Exemple #1
def __merge_setup(params):
    Convenience function for Merge set up steps
    # load previously saved preread_ifgs dict
    preread_ifgs_file = Configuration.preread_ifgs(params)
    ifgs_dict = pickle.load(open(preread_ifgs_file, 'rb'))
    ifgs = [v for v in ifgs_dict.values() if isinstance(v, shared.PrereadIfg)]
    shape = ifgs[0].shape
    tiles = Configuration.get_tiles(params)
    return shape, tiles, ifgs_dict
Exemple #2
def stack_calc_wrapper(params):
    Wrapper for stacking on a set of tiles.
    log.info('Calculating rate map via stacking')
    if not Configuration.vcmt_path(params).exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            "VCMT is not found on disc. Have you run the 'correct' step?")
    params[C.PREREAD_IFGS] = cp.load(
        open(Configuration.preread_ifgs(params), 'rb'))
    params[C.VCMT] = np.load(Configuration.vcmt_path(params))
    params[C.TILES] = Configuration.get_tiles(params)
    tiles_split(_stacking_for_tile, params)
    log.debug("Finished stacking calc!")
Exemple #3
def timeseries_calc_wrapper(params):
    Wrapper for time series calculation on a set of tiles.
    if params[C.TIME_SERIES_METHOD] == 1:
        log.info('Calculating time series using Laplacian Smoothing method')
    elif params[C.TIME_SERIES_METHOD] == 2:
        log.info('Calculating time series using SVD method')
    if not Configuration.vcmt_path(params).exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError("VCMT is not found on disc. Have you run the 'correct' step?")
    params[C.PREREAD_IFGS] = cp.load(open(Configuration.preread_ifgs(params), 'rb'))
    params[C.VCMT] = np.load(Configuration.vcmt_path(params))
    params[C.TILES] = Configuration.get_tiles(params)
    tiles_split(__calc_time_series_for_tile, params)
    log.debug("Finished timeseries calc!")