def manual_select_pairs_to_remove(File): '''Manually select interferograms to remove''' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Manually select interferograms to remove' print 'Click two dates - points - in the figure to select one pair of interferogram' print 'repeat until you select all pairs you would like to remove' print 'then close the figure to continue the program ...' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' # Display the network fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pairs_idx = pnet.read_igram_pairs(File) bperp_list = ut.Baseline_timeseries(File) date8_list = ptime.igram_date_list(File) ax = pnet.plot_network(ax, pairs_idx, date8_list, bperp_list) print 'display the network of interferogram of file: ' + File date12_orig = pnet.get_date12_list(File) date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) dates_array = np.array(ptime.date_list2vector(date8_list)[0]) dateNum_array = mdates.date2num(dates_array) bperp_array = np.array(bperp_list) date_click = [] date12_click = [] def onclick(event): xClick = event.xdata yClick = event.ydata idx = nearest_neighbor(xClick, yClick, dateNum_array, bperp_array) date6 = date6_list[idx] print 'click at ' + date6 date_click.append(date6) if len(date_click) % 2 == 0 and date_click[-2] != date_click[-1]: [m_date, s_date] = sorted(date_click[-2:]) m_idx = date6_list.index(m_date) s_idx = date6_list.index(s_date) date12 = m_date + '-' + s_date if date12 in date12_orig: print 'select date12: ' + date12 date12_click.append(date12) ax.plot([dateNum_array[m_idx], dateNum_array[s_idx]], [bperp_array[m_idx], bperp_array[s_idx]], 'r', lw=4) else: print date12 + ' is not existed in input file' plt.draw() cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) return date12_click
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') if inps.template_file: inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) ##### 1. Read Info # Read dateList and bperpList ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[1] if ext in ['.h5']: atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from ' + k + ' file: ' + os.path.basename( inps.file) if not k in multi_group_hdf5_file: raise ValueError('only the following file type are supported:\n' + str(multi_group_hdf5_file)) if not inps.coherence_file and k == 'coherence': inps.coherence_file = inps.file pbase_list = ut.perp_baseline_ifgram2timeseries(inps.file)[0] date8_list = ptime.ifgram_date_list(inps.file) else: print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from baseline list file: ' + inps.bl_list_file date8_list, pbase_list = pnet.read_baseline_file( inps.bl_list_file)[0:2] print 'number of acquisitions : ' + str(len(date8_list)) # Read Pairs Info print 'reading pairs info from file: ' + inps.file date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.file) print 'number of interferograms: ' + str(len(date12_list)) # Read drop_ifgram date8_list_drop = [] date12_list_drop = [] if ext in ['.h5', '.he5']: h5 = h5py.File(inps.file, 'r') ifgram_list_all = sorted(h5[k].keys()) ifgram_list_keep = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5) date12_list_keep = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list_keep) # Get date12_list_drop date12_list_drop = sorted( list(set(date12_list) - set(date12_list_keep))) print 'number of interferograms marked as dropped: ' + str( len(date12_list_drop)) print 'number of interferograms marked as kept : ' + str( len(date12_list_keep)) # Get date_list_drop m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list_keep] s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list_keep] date8_list_keep = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) date8_list_drop = sorted(list(set(date8_list) - set(date8_list_keep))) print 'number of acquisitions marked as dropped: ' + str( len(date8_list_drop)) # Read Coherence List inps.coherence_list = None if inps.coherence_file and os.path.isfile(inps.coherence_file): if inps.mask_file and not os.path.isfile(inps.mask_file): inps.mask_file = None inps.coherence_list, inps.coh_date12_list = ut.spatial_average(inps.coherence_file, inps.mask_file, \ saveList=True, checkAoi=False) if all(np.isnan(inps.coherence_list)): print 'WARNING: all coherence value are nan! Do not use this and continue.' inps.coherence_list = None # Check subset of date12 info between input file and coherence file if not set(inps.coh_date12_list) >= set(date12_list): print 'WARNING: not every pair/date12 from input file is in coherence file' print 'turn off the color plotting of interferograms based on coherence' inps.coherence_list = None elif set(inps.coh_date12_list) > set(date12_list): print 'extract coherence value for all pair/date12 in input file' inps.coherence_list = [ inps.coherence_list[inps.coh_date12_list.index(i)] for i in date12_list ] #inps.coh_thres = 0.7 ##### 2. Plot inps.cbar_label = 'Average spatial coherence' # Fig 1 - Baseline History fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_perp_baseline_hist(ax, date8_list, pbase_list, vars(inps), date8_list_drop) figName = 'BperpHistory' + inps.fig_ext if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to ' + figName # Fig 2 - Coherence Matrix if inps.coherence_list: figName = 'CoherenceMatrix' + inps.fig_ext if inps.fig_size: fig = plt.figure(figsize=inps.fig_size) else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_coherence_matrix(ax, date12_list, inps.coherence_list,\ date12_list_drop, plot_dict=vars(inps)) if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) print 'save figure to ' + figName # Fig 3 - Min/Max Coherence History if inps.coherence_list: figName = 'CoherenceHistory' + inps.fig_ext fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_coherence_history(ax, date12_list, inps.coherence_list) if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to ' + figName # Fig 4 - Interferogram Network if inps.fig_size: fig = plt.figure(figsize=inps.fig_size) else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_network(ax, date12_list, date8_list, pbase_list, vars(inps), date12_list_drop) figName = 'Network' + inps.fig_ext if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to ' + figName if inps.save_list: txtFile = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[0] + '_date12_list.txt' np.savetxt(txtFile, date12_list, fmt='%s') print 'save pairs/date12 info to file: ' + txtFile if inps.disp_fig:
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') #print '\n******************** Plot Network **********************' ##### 1. Read Info # Read dateList and bperpList ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[1] if ext in ['.h5']: atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from '+k+' file: '+os.path.basename(inps.file) if not k in multi_group_hdf5_file: raise ValueError('only the following file type are supported:\n'+str(multi_group_hdf5_file)) pbase_list = ut.perp_baseline_ifgram2timeseries(inps.file)[0] date8_list = ptime.ifgram_date_list(inps.file) else: print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from baseline list file: '+inps.bl_list_file date8_list, pbase_list = pnet.read_baseline_file(inps.bl_list_file)[0:2] print 'number of acquisitions : '+str(len(date8_list)) # Read Pairs Info print 'reading pairs info from file: '+inps.file date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.file) print 'number of interferograms: '+str(len(date12_list)) # Read drop_ifgram date8_list_drop = [] date12_list_drop = [] if ext in ['.h5','.he5']: h5 = h5py.File(inps.file, 'r') ifgram_list_all = sorted(h5[k].keys()) ifgram_list_keep = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5, atr, ifgram_list_all) date12_list_keep = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list_keep) # Get date12_list_drop date12_list_drop = sorted(list(set(date12_list) - set(date12_list_keep))) print 'number of interferograms marked as dropped: '+str(len(date12_list_drop)) # Get date_list_drop m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list_keep] s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list_keep] date8_list_keep = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) date8_list_drop = sorted(list(set(date8_list) - set(date8_list_keep))) print 'number of acquisitions marked as dropped: '+str(len(date8_list_drop)) # Read Coherence List inps.coherence_list = None if inps.coherence_file and os.path.isfile(inps.coherence_file): ext = os.path.splitext(inps.coherence_file)[1] if ext in ['.h5']: listFile = os.path.splitext(inps.coherence_file)[0]+'_spatialAverage.txt' if os.path.isfile(listFile): print 'reading coherence value from existed '+listFile fcoh = np.loadtxt(listFile, dtype=str) inps.coherence_list = [float(i) for i in fcoh[:,1]] inps.coh_date12_list = [i for i in fcoh[:,0]] else: print 'calculating average coherence value from '+inps.coherence_file if inps.mask_file: mask =[0] else: mask = None inps.coherence_list = ut.spatial_average(inps.coherence_file, mask, saveList=True) inps.coh_date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.coherence_file) else: print 'reading