Exemple #1
    stft_all_arr = stft_arr(x_all_arr, fftsize=n_fft)

    stft_all_arr_ilrma = np.concatenate(
        (np.transpose(stft_all_arr, (2, 0, 1))[:, :, :7],
         np.transpose(stft_all_arr, (2, 0, 1))[:, :, 11:18]),

    # 2.0 - Apply ILRMA and extract cleaned signal
    weights = np.load(
    n_iter = 15
    n_comp = 2

    res = ilrma(stft_all_arr_ilrma,
    entr = np.zeros(res.shape[-1])

    for i in range(res.shape[-1]):
        for j in range(res.shape[1]):
            entr[i] += entropy(np.real(res[:, j, i] * np.conj(res[:, j, i])))

    resulting_sig = istft(res[:, :, np.argmin(entr)], overlap=2)

    # def demix(X, W):
    #     Y = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=X.dtype)
    #     for f in range(X.shape[1]):
    #         Y[:,f,:] = np.dot(X[:,f,:], np.conj(W[f,:,:]))
    #     return Y
Exemple #2
def fastmnmf(X,
    Implementation of FastMNMF algorithm presented in

    K. Sekiguchi, A. A. Nugraha, Y. Bando, K. Yoshii, *Fast Multichannel Source 
    Separation Based on Jointly Diagonalizable Spatial Covariance Matrices*, EUSIPCO, 2019. [`arXiv <https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03237>`_]

    The code of FastMNMF with GPU support and FastMNMF-DP which integrates DNN-based source model
    into FastMNMF is available on https://github.com/sekiguchi92/SpeechEnhancement 

    X: ndarray (nframes, nfrequencies, nchannels)
        STFT representation of the observed signal 
    n_src: int, optional
        The number of sound sources (if n_src = None, n_src is set to the number of microphone)
    n_iter: int, optional
        The number of iterations
    W0: ndarray (nfrequencies, nchannels, nchannels), optional
        Initial value for diagonalizer Q
        Demixing matrix can be used as the initial value
    n_components: int, optional
        Number of components in the non-negative spectrum
    callback: func, optional
        A callback function called every 10 iterations, allows to monitor convergence
    mic_index: int, optional
        The index of microphone of which you want to get the source image
    interval_update_Q: int, optional
        The interval of updating Q
    interval_normalize: int, optional
        The interval of parameter normalization
    initialize_ilrma: boolean, optional
        Initialize diagonalizer Q by using ILRMA

    separated spectrogram: numpy.ndarray
        An (nframes, nfrequencies, nsources) array. 

    # initialize parameter
    X_FTM = X.transpose(1, 0, 2)
    n_freq, n_frames, n_chan = X_FTM.shape
    XX_FTMM = np.matmul(X_FTM[:, :, :, None], X_FTM[:, :, None, :].conj())
    if n_src is None:
        n_src = X_FTM.shape[
            2]  # determined case (the number of source = the number of microphone)

    covarianceDiag_NFM = np.random.rand(n_src, n_freq, n_chan)
    power_observation_FT = (np.abs(X_FTM)**2).mean(axis=2)  # F T
    if initialize_ilrma:  # initialize by using ILRMA
        from pyroomacoustics.bss.ilrma import ilrma
        _, W = ilrma(X,
        diagonalizer_FMM = W
        covarianceDiag_NFM[0] = 1e-4
        covarianceDiag_NFM[0, :, 0] = 1
    elif W0 != None:  # initialize by W0
        diagonalizer_FMM = W0
    else:  # initialize by using observed signals
        covarianceMatrix_FMM = XX_FTMM.sum(axis=1) / power_observation_FT.sum(
            axis=1)[:, None, None]  # F M M
        covarianceMatrix_FMM = covarianceMatrix_FMM / np.trace(
            covarianceMatrix_FMM, axis1=1, axis2=2)[:, None, None]
        eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eig(covarianceMatrix_FMM)
        diagonalizer_FMM = eig_vec.transpose(0, 2, 1).conj()
        covarianceDiag_NFM[1] = eig_val.real
    for m in range(n_chan):
        mu_F = (diagonalizer_FMM[:, m] *
                diagonalizer_FMM[:, m].conj()).sum(axis=1).real
                         m] = diagonalizer_FMM[:, m] / np.sqrt(mu_F[:, None])
    H_NKT = np.random.rand(n_src, n_components, n_frames)
    W_NFK = np.random.rand(n_src, n_freq, n_components)
    lambda_NFT = np.matmul(W_NFK, H_NKT)
    Qx_power_FTM = np.abs((np.matmul(diagonalizer_FMM[:, None],
                                     X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :, 0])**2
    Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] *
             covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

