Exemple #1
def model_2(sequences, lengths, args, batch_size=None, include_prior=True):
    with ignore_jit_warnings():
        num_sequences, max_length, data_dim = map(int, sequences.shape)
        assert lengths.shape == (num_sequences, )
        assert lengths.max() <= max_length
    with poutine.mask(mask=include_prior):
        probs_x = pyro.sample(
            dist.Dirichlet(0.9 * torch.eye(args.hidden_dim) + 0.1).to_event(1))
        probs_y = pyro.sample(
            dist.Beta(0.1, 0.9).expand([args.hidden_dim, 2,
    tones_plate = pyro.plate("tones", data_dim, dim=-1)
    with pyro.plate("sequences", num_sequences, batch_size, dim=-2) as batch:
        lengths = lengths[batch]
        x, y = 0, 0
        for t in pyro.markov(range(max_length if args.jit else lengths.max())):
            with poutine.mask(mask=(t < lengths).unsqueeze(-1)):
                x = pyro.sample("x_{}".format(t),
                                infer={"enumerate": "parallel"})
                # Note the broadcasting tricks here: to index probs_y on tensors x and y,
                # we also need a final tensor for the tones dimension. This is conveniently
                # provided by the plate associated with that dimension.
                with tones_plate as tones:
                    y = pyro.sample("y_{}".format(t),
                                    dist.Bernoulli(probs_y[x, y, tones]),
                                    obs=sequences[batch, t]).long()
Exemple #2
def model_0(sequences, lengths, args, batch_size=None, include_prior=True):
    assert not torch._C._get_tracing_state()
    num_sequences, max_length, data_dim = sequences.shape
    with poutine.mask(mask=include_prior):
        # Our prior on transition probabilities will be:
        # stay in the same state with 90% probability; uniformly jump to another
        # state with 10% probability.
        probs_x = pyro.sample(
            dist.Dirichlet(0.9 * torch.eye(args.hidden_dim) + 0.1).to_event(1))
        # We put a weak prior on the conditional probability of a tone sounding.
        # We know that on average about 4 of 88 tones are active, so we'll set a
        # rough weak prior of 10% of the notes being active at any one time.
        probs_y = pyro.sample(
            dist.Beta(0.1, 0.9).expand([args.hidden_dim,
    # In this first model we'll sequentially iterate over sequences in a
    # minibatch; this will make it easy to reason about tensor shapes.
    tones_plate = pyro.plate("tones", data_dim, dim=-1)
    for i in pyro.plate("sequences", len(sequences), batch_size):
        length = lengths[i]
        sequence = sequences[i, :length]
        x = 0
        for t in pyro.markov(range(length)):
            # On the next line, we'll overwrite the value of x with an updated
            # value. If we wanted to record all x values, we could instead
            # write x[t] = pyro.sample(...x[t-1]...).
            x = pyro.sample("x_{}_{}".format(i, t),
                            infer={"enumerate": "parallel"})
            with tones_plate:
                pyro.sample("y_{}_{}".format(i, t),
Exemple #3
def model_5(sequences, lengths, args, batch_size=None, include_prior=True):
    with ignore_jit_warnings():
        num_sequences, max_length, data_dim = map(int, sequences.shape)
        assert lengths.shape == (num_sequences, )
        assert lengths.max() <= max_length

    # Initialize a global module instance if needed.
    global tones_generator
    if tones_generator is None:
        tones_generator = TonesGenerator(args, data_dim)
    pyro.module("tones_generator", tones_generator)

    with poutine.mask(mask=include_prior):
        probs_x = pyro.sample(
            dist.Dirichlet(0.9 * torch.eye(args.hidden_dim) + 0.1).to_event(1))
    with pyro.plate("sequences", num_sequences, batch_size, dim=-2) as batch:
        lengths = lengths[batch]
        x = 0
        y = torch.zeros(data_dim)
        for t in pyro.markov(range(max_length if args.jit else lengths.max())):
            with poutine.mask(mask=(t < lengths).unsqueeze(-1)):
                x = pyro.sample("x_{}".format(t),
                                infer={"enumerate": "parallel"})
                # Note that since each tone depends on all tones at a previous time step
                # the tones at different time steps now need to live in separate plates.
                with pyro.plate("tones_{}".format(t), data_dim, dim=-1):
                    y = pyro.sample(
                        dist.Bernoulli(logits=tones_generator(x, y)),
                        obs=sequences[batch, t])
Exemple #4
    def model(self, x, y):
        Generative model for the data.
        pyro.module("MDN", self)

        pi, sigma, mu = self.forward(y)
        muT = torch.transpose(mu, 0, 1)
        sigmaT = torch.transpose(sigma, 0, 1)

        n_samples = y.shape[0]
        assert muT.shape == (n_gaussians, n_samples)
        assert sigmaT.shape == (n_gaussians, n_samples)
        with pyro.plate("samples", n_samples):
            assign = pyro.sample("assign", dist.Categorical(pi))
            # We need this case distinction for the two different
            # cases of assignment: sampling a random assignment and
            # enumerating over mixtures. See
            # http://pyro.ai/examples/enumeration.html for a tutorial.
            if len(assign.shape) == 1:
                sample = pyro.sample('obs',
                                         torch.gather(muT, 0,
                                                      assign.view(1, -1))[0],
                                         torch.gather(sigmaT, 0,
                                                      assign.view(1, -1))[0]),
                sample = pyro.sample('obs',
                                     dist.Normal(muT[assign][:, 0],
                                                 sigmaT[assign][:, 0]),
        return sample
def intervention():

    prob_A = torch.tensor([
        .50,  # P(A = 'on')
        .50  # P(A = 'off')

    prob_B = torch.tensor([
            .90,  # P(B = 'on' | A = 'on')
            .10  # P(B = 'off' | A = 'on')
            .20,  # P(B = 'on' | A = 'off')
            .80  # P(B = 'off' | A = 'off')

    prob_C = torch.tensor([
                .60,  # P(C = 'on' | A = 'on', B = 'on')
                .40  # P(C = 'off' | A = 'on', B = 'on')
                .01,  # P(C = 'on' | A = 'on', B = 'off')
                .99  # P(C = 'off' | A = 'on', B = 'off')
                .90,  # P(C = 'on' | A = 'off', B = 'on')
                .10  # P(C = 'off' | A = 'off', B = 'on')
                .10,  # P(C = 'on' | A = 'off', B = 'off')
                .90  # P(C = 'off' | A = 'off', B = 'off')

    A = pyro.sample('A', dist.Categorical(probs=prob_A))
    B = pyro.sample('B', dist.Categorical(probs=prob_B[A]))
    C = pyro.sample('C', dist.Categorical(probs=prob_C[A][B]))

    return C
def uniform_draw(object_list):
    probs = []
    prob = 1/len(object_list)
    for obj in object_list:
    sample_name = str(uuid.uuid1())        
    sample = pyro.sample(sample_name, dist.Categorical(probs=torch.Tensor(probs)))
    return object_list[sample]
Exemple #7
 def norm_prior(self):
     prob_tensor = torch.zeros(len(self.agent_norm))
     total = sum(self.n_prior)
     temp_list = [i / total for i in self.n_prior]  #normalize
     for i in range(len(self.agent_norm)):
         prob_tensor[i] = temp_list[i]
     n_prior = pyro.sample("norm", dist.Categorical(prob_tensor))
     return n_prior
Exemple #8
 def gmm():
     data = torch.tensor([0., 0., 3., 3., 3., 5., 5.])
     mix_proportions = pyro.sample("phi", dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(3)))
     cluster_means = pyro.sample("cluster_means", dist.Normal(torch.arange(3.), 1.))
     with pyro.plate("data", data.shape[0]):
         assignments = pyro.sample("assignments", dist.Categorical(mix_proportions))
         pyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(cluster_means[assignments], 1.), obs=data)
     return cluster_means
def datagen_grp(n_sample, map_est):
    # initialize storage
    stor = []
    if 'concentration' in map_est.keys():
        for i in np.arange(n_sample):
            grp = dist.Categorical(map_est['weights']).sample()
            grp_c = map_est['concentration'][grp]
            samp = dist.Dirichlet(grp_c).sample()
        for i in np.arange(n_sample):
            grp = dist.Categorical(map_est['weights']).sample()
            grp_a = map_est['alpha'][grp]
            grp_b = map_est['beta'][grp]
            samp = dist.Beta(grp_a, grp_b).sample()
    return torch.stack(stor)
Exemple #10
def utterance_prior():
    utterances = [
        "some of the blond people are nice",
        "all of the blond people are nice",
        "none of the blond people are nice",
    ix = pyro.sample("utterance", dist.Categorical(torch.ones(3) / 3.0))
    return utterances[ix]
Exemple #11
def price_prior():
    values = [50, 51, 500, 501, 1000, 1001, 5000, 5001, 10000, 10001]
    probs = torch.tensor([
        0.4205, 0.3865, 0.0533, 0.0538, 0.0223, 0.0211, 0.0112, 0.0111, 0.0083,
    ix = pyro.sample("price", dist.Categorical(probs=probs))
    return values[ix]
Exemple #12
def test_value(x_shape, i_shape, j_shape, event_shape):
    x = torch.rand(x_shape + (5, 6) + event_shape)
    i = dist.Categorical(torch.ones(5)).sample(i_shape)
    j = dist.Categorical(torch.ones(6)).sample(j_shape)
    if event_shape:
        actual = Vindex(x)[..., i, j, :]
        actual = Vindex(x)[..., i, j]

    shape = broadcast_shape(x_shape, i_shape, j_shape)
    x = x.expand(shape + (5, 6) + event_shape)
    i = i.expand(shape)
    j = j.expand(shape)
    expected = x.new_empty(shape + event_shape)
    for ind in (itertools.product(*map(range, shape)) if shape else [()]):
        expected[ind] = x[ind + (i[ind].item(), j[ind].item())]
    assert_equal(actual, expected)
Exemple #13
    def transition(self, state, action):
        nextStates = ["bad", "good", "spectacular"]
        if action == 0:
            prob = torch.tensor((0.2, 0.6, 0.2))
        else:  # french
            prob = torch.tensor((0.05, 0.9, 0.05))

        return nextStates[dist.Categorical(prob).sample()]
Exemple #14
def gmm_batch_guide(data):
    with pyro.iarange("data", len(data)) as batch:
        n = len(batch)
        ps = pyro.param("ps",
                        Variable(torch.ones(n, 1) * 0.6, requires_grad=True))
        ps = torch.cat([ps, 1 - ps], dim=1)
        z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Categorical(ps))
        assert z.size() == (n, 2)
Exemple #15
def test_dist_to_funsor_categorical(batch_shape, cardinality):
    logits = torch.randn(batch_shape + (cardinality, ))
    logits -= logits.logsumexp(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    d = dist.Categorical(logits=logits)
    f = dist_to_funsor(d)
    assert isinstance(f, Tensor)
    expected = tensor_to_funsor(logits, ("value", ))
    assert_close(f, expected)
Exemple #16
 def gmm(data):
     mix_proportions = pyro.sample("phi", dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(K)))
     with pyro.plate("num_clusters", K):
         cluster_means = pyro.sample("cluster_means", dist.Normal(torch.arange(float(K)), 1.))
     with pyro.plate("data", data.shape[0]):
         assignments = pyro.sample("assignments", dist.Categorical(mix_proportions))
         pyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(cluster_means[assignments], 1.), obs=data)
     return cluster_means
Exemple #17
 def guide(data):
     transition_probs = pyro.param("transition_probs",
                                   torch.tensor([[0.75, 0.25], [0.25, 0.75]]),
     x = None
     for i, y in enumerate(data):
         probs = init_probs if x is None else transition_probs[x]
         x = pyro.sample("x_{}".format(i), dist.Categorical(probs))
Exemple #18
    def _model(self, data=None, labels=None, batch_size=None):
        args = self.args
        # Globals.
        with pyro.plate("topics", args.num_topics):
            topic_weights = pyro.sample("topic_weights",
                                        dist.Gamma(1. / args.num_topics, 1.))
            topic_words = pyro.sample(
                dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(args.num_words) / args.num_words))
            label_prior = pyro.sample(
                "label_prior", dist.Beta(*torch.ones(2, args.num_topics)))

        # Locals.
        with pyro.plate("documents", args.num_docs) as ind:
            if data is not None:
                with pyro.util.ignore_jit_warnings():
                    assert data.shape == (args.num_words_per_doc,
                data = data[:, ind]

            if labels is not None:
                with pyro.util.ignore_jit_warnings():
                    assert labels.shape == (args.num_docs, args.num_topics)
                labels = labels[ind]

            labels = pyro.sample("labels",
            auxiliary = pyro.sample("auxiliary",
                                    dist.Gamma(topic_weights, 1).to_event(1))

            doc_topics = labels * auxiliary
            doc_topics = pyro.sample(
                dist.Delta(doc_topics /
                           doc_topics.sum(axis=1)[..., None]).to_event(1))
            with pyro.plate("words", args.num_words_per_doc):
                word_topics = pyro.sample("word_topics",
                                          infer={"enumerate": "parallel"})
                data = pyro.sample("doc_words",