coherence value from '+inps.coherence_file fcoh = np.loadtxt(inps.coherence_file, dtype=str) inps.coherence_list = [float(i) for i in fcoh[:,1]] inps.coh_date12_list = [i for i in fcoh[:,0]] # Check length of coherence file and input file if not set(inps.coh_date12_list) == set(date12_list): print 'WARNING: input coherence list has different pairs/date12 from input file' print 'turn off the color plotting of interferograms based on coherence' inps.coherence_list = None #inps.coh_thres = 0.7 ##### 2. Plot # Fig 1 - Baseline History fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_perp_baseline_hist(ax, date8_list, pbase_list, vars(inps), date8_list_drop) figName = 'BperpHistory'+inps.fig_ext if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName,bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to '+figName # Fig 2 - Coherence Matrix if inps.coherence_list: figName = 'CoherenceMatrix'+inps.fig_ext if inps.fig_size: fig = plt.figure(figsize=inps.fig_size) else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_coherence_matrix(ax, date12_list, inps.coherence_list) if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to '+figName # Fig 3 - Min/Max Coherence History if inps.coherence_list: figName = 'CoherenceHistory'+inps.fig_ext fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_coherence_history(ax, date12_list, inps.coherence_list) if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to '+figName # Fig 4 - Interferogram Network if inps.fig_size: fig = plt.figure(figsize=inps.fig_size) else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = pnet.plot_network(ax, date12_list, date8_list, pbase_list, vars(inps), date12_list_drop) figName = 'Network'+inps.fig_ext if inps.save_fig: fig.savefig(figName,bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to '+figName if inps.save_list: txtFile = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[0]+'_date12_list.txt' np.savetxt(txtFile, date12_list, fmt='%s') print 'save pairs/date12 info to file: '+txtFile if inps.disp_fig:
def main(argv): # Read inputs inps = cmdLineParse() inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) log(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + ' ' + inps.template_file) project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.template_file))[0] print 'project name: ' + project_name if not inps.sensor: inps.sensor = project_name2sensor(project_name) # Auto path setting for Miami user if not inps.baseline_file and pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: if pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: try: inps.baseline_file = glob.glob( os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR') + '/' + project_name + '/SLC/bl_list.txt')[0] except: inps.baseline_file = None # Pair selection from reference if inps.reference_file: print 'Use pairs info from reference file: ' + inps.reference_file date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.reference_file) date12_list = [i.replace('_', '-') for i in date12_list] if inps.baseline_file: date8_list, pbase_list, dop_list = pnet.read_baseline_file( inps.baseline_file)[0:3] date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Pair selection from temp/perp/dop baseline info else: if not inps.baseline_file: raise Exception('ERROR: No baseline file found!') # Check start/end/exclude date date8_list = pnet.read_baseline_file(inps.baseline_file)[0] inps.exclude_date = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.exclude_date) if not inps.exclude_date: inps.exclude_date = [] else: print 'input exclude dates: ' + str(inps.exclude_date) if inps.start_date: print 'input start date: ' + inps.start_date inps.exclude_date += [ i for i in date8_list if float(i) < float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.start_date)) ] inps.exclude_date = sorted(inps.exclude_date) if inps.end_date: print 'input end date: ' + inps.end_date inps.exclude_date += [ i for i in date8_list if float(i) > float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.end_date)) ] inps.exclude_date = sorted(inps.exclude_date) if inps.exclude_date: print 'exclude dates: ' print inps.exclude_date # Read baseline list file: bl_list.txt inps.exclude_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.exclude_date) date8_list, pbase_list, dop_list = pnet.read_baseline_file( inps.baseline_file, inps.exclude_date)[0:3] date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Initial network using input methods inps.method = inps.method.lower().replace('-', '_') if inps.method in ['star', 