def create_log_tab(self, ample_dict): if not self.own_log_tab or self.log_tab_id: return logfile = ample_dict['ample_log'] if not os.path.isfile(logfile): return False self.log_tab_id = "log_tab" logurl = self.fix_path(logfile) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.log_tab_id, "Log file", True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content(logurl, True, self.log_tab_id) return self.log_tab_id
def create_log_tab(self, ample_dict): if not self.do_log_tab or self.log_tab_id: return logfile = ample_dict['ample_log'] if not os.path.isfile(logfile): return False self.log_tab_id = "log_tab" logurl = self.fix_path(logfile) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.log_tab_id, "Log file", True) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide # Add watched (updatable) content to the log tab. pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content(logurl, True, self.log_tab_id) # pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() return self.log_tab_id
def _create_summary_tab(self): if not self.summary_tab_id: self.summary_tab_id = "summary_tab" title = "Summary" if self.ccp4i2: # Create summary tab pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab( self.summary_tab_id, title, True) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide else: # Insert summary tab before log tab pyrvapi.rvapi_insert_tab( self.summary_tab_id, title, self.log_tab_id, False) # Last arg is "open" - i.e. show or hide # Create pending section until we have data to show self.summary_tab_pending_sec_id = 'summary_tab_pending' pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section(self.summary_tab_pending_sec_id, "Processing...", self.summary_tab_id, 0, 0, 1, 1, True) rstr = "<p>No results are currently available. Please check back later. when your structure will have been solved. Honest.</p>" pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text(rstr, self.summary_tab_pending_sec_id, 0, 0, 1, 1) return
def __init__(self, parent, title, opened=False): self._identifier = self.unique_id("tab") super(Tab, self).__init__(parent) self._title = title self._opened = opened pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self._identifier, self._title, self._opened)
def addTab(self, tabId, tabName, opened): pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(tabId, tabName, opened) return self.setOutputPage([tabId, 0])
def _add_tab_to_pyrvapi(self, id, title, opened): if self.jscofe_mode: self._insert_tab_to_pyrvapi(id, title, self.rhs_tab_id, opened) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(id, title, opened)
def write_output(items, json_file=None, xml_file=None, xmlroot=None, docid=None, output=None): # in non-i2 mode items are added to the output dictionary which is dumped to json if json_file is not None: if 'result' in items: result = items['result'] for solution in output['solutions']: if solution['id'] == result['id']: solution.update({'acornCC': result['acornCC']}) else: output.update(items) temp_filename = json_file + '.tmp' with open(temp_filename, 'w') as jsonfile: print(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')), file=jsonfile) if os.path.exists(json_file): import uuid tmpfile = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.rename(json_file, tmpfile) os.remove(tmpfile) os.rename(temp_filename, json_file) return output elif xmlroot is None and xml_file is not None: xmlroot = etree.Element('Fragon') return xmlroot elif docid is None: jsrview_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['CCP4'], 'share', 'jsrview') pyrvapi.rvapi_init_document('fragon_results', os.getcwd(), 'Fragon %s results' % items['Fragon'], 1, 7, jsrview_dir, None, None, None, None) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab('tab1', 'Fragon results', True) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section('status', 'Current status', 'tab1', 0, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text( 'The job is currently running. Updates will be shown here after fragment placement and density modification.', 'status', 0, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() output.update(items) return 'tab1', output elif xml_file is not None: # in i2 mode new items are added to the etree as this preserves the order in the xml for key in items: if key == 'Fragon': version_node = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, 'Version') version_node.text = output['Fragon'] elif key == 'callback': callback = items['callback'] if callback[0] == 'progress': try: progress_node = xmlroot.xpath( '//Fragon/phaser_progress')[0] except IndexError: progress_node = etree.SubElement( xmlroot, 'phaser_progress') progress_node.text = callback[1] elif callback[0] == 'Best LLG/TFZ': best_llg_node = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, 'best_llg') best_llg_node.text = callback[1]['llg'] best_tfz_node = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, 'best_tfz') best_tfz_node.text = callback[1]['tfz'] elif key == 'solutions': solutions = items['solutions'] try: solutions_node = xmlroot.xpath('//Fragon/solutions')[0] except IndexError: solutions_node = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, 'solutions') if len(solutions) > 0: solutions_node.text = json.dumps(solutions) else: node = etree.SubElement(xmlroot, key) node.text = items[key].