Exemple #1
 def test_source_area_slicing_does_not_return_full_dataset(self):
     """Test source area covers dest area."""
     slicer = create_slicer(self.src_area, self.dst_area)
     x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
     assert x_slice.start == 0
     assert x_slice.stop == 35
     assert y_slice.start == 16
     assert y_slice.stop == 94
Exemple #2
 def test_source_swath_slicing_does_not_return_full_dataset(self):
     """Test source area covers dest area."""
     slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
     y_max, x_max = self.src_swath.shape
     y_max -= 1
     x_max -= 1
     x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
     assert x_slice.start > 0 or x_slice.stop < x_max
     assert y_slice.start > 0 or y_slice.stop < y_max
Exemple #3
    def test_source_area_does_not_cover_dest_area_at_all(self):
        """Test source area does not cover dest area at all."""
        src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
            'ellps': 'WGS84',
            'h': '35785831',
            'proj': 'geos'
        }, 80, 100, (5550000.0, 3330000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))

        slicer = create_slicer(src_area, self.dst_area)
        with pytest.raises(IncompatibleAreas):
Exemple #4
 def test_source_area_covers_dest_area(self):
     """Test source area covers dest area."""
     src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
         'ellps': 'WGS84',
         'h': '35785831',
         'proj': 'geos'
     }, 100, 100, (5550000.0, 5550000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))
     slicer = create_slicer(src_area, self.dst_area)
     x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
     assert x_slice.start > 0 and x_slice.stop <= 100
     assert y_slice.start > 0 and y_slice.stop <= 100
Exemple #5
    def test_source_area_does_not_cover_dest_area_entirely(self):
        """Test source area does not cover dest area entirely."""
        src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
            'ellps': 'WGS84',
            'h': '35785831',
            'proj': 'geos'
        }, 100, 100, (5550000.0, 4440000.0, -5550000.0, -6660000.0))

        slicer = create_slicer(src_area, self.dst_area)
        x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
        assert x_slice.start > 0 and x_slice.stop < 100
        assert y_slice.start > 0 and y_slice.stop >= 100
Exemple #6
 def test_dest_area_is_outside_source_area_domain(self):
     """Test dest area is outside the source area domain (nan coordinates)."""
     area_to_crop = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
         'ellps': 'WGS84',
         'h': '35785831',
         'proj': 'geos'
     }, 100, 100, (5550000.0, 5550000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))
     area_to_contain = AreaDefinition('merc', 'Kasimbar, Indonesia', None, {
         'proj': 'merc',
         'lon_0': 120.0,
         'lat_0': 0,
         'ellps': 'WGS84'
     }, 102, 102, (-100000, -100000, 100000, 100000))
     slicer = create_slicer(area_to_crop, area_to_contain)
     with pytest.raises(IncompatibleAreas):
Exemple #7
 def test_source_area_does_not_cover_dest_area_at_all_2(self):
     """Test source area does not cover dest area at all."""
     src_area = AreaDefinition('src', 'src area', None, {
         'proj': 'merc',
         'lon_0': -60,
         'lat_0': 0,
         "ellps": "bessel"
     }, 100, 100, (-100000, -100000, 100000, 100000))
     dst_area = AreaDefinition('merc', 'merc', None, {
         'proj': 'merc',
         'lon_0': 120.0,
         'lat_0': 0,
         'ellps': 'bessel'
     }, 102, 102, (-100000, -100000, 100000, 100000))
     slicer = create_slicer(src_area, dst_area)
     with pytest.raises(IncompatibleAreas):
Exemple #8
    def test_slicing_an_area_with_infinite_bounds(self):
        """Test slicing an area with infinite bounds."""
        src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
            'ellps': 'WGS84',
            'proj': 'merc'
        }, 100, 100, (-10000.0, -10000.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        dst_area = AreaDefinition('moll', 'moll', None, {
            'ellps': 'WGS84',
            'lon_0': '0',
            'proj': 'moll',
            'units': 'm'
        }, 102, 102, (-100000.0, -4369712.0686, 18040096.0, 9020047.8481))

        slicer = create_slicer(src_area, dst_area)
        with pytest.raises(IncompatibleAreas):
Exemple #9
 def test_barely_touching_chunks_intersection(self):
     """Test that barely touching chunks generate slices on intersection."""
     src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
         'ellps': 'WGS84',
         'h': '35785831',
         'proj': 'geos'
     }, 100, 100, (5550000.0, 5550000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))
     dst_area = AreaDefinition('moll', 'moll', None, {
         'ellps': 'WGS84',
         'lon_0': '0',
         'proj': 'moll',
         'units': 'm'
     }, 102, 102, (-1040095.6961, 4369712.0686, 1040095.6961, 9020047.8481))
     slicer = create_slicer(src_area, dst_area)
     x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
     assert x_slice.start > 0 and x_slice.stop < 100
     assert y_slice.start > 0 and y_slice.stop >= 100
Exemple #10
 def test_dest_area_is_partly_outside_source_area_domain(self):
     """Test dest area is outside the source area domain (nan coordinates)."""
     area_to_crop = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None, {
         'ellps': 'WGS84',
         'h': '35785831',
         'proj': 'geos'
     }, 100, 100, (5550000.0, 5550000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))
     area_to_contain = AreaDefinition(
         'afghanistan', 'Afghanistan', None, {
             'proj': 'merc',
             'lon_0': 67.5,
             'lat_0': 35.0,
             'lat_ts': 35.0,
             'ellps': 'WGS84'
         }, 102, 102, (-1600000.0, 1600000.0, 1600000.0, 4800000.0))
     slicer = create_slicer(area_to_crop, area_to_contain)
     assert slicer.get_slices() == (slice(1, 24, None), slice(63, 89, None))
Exemple #11
    def test_slicing_works_with_extents_of_different_units(self):
        """Test a problematic case."""
        src_area = create_area_def("epsg4326", "EPSG:4326", 200, 200,
                                   (20., 60., 30., 70.))

        area_id = 'Suomi_3067'
        description = 'Suomi_kansallinen, EPSG 3067'
        proj_id = 'Suomi_3067'
        projection = 'EPSG:3067'
        width = 116
        height = 182
        from pyproj import Proj
        pp = Proj(proj='utm', zone=35, ellps='GRS80')
        xx1, yy1 = pp(15.82308183, 55.93417040)  # LL_lon, LL_lat
        xx2, yy2 = pp(43.12029189, 72.19756918)  # UR_lon, UR_lat
        area_extent = (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2)
        dst_area = AreaDefinition(area_id, description, proj_id, projection,
                                  width, height, area_extent)

        slicer = create_slicer(src_area, dst_area[:50, :50])
        slice_x, slice_y = slicer.get_slices()
        assert 60 <= slice_x.stop < 65
        assert 50 <= slice_y.stop < 55
Exemple #12
 def test_cannot_slice_a_string(self):
     """Test that we cannot slice a string."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
         create_slicer("my_funky_area", self.dst_area)
Exemple #13
 def test_swath_get_polygon_returns_a_polygon(self):
     """Test getting a polygon returns a polygon."""
     from shapely.geometry import Polygon
     slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
     poly = slicer.get_polygon_to_contain()
     assert isinstance(poly, Polygon)
Exemple #14
 def test_slicer_init(self):
     """Test slicer initialization."""
     slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
     assert slicer.area_to_crop == self.src_area
     assert slicer.area_to_contain == self.dst_area