def main(): pyrax.set_credential_file("./CredsFile") cs = pyrax.cloudservers servers = cs.servers.list() image_list = cs.images.list() srv_dict = {} print "Select a server from which an image will be created." for pos, srv in enumerate(servers): print "%s: %s" % (pos, srv_dict[str(pos)] = selection = None while selection not in srv_dict: if selection is not None: print " -- Invalid choice" selection = raw_input("Enter the number for your choice: ") server_id = srv_dict[selection] print img_name = raw_input("Enter a name for the image: ") images = {} images[img_name] = cs.servers.create_image(server_id, img_name) completed_images = [] while len(completed_images) < 1: for img in cs.images.list(): if str(img_name) in and img.status == 'ACTIVE': completed_images.append(images[img_name]) print "Waiting for image to be saved. Trying again in 30 seconds." time.sleep(30) print "\nImage is ready. Creating server." servers = {} servers[img_name] = cs.servers.create(img_name, images[img_name], 2) print "Building server: %s" % img_name print completed_details = [] while len(completed_details) < 1: for img_name in servers: servers[img_name].get() if len(servers[img_name].networks) > 0: completed_details.append(servers[img_name]) print "Waiting for details to be ready. Trying again in 30 seconds." time.sleep(30) for img_name in servers: servers[img_name].get() print "Name: %s" % servers[img_name].name print "ID: %s" % servers[img_name].id print "Status: %s" % servers[img_name].status print "Admin Password: %s" % servers[img_name].adminPass print "Networks: %s \n" % servers[img_name].networks
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument ('-c', '--container', help='Name of container to be created.', required=True) parser.add_argument ('-f', '--fqdn', help='FQDN of record to add', required=True) parser.add_argument ('-i', '--ip', help='IP Address of FQDN record') parser.add_argument ('-e', '--email', help='IP Address of FQDN record', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(".PathtoCreds") cf = pyrax.cloudfiles dns = pyrax.cloud_dns cont = cf.create_container(args.container) print "Creating container named: %s" % ( cf.make_container_public(args.container, ttl=900) print "CDN Enabled." content = "Hello World" obj = cf.store_object(, "index.html", content, content_type="text/html") print "Stored Object: %s" % (obj) print "CDN URI: %s" % (cont.cdn_uri) dom = dns.create(name=args.fqdn, recs = [{ "type": "CNAME", "name": "test." + str(args.fqdn), "data": cont.cdn_uri, "ttl": 6000, }] print dom.add_records(recs)
def main(): creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) servers = create_chal10_servers() lb = create_chal10_lb(servers) lb_vip = lb.virtual_ips[0].address dns = create_dns(lb_vip)
def main(): pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") creds_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) available_regions = pyrax.regions print "Regions Available:", " ".join(list(available_regions)) region = "" while region not in pyrax.regions: region = raw_input("Select region: ") cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region) servers = cs.servers.list() srv_dict = {} print "Select a server from which an image will be created." for pos, srv in enumerate(servers): print "%s: %s" % (pos, srv_dict[str(pos)] = selection = None while selection not in srv_dict: if selection is not None: print " -- Invalid choice" selection = raw_input("Enter the number for your choice: ") server_id = srv_dict[selection] print nm = raw_input("Enter a name for the image: ") img_id = cs.servers.create_image(server_id, nm) print "Image '%s' is being created. Its ID is: %s" % (nm, img_id)
def main(): # Parse the command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Add a dns A record", prog='') parser.add_argument('--fqdn', help='fully qualified domain name', required=True) parser.add_argument('--ip', help='ip address', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Authenticate using a credentials file: "~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" cred_file = "%s/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" % (os.environ['HOME']) print "Setting authentication file to %s" % (cred_file) pyrax.set_credential_file(cred_file) # Instantiate a clouddns object print "Instantiating cloud_dns object" cdnsobj = pyrax.cloud_dns # Add the domain record domains = cdnsobj.list() for domain in domains: if args.fqdn.endswith( print "Found a matching domain: " + + \ " for fqdn: " + args.fqdn recs = [{'type': 'A', 'name': args.fqdn, 'data': args.ip, 'ttl': 6000}] print "Adding record: \n\t" + args.fqdn + " IN A " + args.ip cdnsobj.add_records(domain, recs)
def __init__(self, quiet=False, credfile=None): self.quiet = quiet # Handle authentication if credfile is None: # No credentials passed try: if pyrax.identity.authenticated is False: raise ValueError( "ERROR: FLUFFY_BASE(): PyRAX is not authenticated and no authentication tokens passed." ) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("ERROR: FLUFFY_BASE(): PyRAX is not initialized and no authentication tokens passed.") else: # If we were passed tokens, just reauth. # TODO: Come up with some solution to see if reauth is required # (I don't think pyrax.identity gives us enough hooks right now.) if credfile is None: raise ValueError("ERROR: FLUFFY_BASE(): Either credfile is required") norm_conf_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(credfile)) pyrax.settings.read_config(norm_conf_path) # Not sure if hack, emailed support pyrax.set_credential_file(norm_conf_path)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--region', metavar='region', default='ORD', choices=['ORD','DFW','LON'], help="Cloud region (default: ORD)") parser.add_argument('--flavor',metavar='flavor', default=2, choices=range(2,9), help="Flavor ID (default: 2)") parser.add_argument('uuid', metavar='uuid', help="UUID of server that you would like cloned") args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"),region=args.region) cs = pyrax.cloudservers print "Creating image of server %s..." % args.uuid server = cs.servers.get(args.uuid) image_id = server.create_image("Image of " + image = cs.images.get(image_id) progress_monitor(image) print "Building new server from image. This may take a few minutes..." name = "Clone of %s" % server = cs.servers.create(name, image_id, args.flavor) progress_monitor(server) print "\n====> Server Details\n" print "ID: %s" % print "Name: %s" % name print "Admin Password: %s" % server.adminPass print "Networks:" for key, ips in server.networks.iteritems(): for ip in ips: print "%s%s: %s" % (" "*4, key, ip) return
def push_rackspace(fname, cred_file="rs.cred"): creds_file = os.path.expanduser(cred_file) pyrax.set_credential_file(cred_file) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles with open(fname, "rb") as f: fdata = obj = cf.store_object("cyclus", fname, fdata)
def main(): pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") creds_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) available_regions = pyrax.regions print "Regions Available:", " ".join(list(available_regions)) region = "" while region not in available_regions: region = raw_input("Select Region: ") cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region) available_images = cs.images.list() available_flavors = cs.flavors.list() image = make_choice(images, "Select an image: ") flavor = make_choice(flavors, "Select a flavor: ") base_name = raw_input('Base server name': ) server_count = int(raw_input('Number of servers to build: ')) print "Building {} servers with base name '{}', flavor '{}', and image " "'{}'.".format(server_count, base_name,,
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('base', help='The base hostname to use, 3x512MB' ' servers will be built using this base hostname') parser.add_argument('--dc', required=False, help='The region to ' 'build the servers in', choices=['DFW', 'ORD', 'LON'], default=pyrax.default_region) parser.add_argument('--image', required=False, help='The image ID to build' ' the servers with', default='5cebb13a-f783-4f8c-8058-c4182c724ccd') parser.add_argument('--count', required=False, help='Number of servers to ' 'build. Default 2', default=2, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() credentials_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials_file, region=args.dc) cs = pyrax.cloudservers clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers print 'Building servers in: %s' % args.dc servers = {} for i in xrange(0, args.count): host = '%s%d' % (args.base, i) print 'Creating server: %s' % host servers[host] = cs.servers.create(host, args.image, 2) print '%s: %s' % (host, servers[host].id) statuses = ['ACTIVE', 'ERROR', 'UNKNOWN'] while filter(lambda server: server.status not in statuses, servers.values()): print 'Sleeping 30 seconds before checking for server readiness...' time.sleep(30) for host in servers: if servers[host].status in statuses: continue servers[host].get() nodes = [] for host, server in server_details.iteritems(): nodes.append(clb.Node(address=server.networks['private'][0], port=80, condition='ENABLED')) vip = clb.VirtualIP(type='PUBLIC') lb = clb.create('%s-lb' % args.base, port=80, protocol='HTTP', nodes=nodes, virtual_ips=[vip]) public_addresses = [vip.address for vip in lb.virtual_ips] t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['ID', 'Host', 'Status', 'IP', 'Admin Password']) for host, server in servers.iteritems(): t.add_row([, host, server.status, ', '.join(server.networks['public']), server.adminPass]) print 'Servers and loadbalancer online and ready...' print t t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['ID', 'Name', 'IP Address']) t.add_row([,, ', '.join(public_addresses)]) print print t
def check_usage(instance_id, threshold, region): pyrax.set_credential_file( os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")) cdb = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region=region) matched_instance = None for instance in cdb.list(): if == instance_id: matched_instance = instance if not matched_instance: print 'status error Unable to find instance', instance_id sys.exit(1) # Force usage lookup matched_instance.get() database_size = matched_instance.volume['size'] database_usage = matched_instance.volume['used'] percentage_used = database_usage / database_size if percentage_used >= threshold: print 'status error usage over threshold' else: print 'status ok usage within threshold' print "metric database_GB_container_size float", database_size print "metric database_GB_used float", database_usage print "metric percentage_used float", percentage_used
def main(): credz = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") try: pyrax.set_credential_file(credz) except exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: print "\n\nAuth failed, possibly wrong info in .rackspace_cloud_credentials" if pyrax.identity.authenticated: print '-'*15, '\n', "Auth successful as %s" % pyrax.identity.username, '\n', '-'*15 else: print "Authentication failed." sys.exit(1) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles dns = pyrax.cloud_dns indexfile = "index.html" index_data = "<html>\n<body>\n<h1>Welcome to the internet</h1>\n" cont = cf.create_container("index") cont.make_public(ttl=900) uppit = cont.store_object(indexfile, index_data) print "Uploaded %s" % uppit, '\n', '-'*15 cont.set_web_index_page(indexfile) dom_n = "" dom_e = "*****@*****.**" domain = dns.create(name=dom_n, emailAddress=dom_e) name = "cdn." + dom_n recadd = {"type": "CNAME", "name": name, "data": cont.cdn_uri, "ttl":900} fin = domain.add_records(recadd) print fin
def main(): credz = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") try: pyrax.set_credential_file(credz) except exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: print "\n\nAuth failed, possibly wrong info in .rackspace_cloud_credentials" if pyrax.identity.authenticated: print '-'*15, '\n', "Auth successful as %s" % pyrax.identity.username, '\n', '-'*15 else: print "Authentication failed." sys.exit(1) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles ctnr = cf.list_containers() c_ttl = 900 print "Current Containers:\n" for c in ctnr: print c print '-'*15, '\n', "Please type a container name then press ENTER to CDN enable it\n", '-'*15, '\n' ctnrn = raw_input("Container:") container = cf.create_container(ctnrn) container.make_public(ttl=c_ttl) cont = cf.get_container(container) print '\n', '-'*15, '\n' print "cdn_enabled", cont.cdn_enabled print "cdn_ttl", cont.cdn_ttl print "cdn_uri", cont.cdn_uri print "cdn_ssl_uri", cont.cdn_ssl_uri print "cdn_streaming_uri", cont.cdn_streaming_uri print '\n', '-'*15
def provision(): # Set the credentials for pyrax pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(".pyrax.cfg") # Provision the server with Rackspace server = pyrax.cloudservers.servers.create( "warehouse-repository", IMAGE_ID, FLAVOR_ID, ) # Store the password fabric.state.env.password = server.adminPass # Wait until the server is built server = pyrax.utils.wait_for_build(server) fabric.state.env.host_string = "root@{}".format( filter(lambda x: "." in x, server.networks["public"])[0], ) # Bootstrap our environment _bootstrap_environment() # Write out our config with open(".rackspace.json", "w") as rs: json.dump( { "host_string": fabric.state.env.host_string, "password": fabric.state.env.password, }, rs, )
def main(): pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials')) cs = pyrax.cloudservers # Ubuntu 12.04 Image image_id = '5cebb13a-f783-4f8c-8058-c4182c724ccd' # 512M Server flavor_id = 2 # Server name prefix prefix = 'web' password_dict = {} def print_server_details(server): print "\nid: %s" % print "name: %s" % print "adminPass: %s" % password_dict.get( print "networks: %s" % server.networks return def build_check_callback(server): if not server: print 'ERROR: One of your servers does not appear to be building properly' elif server.status == "ACTIVE": print_server_details(server) else: print "ERROR: Server %s (%s) is in ERROR" % (, print_server_details(server) return for i in xrange(0,3): server = cs.servers.create('%s%s' % (prefix,str(i+ 1)), image_id, flavor_id) password_dict[] = server.adminPass pyrax.utils.wait_until(server,'status',['ACTIVE','ERROR'],build_check_callback, interval=15, attempts=30) print "Your Ubuntu 12.04 512M 3-pack is now building! Server details provided upon build completion. This may take a minute or so..." return
def main(): # Log the startup jarlog.logit('INFO', "Starting jarflyd") # Get the config confobj = config.GetConfig() # Set up the identity type pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") # Set up the credentials file cred_file = confobj.get("global", "credentials_file") jarlog.logit('INFO', "Authenticating using cred file: %s" % cred_file) pyrax.set_credential_file(cred_file) # Set up the default region globalRegion = confobj.get("global", "region") jarlog.logit('INFO', "Setting global region to: %s" % globalRegion) pyrax.connect_to_services(region=globalRegion) # Start reading in the jar sections sections = confobj.sections() for section in sections: if section.startswith("jar-"): processJar(confobj, section)
def api_initialization(): pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") try: progname, username, api_key = argv pyrax.set_credentials(username, api_key) except ValueError: if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")): creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") try: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) except pexc.AuthenticationFailed: print "The credentials located in ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials are not valid. Please provide the correct Username and API Key below.\n" cred_prompt() else: cred_prompt() except pexc.AuthenticationFailed: if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")): print "The provided credentials are not valid; reverting to the ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials file." creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") try: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) except pexc.AuthenticationFailed: print "The credentials located in ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials are not valid. Please provide the correct Username and API Key below.\n" cred_prompt() else: print "The provided credentials are not valid; please enter them below.\n" cred_prompt()
def load(context, path, callback): key = ( context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_REGION, context.config.get('RACKSPACE_PYRAX_IDENTITY_TYPE','rackspace'), context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_CFG, context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_PUBLIC, context.config.RACKSPACE_LOADER_CONTAINER ) if key not in CONNECTIONS: if(context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_REGION): pyrax.set_default_region(context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_REGION) pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', context.config.get('RACKSPACE_PYRAX_IDENTITY_TYPE','rackspace')) pyrax.set_credential_file(expanduser(context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_CFG)) cf = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(public=context.config.RACKSPACE_PYRAX_PUBLIC) CONNECTIONS[key] = cf.get_container(context.config.RACKSPACE_LOADER_CONTAINER) cont = CONNECTIONS[key] file_abspath = normalize_path(context, path) logger.debug("[LOADER] getting from %s/%s" % (context.config.RACKSPACE_LOADER_CONTAINER, file_abspath)) try: obj = cont.get_object(file_abspath) if obj: logger.debug("[LOADER] Found object at %s/%s" % (context.config.RACKSPACE_LOADER_CONTAINER, file_abspath)) else: logger.warning("[LOADER] Unable to find object %s/%s" % (context.config.RACKSPACE_LOADER_CONTAINER, file_abspath )) except: callback(None) else: callback(obj.get())
def __init__(self, parsed_url): duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url) try: import pyrax except ImportError as e: raise BackendException("""\ Hubic backend requires the pyrax library available from Rackspace. Exception: %s""" % str(e)) # Inform Pyrax that we're talking to Hubic pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "duplicity.backends.pyrax_identity.hubic.HubicIdentity") CREDENTIALS_FILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.hubic_credentials") if os.path.exists(CREDENTIALS_FILE): try: pyrax.set_credential_file(CREDENTIALS_FILE) except Exception as e: log.FatalError("Connection failed, please check your credentials: %s %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, util.uexc(e)), log.ErrorCode.connection_failed) else: raise BackendException("No ~/.hubic_credentials file found.") container = parsed_url.path.lstrip('/') self.client_exc = pyrax.exceptions.ClientException self.nso_exc = pyrax.exceptions.NoSuchObject self.container = pyrax.cloudfiles.create_container(container)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--region', default="ORD", choices=['ORD','DFW','LON'], help="Cloud region (default: ORD)") parser.add_argument('--flavor', type=int, default=1, choices=range(1,7), help="Flavor ID (default: 1)") parser.add_argument('--volume', default=1, help="Size of disk in GB (default:1, Max:150)") parser.add_argument('user', help="Database User") parser.add_argument('password', help="Database Password") parser.add_argument('database', metavar='database-name', help="Database Name") parser.add_argument('instance', metavar='instance-name', help="Instance name") args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"),region=args.region) cdb = pyrax.cloud_databases db_dict = [{"name": args.database}] user_dict = [ { "name": args.user, "password": args.password, "databases": db_dict } ] print "Building database instance. This may take a few minutes..." instance = cdb.create(args.instance, flavor=args.flavor, volume=args.volume, users=user_dict, databases=db_dict) instance = pyrax.utils.wait_until(instance,'status',['ACTIVE','ERROR'], interval=15) if instance.status == 'ACTIVE': print "Instance built successfully." else: raise SystemExit("ERROR: Instance build was unsuccessful") return
def master_up(key_name, credential_file="~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"): ''' Create a salt-master on Rackspace Alternatively create the master using nova ''' # Authenticate with Rackspace, use credential file pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser(credential_file)) # Shorthand cs = pyrax.cloudservers # Building Ubuntu 12.04 boxes with 512 MB RAM iter_flavors = ifilter(lambda flavor: flavor.ram == 512, cs.flavors.list()) flavor_512 = iter_os = ifilter(lambda img: "Ubuntu 12.04" in, cs.images.list()) ubu_image = master = cs.servers.create("",, flavor_512, key_name=key_name) master = pyrax.utils.wait_for_build(master, verbose=True) env.hosts = [master.accessIPv4] print("Master IP: {}".format(master.accessIPv4)) return master.accessIPv4
def auth(credential_location="~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"): """ Loads the pyrax credentials from ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials :param credential_location: The location containing the credential ini """ credentials = os.path.expanduser(credential_location) pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials)
def cloud_connect(): creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") try: pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) except exc.AuthenticationFailed: print "Problem with credential file ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--region', metavar='region', default='ORD', choices=['ORD','DFW','LON'], help="Cloud region (default: ORD)") parser.add_argument('--ttl', metavar='ttl', default=259200, type=int, help="CDN container TTL in seconds (default: 259200)") parser.add_argument('--enable-log', action='store_true', help="Enable CDN log retention") parser.add_argument('container', metavar='container', help="Cloud Files container name. Container will be created if it does not exist") args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials"),region=args.region) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles if args.container not in cf.list_containers(): print "Container does not exist and will be created." # if container already exists, create_container will still return existing container. cont = cf.create_container(args.container) cf.make_container_public(args.container, ttl=args.ttl) cf.set_cdn_log_retention(cont, args.enable_log) cont = cf.get_container(args.container) print "Container CDN Enabled." print "name:", print "ttl:", cont.cdn_ttl print "uri:", cont.cdn_uri print "ssl uri:", cont.cdn_ssl_uri print "streaming uri:", cont.cdn_streaming_uri print "ios uri:", cont.cdn_ios_uri print "log retention:", cont.cdn_log_retention return
