def save_auxilliary3D( auxfile, pressure_m, rho_m, temperature, pbeta, alfven, cspeed, dxB2, dyB2, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz, xindex, rank=0, collective=False, ): """ Save auxilliary variables for use in plotting background setup in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ if rank == 0: print'writing',auxfile print'non-SAC 3D auxilliary data for plotting' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', physical_constants['gamma'] ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity']], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) if collective: from mpi4py import MPI gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(auxfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions, driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) else: gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(auxfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, pressure_m, 'pressure_mhs', 'Background magneto-pressure balance' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, rho_m, 'density_mhs', 'Background magneto-density balance' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, temperature, 'temperature', 'Background temperature' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, pbeta, 'plasma_beta', 'Background plasma beta' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, alfven, 'alfven_speed', 'Background Alfven speed' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, cspeed, 'sound_speed', 'Background sound speed' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dxB2, 'mag_tension_x', 'x-component background magnetic tension' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dyB2, 'mag_tension_y', 'y-component background magnetic tension' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf_file.close() if collective: mpi_save_SACvariables( auxfile, ((pressure_m, 'pressure_mhs'), ( rho_m, 'density_mhs'), (temperature, 'temperature'), (pbeta, 'plasma_beta'), (alfven, 'alfven_speed'), (cspeed, 'sound_speed'), (dxB2, 'mag_tension_x'), (dyB2, 'mag_tension_y')), xindex, )
def save_auxilliary1D( auxfile, pressure_Z, rho_Z, Rgas_Z, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz, rank=0, collective=False, ): """ Save auxilliary variables for use in plotting background setup in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ if rank == 0: print'writing',auxfile print'non-SAC 1D auxilliary data for plotting' grid_dimensions = [2, 2, Nxyz[2]] #dims > 1 to be read by yt left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) pressureHS = u.Quantity(np.zeros(grid_dimensions),"Pa").unit) rhoHS = u.Quantity(np.zeros(grid_dimensions),'kg/m**3').unit) RgasHS = u.Quantity(np.zeros(grid_dimensions),'m**2/(K s**2)').unit) pressureHS[:] = pressure_Z rhoHS[:] = rho_Z RgasHS[:] = Rgas_Z simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', physical_constants['gamma'] ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity']], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(auxfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, pressureHS, 'pressure_HS', 'Background 1D hydrostatic-pressure' ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, rhoHS, 'density_HS', 'Background 1D hydrostatic-density' ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, RgasHS, 'ideal_gas_constant_HS', 'Background 1D hydrostatic-R_gas' ,collective=collective ) gdf_file.close()
def save_SACvariables( filename, rho, Bx, By, Bz, energy, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz, xindex, rank=0, collective=False, ): """ Save the background variables for a SAC model in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ if rank == 0: print'writing',filename print'SAC background atmosphere' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) gamma = 5./3. dummy = np.zeros(rho.shape) simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', gamma ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity'] ], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) if collective: from mpi4py import MPI gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(filename,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions, driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) else: gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(filename,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, rho, 'density_bg', 'Background Density' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('kg/m**3'), 'density_pert', 'Perturbation Density' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, energy, 'internal_energy_bg', 'Background Internal Energy' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('kg/(m s**2)'), 'internal_energy_pert', 'Perturbation Internal Energy' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Bx, 'mag_field_x_bg', 'x Component of Background Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_x_pert', 'x Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, By, 'mag_field_y_bg', 'y Component of Background Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_y_pert', 'y Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Bz, 'mag_field_z_bg', 'z Component of Background Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_z_pert', 'z Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_x', 'x Component of Velocity' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_y', 'y Component of Velocity' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_z', 'z Component of Velocity' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf_file.close() if collective: mpi_save_SACvariables( filename, ((rho, 'density_bg' ), (energy,'internal_energy_bg'), (Bx, 'mag_field_x_bg' ), (By, 'mag_field_y_bg' ), (Bz, 'mag_field_z_bg' )), xindex, )
def save_SACsources( sourcesfile, Fx, Fy, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz, xindex, rank=0, collective=False, ): """ Save the balancing forces for a SAC model with multiple flux tubes in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ if rank == 0: print'writing',sourcesfile print'SAC background source terms' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', physical_constants['gamma'] ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity']], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) if collective: from mpi4py import MPI gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(sourcesfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions, driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) else: gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(sourcesfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Fx, 'balancing_force_x_bg', 'x Component of Background Balancing Force' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Fy, 'balancing_force_y_bg', 'y Component of Background Balancing Force' ,field_shape=grid_dimensions ,arr_slice=xindex ,collective=collective ) gdf_file.close() if collective: mpi_save_SACvariables( sourcesfile, ((Fx,'balancing_force_x_bg'), (Fy,'balancing_force_y_bg')), xindex, )
