Exemple #1
        # wait for node to be started
        node_api = None
        with Timeout(5) as t:
            while not t.timed_out and node_api is None:
                node_api = rosnode.get_api_uri(rospy.get_master(),

        assert node_api is not None  # make sure the connection cache node is started before moving on.

        self.connection_cache = connection_cache_proxy_create()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.publisher_if_pool = None

        while self.connection_cache_proc.is_alive():
            time.sleep(0.2)  # waiting for cache node to die
        assert not self.connection_cache_proc.is_alive()
        time.sleep(1)  # TODO : investigate : we shouldnt need this

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
                                      'test_all', TestRosInterface1NoCache)

    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
                                      'test_all', TestRosInterfaceCache)
        assert self.connection_cache_proc.is_alive()

        # wait for node to be started
        node_api = None
        with Timeout(5) as t:
            while not t.timed_out and node_api is None:
                node_api = rosnode.get_api_uri(rospy.get_master(), 'connection_cache')

        assert node_api is not None  # make sure the connection cache node is started before moving on.

        self.connection_cache = connection_cache_proxy_create()

    def tearDown(self):
        self.service_if_pool = None

        while self.connection_cache_proc.is_alive():
            time.sleep(0.2)  # waiting for cache node to die
        assert not self.connection_cache_proc.is_alive()
        time.sleep(1)  # TODO : investigate : we shouldnt need this

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('test_service_if_pool_no_cache', 'test_all', TestRosInterface1NoCache)

    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('test_service_if_pool_cache', 'test_all', TestRosInterfaceCache)

            # Assert there is no difference
                    ^ set(six.iteritems({'response': self.test_message}))) ==

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.fail("Test Interrupted !")

    # def test_slow_service_timeout(self):
    #     try:
    #         self.logPoint()
    #         print("calling : {msg} on service {service}".format(msg=self.test_message, service=self.slow_service.name))
    #         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    #         resp = self.slow_service.call(self.slow_service.rostype_req(self.test_message))
    #         self.assertIn(resp.response, [self.test_message])
    #     except KeyboardInterrupt:
    #         self.fail("Test Interrupted !")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("ARGV : %r", sys.argv)
    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('pyros', 'testService', TestService,
Exemple #4
            # Topics are up. Use them.
            print("sending : {msg} on topic {topic}".format(
                msg=self.test_message, topic=self.pub_topic.name))
            msg = pub_topic_class()
            # TODO : better serialization
            populate_instance({'data': self.test_message}, msg)
            if isinstance(msg, pub_topic_class):
                )  # This should return False if publisher not fully setup yet
                # CAREFUL the return spec of rospy's publish is not consistent

            print("waiting for : {msg} on topic {topic}".format(
                msg={'data': self.test_message}, topic=self.pub_if.name))
            msg = self.msg_wait({'data': self.test_message}, self.pub_if)
            # We assert there is no difference
                    ^ set(six.iteritems({'data': self.test_message}))) == 0)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.fail("Test Interrupted !")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("ARGV : %r", sys.argv)
    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('pyros', 'testStringPublisher',
                                      TestStringPublisher, sys.argv)
Exemple #5
        # note we cannot test cleanup here. Assuming rostest does it properly.

    # Tests Needed to validate that tests written for nose with pyros can also work with rostest
    # if called from usual rostest testCase
    def test_import_after_delay_setup_teardown_module(self):

    def test_import_before_delay_setup_teardown_module(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Running with ROStest if launched with rostest...")
    # testing rostest to validate rostests will still work.
    from pyros_utils import rostest_nose
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('pyros_utils', 'testRosTest', testRosTest, sys.argv)
    if rostest_nose.is_rostest_enabled():
        print("Force running with nose even if launched with rostest...")
        # Needed to validate that rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main will work fine if calling nose

        # we need to remove options that nose doesnt know
        for opt in sys.argv[1:]:  # we keep argv[0]
            if opt.startswith("--gtest_output") or opt.startswith("__name") or opt.startswith("__log") or opt.startswith("--text"):

        rostest_nose.rostest_enabled = False

        # as well as nose
            self.sub_if = SubscriberBack(self.sub_topic_name, sub_topic_type)

            # Making sure the topic interface is ready to be used just after creation
            # by checking the number of connections on the actual subscriber
            subs_connected = self.sub_topic.impl.get_num_connections(
            )  # no local subs
            assert_true(subs_connected == 1)

            # Topics are up. Use them.
            print("sending : {msg} on topic {topic}".format(
                msg=self.test_message, topic=self.sub_if.name))
            assert_true(self.sub_if.publish({'data': self.test_message}))

            print("waiting for : {msg} on topic {topic}".format(
                msg={'data': self.test_message}, topic=self.sub_topic.name))
            msg = self.msg_wait({'data': self.test_message}, self.sub_topic)
            # We assert there is no difference
                    ^ set(six.iteritems({'data': self.test_message}))) == 0)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.fail("Test Interrupted !")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("ARGV : %r", sys.argv)
    # Note : Tests should be able to run with nosetests, or rostest ( which will launch nosetest here )
    rostest_nose.rostest_or_nose_main('pyros', 'testStringSubscriber',
                                      TestStringSubscriber, sys.argv)