        return topic_weights, topic_words, data, labels
Exemple #19
def model_4(sequences, lengths, args, batch_size=None, include_prior=True):
    with ignore_jit_warnings():
        num_sequences, max_length, data_dim = map(int, sequences.shape)
        assert lengths.shape == (num_sequences, )
        assert lengths.max() <= max_length
    hidden_dim = int(args.hidden_dim**0.5)  # split between w and x
    with poutine.mask(mask=include_prior):
        probs_w = pyro.sample(
            dist.Dirichlet(0.9 * torch.eye(hidden_dim) + 0.1).to_event(1))
        probs_x = pyro.sample(
            dist.Dirichlet(0.9 * torch.eye(hidden_dim) + 0.1).expand_by(
        probs_y = pyro.sample(
            dist.Beta(0.1, 0.9).expand([hidden_dim, hidden_dim,
    tones_plate = pyro.plate("tones", data_dim, dim=-1)
    with pyro.plate("sequences", num_sequences, batch_size, dim=-2) as batch:
        lengths = lengths[batch]
        # Note the broadcasting tricks here: we declare a hidden torch.arange and
        # ensure that w and x are always tensors so we can unsqueeze them below,
        # thus ensuring that the x sample sites have correct distribution shape.
        w = x = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.long)
        for t in pyro.markov(range(max_length if args.jit else lengths.max())):
            with poutine.mask(mask=(t < lengths).unsqueeze(-1)):
                w = pyro.sample(
                    infer={"enumerate": "parallel"},
                x = pyro.sample(
                    dist.Categorical(Vindex(probs_x)[w, x]),
                    infer={"enumerate": "parallel"},
                with tones_plate as tones:
                        dist.Bernoulli(probs_y[w, x, tones]),
                        obs=sequences[batch, t],
 def setup_reward_prior(self):
     rew_prior = {}
     for reward_index in range(len(self.reward)):
         rew_prior["reward-" + str(reward_index)] = float(
                 "reward-" + str(reward_index),
     return rew_prior
Exemple #21
    def model(self, data):
        with pyro.plate("topics", self.n_topics):
            alpha = pyro.sample("alpha", dist.Gamma(1. / self.n_topics, 1.))
            beta_param = torch.ones(self.vocab_size) / self.vocab_size
            betas = pyro.sample("beta", dist.Dirichlet(beta_param))

        words = []
        for d in pyro.plate("doc_loop", len(data)):
            doc = data[d]
            theta = pyro.sample(f"theta_{d}", dist.Dirichlet(alpha))
            n_words = len(data[d])
            for w in pyro.plate(f"word_loop_{d}", n_words):
                z = pyro.sample(f"z{d}_{w}", dist.Categorical(theta))
                w = pyro.sample(f"w{d}_{w}",
        return words
 def model(self, x, y):
     priors = {
         name: make_normal_prior(p)
         for name, p in self.net.named_parameters()
     lifted_module = pyro.random_module("module", self.net, priors)
     lifted_reg_model = lifted_module()
     lhat = F.log_softmax(lifted_reg_model(x), dim=1)
     pyro.sample("y", pdist.Categorical(logits=lhat), obs=y)
Exemple #23
    def model(data):
        weights = pyro.sample('weights', dist.Dirichlet(0.5 * torch.ones(K)))
        locs = pyro.sample('locs', dist.Normal(0, 10).expand_by([K]).to_event(1))
        scale = pyro.sample('scale', dist.LogNormal(0, 1))

        with pyro.plate('data', len(data)):
            weights = weights.expand(torch.Size((len(data),)) + weights.shape)
            assignment = pyro.sample('assignment', dist.Categorical(weights))
            pyro.sample('obs', dist.Normal(locs[assignment], scale), obs=data)
Exemple #24
 def action_model(self, state):
     # draw a random action
     action = dist.Categorical(torch.tensor((0.5, 0.5))).sample()
     # calculate expected uttility for the action
     expected_u = self.expected_utility(state, action)
     # add factor to the action
     pyro.factor("state_%saction_%d" % (state, action),
                 self.alpha * expected_u)
     return action
Exemple #25
    def community_dist_in_range(self) -> dist.Categorical:
        A distribution for the portion of the current normalized community prediction
        that's within the question's range.

        :return: distribution on integers referencing 0...(len(self.prediction_histogram)-1)
        y2 = [p[2] for p in self.prediction_histogram]
        return dist.Categorical(probs=torch.tensor(y2))
Exemple #26
	def policy(self, action_posterior):
		Agent Policy to select action
		action = pyro.sample(
		return action
Exemple #27
def test_categorical_batch_log_pdf_shape(one_hot):
    ps = ng_ones(3, 2, 4) / 4
    if one_hot:
        x = ng_zeros(3, 2, 4)
        x[:, :, 0] = 1
        x = ng_zeros(3, 2, 1)
    d = dist.Categorical(ps, one_hot=one_hot)
    assert d.batch_log_pdf(x).size() == (3, 2, 1)
Exemple #28
def random_choice(options, ps=None):
    if ps is None:
        ps = torch.tensor([1 / len(options)] * len(options))
        # in case ps are passed in as some array-like type other than torch.tensor
        ps = torch.tensor(ps)

    idx = sample(dist.Categorical(ps))
    return options[idx]
Exemple #29
 def _importance_resample(self):
     # TODO: Turn quadratic algo -> linear algo by being lazier
     index = dist.Categorical(logits=self._log_weights).sample(
         sample_shape=(self.num_particles, ))
     self._values = {
         name: value[index].contiguous()
         for name, value in self._values.items()
Exemple #30
 def forward(self, x, y_data=None):
     output = self.fc1(x)
     output = F.relu(output)
     output = self.out(output)
     self.lhat = F.log_softmax(output)
     obs = pyro.sample("obs",
     return obs