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument ('-n', '--name', help='Name of database to be created', required=True) parser.add_argument ('-u', '--username', help='Username of database to be created', required=True) parser.add_argument ('-p', '--password', help='Password of database to be created', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(".PathToCreds") cdb = pyrax.cloud_databases # Creates the instance instance_name = "Default Instance" inst = cdb.create(instance_name, flavor="1GB Instance", volume=2) print "Instance: %s" % (inst) completed_instance = [] while len(completed_instance) < 1: for instance in cdb.list(): if str(instance_name) in and instance.status == 'ACTIVE': completed_instance.append(instance_name) print "Waiting for instance to be ready. Trying again in 30 seconds." time.sleep(30) print "Instance is ready. Creating database." # Creates the database db = inst.create_database( print "DB: %s" % (db) # Creates the user user = inst.create_user(name=args.username, password=args.password, database_names=[db]) print "User: %s" % (user)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("instancename") parser.add_argument("databasename") parser.add_argument("username") parser.add_argument("--flavor", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--volumesize", default=1) parser.add_argument("--password") args = parser.parse_args() if args.password is None: args.password = pyrax.utils.random_name(length=10, ascii_only=True) creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) cdb = pyrax.cloud_databases db_dicts = [{"name": args.databasename}] body = [{"name": args.username, "password": args.password, "databases": db_dicts}] instance = cdb.create(args.instancename, flavor=args.flavor, volume=args.volumesize, users=body, databases=db_dicts) print "Name:", print "ID:", print "Username:"******"Password:"******"Status:", instance.status print "Flavor:",
def setup(): username = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME') api_key = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD') credentials = os.environ.get('RAX_CREDENTIALS') or os.environ.get('RAX_CREDS_FILE') region = os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME') if credentials is None: credentails = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') try: pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') if api_key and username: pyrax.set_credentials(username, api_key=api_key) elif credentials: credentials = os.path.expanduser(credentials) pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials) else: sys.stderr.write('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s\n' % (e.message, default_creds_file)) sys.exit(1) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--flavor', default=2, help='Flavor for new cloud servers') parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', default='e4dbdba7-b2a4-4ee5-8e8f-4595b6d694ce', help='Flavor for new cloud servers') parser.add_argument('-b', '--basename', default='New', help='Base name for the servers. For example \'Web\' would produce servers of the names Web1, Web2, etc') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quantity', default=3, help='Quantity of servers you want to spin up. The default is 3.') args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "rackspace_cloud_credentials")) cs = pyrax.cloudservers n = 0 new_servers = [] while n <= args.quantity - 1 : print "Spinning up server " + args.basename + str(n + 1) new_servers.append(cs.servers.create(args.basename + str(n + 1), args.image, args.flavor)) p = 0 while p < 100: p = cs.servers.get(new_servers[n].id).progress time.sleep(10) print "Progress: " + str(p) + "%" n += 1 print "All server builds complete:" print "" for srv in new_servers: print "Name: " + print "ID: ", print "Admin password: "******""
def servers_api(creds_file, region = None): """Sets up a pyrax instance for Cloud Servers in the given region.""" pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser(creds_file), region = region) cs = pyrax.cloudservers return cs
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('container', help='The destination CloudFiles ' 'container to enable CDN support on') parser.add_argument('--dc', required=False, help='The region to ' 'build the servers in', choices=['DFW', 'ORD', 'LON'], default=pyrax.default_region) args = parser.parse_args() credentials_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials_file, region=args.dc) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles print 'Working in %s' % args.dc try: container = cf.get_container(args.container) print 'Container %s exists, using...' % args.container except pyrax.exceptions.NoSuchContainer as e: print 'Container %s does not exist, creating...' % args.container container = cf.create_container(args.container) container.make_public(ttl=900) print '%s CDN created and enabled:' % args.container print 'CDN URI: %s' % container.cdn_uri print 'CDN SSL URI: %s' % container.cdn_ssl_uri print 'CDN Streaming URI: %s' % container.cdn_streaming_uri
def main(): # Set the credentials file up cred_file = "%s/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" % (os.environ['HOME']) print "Setting authentication file to %s" % (cred_file) pyrax.set_credential_file(cred_file) # Check for existing csobj = pyrax.cloudservers # Get the vyatta image images = csobj.list_images() for image in images: if == "Vyatta Network OS 6.5R2": vimage = image print "Found image: " + # Get the needed flavor flavors = csobj.list_flavors() for flavor in flavors: if == "1GB Standard Instance": vflavor = flavor print "Found flavor: " + # Create your keypair if it doens't already exist addkey = 1 keypairs = csobj.keypairs.list() for keypair in keypairs: if == "my_key": print "keypair " + + " exists. Skipping creation" addkey = 0 if addkey == 1: with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/")) as keyfile: csobj.keypairs.create("my_key", # Create your networks cnobj = pyrax.cloud_networks dmznet = create_network(cnobj, "dmz", "") appnet = create_network(cnobj, "app", "") datanet = create_network(cnobj, "data", "") nics_list = [{'net-id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'}, {'net-id': '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'}, {'net-id':}, {'net-id':}, {'net-id':}] # Create your server addserver = 1 servers = csobj.servers.list() for server in servers: if == "": print "Server " + + " exists. Skipping creation" serverafter = server addserver = 0 if addserver == 1: server = csobj.servers.create("",,, nics=nics_list, key_name="my_key") serverafter = pyrax.utils.wait_until(server, "status", ["ACTIVE", "ERROR"]) # print the network & pass info print "Server Networks: " print serverafter.networks print "Server Password " print serverafter.adminPass
def main(): """Run the main application.""" # Setup argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Basic pyrax CLI utilities', epilog='Licensed "Apache 2.0"') parser.add_argument('-c', '--credentialsfile', help='<Required> The path to the pyrax.cfg file', default='~/.pyrax.cfg') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--cloudregion', help='<Required> The region to execute commands against', required=True) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--serveruuid', help='<Required> The server uuid to execute commands against', required=True) parser.add_argument('-i', '--imagename', help='<Required> The name to use for the saved image', required=True) # Parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() # Set the identity type for Rackspace Cloud pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') # Set the credentials pyrax.set_credential_file(args.credentialsfile) # Create the cloudservers object cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers(region=args.cloudregion) # Get the list of current images with the same name current_images = [ image for image in cs.images.list() if hasattr(image, "server") and == args.imagename ] # Request the image creation (it returns the id, not an object) saved_image_id = cs.servers.create_image(args.serveruuid, args.imagename) # Get the image object saved_image = cs.images.get(saved_image_id) # Wait until the image creation returns a result saved_image = pyrax.utils.wait_until(saved_image, "status", ["ACTIVE", "ERROR"], attempts=0) # Delete all previous images of the same name if the resulting image # status is 'ACTIVE' if saved_image.status == "ACTIVE": for image in current_images: image.delete()
import redis REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost') REDIS_DB = int(os.environ.get('REDIS_DB', 5)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('which', nargs='?', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() if args.which is None: print "Finding latest backup..." import pyrax pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser('~/.raxcreds'), region='SYD') container = pyrax.cloudfiles.get_container('backups') backups = container.get_objects() backups.sort(key=lambda x: print "Downloading {}...".format(backups[-1].name) container.download_object(backups[-1].name, '.') backup = backups[-1].name else: backup = args.which r = redis.StrictRedis(host=REDIS_HOST, db=REDIS_DB) for entry in json.loads(gzip.GzipFile(backup, 'r').read())['backup']: key = entry.pop('id') p = r.pipeline()
try: creds_file = os.environ['RAX_CREDS_FILE'] except KeyError, e: # But if that fails, use the default location of ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials if os.path.isfile(default_creds_file): creds_file = default_creds_file else: sys.stderr.write('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s\n' % (e.message, default_creds_file)) sys.exit(1) pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') try: pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser(creds_file)) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1) regions = [] for region in os.getenv('RAX_REGION', 'all').split(','): region = region.strip().upper() if region == 'ALL': regions = pyrax.regions break elif region not in pyrax.regions: sys.stderr.write('Unsupported region %s' % region) sys.exit(1) elif region not in regions: regions.append(region)
# basedir contains the following: # DNS zones in basedir/var/named # With the assumption that zone files are named domain.tld.db # Destination for processed DNS zones in basedir/var/processed # Rackspace Cloud credentials in basedir/cloudcred # A log file is created at basedir/import-(current UTC timestamp).log # IMPORTANT: Trailing slash is necessary basedir = "/home/exampleuser/zonefiles/" # domainemail is the contact email address with '.' for '@' and a trailing '.', used to generate the SOA records. domainemail = '' # Set the Cloud identity credentials. pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(basedir + "cloudcred") cdns = pyrax.cloud_dns # Generate a string from the current UTC timestamp. utcstamp = str(int(time.time())) # Create the log file and set the logging configuration. logging.basicConfig(filename=basedir + 'import-' + utcstamp + '.log', level=logging.INFO) # Build the path to the bind files. Trailing slash required. bindpath = basedir + "var/named/" # Build the path to move the processed zone files to. procpath = basedir + "var/processed/"
import dns.exception from tld import get_tld # Configure some basic logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Determine the current directory current_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Ensure that the environment variable PYRAX_CREDS is set and it contains the # path to your pyrax credentials file. pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") try: pyrax.set_credential_file("{0}/.pyrax".format(current_directory)) rax_dns = pyrax.cloud_dns rax_clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers except KeyError: logger.error(" + Missing pyrax credentials file (export PYRAX_CREDS)") sys.exit(1) # Determine the IP addresses for Rackspace's public nameservers. We will query # these servers later to determine when our challenge record is published. dns_servers = ["", ""] resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() rackspace_dns_servers = [ item.address for server in dns_servers for item in resolver.query(server) ]