'ps']: inps.method = 'star' elif inps.method.startswith('seq'): inps.method = 'sequential' elif inps.method.startswith('hierar'): inps.method = 'hierarchical' elif inps.method in [ 'mst', 'min_spanning_tree', 'minimum_spanning_tree' ]: inps.method = 'mst' print 'select method: ' + inps.method if inps.method == 'all': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_all(date6_list) elif inps.method == 'delaunay': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_delaunay(date6_list, pbase_list, inps.norm) elif inps.method == 'star': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_star(date6_list) elif inps.method == 'sequential': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_sequential(date6_list, inps.increment_num) elif inps.method == 'hierarchical': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_hierarchical( date6_list, pbase_list, inps.temp_perp_list) elif inps.method == 'mst': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_mst(date6_list, pbase_list) else: raise Exception('Unrecoganized select method: ' + inps.method) print 'initial number of interferograms: ' + str(len(date12_list)) # Filter pairs (optional) using temp/perp/doppler baseline threshold if inps.method in ['star', 'hierarchical', 'mst']: inps.threshold = False if inps.threshold: # Temporal baseline date12_list = pnet.threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, inps.temp_base_max,\ inps.keep_seasonal, inps.temp_base_min) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of <%d, %d> days in temporal baseline: %d'\ % (inps.temp_base_min, inps.temp_base_max, len(date12_list)) if inps.keep_seasonal: print '\tkeep seasonal pairs, i.e. pairs with temporal baseline == N*years +/- one month' # Perpendicular spatial baseline date12_list = pnet.threshold_perp_baseline(date12_list, date6_list, pbase_list, inps.perp_base_max) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of max %d meters in perpendicular baseline: %d'\ % (inps.perp_base_max, len(date12_list)) # Doppler Overlap Percentage if inps.sensor: bandwidth_az = pnet.azimuth_bandwidth(inps.sensor) date12_list = pnet.threshold_doppler_overlap(date12_list, date6_list, dop_list,\ bandwidth_az, inps.dop_overlap_min/100.0) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of min '+str(inps.dop_overlap_min)+'%'+\ ' overlap in azimuth Doppler frequency: '+str(len(date12_list)) # Write ifgram_list.txt if not date12_list: print 'WARNING: No interferogram selected!' return None # date12_list to date_list m_dates = [ date12.replace('_', '-').split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list ] s_dates = [ date12.replace('_', '-').split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list ] try: print 'number of acquisitions input : ' + str(len(date6_list)) except: pass print 'number of acquisitions selected: ' + str( len(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) print 'number of interferograms selected: ' + str(len(date12_list)) # Output directory/filename if not inps.outfile: if pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: inps.out_dir = os.getenv( 'SCRATCHDIR') + '/' + project_name + '/PROCESS' else: try: inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inps.reference_file)) except: inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inps.baseline_file)) inps.outfile = inps.out_dir + '/ifgram_list.txt' inps.outfile = os.path.abspath(inps.outfile) inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.outfile) if not os.path.isdir(inps.out_dir): os.makedirs(inps.out_dir) print 'writing >>> ' + inps.outfile if not inps.baseline_file: np.savetxt(inps.outfile, date12_list, fmt='%s') return inps.outfile ## Calculate Bperp, Btemp and predicted coherence ifgram_num = len(date12_list) ifgram_pbase_list = [] ifgram_tbase_list = [] for i in range(ifgram_num): m_date, s_date = date12_list[i].split('-') m_idx = date6_list.index(m_date) s_idx = date6_list.index(s_date) pbase = pbase_list[s_idx] - pbase_list[m_idx] tbase = tbase_list[s_idx] - tbase_list[m_idx] ifgram_pbase_list.append(pbase) ifgram_tbase_list.append(tbase) try: inps.coherence_list = pnet.simulate_coherence( date12_list, inps.baseline_file, sensor=inps.sensor).flatten().tolist() inps.cbar_label = 'Simulated coherence' except: inps.coherence_list = None ##### Write txt file fl = open(inps.outfile, 'w') fl.write('#Interferograms configuration generated by\n') fl.write('# Date12 Btemp(days) Bperp(m) sim_coherence\n') for i in range(len(date12_list)): line = '%s %6.0f %6.1f' % ( date12_list[i], ifgram_tbase_list[i], ifgram_pbase_list[i]) if