    def separate():
        Qx_FTM = (diagonalizer_FMM[:, None] * X_FTM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=3)
        for n in range(n_src):
            tmp = (np.matmul(
                np.linalg.inv(diagonalizer_FMM)[:, None],
                (Qx_FTM *
                 ((lambda_NFT[n, :, :, None] * covarianceDiag_NFM[n, :, None])
                  (lambda_NFT[..., None] * covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(
                      axis=0)))[..., None]))[:, :, mic_index, 0]
            if n == 0:
                separated_spec = np.zeros([n_src, tmp.shape[0], tmp.shape[1]],
            separated_spec[n] = tmp
        return separated_spec.transpose(2, 1, 0)

    # update parameters
    for epoch in range(n_iter):
        if callback is not None and epoch % 10 == 0:
            separated_spec = separate()

        # update_WH (basis and activation of NMF)
        tmp_yb1 = (covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None] *
                   (Qx_power_FTM / (Y_FTM**2))[None]).sum(axis=3)  # [N, F, T]
        tmp_yb2 = (covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None] / Y_FTM[None]).sum(
            axis=3)  # [N, F, T]
        a_1 = (H_NKT[:, None, :, :] * tmp_yb1[:, :, None]).sum(
            axis=3)  # [N, F, K]
        b_1 = (H_NKT[:, None, :, :] * tmp_yb2[:, :, None]).sum(
            axis=3)  # [N, F, K]
        W_NFK *= np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1)

        a_1 = (W_NFK[:, :, :, None] * tmp_yb1[:, :, None]).sum(
            axis=1)  # [N, K, T]
        b_1 = (W_NFK[:, :, :, None] * tmp_yb2[:, :, None]).sum(
            axis=1)  # [N, F, K]
        H_NKT *= np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1)

        lambda_NFT = np.matmul(W_NFK, H_NKT)
        Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] *
                 covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

        # update diagonal element of spatial covariance matrix
        a_1 = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * (Qx_power_FTM / (Y_FTM**2))[None]).sum(
            axis=2)  # N F T M
        b_1 = (lambda_NFT[..., None] / Y_FTM[None]).sum(axis=2)
        covarianceDiag_NFM = covarianceDiag_NFM * np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1) + 1e-8
        Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] *
                 covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

        # udpate Diagonalizer which jointly diagonalize spatial covariance matrix
        if (interval_update_Q <= 0) or (epoch % interval_update_Q
                                        == interval_update_Q - 1):
            for m in range(n_chan):
                V_FMM = (XX_FTMM / Y_FTM[:, :, m, None, None]).mean(axis=1)
                tmp_FM = np.linalg.solve(np.matmul(diagonalizer_FMM, V_FMM),
                                         np.eye(n_chan)[None, m])
                diagonalizer_FMM[:, m] = (tmp_FM / np.sqrt(
                    ((tmp_FM.conj()[:, :, None] * V_FMM).sum(axis=1) *
                     tmp_FM).sum(axis=1))[:, None]).conj()
            Qx_power_FTM = np.abs((np.matmul(diagonalizer_FMM[:, None],
                                             X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :,