def setup(): default_creds_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') # pyrax does not honor the environment variable CLOUD_VERIFY_SSL=False, so let's help pyrax if 'CLOUD_VERIFY_SSL' in os.environ: pyrax.set_setting( 'verify_ssl', os.environ['CLOUD_VERIFY_SSL'] in [1, 'true', 'True']) env = get_config(p, 'rax', 'environment', 'RAX_ENV', None) if env: pyrax.set_environment(env) keyring_username = pyrax.get_setting('keyring_username') # Attempt to grab credentials from environment first creds_file = get_config(p, 'rax', 'creds_file', 'RAX_CREDS_FILE', None) if creds_file is not None: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(creds_file) else: # But if that fails, use the default location of # ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials if os.path.isfile(default_creds_file): creds_file = default_creds_file elif not keyring_username: sys.stderr.write('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s\n' % ('RAX_CREDS_FILE', default_creds_file)) sys.exit(1) identity_type = pyrax.get_setting('identity_type') pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', identity_type or 'rackspace') region = pyrax.get_setting('region') try: if keyring_username: pyrax.keyring_auth(keyring_username, region=region) else: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, region=region) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1) regions = [] if region: regions.append(region) else: region_list = get_config(p, 'rax', 'regions', 'RAX_REGION', 'all', islist=True) for region in region_list: region = region.strip().upper() if region == 'ALL': regions = pyrax.regions break elif region not in pyrax.regions: sys.stderr.write('Unsupported region %s' % region) sys.exit(1) elif region not in regions: regions.append(region) return regions
def main(): """ Challenge 8 -- Write a script that will create a static webpage served out of Cloud Files. The script must create a new container, CDN enable it, enable it to serve an index file, create an index file object, upload the object to the container, and create a CNAME record pointing to the CDN URL of the container. """ # Parse script parameters p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Create a Cloud Files static " "web site from a local " "folder/directory")) p.add_argument("directory", action="store", type=str, metavar="[source directory]", help="Local directory to upload content from") p.add_argument("container", action="store", type=str, metavar="[container name]", help="Container name where content should be uploaded") p.add_argument("fqdn", action="store", type=str, metavar="[cname]", help="CNAME for CDN alias record") p.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="[region]", type=str, help=("Region where container should be created" " (defaults to 'ORD'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON", "IAD", "HKG", "SYD"], default="ORD") p.add_argument("-t", "--cdn-ttl", action="store", required=False, metavar="[cdn ttl]", type=int, help=("CDN TTL for the container (default %d seconds)" % (MIN_TTL)), default=MIN_TTL) p.add_argument("-i", "--index", action="store", required=False, metavar="[static web index]", type=str, help="Static web index file (default 'index.html')", default="index.html") p.add_argument("-l", "--cname-ttl", action="store", required=False, type=int, metavar="[cname TTL]", help=(("CNAME record TTL (in seconds) for the CDN " "URI (default %d seconds)") % (DEFAULT_TTL)), default=DEFAULT_TTL) p.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", required=False, help="Permit upload to an existing container") # Parse arguments (validate user input) args = p.parse_args() # Determine if the upload directory exists if not os.path.isdir( print ("ERROR: Specified directory (%s) does not exist, please check " "the path and try again)" % ( sys.exit(1) # Determine if CDN TTL is at least the minimum value permitted if args.cdn_ttl < MIN_TTL: print "ERROR: Minimum CDN TTL permitted is %ds" % (MIN_TTL) sys.exit(2) # Same again for the CNAME record if args.cname_ttl < DEFAULT_TTL: print "ERROR: Minimum CNAME TTL permitted is %ds" % (DEFAULT_TTL) sys.exit(3) # Determine if the FQDN is correctly formated (at least three segments # separated by '.' are required). # NOTE: This can be improved since we're not checking whether or not # the zone in question is a valid TLD or if the string only has # valid (alphanumeric) characters segments = args.fqdn.split('.') if len(segments) < 3: print ("ERROR: FQDN string is incorrectly formatted, please check " "and try again") print ("Base zone/domain in the format '' will not be " "accepted") sys.exit(4) # All is apparently well, define the zone/domain using the FQDN string else: zone_name = '.'.join(segments[-(len(segments)-1):]) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_FILE) pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", IDENTITY_TYPE) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) except e.AuthenticationFailed: print ("ERROR: Authentication failed. Please check and confirm " "that the API username, key, and region are in place " "and correct.") sys.exit(5) except e.FileNotFound: print "ERROR: Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file) sys.exit(6) # Use a shorter Cloud Files and Cloud DNS class reference strings # This simplifies invocation later on (less typing) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles dns = pyrax.cloud_dns # Grab zone list domains = zone_list(dns) # No zones found, inform that one needs to be created and exit if len(domains) == 0: print "ERROR: You have no domains/zones at this time" print "Please create one first then try again" sys.exit(7) # Attempt to locate the zone extracted from FQDN string try: zone = [i for i in domains if zone_name in][0] except: print "ERROR: Zone '%s' not found" % (zone_name) print "Please check/create and try again" sys.exit(8) # Determine if container already exists, otherwise create it try: print "INFO: Checking if container already exists..." cont = cf.get_container(args.container) except e.NoSuchContainer: cont = None # Container not found, create it if cont is None: try: print ("INFO: Container '%s' not found, creating with TTL set " "to %d..." % (args.container, args.cdn_ttl)) cont = cf.create_container(args.container) cont.make_public(ttl=args.cdn_ttl) except e.CDNFailed: print "ERROR: Could not CDN enable the container" sys.exit(9) except: print "ERROR: Could not create container", args.container sys.exit(10) # Otherwise inform the user/client that the directory exists and # determine if we can proceed (is the force flag set) else: print ("INFO: Container '%s' found with TTL set to %d" % (, cont.cdn_ttl)) if args.force: print "INFO: Proceeding as force flag is set" else: print "INFO: Force flag not set, exiting..." sys.exit(11) # Set the static web index file (metadata/header) print "INFO: Setting static web index file to", args.index meta = {"X-Container-Meta-Web-Index": args.index} cf.set_container_metadata(cont, meta) # Check and confirm if the index file exists, otherwise create a # placeholder and inform/warn the client of the action index_file = + "/" + args.index if not os.path.isfile(index_file): print ("INFO: Index file '%s' not found, creating a placeholder" % (index_file)) f = open(index_file,'w') f.write("Index page placeholder\n") f.close() # Start the upload print "INFO: Beginning directory/folder upload" (upload_key, total_bytes) = cf.upload_folder(, cont) # Inform the user of the total upload size print ("INFO: Total upload size: %d bytes (%.2f MB)" % (total_bytes, total_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024)) # Prepare progress toolbar sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * TOOLBAR_WIDTH)) sys.stdout.flush() # Return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write("\b" * (TOOLBAR_WIDTH + 1)) # Print the upload progress (1 second interval) uploaded = 0 while uploaded < total_bytes: uploaded = cf.get_uploaded(upload_key) progress = int(ceil((uploaded * 100.0) / total_bytes / 2)) sys.stdout.write("%s" % ("=" * progress)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\b" * (progress)) # Reset progress bar sleep(1) print # Upload completed, print object count and CDN URIs objs = cf.get_container_object_names(cont) print "INFO: Number of objects uploaded: %d" % (len(objs)) # Attempt to create the new CNAME record cname_rec = {"type": "CNAME", "name": args.fqdn, "data": cont.cdn_uri.replace("http://", ""), "ttl": args.cname_ttl} try: rec = zone.add_record(cname_rec) print "INFO: DNS record successfully added" print ("-- Record details\n\tName: %s\n\tType: %s\n\tIP address: " "%s\n\tTTL: %s") % (rec[0].name, rec[0].type, rec[0].data, rec[0].ttl) print "INFO: All requests completed successfully" except e.DomainRecordAdditionFailed as err: print "ERROR: Record addition request failed\nReason:", err sys.exit(12)