inps.coherence_list: line += ' %1.4f' % (inps.coherence_list[i]) fl.write(line + '\n') fl.close() ##### Plot network info if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') out_fig_name = 'BperpHistory.pdf' print 'plotting baseline history in temp/perp baseline domain to file: ' + out_fig_name fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = pnet.plot_perp_baseline_hist(ax2, date8_list, pbase_list) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') out_fig_name = 'Network.pdf' print 'plotting network / pairs in temp/perp baseline domain to file: ' + out_fig_name fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = pnet.plot_network(ax1, date12_list, date8_list, pbase_list, plot_dict=vars(inps), print_msg=False) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') out_fig_name = 'CoherenceMatrix.pdf' if inps.coherence_list: print 'plotting predicted coherence matrix to file: ' + out_fig_name fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() ax3 = pnet.plot_coherence_matrix(ax3, date12_list, inps.coherence_list, plot_dict=vars(inps)) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') if inps.disp_fig: return inps.outfile
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') print '\n******************** Plot Network **********************' # Output figure name figName1 = 'BperpHist' + inps.fig_ext figName2 = 'Network' + inps.fig_ext if 'Modified' in inps.file: figName1 = 'BperpHist_Modified' + inps.fig_ext figName2 = 'Network_Modified' + inps.fig_ext ##### 1. Read Info # Read dateList and bperpList ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[1] if ext in ['.h5']: k = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file)['FILE_TYPE'] print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from ' + k + ' file: ' + os.path.basename( inps.file) if not k in multi_group_hdf5_file: print 'ERROR: only the following file type are supported:\n' + str( multi_group_hdf5_file) sys.exit(1) Bp = ut.Baseline_timeseries(inps.file) date8List = ptime.igram_date_list(inps.file) date6List = ptime.yymmdd(date8List) else: print 'reading date and perpendicular baseline from baseline list file: ' + inps.bl_list_file date8List, Bp = pnet.read_baseline_file(inps.bl_list_file)[0:2] date6List = ptime.yymmdd(date8List) print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(len(date8List)) # Read Pairs Info print 'reading pairs info from file: ' + inps.file date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.file) pairs_idx = pnet.date12_list2index(date12_list, date6List) print 'number of pairs : ' + str(len(pairs_idx)) # Read Coherence List inps.coherence_list = None if inps.coherence_file and os.path.isfile(inps.coherence_file): ext = os.path.splitext(inps.coherence_file)[1] if ext in ['.h5']: listFile = os.path.splitext( inps.coherence_file)[0] + '_spatialAverage.list' if os.path.isfile(listFile): print 'reading coherence value from existed ' + listFile fcoh = np.loadtxt(listFile, dtype=str) inps.coherence_list = [float(i) for i in fcoh[:, 1]] coh_date12_list = [i for i in fcoh[:, 0]] else: print 'calculating average coherence value from ' + inps.coherence_file inps.coherence_list = ut.spatial_average(inps.coherence_file, saveList=True) coh_date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.coherence_file) else: print 'reading coherence value from ' + inps.coherence_file fcoh = np.loadtxt(inps.coherence_file, dtype=str) inps.coherence_list = [float(i) for i in fcoh[:, 1]] coh_date12_list = [i for i in fcoh[:, 0]] # Check length of coherence file and input file if not set(coh_date12_list) == set(date12_list): print 'WARNING: input coherence list has different pairs/date12 from input file' print 'turn off the color plotting of interferograms based on coherence' inps.coherence_list = None ##### 2. Plot # Fig 1 - Baseline History fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1 = pnet.plot_perp_baseline_hist(ax1, date8List, Bp, vars(inps)) if inps.save_fig: fig1.savefig(figName1, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to ' + figName1 # Fig 2 - Interferogram Network fig2 = plt.figure(2) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) ax2 = pnet.plot_network(ax2, pairs_idx, date8List, Bp, vars(inps)) if inps.save_fig: fig2.savefig(figName2, bbox_inches='tight') print 'save figure to ' + figName2 if inps.save_list: txtFile = os.path.splitext(inps.file)[0] + '_date12.list' np.savetxt(txtFile, date12_list, fmt='%s') print 'save pairs/date12 info to file: ' + txtFile if inps.disp_fig: