Exemple #1
def test_passing_incorrect_custom_filter(test_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM

    osm = OSM(filepath=test_pbf)
    except ValueError as e:
        if "dictionary" in str(e):
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
Exemple #2
def test_adding_extra_attribute(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf)
    gdf = osm.get_pois()
    extra_col = "wikidata"
    extra = osm.get_pois(extra_attributes=[extra_col])

    # The extra should have one additional column compared to the original one
    assert extra.shape[1] == gdf.shape[1] + 1
    # Should have same number of rows
    assert extra.shape[0] == gdf.shape[0]
    assert extra_col in extra.columns
    assert len(extra[extra_col].dropna().unique()) > 0
    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)
Exemple #3
def test_using_rare_tag(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf)
    # There aren't any but should not raise an error still (#47)
    gdf = osm.get_pois({"park_ride": ["yes"]})
    assert gdf is None
Exemple #4
def test_pdgraph_connectivity():
    from pyrosm.graphs import to_pandana
    import pandas as pd
    from pyrosm import OSM
    osm = OSM(get_data("helsinki_pbf"))
    nodes, edges = osm.get_network(nodes=True)

    # Prerare some test data for aggregations
    restaurants = osm.get_pois(custom_filter={"amenity": ["restaurant"]})
    restaurants = restaurants.loc[restaurants["osm_type"] == "node"]
    restaurants["employee_cnt"] = 1
    x = restaurants["lon"]
    y = restaurants["lat"]

    g = to_pandana(nodes, edges, retain_all=False)

    # Nodes and edges should be in DataFrames
    assert isinstance(g.nodes_df, pd.DataFrame)
    assert isinstance(g.edges_df, pd.DataFrame)

    # Precompute up to 1000 meters

    # Link restaurants to graph
    g.set_pois("restaurants", 1000, 5, x, y)

    # Find the distance to nearest 5 restaurants from each node
    nearest_restaurants = g.nearest_pois(1000, "restaurants", num_pois=5)
    assert isinstance(nearest_restaurants, pd.DataFrame)
    assert nearest_restaurants.shape == (5750, 5)

    # Get closest node_ids for each restaurant
    node_ids = g.get_node_ids(x, y)
    assert isinstance(node_ids, pd.Series)
    assert node_ids.min() > 0
    restaurants["node_id"] = node_ids

    # Attach employee counts to the graph
    g.set(node_ids, variable=restaurants.employee_cnt, name="employee_cnt")

    # Aggregate the number of employees within 500 meters from each node
    access = g.aggregate(500, type="sum", decay="linear", name="employee_cnt")
    assert isinstance(access, pd.Series)
    assert len(access) == 5750

    # Test shortest path calculations
    shortest_distances = g.shortest_path_lengths(node_ids[0:100],
    assert isinstance(shortest_distances, list)
    assert len(shortest_distances) == 100
    shortest_distances = pd.Series(shortest_distances)
    assert shortest_distances.min().round(0) == 22
    assert shortest_distances.max().round(0) == 2453
    assert shortest_distances.mean().round(0) == 856
Exemple #5
def test_reading_pois_from_area_having_none(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    # Bounding box for area that does not have any data
    bbox = [24.940514, 60.173849, 24.942, 60.175892]

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf, bounding_box=bbox)

    # The tool should warn if no buildings were found
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as w:
        gdf = osm.get_pois()
        # Check the warning text
        if "could not find any buildings" in str(w):

    # Result should be None
    assert gdf is None
Exemple #6
def test_using_multiple_filters(helsinki_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

    osm = OSM(filepath=helsinki_pbf)
    gdf = osm.get_pois({"shop": ["alcohol"], "amenity": ["pub"]})

    # shop and amenity columns should only contain alcohol and pub as requested
    # (in addition to None values)
    shop = gdf["shop"].unique().tolist()
    shop = [item for item in shop if isinstance(item, str)]
    amenity = gdf["amenity"].unique().tolist()
    amenity = [item for item in amenity if isinstance(item, str)]

    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)
    assert shop == ["alcohol"]
    assert amenity == ["pub"]
    assert gdf.shape == (59, 32)
Exemple #7
def test_pois(test_pbf):
    from pyrosm import OSM
    from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
    osm = OSM(test_pbf)
    gdf = osm.get_pois()
    assert isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame)