Exemple #1
 def get_hash(self):
     e = self
     return util.base36encode(
             hash((util.time_to_str(e.time), str(e.lat), str(e.lon),
                   str(e.depth), str(e.magnitude), e.catalog, e.name,
Exemple #2
    def get_traces_pyrocko(self, x, z):
        fns = self.dump_traces(x, z, format='mseed')
        traces = []
        for igm, fn in enumerate(fns):
            ig = igm + 1
            if fn:
                for tr in io.load(fn):
                    ix = 1 + int(round((x - self.firstx) / self.dx))
                    iz = 1 + int(round((z - self.firstz) / self.dz))
                    gridx = self.firstx + (ix - 1) * self.dx
                    gridz = self.firstz + (iz - 1) * self.dz
                    sx = util.base36encode(ix)
                    sz = util.base36encode(iz)
                    tr.meta = {'x': gridx, 'z': gridz, 'ig': ig}
                    tr.set_codes(network=sz, station=sx, channel='%i' % ig)

        return traces
Exemple #3
 def get_traces_pyrocko(self, x,z):
     fns = self.dump_traces(x,z, format='mseed')
     traces = []
     for igm, fn in enumerate(fns):
         ig = igm+1
         if fn:
             for tr in io.load(fn):
                 ix = 1 + int(round((x-self.firstx)/self.dx))
                 iz = 1 + int(round((z-self.firstz)/self.dz))
                 gridx = self.firstx + (ix-1)*self.dx
                 gridz = self.firstz + (iz-1)*self.dz
                 sx = util.base36encode(ix)
                 sz = util.base36encode(iz)
                 tr.meta = {'x':gridx, 'z':gridz, 'ig':ig}
                 tr.set_codes(network=sz, station=sx, channel='%i' % ig)
     return traces
Exemple #4
 def get_hash(self):
     e = self
     return util.base36encode(abs(hash((util.time_to_str(e.time), str(e.lat), str(e.lon), str(e.depth), str(e.magnitude), e.catalog, e.name, e.region)))).lower()
Exemple #5
def read_header(f, endianness='>'):
    e = endianness
    data = read(f, 16, eof_ok=True)

    isystem_id, istream_id = struct.unpack(e+'II', data[:8])
    ex = isystem_id & 0x80000000
    if ex:
        ex2 = isystem_id & (1 << 30)
        if ex2:
            system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id & (2**21 - 1))
            system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id & (2**26 - 1))

        instrument_type = (isystem_id >> 26) & 0b1
        gain = [None, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64][(isystem_id >> 27) & 0b111]

        system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id)
        instrument_type = None
        gain = None

    stream_id = util.base36encode(istream_id)

    i_day_second = struct.unpack(e+'I', data[8:12])[0]
    iday = i_day_second >> 17
    isecond = i_day_second & 0x1ffff
    time = (iday*24*60*60) + guralp_zero + isecond

    ittl, israte, compression, nrecords = struct.unpack(e+'BBBB', data[12:])
    if nrecords > 250:
        raise FileLoadError('Header indicates too many records in block.')

    if israte == 0:
        if compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == '00':
            block_type = 'status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == '01':
            block_type = 'unified_status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == 'SM':
            block_type = 'strong_motion_block'

        elif stream_id[-2:] == 'CD':
            block_type = 'cd_status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == 'BP':
            block_type = 'byte_pipe_block'

        elif stream_id[-2:] == 'IB':
            block_type = 'information_block'

            raise FileLoadError('Unexpected block type found.')

        return Header(block_type, system_id, stream_id, instrument_type,
                      time, gain, ittl, 0.0, compression, nrecords)
        block_type = 'data_block'

        if not re.match(r'^([ZNEXC][0-9A-CG-S]|M[0-9A-F])$', stream_id[-2:]):
            raise FileLoadError('Unexpected data stream ID')

        sample_rate_tab = {
            157: (0.1, None),
            161: (0.125, None),
            162: (0.2, None),
            164: (0.25, None),
            167: (0.5, None),
            171: (400., 8),
            174: (500., 2),
            176: (1000., 4),
            179: (2000., 8),
            181: (4000., 16)}

        if israte in sample_rate_tab:
            sample_rate, tfod = sample_rate_tab[israte]
            sample_rate = float(israte)
            tfod = None

        if tfod is not None:
            toff = (compression >> 4) / tfod
            compression = compression & 0b1111
            time += toff

        if compression not in (1, 2, 4):
            raise GCFLoadError(
                'Unsupported compression code: %i' % compression)

        return Header(block_type, system_id, stream_id, instrument_type,
                      time, gain, ittl, sample_rate, compression, nrecords)
Exemple #6
def read_header(f, endianness='>'):
    e = endianness
    data = read(f, 16, eof_ok=True)

    isystem_id, istream_id = struct.unpack(e + 'II', data[:8])
    ex = isystem_id & 0x80000000
    if ex:
        ex2 = isystem_id & (1 << 30)
        if ex2:
            system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id & (2**21 - 1))
            system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id & (2**26 - 1))

        instrument_type = (isystem_id >> 26) & 0b1
        gain = [None, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64][(isystem_id >> 27) & 0b111]

        system_id = util.base36encode(isystem_id)
        instrument_type = None
        gain = None

    stream_id = util.base36encode(istream_id)

    i_day_second = struct.unpack(e + 'I', data[8:12])[0]
    iday = i_day_second >> 17
    isecond = i_day_second & 0x1ffff
    time = (iday * 24 * 60 * 60) + guralp_zero + isecond

    ittl, israte, compression, nrecords = struct.unpack(e + 'BBBB', data[12:])
    if nrecords > 250:
        raise FileLoadError('Header indicates too many records in block.')

    if israte == 0:
        if compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == '00':
            block_type = 'status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == '01':
            block_type = 'unified_status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == 'SM':
            block_type = 'strong_motion_block'

        elif stream_id[-2:] == 'CD':
            block_type = 'cd_status_block'

        elif compression == 4 and stream_id[-2:] == 'BP':
            block_type = 'byte_pipe_block'

        elif stream_id[-2:] == 'IB':
            block_type = 'information_block'

            raise FileLoadError('Unexpected block type found.')

        return Header(block_type, system_id, stream_id, instrument_type, time,
                      gain, ittl, 0.0, compression, nrecords)
        block_type = 'data_block'

        if not re.match(r'^([ZNEXC][0-9A-CG-S]|M[0-9A-F])$', stream_id[-2:]):
            raise FileLoadError('Unexpected data stream ID')

        sample_rate_tab = {
            157: (0.1, None),
            161: (0.125, None),
            162: (0.2, None),
            164: (0.25, None),
            167: (0.5, None),
            171: (400., 8),
            174: (500., 2),
            176: (1000., 4),
            179: (2000., 8),
            181: (4000., 16)

        if israte in sample_rate_tab:
            sample_rate, tfod = sample_rate_tab[israte]
            sample_rate = float(israte)
            tfod = None

        if tfod is not None:
            toff = (compression >> 4) / tfod
            compression = compression & 0b1111
            time += toff

        if compression not in (1, 2, 4):
            raise GCFLoadError('Unsupported compression code: %i' %

        return Header(block_type, system_id, stream_id, instrument_type, time,
                      gain, ittl, sample_rate, compression, nrecords)