Exemple #1
def test_parsing_landuse_with_defaults(test_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from pyrosm.landuse import get_landuse_data
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
    import pyproj
    from pyrosm._arrays import concatenate_dicts_of_arrays
    osm = OSM(filepath=test_pbf)
    tags_as_columns = osm.conf.tags.landuse

    nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(osm._nodes)
    gdf = get_landuse_data(nodes,

    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)

    # Required keys
    required = ['id', 'geometry']
    for col in required:
        assert col in gdf.columns

    # Test shape
    assert len(gdf) == 50
    assert gdf.crs == pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326)
Exemple #2
def test_parsing_pois_with_defaults(helsinki_pbf, default_filter):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from pyrosm.pois import get_poi_data
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
    import pyproj
    from pyrosm._arrays import concatenate_dicts_of_arrays
    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf)
    tags_as_columns = []
    for k in default_filter.keys():
        tags_as_columns += getattr(osm.conf.tags, k)

    nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(osm._nodes)
    gdf = get_poi_data(nodes, osm._node_coordinates, osm._way_records,
                       osm._relations, tags_as_columns, default_filter, None)

    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)

    # Required keys
    required = ['id', 'geometry']
    for col in required:
        assert col in gdf.columns

    # Test shape
    assert len(gdf) == 1782
    assert gdf.crs == pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(4326)
Exemple #3
    def get_natural(self, custom_filter=None, extra_attributes=None):
        Parses natural from OSM.


        custom_filter : dict
            What kind of natural to parse,
            see details below.

            You can opt-in specific elements by using 'custom_filter'.
            To keep only specific natural such as 'wood' and 'tree', you can apply
            a custom filter which is a Python dictionary with following format:
              `custom_filter={'natural': ['wood', 'tree']}`

        extra_attributes : list (optional)
            Additional OSM tag keys that will be converted into columns in the resulting GeoDataFrame.

        See Also

        Take a look at OSM documentation for further details about the data:

        `https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:natural <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:natural>`__


        if self._nodes is None or self._way_records is None:

        # Default tags to keep as columns
        tags_as_columns = self.conf.tags.natural

        if extra_attributes is not None:
            tags_as_columns += extra_attributes

        # If nodes are still in chunks, merge before passing forward
        if isinstance(self._nodes, list):
            self._nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(self._nodes)

        gdf = get_natural_data(self._nodes, self._node_coordinates,
                               self._way_records, self._relations,
                               tags_as_columns, custom_filter,

        # Do not keep node information unless specifically asked for
        # (they are in a list, and can cause issues when saving the files)
        if not self.keep_node_info and gdf is not None:
            if "nodes" in gdf.columns:
                gdf = gdf.drop("nodes", axis=1)
        return gdf
Exemple #4
    def get_data_by_custom_criteria(self,
        Parse OSM data based on custom criteria.


        custom_filter : dict (required)
            A custom filter to filter only specific POIs from OpenStreetMap.

        osm_keys_to_keep : str | list
            A filter to specify which OSM keys should be kept.

        filter_type : str
            "keep" | "exclude"
            Whether the filters should be used to keep or exclude the data from OSM.

        tags_as_columns : list
            Which tags should be kept as columns in the resulting GeoDataFrame.

        keep_nodes : bool
            Whether or not the nodes should be kept in the resulting GeoDataFrame if they are found.

        keep_ways : bool
            Whether or not the ways should be kept in the resulting GeoDataFrame if they are found.

        keep_relations : bool
            Whether or not the relations should be kept in the resulting GeoDataFrame if they are found.

        extra_attributes : list (optional)
            Additional OSM tag keys that will be converted into columns in the resulting GeoDataFrame.


        # Check that the custom filter is in correct format
        custom_filter = validate_custom_filter(custom_filter)

        if not isinstance(filter_type, str):
            raise ValueError(
                "'filter_type' -parameter should be either 'keep' or 'exclude'. "

        # Validate osm keys
        if isinstance(osm_keys_to_keep, str):
            osm_keys_to_keep = [osm_keys_to_keep]

        # Validate filter
        filter_type = filter_type.lower()
        if filter_type not in ["keep", "exclude"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "'filter_type' -parameter should be either 'keep' or 'exclude'. "

        # Tags to keep as columns
        if tags_as_columns is None:
            tags_as_columns = []
            for k in custom_filter.keys():
                    tags_as_columns += getattr(self.conf.tags, k)
                except Exception as e:
            # If tags weren't available in conf, store keys as columns by default
            # (all other tags in such cases will be stored in 'tags' column as JSON)
            if len(tags_as_columns) == 0:
                tags_as_columns = list(custom_filter.keys())

            # Validate tags

        if extra_attributes is not None:
            tags_as_columns += extra_attributes

        # Validate booleans
        validate_booleans(keep_nodes, keep_ways, keep_relations)

        if self._nodes is None or self._way_records is None:

        # If nodes are still in chunks, merge before passing forward
        if isinstance(self._nodes, list):
            self._nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(self._nodes)

        gdf = get_user_defined_data(self._nodes, self._node_coordinates,
                                    self._way_records, self._relations,
                                    tags_as_columns, custom_filter,
                                    osm_keys_to_keep, filter_type, keep_nodes,
                                    keep_ways, keep_relations,

        # Do not keep node information unless specifically asked for
        # (they are in a list, and can cause issues when saving the files)
        if not self.keep_node_info and gdf is not None:
            if "nodes" in gdf.columns:
                gdf = gdf.drop("nodes", axis=1)
        return gdf
Exemple #5
    def get_pois(self, custom_filter=None, extra_attributes=None):
        Parse Point of Interest (POI) from OSM.


        custom_filter : dict
            An optional custom filter to filter only specific POIs from OpenStreetMap,
            see details below.

        extra_attributes : list (optional)
            Additional OSM tag keys that will be converted into columns in the resulting GeoDataFrame.


        By default, Pyrosm will parse all OSM elements (points, lines and polygons)
        that are associated with following keys:
          - amenity
          - shop
          - tourism

        You can opt-out / opt-in specific elements by using 'custom_filter'.
        To parse elements associated with only specific tags, such as amenities,
        you can specify:
          `custom_filter={"amenity": True}`

        You can also combine multiple filters at the same time.
        For instance, you can parse all 'amenity' elements AND specific 'shop' elements,
        such as supermarkets and book stores by specifying:
          `custom_filter={"amenity": True, "shop": ["supermarket", "books"]}`

        See Also

        You can check the most typical OSM tags for different map features from OSM Wiki
        `https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features>`__.
        It is also possible to get a quick look at the most typical OSM tags from Pyrosm configuration:

        >>> from pyrosm.config import Conf
        >>> print("All available OSM keys", Conf.tags.available)
        All available OSM keys ['aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity', 'building', 'craft',
        'emergency', 'geological', 'highway', 'historic', 'landuse', 'leisure',
        'natural', 'office', 'power', 'public_transport', 'railway', 'route',
        'place', 'shop', 'tourism', 'waterway']

        >>> print("Typical tags associated with tourism:", Conf.tags.tourism)
        ['alpine_hut', 'apartment', 'aquarium', 'artwork', 'attraction', 'camp_pitch',
        'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'gallery', 'guest_house', 'hostel',
        'hotel', 'information', 'motel', 'museum', 'picnic_site', 'theme_park',
        'tourism', 'viewpoint', 'wilderness_hut', 'zoo']

        # If custom_filter has not been defined, initialize with default
        if custom_filter is None:
            custom_filter = {"amenity": True, "shop": True, "tourism": True}

            # Check that the custom filter is in correct format
            if not isinstance(custom_filter, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"'custom_filter' should be a Python dictionary. "
                    f"Got {custom_filter} with type {type(custom_filter)}.")

        if self._nodes is None or self._way_records is None:

        # Default tags to keep as columns
        tags_as_columns = []
        for k in custom_filter.keys():
                tags_as_columns += getattr(self.conf.tags, k)
            except AttributeError:
                tags_as_columns += self.conf.tags._basic_tags
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

        if extra_attributes is not None:
            tags_as_columns += extra_attributes

        # If nodes are still in chunks, merge before passing forward
        if isinstance(self._nodes, list):
            self._nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(self._nodes)

        gdf = get_poi_data(self._nodes, self._node_coordinates,
                           self._way_records, self._relations, tags_as_columns,
                           custom_filter, self.bounding_box)

        # Do not keep node information unless specifically asked for
        # (they are in a list, and can cause issues when saving the files)
        if not self.keep_node_info and gdf is not None:
            if "nodes" in gdf.columns:
                gdf = gdf.drop("nodes", axis=1)
        return gdf
Exemple #6
    def get_boundaries(self,
        Parses boundaries from OSM.


        boundary_type : str
            The type of boundaries to parse. Possible values:
              - `"administrative"` (default)
              - `"national_park"`
              - `"political"`
              - `"postal_code"`
              - `"protected_area"`
              - `"aboriginal_lands"`
              - `"maritime"`
              - `"lot"`
              - `"parcel"`
              - `"tract"`
              - `"marker"`
              - `"all"`

        name : str (optional)
            Name of the administrative area that will be searched for.

        custom_filter : dict (optional)
            Additional filter for what kind of boundary to parse.

        extra_attributes : list (optional)
            Additional OSM tag keys that will be converted into columns in the resulting GeoDataFrame.

        See Also

        Take a look at OSM documentation for further details about the data:

        `https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:boundary <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:bondary>`__


        if self._nodes is None or self._way_records is None:

        # Default tags to keep as columns
        tags_as_columns = self.conf.tags.boundary

        if extra_attributes is not None:
            tags_as_columns += extra_attributes

        # If nodes are still in chunks, merge before passing forward
        if isinstance(self._nodes, list):
            self._nodes = concatenate_dicts_of_arrays(self._nodes)

        # Check boundary type
        boundary_type = validate_boundary_type(boundary_type)

        if name is not None:
            if not isinstance(name, str):
                raise ValueError(f"'name' should be text."
                                 f"Got '{name}' of type {type(name)}.")

        gdf = get_boundary_data(self._node_coordinates, self._way_records,
                                self._relations, tags_as_columns,
                                custom_filter, boundary_type, name,

        # Do not keep node information unless specifically asked for
        # (they are in a list, and can cause issues when saving the files)
        if not self.keep_node_info and gdf is not None:
            if "nodes" in gdf.columns:
                gdf = gdf.drop("nodes", axis=1)
        return gdf