def save_auxilliary3D( auxfile, pressure_m, rho_m, temperature, pbeta, alfven, cspeed, dxB2, dyB2, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz ): """ Save auxilliary variables for use in plotting background setup in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ rank = 0 if option_pars['l_mpi']: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() gather_vars = [ pressure_m, rho_m, temperature, pbeta, alfven, cspeed, dxB2, dyB2 ] concat_vars = [] for var in gather_vars: concat_vars.append(comm.gather(var, root=0)) if rank == 0: out_vars = [] for cvar in concat_vars: out_vars.append(np.concatenate(cvar, axis=0)) pressure_m, rho_m, temperature, pbeta,\ alfven, cspeed, dxB2, dyB2 = out_vars if rank == 0: print'writing',auxfile print'non-SAC 3D auxilliary data for plotting' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', physical_constants['gamma'] ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity']], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(auxfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, pressure_m, 'pressure_mhs', 'Background magneto-pressure balance' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, rho_m, 'density_mhs', 'Background magneto-density balance' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file,, 'temperature', 'Background temperature' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, pbeta, 'plasma_beta', 'Background plasma beta' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, alfven, 'alfven_speed', 'Background Alfven speed' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, cspeed, 'sound_speed', 'Background sound speed' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dxB2, 'mag_tension_x', 'x-component background magnetic tension' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dyB2, 'mag_tension_y', 'y-component background magnetic tension' ) gdf_file.close()
def save_SACvariables( filename, rho, Bx, By, Bz, energy, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz ): """ Save the background variables for a SAC model in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ rank = 0 if option_pars['l_mpi']: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() gather_vars = ['kg/m**3')),'T')),'T')),'T')),'kg/(m s**2)')) ] concat_vars = [] for var in gather_vars: concat_vars.append(comm.gather(var, root=0)) if rank == 0: out_vars = [] for cvar in concat_vars: out_vars.append(np.concatenate(cvar, axis=0)) rho,Bx,By,Bz,energy = out_vars if rank == 0: print'writing',filename print'SAC background atmosphere' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) g0 = physical_constants['gravity'] gamma = 5./3. dummy = np.zeros(rho.shape) simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', gamma ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', g0 ], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(filename,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, rho, 'density_bg', 'Background Density' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('kg/m**3'), 'density_pert', 'Perturbation Density' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, energy, 'internal_energy_bg', 'Background Internal Energy' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('kg/(m s**2)'), 'internal_energy_pert', 'Perturbation Internal Energy' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Bx, 'mag_field_x_bg', 'x Component of Background Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_x_pert', 'x Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, By, 'mag_field_y_bg', 'y Component of Background Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_y_pert', 'y Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Bz, 'mag_field_z_bg', 'z Component of Background Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('T'), 'mag_field_z_pert', 'z Component of Pertubation Magnetic Field' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_x', 'x Component of Velocity' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_y', 'y Component of Velocity' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, dummy*u.Unit('m/s'), 'velocity_z', 'z Component of Velocity' ) gdf_file.close()
def save_SACsources( sourcesfile, Fx, Fy, option_pars, physical_constants, coords, Nxyz ): """ Save the balancing forces for a SAC model with multiple flux tubes in hdf5 (gdf default) format after collating the data from mpi sub processes if necessary. """ rank = 0 if option_pars['l_mpi']: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() gather_vars = [ Fx,Fy ] concat_vars = [] for var in gather_vars: concat_vars.append(comm.gather(var, root=0)) if rank == 0: out_vars = [] for cvar in concat_vars: out_vars.append(np.concatenate(cvar, axis=0)) Fx,Fy = out_vars if rank == 0: print'writing',sourcesfile print'SAC background source terms' grid_dimensions = [Nxyz[0], Nxyz[1], Nxyz[2]] left_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmin'], coords['ymin'], coords['zmin']]).to(u.m) right_edge = u.Quantity([coords['xmax'], coords['ymax'], coords['zmax']]).to(u.m) g0 = physical_constants['gravity'] simulation_parameters = gdf.SimulationParameters([ ['boundary_conditions', np.zeros(6) + 2], ['cosmological_simulation', 0 ], ['current_iteration', 0 ], ['current_time', 0.0 ], ['dimensionality', 3 ], ['domain_dimensions', grid_dimensions ], ['domain_left_edge', left_edge ], ['domain_right_edge', right_edge ], ['eta', 0.0 ], ['field_ordering', 0 ], ['gamma', physical_constants['gamma'] ], ['gravity0', 0.0 ], ['gravity1', 0.0 ], ['gravity2', physical_constants['gravity']], ['nu', 0.0 ], ['num_ghost_zones', 0 ], ['refine_by', 0 ], ['unique_identifier', 'sacgdf2014' ] ]) gdf_file = gdf.create_file(h5py.File(sourcesfile,'w'), simulation_parameters, grid_dimensions) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Fx, 'balancing_force_x_bg', 'x Component of Background Balancing Force' ) gdf.write_field(gdf_file, Fy, 'balancing_force_y_bg', 'y Component of Background Balancing Force' ) gdf_file.close()