo_candidate(self): candidate_id = self.request.matchdict['id'] candidate = DBSession.query(Candidate).get(candidate_id) if not candidate: raise HTTPNotFound('Unknown candidate id') else: self.request.session['candidate_id'] = location = self.request.params.get('furl') if not location: location = 'http://%s/candidate' % self.request.frontend_domain response = HTTPFound(location=location) response.set_cookie('__admin__', value='true') # max_age = year return response
def order(request): server = Settings.Session.query(Server).filter( == request.matchdict['server']).scalar() item = Settings.Session.query(Item).filter( == request.matchdict['product']).scalar() path = [{"href": request.route_url('home'), "name": "Home", "active": False}, {"href": '{href}?sid={sid}'.format(href=request.route_url('home'),, "name":, "active": False}, {"href": request.route_url('order',,, "name":, "active": True}] errors = [] if not server or not item or not item in [servitem.item for servitem in server.items]: return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('home')) price = item.price for promotion in [promo.promotion for promo in item.promotions if promo.promotion.type == 1 and '%' not in promo.promotion.value and time.time() < promo.promotion.expires]: try: price = price - float(promotion.value) except: continue for promotion in [promo.promotion for promo in item.promotions if promo.promotion.type == 1 and '%' in promo.promotion.value and time.time() < promo.promotion.expires]: try: price = price - (price * (float(promotion.value.replace('%', '')) / 100)) except: continue; if price < 0: price = 0 if 'form.submitted' in request.params: try: steamid = SteamIDToCommunityID(request.params['input.steamid']) except SteamFormatException: errors.append('steamid') if not re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', request.params['']): errors.append('email') if request.params['input.code'].strip(): print "Code: %s" % request.params['input.code'] code = None for promotion in [promo.promotion for promo in item.promotions if promo.promotion.type == 2 and time.time() < promo.promotion.expires]: if promotion.code == request.params['input.code']: code = promotion break if not code: errors.append('promo') if not errors: order = {'steamid': request.params['input.steamid'], 'email': request.params[''], 'promocode': request.params['input.code'], 'server':, 'item':} response = HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('confirm')) response.set_cookie('order', value=json.dumps(order), max_age=300) return response path = [{"href": request.route_url('home'), "name": "Home", "active": False}, {"href": '{href}?sid={sid}'.format(href=request.route_url('home'),, "name":, "active": False}, {"href": request.route_url('order',,, "name":, "active": True}] return {'community': Settings.Community, 'item': item, 'server': server, 'path': path, 'errors': errors, 'price': round(price,2), 'path': path}
def get_main(self, appname=None, basecolor=None, view=None): settings = self.get_app_settings() if appname is None: appname = settings.get('default.js.mainapp', 'frontdoor') content = make_page(appname, settings, basecolor=basecolor, view=view) self.response = Response(body=content) self.response.encode_content()
def directory_view(context, request): path_info = request.environ["PATH_INFO"] if not path_info.endswith("/"): response = HTTPFound(location=path_info + "/") return response defaults = ("index.html", "index.stx", "") for name in defaults: try: index = context[name] except KeyError: continue return file_view(index, request) response = Response("No default view for %s" % context.path) response.content_type = "text/plain" return response
def directory_view(context, request): path_info = request.environ['PATH_INFO'] if not path_info.endswith('/'): response = HTTPFound(location=path_info + '/') return response defaults = ('index.html', 'index.stx', '') for name in defaults: try: index = context[name] except KeyError: continue return file_view(index, request) response = Response('No default view for %s' % context.path) response.content_type = 'text/plain' return response
def select_persona(self): slug = self.request.matchdict['slug'].upper() if slug not in PERSONAE: raise HTTPNotFound # set cookie and redirect response = HTTPFound(location=get_redirect_url(self.request)) response.set_cookie(PERSONA_COOKIE_NAME, value=slug, max_age=ONE_YEAR) # set persona dimension value on GA # NOTE: the persona dimension has to be configured with scope 'user' persona_dimension_id = self.settings.get('ga.persona_dimension_id') if persona_dimension_id: self.request.google_analytics[persona_dimension_id] = slug return response
def sign_up(request): # Disable signing up in read-only mode. if "cherubplay.read_only" in request.registry.settings: raise HTTPForbidden # Make sure this IP address hasn't created an account recently. # Also don't explode if Redis is down. ip_check_key = "ip:" + request.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] try: ip_check = request.login_store.get(ip_check_key) except ConnectionError: return { "sign_up_error": "We can't create your account because we're having problems with the login server. Please try again later." } if ip_check is not None: return { "sign_up_error": "An account has already been created from your IP address. Please try again in a few hours." } # Validate password. if request.POST["password"] == "": return {"sign_up_error": "Please don't use a blank password."} if request.POST["password"] != request.POST["password_again"]: return {"sign_up_error": "The two passwords didn't match."} # Make sure username hasn't been taken. username = request.POST["username"].lower()[:100] if username_validator.match(username) is None: return {"sign_up_error": "Usernames can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores."} existing_username = Session.query( == username).count() if existing_username == 1 or username in reserved_usernames: return {"sign_up_error": 'The username "%s" has already been taken.' % username} # Create the user. new_user = User( username=username, password=hashpw(request.POST["password"].encode(), gensalt()), last_ip=request.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"], ) Session.add(new_user) Session.flush() # Generate session ID and add it to the login store. new_session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) request.login_store.set("session:" + new_session_id, # Remember their IP address for 12 hours. ip_check = request.login_store.set(ip_check_key, "1") ip_check = request.login_store.expire(ip_check_key, 43200) # Set cookie for session ID. response = HTTPFound(request.route_path("home")) response.set_cookie("cherubplay", new_session_id, 31536000) return response
def login(self, request): if request.method == 'POST': login = request.POST.get('login') password = request.POST.get('password') if login and password: user = dbs.query(StaffModel).filter_by(name=login).first() if user and user.password == sha256( password + user.salt).hexdigest(): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() csrf = sha256(str(now)).hexdigest() val = signed_serialize({'time': now, 'csrf': csrf}, SECRET) response = HTTPFound(request.route_url('admin.index')) response.set_cookie('signed', val) return response return dict( error='Something went wrong. Try "admin" and "111111"') return {}
def logout_view(request): headers = forget(request) loc = request.route_url('home') return HTTPFound(location=loc, headers=headers)
def __call__(self): getter = getattr(self, 'get_redirect_url', None) url = getter() if getter else self.redirect_url return HTTPFound(location=url)
def redirect(self): return HTTPFound(self._redirect_url())
def redirect(self): return HTTPFound( self.request.route_path('/users/{id}', id=self.context.user_id))
def view_wiki(request): return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url('view_page', pagename='FrontPage'))
def post_register( request: Request, username: str, password: str, password_confirm: str, invite_code: str, ) -> HTTPFound: """Process a registration request.""" if not request.params.get("accepted_terms"): raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy must be accepted.") if password != password_confirm: raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( "Password and confirmation do not match.") # attempt to fetch and lock the row for the specified invite code (lock prevents # concurrent requests from using the same invite code) #lookup_code = UserInviteCode.prepare_code_for_lookup(invite_code) #code_row = ( # request.query(UserInviteCode) # .filter( # UserInviteCode.code == lookup_code, # UserInviteCode.invitee_id == None, # noqa # ) # .with_for_update(skip_locked=True) # .one_or_none() #) #if not code_row: # incr_counter("invite_code_failures") # raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity("Invalid invite code") # create the user and set inviter to the owner of the invite code user = User(username, password) #user.inviter_id = code_row.user_id # flush the user insert to db, will fail if username is already taken request.db_session.add(user) try: request.db_session.flush() except IntegrityError: raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( "That username has already been registered.") # the flush above will generate the new user's ID, so use that to update the invite # code with info about the user that registered with it #code_row.invitee_id = user.user_id # subscribe the new user to all groups except ~test all_groups = request.query(Group).all() for group in all_groups: if group.path == "test": continue request.db_session.add(GroupSubscription(user, group)) _send_welcome_message(user, request) incr_counter("registrations") # log the user in to the new account remember(request, user.user_id) # set request.user before logging so the user is associated with the event request.user = user request.db_session.add(Log(LogEventType.USER_REGISTER, request)) # redirect to the front page raise HTTPFound(location="/")
def user(context, request): gallery = retrieve_gallery(context) if gallery is not None: return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(gallery)) else: return HTTPNotFound()
def assembl_profile(request): session = AgentProfile.default_db localizer = request.localizer profile = get_profile(request) id_type = request.matchdict.get('type').strip() logged_in = request.authenticated_userid save = request.method == 'POST' # if some other user if not profile or not logged_in or logged_in != if save: raise HTTPUnauthorized() # Add permissions to view a profile? return render_to_response( 'assembl:templates/view_profile.jinja2', dict(get_default_context(request), profile=profile, user=logged_in and session.query(User).get(logged_in))) confirm_email = request.params.get('confirm_email', None) if confirm_email: return HTTPTemporaryRedirect(location=request.route_url( 'confirm_emailid_sent', email_account_id=int(confirm_email))) errors = [] if save: user_id = redirect = False username = request.params.get('username', '').strip() if username and (profile.username is None or username != profile.username.username): # check if exists if session.query(Username).filter_by(username=username).count(): errors.append( localizer.translate(_('The username %s is already used')) % (username, )) else: old_username = profile.username if old_username is not None: # free existing username session.delete(old_username) session.flush() # add new username session.add(Username(username=username, user=profile)) if id_type == 'u': redirect = True name = request.params.get('name', '').strip() if name: = name p1, p2 = (request.params.get('password1', '').strip(), request.params.get('password2', '').strip()) if p1 != p2: errors.append( localizer.translate(_('The passwords are not identical'))) elif p1: profile.password_p = p1 add_email = request.params.get('add_email', '').strip() if add_email: if not is_email(add_email): return dict(get_default_context(request), error=localizer.translate( _("This is not a valid email"))) # No need to check presence since not validated yet email = EmailAccount(email=add_email, profile=profile) session.add(email) if redirect: return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url( 'profile_user', type='u', identifier=username)) profile = session.query(User).get(user_id) unverified_emails = [ (ea, session.query(AbstractAgentAccount).filter_by(email_ci=ea.email_ci, verified=True).first()) for ea in profile.email_accounts if not ea.verified ] get_route = create_get_route(request) providers = get_provider_data(get_route) return render_to_response( 'assembl:templates/profile.jinja2', dict(get_default_context(request), error='<br />'.join(errors), unverified_emails=unverified_emails, providers=providers, providers_json=json.dumps(providers), google_consumer_key=request.registry.settings.get( 'google.consumer_key', ''), the_user=profile, user=session.query(User).get(logged_in)))
def assembl_register_view(request): slug = request.matchdict.get('discussion_slug', "") next_view = handle_next_view(request) if not request.params.get('email'): if request.scheme == "http"\ and asbool(config.get("accept_secure_connection")): return HTTPFound(get_global_base_url(True) + request.path_qs) response = get_login_context(request) return response forget(request) session = AgentProfile.default_db localizer = request.localizer name = request.params.get('name', '').strip() if not name or len(name) < 3: return dict(get_default_context(request), error=localizer.translate( _("Please use a name of at least 3 characters"))) password = request.params.get('password', '').strip() password2 = request.params.get('password2', '').strip() email = request.params.get('email', '').strip() if not is_email(email): return dict(get_default_context(request), error=localizer.translate(_("This is not a valid email"))) email = EmailString.normalize_email_case(email) # Find agent account to avoid duplicates! if session.query(AbstractAgentAccount).filter_by(email_ci=email, verified=True).count(): return dict(get_default_context(request), error=localizer.translate( _("We already have a user with this email."))) if password != password2: return dict(get_default_context(request), error=localizer.translate( _("The passwords should be identical"))) # TODO: Validate password quality # otherwise create. validate_registration = asbool( config.get('assembl.validate_registration_emails')) user = User(name=name, password=password, verified=not validate_registration, creation_date=datetime.utcnow()) email_account = EmailAccount(email=email, verified=not validate_registration, profile=user) session.add(user) session.add(email_account) discussion = discussion_from_request(request) if discussion: permissions = get_permissions(Everyone, if not (P_SELF_REGISTER in permissions or P_SELF_REGISTER_REQUEST in permissions): discussion = None if discussion: _now = datetime.utcnow() agent_status = AgentStatusInDiscussion( agent_profile=user, discussion=discussion, first_visit=_now, last_visit=_now, user_created_on_this_discussion=True) session.add(agent_status) session.flush() if not validate_registration: if asbool(config.get('pyramid.debug_authorization')): # for debugging purposes from assembl.auth.password import email_token print "email token:", request.route_url( 'user_confirm_email', token=email_token(email_account)) headers = remember(request, user.successful_login() request.response.headerlist.extend(headers) if discussion: maybe_auto_subscribe(user, discussion) # TODO: Tell them to expect an email. return HTTPFound(location=next_view) return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'confirm_emailid_sent',
def cancel_handler(self): return HTTPFound(location=self.get_next_url())
def get(self): today = url = self.request.url_for('/times/report/pivot', month=today.strftime('%m.%Y')) return HTTPFound(location=url)
def add_success(self, appstruct): registry = self.request.registry name = appstruct.pop('name') document = registry.content.create('Document', **appstruct) self.context[name] = document return HTTPFound(self.request.mgmt_path(document, '@@properties'))
def do_password_change(request): "Validate the change_password token, and react accordingly." # Codes below refer to those cases: # V. token Valid(+) or invalid(-)? (Possibly expired through internal date) # P. user has(+) a Password or not (-)? # W. Welcome(+) vs change password(-) # B. last login absent, or Before token created (+) vs last login after token created (-) # L. user is already Logged in(+) or not(-)? welcome = 'welcome' in localizer = request.localizer discussion = discussion_from_request(request) token = request.matchdict.get('token') user, validity = verify_password_change_token(token) logged_in = request.authenticated_userid if user and != logged_in: # token for someone else: forget login. logged_in = None forget(request) lacking_password = user is not None and user.password is None token_date = get_data_token_time(token) old_token = (user is None or token_date is None or (user.last_login and token_date < user.last_login)) print "pwc V%sP%sW%sB%sL%s" % tuple( map(lambda b: "-" if b else "+", (validity != Validity.VALID, lacking_password, not welcome, old_token, logged_in is None))) if welcome and not lacking_password: # W+P+: welcome link sends onwards irrespective of token if logged_in: # L+: send onwards to discussion return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url( 'home' if discussion else 'discussion_list', discussion_slug=discussion.slug)) else: # L-: offer to login return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'login', _query=dict( identifier=user.get_preferred_email() if user else None))) if (validity != Validity.VALID or old_token) and not logged_in: # V-, V+P+W-B-L-: Invalid or obsolete token (obsolete+logged in treated later.) # Offer to send a new token if validity != Validity.VALID: error = localizer.translate( _("This link is not valid. Do you want us to send another?")) else: error = localizer.translate( _("This link has been used. Do you want us to send another?")) request.session.flash(error) return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'request_password_change', _query=dict( if user else ''))) # V+: Valid token (encompasses P-B+, W-, B-L+); ALSO V-L+ # V+P-B- should not happen, but we'll treat it the same. # go through password change dialog. We'll complete login afterwards. if welcome: if discussion: request.session.flash( localizer.translate( _("You will enter the discussion as <b>{name}</b>.")). format(, 'message') else: request.session.flash( localizer.translate( _("You will enter Assembl as <b>{name}</b>.")).format(, 'message') request.session.flash( localizer.translate( _("Please choose your password for security reasons.")).format(, 'message') return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'react_do_password_change', _query=dict(token=token, welcome=welcome)))
def root(context, request): return HTTPFound( location=request.resource_url('list_albums', username='******'))
def phrasal_form_view(self): phrase_group = self.phrase_group phrase_form = self.phrase_form if 'POST' in self.request.method: # If posting, no data would've been persisted anyways # NOTE: If this changes in the future, remove it from here! self.session_was_lost = False # Clear temporary data if it's a post self.msgs = [] if self.session_was_lost: self.msgs.append( OpMessage( MessageType.Info, "Your browser says you've visited, but I don't remember " "what you wrote. The server might've been restarted. " "Pardon for any hassle.", "Welcome back!" ) ) self.session_was_lost = False if 'clear' in self.request.params: log.debug( "phrasal_form_view: Clearing UUID {0}" .format(self.session_uuid) ) phrase_group['seed'] = '' phrase_group['phrases'] = '' phrase_group['results'] = '' # Shift focus to the form url = self.request.route_url( 'phrasal_form_view', _anchor='form' ) return HTTPFound(url) elif 'demo' in self.request.params: log.debug( "phrasal_form_view: Resetting UUID {0} to demo" .format(self.session_uuid) ) phrase_group['seed'] = '' phrase_group['phrases'] = PhraseStorage.get_demo_phrase_source() phrase_group['results'] = '' self.msgs.append( OpMessage( MessageType.Info, "Read the phrases above and press Submit to see the " "results.", "Demo ready" ) ) # Shift focus to the form url = self.request.route_url( 'phrasal_form_view', _anchor='form' ) return HTTPFound(url) elif 'submit' in self.request.params: controls = self.request.POST.items() try: appstruct = phrase_form.validate(controls) except deform.ValidationFailure as e: return dict( phrase_group=phrase_group, form=e.render() ) # Change the content and redirect to the view phrase_group['seed'] = appstruct['seed'] phrase_group['phrases'] = appstruct['phrases'] # Process the source, get the results phrase_group['results'] = ( process_phrase( self.msgs, phrase_group['phrases'], phrase_group['seed'] ) ) log.debug( "phrasal_form_view: Updating UUID {0}, new group {1}" .format(self.session_uuid, phrase_group) ) self.phrase_group = phrase_group url = self.request.route_url( 'phrasal_form_view', _anchor='results' ) return HTTPFound(url) form = phrase_form.render(phrase_group) parsed_msgs = parse_messages(self.msgs) if parsed_msgs: log.debug( "phrasal_form_view: parsed_msgs: '{0}'" .format(parsed_msgs) ) return dict( phrase_group=phrase_group, parsed_msgs=parsed_msgs, form=form )
def view_wiki(request): """function for viewing the front page of the databank may become redundant""" next_url = request.route_url('view_page', pagename='FrontPage') return HTTPFound(location=next_url)
def logout(request): headers = forget(request) return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('view_wiki'), headers=headers)
def redirect(self, url): """Return a response redirect to the given URL""" return HTTPFound(location=url)
def redirect(self): return HTTPFound(self.request.current_route_path())
def register(request): """ Render register page with form Also handles oAuth flow for registration """ login_url = request.route_url("ziggurat.routes.sign_in") if request.query_string: query_string = "?%s" % request.query_string else: query_string = "" referrer = "%s%s" % (request.path, query_string) if referrer in [login_url, "/register", "/register?sign_in=1"]: referrer = "/" # never use the login form itself as came_from sign_in_form = forms.SignInForm( came_from=request.params.get("came_from", referrer), csrf_context=request ) # populate form from oAuth session data returned by authomatic social_data = request.session.get("zigg.social_auth") if request.method != "POST" and social_data: log.debug(social_data) user_name = social_data["user"].get("user_name", "").split("@")[0] form_data = {"user_name": user_name, "email": social_data["user"].get("email")} form_data["user_password"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) form = forms.UserRegisterForm(MultiDict(form_data), csrf_context=request) form.user_password.widget.hide_value = False else: form = forms.UserRegisterForm(request.POST, csrf_context=request) if request.method == "POST" and form.validate():"registering user") # insert new user here if request.registry.settings["appenlight.disable_registration"]: request.session.flash(_("Registration is currently disabled.")) return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("/")) new_user = User() DBSession.add(new_user) form.populate_obj(new_user) UserService.regenerate_security_code(new_user) new_user.status = 1 UserService.set_password(new_user, new_user.user_password) new_user.registration_ip = request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR") if social_data: handle_social_data(request, new_user, social_data) email_vars = { "user": new_user, "request": request, "email_title": "AppEnlight :: Start information", } UserService.send_email( request, recipients=[], variables=email_vars, template="/email_templates/registered.jinja2", ) request.session.flash(_("You have successfully registered.")) DBSession.flush() headers = security.remember(request, return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("/"), headers=headers) settings = request.registry.settings social_plugins = {} if settings.get("", ""): social_plugins["twitter"] = True if settings.get("", ""): social_plugins["google"] = True if settings.get("", ""): social_plugins["github"] = True if settings.get("", ""): social_plugins["bitbucket"] = True return { "form": form, "sign_in_form": sign_in_form, "social_plugins": social_plugins, }
def redirect(self, model=None): return HTTPFound(self._redirect_url())
def cancel_success(self, appstruct): self.request.session.flash(_('No changes were made.'), 'info') location = '{0}/@@setup-users'.format(self.request.application_url) return HTTPFound(location=location)
def render(self): return HTTPFound(location=route_url('index', self.request), headers=forget(self.request))
def delete_success(self, appstruct): location = '{0}/@@delete-user?name={1}'.format( self.request.application_url, self.request.params['name']) return HTTPFound(location=location)
def project_edit(request): id = request.matchdict['project'] project = DBSession.query(Project).get(id) licenses = DBSession.query(License).all() labels = DBSession.query(Label).all() if 'form.submitted' in request.params: for locale, translation in project.translations.iteritems(): with project.force_locale(locale): for field in [ 'name', 'short_description', 'description', 'instructions', 'per_task_instructions' ]: translated = '_'.join([field, locale]) if translated in request.params: setattr(project, field, request.params[translated]) DBSession.add(project) for p in ['changeset_comment', 'entities_to_map', 'imagery']: if p in request.params: setattr(project, p, request.params[p]) if 'license_id' in request.params and \ request.params['license_id'] != "": license_id = int(request.params['license_id']) license = DBSession.query(License).get(license_id) project.license = license project.labels = [] labels = [x for x in request.params if 'label_' in x] if len(labels) != 0: for t in labels: if request.params[t] != "": label_id = int(t[6:]) label = DBSession.query(Label).get(label_id) project.labels.append(label) if 'private' in request.params and \ request.params['private'] == 'on': project.private = True else: project.private = False project.requires_validator_role = \ ('requires_validator_role' in request.params and request.params['requires_validator_role'] == 'on') project.requires_experienced_mapper_role = \ ('requires_experienced_mapper_role' in request.params and request.params['requires_experienced_mapper_role'] == 'on') project.status = request.params['status'] project.priority = request.params['priority'] if request.params.get('due_date', '') != '': due_date = request.params.get('due_date') due_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(due_date, "%m/%d/%Y") project.due_date = due_date else: project.due_date = None if 'josm_preset' in request.params: josm_preset = request.params.get('josm_preset') if hasattr(josm_preset, 'value'): project.josm_preset = josm_preset.value.decode('UTF-8') # Remove the previously set priority areas for area in project.priority_areas: DBSession.delete(area) project.priority_areas[:] = [] DBSession.flush() priority_areas = request.params.get('priority_areas', '') if priority_areas != '': features = parse_geojson(priority_areas) for feature in features: geom = 'SRID=4326;%s' % feature.geometry.wkt project.priority_areas.append(PriorityArea(geom)) DBSession.add(project) return HTTPFound( location=route_path('project', request, translations = project.translations.items() features = [] for area in project.priority_areas: features.append(Feature(geometry=shape.to_shape(area.geometry))) return dict(page_id='project_edit', project=project, licenses=licenses, translations=translations, labels=labels, priority_areas=FeatureCollection(features))
def cancel_success(self, appstruct): location = self.request.resource_url(get_root()) return HTTPFound(location=location)
def route_list(request): return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('user-group'))
def fail(msg="Sign in link invalid. Please try again."): messages.add(request, kind="error", msg=msg, msg_id="msg-bad-email-token") return HTTPFound(request.route_url("login"))
def cancel_handler(self): return HTTPFound(location='.')
def user_confirm_email(request): token = request.matchdict.get('token') or '' account, validity = verify_email_token(token) session = AbstractAgentAccount.default_db logged_in = request.authenticated_userid # if mismatch? localizer = request.localizer if account and account.profile_id != logged_in: # token for someone else: forget login. logged_in = None forget(request) token_date = get_data_token_time(token) old_token = (account is None or token_date is None or (account.profile.last_login and token_date < account.profile.last_login)) inferred_discussion = discussion = discussion_from_request(request) if account and not discussion: # We do not know from which discussion the user started to log in; # See if only involved in one discussion discussions = account.profile.involved_in_discussion if len(discussions) == 1: inferred_discussion = discussions[0] if account and account.verified and logged_in: # no need to revalidate, just send to discussion. # Question: maybe_auto_subscribe? Doubt it. if inferred_discussion: if inferred_discussion.preferences['landing_page']: route = 'new_home' else: route = 'home' else: route = 'discussion_list' error = localizer.translate( _("Email <%s> already confirmed")) % (, ) request.session.flash(error) return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url(route, discussion_slug=inferred_discussion. slug if inferred_discussion else None)) if validity != Validity.VALID or old_token: # V-, B-: Invalid or obsolete token # Offer to send a new token if account and not account.verified: # bad token, unverified account... offer a new token if validity != Validity.VALID: error = localizer.translate( _("This link was not valid. We sent another.")) else: error = localizer.translate( _("This link has been used. We sent another.")) request.session.flash(error) return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'confirm_emailid_sent', else: if account and account.verified: # bad token, verified account... send them to login error = localizer.translate( _("Email <%s> already confirmed")) % (, ) else: # now what? We do not have the email. # Just send to login for now error = localizer.translate( _("This link is not valid. Please attempt to login to get another one." )) request.session.flash(error) return HTTPFound(location=maybe_contextual_route( request, 'react_login', _query=dict( if account else None))) # By now we know we have a good token; make it login-equivalent. user = account.profile assert isinstance(user, User) # accounts should not get here. OK to fail. headers = remember(request, request.response.headerlist.extend(headers) user.successful_login() username = user.username.username if user.username else None next_view = handle_next_view(request, False) if account.verified: message = localizer.translate( _("Email <%s> already confirmed")) % (, ) else: # maybe another profile already verified that email other_account = session.query(AbstractAgentAccount).filter_by( email_ci=account.email_ci, verified=True).first() if other_account: # We have two versions of the email, delete the unverified one session.delete(account) if other_account.profile != user: # Give priority to the one where the email was verified last. other_profile = other_account.profile user.merge(other_profile) session.delete(other_profile) if user.username: username = user.username.username account = other_account account.verified = True user.verified = True # do not use inferred discussion for auto_subscribe user.successful_login() if discussion and maybe_auto_subscribe(user, discussion): message = localizer.translate( _("Your email address %s has been confirmed, " "and you are now subscribed to discussion's " "default notifications.")) % (, ) else: message = localizer.translate( _("Your email address %s has been confirmed.")) % (, ) if inferred_discussion: if inferred_discussion.preferences['landing_page']: route = 'new_home' else: route = 'home' else: route = 'discussion_list' return HTTPFound( location=request.route_url(route, discussion_slug=inferred_discussion. slug if inferred_discussion else None, _query=dict(message=message)))