def __init__(self,mslist,mss=None): """ mslist is the MS list filename """ import pyrap.tables as pt if mss is not None: self.mss=mss self.mslist=None else: self.mslist=mslist self.mss=[s.strip() for s in open(mslist).readlines()] self.obsids = [os.path.basename(ms).split('_')[0] for ms in self.mss] self.freqs=[] self.channels=[] self.hascorrected=[] self.dysco=[] for ms in self.mss: t = pt.table(ms,readonly=True,ack=False) colname='CORRECTED_DATA' try: dummy=t.getcoldesc(colname) except RuntimeError: dummy=None self.hascorrected.append(not(dummy is None)) self.dysco.append('Dysco' in t.showstructure()) t.close() t = pt.table(ms+'/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', readonly=True, ack=False) self.freqs.append(t[0]['REF_FREQUENCY']) self.channels.append(t[0]['CHAN_FREQ'])
def updateMSmetadata(msfile): #Update history to show that this script has modified original data tms = pt.table(msfile,readonly=False,ack=False) th = pt.table(tms.getkeyword('HISTORY'), readonly=False, ack=False) nr=th.nrows() th.addrows(1) tr=th.row() tr.put(nr,{'TIME': quantity('today').get('s').get_value(), 'OBSERVATION_ID':0, 'MESSAGE': 'Applied polarization modifications', 'PRIORITY': 'NORMAL', 'ORIGIN': '%s: version = %s' % (__file__,__version__), 'OBJECT_ID':0, 'APPLICATION':__file__, 'CLI_COMMAND':sys.argv, 'APP_PARAMS': ['']}) if not options.linear: #Change metadata information to be circular feeds feed = pt.table(tms.getkeyword('FEED'),readonly=False,ack=False) for tpart in feed.iter('ANTENNA_ID'): tpart.putcell('POLARIZATION_TYPE',0,['R','L']) polariz = pt.table(tms.getkeyword('POLARIZATION'),readonly=False,ack=False) polariz.putcell('CORR_TYPE',0,[5,6,7,8]) tms.close()
def __init__(self, ms): self.timepara={'start':0, 'end':0, 'step':0, 'cent':0} self.freqpara={'start':0, 'end':0, 'step':0, 'cent':0} self.msname = ms if not os.path.isdir(ms): sys.exit('INPUT MS DOES NOT EXIST!') ##########Getting Time parameters first############# t = pt.table(ms, readonly=True, ack=False) t1 = t.sort ('unique desc TIME') self.timepara['step'] = t.getcell('EXPOSURE',0) self.timepara['start'] = np.min(t.getcol('TIME'))-self.timepara['step']/2. self.timepara['end'] = np.max(t.getcol('TIME'))+self.timepara['step']/2. self.timepara['cent'] = self.timepara['start']+(self.timepara['end']-self.timepara['start'])/2. self.mstimevalues = t1.getcol('TIME')[::-1] t1.close() ##########Getting Frequency Parameters################### freq=pt.table(t.getkeyword("SPECTRAL_WINDOW"), readonly=True, ack=False) self.fullband = freq.getcell('TOTAL_BANDWIDTH', 0) self.freqpara['cent'] = freq.getcell('REF_FREQUENCY', 0) self.freqpara['step'] = freq.getcell('CHAN_WIDTH', 0)[0] self.msfreqvalues = freq.getcell('CHAN_FREQ', 0) self.freqpara['start'] = self.msfreqvalues[0]-self.freqpara['step']/2. self.freqpara['end'] = self.msfreqvalues[-1]+self.freqpara['step']/2. freq.close() ##########Getting Station Names################### antennas = pt.table(t.getkeyword("ANTENNA"), readonly=True, ack=False) self.stations = antennas.getcol('NAME') antennas.close() t.close()
def __init__(self, MSfile, timecorr, block, solint, ionfactor, ncores, resume, parset, skymodel, parmdb, clobber, solver): self.file = MSfile self.msname = self.file.split('/')[-1] sw = pt.table(self.file + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) self.freq = sw.col('REF_FREQUENCY')[0] sw.close() obs = pt.table(self.file + '/FIELD', ack=False) self.ra = np.degrees(float(obs.col('REFERENCE_DIR')[0][0][0])) if self.ra < 0.: self.ra=360.+(self.ra) self.dec = np.degrees(float(obs.col('REFERENCE_DIR')[0][0][1])) obs.close() ant = pt.table(self.file + '/ANTENNA', ack=False) diam = float(ant.col('DISH_DIAMETER')[0]) ant.close() self.fwhm_deg = 1.1*((3.0e8/self.freq)/diam)*180./np.pi = str(self.freq) self.timecorr = timecorr self.sol_block = block self.ionfactor = ionfactor self.ncores = ncores self.resume = resume self.solint = solint self.parset = parset self.input_parmdb = parmdb self.output_parmdb = 'instrument' self.skymodel = skymodel self.clobber = clobber self.solver = solver
def _get_ra_and_decl_from_ms(self, measurement_set): """ This function uses pyrap to read the ra and declanation from a measurement set (used by expected_fluxes_in_fov). This is a position in the sky. These values are stored in the field.phase_dir in the first row. All exceptions thrown are caught and logged, return None if reading failed """ table = None; field = None; ra_and_decl = None; try: # open the ms, get the phase direction table = pt.table(measurement_set) field = pt.table(table.getkeyword("FIELD")) ra_and_decl = field.getcell("PHASE_DIR", 0)[0] except Exception, exception: #catch all exceptions and log self.logger.error("Error loading FIELD/PHASE_DIR from " "measurementset {0} : {1}".format(measurement_set, str(exception))) raise exception
def copy_column_to_bands(mslist, ms_from, inputcol, outputcol): """ Copies one column from an MS file to multiple MS files (bands) Parameters ---------- mslist : list MS files receiving copy ms_from : str MS file to copy from. inputcol : str Column name to copy from outputcol : str Column name to copy to """ datain = pt.table(ms_from) data = datain.getcol(inputcol, nrow=1) numberofchans =[1]) chanperms = numberofchans/ for ms_id, ms in enumerate(mslist): if os.path.isdir(ms): data = datain.getcolslice(inputcol, [chanperms*ms_id,0], [(chanperms*(ms_id+1))-1,3]) dataout = pt.table(ms, readonly=False) dataout.putcol(outputcol, data) dataout.flush() dataout.close()
def get_summary(self): subtables = for subtable in ('POLARIZATION', 'OBSERVATION', 'FIELD', 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW'): if subtable not in subtables: sys.stderr.write("Subtable %s missing from MS\n" % subtable) sys.exit() frequencies = self.get_frequencies() self.get_antenntas() polarization = {'count': pt.table( os.path.join(self.filename, 'POLARIZATION'), ack=False).getcol( 'NUM_CORR')[0]} times = {'time': pt.table( os.path.join(self.filename, 'OBSERVATION'), ack=False).getcol( 'TIME_RANGE')[0]} fieldnames = {'fieldnames': pt.table( os.path.join(self.filename, 'FIELD'), ack=False).getcol('NAME')} phases = {'direction': pt.table( os.path.join(self.filename, 'FIELD'), ack=False).getcol('PHASE_DIR')} self.summary = { 'frequencies': frequencies, 'polarization': polarization, 'fieldnames': fieldnames, 'times': times, 'phases': phases }
def load_and_compare_data_sets(ms1, ms2): # open the two datasets ms1 = pt.table(ms1) ms2 = pt.table(ms2) #get the amount of rows in the dataset n_row = len(ms1.getcol('DATA')) n_complex_vis = 4 # create a target array with the same length as the datacolumn div_array = numpy.zeros((n_row, 1, n_complex_vis), dtype=numpy.complex64) ms1_array = ms1.getcol('DATA') ms2_array = ms2.getcol('CORRECTED_DATA') div_max = 0 for idx in xrange(n_row): for idy in xrange(n_complex_vis): div_value = ms1_array[idx][0][idy] - ms2_array[idx][0][idy] if numpy.abs(div_value) > numpy.abs(div_max): div_max = div_value div_array[idx][0][idy] = div_value print "maximum different value between measurement sets: {0}".format(div_max) # Use a delta of about float precision if div_max > 1e-6: print "The measurement sets are contained a different value" print "failed delta test!" return False return True
def gain2matlab(msname='test1.MS', gainfilename='bbsgain.mat', timeslot=0, instrumentname='instrument'): parmdb=msname+'/'+instrumentname antenna=msname+'/ANTENNA' valstable=table(parmdb,ack=False) namestable=table(parmdb+"::NAMES",ack=False) antennatable=table(antenna,ack=False) vals=valstable.col('VALUES') names=namestable.col('NAME') antennas=antennatable.col('NAME') antennamap={}; for i in range(antennas.nrows()): antennamap[antennas[i]]=i g = np.zeros((len(antennamap)*2,2),dtype=np.complex) for i in range(vals.nrows()): (bla, xcor, ycor, reim, ant) = names[i].split(':') antnr=antennamap[ant] (xcor,ycor)=(int(xcor),int(ycor)) if reim=="Real": val=vals[i][timeslot][0] elif reim=="Imag": val=vals[i][timeslot][0]*(1.j) elif reim=="Phase": val=cmath.rect(1,vals[i][timeslot][0]) #print antnr, xcor, ycor, antnr*2+xcor, ycor, val g[antnr*2+ycor][xcor]+=val.conjugate(), dict(g=g), oned_as='row') print "Stored timeslot",timeslot,"gains from", msname, "/",instrumentname,"as",gainfilename
def splitdataset(dataset, interval, out): name = dataset.split("/")[-1] print "Splitting {0} by {1} sec intervals...".format(name, interval) t = pt.table(dataset, ack=False) starttime = t[0]["TIME"] endtime = t[t.nrows() - 1]["TIME"] numberofsplits = int((endtime - starttime) / interval) for split in range(0, numberofsplits): outputname = os.path.join(out, "splitMS", name + ".{0}sec_{1:04d}.split".format(int(interval), split + 1)) if split == 0: thisstart = starttime - 2.0 else: thisstart = starttime + (float(split) * interval) thisend = starttime + ((float(split) + 1) * interval) t1 = t.query( "TIME > " + str(thisstart) + " && \ TIME < " + str(thisend), sortlist="TIME,ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2", ) t1.copy(outputname, True) t1.close() if split == 0: thisstart += 2.0 t1 = pt.table(outputname + "/OBSERVATION", ack=False, readonly=False) thistimerange = np.array([thisstart, thisend]) t1.putcell("TIME_RANGE", 0, thistimerange) t1.putcell("LOFAR_OBSERVATION_START", 0, thisstart) t1.putcell("LOFAR_OBSERVATION_END", 0, thisend) t1.close() t.close()
def read_ms(infile, verbosity=1): """ Convert MS to a HDF file :param infile: Measurement Set path :return: HDU version of Measurement Set """ pp = PrintLog(verbosity=verbosity) ms = pt.table(infile) # Create a HDU List for storing HDUs hdul = IdiHdulist(verbosity=verbosity) # Add each column to the main HDU hdu_main = table2hdu(ms, "MAIN", verbosity=verbosity, close_after=False) hdul["MAIN"] = hdu_main # Now look for other keyword tables for key, val in ms.getkeywords().items(): pp.debug(val) if type(val) in (unicode, str): if val.startswith("Table: "): tblpath = val.strip().split("Table: ")[1] pp.h2("Opening %s" % key) t = pt.table(tblpath) t_hdu = table2hdu(t, key, verbosity=verbosity) hdul[key] = t_hdu else: hdul["MAIN"].header.vals[key] = val ms.close() return hdul
def main(inms='',beVerbose=False): didWarn = False whatSkipped = {} t = pt.table(inms, ack=False) th = pt.table(t.getkeyword('HISTORY'), ack=False) colnames = th.colnames() nrows = th.nrows() print 'The HISTORY table in %s has %d rows' % (inms, nrows) for row in th: if row['APPLICATION'] == 'imager' or row['APPLICATION'] == 'OLAP' or row['APPLICATION'] == 'ms': if beVerbose: print '%s was run at time %f with parameters:' % (row['APPLICATION'],row['TIME']) for r in row['APP_PARAMS']: print '\t%s' % (r) else: if not didWarn: print '(Skipping OLAP, imager, and ms rows, use -v to print them)' didWarn = True if row['APPLICATION'] in whatSkipped: whatSkipped[row['APPLICATION']] += 1 else: whatSkipped[row['APPLICATION']] = 1 else: print '%s was run at time %f with parameters:' % (row['APPLICATION'],row['TIME']) for r in row['APP_PARAMS']: print '\t%s' % (r) print 'Overview of skipped rows:' for key in whatSkipped: print '\t%s:\tskipped %d times' % (key,whatSkipped[key])
def copy_column_to_ms(ms, inputcol, outputcol, ms_from=None): """ Copies one column to another, within an MS file or between two MS files Parameters ---------- ms : str MS file receiving copy inputcol : str Column name to copy from outputcol : str Column name to copy to ms_from : str, optional MS file to copy from. If None, the column is copied internally """ t = pt.table(ms, readonly=False, ack=False) if ms_from is not None: tf = pt.table(ms_from, readonly=False, ack=False) data = tf.getcol(inputcol) desc = tf.getcoldesc(inputcol) else: data = t.getcol(inputcol) desc = t.getcoldesc(inputcol) # Add the output column if needed if outputcol not in t.colnames(): desc['name'] = outputcol t.addcols(desc) t.putcol(outputcol, data) t.flush() t.close()
def rename2(SB, obsid): SBtable=pt.table("{0}/OBSERVATION".format(SB), ack=False) beam=int(SBtable.col("LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING")[0]) SBtable.close() SBtable=pt.table("{0}/SPECTRAL_WINDOW".format(SB), ack=False) sbno=int(SBtable.col("NAME")[0].split("-")[-1]) SBtable.close() newname="{0}_SAP{1:03d}_SB{2:03d}_uv.MS.dppp".format(obsid,beam,sbno) return newname
def ms (msname="$MS",subtable=None,write=False): """Opens the MS or a subtable (read-only by default), returns table object.""" msname = interpolate_locals("msname"); if not msname: raise ValueError("'msname' or global MS variable must be set"); if subtable: msname = table(msname,ack=False).getkeyword(subtable); tab = table(msname,readonly=not write,ack=False); return tab;
def read_ms(logger, msname, ateam, diameter=None): def get_station_diameter(table): histable = pt.table(table.getkeyword('HISTORY'), ack=False) for line in histable.getcell('APP_PARAMS', 0): try: key, value = line.split("=") except: pass if key == "Observation.antennaSet": antenna_set = value break if antenna_set == "LBA_INNER": logger.debug("LBA_INNER mode") return STATION_DIAMETER["LBA_INNER"] elif antenna_set[:3] == "LBA": logger.debug("LBA_(OUTER,SPARSE,X,Y) mode") return STATION_DIAMETER["LBA"] elif antenna_set[:3] == "HBA": logger.debug("HBA mode") return STATION_DIAMETER["HBA"] else: logger.error("Failed to identify antenna set") def field_size_ateam(table): logging.debug('Computing field size for A-team') fieldtable = table.getkeyword('FIELD').split()[1] taqloutput = pt.taql("calc from %s calc max(angdist (DELAY_DIR[0,], [%s]))" % (fieldtable, ", ".join(",".join(src) for src in ATEAM)) ) return taqloutput[0] def field_size_nominal(table, wavelength, diameter): if not diameter: diameter = get_station_diameter(table) logger.debug("Station diameter %f m" % diameter) return 1.22*wavelength/diameter t = pt.table(msname, readonly=True, ack=False) interval = t.getcell('INTERVAL', 0) swtable = t.getkeyword('SPECTRAL_WINDOW') tsw = pt.table(swtable, readonly=True, ack=False) freq = tsw.getcell('REF_FREQUENCY', 0) wavelength = 299792458./freq maxbl = pt.taql("calc sqrt(max([select sumsqr(UVW[0:1]) from %s]))" % msname)[0] / wavelength chwidth = tsw.getcell('CHAN_WIDTH', 0)[0] if ateam: fieldsize = field_size_ateam(t) else: fieldsize = field_size_nominal(t, wavelength, diameter) logger.debug('Frequency is %f MHz'%(freq/1.e6)) logger.debug('Wavelength is %f m'%(wavelength)) logger.debug('Maximum baseline length is %f m = %f lambdas'%(maxbl*wavelength,maxbl)) logger.debug('Integration time is %f sec'%(interval)) logger.debug('Channel width is %f Hz'%(chwidth)) logger.debug('Field size is %f degrees'%(fieldsize*180./3.14159)) return fieldsize, maxbl, freq, interval, chwidth
def compareColumn(self, columnname, taql=False): if self.verbose: print "Comparing "+ bcolors.OKBLUE + columnname + bcolors.ENDC + " columns." # DEBUG passed=False errorcount=0 # counter that counts rows with differying columns if taql==False: # If taql is not to be used for comparison, use numpy difference if self.debug: print "compareColumn() using numpy" reftab=pt.table(self.MS) # Open reference MS in readonly mode testtab=pt.table(self.test_MS) # Open test MS in readonly mode tc_ref=reftab.col(columnname) # get column in reference table as numpy array tc_test=testtab.col(columnname) # get column in test table as numpy array nrows=testtab.nrows() for i in progressbar( range(0, nrows-1), "comparing " + columnname + " ", 60): difference = numpy.max(abs(tc_test[i] - tc_ref[i])) # Use numpy's ability to substract arrays from each other #sum=numpy.sum(difference) #if sum > (self.acceptancelimit/len(difference)): # determine if this failed the test if difference > self.acceptancelimit: # determine if this failed the test passed=False else: passed=True reftab.close() testtab.close() else: if self.debug: print "compareColumn() using TaQL" # DEBUG self.addRefColumnToTesttab(columnname) # add reference table column as forward column testcolumnname = "test_" + columnname # create name which is used in test_MS if refcolum was added # Loop over columns, compute and check difference (must be within self.acceptancelimit) # use TaQL for this? How to select from two tables? TODO: check this! # taqlcmd = "SELECT * FROM '" + self.test_MS + "' WHERE !all(NEAR(Real("+columnname+"), Real("+testcolumnname+")) AND NEAR(Imag("+columnname+"), Imag("+testcolumnname+")))" # errorcount = result.nrows() taqlcmd = "SELECT * FROM '" + self.test_MS + "' WHERE !all(NEARABS(Real("+columnname+"), Real("+testcolumnname+")," + str(self.acceptancelimit) + ") AND NEARABS(Imag("+columnname+"), Imag("+testcolumnname+"),"+ str(self.acceptancelimit) +"))" # print "taqlcmd = ", taqlcmd # DEBUG errorcount=pt.taql(taqlcmd).nrows() if self.verbose or self.debug: print "errorcount = ", errorcount # display number of errors=No. of rows # If test_MS COLUMN and reference COLUMN have any discrepancy... if errorcount > 0: passed=False # ... the test is failed else: passed=True return passed