__str__() temp_filename = 'program.xml.tmp' with open(temp_filename, 'w') as xmlfile: xmlfile.write(etree.tostring(xmlroot, pretty_print=True)) if os.path.exists(xml_file): import uuid tmpfile = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.rename(xml_file, tmpfile) os.remove(tmpfile) os.rename(temp_filename, xml_file) elif docid is not None: for key in items: if key == 'copies': if items['copies'] > 1: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Running Phaser to place %d fragments' % items['copies'], 'status', 0, 0, 1, 1) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Running Phaser to place the fragment', 'status', 0, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab('tab2', 'Phaser log file', False) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content(output['root'] + '_Phaser.log', True, 'tab2') pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() output.update(items) elif key == 'callback': callback = items['callback'] if callback[0] == 'progress': pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Current Phaser stage: %s' % callback[1], 'status', 1, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() elif callback[0] == 'Best LLG': pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Current best solution Log Likelihood Gain (LLG): %s Translation Function Z-score (TFZ): %s' % (callback[1], output['best_tfz']), 'status', 2, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() elif callback[0] == 'Best TFZ': output.update({'best_tfz': callback[1]}) elif key == 'solutions': solutions = items['solutions'] top_llg = sorted(solutions, key=lambda r: r['llg'], reverse=True)[0]['llg'] top_tfz = sorted(solutions, key=lambda r: r['llg'], reverse=True)[0]['tfz'] top_acornCC = sorted([ solution['acornCC'] if solution['acornCC'] not in ['Running', '-', None] else None for solution in solutions ], reverse=True)[0] if len(solutions) == 1: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Phaser has found a single solution with Log Likelihood Gain (LLG) of %0.2f and Translation Function Z-score (TFZ) of %0.2f' % (top_llg, top_tfz), 'status', 0, 0, 1, 1) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Phaser has found %d solutions. The top solution has Log Likelihood Gain (LLG) of %0.2f and Translation Function Z-score (TF Z-score) of %0.2f' % (output['num_phaser_solutions'], top_llg, top_tfz), 'status', 0, 0, 1, 1) if output['num_phaser_solutions'] > len(solutions): pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Attempting to improve phases for the top %d solutions by density modification with ACORN' % len(solns), 'status', 1, 0, 1, 1) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'Attempting to improve phases by density modification with ACORN', 'status', 1, 0, 1, 1) if top_acornCC is not None: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text( 'The best solution so far has a correlation coefficient from density modification of %0.3f' % top_acornCC, 'status', 2, 0, 1, 1) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text('', 'status', 2, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_table('results_table', 'Phaser solutions', 'tab1', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader('results_table', 'Solution number', '', 0) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader('results_table', 'Space group', '', 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader('results_table', 'LLG', 'Phaser Log Likelihood Gain', 2) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader( 'results_table', 'TF Z-score', 'Phaser Translation Function Z-score', 3) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_horz_theader( 'results_table', 'CC', 'CC from ACORN density modification', 4) for solution in solutions: pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string('results_table', '%d' % solution['number'], solution['number'] - 1, 0) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string('results_table', solution['sg'], solution['number'] - 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string('results_table', '%0.2f' % solution['llg'], solution['number'] - 1, 2) pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string('results_table', '%0.2f' % solution['tfz'], solution['number'] - 1, 3) if solution['acornCC'] in ['Running', '-']: pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string( 'results_table', solution['acornCC'].replace('-', ''), solution['number'] - 1, 4) elif solution['acornCC'] is None: pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string('results_table', 'Not tested', solution['number'] - 1, 4) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_put_table_string( 'results_table', '%0.3f' % solution['acornCC'], solution['number'] - 1, 4) output.update(items) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() elif key == 'cc_best': solutions = output['solutions'] top_llg = sorted(solutions, key=lambda r: r['llg'], reverse=True)[0]['llg'] top_tfz = sorted(solutions, key=lambda r: r['llg'], reverse=True)[0]['tfz'] top_acornCC = sorted([ solution['acornCC'] if solution['acornCC'] not in ['Running', '-', None] else None for solution in solutions ], reverse=True)[0] pyrvapi.rvapi_set_section_state('status', False) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_section('results', 'Results', 'tab1', 2, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text( 'Phaser found %d solutions. The top solution had Log Likelihood Gain (LLG) of %0.2f and Translation Function Z-score (TFZ) of %0.2f' % (output['num_phaser_solutions'], top_llg, top_tfz), 'results', 0, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text( 'The best solution has a correlation coefficient from density modification of %0.3f' % top_acornCC, 'results', 1, 0, 1, 1) if top_acornCC > 0.15: pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text( 'This suggests the structure has been solved and the phases from ACORN will enable automated model building', 'results', 2, 0, 1, 1) else: pyrvapi.rvapi_add_text( 'Sorry this does not suggest a solution', 'results', 3, 0, 1, 1) pyrvapi.rvapi_flush() elif key == 'best_solution_id': pdbout = output['name'] + '_phaser_solution.pdb' mtzout = output['name'] + '_acorn_phases.mtz' pyrvapi.rvapi_add_data( 'best', 'Best fragment placement and electron density', pdbout, 'xyz', 'tab1', 3, 0, 1, 1, True) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_to_data('best', mtzout, 'hkl:map') else: output.update(items) return output
def importData(self): self.putWaitMessageLF("<b>1. Input Data Import</b>") #self.rvrow -= 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # import uploaded data # make import tab and redirect output to it pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.import_page_id(), "1. Input Data Import", False) self.setReportWidget(self.import_page_id()) fstdout = self.file_stdout fstderr = self.file_stderr self.file_stdout = open(self.import_stdout_path(), 'w') self.file_stderr = open(self.import_stderr_path(), 'w') # create tabs for import standard outputs if self.navTreeId: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_tab_proxy(self.navTreeId, self.import_page_id()) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.import_log_page_id(), "Log file", False) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content( os.path.join("..", self.import_stdout_path() + '?capsize'), True, self.import_log_page_id()) pyrvapi.rvapi_add_tab(self.import_err_page_id(), "Errors", False) pyrvapi.rvapi_append_content( os.path.join("..", self.import_stderr_path() + '?capsize'), True, self.import_err_page_id()) self.putTitle("CCP4go Automated Structure Solver: Data Import") super(CCP4go, self).import_all() # redirect everything back to report page and original standard streams self.file_stdout.close() self.file_stderr.close() self.file_stdout = fstdout self.file_stderr = fstderr self.resetReportPage() if self.navTreeId: pyrvapi.rvapi_set_tab_proxy(self.navTreeId, "") # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # fetch data for CCP4go pipeline self.unm = None # unmerged dataset self.hkl = None # selected merged dataset self.seq = None # list of sequence objects = None # coordinates (model/apo) self.hkl_alt = {} # alternative-space group merged datasets if "DataUnmerged" in self.unm =["DataUnmerged"][0] if "DataHKL" in maxres = 10000.0 for i in range(len(["DataHKL"])): res =["DataHKL"][i].getHighResolution( True) if res < maxres: maxres = res self.hkl =["DataHKL"][i] if "DataSequence" in self.seq =["DataSequence"] if "DataXYZ" in =["DataXYZ"][0] # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # make data summary table panelId = "summary_section" pyrvapi.rvapi_set_text("", self.report_page_id(), self.rvrow, 0, 1, 1) self.putSection(panelId, "<b>1. Input summary</b>") tableId = "ccp4go_summary_table" #self.putTable ( tableId,"<font style='font-style:normal;font-size:125%;'>" + # "1. Input Data</font>",self.report_page_id(), # self.rvrow,0 ) #self.rvrow += 1 self.putTable(tableId, "Input data", panelId, 0, 0) self.setTableHorzHeaders( tableId, ["Assigned Name", "View"], ["Name of the assocuated data object", "Data view and export"]) def addDataLine(name, tooltip, object, nrow): if object: self.putTableLine(tableId, name, tooltip, object.dname, nrow[0]) self.putInspectButton(object, "View", tableId, nrow[0] + 1, 2) nrow[0] += 1 return nrow = [0] addDataLine("Unmerged Reflections", "Reflection data", self.unm, nrow) addDataLine("Merged Reflections", "Reflection data", self.hkl, nrow) if self.seq: if len(self.seq) < 2: addDataLine("Sequence", "Sequence data", self.seq[0], nrow) else: for i in range(len(self.seq)): addDataLine("Sequence #" + str(i + 1), "Sequence data", self.seq[i], nrow) addDataLine("Structure", "Homologue structure",, nrow) if self.task.ha_type: self.putTableLine(tableId, "Anomalous scatterers", "Chemical type of anomalous scatterers", self.task.ha_type, nrow[0]) nrow[0] += 1 for i in range(len(self.task.ligands)): ligand = self.task.ligands[i] if ligand.source != "none": dline = "[" + ligand.code + "] " if ligand.source == "smiles": m = 0 for j in range(len(ligand.smiles)): if m > 40: dline += "<br> " m = 0 dline += ligand.smiles[j] m += 1 self.putTableLine(tableId, "Ligand #" + str(i + 1), "Ligand description", dline, nrow[0]) nrow[0] += 1 return