def main(): """ Build a number of Next-Gen Cloud Servers following a similar naming convention. (ie. web1, web2, web3) and returns the IP and login credentials for each server """ # Variable to determine if build errors were encountered ERRORS = False # Compile a list of available RAM sizes for use in argument parsing # later on. The choices permitted will be made up of this list. # NOTE: Should revisit to make more dynamic for if and when # the list is updated FLAVOR_LIST = [512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 15360, 30720] # Define the script parameters (all are optional for the time being) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Cloud Server provisioning " "application")) parser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", action="store", required=False, metavar="SERVER_NAME_PREFIX", type=str, help=("Server name prefix (defaults to 'node-' +" " a random 8 charachter string" "e.g. node-54jg84d9, node-57fhd49h, ...)"), default="node-") parser.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="REGION", type=str, help=("Region where servers should be built (defaults" " to 'LON'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON", "SYD", "IAD"], default="LON") parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", action="store", required=True, metavar="SERVER_IMAGE_ID", type=str, help=("Image ID to be used in server build" " There is no default, ID must be supplied")) parser.add_argument("-s", "--size", action="store", required=False, metavar="SERVER_RAM_SIZE", type=int, help=("Server RAM size in megabytes (defaults to " "'512')"), choices=FLAVOR_LIST, default=512) parser.add_argument("-m", "--meta", action="store", required=False, metavar="METADATA_DICTIONARY", type=json.loads, help=("Metadata to be used in the build request(s) - " '(must be in the format: {"key": "value"' ', "key": "value", ...}) Maximum of 5 ' "key/value pairs, default: %s" % (METADATA)), default=METADATA) parser.add_argument("-c", "--count", action="store", required=False, metavar="SERVER_COUNT", type=int, help=("Number of servers to build (defaults to " "'%d')" % (SERVER_COUNT)), choices=range(1, 51), default=SERVER_COUNT) parser.add_argument("-l", "--logpath", action="store", required=False, metavar="LOG_DIRECTORY", type=str, help=("The directory to create log files in"), default=LOGPATH) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", required=False, help=("Turn on debug verbosity"), default=False) # Parse arguments (validate user input) args = parser.parse_args() # Configure log formatting logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') rootLogger = logging.getLogger() # Check what level we should log with if args.verbose: rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: rootLogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Configure logging to console consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(consoleHandler) # Configure logging to file try: fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("{0}/{1}.log".format( args.logpath, os.path.basename(__file__))) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(fileHandler) except IOError: rootLogger.critical("Unable to write to log file directory '%s'" % (args.logpath)) exit(1) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_FILE) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) except e.AuthenticationFailed: rootLogger.critical( "Authentication failed. Please check and confirm" "that the API username, key, and region are in place " "and correct.") exit(2) except e.FileNotFound: rootLogger.critical("Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file)) exit(3) # Use a shorter Cloud Servers class reference string # This simplifies invocation later on (less typing) cs = pyrax.cloudservers # Locate the image to build from (confirm it exists) try: image = [i for i in cs.images.list() if args.image in][0] except: rootLogger.critical("Image ID provided was not found. Please check " "and try again") exit(4) # Grab the flavor ID from the RAM amount selected by the user. # The server create request requires the ID rather than RAM amount. flavor = [f for f in cs.flavors.list() if args.size == f.ram][0] rootLogger.warning( "Cloud Server build request initiated. Consider using --verbose. Please wait ..." ) # Print the image ID and name selected, as well as server count"Image details, ID: '%s' Name: '%s'" % (,"Server build details, Size: '%d' MB Count: '%d'" % (args.size, args.count)) # Server list definition to be used in tracking build status/comletion servers = [] # Iterate through the server count specified, sending the build request # for each one in turn (concurrent builds) count = 1 while count <= args.count: # Issue the server creation request srv = cs.servers.create(args.prefix + pyrax.utils.random_name(8, ascii_only=True),,, meta=args.meta) # Add server ID from the create request to the tracking list servers.append(srv) count += 1 # Check on the status of the server builds. Completed or error/unknown # states are removed from the list until nothing remains. while servers: # Track the element position for easier/efficient removal count = 0 for server in servers: # Get the updated server details server.get() # Should it meet the necessary criteria, provide extended info # and remove from the list if server.status in ["ACTIVE", "ERROR", "UNKNOWN"]: "Server details: Name: '%s' Status: '%s' Admin password: '******'" % (, server.status, server.adminPass)) "Networks: Public #1: '%s' Public #2: '%s' Private: %s" % (server.networks["public"][0], server.networks["public"][1], server.networks["private"][0])) if server.status not in ["ACTIVE"]: ERRORS = True rootLogger.warning( "Something went wrong with the build request") del servers[count] count += 1 # Reasonable wait period between checks sleep(15) # All done exit_msg = "Build requests completed" if ERRORS: rootLogger.warning("'%s' - with errors (see above for details)" % (exit_msg)) exit(5) else: rootLogger.warning("%s" % (exit_msg)) exit(0)
def setup(): pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_setting('region', 'ORD') pyrax.set_credential_file('rs.cred')
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Response to Challenge 4 of Rackspace API Challenge""" """redirect stderr to eliminate status messages""" __author__ = "*****@*****.**" import pyrax import sys import json import argparse import os pyrax.set_credential_file("/home/cdw/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") dns = pyrax.cloud_dns sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Challenge 4: Create a DNS A record') parser.add_argument('fqdn', help='Fully qualified domain name of A record to create') parser.add_argument('ip', help='IP address to point the A record at') args = parser.parse_args() # we need to figure out where our fqdn goes fqdn_list = args.fqdn.split('.') fqdn_tld = [] domain_id = [] # we loop through the domains and split them into reverse order lists # then we compare the current tld to the one specified in the arguments
def main(): # Set default metadata key to search for METAKEY = "MyGroup0_clb" # Set default metadata value to search for METAVALUE = "clb0" # Set default location of pyrax configuration file CREDFILE = "~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" # Set the default location of log files LOGPATH = "/var/log/" # A short description parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Automatically update load balancer nodes")) # Set argument for the region parser.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="REGION", type=str, help=("Region where servers should be built (defaults" " to 'LON'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON" "IAD", "SYD"], default="LON") # Set argument for the metadata key parser.add_argument("-mk", "--metakey", action="store", required=False, metavar="META_KEY", type=str, help=("Matadata key that desired node has"), default=METAKEY) # Set argument for the metadata value parser.add_argument("-mv", "--metavalue", action="store", required=False, metavar="META_VALUE", type=str, help=("Metadata value that desired node has"), default=METAVALUE) # Set argument for the cloud load balancer ID parser.add_argument("-i", "--clbid", action="store", required=True, metavar="CLB_ID", type=int, help=("Cloud Load Balancer ID")) # Set argument for the pyrax credentials file loacation parser.add_argument("-c", "--credfile", action="store", required=False, metavar="CREDENTIALS_FILE", type=str, help=("The location of your pyrax configuration file"), default=CREDFILE) # Set argument for the log file directory parser.add_argument("-p", "--logpath", action="store", required=False, metavar="LOG_DIRECTORY", type=str, help=("The directory to create log files in"), default=LOGPATH) # Set argument for verbosity parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", required=False, help=("Turn on debug verbosity"), default=False) # Parse the arguments args = parser.parse_args() # Configure logging logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') rootLogger = logging.getLogger() # Check what level we should log with if args.verbose: rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: rootLogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Configure logging to console consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(consoleHandler) # Configure logging to file try: fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("{0}/{1}.log".format( args.logpath, os.path.basename(__file__))) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(fileHandler) except IOError: rootLogger.critical("Unable to write to log file directory '%s'" % (logpath)) exit(1) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") # Test that the pyrax configuration file provided exists try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(args.credfile) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) # Exit if authentication fails except e.AuthenticationFailed: rootLogger.critical( "Authentication failed. Please check and confirm" "that the API username, key, and region are in place" "and correct.") exit(1) # Exit if file does not exist except e.FileNotFound: rootLogger.critical("Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file)) "%s", """Use a credential file in the following format:\n [rackspace_cloud] username = myuseername api_key = 01sdf444g3ffgskskeoek0349 """) exit(2) # Shorten some pyrax calls cs = pyrax.cloudservers clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers # Check that we have some servers in this region if not cs.servers.list(): rootLogger.critical("No servers found in region '%s'" % (args.region)) exit(3) # Check that we have the load balancer in this region if not clb.find(id=args.clbid): rootLogger.critical("No matching load balancer found in region '%s'" % (args.region)) exit(4) # Find our load balancer myclb = clb.find(id=args.clbid) # Let the user know we found the load balancer'Found Load Balancer, id: %i status: %s' % (, myclb.status)) # Create some empty lists clbips = [] csips = [] # Make a list of nodes currently in out load balancer. for node in myclb.nodes: if node.condition == 'ENABLED' or 'DISABLED': clbips.append(node.address) # Let the user know what nodes we found'Current load balancer nodes: %s' % (clbips)) # Make a list of servers that match out metadata for server in cs.servers.list(): # filter out only ACTIVE ones if server.status == 'ACTIVE': # Check for servers that match both your meta key and value if args.metakey in server.metadata and server.metadata[ args.metakey] == args.metavalue: # Grab the private ip address of matching server csips.append(server.networks['private'][0]) # Let the user know what servers match our metadata'Cloud servers matching metadata: %s' % (csips)) if set(clbips) == set(csips):"No update required") exit(0) else: pass # Make a list of new ip's to add into load balancer newips = [x for x in csips if x not in clbips] # Make a list of old ip's to remove from load balancer oldips = [x for x in clbips if x not in csips] # Check out verbosity if args.verbose: v = True else: v = False # Set our load balancing port myport = myclb.port # If we have new ip's then add them if newips: # Let the user know what IP's we are adding rootLogger.warning('Nodes to add to load balancer %i: %s' % (, newips)) for ip in newips: new_node = clb.Node(address=ip, port=myport, condition="ENABLED") myclb.add_nodes([new_node]) # Wait for the load balancer to update pyrax.utils.wait_until(myclb, "status", "ACTIVE", interval=1, attempts=30, verbose=v) # If we have old ip'd then remove them if oldips: # Let the user know what ips' we are removing rootLogger.warning('Nodes to remove from load balancer %i: %s' % (, oldips)) for node in myclb.nodes: if node.address in oldips: node.delete() pyrax.utils.wait_until(myclb, "status", "ACTIVE", interval=1, attempts=30, verbose=v) # Let the user know we are done"Update complete") exit(0)
def main(): """ Challenge 5 -- Write a script that creates a Cloud Database instance. This instance should contain at least one database, and the database should have at least one user that can connect to it. """ # Parse script parameters p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Create an Cloud DB instance " "along with a DB and management" " user")) p.add_argument("instance", action="store", type=str, metavar="[instance name]", help="Preferred Cloud DB instance name") p.add_argument("-m", "--memory", action="store", required=False, type=int, metavar="[size]", help="Preferred memory size of instance (default 512MB)", choices=FLAVOUR_LIST, default=512) p.add_argument("-v", "--volume", action="store", required=False, type=int, metavar="[volume size]", help="Preferred DB volume size in GB (default 1GB)", default=1) p.add_argument("-d", "--db", action="store", required=False, type=str, metavar="[db name]", help="Preferred DB name (default 'mydb')", default="mydb") p.add_argument("-u", "--username", action="store", required=False, type=str, metavar="[db user]", help=("Preferred DB management user (default " "'dbuser'"), default="dbuser") p.add_argument("-p", "--password", action="store", required=False, type=str, metavar="[db password]", help=("Preferred DB user password (default is a random " "string"), default=(pyrax.utils.random_ascii(length=10))) p.add_argument("-o", "--host", action="store", required=False, type=str, metavar="[host]", help=("Host IP address/wildcard for user access (default " "is '%')"), default="%") p.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="[region]", type=str, help=("Region where container should be created " "(defaults to 'ORD'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON", "IAD", "HKG", "SYD"], default="ORD") # Parse arguments (validate user input) args = p.parse_args() # Determine if volume size is in acceptable range if args.volume < 1 or args.volume > 150: print("ERROR: Permitted volume size is between 1 and %d GB" % (MAX_VOL_SIZE)) sys.exit(1) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_FILE) pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", IDENTITY_TYPE) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) except e.AuthenticationFailed: print( "ERROR: Authentication failed. Please check and confirm " "that the API username, key, and region are in place and " "correct.") sys.exit(2) except e.FileNotFound: print "ERROR: Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file) sys.exit(3) # Use a shorter Cloud Databases class reference string # This simplifies invocation later on (less typing) cdb = pyrax.cloud_databases # Determine which flavor was selected and grab the full details try: flavor = [i for i in cdb.list_flavors() if args.memory == i.ram][0] except: print( "ERROR: Flavor name provided has not matched any entries. " "Please check and try again.") sys.exit(4) # Attempt to create the instance try: print "INFO: Creating instance '%s'" % (args.instance) instance = cdb.create(args.instance, flavor=flavor, volume=args.volume) except: print "ERROR: Instance creation failed" sys.exit(5) # Keep checking status until it's something other than 'BUILD' while instance.status in ["BUILD"]: # Push something to the screen to assure us things are moving along sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() # Reasonable wait time between status checks sleep(30) instance.get() print # Inform the client/user of the outcome if instance.status not in ["ACTIVE"]: print("ERROR: Instance build failed\nStatus: %s" % instance.status) sys.exit(6) else: print "INFO: Instance successfully created" try: # Add the new DB to the instance instance.create_database(args.db) # Same for the user instance.create_user(args.username, args.password, database_names=args.db, except e.BadRequest as err: print "ERROR: DB and user creation failed\nReason:", err sys.exit(7) # We're all done print( "-- Details:\n\tDB Host: %s\n\tDB Name: %s\n\tDB User: %s\n\t" "DB Password: %s" % (instance.hostname, args.db, args.username, args.password))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('base', help='The base hostname to use, 3x512MB' ' servers will be built using this base hostname') parser.add_argument('--dc', required=False, help='The region to ' 'build the servers in', choices=['DFW', 'ORD', 'LON'], default=pyrax.default_region) parser.add_argument('--image', required=False, help='The image ID to build' ' the servers with', default='5cebb13a-f783-4f8c-8058-c4182c724ccd') parser.add_argument('--count', required=False, help='Number of servers to ' 'build. Default 2', default=2, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() credentials_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials_file, region=args.dc) cs = pyrax.cloudservers clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers print 'Building servers in: %s' % args.dc servers = {} for i in xrange(0, args.count): host = '%s%d' % (args.base, i) print 'Creating server: %s' % host servers[host] = cs.servers.create(host, args.image, 2) print '%s: %s' % (host, servers[host].id) statuses = ['ACTIVE', 'ERROR', 'UNKNOWN'] while filter(lambda server: server.status not in statuses, servers.values()): print 'Sleeping 30 seconds before checking for server readiness...' time.sleep(30) for host in servers: if servers[host].status in statuses: continue servers[host].get() nodes = [] for host, server in server_details.iteritems(): nodes.append( clb.Node(address=server.networks['private'][0], port=80, condition='ENABLED')) vip = clb.VirtualIP(type='PUBLIC') lb = clb.create('%s-lb' % args.base, port=80, protocol='HTTP', nodes=nodes, virtual_ips=[vip]) public_addresses = [vip.address for vip in lb.virtual_ips] t = prettytable.PrettyTable( ['ID', 'Host', 'Status', 'IP', 'Admin Password']) for host, server in servers.iteritems(): t.add_row([, host, server.status, ', '.join(server.networks['public']), server.adminPass ]) print 'Servers and loadbalancer online and ready...' print t t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['ID', 'Name', 'IP Address']) t.add_row([,, ', '.join(public_addresses)]) print print t
def main(): """ Challenge 3 -- Write a script that accepts a directory as an argument as well as a container name. The script should upload the contents of the specified directory to the container (or create it if it doesn't exist). The script should handle errors appropriately. (Check for invalid paths, etc.) """ # Parse script parameters p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Push local objects " "to Cloud Files")) p.add_argument("directory", action="store", type=str, metavar="[local dir]", help="Local directory to upload content from") p.add_argument("container", action="store", type=str, metavar="[container name]", help=("Container name where content should " "be uploaded")) p.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="[region]", type=str, help=("Region where container should be created" " (defaults to 'ORD'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON", "IAD", "HKG", "SYD"], default="ORD") p.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", required=False, help=("Permit/force the upload to an " "existing container")) # Parse arguments (validate user input) args = p.parse_args() # Determine if the upload directory exists if not os.path.isdir( print( "ERROR: Specified directory (%s) does not exist, please check " "the path and try again)" % ( sys.exit(1) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_FILE) pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", IDENTITY_TYPE) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) except e.AuthenticationFailed: print( "ERROR: Authentication failed. Please check and confirm " "that the API username, key, and region are in place " "and correct.") sys.exit(2) except e.FileNotFound: print "ERROR: Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file) sys.exit(3) # Use a shorter Cloud Files class reference string # This simplifies invocation later on (less typing) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles # Determine if container already exists, otherwise create it try: print "Checking if container already exists..." cont = cf.get_container(args.container) except: cont = None # Container not found, create it if cont is None: try: print("Container '%s' not found, creating..." % (args.container)) cont = cf.create_container(args.container) except: print "ERROR: Could not create container", args.container sys.exit(4) # Otherwise inform the user/client that the directory exists and # determine if we can proceed (is the overwrite flag set) else: print "Container '%s' found" % ( if args.force: print "Proceeding as upload has been forced" else: print "Force flag not set, exiting..." sys.exit(5) # Start the upload print "Beginning directory/folder upload" (upload_key, total_bytes) = cf.upload_folder(, cont) # Inform the user of the total upload size print("Total upload size: %d bytes (%.2f MB)" % (total_bytes, total_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024)) # Prepare progress toolbar sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * TOOLBAR_WIDTH)) sys.stdout.flush() # Return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write("\b" * (TOOLBAR_WIDTH + 1)) # Print the upload progress (1 second interval) uploaded = 0 while uploaded < total_bytes: uploaded = cf.get_uploaded(upload_key) progress = int(ceil((uploaded * 100.0) / total_bytes / 2)) sys.stdout.write("%s" % ("=" * progress)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\b" * (progress)) # Reset progress bar sleep(1) print # Upload completed, confirm/print object count objs = cf.get_container_object_names(cont) print "Number of objects uploaded: %d\nUpload complete" % (len(objs))
def __init__(self, filename, region, container_name, use_public): pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') pyrax.set_credential_file(filename) = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region=region, public=use_public) self.cnt =
help='List details about the specific host (IP address)') args = parser.parse_args() # setup the auth try: creds_file = os.environ['RAX_CREDS_FILE'] region = os.environ['RAX_REGION'] except KeyError, e: sys.stderr.write('Unable to load %s\n' % e.message) sys.exit(1) pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', 'rackspace') try: pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser(creds_file), region=region) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1) # Execute the right stuff if not groups = {} # Cycle on servers for server in pyrax.cloudservers.list(): # Define group (or set to empty string) try: group = server.metadata['group'] except KeyError: group = 'undefined'