def updatehistory(outms): """ Update history to show that this script has modified original data """ tc = pt.table(outms,readonly=False) th = pt.table(tc.getkeyword('HISTORY'), readonly=False, ack=False) nr=th.nrows() th.addrows(1) tr=th.row() tr.put(nr,{'TIME': quantity('today').get('s').get_value(), 'OBSERVATION_ID':0,'MESSAGE': ' ', 'PRIORITY': ' ', 'ORIGIN': ' ','OBJECT_ID':0, 'APPLICATION':'mslin2circ','CLI_COMMAND':[''],'APP_PARAMS': ['']})
def getantlist(self): print 'Listing antennas in MS '+self.inputEntry.get()+'\n' ttmp = pt.table(self.inputEntry.get(),readonly=True,ack=False) tant = pt.table(ttmp.getkeyword('ANTENNA'),readonly=True,ack=False) antlist = tant.getcol('NAME') self.antList.delete(0,END) ninserted = 0 for ant in antlist: self.antList.insert(END, ant) self.antList.selection_set(ninserted) ninserted += 1
def updateObsTable (image, msName, minbl, maxbl, aswvl, usedCounts, visCounts, minTime, maxTime, totTime): obstab = pt.table ( + "/LOFAR_OBSERVATION", readonly=False, ack=False) oritab = pt.table ( + "/LOFAR_ORIGIN", ack=False) minfreq = pt.taql ("calc min([select FREQUENCY_MIN from '" + + "'])") maxfreq = pt.taql ("calc max([select FREQUENCY_MAX from '" + + "'])") obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MIN", 0, minfreq[0]); obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MAX", 0, maxfreq[0]); obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_CENTER", 0, (minfreq[0]+maxfreq[0])/2); obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_INTEGRATION_TIME", 0, totTime); obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_START", 0, minTime); obstab.putcell ("OBSERVATION_END", 0, maxTime); obstab.putcell ("TIME_RANGE", 0, (minTime, maxTime)); obstab.putcell ("FILENAME", 0, os.path.basename( obstab.putcell ("FILETYPE", 0, "sky") pt.taql ("update '" + + "' set FILEDATE = mjd(date()), " + "RELEASE_DATE = mjd(date()+365)") # Determine minimum and maximum baseline length # If needed, convert from wavelengths to meters. mstab = pt.table(msName, ack=False) if aswvl: minbl *= 2.99792e8 / maxfreq[0] maxbl *= 2.99792e8 / minfreq[0] if minbl <= 0: mbl = pt.taql ("calc sqrt(min([select sumsqr(UVW[:2]) from " + msName + "]))") minbl = max(mbl[0], abs(minbl)) if maxbl <= 0: mbl = pt.taql ("calc sqrt(max([select sumsqr(UVW[:2]) from " + msName + "]))") if maxbl == 0: maxbl = mbl[0] else: maxbl = min(mbl[0], abs(maxbl)) mstab.close() # Add and fill a few extra columns. col1 = pt.makescacoldesc ("MIN_BASELINE_LENGTH", 0, valuetype='double') col2 = pt.makescacoldesc ("MAX_BASELINE_LENGTH", 0, valuetype='double') col3 = pt.makearrcoldesc ("NVIS_USED", 0, valuetype='int') col4 = pt.makearrcoldesc ("NVIS_TOTAL", 0, valuetype='int') obstab.addcols (pt.maketabdesc ([col1, col2, col3, col4])) obstab.putcolkeyword ("MIN_BASELINE_LENGTH", "QuantumUnits", ["m"]) obstab.putcolkeyword ("MAX_BASELINE_LENGTH", "QuantumUnits", ["m"]) obstab.putcell ("MIN_BASELINE_LENGTH", 0, minbl) obstab.putcell ("MAX_BASELINE_LENGTH", 0, maxbl) # Get sum for all MSs. tusedCounts = usedCounts.sum (axis=0) tvisCounts = visCounts.sum (axis=0) obstab.putcell ("NVIS_USED", 0, tusedCounts) obstab.putcell ("NVIS_TOTAL", 0, tvisCounts) obstab.close() oritab.close() print "Updated subtable LOFAR_OBSERVATION"
def putInMS(self): MS=self.MS MS1name=self.MS1name from pyrap.tables import table MSout=ClassMS.ClassMS(MS1name,Col=self.Cols) idx=0 AntMap=np.zeros((,,dtype=np.int32) for i in range( for j in range(i, #AntMap[i,j]=idx AntMap[MSout.A0[idx],MSout.A1[idx]]=idx idx+=1 t0=MS.times_all[0] it=np.int64(np.round((MS.times_all-t0)/self.Dt))*MSout.nbl Rowmap=it+AntMap[MS.A0,MS.A1] indIn=np.arange(MS.uvw.shape[0]) MSout.flag_all.fill(1) #replace: MSout.uvw[Rowmap,:]=MS.uvw[:,:] #MSout.times_all[Rowmap]=MS.times_all[:] MSout.A0[Rowmap]=MS.A0[:] MSout.A1[Rowmap]=MS.A1[:] if not(self.RevertFreqs): for i in range(len(self.Cols)):[i][Rowmap,:,:][i][:,:,:] MSout.flag_all[Rowmap,:,:]=MS.flag_all[:,:,:] else: for i in range(len(self.Cols)):[i][Rowmap,::-1,:][i][:,:,:] MSout.flag_all[Rowmap,::-1,:]=MS.flag_all[:,:,:] MSout.SaveAllDataStruct() t=table(MS.MSName+"::SPECTRAL_WINDOW",ack=False,readonly=False) chanFreqs=t.getcol('CHAN_FREQ') chanWidth=t.getcol('CHAN_WIDTH') t.close() for spw in range(chanFreqs.shape[0]): ind=np.argsort(chanFreqs[spw]) chanFreqs[spw][:]=chanFreqs[spw][ind] chanWidth[spw][:]=np.abs(chanWidth[spw][ind]) t=table(MSout.MSName+"::SPECTRAL_WINDOW",ack=False,readonly=False) t.putcol('CHAN_FREQ',chanFreqs) t.putcol('CHAN_WIDTH',chanWidth) t.close()
def find_timeint(ms): """ Get time interval in seconds """ import pyrap.tables as tb t = tb.table(ms, ack=False) Ntimes = len(set(t.getcol('TIME'))) t.close() t = tb.table(ms+'/OBSERVATION', ack=False) deltat = (t.getcol('TIME_RANGE')[0][1]-t.getcol('TIME_RANGE')[0][0])/Ntimes t.close() logging.debug('Time interval for '+ms+': '+str(deltat)) return deltat
def RotateMS(self,radec): import ModRotate ModRotate.Rotate(self,radec) ta=table(self.MSName+'/FIELD/',ack=False,readonly=False) ra,dec=radec radec=np.array([[[ra,dec]]]) ta.putcol("DELAY_DIR",radec) ta.putcol("PHASE_DIR",radec) ta.putcol("REFERENCE_DIR",radec) ta.close() t=table(self.MSName,ack=False,readonly=False) t.putcol(self.ColName, t.putcol("UVW",self.uvw) t.close()
def __init__(self,ms,times=[],direction=[]): myt=tab.table(ms+'/LOFAR_ANTENNA_FIELD') self.flags=myt.getcol("ELEMENT_FLAG") self.offsets=myt.getcol("ELEMENT_OFFSET") myt=tab.table(ms+'/ANTENNA') self.fieldcenter=myt.getcol("LOFAR_PHASE_REFERENCE") self.stationcenter=myt.getcol("POSITION") self.offsetshift=self.fieldcenter-self.stationcenter self.refdir=tab.table(ms+'FIELD').getcol('PHASE_DIR')[0][0] itrfdir=[] self.times=times self.direction=direction self.initiated=False self.init_times()
def getdatainfo(ms): t1=pt.table("{0}.img.restored.corr".format(ms), ack=False) restbw=t1.getkeywords()['coords']['spectral2']['wcs']['cdelt'] t1.close() t1=pt.table("{0}/OBSERVATION".format(ms), ack=False) thisendtime=t1.getcell('LOFAR_OBSERVATION_END', 0) thisantenna=t1.getcell('LOFAR_ANTENNA_SET', 0) t1.close() table = pt.table("{0}.img.restored.corr".format(ms), ack=False) subtables = open_subtables(table) ncore, nremote, nintl = parse_stations(subtables) subbandwidth = parse_subbandwidth(subtables) subbands = parse_subbands(subtables) close_subtables(subtables) return restbw, thisendtime, thisantenna, ncore, nremote, nintl, subbandwidth, subbands
def getdatainfo(ms, imagename): t1 = pt.table("{0}.restored.corr".format(imagename), ack=False) restbw = t1.getkeywords()["coords"]["spectral2"]["wcs"]["cdelt"] t1.close() t1 = pt.table("{0}/OBSERVATION".format(ms), ack=False) thisendtime = t1.getcell("LOFAR_OBSERVATION_END", 0) thisantenna = t1.getcell("LOFAR_ANTENNA_SET", 0) t1.close() table = pt.table("{0}.restored.corr".format(imagename), ack=False) subtables = open_subtables(table) ncore, nremote, nintl = parse_stations(subtables) subbandwidth = parse_subbandwidth(subtables) subbands = parse_subbands(subtables) close_subtables(subtables) return restbw, thisendtime, thisantenna, ncore, nremote, nintl, subbandwidth, subbands
def grab_coo_MS(MS): """ Read the coordinates of a field from one MS corresponding to the selection given in the parameters Parameters ---------- MS : str Full name (with path) to one MS of the field Returns ------- RA, Dec : "tuple" coordinates of the field (RA, Dec in deg , J2000) """ # reading the coordinates ("position") from the MS # NB: they are given in rad,rad (J2000) [[[ra,dec]]] = pt.table(MS+'::FIELD', readonly=True, ack=False).getcol('PHASE_DIR') # RA is stocked in the MS in [-pi;pi] # => shift for the negative angles before the conversion to deg (so that RA in [0;2pi]) if ra<0: ra=ra+2*np.pi # convert radians to degrees ra_deg = ra/np.pi*180. dec_deg = dec/np.pi*180. # and sending the coordinates in deg return ra_deg,dec_deg
def plotflags (tabnames): """Plot NDPPP Count results A flagging or count step in NDPPP can save the flagging percentages per frequency or station. They are saved in a table (per subband) with the extension ''.flagfreq'' or ''.flagstat''. The flag percentages of a subband can be plotted by giving the name of the table containing the results. It is also possible to plot the results of multiple subbands by giving a list of table names. Frequency results will be sorted in order of frequency, while station results are averaged over the subbands. """ t = pt.table(tabnames) if 'Frequency' in t.colnames(): t1 = t.sort ('Frequency') pylab.plot (t1.getcol('Frequency'), t1.getcol('Percentage')) elif 'Station' in t.colnames(): percs = [] names = [] for t1 in t.iter ('Station'): percs.append (t1.getcol('Percentage').mean()) names.append (t1.getcell('Name', 0)) pylab.plot (numpy.array(percs), '+') else: raise RuntimeError('Table appears not to be a NDPPP Count result; it does not contain a Frequency or Station column')
def get_frequencies(self): table = pt.table(os.path.join(self.filename, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW'), ack=False) frequencies = table.getcol('CHAN_FREQ')[0] nchannels = table.getcol('NUM_CHAN')[0] channel_width = table.getcol('CHAN_WIDTH')[0][0] return {'frequencies': frequencies, 'nchannels': nchannels, 'width': channel_width}
def create_mosaic(snap, band_nums, chosen_environ, pad): for b in band_nums: tocorrect=sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(snap, "images","L*_SAP00?_BAND0{0}.MS.dppp.img_mosaic0.avgpb".format(band_nums)))) for w in tocorrect: wname=w.split("/")[-1] if chosen_environ=='rsm-mainline' and pad > 1.0:"Correcting {0} mosaic padding...".format(wname)) avgpb=pt.table("{0}".format(w), ack=False, readonly=False) coordstable=avgpb.getkeyword('coords') coordstablecopy=coordstable.copy() value1=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][0] value2=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][1] value1*=pad value2*=pad # value1=960.0 # value2=960.0 newcrpix=np.array([value1, value2]) coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix']=newcrpix avgpb.putkeyword('coords', coordstablecopy) avgpb.close()"Zeroing corners of avgpb {0}...".format(wname))"python /home/as24v07/scripts/ {0} > {1}/logs/avgpbz_{2}_log.txt 2>&1".format(w, snap, wname), shell=True) tomosaic=sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(snap, "{0}_SAP00?_BAND0{1}.MS.dppp".format(snap,b))))"Creating {0} BAND0{1} Mosaic...".format(snap, b)) m_list=[i.split("/")[0]+"/images/"+i.split("/")[-1]+".img_mosaic" for i in tomosaic] m_name=os.path.join(snap, "images", "{0}_BAND0{1}_mosaic.fits".format(snap, b)) m_sens_name=os.path.join(snap, "images", "{0}_BAND0{1}_mosaic_sens.fits".format(snap, b))"python /home/as24v07/scripts/ -o {0} -a avgpbz -s {1} {2} > {3}/logs/mosaic_band0{4}_log.txt 2>&1".format(m_name, m_sens_name, ",".join(m_list), snap, b), shell=True)
def main(data_dir, working_dir, obs_num, new_weights_col): msfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, 'L{}*.ms'.format(obs_num))) if len(msfiles) == 0: raise IOError("No msfiles") mslist_file = os.path.join(working_dir, 'mslist.txt') with open(mslist_file, 'w') as f: for ms in msfiles: f.write("{}\n".format(ms)) merged_h5parm = os.path.join( data_dir, 'L{}_{}_merged.h5'.format(obs_num, 'DDS5_full')) with tables.open_file(merged_h5parm) as datapack: root = getattr(datapack, "root") sol000 = getattr(root, "sol000") tec_outliers_soltab = getattr(sol000, "tec_outliers000") times = tec_outliers_soltab.time[:] antennas = np.array(tec_outliers_soltab.ant[:]) # Npol, Nd, Na, Nt outliers = tec_outliers_soltab.val[...] Npol, Nd, Na, Nt = outliers.shape # Na, Nt flags = np.mean(outliers[0, ...], axis=0) # > Nd * outlier_frac_thresh # plotting some things frac_flagged = np.sum(flags, axis=0) / float(Na) plt.plot(frac_flagged) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel("Frac flagged [1]") plt.ylim(0., 1.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_flagged_per_time.png")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_flagged_per_time.pdf")) plt.close('all') frac_flagged = np.sum(flags, axis=1) / float(Nt) plt.plot(frac_flagged) plt.xlabel('Antenna index') plt.ylabel("Frac flagged [1]") plt.ylim(0., 1.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_flagged_per_ant.png")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_flagged_per_ant.pdf")) plt.close('all') frac_outliers = np.sum(outliers[0, ...], axis=0) / float(Nd) frac_flagged = np.sum(frac_outliers, axis=0) / float(Na) plt.plot(frac_flagged) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel("Frac flagged [1]") plt.ylim(0., 1.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_outliers_per_time.png")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_outliers_per_time.pdf")) plt.close('all') frac_flagged = np.sum(frac_outliers, axis=1) / float(Nt) plt.plot(frac_flagged) plt.xlabel('Antenna index') plt.ylabel("Frac flagged [1]") plt.ylim(0., 1.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_outliers_per_ant.png")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(working_dir, "frac_outliers_per_ant.pdf")) plt.close('all') for ms in msfiles: with pt.table(os.path.join(ms, "SPECTRAL_WINDOW")) as t_sw: ms_freq = np.mean(t_sw.getcol("CHAN_FREQ")) with pt.table(os.path.join(ms, "ANTENNA")) as t_ant: ant_names = np.array(t_ant.getcol('NAME')) ant_names = ant_names.astype(antennas.dtype) ant_map = np.array([list(antennas).index(a) for a in ant_names])"Antenna map from MS to H5parm: {}".format(ant_map)) with pt.table(ms, readonly=False) as t: weights_col = t.getcol("IMAGING_WEIGHT")"Weight col is shape {}".format(weights_col.shape)) cols = t.colnames() if new_weights_col in cols: t.removecols(new_weights_col) desc = t.getcoldesc("IMAGING_WEIGHT") desc['name'] = new_weights_col t.addcols(desc)"Created {}".format(new_weights_col)) # t.putcol(new_weights_col, weights_col) #"Stored original weights") vis_ant1 = ant_map[t.getcol('ANTENNA1')] vis_ant2 = ant_map[t.getcol('ANTENNA2')] vis_times = t.getcol('TIME') # indexes closest point in solset time_map = np.searchsorted(times, vis_times, side='right') new_flags = np.maximum(flags[vis_ant1, time_map], flags[vis_ant2, time_map])"Flagged [{} / {}] baselines ({:.2f}%)".format( np.sum(new_flags), new_flags.size, 100. * (np.sum(new_flags) / float(new_flags.size)))) new_weights = ( 1. - new_flags[:, None] ) * weights_col # + new_flags[:,None]*0.#np.where(new_flags[:, None], 0., weights_col) t.putcol(new_weights_col, new_weights)"Stored flags in {}".format(new_weights_col))
import pyrap.tables as pt oldtable = "/scratch/jason/" newtable = "/scratch/jason/" t = pt.table(oldtable) dmdef = t.getdminfo() print("Original Table: **************************") for i in dmdef: print(i) print(dmdef[i]) dmdef["*17"]["TYPE"] = "AdiosStMan" print("New Table: ***********************") for i in dmdef: print(i) print(dmdef[i]) t.copy(newtable, True, True, dminfo=dmdef)
for i in range(0, len(fields)): # Define input MS in_ms = in_path + '/%s/' % (obsid, fields[i]) # Define rest frequency dictionary desc = { 'name': 'REST_FREQUENCY', '_c_order': True, 'comment': 'Line rest frequency', 'dataManagerGroup': 'StandardStMan', 'dataManagerType': 'StandardStMan', 'keywords': { 'MEASINFO': { 'Ref': 'LSRK', 'type': 'frequency' }, 'QuantumUnits': ['Hz'] }, 'maxlen': 0, 'ndim': -1, 'option': 0, 'valueType': 'double' } # Add rest frequency field to table tt = table('%s/SOURCE' % (in_ms), readonly=False) if 'REST_FREQUENCY' not in tt.colnames(): tt.addcols(desc) tt.done()
import numpy import glob import subprocess from pyrap.tables import table mslist = glob.glob('*') for myms in mslist: dryrun = False tt = table(myms, ack=False) fields = numpy.unique(tt.getcol('FIELD_ID')).tolist() field = fields[0] tt.done() print myms + ' using field ' + str(field) # wsclean myms suffix column field automask updatemodel dryrun cc = 'python ' + myms + ' data DATA ' + str( field) + ' True True ' + str(dryrun), shell=True) # cubical myms parset prefix field dryrun cc = 'python ' + myms + ' askap-phasecal.parset pcal ' + str( field) + ' ' + str(dryrun), shell=True) # wsclean myms suffix column field automask updatemodel dryrun cc = 'python ' + myms + ' pcal CORRECTED_DATA ' + str( field) + ' True True ' + str(dryrun), shell=True)
def _msss_mask(self, mask_file_path, sourcedb_path, mask_patch_size=1.0): """ Fill casa image with a mask based on skymodel(sourcedb) Bugs: [email protected] pipeline implementation [email protected] version 0.32 Edited by JDS, 2012-03-16: - Properly convert maj/minor axes to half length - Handle empty fields in sky model by setting them to 0 - Fix off-by-one error at mask boundary FIXED BUG - if a source is outside the mask, the script ignores it - if a source is on the border, the script draws only the inner part - can handle skymodels with different headers KNOWN BUG - not works with single line skymodels, workaround: add a fake source outside the field - mask patched display large amounts of aliasing. A possible sollution would be normalizing to pixel centre. ( int(normalize_x * npix) / npix + (0.5 /npix)) ideally the patch would increment in pixel radiuses Version 0.3 (Wouter Klijn, [email protected]) - Usage of sourcedb instead of txt document as 'source' of sources This allows input from different source sources Version 0.31 (Wouter Klijn, [email protected]) - Adaptable patch size (patch size needs specification) - Patch size and geometry is broken: needs some astronomer magic to fix it, problem with afine transformation prol. Version 0.32 (Wouter Klijn, [email protected]) - Renaming of variable names to python convention """ # increment in maj/minor axes [arcsec] pad = 500. # open mask mask = pim.image(mask_file_path, overwrite=True) mask_data = mask.getdata() xlen, ylen = mask.shape()[2:] freq, stokes, null, null = mask.toworld([0, 0, 0, 0]) # Open the sourcedb: table = pt.table(sourcedb_path + "::SOURCES") pdb = lofar.parmdb.parmdb(sourcedb_path) # Get the data of interest source_list = table.getcol("SOURCENAME") source_type_list = table.getcol("SOURCETYPE") # All date in the format valuetype:sourcename all_values_dict = pdb.getDefValues() # Loop the sources for source, source_type in zip(source_list, source_type_list): if source_type == 1: type_string = "Gaussian" else: type_string = "Point""processing: {0} ({1})".format( source, type_string)) # Get de right_ascension and declination (already in radians) right_ascension = all_values_dict["Ra:" + source][0, 0] declination = all_values_dict["Dec:" + source][0, 0] if source_type == 1: # Get the raw values from the db maj_raw = all_values_dict["MajorAxis:" + source][0, 0] min_raw = all_values_dict["MinorAxis:" + source][0, 0] pa_raw = all_values_dict["Orientation:" + source][0, 0] # convert to radians (conversion is copy paste JDS) # major radius (+pad) in rad maj = (((maj_raw + pad)) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. # minor radius (+pad) in rad minor = (((min_raw + pad)) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. pix_asc = pa_raw * np.pi / 180. # wenss writes always 'GAUSSIAN' even for point sources # -> set to wenss beam+pad if maj == 0 or minor == 0: maj = ((54. + pad) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. minor = ((54. + pad) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. # set to wenss beam+pad elif source_type == 0: maj = (((54. + pad) / 2.) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. minor = (((54. + pad) / 2.) / 3600.) * np.pi / 180. pix_asc = 0. else:"WARNING: unknown source source_type ({0})," "ignoring: ".format(source_type)) continue # define a small square around the source to look for it null, null, border_y1, border_x1 = mask.topixel([ freq, stokes, declination - maj, right_ascension - maj / np.cos(declination - maj) ]) null, null, border_y2, border_x2 = mask.topixel([ freq, stokes, declination + maj, right_ascension + maj / np.cos(declination + maj) ]) xmin =[border_x1, border_x2]))) xmax =[border_x1, border_x2]))) ymin =[border_y1, border_y2]))) ymax =[border_y1, border_y2]))) if xmin > xlen or ymin > ylen or xmax < 0 or ymax < 0:"WARNING: source {0} falls outside the mask," " ignoring: ".format(source)) continue if xmax > xlen or ymax > ylen or xmin < 0 or ymin < 0: "WARNING: source {0} falls across map edge".format(source)) for pixel_x in xrange(xmin, xmax): for pixel_y in xrange(ymin, ymax): # skip pixels outside the mask field if pixel_x >= xlen or pixel_y >= ylen or\ pixel_x < 0 or pixel_y < 0: continue # get pixel right_ascension and declination in rad null, null, pix_dec, pix_ra = mask.toworld( [0, 0, pixel_y, pixel_x]) # Translate and rotate coords. translated_pixel_x = (pix_ra - right_ascension) * np.sin( pix_asc) + (pix_dec - declination) * np.cos(pix_asc) # to align with ellipse translate_pixel_y = -(pix_ra - right_ascension) * np.cos( pix_asc) + (pix_dec - declination) * np.sin(pix_asc) if (((translated_pixel_x ** 2) / (maj ** 2)) + ((translate_pixel_y ** 2) / (minor ** 2))) < \ mask_patch_size: mask_data[0, 0, pixel_y, pixel_x] = 1 null = null mask.putdata(mask_data) table.close()
def main(ms_input, outmapname=None, mapfile_dir=None, cellsize_highres_deg=0.00208, cellsize_lowres_deg=0.00694, fieldsize_highres=2.5, fieldsize_lowres=6.5, image_padding=1., y_axis_stretch=1.): """ Check a list of MS files for missing frequencies Parameters ---------- ms_input : list or str List of MS filenames, or string with list, or path to a mapfile outmapname: str Name of output mapfile mapfile_dir : str Directory for output mapfile cellsize_highres_deg : float, optional cellsize for the high-res images in deg cellsize_lowres_deg : float, optional cellsize for the low-res images in deg fieldsize_highres : float, optional How many FWHM's shall the high-res images be. fieldsize_lowres : float, optional How many FWHM's shall the low-res images be. image_padding : float, optional How much padding shall we add to the padded image sizes. y_axis_stretch : float, optional How much shall the y-axis be stretched or compressed. Returns ------- result : dict Dict with the name of the generated mapfiles """ if not outmapname or not mapfile_dir: raise ValueError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: outmapname and mapfile_dir are needed!' ) if type(ms_input) is str: if ms_input.startswith('[') and ms_input.endswith(']'): ms_list = [ f.strip(' \'\"') for f in ms_input.strip('[]').split(',') ] else: map_in = DataMap.load(ms_input) map_in.iterator = DataMap.SkipIterator ms_list = [] for fname in map_in: if fname.startswith('[') and fname.endswith(']'): for f in fname.strip('[]').split(','): ms_list.append(f.strip(' \'\"')) else: ms_list.append(fname.strip(' \'\"')) elif type(ms_input) is list: ms_list = [str(f).strip(' \'\"') for f in ms_input] else: raise TypeError('sort_into_freqBands: type of "ms_input" unknown!') cellsize_highres_deg = float(cellsize_highres_deg) cellsize_lowres_deg = float(cellsize_lowres_deg) fieldsize_highres = float(fieldsize_highres) fieldsize_lowres = float(fieldsize_lowres) image_padding = float(image_padding) y_axis_stretch = float(y_axis_stretch) msdict = {} for ms in ms_list: # group all MSs by frequency sw = pt.table(ms + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) msfreq = int(sw.col('REF_FREQUENCY')[0]) sw.close() if msfreq in msdict: msdict[msfreq].append(ms) else: msdict[msfreq] = [ms] bands = [] bandfreqs = [] print " Putting files into bands." for MSkey in msdict.keys(): bands.append(Band(msdict[MSkey])) bandfreqs.append(Band(msdict[MSkey]).freq) ## min freq gives largest image size for deep image bandfreqs = np.array(bandfreqs) minfreq = np.min(bandfreqs) bandmin = np.argmin(bandfreqs) ## need to map the output from wsclean channels to the right frequencies ## just put the bands in the right freq order wsclean_channum = np.argsort(bandfreqs) bands = np.array(bands) bands = bands[wsclean_channum] #minfreq = 1e9 #for ib, band in enumerate(bands): #if band.freq < minfreq: #minfreq = band.freq #bandmin = ib group_map = MultiDataMap() file_single_map = DataMap([]) high_size_map = DataMap([]) low_size_map = DataMap([]) high_paddedsize_map = DataMap([]) low_paddedsize_map = DataMap([]) numfiles = 0 nbands = len(bands) if nbands > 8: nchansout_clean1 = / 4) elif nbands > 4: nchansout_clean1 = / 2) else: nchansout_clean1 = (freqstep, timestep) = bands[0].get_averaging_steps() (nwavelengths_high, nwavelengths_low) = bands[0].nwavelengths(cellsize_highres_deg, cellsize_lowres_deg, timestep) for band in bands: print " Working on Band:", group_map.append(MultiDataProduct('localhost', band.files, False)) numfiles += len(band.files) for filename in band.files: file_single_map.append(DataProduct('localhost', filename, False)) (imsize_high_res, imsize_low_res) = band.get_image_sizes( cellsize_highres_deg, cellsize_lowres_deg, fieldsize_highres, fieldsize_lowres) imsize_high_res_stretch = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_high_res * y_axis_stretch)) high_size_map.append( DataProduct( 'localhost', str(imsize_high_res) + " " + str(imsize_high_res_stretch), False)) imsize_low_res_stretch = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_low_res * y_axis_stretch)) low_size_map.append( DataProduct( 'localhost', str(imsize_low_res) + " " + str(imsize_low_res_stretch), False)) imsize_high_pad = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_high_res * image_padding)) imsize_high_pad_stretch = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_high_res * image_padding * y_axis_stretch)) high_paddedsize_map.append( DataProduct( 'localhost', str(imsize_high_pad) + " " + str(imsize_high_pad_stretch), False)) imsize_low_pad = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_low_res * image_padding)) imsize_low_pad_stretch = band.get_optimum_size( int(imsize_low_res * image_padding * y_axis_stretch)) low_paddedsize_map.append( DataProduct( 'localhost', str(imsize_low_pad) + " " + str(imsize_low_pad_stretch), False)) print band.freq / 1e6, imsize_high_res, imsize_high_res_stretch, imsize_high_pad, imsize_high_pad_stretch, imsize_low_res, imsize_low_res_stretch, imsize_low_pad, imsize_low_pad_stretch, nwavelengths_high, nwavelengths_low if band.freq == minfreq: deep_imsize_high_res = imsize_high_res deep_imsize_high_res_stretch = imsize_high_res_stretch deep_imsize_high_pad = imsize_high_pad deep_imsize_high_pad_stretch = imsize_high_pad_stretch deep_imsize_low_res = imsize_low_res deep_imsize_low_res_stretch = imsize_low_res_stretch deep_imsize_low_pad = imsize_low_pad deep_imsize_low_pad_stretch = imsize_low_pad_stretch print '*', band.freq / 1e6, imsize_high_res, imsize_high_res_stretch, imsize_high_pad, imsize_high_pad_stretch, imsize_low_res, imsize_low_res_stretch, imsize_low_pad, imsize_low_pad_stretch deep_high_size_map = DataMap([ DataProduct( 'localhost', str(deep_imsize_high_res) + " " + str(deep_imsize_high_res_stretch), False) ]) deep_high_paddedsize_map = DataMap([ DataProduct( 'localhost', str(deep_imsize_high_pad) + " " + str(deep_imsize_high_pad_stretch), False) ]) deep_low_size_map = DataMap([ DataProduct( 'localhost', str(deep_imsize_low_res) + " " + str(deep_imsize_low_res_stretch), False) ]) deep_low_paddedsize_map = DataMap([ DataProduct( 'localhost', str(deep_imsize_low_pad) + " " + str(deep_imsize_low_pad_stretch), False) ]) nbands_map = DataMap([DataProduct('localhost', str(nbands), False)]) nchansout_clean1_map = DataMap( [DataProduct('localhost', str(nchansout_clean1), False)]) print " Computing averaging steps." # get mapfiles for freqstep and timestep with the length of single_map freqstep_map = DataMap([]) timestep_map = DataMap([]) nwavelengths_high_map = DataMap([]) nwavelengths_low_map = DataMap([]) for index in xrange(numfiles): freqstep_map.append(DataProduct('localhost', str(freqstep), False)) timestep_map.append(DataProduct('localhost', str(timestep), False)) nwavelengths_high_map.append( DataProduct('localhost', str(nwavelengths_high), False)) nwavelengths_low_map.append( DataProduct('localhost', str(nwavelengths_low), False)) groupmapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname) file_single_mapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_single') high_sizename = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_high_size') low_sizename = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_low_size') high_padsize_name = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_high_padded_size') low_padsize_name = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_low_padded_size') deep_high_sizename = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_deep_high_size') deep_low_sizename = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_deep_low_size') deep_high_padsize_name = os.path.join( mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_deep_high_padded_size') deep_low_padsize_name = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_deep_low_padded_size') nbands_mapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_nbands') nchansout_clean1_mapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_nchansout_clean1') freqstepname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_freqstep') timestepname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_timestep') nwavelengths_high_name = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_nwavelengths_high') nwavelengths_low_name = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, outmapname + '_nwavelengths_low') result = { 'groupmap': groupmapname, 'single_mapfile': file_single_mapname, 'high_size_mapfile': high_sizename, 'low_size_mapfile': low_sizename, 'high_padsize_mapfile': high_padsize_name, 'low_padsize_mapfile': low_padsize_name, 'deep_high_size_mapfile': deep_high_sizename, 'deep_low_size_mapfile': deep_low_sizename, 'deep_high_padsize_mapfile': deep_high_padsize_name, 'deep_low_padsize_mapfile': deep_low_padsize_name, 'nbands': nbands_mapname, 'nchansout_clean1': nchansout_clean1_mapname, 'freqstep': freqstepname, 'timestep': timestepname, 'nwavelengths_high_mapfile': nwavelengths_high_name, 'nwavelengths_low_mapfile': nwavelengths_low_name } return result