        # normalize
        if (interval_normalize <= 0) or (epoch % interval_normalize == 0):
            phi_F = np.sum(diagonalizer_FMM * diagonalizer_FMM.conj(),
                           axis=(1, 2)).real / n_chan
            diagonalizer_FMM = diagonalizer_FMM / np.sqrt(phi_F)[:, None, None]
            covarianceDiag_NFM = covarianceDiag_NFM / phi_F[None, :, None]

            mu_NF = (covarianceDiag_NFM).sum(axis=2).real
            covarianceDiag_NFM = covarianceDiag_NFM / mu_NF[:, :, None]
            lambda_NFT = lambda_NFT * mu_NF[:, :, None]
            Qx_power_FTM = np.abs((np.matmul(diagonalizer_FMM[:, None],
                                             X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :,
            Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] *
                     covarianceDiag_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

    return separate()
Exemple #3
def fastmnmf(
    Implementation of FastMNMF algorithm presented in

    K. Sekiguchi, A. A. Nugraha, Y. Bando, K. Yoshii, *Fast Multichannel Source
    Separation Based on Jointly Diagonalizable Spatial Covariance Matrices*, EUSIPCO, 2019. [`arXiv <https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03237>`_]

    The code of FastMNMF with GPU support and FastMNMF-DP which integrates DNN-based source model
    into FastMNMF is available on https://github.com/sekiguchi92/SpeechEnhancement

    X: ndarray (nframes, nfrequencies, nchannels)
        STFT representation of the observed signal
    n_src: int, optional
        The number of sound sources (if n_src = None, n_src is set to the number of microphone)
    n_iter: int, optional
        The number of iterations
    W0: ndarray (nfrequencies, nchannels, nchannels), optional
        Initial value for diagonalizer Q
        Demixing matrix can be used as the initial value
    n_components: int, optional
        Number of components in the non-negative spectrum
    callback: func, optional
        A callback function called every 10 iterations, allows to monitor convergence
    mic_index: int, optional
        The index of microphone of which you want to get the source image
    interval_update_Q: int, optional
        The interval of updating Q
    interval_normalize: int, optional
        The interval of parameter normalization
    initialize_ilrma: boolean, optional
        Initialize diagonalizer Q by using ILRMA

    separated spectrogram: numpy.ndarray
        An (nframes, nfrequencies, nsources) array.

    eps = 1e-7

    # initialize parameter
    X_FTM = X.transpose(1, 0, 2)
    n_freq, n_frames, n_chan = X_FTM.shape
    XX_FTMM = np.matmul(X_FTM[:, :, :, None], X_FTM[:, :, None, :].conj())
    if n_src is None:
        n_src = X_FTM.shape[
        ]  # determined case (the number of source = the number of microphone)

    if initialize_ilrma:  # initialize by using ILRMA
        from pyroomacoustics.bss.ilrma import ilrma

        Y_TFM, W = ilrma(
            X, n_iter=10, n_components=2, proj_back=False, return_filters=True
        Q_FMM = W
        sep_power_M = np.abs(Y_TFM).mean(axis=(0, 1))
        g_NFM = np.ones([n_src, n_freq, n_chan]) * 1e-2
        for n in range(n_src):
            g_NFM[n, :, sep_power_M.argmax()] = 1
            sep_power_M[sep_power_M.argmax()] = 0
    elif W0 != None:  # initialize by W0
        Q_FMM = W0
        g_NFM = np.ones([n_src, n_freq, n_chan]) * 1e-2
        for m in range(n_chan):
            g_NFM[m % n_src, :, m] = 1
    else:  # initialize by using observed signals
        Q_FMM = np.tile(np.eye(n_chan).astype(np.complex), [n_freq, 1, 1])
        g_NFM = np.ones([n_src, n_freq, n_chan]) * 1e-2
        for m in range(n_chan):
            g_NFM[m % n_src, :, m] = 1
    for m in range(n_chan):
        mu_F = (Q_FMM[:, m] * Q_FMM[:, m].conj()).sum(axis=1).real
        Q_FMM[:, m] = Q_FMM[:, m] / np.sqrt(mu_F[:, None])
    H_NKT = np.random.rand(n_src, n_components, n_frames)
    W_NFK = np.random.rand(n_src, n_freq, n_components)
    lambda_NFT = np.matmul(W_NFK, H_NKT)
    Qx_power_FTM = (
        np.abs((np.matmul(Q_FMM[:, None], X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :, 0]) ** 2
    Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * g_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

    separated_spec = np.zeros([n_src, n_freq, n_frames], dtype=np.complex)

    def separate():
        Qx_FTM = (Q_FMM[:, None] * X_FTM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=3)
        diagonalizer_inv_FMM = np.linalg.inv(Q_FMM)
        tmp_NFTM = lambda_NFT[..., None] * g_NFM[:, :, None]
        for n in range(n_src):
            tmp = (
                    diagonalizer_inv_FMM[:, None],
                    (Qx_FTM * (tmp_NFTM[n] / (tmp_NFTM).sum(axis=0)))[..., None],
            )[:, :, mic_index, 0]
            separated_spec[n] = tmp
        return separated_spec.transpose(2, 1, 0)

    # update parameters
    for epoch in range(n_iter):
        if callback is not None and epoch % 10 == 0:

        # update_WH (basis and activation of NMF)
        tmp_yb1 = (g_NFM[:, :, None] * (Qx_power_FTM / (Y_FTM ** 2))[None]).sum(
        )  # [N, F, T]
        tmp_yb2 = (g_NFM[:, :, None] / Y_FTM[None]).sum(axis=3)  # [N, F, T]
        a_1 = (H_NKT[:, None, :, :] * tmp_yb1[:, :, None]).sum(axis=3)  # [N, F, K]
        b_1 = (H_NKT[:, None, :, :] * tmp_yb2[:, :, None]).sum(axis=3)  # [N, F, K]
        W_NFK *= np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1)

        a_1 = (W_NFK[:, :, :, None] * tmp_yb1[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1)  # [N, K, T]
        b_1 = (W_NFK[:, :, :, None] * tmp_yb2[:, :, None]).sum(axis=1)  # [N, F, K]
        H_NKT *= np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1)

        np.matmul(W_NFK, H_NKT, out=lambda_NFT)
        np.maximum(lambda_NFT, eps, out=lambda_NFT)
        Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * g_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

        # update diagonal element of spatial covariance matrix
        a_1 = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * (Qx_power_FTM / (Y_FTM ** 2))[None]).sum(
        )  # N F T M
        b_1 = (lambda_NFT[..., None] / Y_FTM[None]).sum(axis=2)
        g_NFM *= np.sqrt(a_1 / b_1)
        Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * g_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

        # udpate Diagonalizer which jointly diagonalize spatial covariance matrix
        if (interval_update_Q <= 0) or ((epoch + 1) % interval_update_Q == 0):
            for m in range(n_chan):
                V_FMM = (XX_FTMM / Y_FTM[:, :, m, None, None]).mean(axis=1)
                tmp_FM = np.linalg.solve(
                    np.matmul(Q_FMM, V_FMM), np.eye(n_chan)[None, m]
                Q_FMM[:, m] = (
                    / np.sqrt(
                        ((tmp_FM.conj()[:, :, None] * V_FMM).sum(axis=1) * tmp_FM).sum(
                    )[:, None]
            Qx_power_FTM = (
                np.abs((np.matmul(Q_FMM[:, None], X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :, 0])
                ** 2

        # normalize
        if (interval_normalize <= 0) or (epoch % interval_normalize == 0):
            phi_F = np.sum(Q_FMM * Q_FMM.conj(), axis=(1, 2)).real / n_chan
            Q_FMM /= np.sqrt(phi_F)[:, None, None]
            g_NFM /= phi_F[None, :, None]

            mu_NF = (g_NFM).sum(axis=2)
            g_NFM /= mu_NF[:, :, None]
            W_NFK *= mu_NF[:, :, None]

            mu_NK = W_NFK.sum(axis=1)
            W_NFK /= mu_NK[:, None]
            H_NKT *= mu_NK[:, :, None]
            np.matmul(W_NFK, H_NKT, out=lambda_NFT)
            np.maximum(lambda_NFT, 1e-10, out=lambda_NFT)

            Qx_power_FTM = (
                np.abs((np.matmul(Q_FMM[:, None], X_FTM[:, :, :, None]))[:, :, :, 0])
                ** 2
            Y_FTM = (lambda_NFT[..., None] * g_NFM[:, :, None]).sum(axis=0)

    return separate()