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('base', help='The base hostname to use') parser.add_argument('--domain', help='The domain to create the DNS record ' 'in', required=True) parser.add_argument('--sshkey', help='The SSH key to upload be placed at' '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', required=True) parser.add_argument('--dc', required=False, help='The region to ' 'build the servers in', choices=['DFW', 'ORD', 'LON'], default=pyrax.default_region) parser.add_argument('--image', required=False, help='The image ID to build' ' the servers with', default='5cebb13a-f783-4f8c-8058-c4182c724ccd') parser.add_argument('--flavor', required=False, help='The flavor ID to' ' build the servers with', default=2, type=int) parser.add_argument('--count', required=False, help='Number of servers to ' 'build. Default 2', default=2, type=int) parser.add_argument('--error-page', required=False, help='Path to an html' ' file to be used as the custom error page on the' ' laod balancer') parser.add_argument('--container', required=False, help='Cloud files ' 'container to backup the custom error page to. ' 'Defaults to [BASE].[DOMAIN]') args = parser.parse_args() credentials_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') pyrax.set_credential_file(credentials_file, region=args.dc) cs = pyrax.cloudservers clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers dns = pyrax.cloud_dns cf = pyrax.cloudfiles parts = args.domain.split('.') if len(parts) < 2: raise SystemExit('Not a proper domain: %s' % args.domain) print 'Building servers in: %s' % args.dc try: with open(os.path.expanduser(args.sshkey)) as f: sshkey = if 'PRIVATE KEY' in sshkey: raise SystemExit('Please provide a public key, key provided was' ' a private key') except IOError: raise SystemExit('SSH Key does not exist: %s' % args.sshkey) servers = {} for i in xrange(0, args.count): host = '%s%d' % (args.base, i) print 'Creating server: %s' % host servers[host] = cs.servers.create( host, args.image, args.flavor, files={'/root/.ssh/authorized_keys': sshkey}) print '%s: %s' % (host, servers[host].id) statuses = ['ACTIVE', 'ERROR', 'UNKNOWN'] progress = [] print 'Sleeping 30 seconds before checking server build progress...' print '\n' * (abs(args.count) - 1) while filter(lambda server: server.status not in statuses, servers.values()): time.sleep(30) progress[:] = [] for host in servers: if servers[host].status in statuses: progress.append('%s: %s%%' % (host, servers[host].progress)) continue servers[host].get() progress.append('%s: %s%%' % (host, servers[host].progress)) progress.sort() sys.stdout.write('\r%s%s' % ('\x1b[A' * (len(progress) - 1), '\n'.join(progress))) sys.stdout.flush() active = (len( filter(lambda server: server.status == 'ACTIVE', servers.values()))) if not active: raise SystemExit('\nNo servers built successfully') elif active != args.count: print '\nNot all servers successfully built' print '\n\nBuilding load balancer' nodes = [] for host, server in servers.iteritems(): if server.status != 'ACTIVE': print 'Not adding %s to LB as it did not build' % host continue nodes.append( clb.Node(address=server.networks['private'][0], port=80, condition='ENABLED')) vip = clb.VirtualIP(type='PUBLIC') lb = clb.create('%s-lb' % args.base, port=80, protocol='HTTP', nodes=nodes, virtual_ips=[vip]) print '%s: %s' % (, lb = pyrax.utils.wait_until(lb, 'status', ['ACTIVE'], interval=30, verbose=True) if not lb: raise SystemExit('Load balancer failed to build') public_addresses = [vip.address for vip in lb.virtual_ips] print 'Adding HTTP health check...' lb.add_health_monitor(type='HTTP', delay=1, timeout=3, attemptsBeforeDeactivation=2, path='/', statusRegex="^[23][0-9][0-9]$", bodyRegex='</html>', hostHeader='%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain)) lb = pyrax.utils.wait_until(lb, 'status', ['ACTIVE'], attempts=20, verbose=True) default_error_page = """<html> <head> <title>ErRAWR!</title> </head> <body> <h1>Oops, ErRAWR!</h1> </body> </html>""" if args.error_page: try: with open(args.error_page) as f: error_content = except IOError: error_content = default_error_page else: error_content = default_error_page print 'Adding custom error page...' lb.set_error_page(error_content) domains = dns.list() try: dom = filter(lambda x: == args.domain, domains)[0] except IndexError: raise SystemExit('No matching domains: %s' % args.domain) records = [] for public_address in public_addresses: rec_type = 'AAAA' if ':' in public_address else 'A' records.append({ 'ttl': 300, 'name': '%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain), 'type': rec_type, 'data': public_address }) domain = dom.add_records(records) print('Record(s) added: %s -> %s' % ('%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain), ', '.join(public_addresses))) if args.container: container = args.container else: container = '%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain) print('Backing up custom error page (%s) to container %s' % ('%s-error.html' % ('%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain)), container)) try: cont = cf.get_container(container) except pyrax.exceptions.NoSuchContainer as e: print 'Container %s does not exist, creating...' % container cont = cf.create_container(container) cont.store_object('%s-error.html' % ('%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain)), error_content, content_type='text/html') t = prettytable.PrettyTable( ['ID', 'Host', 'Status', 'IP', 'Admin Password']) for host, server in servers.iteritems(): t.add_row([, host, server.status, ', '.join(server.networks['public']), server.adminPass ]) print 'Servers and loadbalancer online and ready...' print t t = prettytable.PrettyTable(['ID', 'Host', 'Name', 'IP Address']) t.add_row([, '%s.%s' % (args.base, args.domain),, ', '.join(public_addresses) ]) print print t
def main(): # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON # Set identity type as rackspace pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") # Test that the pyrax configuration file provided exists try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(args.credfile) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) # Exit if authentication fails except pex.AuthenticationFailed: rootLogger.critical("Authentication failed") "%s", """Please check and confirm that the API username, key, and region are in place and correct.""" ) exit(2) # Exit if file does not exist except pex.FileNotFound: rootLogger.critical("Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file)) "%s", """Use a credential file in the following format:\n [rackspace_cloud] username = myuseername api_key = 01sdf444g3ffgskskeoek0349""") exit(3) # Shorten the call to cloud databases cdb = pyrax.cloud_databases # Try to find the instance matching UUID provided try: mycdb = cdb.find(id=args.instance) except pex.NotFound: rootLogger.critical("No instances found matching '%s'" % (args.instance)) exit(4) # Create a new backup if args.description: description = args.description else: description = "Created on " + "%Y-%b-%d-%H:%M") try:"Creating backup of '%s'." % ( new_backup = mycdb.create_backup( args.backup + '-' +"%y%m%d%H%M"), description=description) except pex.ClientException: type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() rootLogger.critical(value.message) exit(5) # Put our current backups in a list backups = [] for backup in mycdb.list_backups(): if and[10:].isnumeric: backups.append(backup) # Sort out backups by date (this is probably not a very reliable way) backups.sort(key=lambda backup: backup.created, reverse=True) # Print our current backups"Current backups of '%s' below:" % ( for backup in backups:"Name: '%s' Created on '%s'" % (, backup.created)) # Check if backups need to be deleted if len(backups) > args.number and args.number is not 0: # Warn of backups being deleted rootLogger.warning("There are '%i' backups. Need to delete '%i'." % (len(backups), len(backups) - args.number)) # Delete oldest backups if current backups > target backups for backup in backups[args.number:]: try: rootLogger.warning("The below backups will be deleted.") rootLogger.warning("Name: '%s' Created on '%s'." % (, backup.created)) backup.delete() except pex.ClientException: type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() rootLogger.critical(value.message) exit(6) # Wait until the instance is active pyrax.utils.wait_for_build(mycdb, "status", "ACTIVE", interval=1, attempts=30) exit(0)
''' Write a script that uses Cloud DNS to create a new A record when passed a FQDN and IP address as arguments. Worth 1 Point ''' import pyrax import os pyrax.set_credential_file( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.rackspace_cloud_credentials')) domain = pyrax.cloud_dns.create(name='', emailAddress='*****@*****.**') domain.add_record([{ 'type': 'A', 'name': '', 'data': '', 'ttl': 6000 }])
def setup(): default_creds_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials') env = get_config(p, 'rax', 'environment', 'RAX_ENV', None) if env: pyrax.set_environment(env) keyring_username = pyrax.get_setting('keyring_username') # Attempt to grab credentials from environment first creds_file = get_config(p, 'rax', 'creds_file', 'RAX_CREDS_FILE', None) if creds_file is not None: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(creds_file) else: # But if that fails, use the default location of # ~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials if os.path.isfile(default_creds_file): creds_file = default_creds_file elif not keyring_username: sys.exit('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s' % ('RAX_CREDS_FILE', default_creds_file)) identity_type = pyrax.get_setting('identity_type') pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', identity_type or 'rackspace') region = pyrax.get_setting('region') try: if keyring_username: pyrax.keyring_auth(keyring_username, region=region) else: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, region=region) except Exception as e: sys.exit("%s: %s" % (e, e.message)) regions = [] if region: regions.append(region) else: try: # Ansible 2.3+ region_list = get_config(p, 'rax', 'regions', 'RAX_REGION', 'all', value_type='list') except TypeError: # Ansible 2.2.x and below # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg region_list = get_config(p, 'rax', 'regions', 'RAX_REGION', 'all', islist=True) for region in region_list: region = region.strip().upper() if region == 'ALL': regions = pyrax.regions break elif region not in pyrax.regions: sys.exit('Unsupported region %s' % region) elif region not in regions: regions.append(region) return regions
def main(): # Parse the command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create chef server for cloud edge env.", prog='') #parser.add_argument( # '--image', help='image id or name Ubuntu 12.10 \ # (Quantal Quetzal)', default='Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)') parser.add_argument('--flavor', help='flavor id or name (default: 512MB Standard \ Instance)', default='512MB Standard Instance') parser.add_argument('--region', help='Region (default: DFW)', default="DFW") parser.add_argument('--fqdn', help='fully qualified domain name', required=True) parser.add_argument('--public_keyfile', help='ssh public key file', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # Authenticate using a credentials file: "~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" cred_file = "%s/.rackspace_cloud_credentials" % (os.environ['HOME']) print "Setting authentication file to %s" % (cred_file) pyrax.set_credential_file(cred_file) # Instantiate a cloudservers object print "Instantiating cloudservers object" csobj = pyrax.cloudservers # Instantiate a clouddns object print "Instantiating cloud_dns object" cdnsobj = pyrax.cloud_dns # Get the flavor id flavor_id = get_flavor_from_id_or_name(csobj, args.flavor) # Get the image id image_id = get_image_from_id_or_name(csobj, args.image) # Lets check the domain existance for the fqdn before going on check_dns(cdnsobj, args.fqdn) # Check public key file cs_files = check_pub_key_file(args.public_keyfile) # Add the install script to the cs_files dict cs_files = create_install_script(cs_files) # Create the servers by server_count orig_server = create_server(csobj, args.fqdn, flavor_id, image_id, cs_files) # Call function to wait on it to build updated_server = wait_and_update(csobj, orig_server) # Create a DNS entry for the server create_dns(cdnsobj, args.fqdn, updated_server.accessIPv4) # Run the command to install chef[ "ssh", "root@" + updated_server.accessIPv4, "bash", "/root/" ]) # Print server information and exit print_info(orig_server.adminPass, updated_server)
def cloudfiles_func(settings, filename, results): """ Uploads files to Rackspace Cloud Files. """ name = threading.currentThread().getName() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + "." + name) creds_file = settings['credential_file'] pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) pyrax.set_setting('use_servicenet', settings['use_snet']) region = settings['region'] container_name = settings['container_name'] nest_by_timestamp = settings.get('nest_by_timestamp', False) obj_ttl = settings.get('set_ttl', None) try: cf = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles(region=region) container = cf.get_container(container_name) except: logger.error( "Unable to connect to cloudfiles. Transfer for {0} aborted, failing gracefully." .format(filename)) results.append(name) return if os.path.getsize(filename) >= 5368709120: logger.error( "{0} is too large. Files over 5GB are not currently supported.". format(filename)) results.append(name) return obj_name = os.path.basename(filename) # Create new obj_name for nested directory if nest_by_timestamp: t = os.path.getmtime(filename) d = dt.fromtimestamp(t) obj_name = "{year}/{month}/{day}/{filename}".format( year=d.strftime("%Y"), month=d.strftime("%m"), day=d.strftime("%d"), filename=obj_name) chksum = pyrax.utils.get_checksum(filename) for i in range(MAX_RETRIES): try: start = time.time() #Used for testing the retry #raise pyrax.exceptions.UploadFailed() obj = container.upload_file(filename, obj_name=obj_name, etag=chksum, ttl=obj_ttl) end = time.time() logger.debug("%s transferred to %s in %.2f secs." % (filename, container_name, (end - start))) break except pyrax.exceptions.UploadFailed: logger.warning("Upload to container:%s in %s failed, retry %d" % (container_name, region, i + 1)) time.sleep(2) else: logger.error("Upload to container:%s in %s failed!" % (container_name, region)) results.append(name)
def main(): """ Challenge 6 -- Write a script that creates a CDN-enabled container in Cloud Files """ # Parse script parameters p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Push local objects " "to Cloud Files")) p.add_argument("directory", action="store", type=str, metavar="[local dir]", help="Local directory to upload content from") p.add_argument("container", action="store", type=str, metavar="[container name]", help="Container name where content should be uploaded") p.add_argument("-r", "--region", action="store", required=False, metavar="[region]", type=str, help=("Region where container should be created" " (defaults to 'ORD'"), choices=["ORD", "DFW", "LON", "IAD", "HKG", "SYD"], default="ORD") p.add_argument("-t", "--ttl", action="store", required=False, type=int, help=("CDN TTL for the container (default '%d seconds')" % (MIN_TTL)), default=MIN_TTL) p.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", required=False, help=("Permit upload to an " "existing container")) args = p.parse_args() # Determine if the upload directory exists if not os.path.isdir( print( "ERROR: Specified directory (%s) does not exist, please check " "the path and try again)" % ( sys.exit(1) # Determine if TTL is at least the minimum value permitted if args.ttl < MIN_TTL: print "ERROR: Minimum TTL permitted is %ds" % (MIN_TTL) sys.exit(2) # Define the authentication credentials file location and request that # pyrax makes use of it. If not found, let the client/user know about it. # Use a credential file in the following format: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = myusername # api_key = 01234567890abcdef # region = LON try: creds_file = os.path.expanduser(CONFIG_FILE) pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", IDENTITY_TYPE) pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, args.region) except e.AuthenticationFailed: print( "ERROR: Authentication failed. Please check and confirm " "that the API username, key, and region are in place " "and correct.") sys.exit(3) except e.FileNotFound: print "ERROR: Credentials file '%s' not found" % (creds_file) sys.exit(4) # Use a shorter Cloud Files class reference string # This simplifies invocation later on (less typing) cf = pyrax.cloudfiles # Determine if container already exists, otherwise create it try: print "INFO: Checking if container already exists..." cont = cf.get_container(args.container) except: cont = None # Container not found, create it and CDN enable if cont is None: try: print( "INFO: Container '%s' not found, creating with TTL set " "to %d..." % (args.container, args.ttl)) cont = cf.create_container(args.container) cont.make_public(ttl=args.ttl) except: print "ERROR: Could not create container", args.container sys.exit(5) # Otherwise inform the user/client that the directory exists and # determine if we can proceed (is the overwrite flag set) else: print("INFO: Container '%s' found with TTL set to %d" % (, cont.cdn_ttl)) if args.force: print "INFO: Proceeding as force flag is set" else: print "INFO: Force flag not set, exiting..." sys.exit(6) # Start the upload print "INFO: Beginning directory/folder upload" (upload_key, total_bytes) = cf.upload_folder(, cont) # Inform the user of the total upload size print("INFO: Total upload size: %d bytes (%.2f MB)" % (total_bytes, total_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024)) # Prepare progress toolbar sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * TOOLBAR_WIDTH)) sys.stdout.flush() # Return to start of line, after '[' sys.stdout.write("\b" * (TOOLBAR_WIDTH + 1)) # Print the upload progress (1 second interval) uploaded = 0 while uploaded < total_bytes: uploaded = cf.get_uploaded(upload_key) progress = int(ceil((uploaded * 100.0) / total_bytes / 2)) sys.stdout.write("%s" % ("=" * progress)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\b" * (progress)) # Reset progress bar sleep(1) print # Upload completed, print object count and CDN URIs objs = cf.get_container_object_names(cont) print "INFO: Number of objects uploaded: %d" % (len(objs)) print( "\nCDN links:\n\tHTTP: %s\n\tHTTPS: %s\n\tStreaming: %s\n\tiOS " "streaming: %s\n" % (cont.cdn_uri, cont.cdn_ssl_uri, cont.cdn_streaming_uri, cont.cdn_ios_uri)) print "INFO: Upload completed successfully"
elif not keyring_username: sys.stderr.write('No value in environment variable %s and/or no ' 'credentials file at %s\n' % (e.message, default_creds_file)) sys.exit(1) identity_type = pyrax.get_setting('identity_type') pyrax.set_setting('identity_type', identity_type or 'rackspace') region = pyrax.get_setting('region') try: if keyring_username: pyrax.keyring_auth(keyring_username, region=region) else: pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file, region=region) except Exception, e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (e, e.message)) sys.exit(1) regions = [] if region: regions.append(region) else: for region in os.getenv('RAX_REGION', 'all').split(','): region = region.strip().upper() if region == 'ALL': regions = pyrax.regions break elif region not in pyrax.regions: sys.stderr.write('Unsupported region %s' % region)
metavar="DBPASS") parser.add_argument("-t", dest="interval", type=int, default=5, help="wait INTERVAL seconds between status checks", metavar="INTERVAL") parser.add_argument("-d", dest="dc", default="DFW", help="use data center DC", metavar="DC") args = parser.parse_args() pyrax.set_credential_file(os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")) cs = pyrax.connect_to_cloud_databases(region=args.dc) # check for valid flavor flavors = cs.list_flavors() flavor = None for f in flavors: if == args.flavor: flavor = f if flavor is None: print "Flavor %s not found. Please specify an existing flavor ID:" % ( args.flavor) for f in flavors: print "ID: %s Name: %s" % (, exit(1)
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import os import pyrax pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials") pyrax.set_credential_file(creds_file) clb = pyrax.cloud_loadbalancers # You can specify a type, address, IP version, and ID # None are required; defaults are: # type: PUBLIC # address: None # ip_version: IPV4 # id: None vip = clb.VirtualIP() print("Virtual IP (using defaults):", vip ) vip = clb.VirtualIP(type="SERVICENET", address="", ipVersion="IPV4", id=999) print("Virtual IP (using supplied values):", vip)
''' Challenge 1: Write a script that builds three 512 MB Cloud Servers that following a similar naming convention. (ie., web1, web2, web3) and returns the IP and login credentials for each server. Use any image you want. Worth 1 point ''' import pyrax from os.path import expanduser, join pyrax.set_credential_file(join(expanduser("~"), ".rackspace_cloud_credentials")) cs = pyrax.cloudservers i = 1 servers = [] while i < 4: servers.append( cs.servers.create('server' + str(i), 'da1f0392-8c64-468f-a839-a9e56caebf07', 2)) i += 1 print 'building servers... please wait' for server in servers: new_srv = pyrax.utils.wait_until(server, "status", ["ACTIVE", "ERROR"], attempts=0) print 'The server %s has the user root with password %s and you can connect on IP %s.' % (, server.adminPass, new_srv.networks['public'][1])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os #import time #import requests import pyrax #import pyrax.exceptions as exc ######################################################## # This script uses a config file for credential storage: # [rackspace_cloud] # username = username # api_key = LOLnopeLOL ######################################################## #cf_ord = pyrax.connect_to_cloudfiles("ORD") #cf.list_containers() #cf.get_container("DoubleTake") #cont.get_objects() pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") CREDS_FILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.rax_creds") pyrax.set_credential_file(CREDS_FILE) CF = pyrax.cloudfiles CONT_NAME = 'DoubleTake' ONAME = '' CF.set_temp_url_key() CONT = CF.get_container("DoubleTake") OBJ = CONT.get_object('') TEMP_URL = OBJ.get_temp_url(seconds=6000) print(TEMP_URL)
parser.add_argument( '-k', '--keywords', help='Only return containers with these strings; comma-separated.') ## Parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() ## Convert exclude & keyword to lists excludes = args.exclude.split(',') if args.exclude else [] keywords = args.keywords.split(',') if args.keywords else [] ## Set up the Rackspace Connection: if os.path.isfile(credentialFileName): pyrax.set_setting("identity_type", "rackspace") pyrax.set_credential_file(credentialFileName) else: print "Invalid Credential file." sys.exit(1) ## Instantiate Cloud Files access: cf = pyrax.cloudfiles ###################################### ## Main ## Get a list of container names containerNames = cf.list_containers() if args.keywords: filteredList = []