def ProcessSingleMS(ms, kB, tsyseff, tsyseffFile, Aant, selectFieldName): print '' print '--- Working on file {0:s} ---'.format(ms) t = tables.table(ms) fieldIDs = t.getcol('FIELD_ID') ant1 = t.getcol('ANTENNA1') ant2 = t.getcol('ANTENNA2') fieldNames = tables.table(ms + '/FIELD').getcol('NAME') spw = tables.table(ms + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW') channelWidths = spw.getcol('CHAN_WIDTH') channelFreqs = spw.getcol('CHAN_FREQ') if selectFieldName: try: selectFieldID = fieldNames.index(selectFieldName) except ValueError: print ' CATASTROPHE!' print ' Cannot find the field you want to process, {0:s}'.format( selectFieldName) print ' Available fields are', fieldNames print ' Aborting ...' sys.exit() print 'Successfully selected Field with name {0:s} (Field ID = {1:d})'.format( selectFieldName, selectFieldID) selection = fieldIDs == selectFieldID else: print 'Will process all available fields:', fieldNames selection = fieldIDs >= fieldIDs.min() autoCorr = ant1 == ant2 if autoCorr.sum(): print 'Successfully selected crosscorrelations only' else: print 'Found crosscorrelations only' selection *= ant1 != ant2 nrAnt = np.unique(np.concatenate((ant1, ant2))).shape[0] nrBaseline = nrAnt * (nrAnt - 1) / 2 print 'Number of antennas = {0:d}'.format(nrAnt) print 'Number of baselines = {0:d}'.format(nrBaseline) print 'Frequency coverage = {0:.5e} Hz - {1:.5e} Hz'.format( channelFreqs.min(), channelFreqs.max()) if np.unique(channelWidths).shape[0] == 1: print 'Channel width = {0:.5e} Hz'.format(np.unique(channelWidths)[0]) else: print 'The channel width takes the following unique values:', np.unique( channelWidths), 'Hz' print 'Loading flags and intervals ...' flag = t.getcol('FLAG')[selection] # flagged data have flag = True interval = t.getcol('INTERVAL')[selection] if np.unique(interval).shape[0] == 1: print 'Interval = {0:.5e} sec'.format(np.unique(interval)[0]) else: print 'The interval takes the following unique values:', np.unique( interval), 'sec' t.close() print 'The *flag* array has shape (Nr_integrations, Nr_channels, Nr_polarisations) =', flag.shape print 'The *interval* array has shape (Nr_integrations) =', interval.shape print 'The *channel* width array has shape (-, Nr_channels) =', channelWidths.shape print 'Total Integration on selected field(s) = {0:.2f} h ({1:d} polarisations)'.format( interval.sum() / nrBaseline / 3600, flag.shape[2]) if tsyseffFile != None: rms = np.sqrt(2) * kB * InterpolateTsyseff( tsyseff, channelFreqs) / Aant / np.sqrt( channelWidths * interval.sum() * flag.shape[2]) else: rms = np.sqrt(2) * kB * tsyseff / Aant / np.sqrt( channelWidths * interval.sum() * flag.shape[2]) if len(rms.shape) == 2 and rms.shape[0] == 1: rms = rms[0] print 'The Stokes I theoretical natural rms ignoring flags has median and range: *** {0:.3e} Jy/b, ({1:.3e} - {2:.3e}) Jy/b ***'.format( np.nanmedian(rms), np.nanmin(rms), np.nanmax(rms)) return flag, interval, channelWidths, channelFreqs, rms
inter=interv[0] else: if options.force: print("\nForcing concat with different time intervals. Will take first interval as interval to use") inter=interv[0] else: print("\nMeasurement sets intervals are not the same!") print("Intervals detected: {0}".format(interv)) sys.exit() print("\nInterval = {0}s".format(inter)) if concat(args, oname): # if True: print("Changing Times on Set...") mstochange=pt.table(oname, ack=False, readonly=False) amps_time = mstochange.getcol('TIME') amps_time_cen = mstochange.getcol('TIME_CENTROID') new_time, newtime_cen, start, end=newtimearray(amps_time, amps_time_cen, inter, gap) mstochange.putcol('TIME',new_time) mstochange.putcol('TIME_CENTROID',newtime_cen) mstochange.close() mstochange=pt.table(oname+'/OBSERVATION', ack=False, readonly=False) mstochange.putcell("LOFAR_OBSERVATION_START", 0, start) mstochange.putcell("LOFAR_OBSERVATION_END", 0, start) newrange=np.array([start, end]) mstochange.putcell("TIME_RANGE", 0, newrange) mstochange.close() inttime=end-start print("Start Time: {0}".format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(quantity('{0}s'.format(start)).to_unix_time()))) print("NEW End Time: {0}".format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(quantity('{0}s'.format(end)).to_unix_time())))
axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == 'Clock': h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'clock', axesNames=['ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == 'TEC': h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'tec', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*Gain:*:Real' or solType == '*Gain:*:Ampl': h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'amplitude', axesNames=['pol','dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pols,dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*Gain:*:Imag' or solType == '*Gain:*:Phase': h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'phase', axesNames=['pol','dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pols,dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype)))'Collecting information from the ANTENNA table.') antennaTable = pt.table(antennaFile, ack=False) antennaNames = antennaTable.getcol('NAME') antennaPositions = antennaTable.getcol('POSITION') antennaTable.close() antennaTable = solset._f_get_child('antenna') antennaTable.append(zip(*(antennaNames, antennaPositions)))'Collecting information from the FIELD table.') fieldTable = pt.table(fieldFile, ack=False) phaseDir = fieldTable.getcol('PHASE_DIR') pointing = phaseDir[0, 0, :] fieldTable.close() sourceTable = solset._f_get_child('source') # add the field centre, that is also the direction for Gain and CommonRotationAngle sourceTable.append([('pointing', pointing)])
def test_ms_create(tmp_path, chunks, num_chans, corr_types, sources): # Set up rs = np.random.RandomState(42) ms_path = tmp_path / "" ms_table_name = str(ms_path) ant_table_name = "::".join((ms_table_name, "ANTENNA")) ddid_table_name = "::".join((ms_table_name, "DATA_DESCRIPTION")) pol_table_name = "::".join((ms_table_name, "POLARIZATION")) spw_table_name = "::".join((ms_table_name, "SPECTRAL_WINDOW")) # SOURCE is an optional MS sub-table src_table_name = "::".join((ms_table_name, "SOURCE")) ms_datasets = [] ant_datasets = [] ddid_datasets = [] pol_datasets = [] spw_datasets = [] src_datasets = [] # For comparison all_data_desc_id = [] all_data = [] # Create ANTENNA dataset of 64 antennas # Each column in the ANTENNA has a fixed shape so we # can represent all rows with one dataset na = 64 position = da.random.random((na, 3)) * 10000 offset = da.random.random((na, 3)) names = np.array(['ANTENNA-%d' % i for i in range(na)], dtype=np.object) ds = Dataset({ 'POSITION': (("row", "xyz"), position), 'OFFSET': (("row", "xyz"), offset), 'NAME': (("row", ), da.from_array(names, chunks=na)), }) ant_datasets.append(ds) # Create SOURCE datasets for s, (name, direction, rest_freq) in enumerate(sources): dask_num_lines = da.full((1, ), len(rest_freq), dtype=np.int32) dask_direction = da.asarray(direction)[None, :] dask_rest_freq = da.asarray(rest_freq)[None, :] dask_name = da.asarray(np.asarray([name], dtype=np.object), chunks=1) ds = Dataset({ "NUM_LINES": (("row", ), dask_num_lines), "NAME": (("row", ), dask_name), "REST_FREQUENCY": (("row", "line"), dask_rest_freq), "DIRECTION": (("row", "dir"), dask_direction), }) src_datasets.append(ds) # Create POLARISATION datasets. # Dataset per output row required because column shapes are variable for r, corr_type in enumerate(corr_types): dask_num_corr = da.full((1, ), len(corr_type), dtype=np.int32) dask_corr_type = da.from_array(corr_type, chunks=len(corr_type))[None, :] ds = Dataset({ "NUM_CORR": (("row", ), dask_num_corr), "CORR_TYPE": (("row", "corr"), dask_corr_type), }) pol_datasets.append(ds) # Create multiple MeerKAT L-band SPECTRAL_WINDOW datasets # Dataset per output row required because column shapes are variable for num_chan in num_chans: dask_num_chan = da.full((1, ), num_chan, dtype=np.int32) dask_chan_freq = da.linspace(.856e9, 2 * .856e9, num_chan, chunks=num_chan)[None, :] dask_chan_width = da.full((1, num_chan), .856e9 / num_chan) ds = Dataset({ "NUM_CHAN": (("row", ), dask_num_chan), "CHAN_FREQ": (("row", "chan"), dask_chan_freq), "CHAN_WIDTH": (("row", "chan"), dask_chan_width), }) spw_datasets.append(ds) # For each cartesian product of SPECTRAL_WINDOW and POLARIZATION # create a corresponding DATA_DESCRIPTION. # Each column has fixed shape so we handle all rows at once spw_ids, pol_ids = zip( *product(range(len(num_chans)), range(len(corr_types)))) dask_spw_ids = da.asarray(np.asarray(spw_ids, dtype=np.int32)) dask_pol_ids = da.asarray(np.asarray(pol_ids, dtype=np.int32)) ddid_datasets.append( Dataset({ "SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID": (("row", ), dask_spw_ids), "POLARIZATION_ID": (("row", ), dask_pol_ids), })) # Now create the associated MS dataset for ddid, (spw_id, pol_id) in enumerate(zip(spw_ids, pol_ids)): # Infer row, chan and correlation shape row = sum(chunks['row']) chan = spw_datasets[spw_id].CHAN_FREQ.shape[1] corr = pol_datasets[pol_id].CORR_TYPE.shape[1] # Create some dask vis data dims = ("row", "chan", "corr") np_data = (rs.normal(size=(row, chan, corr)) + 1j * rs.normal(size=(row, chan, corr))).astype(np.complex64) data_chunks = tuple((chunks['row'], chan, corr)) dask_data = da.from_array(np_data, chunks=data_chunks) # Create dask ddid column dask_ddid = da.full(row, ddid, chunks=chunks['row'], dtype=np.int32) dataset = Dataset({ 'DATA': (dims, dask_data), 'DATA_DESC_ID': (("row", ), dask_ddid) }) ms_datasets.append(dataset) all_data.append(dask_data) all_data_desc_id.append(dask_ddid) ms_writes = xds_to_table(ms_datasets, ms_table_name, columns="ALL") ant_writes = xds_to_table(ant_datasets, ant_table_name, columns="ALL") pol_writes = xds_to_table(pol_datasets, pol_table_name, columns="ALL") spw_writes = xds_to_table(spw_datasets, spw_table_name, columns="ALL") ddid_writes = xds_to_table(ddid_datasets, ddid_table_name, columns="ALL") source_writes = xds_to_table(src_datasets, src_table_name, columns="ALL") dask.compute(ms_writes, ant_writes, pol_writes, spw_writes, ddid_writes, source_writes) # Check ANTENNA table correctly created with pt.table(ant_table_name, ack=False) as A: assert_array_equal(A.getcol("NAME"), names) assert_array_equal(A.getcol("POSITION"), position) assert_array_equal(A.getcol("OFFSET"), offset) required_desc = pt.required_ms_desc("ANTENNA") required_columns = set(k for k in required_desc.keys() if not k.startswith("_")) assert set(A.colnames()) == set(required_columns) # Check POLARIZATION table correctly created with pt.table(pol_table_name, ack=False) as P: for r, corr_type in enumerate(corr_types): assert_array_equal(P.getcol("CORR_TYPE", startrow=r, nrow=1), [corr_type]) assert_array_equal(P.getcol("NUM_CORR", startrow=r, nrow=1), [len(corr_type)]) required_desc = pt.required_ms_desc("POLARIZATION") required_columns = set(k for k in required_desc.keys() if not k.startswith("_")) assert set(P.colnames()) == set(required_columns) # Check SPECTRAL_WINDOW table correctly created with pt.table(spw_table_name, ack=False) as S: for r, num_chan in enumerate(num_chans): assert_array_equal( S.getcol("NUM_CHAN", startrow=r, nrow=1)[0], num_chan) assert_array_equal( S.getcol("CHAN_FREQ", startrow=r, nrow=1)[0], np.linspace(.856e9, 2 * .856e9, num_chan)) assert_array_equal( S.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH", startrow=r, nrow=1)[0], np.full(num_chan, .856e9 / num_chan)) required_desc = pt.required_ms_desc("SPECTRAL_WINDOW") required_columns = set(k for k in required_desc.keys() if not k.startswith("_")) assert set(S.colnames()) == set(required_columns) # We should get a cartesian product out with pt.table(ddid_table_name, ack=False) as D: spw_id, pol_id = zip( *product(range(len(num_chans)), range(len(corr_types)))) assert_array_equal(pol_id, D.getcol("POLARIZATION_ID")) assert_array_equal(spw_id, D.getcol("SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID")) required_desc = pt.required_ms_desc("DATA_DESCRIPTION") required_columns = set(k for k in required_desc.keys() if not k.startswith("_")) assert set(D.colnames()) == set(required_columns) with pt.table(src_table_name, ack=False) as S: for r, (name, direction, rest_freq) in enumerate(sources): assert_array_equal(S.getcol("NAME", startrow=r, nrow=1)[0], [name]) assert_array_equal(S.getcol("REST_FREQUENCY", startrow=r, nrow=1), [rest_freq]) assert_array_equal(S.getcol("DIRECTION", startrow=r, nrow=1), [direction]) with pt.table(ms_table_name, ack=False) as T: # DATA_DESC_ID's are all the same shape assert_array_equal(T.getcol("DATA_DESC_ID"), da.concatenate(all_data_desc_id)) # DATA is variably shaped (on DATA_DESC_ID) so we # compared each one separately. for ddid, data in enumerate(all_data): ms_data = T.getcol("DATA", startrow=ddid * row, nrow=row) assert_array_equal(ms_data, data) required_desc = pt.required_ms_desc() required_columns = set(k for k in required_desc.keys() if not k.startswith("_")) # Check we have the required columns assert set(T.colnames()) == required_columns.union( ["DATA", "DATA_DESC_ID"])
## changelog # W.Williams 2014/11/03 add - to give input/output statistics per channel # W.Williams 2014/11/03 fix - statistics per correlation # A.Drabent 2019/07/24 write fraction of flagged data into output file (for prefactor3) import numpy import pyrap.tables as pt import os import sys msname = str(sys.argv[1]) cliplevelhba = 5.0 cliplevellba = 50.0 t = pt.table(msname, readonly=False) data = t.getcol('MODEL_DATA') flag = t.getcol('FLAG') freq_tab = pt.table(msname + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW') freq = freq_tab.getcol('REF_FREQUENCY') if freq[0] > 100e6: cliplevel = cliplevelhba if freq[0] < 100e6: cliplevel = cliplevellba print('------------------------------') print('SB Frequency [MHz]', freq[0] / 1e6) for chan in range(0, numpy.size(data[0, :, 0])): print('chan %i : %.5f%% input XX flagged' % (chan, 100. * numpy.sum(flag[:, chan, 0] == True) /
def addOriginTable(image, msNames): # Concatenate the OBSERVATION subtables of all MSs. obsNames = [name + "/OBSERVATION" for name in msNames] obstab = pt.table(obsNames, ack=False) # Select and rename the required columns. # Some columns are not in the LOFAR_OBSERVATION table. Create them by # selecting a similarly typed column and fill them later. selstr = "LOFAR_OBSERVATION_ID as OBSERVATION_ID" selstr += ",LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING as SUB_ARRAY_POINTING" selstr += ",LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING as SUBBAND" selstr += ",LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING as NUM_CHAN" selstr += ",LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING as NTIME_AVG" selstr += ",LOFAR_SUB_ARRAY_POINTING as NCHAN_AVG" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MIN as CHANNEL_WIDTH" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MIN as EXPOSURE" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MIN as FREQUENCY_MIN" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_MAX as FREQUENCY_MAX" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_FREQUENCY_CENTER as FREQUENCY_CENTER" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_START as START" selstr += ",LOFAR_OBSERVATION_END as END" selstr += ",FLAG_ROW" sel = # Copy the subtable to the image and add it as a subtable. subtab = sel.copy( + "/" + "LOFAR_ORIGIN", deep=True) subtab = pt.table( + "/" + "LOFAR_ORIGIN", readonly=False, ack=False) obstab.close() image.putkeyword("ATTRGROUPS." + "LOFAR_ORIGIN", subtab) # Set the correct units of columns to update. subtab.putcolkeyword("CHANNEL_WIDTH", "QuantumUnits", ["Hz"]) subtab.putcolkeyword("EXPOSURE", "QuantumUnits", ["s"]) subtab.putcolkeyword("START", "MEASINFO", {"Ref": "UTC", "type": "epoch"}) subtab.putcolkeyword("END", "MEASINFO", {"Ref": "UTC", "type": "epoch"}) # Update the columns not in OBSERVATION table. # Get EXPOSURE from first row in main tables. # Get NUM_CHAN from SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtables. # Calculate CHANNEL_WIDTH (convert from MHz to Hz). # Get SUBBAND from MS name. for i in range(len(msNames)): t = pt.table(msNames[i], ack=False) subtab.putcell("EXPOSURE", i, t.getcell("EXPOSURE", 0)) t1 = pt.table(t.getkeyword("SPECTRAL_WINDOW"), ack=False) numchan = t1.getcell("NUM_CHAN", 0) subtab.putcell("NUM_CHAN", i, numchan) freqs = t1.getcell("CHAN_FREQ", 0) fwidths = t1.getcell("CHAN_WIDTH", 0) sfreq = freqs[0] - 0.5 * fwidths[0] efreq = freqs[-1] + 0.5 * fwidths[-1] subtab.putcell("FREQUENCY_MIN", i, sfreq) subtab.putcell("FREQUENCY_MAX", i, efreq) subtab.putcell("FREQUENCY_CENTER", i, t1.getcell("REF_FREQUENCY", 0)) subtab.putcell("CHANNEL_WIDTH", i, fwidths[0]) # Determine the averaging factors. avgfreq = 1 avgtime = 1 if ("LOFAR_FULL_RES_FLAG" in t.colnames()): avgfreq = t.getcolkeyword("LOFAR_FULL_RES_FLAG", "NCHAN_AVG") avgtime = t.getcolkeyword("LOFAR_FULL_RES_FLAG", "NTIME_AVG") subtab.putcell("NCHAN_AVG", i, avgfreq) subtab.putcell("NTIME_AVG", i, avgtime) t1.close() # Determine nr of data points flagged t.close() subband = 0 inx = msNames[i].find("SB") if inx >= 0: try: subband = int(msNames[i][inx + 2:inx + 5]) except: pass subtab.putcell("SUBBAND", i, subband) # Ready subtab.close() sel.close() print "Added subtable LOFAR_ORIGIN containing", len(msNames), "rows"
def __init__(self, MSfiles, factor_working_dir, dirindparmdb, skymodel_dirindep=None, local_dir=None, test_run=False): self.files = MSfiles self.msnames = [MS.split('/')[-1] for MS in self.files] self.working_dir = factor_working_dir self.dirindparmdbs = [ os.path.join(MS, dirindparmdb) for MS in self.files ] self.skymodel_dirindep = skymodel_dirindep self.numMS = len(self.files) # Get the frequency info and set name sw = pt.table(self.files[0] + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) self.freq = sw.col('REF_FREQUENCY')[0] self.nchan = sw.col('NUM_CHAN')[0] self.chan_freqs_hz = sw.col('CHAN_FREQ')[0] self.chan_width_hz = sw.col('CHAN_WIDTH')[0][0] sw.close() = 'Band_{0:.2f}MHz'.format(self.freq / 1e6) self.log = logging.getLogger('factor:{}'.format( self.log.debug('Band name is {}'.format( self.chunks_dir = os.path.join(factor_working_dir, 'chunks', # Do some checks self.check_freqs() self.check_parmdb() # Get the field RA and Dec obs = pt.table(self.files[0] + '::FIELD', ack=False) self.ra = np.degrees(float(obs.col('REFERENCE_DIR')[0][0][0])) if self.ra < 0.: self.ra = 360.0 + (self.ra) self.dec = np.degrees(float(obs.col('REFERENCE_DIR')[0][0][1])) obs.close() # Get the station diameter ant = pt.table(self.files[0] + '::ANTENNA', ack=False) self.diam = float(ant.col('DISH_DIAMETER')[0]) ant.close() # Find mean elevation and FOV for MS_id in xrange(self.numMS): # Add (virtual) elevation column to MS try: pt.addDerivedMSCal(self.files[MS_id]) except RuntimeError: # RuntimeError indicates column already exists pass # Calculate mean elevation tab = pt.table(self.files[MS_id], ack=False) if MS_id == 0: global_el_values = tab.getcol('AZEL1', rowincr=10000)[:, 1] else: global_el_values = np.hstack( (global_el_values, tab.getcol('AZEL1', rowincr=10000)[:, 1])) tab.close() # Remove (virtual) elevation column from MS pt.removeDerivedMSCal(self.files[MS_id]) self.mean_el_rad = np.mean(global_el_values) sec_el = 1.0 / np.sin(self.mean_el_rad) self.fwhm_deg = 1.1 * ( (3.0e8 / self.freq) / self.diam) * 180. / np.pi * sec_el # Check for SUBTRACTED_DATA_ALL column in original datasets self.has_sub_data = True self.has_sub_data_new = False for MSid in xrange(self.numMS): tab = pt.table(self.files[MSid], ack=False) if not 'SUBTRACTED_DATA_ALL' in tab.colnames(): self.log.error('SUBTRACTED_DATA_ALL column not found in file ' '{}'.format(self.files[MSid])) self.has_sub_data = False tab.close() if not self.has_sub_data:'Exiting...') sys.exit(1) # cut input files into chunks if needed chunksize = 2400. # in seconds -> 40min self.chunk_input_files(chunksize, dirindparmdb, local_dir=local_dir, test_run=test_run) if len(self.files) == 0: self.log.error( 'No data left after checking input files for band: {}. ' 'Probably too little unflagged data.'.format('Exiting!') sys.exit(1) # Calculate times and number of samples self.sumsamples = 0 self.minSamplesPerFile = 4294967295 # If LOFAR lasts that many seconds then I buy you a beer. self.starttime = np.finfo('d').max self.endtime = 0. for MSid in xrange(self.numMS): tab = pt.table(self.files[MSid], ack=False) self.starttime = min(self.starttime, np.min(tab.getcol('TIME'))) self.endtime = max(self.endtime, np.min(tab.getcol('TIME'))) for t2 in tab.iter(["ANTENNA1", "ANTENNA2"]): if (t2.getcell('ANTENNA1', 0)) < (t2.getcell('ANTENNA2', 0)): self.timepersample = t2.col('TIME')[1] - t2.col('TIME')[0] numsamples = t2.nrows() self.sumsamples += numsamples self.minSamplesPerFile = min(self.minSamplesPerFile, numsamples) break tab.close() self.log.debug("Using {0} files.".format(len(self.files))) if skymodel_dirindep != None: self.log.debug("Using Skymodel: {}".format( os.path.basename(skymodel_dirindep)))
# TO DO, need to fix input datasets with more than 1 freq. channels per MS import numpy import pyrap.tables as pt import sys import scipy.signal msname = str(sys.argv[1]) ionnormfactor = numpy.float(sys.argv[2]) ionscalefactor = numpy.float(sys.argv[3]) nblockconcat =[4]) colname = str(sys.argv[5]) chanperblock =[6]) t = pt.table(msname, readonly=False) freq_tab = pt.table(msname + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW') freq = freq_tab.getcol('REF_FREQUENCY') chanfreq = freq_tab.getcol('CHAN_FREQ')[0] wav = 3e8/freq anttab = pt.table(msname + '/ANTENNA') antlist = anttab.getcol('NAME') centerfreq = numpy.mean(chanfreq) freq_res = numpy.abs(chanfreq[0]-chanfreq[1]) for t2 in t.iter(["ANTENNA1","ANTENNA2"]):
def chunk_input_files(self, chunksize, dirindparmdb, local_dir=None, test_run=False, min_fraction=0.5): """ Make copies of input files that are smaller than 2*chunksize Chops off chunk of chunksize length until remainder is smaller than 2*chunksize Generates new self.files, self.msnames, and self.dirindparmdbs The direction independent parmDBs are fully copied into the new MSs Parameters ---------- chunksize : float length of a chunk in seconds dirindparmdb : str Name of direction-independent instrument parmdb inside the new chunk files local_dir : str Path to local scratch directory for temp output. The file is then copied to the original output directory test_run : bool, optional If True, don't actually do the chopping. min_fraction : float, optional Minimum fraction of unflaggged data in a time-chunk needed for the chunk to be kept. Only used whn chunking large files. (default = 0.1) """ newfiles = [] newdirindparmdbs = [] for MS_id in xrange(self.numMS): nchunks = 1 tab = pt.table(self.files[MS_id], ack=False) # Make filter for data columns that we don't need. These include imaging # columns and those made during initial subtraction colnames = tab.colnames() colnames_to_remove = [ 'MODEL_DATA', 'CORRECTED_DATA', 'IMAGING_WEIGHT', 'SUBTRACTED_DATA_HIGH', 'SUBTRACTED_DATA_ALL_NEW', 'SUBTRACTED_DATA', 'LOFAR_FULL_RES_FLAG' ] colnames_to_keep = [ c for c in colnames if c not in colnames_to_remove ] timepersample = tab.getcell('EXPOSURE', 0) timetab = tab.sort('unique desc TIME') tab.close() timearray = timetab.getcol('TIME') timetab.close() numsamples = len(timearray) mystarttime = np.min(timearray) myendtime = np.max(timearray) assert (timepersample * (numsamples - 1) + .5) > (myendtime - mystarttime) if (myendtime - mystarttime) > (2. * chunksize): nchunks = int((numsamples * timepersample) / chunksize) if test_run: self.log.debug( 'Would split (or not) {0} into {1} chunks. '.format( self.files[MS_id], nchunks)) tab.close() continue # Define directory where chunks are stored newdirname = self.chunks_dir if not os.path.exists(newdirname): os.mkdir(newdirname) if nchunks > 1: self.log.debug('Spliting {0} into {1} chunks...'.format( self.files[MS_id], nchunks)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool() results = process_chunk_star, itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(self.files[MS_id]), itertools.repeat(self.dirindparmdbs[MS_id]), range(nchunks), itertools.repeat(nchunks), itertools.repeat(mystarttime), itertools.repeat(myendtime), itertools.repeat(chunksize), itertools.repeat(dirindparmdb), itertools.repeat(colnames_to_keep), itertools.repeat(newdirname), itertools.repeat(local_dir), itertools.repeat(min_fraction))) pool.close() pool.join() for chunk_file, chunk_parmdb in results: if bool(chunk_file) and bool(chunk_parmdb): newfiles.append(chunk_file) newdirindparmdbs.append(chunk_parmdb) else: # Make symlinks for the files chunk_name = '{0}'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.files[MS_id]))[0]) chunk_file = os.path.join(newdirname, chunk_name) newdirindparmdb = os.path.join(chunk_file, dirindparmdb) if not os.path.exists(chunk_file): # It's a "new" file, check that the chunk has at least min_fraction # unflagged data. If not, then continue with the for loop over MSs # This will re-run for bad files every time factor is started, but the # user could just remove the file from the input directory. if find_unflagged_fraction( self.files[MS_id]) < min_fraction: self.log.debug( 'File {} not used because it contains too little unflagged' ' data'.format(os.path.basename( self.files[MS_id]))) continue os.symlink(self.files[MS_id], chunk_file) if not os.path.exists(newdirindparmdb): os.symlink(self.dirindparmdbs[MS_id], newdirindparmdb) newfiles.append(chunk_file) newdirindparmdbs.append(newdirindparmdb) # Check that each file has at least min_fraction unflagged data. If not, remove # it from the file list. # This may be come an option, so I kept the code for the time being. AH 14.3.2016 check_all_unflagged = False if check_all_unflagged: for f, p in zip(newfiles[:], newdirindparmdbs[:]): if self.find_unflagged_fraction(f) < min_fraction: newfiles.remove(f) newdirindparmdbs.remove(p) self.log.debug('Skipping file {0} in further processing ' '(unflagged fraction < {1}%)'.format( f, min_fraction * 100.0)) if test_run: return self.files = newfiles self.msnames = [os.path.basename(MS) for MS in self.files] self.dirindparmdbs = newdirindparmdbs self.numMS = len(self.files)
def parmDBs2h5parm(h5parmName, parmDBs, antennaFile, fieldFile, skydbFile=None, compression=5, solsetName=None): """ Write the contents of a list of parmDBs into a losoto-style hdf5-file h5parmName - name (path) of the hdf5 file to generate parmDBs - list with the names of the parmDBs antennaFile - name (path) of an ANTENNA table of the observation fieldFile - name (path) of a FIELD table of the observation skydbFile - name (path) of a skydb table of the calibration run (Needed for direction dependent parameters) compresion - compression level for the hdf5-file (0 - none ; 9 - highest) solsetName - name of the solset to generate (default: "sol000") """ # open/create the h5parm file and the solution-set h5parmDB = h5parm(h5parmName, readonly=False, complevel=compression) solset = h5parmDB.makeSolset(solsetName) #open the first instrument table, so that we know where to look for names and stuff firstInst = pdb.parmdb(parmDBs[0]) # get unique list of solution types solTypes = list(set(x1.split(":")[0] for x1 in firstInst.getNames())) # rewrite solTypes in order to put together # Gain <-> DirectionalGain # CommonRotationAngle <-> RotationAngle # CommonScalarPhase <-> ScalarPhase # it also separate Real/Imag/Ampl/Phase into different solTypes if "Gain" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('Gain') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Real') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Imag') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Ampl') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Phase') if "DirectionalGain" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('DirectionalGain') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Real') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Imag') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Ampl') solTypes.append('*Gain:*:Phase') if "RotationAngle" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('RotationAngle') solTypes.append('*RotationAngle') if "CommonRotationAngle" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('CommonRotationAngle') solTypes.append('*RotationAngle') if "RotationMeasure" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('RotationMeasure') solTypes.append('*RotationMeasure') if "ScalarPhase" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('ScalarPhase') solTypes.append('*ScalarPhase') if "CommonScalarPhase" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('CommonScalarPhase') solTypes.append('*ScalarPhase') if "CommonScalarAmplitude" in solTypes: solTypes.remove('CommonScalarAmplitude') solTypes.append('*ScalarAmplitude') # and remove duplicate entries solTypes = list(set(solTypes)) for solType in solTypes: if len(firstInst.getNames(solType + ':*')) == 0: continue pols = set() dirs = set() ants = set() freqs = set() times = set() ptype = set() for pDBname in parmDBs: instrumentdb = pdb.parmdb(pDBname) # create the axes grid, necessary if not all entries have the same axes lenght data = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid(solType + ':*') for solEntry in data: pol, dir, ant, parm = parmdbToAxes(solEntry) if pol != None: pols |= set([pol]) if dir != None: dirs |= set([dir]) if ant != None: ants |= set([ant]) freqs |= set(data[solEntry]['freqs']) times |= set(data[solEntry]['times']) #close the parmDB instrumentdb = 0 pols = np.sort(list(pols)) dirs = np.sort(list(dirs)) ants = np.sort(list(ants)) freqs = np.sort(list(freqs)) times = np.sort(list(times)) shape = [ i for i in (len(pols), len(dirs), len(ants), len(freqs), len(times)) if i != 0 ] vals = np.empty(shape) vals[:] = np.nan weights = np.zeros(shape) for pDBname in parmDBs: instrumentdb = pdb.parmdb(pDBname) # fill the values data = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid(solType + ':*') if 'Real' in solType: dataIm = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( solType.replace('Real', 'Imag') + ':*') if 'Imag' in solType: dataRe = instrumentdb.getValuesGrid( solType.replace('Imag', 'Real') + ':*') for solEntry in data: pol, dir, ant, parm = parmdbToAxes(solEntry) ptype |= set([solEntry.split(':')[0] ]) # original parmdb solution type freq = data[solEntry]['freqs'] time = data[solEntry]['times'] val = data[solEntry]['values'] # convert Real and Imag in Amp and Phase respectively if parm == 'Real': solEntryIm = solEntry.replace('Real', 'Imag') valI = dataIm[solEntryIm]['values'] val = np.sqrt((val**2) + (valI**2)) if parm == 'Imag': solEntryRe = solEntry.replace('Imag', 'Real') valR = dataRe[solEntryRe]['values'] val = np.arctan2(val, valR) coords = [] if pol != None: polCoord = np.searchsorted(pols, pol) coords.append(polCoord) if dir != None: dirCoord = np.searchsorted(dirs, dir) coords.append(dirCoord) if ant != None: antCoord = np.searchsorted(ants, ant) coords.append(antCoord) freqCoord = np.searchsorted(freqs, freq) timeCoord = np.searchsorted(times, time) vals[tuple(coords)][np.ix_(freqCoord, timeCoord)] = val.T weights[tuple(coords)][np.ix_(freqCoord, timeCoord)] = 1 #close the parmDB instrumentdb = 0 vals = np.nan_to_num(vals) # replace nans with 0 (flagged later) if solType == '*RotationAngle': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) # flag where val=0 h5parmDB.makeSoltab(solset, 'rotation', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*RotationMeasure': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) # flag where val=0 h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'rotationmeasure', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*ScalarPhase': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) h5parmDB.makeSoltab(solset, 'scalarphase', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*ScalarAmplitude': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'scalaramplitude', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == 'Clock': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) # clock may be diag or scalar if len(pols) == 0: h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'clock', axesNames=['ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) else: h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'clock', axesNames=['pol','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pol,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == 'TEC': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) # tec may be diag or scalar if len(pols) == 0: h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'tec', axesNames=['dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) else: h5parm.makeSoltab(solset, 'tec', axesNames=['pol','dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pols,dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*Gain:*:Real' or solType == '*Gain:*:Ampl': np.putmask( vals, vals == 0., 1) # nans end up into 1s (as BBS output, flagged next line) np.putmask(weights, vals == 1., 0) # flag where val=1 h5parmDB.makeSoltab(solset, 'amplitude', axesNames=['pol','dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pols,dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) elif solType == '*Gain:*:Imag' or solType == '*Gain:*:Phase': np.putmask(weights, vals == 0., 0) # falg where val=0 h5parmDB.makeSoltab(solset, 'phase', axesNames=['pol','dir','ant','freq','time'], \ axesVals=[pols,dirs,ants,freqs,times], vals=vals, weights=weights, parmdbType=', '.join(list(ptype))) antennaTable = pt.table(antennaFile, ack=False) antennaNames = antennaTable.getcol('NAME') antennaPositions = antennaTable.getcol('POSITION') antennaTable.close() antennaTable = solset._f_get_child('antenna') antennaTable.append(zip(*(antennaNames, antennaPositions))) fieldTable = pt.table(fieldFile, ack=False) phaseDir = fieldTable.getcol('PHASE_DIR') pointing = phaseDir[0, 0, :] fieldTable.close() sourceTable = solset._f_get_child('source') # add the field centre, that is also the direction for Gain and CommonRotationAngle sourceTable.append([('pointing', pointing)]) dirs = [] for tab in solset._v_children: c = solset._f_get_child(tab) if c._v_name != 'antenna' and c._v_name != 'source': dirs.extend(list(set(c.dir))) # remove duplicates dirs = list(set(dirs)) # remove any pointing (already in the table) if 'pointing' in dirs: dirs.remove('pointing') if dirs != []: if skydbFile == None: logging.critical( 'No sky table given, but direction dependent parameters in parmDB. Exiting!' ) sys.exit(1) sourceFile = skydbFile + '/SOURCES' src_table = pt.table(sourceFile, ack=False) sub_tables = src_table.getsubtables() vals = [] ra = dec = np.nan has_patches_subtable = False for sub_table in sub_tables: if 'PATCHES' in sub_table: has_patches_subtable = True if has_patches_subtable: # Read values from PATCHES subtable src_table.close() sourceFile = skydbFile + '/SOURCES/PATCHES' src_table = pt.table(sourceFile, ack=False) patch_names = src_table.getcol('PATCHNAME') patch_ras = src_table.getcol('RA') patch_decs = src_table.getcol('DEC') for source in dirs: try: patch_indx = patch_names.index(source) ra = patch_ras[patch_indx] dec = patch_decs[patch_indx] except ValueError: ra = np.nan dec = np.nan vals.append([ra, dec]) src_table.close() else: # Try to read default values from parmdb instead skydb = pdb.parmdb(skydbFile) vals = [] ra = dec = np.nan for source in dirs: try: ra = skydb.getDefValues('Ra:' + source)['Ra:' + source][0][0] dec = skydb.getDefValues('Dec:' + source)['Dec:' + source][0][0] except KeyError: # Source not found in skymodel parmdb, try to find components ra = np.array( skydb.getDefValues('Ra:*' + source + '*').values()) dec = np.array( skydb.getDefValues('Dec:*' + source + '*').values()) if len(ra) == 0 or len(dec) == 0: ra = np.nan dec = np.nan else: ra = ra.mean() dec = dec.mean() vals.append([ra, dec]) sourceTable.append(zip(*(dirs, vals))) solsetname = solset._v_name # close the hdf5-file h5parmDB.close() return solsetname
def getfreq(ms): t = pt.table(ms + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', readonly=True, ack=False) freq = t[0]['REF_FREQUENCY'] t.close() return freq
def main(ms_input, filename=None, mapfile_dir=None, numSB=-1, hosts=None, NDPPPfill=True, target_path=None, stepname=None, mergeLastGroup=False, truncateLastSBs=True, firstSB=None): """ Check a list of MS files for missing frequencies Parameters ---------- ms_input : list or str List of MS filenames, or string with list, or path to a mapfile filename: str Name of output mapfile mapfile_dir : str Directory for output mapfile numSB : int, optional How many files should go into one frequency group. Values <= 0 mean put all files of the same time-step into one group. default = -1 hosts : list or str List of hostnames or string with list of hostnames NDPPPfill : bool, optional Add dummy file-names for missing frequencies, so that NDPPP can fill the data with flagged dummy data. default = True target_path : str, optional Change the path of the "groups" files to this. (I.e. write output files into this directory with the subsequent NDPPP call.) default = keep path of input files stepname : str, optional Add this step-name into the file-names of the output files. mergeLastGroup, truncateLastSBs : bool, optional mergeLastGroup = True, truncateLastSBs = True: not allowed mergeLastGroup = True, truncateLastSBs = False: put the files from the last group that doesn't have SBperGroup subbands into the second last group (which will then have more than SBperGroup entries). mergeLastGroup = False, truncateLastSBs = True: ignore last files, that don't make for a full group (not all files are used). mergeLastGroup = False, truncateLastSBs = False: keep inclomplete last group, or - with NDPPPfill=True - fill last group with dummies. firstSB : int, optional If set, then reference the grouping of files to this station-subband. As if a file with this station-subband would be included in the input files. (For HBA-low, i.e. 0 -> 100MHz, 55 -> 110.74MHz, 512 -> 200MHz) Returns ------- result : dict Dict with the name of the generated mapfile """ NDPPPfill = input2bool(NDPPPfill) mergeLastGroup = input2bool(mergeLastGroup) truncateLastSBs = input2bool(truncateLastSBs) firstSB = input2int(firstSB) numSB = int(numSB) if not filename or not mapfile_dir: raise ValueError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: filename and mapfile_dir are needed!') if mergeLastGroup and truncateLastSBs: raise ValueError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: Can either merge the last partial group or truncate at last full group, not both!' ) # if mergeLastGroup: # raise ValueError('sort_times_into_freqGroups: mergeLastGroup is not (yet) implemented!') if type(ms_input) is str: if ms_input.startswith('[') and ms_input.endswith(']'): ms_list = [ f.strip(' \'\"') for f in ms_input.strip('[]').split(',') ] else: map_in = DataMap.load(ms_input) map_in.iterator = DataMap.SkipIterator ms_list = [] for fname in map_in: if fname.startswith('[') and fname.endswith(']'): for f in fname.strip('[]').split(','): ms_list.append(f.strip(' \'\"')) else: ms_list.append(fname.strip(' \'\"')) elif type(ms_input) is list: ms_list = [str(f).strip(' \'\"') for f in ms_input] else: raise TypeError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: type of "ms_input" unknown!') if type(hosts) is str: hosts = [h.strip(' \'\"') for h in hosts.strip('[]').split(',')] if not hosts: hosts = ['localhost'] numhosts = len(hosts) print "sort_times_into_freqGroups: Working on", len( ms_list), "files (including flagged files)." time_groups = {} # sort by time for i, ms in enumerate(ms_list): # work only on files selected by a previous step if ms.lower() != 'none': # use the slower but more reliable way: obstable = pt.table(ms, ack=False) timestamp = int(round(np.min(obstable.getcol('TIME')))) #obstable = pt.table(ms+'::OBSERVATION', ack=False) #timestamp = int(round(obstable.col('TIME_RANGE')[0][0])) obstable.close() if timestamp in time_groups: time_groups[timestamp]['files'].append(ms) else: time_groups[timestamp] = { 'files': [ms], 'basename': os.path.splitext(ms)[0] } print "sort_times_into_freqGroups: found", len(time_groups), "time-groups" # sort time-groups by frequency timestamps = time_groups.keys() timestamps.sort() # not needed now, but later first = True nchans = 0 for time in timestamps: freqs = [] for ms in time_groups[time]['files']: # Get the frequency info sw = pt.table(ms + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) freq = sw.col('REF_FREQUENCY')[0] if first: file_bandwidth = sw.col('TOTAL_BANDWIDTH')[0] nchans = sw.col('CHAN_WIDTH')[0].shape[0] chwidth = sw.col('CHAN_WIDTH')[0][0] freqset = set([freq]) first = False else: assert file_bandwidth == sw.col('TOTAL_BANDWIDTH')[0] assert nchans == sw.col('CHAN_WIDTH')[0].shape[0] assert chwidth == sw.col('CHAN_WIDTH')[0][0] freqset.add(freq) freqs.append(freq) sw.close() time_groups[time]['freq_names'] = zip(freqs, time_groups[time]['files']) time_groups[time]['freq_names'].sort(key=lambda pair: pair[0]) #time_groups[time]['files'] = [name for (freq,name) in freq_names] #time_groups[time]['freqs'] = [freq for (freq,name) in freq_names] print "sort_times_into_freqGroups: Collected the frequencies for the time-groups" freqliste = np.array(list(freqset)) freqliste.sort() freq_width = np.min(freqliste[1:] - freqliste[:-1]) if file_bandwidth > freq_width: raise ValueError( "Bandwidth of files is larger than minimum frequency step between two files!" ) if file_bandwidth < (freq_width / 2.): raise ValueError( "Bandwidth of files is smaller than half the minimum frequency step between two files! (More than half the data is missing.)" ) #the new output map filemap = MultiDataMap() groupmap = DataMap() maxfreq = np.max(freqliste) + freq_width / 2. if firstSB != None: minfreq = (float(firstSB) / 512. * 100e6) + 100e6 - freq_width / 2. if np.min(freqliste) < minfreq: raise ValueError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: Frequency of lowest input data is lower than reference frequency!' ) else: minfreq = np.min(freqliste) - freq_width / 2. groupBW = freq_width * numSB if groupBW < 1e6: print 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: ***WARNING***: Bandwidth of concatenated MS is lower than 1 MHz. This may cause conflicts with the concatenated file names!' freqborders = np.arange(minfreq, maxfreq, groupBW) if mergeLastGroup: freqborders[-1] = maxfreq elif truncateLastSBs: pass #nothing to do! # left to make the logic more clear! elif not truncateLastSBs and NDPPPfill: freqborders = np.append(freqborders, (freqborders[-1] + groupBW)) elif not truncateLastSBs and not NDPPPfill: freqborders = np.append(freqborders, maxfreq) freqborders = freqborders[freqborders > (np.min(freqliste) - groupBW)] ngroups = len(freqborders) - 1 if ngroups == 0: raise ValueError( 'sort_times_into_freqGroups: Not enough input subbands to create at least one full (frequency-)group!' ) print "sort_times_into_freqGroups: Will create", ngroups, "group(s) with", numSB, "file(s) each." hostID = 0 for time in timestamps: (freq, fname) = time_groups[time]['freq_names'].pop(0) for groupIdx in xrange(ngroups): files = [] skip_this = True filefreqs_low = np.arange(freqborders[groupIdx], freqborders[groupIdx + 1], freq_width) for lower_freq in filefreqs_low: if freq > lower_freq and freq < lower_freq + freq_width: assert freq != 1e12 files.append(fname) if len(time_groups[time]['freq_names']) > 0: (freq, fname) = time_groups[time]['freq_names'].pop(0) else: (freq, fname) = (1e12, 'This_shouldn\'t_show_up') skip_this = False elif NDPPPfill: files.append('') if not skip_this: filemap.append( MultiDataProduct(hosts[hostID % numhosts], files, skip_this)) freqID = int( (freqborders[groupIdx] + freqborders[groupIdx + 1]) / 2e6) groupname = time_groups[time]['basename'] + '' % ( time, freqID) if type(stepname) is str: groupname += stepname if type(target_path) is str: groupname = os.path.join(target_path, os.path.basename(groupname)) groupmap.append( DataProduct(hosts[hostID % numhosts], groupname, skip_this)) orphan_files = len(time_groups[time]['freq_names']) if freq < 1e12: orphan_files += 1 if orphan_files > 0: print "sort_times_into_freqGroups: Had %d unassigned files in time-group %xt." % ( orphan_files, time) filemapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, filename) groupmapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, filename + '_groups') # genertate map with edge-channels to flag flagmap = _calc_edge_chans(filemap, nchans) flagmapname = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, filename + '_flags') result = { 'mapfile': filemapname, 'groupmapfile': groupmapname, 'flagmapfile': flagmapname } return result
import numpy as np args=len(sys.argv) if (args==1): print "usage: [MS name] [column] [global?]"; sys.exit(1) doglobal=0 col="DATA" ms = sys.argv[1] if (args>2): col = sys.argv[2] if (args>3): doglobal = (sys.argv[3]=="G") t = pt.table(ms, readonly=False, ack=False) data = t.getcol(col) mask = t.getcol('FLAG') print np.sum(mask),'flags are set' data =, dtype=None, mask=mask) data[np.isnan(data)] ntime, nchan, npol = data.shape print "Number of channels is",nchan if (doglobal):[:,:,0]));[:,:,0])); print "Overall XX and YY medians are",OXXmed,OYYmed for chan in xrange(nchan): IampXX = abs(data[:,chan,0]) IampYY = abs(data[:,chan,3])
def _get_selfcal_parameters(self, measurement_set, parset, major_cycle, nr_cycles): """ 0. modify the nof cycle to have a final step at the same resolution as the previous last cycle 1. Determine target coordinates especially declinaison, because for low dec (<35 deg) UVmin = 0.1 to excluse very short baseline 2. Determine the frequency and the wavelenght 3. Determine the longuest baseline and the best resolution avaible 4. Estimate all imaging parameters 5. Calculate number of projection planes 6. Pixelsize must be a string number : number +arcsec # Nicolas Vilchez, 2014 # [email protected] """ # ******************************************************************** #0. modify the nof cycle to have a final step at the same resolution #as the previous last cycle if major_cycle < nr_cycles - 1: nr_cycles = nr_cycles - 1 scaling_factor = float(major_cycle) / float(nr_cycles - 1) # ******************************************************************** #1. Determine Target coordinates for UVmin tabtarget = pt.table(measurement_set) tabfield = pt.table(tabtarget.getkeyword('FIELD')) coords = tabfield.getcell('REFERENCE_DIR', 0) target = coords[0] * 180.0 / math.pi # Why UVmin = 0 if target[1] <= 35: # WHy? UVmin = 0.1 ra_target = target[0] + 360.0 # Why dec_target = target[1] # ******************************************************************** # 2. Determine the frequency and the wavelenght tabfreq = pt.table(measurement_set) table_spectral_window = pt.table(tabfreq.getkeyword("SPECTRAL_WINDOW")) frequency = table_spectral_window.getcell('REF_FREQUENCY', 0) wavelenght = 3.0E8 / frequency # Why # ******************************************************************** # 3. Determine the longuest baseline and the best resolution avaible tabbaseline = pt.table(measurement_set, readonly=False, ack=True) posbaseline = tabbaseline.getcol('UVW') maxBaseline = max(posbaseline[:, 0]**2 + posbaseline[:, 1]**2)**0.5 bestBeamresol = round( (wavelenght / maxBaseline) * (180.0 / math.pi) * 3600.0, 0) # Beam resolution limitation to 10arcsec to avoid too large images if bestBeamresol < 10.0: bestBeamresol = 10.0 # ******************************************************************** # 4. Estimate all imaging parameters # estimate fov # fov = 5 degree, except for High HBA Observation => 1.5 degree if frequency > 1.9E8: fov = 1.5 else: fov = 5.0 # we need 4 pixel/beam to have enough sampling pixPerBeam = 4.0 # best resolution pixel size (i.e final pixel size for selfcal) bestPixelResol = round(bestBeamresol / pixPerBeam, 2) # factor to estimate the starting resolution (9 times in this case) badResolFactor = 9 pixsize = round((badResolFactor * bestPixelResol) - (badResolFactor * bestPixelResol - bestPixelResol) * scaling_factor, 3) # number of pixel must be a multiple of 2 !! nbpixel = int(fov * 3600.0 / pixsize) if nbpixel % 2 == 1: nbpixel = nbpixel + 1 robust = 0 #round(1.0 - (3.0 * scaling_factor), 2) UVmax = round( (wavelenght) / (pixPerBeam * pixsize / 3600.0 * math.pi / 180.0) / (1E3 * wavelenght), 3) wmax = round(UVmax * (wavelenght) * 1E3, 3) # ******************************************************************** # 5. Calculate number of projection planes # Need to compute station diameter (the fov is fixed to 5 degree) # using wouter's function, to compute the w_proj_planes # fov and diameter depending on the antenna name fov_from_ms, station_diameter = self._get_fov_and_station_diameter( measurement_set) w_proj_planes = min( 257, math.floor( (maxBaseline * wavelenght) / (station_diameter**2))) w_proj_planes = int(round(w_proj_planes)) # MAximum number of proj planes set to 1024: George Heald, Ger van # Diepen if this exception occurs maxsupport = max(1024, nbpixel) if w_proj_planes > maxsupport: raise Exception( "The number of projections planes for the current" + "measurement set is to large.") # Warnings on pixel size if nbpixel < 256: self.logger.warn( "Using a image size smaller then 256x256: This " + "leads to problematic imaging in some instances!!") # ******************************************************************** # 6. Pixelsize must be a string number : number +arcsec # conversion at this step pixsize = str(pixsize) + 'arcsec' # ******************************************************************** # 7. Threshold determination from the previous cycle if major_cycle == 0: threshold = '0.075Jy' else: fits_image_path_list = measurement_set.split('') fits_image_path = fits_image_path_list[0] +\ 'awimage_cycle_%s/image.fits'%(major_cycle-1) # open a FITS file fitsImage = scidata = fitsImage[0].data dataRange = range(fitsImage[0].shape[2]) sortedData = range(fitsImage[0].shape[2]**2) # FIXME We have the sneaking suspicion that this takes very long # due to bad coding style... (double for loop with compute in inner loop) for i in dataRange: for j in dataRange: sortedData[i * fitsImage[0].shape[2] + j] = scidata[0, 0, i, j] sortedData = sorted(sortedData) # Percent of faintest data to use to determine 5sigma value : use 5% dataPercent = int(fitsImage[0].shape[2] * 0.05) fiveSigmaData = sum(sortedData[0:dataPercent]) / dataPercent threshold = (abs(fiveSigmaData) / 5.0) * (2.335 / 2.0) * 15 return pixsize, str(nbpixel), str(wmax), str(w_proj_planes), \ str(UVmin), str(UVmax), str(robust), str(threshold)
def _get_fov_and_station_diameter(self, measurement_set): """ _field_of_view calculates the fov, which is dependend on the station type, location and mode: For details see: (1) """ # Open the ms table_ms = pt.table(measurement_set) # Get antenna name and observation mode antenna = pt.table(table_ms.getkeyword("ANTENNA")) antenna_name = antenna.getcell('NAME', 0) antenna.close() observation = pt.table(table_ms.getkeyword("OBSERVATION")) antenna_set = observation.getcell('LOFAR_ANTENNA_SET', 0) observation.close() # static parameters for the station diameters ref (1) hba_core_diameter = 30.8 hba_remote_diameter = 41.1 lba_inner = 32.3 lba_outer = 81.3 # use measurement set information to assertain antenna diameter station_diameter = None if antenna_name.count('HBA'): if antenna_name.count('CS'): station_diameter = hba_core_diameter elif antenna_name.count('RS'): station_diameter = hba_remote_diameter elif antenna_name.count('LBA'): if antenna_set.count('INNER'): station_diameter = lba_inner elif antenna_set.count('OUTER'): station_diameter = lba_outer # raise exception if the antenna is not of a supported type if station_diameter == None: self.logger.error( 'Unknown antenna type for antenna: {0} , {1}'.format(\ antenna_name, antenna_set)) raise PipelineException( "Unknown antenna type encountered in Measurement set") # Get the wavelength spectral_window_table = pt.table( table_ms.getkeyword("SPECTRAL_WINDOW")) freq = float(spectral_window_table.getcell("REF_FREQUENCY", 0)) wave_length = pt.taql('CALC C()') / freq spectral_window_table.close() # Now calculate the FOV see ref (1) # alpha_one is a magic parameter: The value 1.3 is representative for a # WSRT dish, where it depends on the dish illumination alpha_one = 1.3 # alpha_one is in radians so transform to degrees for output fwhm = alpha_one * (wave_length / station_diameter) * (180 / math.pi) fov = fwhm / 2.0 table_ms.close() return fov, station_diameter
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager #Print closure phase vs time/elevation for three selected antennas and channel range/polarisation pol = 0 start_chan = 0 end_chan = 14 ant1 = 0 ant2 = 1 ant3 = 2 RAdeg = 123.40025 #phase centre RA,DEC in degrees. Needed for elevation calculation DECdeg = 48.2179139 xaxis = 'time' #Open table t = pt.table(sys.argv[1]) lb.figure(1) lb.clf() def phase(antenna1, antenna2): t1 = t.query('ANTENNA1= ' + str(antenna1) + ' ' + 'AND ANTENNA2= ' + str(antenna2)) print '***FLAG ANALYSIS***' datapoint = 0 noflags = 0 flag = t1.getcolslice("FLAG", [start_chan, pol], [end_chan, pol]) phase = t1.getcolslice("DATA", [start_chan, pol], [end_chan, pol]) time = t1.getcol("TIME") time = time / (24 * 3600) #Convert MJD in seconds to days
def simulate(args): # get full time column and compute row chunks ms = table( time = ms.getcol('TIME') row_chunks, tbin_idx, tbin_counts = chunkify_rows(time, args.utimes_per_chunk) # convert to dask arrays tbin_idx = da.from_array(tbin_idx, chunks=(args.utimes_per_chunk)) tbin_counts = da.from_array(tbin_counts, chunks=(args.utimes_per_chunk)) n_time = tbin_idx.size ant1 = ms.getcol('ANTENNA1') ant2 = ms.getcol('ANTENNA2') n_ant = np.maximum(ant1.max(), ant2.max()) + 1 flag = ms.getcol("FLAG") n_row, n_freq, n_corr = flag.shape if n_corr == 4: model_corr = (2, 2) jones_corr = (2, ) elif n_corr == 2: model_corr = (2, ) jones_corr = (2, ) elif n_corr == 1: model_corr = (1, ) jones_corr = (1, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid number of correlations") ms.close() # get phase dir radec0 = table( + '::FIELD').getcol('PHASE_DIR').squeeze() # get freqs freq = table( + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW').getcol('CHAN_FREQ')[0].astype( np.float64) assert freq.size == n_freq # get source coordinates from lsm lsm = Tigger.load(args.sky_model) radec = [] stokes = [] spi = [] ref_freqs = [] for source in lsm.sources: radec.append([source.pos.ra, source.pos.dec]) stokes.append([source.flux.I]) tmp_spec = source.spectrum spi.append([tmp_spec.spi if tmp_spec is not None else 0.0]) ref_freqs.append([tmp_spec.freq0 if tmp_spec is not None else 1.0]) n_dir = len(stokes) radec = np.asarray(radec) lm = radec_to_lm(radec, radec0) # load in the model file model = np.zeros((n_freq, n_dir) + model_corr) stokes = np.asarray(stokes) ref_freqs = np.asarray(ref_freqs) spi = np.asarray(spi) for d in range(n_dir): Stokes_I = stokes[d] * (freq / ref_freqs[d])**spi[d] if n_corr == 4: model[:, d, 0, 0] = Stokes_I model[:, d, 1, 1] = Stokes_I elif n_corr == 2: model[:, d, 0] = Stokes_I model[:, d, 1] = Stokes_I else: model[:, d, 0] = Stokes_I # append antenna columns cols = [] cols.append('ANTENNA1') cols.append('ANTENNA2') cols.append('UVW') # load in gains jones, alphas = make_screen(lm, freq, n_time, n_ant, jones_corr[0]) jones = jones.astype(np.complex128) jones_shape = jones.shape jones_da = da.from_array(jones, chunks=(args.utimes_per_chunk, ) + jones_shape[1::]) freqs = da.from_array(freq, chunks=(n_freq)) lm = da.from_array(np.tile(lm[None], (n_time, 1, 1)), chunks=(args.utimes_per_chunk, n_dir, 2)) # change model to dask array tmp_shape = (n_time, ) for i in range(len(model.shape)): tmp_shape += (1, ) model = da.from_array(np.tile(model[None], tmp_shape), chunks=(args.utimes_per_chunk, ) + model.shape) # load data in in chunks and apply gains to each chunk xds = xds_from_ms(, columns=cols, chunks={"row": row_chunks})[0] ant1 = ant2 = uvw = # apply gains data = compute_and_corrupt_vis(tbin_idx, tbin_counts, ant1, ant2, jones_da, model, uvw, freqs, lm) # Assign visibilities to args.out_col and write to ms xds = xds.assign( **{ args.out_col: (("row", "chan", "corr"), data.reshape(n_row, n_freq, n_corr)) }) # Create a write to the table write = xds_to_table(xds,, [args.out_col]) # Submit all graph computations in parallel with ProgressBar(): write.compute() return jones, alphas
def AW_Steps(g, usemask, aw_env, nit, maxb, initialiters, mosaic, automaticthresh, bandsthreshs_dict, uvORm, userthresh, padding, out, env): """ Performs imaging with AWimager using user supplied settings. """ c=299792458. if g.find("/"): logname=g.split("/")[-1] else: logname=g obsid=logname.split("_")[0] imagename=os.path.join(out, obsid, logname+".img") ft = pt.table(g+'/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) freq = ft.getcell('REF_FREQUENCY',0) wave_len=c/freq if uvORm == "M": UVmax=maxb/(wave_len*1000.) localmaxb=maxb else: UVmax=maxb localmaxb=UVmax*(wave_len*1000.) ft.close() print "Wavelength = {0:00.02f} m / UVmax = {1}".format(wave_len, UVmax) beam=int(g.split("SAP")[1][:3]) beamc="SAP00{0}".format(beam) finish_iters=nit if usemask: mask=os.path.join(out,"masks","{0}_{1}.mask".format(obsid, beamc)) aw_parset_name="aw_{0}.parset".format(logname) if automaticthresh: curr_band=g.split("BAND")[1][:2] local_parset=open(aw_parset_name, 'w') local_parset.write("\nms={0}\n\ image={1}\n\ niter={2}\n\ threshold={3}Jy\n\ UVmax={4}\n".format(g, imagename, initialiters, 6.*bandsthreshs_dict[curr_band], UVmax)) # if not nomask: # local_parset.write("mask={0}\n".format(mask)) for i in aw_sets: local_parset.write(i) local_parset.close() print "Imaging {0} with AWimager...".format(g)"awimager {0} > {1}/{2}/logs/awimager_{3}_standalone_initial_log.txt 2>&1".format(aw_parset_name, out, obsid, logname), env=aw_env, shell=True)"image2fits in={0}.residual out={0}.fits > {1}/{2}/logs/image2fits.log 2>&1".format(imagename, out, obsid), shell=True) try: thresh=2.5*(getimgstd("{0}.fits".format(imagename))) except: return print "Cleaning {0} to threshold of {1}...".format(g, thresh) os.remove("{0}.fits".format(imagename)) else: thresh=userthresh local_parset=open(aw_parset_name, 'w') local_parset.write("\nms={0}\n\ image={1}\n\ niter={2}\n\ threshold={3}Jy\n\ UVmax={4}\n".format(g, imagename, finish_iters, thresh, UVmax)) if usemask: local_parset.write("mask={0}\n".format(mask)) for i in aw_sets: local_parset.write(i) local_parset.close() print "Cleaning {0} to threshold of {1}...".format(g, thresh)"awimager {0} > {1}/{2}/logs/awimager_{3}_standalone_final_log.txt 2>&1".format(aw_parset_name, out, obsid, logname), env=aw_env, shell=True) if mosaic:"cp -r {0}.restored.corr {0}_mosaic.restored.corr".format(imagename), shell=True)"cp -r {0}0.avgpb {0}_mosaic0.avgpb".format(imagename), shell=True) if env=="rsm-mainline": if padding > 1.0: #we need to correct the avgpb for mosaicing print "Correcting {0} mosaic padding...".format(imagename) avgpb=pt.table("{0}_mosaic0.avgpb".format(imagename), ack=False, readonly=False) coordstable=avgpb.getkeyword('coords') coordstablecopy=coordstable.copy() value1=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][0] value2=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][1] value1*=padding value2*=padding newcrpix=np.array([value1, value2]) coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix']=newcrpix avgpb.putkeyword('coords', coordstablecopy) avgpb.close()"mv {0}*mosaic* {1}".format(imagename, os.path.join(out, obsid, "mosaics")), shell=True)"addImagingInfo {0}.restored.corr '' 0 {1} {2} > {3}/{4}/logs/addImagingInfo_standalone_{4}_log.txt 2>&1".format(imagename, localmaxb, g, out, obsid, logname), shell=True)"image2fits in={0}.restored.corr out={0}.fits > {1}/{2}/logs/image2fits.log 2>&1".format(imagename, out, obsid), shell=True) os.remove(aw_parset_name)
def _get_imaging_parameters(self, measurement_set, parset, autogenerate_parameters, specify_fov, fov): """ (1) calculate and format some parameters that are determined runtime. Based on values in the measurementset and input parameter (set): a. <string> The cellsize b. <int> The npixels in a each of the two dimension of the image c. <string> The largest baseline in the ms smaller then the maxbaseline d. <string> The number of projection planes The calculation of these parameters is done in three steps: 1. Calculate intermediate results based on the ms. 2. The calculation of the actual target values using intermediate result """ # ********************************************************************* # 1. Get partial solutions from the parameter set # Get the parset and a number of raw parameters from this parset parset_object = get_parset(parset) baseline_limit = parset_object.getInt('maxbaseline') # Get the longest baseline max_baseline = pt.taql( 'CALC sqrt(max([select sumsqr(UVW[:2]) from ' + \ '{0} where sumsqr(UVW[:2]) <{1} giving as memory]))'.format(\ measurement_set, baseline_limit * baseline_limit))[0] # ask ger van diepen for details if ness. # Calculate the wave_length table_ms = pt.table(measurement_set) table_spectral_window = pt.table( table_ms.getkeyword("SPECTRAL_WINDOW")) freq = table_spectral_window.getcell("REF_FREQUENCY", 0) table_spectral_window.close() wave_length = pt.taql('CALC C()') / freq wave_length = wave_length[0] # Calculate the cell_size from the ms arc_sec_in_degree = 3600 arc_sec_in_rad = (180.0 / math.pi) * arc_sec_in_degree cell_size = (1.0 / 3) * (wave_length / float(max_baseline))\ * arc_sec_in_rad # Calculate the number of pixels in x and y dim # fov and diameter depending on the antenna name fov_from_ms, station_diameter = self._get_fov_and_station_diameter( measurement_set) # use fov for to calculate a semi 'user' specified npix and cellsize # The npix thus depends on the ms cellsize and fov # Do not use use supplied Fov if autogenerating if not autogenerate_parameters and specify_fov: if fov == 0.0: raise PipelineException("fov set to 0.0: invalid value.") # else use full resolution (calculate the fov) else:"Using fov calculated on measurement data: " + str(fov_from_ms)) fov = fov_from_ms # ******************************************************************** # 2. Calculate the ms based output variables # 'optimal' npix based on measurement set calculations or user specified npix = (arc_sec_in_degree * fov) / cell_size # Get the closest power of two larger then the calculated pixel size npix = self._nearest_ceiled_power2(npix) # Get the max w with baseline < 10000 w_max = pt.taql('CALC max([select UVW[2] from ' + \ '{0} where sumsqr(UVW[:2]) <{1} giving as memory])'.format( measurement_set, baseline_limit * baseline_limit))[0] # Calculate number of projection planes w_proj_planes = min( 257, math.floor((max_baseline * wave_length) / (station_diameter**2))) w_proj_planes = int(round(w_proj_planes)) # MAximum number of proj planes set to 1024: George Heald, Ger van # Diepen if this exception occurs maxsupport = max(1024, npix) if w_proj_planes > maxsupport: raise Exception( "The number of projections planes for the current" + "measurement set is to large.") # ********************************************************************* # 3. if the npix from the parset is different to the ms calculations, # calculate a sizeconverter value (to be applied to the cellsize) if npix < 256: self.logger.warn( "Using a image size smaller then 256x256:" " This leads to problematic imaging in some instances!!") # If we are not autocalculating based on ms or fov, use the npix # and cell_size specified in the parset # keep the wmax and w_proj_planes if (not autogenerate_parameters and not specify_fov): npix = parset_object.getString('npix') cell_size_formatted = parset_object.getString('cellsize') else: cell_size_formatted = str(int(round(cell_size))) + 'arcsec' "Using the following awimager parameters:" " cell_size: {0}, npix: {1},".format(cell_size_formatted, npix) + " w_max: {0}, w_proj_planes: {1}".format(w_max, w_proj_planes)) return cell_size_formatted, str(npix), str(w_max), str(w_proj_planes)
def calibrate(args, jones, alphas): # simple calibration to test if simulation went as expected. # Note do not run on large data set # load data ms = table( time = ms.getcol('TIME') _, tbin_idx, tbin_counts = chunkify_rows(time, args.utimes_per_chunk) n_time = tbin_idx.size ant1 = ms.getcol('ANTENNA1') ant2 = ms.getcol('ANTENNA2') n_ant = np.maximum(ant1.max(), ant2.max()) + 1 uvw = ms.getcol('UVW').astype(np.float64) data = ms.getcol(args.out_col) # this is where we put the data # we know it is pure Stokes I so we can solve using diagonals only data = data[:, :, (0, 3)].astype(np.complex128) n_row, n_freq, n_corr = data.shape flag = ms.getcol('FLAG') flag = flag[:, :, (0, 3)] # get phase dir radec0 = table( + '::FIELD').getcol('PHASE_DIR').squeeze().astype( np.float64) # get freqs freq = table( + '::SPECTRAL_WINDOW').getcol('CHAN_FREQ')[0].astype( np.float64) assert freq.size == n_freq # now get the model # get source coordinates from lsm lsm = Tigger.load(args.sky_model) radec = [] stokes = [] spi = [] ref_freqs = [] for source in lsm.sources: radec.append([source.pos.ra, source.pos.dec]) stokes.append([source.flux.I]) tmp_spec = source.spectrum spi.append([tmp_spec.spi if tmp_spec is not None else 0.0]) ref_freqs.append([tmp_spec.freq0 if tmp_spec is not None else 1.0]) n_dir = len(stokes) radec = np.asarray(radec) lm = radec_to_lm(radec, radec0) # get model visibilities model = np.zeros((n_row, n_freq, n_dir, 2), dtype=np.complex) stokes = np.asarray(stokes) ref_freqs = np.asarray(ref_freqs) spi = np.asarray(spi) for d in range(n_dir): Stokes_I = stokes[d] * (freq / ref_freqs[d])**spi[d] model[:, :, d, 0:1] = im_to_vis(Stokes_I[None, :, None], uvw, lm[d:d + 1], freq) model[:, :, d, 1] = model[:, :, d, 0] # set weights to unity weight = np.ones_like(data, dtype=np.float64) # initialise gains jones0 = np.ones((n_time, n_ant, n_freq, n_dir, n_corr), dtype=np.complex128) # calibrate ti = timeit() jones_hat, jhj, jhr, k = gauss_newton(tbin_idx, tbin_counts, ant1, ant2, jones0, data, flag, model, weight, tol=1e-5, maxiter=100) print("%i iterations took %fs" % (k, timeit() - ti)) # verify result for p in range(2): for q in range(p): diff_true = np.angle(jones[:, p] * jones[:, q].conj()) diff_hat = np.angle(jones_hat[:, p] * jones_hat[:, q].conj()) try: assert_array_almost_equal(diff_true, diff_hat, decimal=2) except Exception as e: print(e)
def closure(vis,tel,lastv=-1,pol=0,use_spw=0,bchan=0,echan=-1,\ doplot=False,doret=False): # Find target source id target_id = vis.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] print "target_id", target_id print "Antennas for closure phase", tel # Find array of requested telescopes and list of telescopes in data command = 'taql \'select NAME from %s/ANTENNA\' >closure_txt'%vis os.system(command) os.system('grep -v select closure_txt >closure_which') idxtel = np.loadtxt('closure_which',dtype='S') atel = np.unique(np.ravel(tel)) # For each requested telescope, determine its position in the list # If more than one telescope in the list match to within the number # of letters in the requested telescope, keep the first (so CS002 # will match to CS002HBA0 and CS002HBA1 will be ignored) # Keep a list of telescopes not found, to print if we need to crash notfound = [] aidx = np.array([],dtype='int') for a in atel: found_this = False for i in range(len(idxtel)): if a==idxtel[i][:len(a)]: aidx = np.append(aidx,i) found_this = True if not found_this: notfound.append (a) if len(notfound): print 'The following telescopes were not found:',notfound aidx_s = np.sort(aidx) # Make a smaller MS 'as plain' with the required baseline. This is slow # but only needs doing once for an arbitrary number of baselines. if os.path.exists (''): os.system('rm -fr') command = 'taql \'select from %s where ' % vis for i in range (len(aidx_s)): for j in range (i+1, len(aidx_s)): command += ('ANTENNA1==%d and ANTENNA2==%d' % \ (aidx_s[i],aidx_s[j])) if i==len(aidx_s)-2 and j==len(aidx_s)-1: command += (' giving as plain\'') else: command += (' or ') print 'Selecting smaller MS, this will take about 4s/Gb:' os.system (command) # Loop around the requested closure triangles clstats = np.array([]) for tr in tel: tri = np.array([],dtype='int') for i in range(3): tri = np.append (tri, aidx[np.argwhere(atel==tr[i])[0][0]]) tri = np.sort(tri) # Make three reference MSs with pointers into the small MS command = 'taql \'select from where ANTENNA1==%d and ANTENNA2==%d giving\'' %(tri[0],tri[1]) os.system(command) command = 'taql \'select from where ANTENNA1==%d and ANTENNA2==%d giving\'' %(tri[1],tri[2]) os.system(command) command = 'taql \'select from where ANTENNA1==%d and ANTENNA2==%d giving\'' %(tri[0],tri[2]) os.system(command) # Load data arrays and get amp, closure phase t1 = pt.table('') t2 = pt.table('') t3 = pt.table('') ut ='TIME') spw ='DATA_DESC_ID') d1,d2,d3 ='DATA'),'DATA'),'DATA') clthis, cp = get_amp_clph(d1[:lastv],d2[:lastv],d3[:lastv],spw[:lastv], pol=0, use_spw=use_spw, bchan=bchan, echan=echan) try: allcp.append(cp) except: allcp = [cp] os.system('rm -fr closure_temp*ms') if os.path.exists ('closure_which'): os.system('rm closure_which') clstats = np.append (clstats, clthis) if doplot: cl_mkplot (allcp,tel,target_id) clstats = clstats[0] if len(clstats)==1 else clstats if doret: return clstats,allcp else: return clstats
def process_chunk(ms_file, ms_parmdb, chunkid, nchunks, mystarttime, myendtime, chunksize, dirindparmdb, colnames_to_keep, newdirname, local_dir=None, min_fraction=0.1): """ Processes one time chunk of input ms_file and returns new file names Parameters ---------- ms_file : str Input MS file to chunk ms_parmdb : str Input dir-independent parmdb for input MS file chunkid : int ID of chunk nchunks : int Total number of chunks mystarttime : float Start time of MS file myendtime : float End time of MS file chunksize : float length of a chunk in seconds dirindparmdb : str Name of direction-independent instrument parmdb inside the new chunk files colnames_to_keep : list List of column names to keep in output chunk newdirname : str Name of output directory local_dir : str Path to local scratch directory for temp output. The file is then copied to the original output directory min_fraction : float, optional Minimum fraction of unflaggged data in a time-chunk needed for the chunk to be kept. Returns ------- chunk_file : str Filename of chunk MS or None newdirindparmdb : str Filename of direction-independent instrument parmdb for chunk_file or None """ log = logging.getLogger('factor:MS-chunker') chunk_name = '{0}_chunk{1}.ms'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ms_file))[0], chunkid) chunk_file = os.path.join(newdirname, chunk_name) old_chunk_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ms_file), 'chunks', chunk_name) starttime = mystarttime + chunkid * chunksize endtime = mystarttime + (chunkid + 1) * chunksize if chunkid == 0: starttime -= chunksize if chunkid == (nchunks - 1): endtime += 2. * chunksize tab = pt.table(ms_file, lockoptions='autonoread', ack=False) seltab = tab.query('TIME >= ' + str(starttime) + ' && TIME < ' + str(endtime), sortlist='TIME,ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2', columns=','.join(colnames_to_keep)) if os.path.exists(chunk_file): try: newtab = pt.table(chunk_file, ack=False) if len(newtab) == len(seltab): copy = False newtab.close() log.debug( 'Chunk {} exists with correct length, not copying!'.format( chunk_name)) except: copy = True if copy: shutil.rmtree(chunk_file) elif os.path.exists(old_chunk_file): # For compatibility, also search in old location try: newtab = pt.table(old_chunk_file, ack=False) if len(newtab) == len(seltab): copy = False chunk_file = old_chunk_file newtab.close() log.debug( 'Chunk {} exists with correct length in old directory, not copying!' .format(chunk_name)) except: copy = True else: copy = True newdirindparmdb = os.path.join(chunk_file, dirindparmdb) if copy: if local_dir is not None: # Set output to temp directory chunk_file_original = chunk_file chunk_file = os.path.join(local_dir, os.path.basename(chunk_file_original)) if os.path.exists(chunk_file): shutil.rmtree(chunk_file) log.debug('Going to copy {0} samples to file {1}'.format( str(len(seltab)), chunk_file)) seltab.copy(chunk_file, True) if local_dir is not None: # Copy temp file to original output location and clean up chunk_file_destination_dir = os.path.dirname(chunk_file_original) os.system('/usr/bin/rsync -a {0} {1}'.format( chunk_file, chunk_file_destination_dir)) if not os.path.samefile(chunk_file, chunk_file_original): shutil.rmtree(chunk_file) chunk_file = chunk_file_original shutil.copytree(ms_parmdb, newdirindparmdb) seltab.close() tab.close() # Check that the chunk has at least min_fraction unflagged data. # If not, then return (None, None) if find_unflagged_fraction(chunk_file) < min_fraction: log.debug( 'Chunk {} not used because it contains too little unflagged data'. format(chunk_name)) seltab.close() tab.close() return (None, None) return (chunk_file, newdirindparmdb)
def AW_Steps_split(g, interval, niter, aw_env, maxb, userthresh, uvORm, usemask, mosaic, padding, out, env): """ Performs imaging with AWimager using user supplied settings. """ c=299792458. tempgettime=pt.table(g, ack=False) ms_starttime=tempgettime.col("TIME")[0]#datetime.utcfromtimestamp(quantity(str(tempgettime.col("TIME")[0])+'s').to_unix_time()) tempgettime.close() name=g.split("/")[-1] obsid=name.split("_")[0] home=os.path.join(out, obsid) temp=pt.table("{0}/OBSERVATION".format(g), ack=False) timerange=float(temp.col("TIME_RANGE")[0][1])-float(temp.col("TIME_RANGE")[0][0]) temp.close() temp.done() ft = pt.table(g+'/SPECTRAL_WINDOW', ack=False) freq = ft.getcell('REF_FREQUENCY',0) wave_len=c/freq UVmax=maxb/(wave_len*1000.) ft.close() if uvORm == "M": UVmax=maxb/(wave_len*1000.) localmaxb=maxb else: UVmax=maxb localmaxb=UVmax*(wave_len*1000.) print "Wavelength = {0:00.02f} m / UVmax = {1}".format(wave_len, UVmax) beam=int(g.split("SAP")[1][:3]) beamc="SAP00{0}".format(beam) if usemask: mask=os.path.join(out,"masks","{0}_{1}.mask".format(obsid, beamc)) num_images=int(timerange/interval) interval_min=interval/60. interval_min_round=round(interval_min, 2) start_time=0.0 end_time=interval_min_round for i in range(num_images): try: aw_parset_name="aw_{0}.parset".format(name) time_tag=".timesplit.{0:05.2f}min.window{1:03d}.img".format(interval_min, i+1) imagename=os.path.join(home, name+time_tag) imagename_short=name+time_tag logname=os.path.join(home,"logs",name+time_tag+".txt") thresh=userthresh print "Cleaning {0} Window {1:03d} to threshold of {2}...".format(name, i+1, thresh) local_parset=open(aw_parset_name, 'w') local_parset.write("\nms={0}\n\ image={1}\n\ niter={4}\n\ threshold={5}Jy\n\ t0={2}\n\ t1={3}\n\ UVmax={6}\n".format(g, imagename, start_time, end_time, niter, userthresh, UVmax)) if usemask: local_parset.write("mask={0}\n".format(mask)) for s in aw_sets: local_parset.write(s) local_parset.close()"awimager {0} > {1} 2>&1".format(aw_parset_name, logname), env=aw_env, shell=True) if mosaic:"cp -r {0}.restored.corr {0}_mosaic.restored.corr".format(imagename), shell=True)"cp -r {0}0.avgpb {0}_mosaic0.avgpb".format(imagename), shell=True) if env=="rsm-mainline": if padding > 1.0: #we need to correct the avgpb for mosaicing print "Correcting {0} mosaic padding...".format(imagename) avgpb=pt.table("{0}_mosaic0.avgpb".format(imagename), ack=False, readonly=False) coordstable=avgpb.getkeyword('coords') coordstablecopy=coordstable.copy() value1=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][0] value2=coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix'][1] value1*=padding value2*=padding newcrpix=np.array([value1, value2]) coordstablecopy['direction0']['crpix']=newcrpix avgpb.putkeyword('coords', coordstablecopy) avgpb.close()"mv {0}*mosaic* {1}".format(imagename, os.path.join(out, obsid, "mosaics")), shell=True)"addImagingInfo {0}.restored.corr '' 0 {1} {2} > {3}/{4}/logs/addImagingInfo_standalone_{5}_log.txt 2>&1".format(imagename, localmaxb, g, out, obsid, imagename_short), shell=True)"image2fits in={0}.restored.corr out={0}.fits > {1}/{2}/logs/image2fits.log 2>&1".format(imagename,out,obsid), shell=True) if start_time!=0.0: temp_change_start=pt.table("{0}.restored.corr/LOFAR_ORIGIN/".format(imagename), ack=False, readonly=False) temp_change_start2=pt.table("{0}.restored.corr/LOFAR_OBSERVATION/".format(imagename), ack=False, readonly=False) new_ms_startime=ms_starttime+start_time*60. temp_change_start.putcell('START',0,new_ms_startime) temp_change_start2.putcell('OBSERVATION_START',0,new_ms_startime) temp_change_start.close() temp_change_start2.close() if mosaic: mosaic_time=os.path.join(obsid, "mosaics", imagename_short+"_mosaic.restored.corr") tempimg=pt.table(mosaic_time, ack=False, readonly=False) restored_time=tempimg.getkeyword('coords') oldtime=restored_time['obsdate']['m0']['value'] newtime=oldtime+((i*interval_min_round/(60.*24.))) restored_time['obsdate']['m0']['value']=newtime tempimg.putkeyword('coords', restored_time) tempimg.close() # temp_inject.write("taustart_ts={0}".format(new_ms_startime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0"))) injparset="tkp_inject_{0}.parset".format(imagename_short) temp_inject=open(injparset, "w") temp_inject.write("tau_time={0}\n".format(interval)) temp_inject.close()" {0} {1}.restored.corr > {2}/{3}/logs/{4}_trapinject_log.txt 2>&1".format(injparset, imagename,out,obsid, imagename_short), shell=True) os.remove(injparset) os.remove(aw_parset_name) start_time+=interval_min_round end_time+=interval_min_round except: start_time+=interval_min_round end_time+=interval_min_round continue
def test_table_executor_with_proxies(tmpdir, ms): from xarrayms.table_executor import _thread_local # Clear any state in the TableExecutor TableExecutor.close(wait=True) ms2 = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), os.path.split(ms)[1]) shutil.copytree(ms, ms2) with pt.table(ms, ack=False) as T: time = T.getcol("TIME") proxy_one = TableProxy(ms) proxy_two = TableProxy(ms2) proxy_three = TableProxy(ms) # Extract executors from the cache cache = TableExecutor._TableExecutor__cache refcounts = TableExecutor._TableExecutor__refcounts ex1 = cache[ms] ex2 = cache[ms2] # table name should be in thread local, but not the wrapper assert ex1.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "table_name").result() == ms assert ex1.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() is None # 2 references to ms assert refcounts[ms] == 2 assert ex2.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "table_name").result() == ms2 assert ex2.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() is None # 1 reference to ms assert refcounts[ms2] == 1 assert sorted(cache.keys()) == sorted([ms, ms2]) # Request data, check that it's valid and # check that the wrapper has been created assert_array_equal(proxy_one.getcol("TIME").result(), time) assert_array_equal(proxy_two.getcol("TIME").result(), time) tab1 = ex1.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() assert tab1 is not None tab2 = ex2.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() assert tab2 is not None # Close the first proxy, there should be one reference to ms now proxy_one.close() assert refcounts[ms] == 1 assert sorted(cache.keys()) == sorted([ms, ms2]) # Wrapper still exists on the first executor assert ex1.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "table_name").result() == ms res = ex1.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() assert res is not None # Close the third proxy, there should be no references to ms now proxy_three.close() # Wrapper still exists on the second executor assert ex2.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "table_name").result() == ms2 res = ex2.submit(getattr, _thread_local, "wrapper", None).result() assert res is not None assert ms not in refcounts assert sorted(cache.keys()) == [ms2] # Executor has been shutdown match_str = "cannot schedule new futures after shutdown" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=match_str): ex1.submit(lambda: True).result() # Close the last proxy, there should be nothing left proxy_two.close() assert ms2 not in refcounts assert len(cache) == 0 with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=match_str): ex2.submit(lambda: True).result() # Re-create proxy_one = TableProxy(ms) proxy_two = TableProxy(ms2) proxy_three = TableProxy(ms) assert sorted(cache.keys()) == sorted([ms, ms2]) TableExecutor.close(wait=True) assert len(cache) == 0 # Table's should be closed but force close before # the temporary directory disappears tab1.table.close() tab2.table.close()