def guide(self, x, temp=1, anneal_id=1.0, anneal_t=1.0): torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') pyro.module('VDSM_EncDec', self) num_individuals, num_timepoints, pixels = x.view( x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.imsize**2 * id_plate = pyro.plate("individuals", num_individuals, dim=-2) time_plate = pyro.plate("time", num_timepoints, dim=-1) # pass all sequences in and generate mean, sigma and ID x = x.view(num_individuals * num_timepoints,, self.imsize, self.imsize) z_loc, z_scale, ID_loc, ID_scale = self.enc(x) ID_loc, ID_scale = self.id_layers(ID_loc, ID_scale) # extra trainable layer ID_loc = torch.mean(ID_loc.view(num_individuals, num_timepoints, -1), 1).unsqueeze(1) ID_scale = torch.mean( ID_scale.view(num_individuals, num_timepoints, -1), 1).unsqueeze(1) z_loc = z_loc.view(num_individuals, num_timepoints, -1) z_scale = z_scale.view(num_individuals, num_timepoints, -1) # within the individuals plate: with id_plate: IDdist = dist.Normal(ID_loc, ID_scale).to_event(1) with poutine.scale(scale=anneal_id): ID = pyro.sample('ID', IDdist) * temp # within the individuals and timepoint plates: with time_plate: zdist = dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale).to_event(1) with poutine.scale(scale=anneal_t): z = pyro.sample('z', zdist) return z_loc, z_scale
def model(self, src, trg, src_mask, trg_mask, src_lengths, trg_lengths, y_trg, kl=1.0): pyro.module('VNMT', self) encoder_hidden, encoder_final = self.encoder_hidden_x, self.encoder_final X = self.X_avg if self.posterior is not None: #regular VNMT z_mean, z_sig = self.prior(X) else: #match our...own parameters, should just mean KL(...) = 0 ery time mu_post, sig_post = self.get_batch_params(ret_posterior=True) z_mean, z_sig = mu_post, sig_post self.prior_params = {'mu': z_mean, 'sig': z_sig} with pyro.plate('data'): #TODO FYI: technically, the correct scaling is 1./ size_of_data with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_model_kl_const(scale=kl)): #TODO probably...a good idea to test this with flows also on know, so it's correct? use_flows = True dist = self.getDistribution(z_mean, z_sig, use_cached_flows=True, extra_cond=use_flows, cond_input=None) z = pyro.sample('z', dist) #TODO, need to add the latent z as input to decoder z = z if self.projection is None else self.projection(z) inputs = self.getWordEmbeddingsWithWordDropout( self.trg_embed, trg, trg_mask) #key thing is HERE, i am directly calling our decoder _, _, pre_output = self.decoder(inputs, encoder_hidden, encoder_final, src_mask, trg_mask, additional_input=z) logits = self.generator(pre_output) obs = y_trg.contiguous().view(-1) mask = trg_mask.contiguous().view(-1) try: mask = mask.bool() except AttributeError as e: #do nothing, is just a versioning issue _ = 0 #My assumption is this will usually just sum the loss so we need to average it ourselves with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_reconstruction_const(scale=kl)): pyro.sample('preds', Categorical(logits=logits.contiguous().view( -1, logits.size(-1))).mask(mask), obs=obs)
def guide(self, response, mask, annealing_factor=1): pyro.module("item_encoder", self.item_encoder) pyro.module("ability_encoder", self.ability_encoder) device = response.device item_domain = torch.arange(self.num_item).unsqueeze(1).to(device) item_feat_mu, item_feat_logvar = self.item_encoder(item_domain) item_feat_scale = torch.exp(0.5 * item_feat_logvar) with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): item_feat = pyro.sample( "item_feat", dist.Normal(item_feat_mu, item_feat_scale), ) if self.conditional_posterior: ability_mu, ability_logvar = self.ability_encoder( response, mask, item_feat) else: ability_mu, ability_logvar = self.ability_encoder(response, mask) ability_scale = torch.exp(0.5 * ability_logvar) ability_dist = dist.Normal(ability_mu, ability_scale) if self.num_iafs > 0: ability_dist = TransformedDistribution(ability_dist, self.iafs) with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): ability = pyro.sample("ability", ability_dist) return ability_mu, ability_logvar, item_feat_mu, item_feat_logvar
def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, _library: torch.Tensor, n_obs: Optional[int] = None, kl_weight: float = 1.0, ): # Topic feature distributions. with pyro.plate("topics", self.n_topics), poutine.scale(None, kl_weight): pyro.sample( "log_topic_feature_dist", dist.Normal( self.topic_feature_posterior_mu, self.topic_feature_posterior_sigma, ).to_event(1), ) # Cell topic distributions guide. with pyro.plate("cells", size=n_obs or self.n_obs, subsample_size=x.shape[0]), poutine.scale( None, kl_weight): cell_topic_posterior_mu, cell_topic_posterior_sigma, _ = self.encoder( x) pyro.sample( "log_cell_topic_dist", dist.Normal( cell_topic_posterior_mu, F.softplus(cell_topic_posterior_sigma)).to_event(1), )
def model_krein(data, node_ind, edge_ind, edge_list): r"""Defines a probabilistic model for the observed network data.""" # Define priors on the regression coefficients mu = pyro.sample( 'mu', dist.Normal(torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([2.0])).to_event(1)) beta = pyro.sample( 'beta', dist.Normal(loc=torch.zeros(embed_dim), scale=torch.tensor(2.0)).to_event(1)) # Define prior on the embedding vectors, with subsampling with poutine.scale(scale=data.num_nodes / len(node_ind)): omega = pyro.sample( 'omega', dist.Normal(loc=torch.zeros(embed_dim, len(node_ind)), scale=omega_model_scale).to_event(2)) # Before proceeding further, define a list t which acts as the # inverse function of node_ind - i.e it takes a number in node_ind # to its index location t = torch.zeros(node_ind.max() + 1, dtype=torch.long) t[node_ind] = torch.arange(len(node_ind)) # Create mask corresponding to entries of ind which lie within the # training set (i.e data.train_nodes) gt_data =[node_ind] obs_mask = np.isin(node_ind, data.nodes_train).tolist() gt_data[gt_data != gt_data] = 0.0 obs_mask = torch.tensor(obs_mask, dtype=torch.bool) # Compute logits, compute relevant parts of sample if sum(obs_mask) != 0: logit_prob = mu +, beta) with poutine.scale(scale=len(data.nodes_train) / sum(obs_mask)): pyro.sample( 'trust', dist.Bernoulli(logits=logit_prob[obs_mask]).independent(1), obs=gt_data[obs_mask]) # Begin extracting the relevant components of the gram matrix # formed by omega. Note that to extract the relevant indices, # we need to account for the change in indexing induced by # subsampling omega gram_pos =[:int(embed_dim / 2), :].t(), omega[:int(embed_dim / 2), :]) gram_neg =[int(embed_dim / 2):, :].t(), omega[int(embed_dim / 2):, :]) gram = gram_pos - gram_neg gram_sample = gram[t[edge_list[0, :]], t[edge_list[0, :]]] # Finally draw terms corresponding to the edges with poutine.scale(scale=data.num_edges / len(edge_ind)): pyro.sample('a', dist.Normal(loc=gram_sample, scale=obs_scale).to_event(1), obs=data.edge_weight_logit[edge_ind])
def model(self, x, temp_id=None, anneal_id=None, anneal_t=None, anneal_dynamics=None): pyro.module('vdsm_seq', self) torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') bs, seq_len, pixels = x.view(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.imsize**2 * id_prior = x.new_zeros([bs, self.n_e_w]) dynamics_prior = x.new_zeros([bs, self.dynamics_dim]) # sample dynamics and identity from prior with pyro.plate('ID_plate', bs): IDdist = dist.Normal(id_prior, 1 / self.n_e_w).to_event(1) dz_dist = dist.Normal(dynamics_prior, 1.0 / self.dynamics_dim).to_event(1) with poutine.scale(scale=anneal_id): ID = pyro.sample("ID", IDdist).to( x.device) * temp_id # static factors with poutine.scale(scale=anneal_dynamics): dz = pyro.sample("dz", dz_dist) # dynamics factors ID_exp = torch.exp(ID) ID = ID_exp / ID_exp.sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1) zs = torch.zeros(bs, seq_len, self.input_dim) for i in pyro.plate('batch_loop', bs): z_prev = pyro.sample( 'z_{}_0'.format(i), dist.Normal(torch.zeros(self.input_dim), 1).to_event(1)) zs[i, 0] = z_prev for t in pyro.markov(range(1, seq_len)): z_loc, z_scale = self.transitions( z_prev, dz[None, i].expand(1, self.dynamics_dim)) z_dist = dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale).to_event(1) with poutine.scale(scale=anneal_t): z = pyro.sample('z_{}_{}'.format(i, t), z_dist) zs[i, t] = z z_prev = z x = torch.flatten(x, 2) recon = torch.zeros(bs, seq_len, self.imsize**2 *, device=x.device) for ind in range(bs): recon[ind] = self.image_dec(zs[ind], ID[ind].unsqueeze(1)) with pyro.plate('timepoints_ims', seq_len): with pyro.plate('inds_ims', bs): image_d = dist.Bernoulli(recon).to_event(1) with poutine.scale(scale=1.0): pyro.sample('images', image_d, obs=x)
def test_subsample_gradient(Elbo, reparameterized, has_rsample, subsample, local_samples, scale): pyro.clear_param_store() data = torch.tensor([-0.5, 2.0]) subsample_size = 1 if subsample else len(data) precision = 0.06 * scale Normal = dist.Normal if reparameterized else fakes.NonreparameterizedNormal def model(subsample): with pyro.plate("data", len(data), subsample_size, subsample) as ind: x = data[ind] z = pyro.sample("z", Normal(0, 1)) pyro.sample("x", Normal(z, 1), obs=x) def guide(subsample): scale = pyro.param("scale", lambda: torch.tensor([1.0])) with pyro.plate("data", len(data), subsample_size, subsample): loc = pyro.param("loc", lambda: torch.zeros(len(data)), event_dim=0) z_dist = Normal(loc, scale) if has_rsample is not None: z_dist.has_rsample_(has_rsample) pyro.sample("z", z_dist) if scale != 1.0: model = poutine.scale(model, scale=scale) guide = poutine.scale(guide, scale=scale) num_particles = 50000 if local_samples: guide = config_enumerate(guide, num_samples=num_particles) num_particles = 1 optim = Adam({"lr": 0.1}) elbo = Elbo(max_plate_nesting=1, # set this to ensure rng agrees across runs num_particles=num_particles, vectorize_particles=True, strict_enumeration_warning=False) inference = SVI(model, guide, optim, loss=elbo) with xfail_if_not_implemented(): if subsample_size == 1: inference.loss_and_grads(model, guide, subsample=torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.long)) inference.loss_and_grads(model, guide, subsample=torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.long)) else: inference.loss_and_grads(model, guide, subsample=torch.tensor([0, 1], dtype=torch.long)) params = dict(pyro.get_param_store().named_parameters()) normalizer = 2 if subsample else 1 actual_grads = {name: param.grad.detach().cpu().numpy() / normalizer for name, param in params.items()} expected_grads = {'loc': scale * np.array([0.5, -2.0]), 'scale': scale * np.array([2.0])} for name in sorted(params):'expected {} = {}'.format(name, expected_grads[name]))'actual {} = {}'.format(name, actual_grads[name])) assert_equal(actual_grads, expected_grads, prec=precision)
def model(self, diurnality, viirs_observed, land_cover, latitude, longitude, meteorology, annealing_factor=1.0): # land_cover.shape: [128, 17, 30, 30] pyro.module("vae", self) batch_size = diurnality.shape[0] T_max = viirs_observed.size(1) z_prev = self.z_0.expand(batch_size, self.z_0.size(0)) alpha0 = torch.tensor(10.0, device=diurnality.device) beta0 = torch.tensor(10.0, device=diurnality.device) diurnal_ratio = pyro.sample("diurnal_ratio", dist.Beta(alpha0, beta0)) with pyro.plate("data", batch_size): diurnal_ = pyro.sample("diurnal_", dist.Bernoulli(diurnal_ratio), obs=diurnality).long() for t in pyro.markov(range(1, T_max + 1)): z_loc, z_scale = self.trans(z_prev, land_cover) with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): z_t = pyro.sample( f"z_{t}", dist.Normal(z_loc[diurnal_, :], z_scale[diurnal_, :]).to_event(1)) image_p = self.emitter(z_t) image = pyro.sample(f"image_{t}", dist.Bernoulli(image_p).to_event(1), obs=viirs_observed[:, t - 1, :, :].reshape( -1, self.image_flatten_dim)) z_prev = z_t return image_p, image
def guide(self, imgs=None): """ 1. run the inference 2. sample latent variables """ #-----------------------# #-------- Trick -------# #-----------------------# if (imgs is None): observed = False imgs = torch.zeros(8,, self.height, self.width) if (self.use_cuda): imgs = imgs.cuda() else: observed = True #-----------------------# #----- Enf of Trick ----# #-----------------------# pyro.module("encoder", self.encoder) batch_size, ch, width, height = imgs.shape with pyro.plate('batch_size', batch_size, dim=-1): z = self.encoder(imgs) with poutine.scale(scale=self.scale): pyro.sample('z_latent', dist.Normal(z.z_mu, z.z_std).to_event(1))
def model( self, x0: torch.Tensor, x1: torch.Tensor, log_data_split: torch.Tensor, log_data_split_complement: torch.Tensor, ): # register modules with Pyro pyro.module("mcv_nbvae", self) with pyro.plate("data", len(x0)), poutine.scale(scale=self.scale_factor): z = pyro.sample( "latent", dist.Normal(0, x0.new_ones(self.n_latent)).to_event(1) ) lib = pyro.sample( "library", dist.Normal(self.lib_loc, self.lib_scale).to_event(1) ) log_r, logit = self.decoder(z, lib) # adjust for data split log_r += log_data_split_complement - log_data_split pyro.sample( "obs", dist.NegativeBinomial( total_count=torch.exp(log_r) + self.epsilon, logits=logit ).to_event(1), obs=x1, )
def model(self, x, y=None): # Register various nn.Modules with Pyro pyro.module("scanvi", self) # This gene-level parameter modulates the variance of the observation distribution theta = pyro.param("inverse_dispersion", 10.0 * x.new_ones(self.num_genes), constraint=constraints.positive) # We scale all sample statements by scale_factor so that the ELBO is normalized # wrt the number of datapoints and genes with pyro.plate("batch", len(x)), poutine.scale(scale=self.scale_factor): z1 = pyro.sample("z1", dist.Normal(0, x.new_ones(self.latent_dim)).to_event(1)) # Note that if y is None (i.e. y is unobserved) then y will be sampled; # otherwise y will be treated as observed. y = pyro.sample("y", dist.OneHotCategorical(logits=x.new_zeros(self.num_labels)), obs=y) z2_loc, z2_scale = self.z2_decoder(z1, y) z2 = pyro.sample("z2", dist.Normal(z2_loc, z2_scale).to_event(1)) l_scale = self.l_scale * x.new_ones(1) l = pyro.sample("l", dist.LogNormal(self.l_loc, l_scale).to_event(1)) # Note that by construction mu is normalized (i.e. mu.sum(-1) == 1) and the # total scale of counts for each cell is determined by `l` gate_logits, mu = self.x_decoder(z2) # TODO revisit this parameterization if torch.distributions.NegativeBinomial changes # from failure to success parametrization; # see nb_logits = (l * mu + self.epsilon).log() - (theta + self.epsilon).log() x_dist = dist.ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial(gate_logits=gate_logits, total_count=theta, logits=nb_logits) # Observe the datapoint x using the observation distribution x_dist pyro.sample("x", x_dist.to_event(1), obs=x)
def speaker1(state, threshold, prior): s1Optimality = 5. utterance = utterance_prior() L0 = listener0(utterance, threshold, prior) with poutine.scale(scale=torch.tensor(s1Optimality)): pyro.sample("L0_score", L0, obs=state) return utterance
def languageModelOptimization(self, z, z_hid, src, src_lengths, src_input_mask, kl): src = src.clone() #pretty sure that's a bug anyways... #need to redo src side as batch doesn't handle it #TODO...probably should be handled in rebatch src_indx = src[:, :-1] src_trgs = src[:, 1:] self.src_tok_count = (src_trgs != self.pad_index).data.sum().item() src_output_mask = (src_trgs != self.pad_index ) #similar to what is done in Batch class for trg z_x = self.resize_z(z_hid, self.num_layers) inputs = self.getWordEmbeddingsWithWordDropout(self.src_embed, src_indx, src_output_mask) _, _, pre_output = self.lang_model(inputs, src_input_mask, src_output_mask, hidden=z_x, z=z) logits = self.lm_generator(pre_output) logits = logits.contiguous().view(-1, logits.size(-1)) obs = src_trgs.contiguous().view(-1) mask = src_output_mask.contiguous().view(-1) try: mask = mask.bool() except AttributeError as e: #do nothing, is a versionining thing to supress a warning _ = 0 with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_reconstruction_const(scale=kl)): pyro.sample('lm_preds', Categorical(logits=logits).mask(mask), obs=obs)
def _model( self, z0: Tensor, batch_dim: int, time_steps: int, x: Optional[Tensor] = None, seq_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, annealing: float = 1.0, ) -> None: pyro.module("dmm", self) seq_mask = (seq_mask if seq_mask is not None else torch.ones( z0.size(0), time_steps)) z = z0.expand(batch_dim, z0.size(-1)) with pyro.plate("data", batch_dim): for t in pyro.markov(range(time_steps)): m = seq_mask[:, t:t + 1] z_loc, z_scale = self.transition(z) with poutine.scale(None, annealing): z = pyro.sample(f"z_{t+1}", Normal(z_loc, z_scale).mask(m).to_event(1)) x_loc, x_scale = self.emit(z) pyro.sample( f"x_{t+1}", Normal(x_loc, x_scale).mask(m).to_event(1), obs=x[:, t, :] if x is not None else None, )
def guide(self, x, y=None): pyro.module("scanvi", self) with pyro.plate("batch", len(x)), poutine.scale(scale=self.scale_factor): z2_loc, z2_scale, l_loc, l_scale = self.z2l_encoder(x) pyro.sample("l", dist.LogNormal(l_loc, l_scale).to_event(1)) z2 = pyro.sample("z2", dist.Normal(z2_loc, z2_scale).to_event(1)) y_logits = self.classifier(z2) y_dist = dist.OneHotCategorical(logits=y_logits) if y is None: # x is unlabeled so sample y using q(y|z2) y = pyro.sample("y", y_dist) else: # x is labeled so add a classification loss term # (this way q(y|z2) learns from both labeled and unlabeled data) classification_loss = y_dist.log_prob(y) # Note that the negative sign appears because we're adding this term in the guide # and the guide log_prob appears in the ELBO as -log q pyro.factor( "classification_loss", -self.alpha * classification_loss, has_rsample=False, ) z1_loc, z1_scale = self.z1_encoder(z2, y) pyro.sample("z1", dist.Normal(z1_loc, z1_scale).to_event(1))
def speaker(qudValue, qud): alpha = 1. utterance = utterance_prior() literal_marginal = literal_listener(utterance, qud) with poutine.scale(scale=torch.tensor(alpha)): pyro.sample("listener", literal_marginal, obs=qudValue) return utterance
def translationModelOptimization(self, z, z_hid, src, src_mask, src_lengths, trg, trg_mask, trg_lengths, y_trg, kl): #self.num_layers*2 because encoder is bidirectional z_hid = self.resize_z(z_hid, self.num_layers * 2) encoder_hidden, encoder_final = self.encoder(self.src_embed(src), src_mask, src_lengths, hidden=z_hid) inputs = self.getWordEmbeddingsWithWordDropout(self.trg_embed, trg, trg_mask) #key thing is HERE, i am directly calling our decoder _, _, pre_output = self.decoder(inputs, encoder_hidden, encoder_final, src_mask, trg_mask, additional_input=z) logits = self.generator(pre_output) logits = logits.contiguous().view(-1, logits.size(-1)) obs = y_trg.contiguous().view(-1) mask = trg_mask.contiguous().view(-1) try: mask = mask.bool() except AttributeError as e: #do nothing, means it's an older pytorch version _ = 0 #My assumption is this will usually just sum the loss so we need to average it ourselves with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_reconstruction_const(scale=kl)): pyro.sample('preds', Categorical(logits=logits).mask(mask), obs=obs)
def model(self, src, trg, src_mask, trg_mask, src_lengths, trg_lengths, y_trg, kl=1.0): #TODO again, maaaaaaybe a good idea to specify which parts I need to update... pyro.module("GNMT", self) with pyro.plate('data'): with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_model_kl_const(scale=kl)): use_flows = False dist = self.getDistribution(torch.zeros_like(self.mu_x), torch.ones_like(self.sig_x), cond_input=None, extra_cond=use_flows) z = pyro.sample('z', dist) z_hid = self.project(z) #Calculations for translation if self.train_mt: self.translationModelOptimization(z, z_hid, src, src_mask, src_lengths, trg, trg_mask, trg_lengths, y_trg, kl) #Calculations for language modeling #mask not passed in because it's handled differently for the lang modeling if self.train_lm: self.languageModelOptimization(z, z_hid, src, src_lengths, src_mask, kl)
def model(self, src, trg, src_mask, trg_mask, src_lengths, trg_lengths, y_trg, kl=1.0): pyro.module('VanillaNMT', self) self.encoder_hidden_x, self.encoder_final = self.encoder( self.src_embed(src), src_mask, src_lengths) encoder_hidden, encoder_final = self.encoder_hidden_x, self.encoder_final with pyro.plate('data'): #for consistency, although word dropout ...supposedly makes less sense with out latent variables inputs = self.getWordEmbeddingsWithWordDropout( self.trg_embed, trg, trg_mask) #key thing is HERE, i am directly calling our decoder _, _, pre_output = self.decoder(inputs, encoder_hidden, encoder_final, src_mask, trg_mask) logits = self.generator(pre_output) obs = y_trg.contiguous().view(-1) mask = trg_mask.contiguous().view(-1) try: mask = mask.bool() except AttributeError as e: #do nothing, is just a versioning issue _ = 0 #My assumption is this will usually just sum the loss so we need to average it ourselves with poutine.scale(scale=self.get_reconstruction_const(scale=kl)): pyro.sample('preds', Categorical(logits=logits.contiguous().view( -1, logits.size(-1))).mask(mask), obs=obs)
def model(self): self.set_mode("model") M = self.Xu.size(0) Kuu = self.kernel(self.Xu).contiguous() Kuu.view(-1)[::M + 1] += self.jitter # add jitter to the diagonal Luu = Kuu.cholesky() zero_loc = self.Xu.new_zeros(self.u_loc.shape) if self.whiten: identity = eye_like(self.Xu, M) pyro.sample(self._pyro_get_fullname("u"), dist.MultivariateNormal(zero_loc, scale_tril=identity) .to_event(zero_loc.dim() - 1)) else: pyro.sample(self._pyro_get_fullname("u"), dist.MultivariateNormal(zero_loc, scale_tril=Luu) .to_event(zero_loc.dim() - 1)) f_loc, f_var = conditional(self.X, self.Xu, self.kernel, self.u_loc, self.u_scale_tril, Luu, full_cov=False, whiten=self.whiten, jitter=self.jitter) f_loc = f_loc + self.mean_function(self.X) if self.y is None: return f_loc, f_var else: # we would like to load likelihood's parameters outside poutine.scale context self.likelihood._load_pyro_samples() with poutine.scale(scale=self.num_data / self.X.size(0)): return self.likelihood(f_loc, f_var, self.y)
def model(self): self.set_mode("model") Xu = self.get_param("Xu") u_loc = self.get_param("u_loc") u_scale_tril = self.get_param("u_scale_tril") M = Xu.shape[0] Kuu = self.kernel(Xu) + torch.eye(M, out=Xu.new_empty(M, M)) * self.jitter Luu = Kuu.potrf(upper=False) zero_loc = Xu.new_zeros(u_loc.shape) u_name = param_with_module_name(, "u") if self.whiten: Id = torch.eye(M, out=Xu.new_empty(M, M)) pyro.sample(u_name, dist.MultivariateNormal(zero_loc, scale_tril=Id) .independent(zero_loc.dim() - 1)) else: pyro.sample(u_name, dist.MultivariateNormal(zero_loc, scale_tril=Luu) .independent(zero_loc.dim() - 1)) f_loc, f_var = conditional(self.X, Xu, self.kernel, u_loc, u_scale_tril, Luu, full_cov=False, whiten=self.whiten, jitter=self.jitter) f_loc = f_loc + self.mean_function(self.X) if self.y is None: return f_loc, f_var else: with poutine.scale(None, self.num_data / self.X.shape[0]): return self.likelihood(f_loc, f_var, self.y)
def guide(self, obs): batch_size = obs['x'].shape[0] with pyro.plate('observations', batch_size): hidden = self.encoder(obs['x']) ventricle_volume_ = self.ventricle_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['ventricle_volume']) brain_volume_ = self.brain_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['brain_volume']) lesion_volume_ = self.lesion_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['lesion_volume']) slice_number = obs['slice_number'] ctx =[ ventricle_volume_, brain_volume_, lesion_volume_, slice_number ], 1) hidden =[hidden, ctx], 1) z_base_dist = self.latent_encoder.predict(hidden) z_dist = TransformedDistribution( z_base_dist, self.posterior_flow_transforms ) if self.use_posterior_flow else z_base_dist _ = self.posterior_affine _ = self.posterior_flow_components with poutine.scale(scale=self.annealing_factor[-1]): z = pyro.sample('z', z_dist) return z
def model(self): obs = self.pgm_model() ventricle_volume_ = self.ventricle_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['ventricle_volume']) brain_volume_ = self.brain_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['brain_volume']) lesion_volume_ = self.lesion_volume_flow_constraint_transforms.inv( obs['lesion_volume']) slice_number = obs['slice_number'] ctx = [ventricle_volume_, brain_volume_, lesion_volume_, slice_number], 1) if self.prior_components > 1: z_scale = ( 0.5 * self.z_scale).exp() + 1e-5 # z_scale parameter is logvar z_base_dist = MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance( self.z_loc, z_scale, self.z_components).to_event(0) else: z_base_dist = Normal(self.z_loc, self.z_scale).to_event(1) z_dist = TransformedDistribution( z_base_dist, self.prior_flow_transforms) if self.use_prior_flow else z_base_dist _ = self.prior_affine _ = self.prior_flow_components with poutine.scale(scale=self.annealing_factor[-1]): z = pyro.sample('z', z_dist) latent =[z, ctx], 1) x_dist = self._get_transformed_x_dist(latent) # run decoder x = pyro.sample('x', x_dist) obs.update(dict(x=x, z=z)) return obs
def guide( self, x: torch.Tensor, x_packed_reversed: nn.utils.rnn.PackedSequence, seq_mask: torch.Tensor, seq_lengths: torch.Tensor, annealing=1.0, ) -> Tensor: pyro.module("dmm", self) batch_dim, time_steps, _ = x.shape h0 = self.h0.expand(self.h0.size(0), batch_dim, self.h0.size(-1)).contiguous() h_packed_reversed = self.encode(x_packed_reversed, h0)[0] h_reversed, _ = pad_packed_sequence(h_packed_reversed, batch_first=True) h = self.reverse_sequences(h_reversed, seq_lengths) z = self.qz0.expand(batch_dim, self.qz0.size(-1)) with pyro.plate("data", batch_dim): for t in range(time_steps): z_params = self.combine(h[:, t, :], z) with poutine.scale(None, annealing): z = pyro.sample( f"z_{t+1}", Normal(*z_params).mask(seq_mask[:, t:t + 1]).to_event(1), ) return z
def irt_model_3pl( ability_dim, num_person, num_item, device, response=None, mask=None, annealing_factor=1, nonlinear=False, ): ability_prior = dist.Normal( torch.zeros((num_person, ability_dim), device=device), torch.ones((num_person, ability_dim), device=device), ) with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): ability = pyro.sample("ability", ability_prior) item_feat_prior = dist.Normal( torch.zeros((num_item, ability_dim + 2), device=device), torch.ones((num_item, ability_dim + 2), device=device), ) with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): item_feat = pyro.sample("item_feat", item_feat_prior) discrimination = item_feat[:, :ability_dim] difficulty = item_feat[:, ability_dim:ability_dim + 1] guess_logit = item_feat[:, ability_dim + 1:ability_dim + 2] guess = torch.sigmoid(guess_logit) logit = (, -discrimination.T) + difficulty.T).unsqueeze(2) if nonlinear: logit = torch.pow(logit, 2) guess = guess.unsqueeze(0) response_mu = guess + (1. - guess) * torch.sigmoid(logit) if mask is not None: response_dist = dist.Bernoulli(response_mu).mask(mask) else: response_dist = dist.Bernoulli(response_mu) if response is not None: pyro.sample("response", response_dist, obs=response) else: response = pyro.sample("response", response_dist) return response, ability, item_feat
def model( self, mini_batch, mini_batch_reversed, mini_batch_mask, mini_batch_seq_lengths, annealing_factor=1.0, ): # this is the number of time steps we need to process in the mini-batch T_max = mini_batch.size(1) # register all PyTorch (sub)modules with pyro # this needs to happen in both the model and guide pyro.module("dmm", self) # set z_prev = z_0 to setup the recursive conditioning in p(z_t | z_{t-1}) z_prev = self.z_0.expand(mini_batch.size(0), self.z_0.size(0)) # we enclose all the sample statements in the model in a plate. # this marks that each datapoint is conditionally independent of the others with pyro.plate("z_minibatch", len(mini_batch)): # sample the latents z and observed x's one time step at a time # we wrap this loop in pyro.markov so that TraceEnum_ELBO can use multiple samples from the guide at each z for t in pyro.markov(range(1, T_max + 1)): # the next chunk of code samples z_t ~ p(z_t | z_{t-1}) # note that (both here and elsewhere) we use poutine.scale to take care # of KL annealing. we use the mask() method to deal with raggedness # in the observed data (i.e. different sequences in the mini-batch # have different lengths) # first compute the parameters of the diagonal gaussian distribution p(z_t | z_{t-1}) z_loc, z_scale = self.trans(z_prev) # then sample z_t according to dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale) # note that we use the reshape method so that the univariate Normal distribution # is treated as a multivariate Normal distribution with a diagonal covariance. with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): z_t = pyro.sample( "z_%d" % t, dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale).mask( mini_batch_mask[:, t - 1:t]).to_event(1), ) # compute the probabilities that parameterize the bernoulli likelihood emission_probs_t = self.emitter(z_t) # the next statement instructs pyro to observe x_t according to the # bernoulli distribution p(x_t|z_t) pyro.sample( "obs_x_%d" % t, dist.Bernoulli(emission_probs_t).mask( mini_batch_mask[:, t - 1:t]).to_event(1), obs=mini_batch[:, t - 1, :], ) # the latent sampled at this time step will be conditioned upon # in the next time step so keep track of it z_prev = z_t
def guide(self, x: torch.Tensor): pyro.module(self.NAME, self) with pyro.plate("data", len(x)), poutine.scale(scale=self.scale_factor): # use the encoder to get the parameters used to define q(z|x) z_loc, z_scale, l_loc, l_scale = self.encoder(x) # sample the latent code z pyro.sample("latent", dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale).to_event(1)) pyro.sample("library", dist.Normal(l_loc, l_scale).to_event(1))
def speaker(face, faces, utterance_candidates, depth=0): """ return: index of utterance """ alpha = 1. utterance = utterance_prior(utterance_candidates) literal_marginal = listener(utterance, utterance_candidates, faces, depth) with poutine.scale(scale=torch.tensor(alpha)): pyro.sample('listener', literal_marginal, obs=face) return utterance
def __init__( self, scale_elbo: Union[float, None] = 1.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if scale_elbo != 1.0: self.svi = pyro.infer.SVI( model=poutine.scale(self.module.model, scale_elbo), guide=poutine.scale(, scale_elbo), optim=self.optim, loss=self.loss_fn, ) else: self.svi = pyro.infer.SVI( model=self.module.model,, optim=self.optim, loss=self.loss_fn, )
def __iter__(self): if not am_i_wrapped(): for i in self.subsample: yield i if isinstance(i, numbers.Number) else i.item() else: indep_context = poutine.indep(, size=self.subsample_size) with poutine.scale(scale=self.size / self.subsample_size): for i in self.subsample: indep_context.next_context() with indep_context: # convert to python numeric type as functions like torch.ones(*args) # do not work with dim 0 torch.Tensor instances. yield i if isinstance(i, numbers.Number) else i.item()
def __enter__(self): self._wrapped = am_i_wrapped() self.dim = _DIM_ALLOCATOR.allocate(, self.dim) if self._wrapped: try: self._scale_messenger = poutine.scale(scale=self.size / self.subsample_size) self._indep_messenger = poutine.indep(, size=self.subsample_size, dim=self.dim) self._scale_messenger.__enter__() self._indep_messenger.__enter__() except BaseException:, self.dim) raise return self.subsample
def model(self, x_sent, y_sent, decode=False, kl_annealing=1.0): pyro.module("vnmt", self) #Produce our prior parameters x_embeds, x_len, x_mask, y_sent = self.x_embed(x_sent, y_sent) x_out, s_0 = self.encoder(x_embeds) X, x_len = pad_packed_sequence(x_out, batch_first=self.b_f) if self.use_cuda: x_len = x_len.cuda() z_input = torch.sum(X, dim=1) / x_len.unsqueeze(1).float() z_mean, z_sig = self.prior(z_input) #TODO technically this is done in forward call.... y_labels = self.y_embed.sentences2IndexesAndLens(y_sent) T_max = max([y[1] for y in y_labels]) y_labels, y_mask = self.y_embed.padAndMask(y_labels, batch_first=self.b_f) with pyro.plate('z_minibatch'): #sample from model prior P(Z | X) with poutine.scale(scale=kl_annealing): semantics = pyro.sample('z_semantics', dist.Normal(z_mean, z_sig)) #Generate sequences #TODO probably need to verify this, supposed to be H_e' = g(Wh_z + b_z) in paper eq 11 semantics = F.relu(self.h_e_p(semantics)) #TODO verify that this makes sense to do #TODO so...based on paper graphic the init hidden state is the last part of the RNN run in reverse on seq #TODO i added a "bridge" to take in the final context and convert to a proper hidden state size...ned to put it in #s_0 = s_0.view(self.num_layers,2 if self.enc_bi else 1, len(y_len), self.hidden_dim) s_t = s_0[1].unsqueeze(0) #s_0[:, 1 if self.enc_bi else 0, :, :] for t in range(0, T_max): #TODO atm we are teacher forcing the model (i.e. using labeledinputs) #TODO in future may want to use generative samples to improve robustness #probably need to figure out a more eloquent solution... l = y_labels[:, t] inputs =[ F.relu(self.y_embed.getBatchEmbeddings(l).unsqueeze(1)), semantics.unsqueeze(1) ], dim=2) output, s_t = self.decoder(inputs, s_t) output = self.emitter(output).squeeze(1) entry = pyro.sample( 'y_{}'.format(t), dist.Categorical(probs=F.softmax(output, dim=1)).mask( y_mask[:, t:t + 1].squeeze()), obs=l)
def model(self, mini_batch, mini_batch_reversed, mini_batch_mask, mini_batch_seq_lengths, annealing_factor=1.0): # this is the number of time steps we need to process in the mini-batch T_max = mini_batch.size(1) # register all PyTorch (sub)modules with pyro # this needs to happen in both the model and guide pyro.module("dmm", self) # set z_prev = z_0 to setup the recursive conditioning in p(z_t | z_{t-1}) z_prev = self.z_0.expand(mini_batch.size(0), self.z_0.size(0)) # we enclose all the sample statements in the model in a iarange. # this marks that each datapoint is conditionally independent of the others with pyro.iarange("z_minibatch", len(mini_batch)): # sample the latents z and observed x's one time step at a time for t in range(1, T_max + 1): # the next chunk of code samples z_t ~ p(z_t | z_{t-1}) # note that (both here and elsewhere) we use poutine.scale to take care # of KL annealing. we use the mask() method to deal with raggedness # in the observed data (i.e. different sequences in the mini-batch # have different lengths) # first compute the parameters of the diagonal gaussian distribution p(z_t | z_{t-1}) z_loc, z_scale = self.trans(z_prev) # then sample z_t according to dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale) # note that we use the reshape method so that the univariate Normal distribution # is treated as a multivariate Normal distribution with a diagonal covariance. with poutine.scale(scale=annealing_factor): z_t = pyro.sample("z_%d" % t, dist.Normal(z_loc, z_scale) .mask(mini_batch_mask[:, t - 1:t]) .independent(1)) # compute the probabilities that parameterize the bernoulli likelihood emission_probs_t = self.emitter(z_t) # the next statement instructs pyro to observe x_t according to the # bernoulli distribution p(x_t|z_t) pyro.sample("obs_x_%d" % t, dist.Bernoulli(emission_probs_t) .mask(mini_batch_mask[:, t - 1:t]) .independent(1), obs=mini_batch[:, t - 1, :]) # the latent sampled at this time step will be conditioned upon # in the next time step so keep track of it z_prev = z_t
def irange(name, size, subsample_size=None, subsample=None, use_cuda=None): """ Non-vectorized version of ``iarange``. See ``iarange`` for details. :param str name: A name that will be used for this site in a Trace. :param int size: The size of the collection being subsampled (like ``stop`` in builtin ``range``). :param int subsample_size: Size of minibatches used in subsampling. Defaults to ``size``. :param subsample: Optional custom subsample for user-defined subsampling schemes. If specified, then ``subsample_size`` will be set to ``len(subsample)``. :type subsample: Anything supporting ``len()``. :param bool use_cuda: Optional bool specifying whether to use cuda tensors for internal ``log_pdf`` computations. Defaults to ``torch.Tensor.is_cuda``. :return: A generator yielding a sequence of integers. Examples:: >>> for i in irange('data', 100, subsample_size=10): if z[i]: # Prevents vectorization. observe('obs_{}'.format(i), normal, data[i], mu, sigma) See `SVI Part II <>`_ for an extended discussion. """ subsample, scale = _subsample(name, size, subsample_size, subsample, use_cuda) if isinstance(subsample, Variable): subsample = if len(_PYRO_STACK) == 0: for i in subsample: yield i else: indep_context = poutine.indep(None, name, vectorized=False) with poutine.scale(None, scale): for i in subsample: with indep_context: yield i
def iarange(name, size=None, subsample_size=None, subsample=None, use_cuda=None): """ Context manager for conditionally independent ranges of variables. ``iarange`` is similar to ``torch.arange`` in that it yields an array of indices by which other tensors can be indexed. ``iarange`` differs from ``torch.arange`` in that it also informs inference algorithms that the variables being indexed are conditionally independent. To do this, ``iarange`` is a provided as context manager rather than a function, and users must guarantee that all computation within an ``iarange`` context is conditionally independent:: with iarange("name", size) as ind: # conditionally independent stuff with ind... Additionally, ``iarange`` can take advantage of the conditional independence assumptions by subsampling the indices and informing inference algorithms to scale various computed values. This is typically used to subsample minibatches of data:: with iarange("data", len(data), subsample_size=100) as ind: batch = data[ind] assert len(batch) == 100 By default ``subsample_size=False`` and this simply yields a ``torch.arange(0, size)``. If ``0 < subsample_size <= size`` this yields a single random batch of indices of size ``subsample_size`` and scales all log likelihood terms by ``size/batch_size``, within this context. .. warning:: This is only correct if all computation is conditionally independent within the context. :param str name: A unique name to help inference algorithms match ``iarange`` sites between models and guides. :param int size: Optional size of the collection being subsampled (like `stop` in builtin `range`). :param int subsample_size: Size of minibatches used in subsampling. Defaults to `size`. :param subsample: Optional custom subsample for user-defined subsampling schemes. If specified, then `subsample_size` will be set to `len(subsample)`. :type subsample: Anything supporting `len()`. :param bool use_cuda: Optional bool specifying whether to use cuda tensors for `subsample` and `log_pdf`. Defaults to `torch.Tensor.is_cuda`. :return: A context manager yielding a single 1-dimensional `torch.Tensor` of indices. Examples:: # This version simply declares independence: >>> with iarange('data'): observe('obs', normal, data, mu, sigma) # This version subsamples data in vectorized way: >>> with iarange('data', 100, subsample_size=10) as ind: observe('obs', normal, data.index_select(0, ind), mu, sigma) # This wraps a user-defined subsampling method for use in pyro: >>> ind = my_custom_subsample >>> with iarange('data', 100, subsample=ind): observe('obs', normal, data.index_select(0, ind), mu, sigma) See `SVI Part II <>`_ for an extended discussion. """ subsample, scale = _subsample(name, size, subsample_size, subsample, use_cuda) if len(_PYRO_STACK) == 0: yield subsample else: with poutine.scale(None, scale): with poutine.indep(None, name, vectorized=True): yield subsample