def save_hdfeos5(inps, customTemplate=None): if not inps.geocoded: warnings.warn('Dataset is in radar coordinates, skip writting to HDF-EOS5 format.') else: # Add attributes from custom template to timeseries file if customTemplate is not None: ut.add_attribute(inps.timeseriesFile, customTemplate) # Save to HDF-EOS5 format print('--------------------------------------------') hdfeos5Cmd = (' {t} -c {c} -m {m} -g {g}' ' -t {e}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, c=inps.tempCohFile, m=inps.maskFile, g=inps.geomFile, e=inps.templateFile) print(hdfeos5Cmd) atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseriesFile) SAT = sensor.get_unavco_mission_name(atr) try: inps.hdfeos5File = ut.get_file_list('{}_*.he5'.format(SAT))[0] except: inps.hdfeos5File = None if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=inps.hdfeos5File, in_file=[inps.timeseriesFile, inps.tempCohFile, inps.maskFile, inps.geomFile]) == 'run': status = subprocess.Popen(hdfeos5Cmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception('Error while generating HDF-EOS5 time-series file.\n') return
def extract_metadata4lookup_table(fname): """Read/extract attribute for .UTM_TO_RDC file from Gamma to ROI_PAC For example, it read input file, sim_150911-150922.UTM_TO_RDC, find its associated par file, sim_150911-150922.utm.dem.par, read it, and convert to ROI_PAC style and write it to an rsc file, sim_150911-150922.UTM_TO_RDC.rsc""" # Check existed .rsc file rsc_file_list = ut.get_file_list(fname+'.rsc') if rsc_file_list: rsc_file = rsc_file_list[0] return rsc_file atr = {} atr['PROCESSOR'] = 'gamma' atr['FILE_TYPE'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] atr['Y_UNIT'] = 'degrees' atr['X_UNIT'] = 'degrees' par_file = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]+'.utm.dem.par' par_dict = readfile.read_gamma_par(par_file) atr.update(par_dict) # Write to .rsc file rsc_file = fname+'.rsc' try: atr_orig = readfile.read_roipac_rsc(rsc_file) except: atr_orig = dict() if not set(atr.items()).issubset(set(atr_orig.items())): atr_out = {**atr_orig, **atr} print('writing >>> '+os.path.basename(rsc_file)) writefile.write_roipac_rsc(atr_out, out_file=rsc_file) return rsc_file
def prepare_metadata(inps): inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file, abspath=True) # check outfile and parallel option if inps.parallel: (num_cores, inps.parallel, Parallel, delayed) = ut.check_parallel(len(inps.file), print_msg=False) # multiple datasets files ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file[0])[1] if ext in ['.unw', '.cor', '.int']: if len(inps.file) == 1: extract_metadata4interferogram(inps.file[0]) elif inps.parallel: Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(extract_metadata4interferogram)(file) for file in inps.file) else: for File in inps.file: extract_metadata4interferogram(File) # Single dataset files elif inps.file[0].endswith('.utm.dem'): for File in inps.file: atr_file = extract_metadata4dem_geo(File) elif inps.file[0].endswith(('.rdc.dem', '.hgt_sim')): for File in inps.file: atr_file = extract_metadata4dem_radar(File) elif ext in ['.UTM_TO_RDC']: for File in inps.file: atr_file = extract_metadata4lookup_table(File) return
def _check_inps(inps): inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) if not inps.file: raise Exception('ERROR: no input file found!') elif len(inps.file) > 1: inps.outfile = None atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file[0]) if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys() and inps.radar2geo: print('input file is already geocoded') print('to resample geocoded files into radar coordinates, use --geo2radar option') print('exit without doing anything.') sys.exit(0) elif 'Y_FIRST' not in atr.keys() and not inps.radar2geo: print('input file is already in radar coordinates, exit without doing anything') sys.exit(0) inps.lookupFile = ut.get_lookup_file(inps.lookupFile) if not inps.lookupFile: raise FileNotFoundError('No lookup table found! Can not geocode without it.') if inps.SNWE: inps.SNWE = tuple(inps.SNWE) inps.laloStep = [inps.latStep, inps.lonStep] if None in inps.laloStep: inps.laloStep = None return inps
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) if inps.outfile or not inps.disp_fig: inps.save_fig = True return inps
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) if inps.ysub and not len(inps.ysub) % 2 == 0: raise Exception('ERROR: -y input has to have even length!') return inps
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) if len(inps.file) > 1 and inps.outfile: inps.outfile = None print('more than one file is input, disable custom output filename.') return inps
def main(iargs=None): inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file)[0] inps = read_reference_input(inps) if inps.go_reference: reference_file(inps) print('Done.') return
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) #print('number of input files: ({})\n{}'.format(len(inps.file), inps.file)) if len(inps.file) > 1: inps.outfile = None return inps
def main(iargs=None): inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) print('number of input files: ({})\n{}'.format(len(inps.file), inps.file)) inps = read_aux_subset2inps(inps) subset_file_list(inps.file, inps) print('Done.') return
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file, abspath=True) inps.file_ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file[0])[1] # check input file extension ext_list = ['.unw', '.cor', '.int', '.dem', '.hgt_sim', '.UTM_TO_RDC'] if inps.file_ext not in ext_list: msg = 'unsupported input file extension: {}'.format(inps.file_ext) msg += '\nsupported file extensions: {}'.format(ext_list) raise ValueError() return inps
def copy_aux_file(inps): # for Univ of Miami fileList = ['PROCESS/unavco_attributes.txt', 'PROCESS/bl_list.txt', 'SLC/summary*slc.jpg'] try: projectDir = os.path.join(os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR'), inps.projectName) fileList = ut.get_file_list([os.path.join(projectDir, i) for i in fileList], abspath=True) for file in fileList: if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=os.path.basename(file), in_file=file, check_readable=False) == 'run': shutil.copy2(file, inps.workDir) print('copy {} to work directory'.format(os.path.basename(file))) except: pass return inps
def check_exist_grib_file(gfile_list, print_msg=True): """Check input list of grib files, and return the existing ones with right size.""" gfile_exist = ut.get_file_list(gfile_list) if gfile_exist: file_sizes = [ os.path.getsize(i) for i in gfile_exist if os.path.getsize(i) > 10e6 ] if file_sizes: comm_size = ut.most_common([i for i in file_sizes]) if print_msg: print('common file size: {} bytes'.format(comm_size)) print('number of grib files existed : {}'.format( len(gfile_exist))) gfile_corrupt = [] for gfile in gfile_exist: if os.path.getsize(gfile) < comm_size * 0.9: gfile_corrupt.append(gfile) else: gfile_corrupt = gfile_exist if gfile_corrupt: if print_msg: print( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) print( 'corrupted grib files detected! Delete them and re-download...' ) print('number of grib files corrupted : {}'.format( len(gfile_corrupt))) for i in gfile_corrupt: rmCmd = 'rm ' + i print(rmCmd) os.system(rmCmd) gfile_exist.remove(i) if print_msg: print( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) return gfile_exist
def set_mask(): global mask, inps, atr if not inps.mask_file: if os.path.basename(inps.timeseries_file).startswith('geo_'): file_list = ['geo_maskTempCoh.h5'] else: file_list = ['maskTempCoh.h5', 'mask.h5'] try: inps.mask_file = ut.get_file_list(file_list)[0] except: inps.mask_file = None try: mask =, datasetName='mask')[0] mask[mask!=0] = 1 print(('load mask from file: '+inps.mask_file)) except: mask = None print('No mask used.')
def prepare_metadata(inps): inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file, abspath=True) # Check input file type ext = os.path.splitext(inps.file[0])[1] if ext not in ['.unw', '.cor', '.int', '.byt']: return # check outfile and parallel option if inps.parallel: num_cores, inps.parallel, Parallel, delayed = ut.check_parallel( len(inps.file), print_msg=False) if len(inps.file) == 1: extract_metadata(inps.file[0]) elif inps.parallel: Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(extract_metadata)(fname) for fname in inps.file) else: for fname in inps.file: extract_metadata(fname) return
def extract_metadata4lookup_table(fname): """Read/extract attribute for .UTM_TO_RDC file from Gamma to ROI_PAC For example, it read input file, sim_150911-150922.UTM_TO_RDC, find its associated par file, sim_150911-150922.utm.dem.par, read it, and convert to ROI_PAC style and write it to an rsc file, sim_150911-150922.UTM_TO_RDC.rsc""" # Check existed .rsc file rsc_file_list = ut.get_file_list(fname + '.rsc') if rsc_file_list: rsc_file = rsc_file_list[0] #print(rsc_file+' is existed, no need to re-extract.') return rsc_file atr = {} atr['PROCESSOR'] = 'gamma' atr['FILE_TYPE'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] atr['Y_UNIT'] = 'degrees' atr['X_UNIT'] = 'degrees' par_file = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.utm.dem.par' #print('read '+os.path.basename(par_file)) par_dict = readfile.read_gamma_par(par_file) atr.update(par_dict) # Write to .rsc file rsc_file = fname + '.rsc' try: atr_orig = readfile.read_roipac_rsc(rsc_file) except: atr_orig = None #keyList = [i for i in atr_orig.keys() if i in atr.keys()] if any((i not in atr_orig.keys() or atr_orig[i] != atr[i]) for i in atr.keys()): print('writing >>> ' + os.path.basename(rsc_file)) writefile.write_roipac_rsc(atr, out_file=rsc_file) return rsc_file
def dload_grib_pyaps(date_list, hour, trop_model='ECMWF', weather_dir='./'): """Download weather re-analysis grib files using PyAPS Inputs: date_list : list of string in YYYYMMDD format hour : string in HH:MM or HH format trop_model : string, weather_dir : string, Output: grib_file_list : list of string """ print( '*' * 50 + '\nDownloading weather model data using PyAPS (Jolivet et al., 2011, GRL) ...' ) # Grib data directory grib_dir = weather_dir + '/' + trop_model if not os.path.isdir(grib_dir): os.makedirs(grib_dir) print('making directory: ' + grib_dir) # Date list to grib file list grib_file_list = date_list2grib_file(date_list, hour, trop_model, grib_dir) # Get date list to download (skip already downloaded files) grib_file_existed = ut.get_file_list(grib_file_list) if grib_file_existed: grib_filesize_digit = ut.most_common( [len(str(os.path.getsize(i))) for i in grib_file_existed]) grib_filesize_max2 = ut.most_common( [str(os.path.getsize(i))[0:2] for i in grib_file_existed]) grib_file_corrupted = [ i for i in grib_file_existed if (len(str(os.path.getsize(i))) != grib_filesize_digit or str(os.path.getsize(i))[0:2] != grib_filesize_max2) ] print('file size mode: %se%d bytes' % (grib_filesize_max2, grib_filesize_digit - 2)) print('number of grib files existed : %d' % len(grib_file_existed)) if grib_file_corrupted: print( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) print( 'corrupted grib files detected! Delete them and re-download...' ) print('number of grib files corrupted : %d' % len(grib_file_corrupted)) for i in grib_file_corrupted: rmCmd = 'rm ' + i print(rmCmd) os.system(rmCmd) grib_file_existed.remove(i) print( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) grib_file2download = sorted( list(set(grib_file_list) - set(grib_file_existed))) date_list2download = [ str(re.findall('\d{8}', i)[0]) for i in grib_file2download ] print('number of grib files to download: %d' % len(date_list2download)) print( '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) # Download grib file using PyAPS if trop_model == 'ECMWF': pa.ECMWFdload(date_list2download, hour, grib_dir) elif trop_model == 'MERRA': pa.MERRAdload(date_list2download, hour, grib_dir) elif trop_model == 'NARR': pa.NARRdload(date_list2download, hour, grib_dir) elif trop_model == 'ERA': pa.ERAdload(date_list2download, hour, grib_dir) elif trop_model == 'MERRA1': pa.MERRA1dload(date_list2download, hour, grib_dir) return grib_file_list
def read_template(inps): print('\n********** Read Template File **********') # default template inps.templateFile = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'pysarApp_template.txt') if not os.path.isfile(inps.templateFile): print('generate default template file: ' + inps.templateFile) with open(inps.templateFile, 'w') as f: f.write(TEMPLATE) else: inps.templateFile = check_obsolete_default_template(inps.templateFile) # custom template templateCustom = None if inps.templateFileCustom: # Copy custom template file to work directory if ut.update_file(os.path.basename(inps.templateFileCustom), inps.templateFileCustom, check_readable=False): shutil.copy2(inps.templateFileCustom, inps.workDir) print('copy {} to work directory'.format( os.path.basename(inps.templateFileCustom))) # Read custom template print('read custom template file: ' + inps.templateFileCustom) templateCustom = readfile.read_template(inps.templateFileCustom) # correct some loose type errors for key in templateCustom.keys(): if templateCustom[key].lower() in ['default']: templateCustom[key] = 'auto' elif templateCustom[key].lower() in ['n', 'off', 'false']: templateCustom[key] = 'no' elif templateCustom[key].lower() in ['y', 'on', 'true']: templateCustom[key] = 'yes' for key in ['pysar.deramp', 'pysar.troposphericDelay.method']: if key in templateCustom.keys(): templateCustom[key] = templateCustom[key].lower().replace( '-', '_') if 'processor' in templateCustom.keys(): templateCustom['pysar.load.processor'] = templateCustom[ 'processor'] # Update default template with custom input template print('update default template based on input custom template') inps.templateFile = ut.update_template_file(inps.templateFile, templateCustom) if inps.generate_template: raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after template file generation.') print('read default template file: ' + inps.templateFile) template = readfile.read_template(inps.templateFile) template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template) # Get existing files name: unavco_attributes.txt try: inps.unavcoMetadataFile = ut.get_file_list('unavco_attribute*txt', abspath=True)[0] except: inps.unavcoMetadataFile = None print('No UNAVCO attributes file found.') return inps, template, templateCustom
def extract_metadata4interferogram(fname): """Read/extract attributes for PySAR from Gamma .unw, .cor and .int file Parameters: fname : str, Gamma interferogram filename or path, i.e. /PopoSLT143TsxD/diff_filt_HDR_130118-130129_4rlks.unw Returns: atr : dict, Attributes dictionary """ file_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) file_basename = os.path.basename(fname) rsc_file = fname+'.rsc' # if os.path.isfile(rsc_file): # return rsc_file atr = {} atr['PROCESSOR'] = 'gamma' atr['FILE_TYPE'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] # Get info: date12, num of loooks try: date12 = str(re.findall('\d{8}[-_]\d{8}', file_basename)[0]) except: date12 = str(re.findall('\d{6}[-_]\d{6}', file_basename)[0]) m_date, s_date = date12.replace('-', '_').split('_') atr['DATE12'] = ptime.yymmdd(m_date)+'-'+ptime.yymmdd(s_date) lks = os.path.splitext(file_basename.split(date12)[1])[0] # Read .off and .par file off_file = file_dir+'/*'+date12+lks+'.off' m_par_file = [file_dir+'/*'+m_date+lks+i for i in ['.amp.par', '.ramp.par']] s_par_file = [file_dir+'/*'+s_date+lks+i for i in ['.amp.par', '.ramp.par']] try: off_file = ut.get_file_list(off_file)[0] except: print('\nERROR: Can not find .off file, it supposed to be like: '+off_file) try: m_par_file = ut.get_file_list(m_par_file)[0] except: print('\nERROR: Can not find master date .par file, it supposed to be like: '+m_par_file) try: s_par_file = ut.get_file_list(s_par_file)[0] except: print('\nERROR: Can not find slave date .par file, it supposed to be like: '+s_par_file) par_dict = readfile.read_gamma_par(m_par_file) off_dict = readfile.read_gamma_par(off_file) atr.update(par_dict) atr.update(off_dict) # Perp Baseline Info atr = get_perp_baseline(m_par_file, s_par_file, off_file, atr) # LAT/LON_REF1/2/3/4 atr = get_lalo_ref(m_par_file, atr) # Write to .rsc file try: atr_orig = readfile.read_roipac_rsc(rsc_file) except: atr_orig = dict() if not set(atr.items()).issubset(set(atr_orig.items())): atr_out = {**atr_orig, **atr} print('merge %s, %s and %s into %s' % (os.path.basename(m_par_file), os.path.basename(s_par_file), os.path.basename(off_file), os.path.basename(rsc_file))) writefile.write_roipac_rsc(atr_out, out_file=rsc_file) return rsc_file
def main(iargs=None): start_time = time.time() inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs) if inps.version: raise SystemExit(version.version_description) ######################################### # Initiation ######################################### print(version.logo) # Project Name inps.projectName = None if inps.templateFileCustom: inps.templateFileCustom = os.path.abspath(inps.templateFileCustom) inps.projectName = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(inps.templateFileCustom))[0] print('Project name: ' + inps.projectName) # Work directory if not inps.workDir: if autoPath and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ and inps.projectName: inps.workDir = os.path.join(os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR'), inps.projectName, 'PYSAR') else: inps.workDir = os.getcwd() inps.workDir = os.path.abspath(inps.workDir) if not os.path.isdir(inps.workDir): os.makedirs(inps.workDir) os.chdir(inps.workDir) print("Go to work directory: " + inps.workDir) copy_aux_file(inps) inps, template, templateCustom = read_template(inps) ######################################### # Loading Data ######################################### print('\n********** Load Data **********') loadCmd = ' --template {}'.format(inps.templateFile) if inps.projectName: loadCmd += ' --project {}'.format(inps.projectName) print(loadCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(loadCmd, shell=True).wait() os.chdir(inps.workDir) print('-' * 50) inps, atr = ut.check_loaded_dataset(inps.workDir, inps) # Add template options into HDF5 file metadata # if inps.templateFileCustom: # atrCmd = ' {} {}'.format(inps.stackFile, inps.templateFileCustom) # print(atrCmd) # status = subprocess.Popen(atrCmd, shell=True).wait() #ut.add_attribute(inps.stackFile, template) if inps.load_dataset: raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after loading/checking the dataset.') if inps.reset: print('Reset dataset attributtes for a fresh re-run.\n' + '-' * 50) # Reset reference pixel refPointCmd = ' {} --reset'.format(inps.stackFile) print(refPointCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(refPointCmd, shell=True).wait() # Reset network modification networkCmd = ' {} --reset'.format(inps.stackFile) print(networkCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(networkCmd, shell=True).wait() ######################################### # Generating Aux files ######################################### print('\n********** Generate Auxiliary Files **********') # Initial mask (pixels with valid unwrapPhase or connectComponent in ALL interferograms) inps.maskFile = 'mask.h5' if ut.update_file(inps.maskFile, inps.stackFile): maskCmd = ' {} --nonzero -o {}'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.maskFile) print(maskCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(maskCmd, shell=True).wait() # Average spatial coherence inps.avgSpatialCohFile = 'avgSpatialCoherence.h5' if ut.update_file(inps.avgSpatialCohFile, inps.stackFile): avgCmd = ' {} --dataset coherence -o {}'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.avgSpatialCohFile) print(avgCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(avgCmd, shell=True).wait() ######################################### # Referencing Interferograms in Space ######################################### print('\n********** Select Reference Point **********') refPointCmd = ' {} -t {} -c {}'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.templateFile, inps.avgSpatialCohFile) print(refPointCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(refPointCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception('Error while finding reference pixel in space.\n') ############################################ # Unwrapping Error Correction (Optional) # based on the consistency of triplets # of interferograms ############################################ if template['pysar.unwrapError.method']: print('\n********** Unwrapping Error Correction **********') outName = '{}_unwCor.h5'.format(os.path.splitext(inps.stackFile)[0]) unwCmd = ' {} --mask {} --template {}'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.maskFile, inps.templateFile) print(unwCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.stackFile): print( 'This might take a while depending on the size of your data set!' ) status = subprocess.Popen(unwCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while correcting phase unwrapping errors.\n') inps.stackFile = outName ######################################### # Network Modification (Optional) ######################################### print('\n********** Modify Network **********') networkCmd = ' {} -t {}'.format(inps.stackFile, inps.templateFile) print(networkCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(networkCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while modifying the network of interferograms.\n') # Plot network colored in spatial coherence print('--------------------------------------------------') plotCmd = ' {} --template {} --nodisplay'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.templateFile) print(plotCmd) inps.cohSpatialAvgFile = '{}_coherence_spatialAverage.txt'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.stackFile))[0]) if ut.update_file( 'Network.pdf', check_readable=False, inFile=[inps.stackFile, inps.cohSpatialAvgFile, inps.templateFile]): status = subprocess.Popen(plotCmd, shell=True).wait() if inps.modify_network: raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after network modification.') ######################################### # Inversion of Interferograms ######################################## print( '\n********** Invert Network of Interferograms into Time-series **********' ) invCmd = ' {} --template {}'.format( inps.stackFile, inps.templateFile) print(invCmd) inps.timeseriesFile = 'timeseries.h5' inps.tempCohFile = 'temporalCoherence.h5' if ut.update_file(inps.timeseriesFile, inps.stackFile): status = subprocess.Popen(invCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while inverting network interferograms into timeseries') print('\n--------------------------------------------') print('Update Mask based on Temporal Coherence ...') inps.maskFile = 'maskTempCoh.h5' inps.minTempCoh = template['pysar.networkInversion.minTempCoh'] maskCmd = ' {} -m {} -o {}'.format(inps.tempCohFile, inps.minTempCoh, inps.maskFile) print(maskCmd) if ut.update_file(inps.maskFile, inps.tempCohFile): status = subprocess.Popen(maskCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while generating mask file from temporal coherence.') if inps.invert_network: raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after network inversion.') # check number of pixels selected in mask file for following analysis min_num_pixel = float(template['pysar.networkInversion.minNumPixel']) msk =[0] num_pixel = np.sum(msk != 0.) print('number of pixels selected: {}'.format(num_pixel)) if num_pixel < min_num_pixel: msg = "Not enought coherent pixels selected (minimum of {}). ".format( int(min_num_pixel)) msg += "Try the following:\n" msg += "1) Check the reference pixel and make sure it's not in areas with unwrapping errors\n" msg += "2) Check the network and make sure it's fully connected without subsets" raise RuntimeError(msg) del msk ############################################## # LOD (Local Oscillator Drift) Correction # for Envisat data in radar coord only ############################################## if atr['PLATFORM'].lower().startswith('env'): print( '\n********** Local Oscillator Drift Correction for Envisat **********' ) outName = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0] + '_LODcor.h5' lodCmd = ' {} {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.geomFile, outName) print(lodCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, [inps.timeseriesFile, inps.geomFile]): status = subprocess.Popen(lodCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while correcting Local Oscillator Drift.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName ############################################## # Tropospheric Delay Correction (Optional) ############################################## print('\n********** Tropospheric Delay Correction **********') inps.tropPolyOrder = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.polyOrder'] inps.tropModel = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.weatherModel'] inps.tropMethod = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.method'] try: fileList = [ os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS/{}.h5'.format(inps.tropModel)) ] inps.tropFile = ut.get_file_list(fileList)[0] except: inps.tropFile = None if inps.tropMethod: # Check Conflict with base_trop_cor if template['pysar.deramp'] == 'base_trop_cor': msg = """ Method Conflict: base_trop_cor is in conflict with {} option! base_trop_cor applies simultaneous ramp removal AND tropospheric correction. IGNORE base_trop_cor input and continue """ warnings.warn(msg) template['pysar.deramp'] = False fbase = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0] # Call scripts if inps.tropMethod == 'height_correlation': outName = '{}_tropHgt.h5'.format(fbase) print( 'tropospheric delay correction with height-correlation approach' ) tropCmd = (' {t} -d {d} -p {p}' ' -m {m} -o {o}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, d=inps.geomFile, p=inps.tropPolyOrder, m=inps.maskFile, o=outName) print(tropCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.timeseriesFile): status = subprocess.Popen(tropCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while correcting tropospheric delay.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName elif inps.tropMethod == 'pyaps': inps.weatherDir = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.weatherDir'] outName = '{}_{}.h5'.format(fbase, inps.tropModel) print(('Atmospheric correction using Weather Re-analysis dataset' ' (PyAPS, Jolivet et al., 2011)')) print('Weather Re-analysis dataset: ' + inps.tropModel) tropCmd = (' -f {t} --model {m} --dem {d}' ' -i {i} -w {w}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, m=inps.tropModel, d=inps.geomFile, i=inps.geomFile, w=inps.weatherDir) print(tropCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.timeseriesFile): if inps.tropFile: tropCmd = ' {} {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.tropFile, outName) print('--------------------------------------------') print('Use existed tropospheric delay file: {}'.format( inps.tropFile)) print(tropCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(tropCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: print( '\nError while correcting tropospheric delay, try the following:' ) print('1) Check the installation of PyAPS') print( '' ) print(' Try in command line: python -c "import pyaps"') print( '2) Use other tropospheric correction method, height-correlation, for example' ) print( '3) or turn off the option by setting pysar.troposphericDelay.method = no.\n' ) raise RuntimeError() inps.timeseriesFile = outName else: print('No atmospheric delay correction.') # Grab tropospheric delay file try: fileList = [ os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS/{}.h5'.format(inps.tropModel)) ] inps.tropFile = ut.get_file_list(fileList)[0] except: inps.tropFile = None ############################################## # Topographic (DEM) Residuals Correction (Optional) ############################################## print( '\n********** Topographic Residual (DEM error) Correction **********' ) outName = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0] + '_demErr.h5' topoCmd = ' {} -g {} -t {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.geomFile, inps.templateFile, outName) print(topoCmd) inps.timeseriesResFile = None if template['pysar.topographicResidual']: if ut.update_file(outName, inps.timeseriesFile): status = subprocess.Popen(topoCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while correcting topographic phase residual.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName inps.timeseriesResFile = 'timeseriesResidual.h5' else: print('No correction for topographic residuals.') ############################################## # Timeseries Residual Standard Deviation ############################################## print('\n********** Timeseries Residual Root Mean Square **********') if inps.timeseriesResFile: rmsCmd = ' {} -t {}'.format(inps.timeseriesResFile, inps.templateFile) print(rmsCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(rmsCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while calculating RMS of time series phase residual.\n') else: print('No timeseries residual file found! Skip residual RMS analysis.') ############################################## # Reference in Time ############################################## print('\n********** Select Reference Date **********') if template['']: outName = '{}_refDate.h5'.format( os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0]) refCmd = ' {} -t {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.templateFile, outName) print(refCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.timeseriesFile): status = subprocess.Popen(refCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception('Error while changing reference date.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName else: print('No reference change in time.') ############################################## # Phase Ramp Correction (Optional) ############################################## print('\n********** Remove Phase Ramp **********') inps.derampMaskFile = template['pysar.deramp.maskFile'] inps.derampMethod = template['pysar.deramp'] if inps.derampMethod: print('Phase Ramp Removal method: {}'.format(inps.derampMethod)) if inps.geocoded and inps.derampMethod in [ 'baseline_cor', 'base_trop_cor' ]: warnings.warn( ('dataset is in geo coordinates,' ' can not apply {} method').format(inps.derampMethod)) print('skip deramping and continue.') # Get executable command and output name derampCmd = None fbase = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0] if inps.derampMethod in [ 'plane', 'quadratic', 'plane_range', 'quadratic_range', 'plane_azimuth', 'quadratic_azimuth' ]: outName = '{}_{}.h5'.format(fbase, inps.derampMethod) derampCmd = ' {} -s {} -m {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.derampMethod, inps.derampMaskFile, outName) elif inps.derampMethod == 'baseline_cor': outName = '{}_baselineCor.h5'.format(fbase) derampCmd = ' {} {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.maskFile) elif inps.derampMethod in [ 'base_trop_cor', 'basetropcor', 'baselinetropcor' ]: print('Joint estimation of Baseline error and tropospheric delay') print('\t[height-correlation approach]') outName = '{}_baseTropCor.h5'.format(fbase) derampCmd = (' {t} {d} {p}' ' range_and_azimuth {m}').format( t=inps.timeseriesFile, d=inps.geomFile, p=inps.tropPolyOrder, m=inps.maskFile) else: warnings.warn('Unrecognized phase ramp method: {}'.format( template['pysar.deramp'])) # Execute command if derampCmd: print(derampCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.timeseriesFile): status = subprocess.Popen(derampCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while removing phase ramp for time-series.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName else: print('No phase ramp removal.') ############################################# # Velocity and rmse maps ############################################# print('\n********** Estimate Velocity **********') inps.velFile = 'velocity.h5' velCmd = ' {} -t {} -o {}'.format( inps.timeseriesFile, inps.templateFile, inps.velFile) print(velCmd) if ut.update_file(inps.velFile, [inps.timeseriesFile, inps.templateFile]): status = subprocess.Popen(velCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while estimating linear velocity from time-series.\n') # Velocity from Tropospheric delay if inps.tropFile: suffix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.tropFile))[0].title() inps.tropVelFile = '{}{}.h5'.format( os.path.splitext(inps.velFile)[0], suffix) velCmd = ' {} -t {} -o {}'.format( inps.tropFile, inps.templateFile, inps.tropVelFile) print(velCmd) if ut.update_file(inps.tropVelFile, [inps.tropFile, inps.templateFile]): status = subprocess.Popen(velCmd, shell=True).wait() ############################################ # Post-processing # Geocodeing --> Masking --> KMZ & HDF-EOS5 ############################################ print('\n********** Post-processing **********') if template[''] is True and template[ 'pysar.geocode'] is False: print('Turn ON pysar.geocode to be able to save to HDF-EOS5 format.') template['pysar.geocode'] = True # Geocoding if not inps.geocoded: if template['pysar.geocode'] is True: print('\n--------------------------------------------') geo_dir = os.path.abspath('./GEOCODE') if not os.path.isdir(geo_dir): os.makedirs(geo_dir) print('create directory: {}'.format(geo_dir)) geoCmd = (' {v} {c} {t} {g} -l {l} -t {e}' ' --outdir {d} --update').format(v=inps.velFile, c=inps.tempCohFile, t=inps.timeseriesFile, g=inps.geomFile, l=inps.lookupFile, e=inps.templateFile, d=geo_dir) print(geoCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(geoCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception('Error while geocoding.\n') else: inps.velFile = os.path.join( geo_dir, 'geo_' + os.path.basename(inps.velFile)) inps.tempCohFile = os.path.join( geo_dir, 'geo_' + os.path.basename(inps.tempCohFile)) inps.timeseriesFile = os.path.join( geo_dir, 'geo_' + os.path.basename(inps.timeseriesFile)) inps.geomFile = os.path.join( geo_dir, 'geo_' + os.path.basename(inps.geomFile)) inps.geocoded = True # generate mask based on geocoded temporal coherence print('\n--------------------------------------------') outName = os.path.join(geo_dir, 'geo_maskTempCoh.h5') genCmd = ' {} -m {} -o {}'.format( inps.tempCohFile, inps.minTempCoh, outName) print(genCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.tempCohFile): status = subprocess.Popen(genCmd, shell=True).wait() inps.maskFile = outName # mask velocity file if inps.velFile and inps.maskFile: outName = '{}_masked.h5'.format(os.path.splitext(inps.velFile)[0]) maskCmd = ' {} -m {} -o {}'.format(inps.velFile, inps.maskFile, outName) print(maskCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, [inps.velFile, inps.maskFile]): status = subprocess.Popen(maskCmd, shell=True).wait() try: inps.velFile = glob.glob(outName)[0] except: inps.velFile = None # Save to Google Earth KML file if inps.geocoded and inps.velFile and template[''] is True: print('\n--------------------------------------------') print('creating Google Earth KMZ file for geocoded velocity file: ...') outName = '{}.kmz'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.velFile))[0]) kmlCmd = ' {} -o {}'.format(inps.velFile, outName) print(kmlCmd) if ut.update_file(outName, inps.velFile, check_readable=False): status = subprocess.Popen(kmlCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while generating Google Earth KMZ file.') ############################################# # Save Timeseries to HDF-EOS5 format ############################################# if template[''] is True: print('\n********** Save Time-series in HDF-EOS5 Format **********') if not inps.geocoded: warnings.warn( 'Dataset is in radar coordinates, skip saving to HDF-EOS5 format.' ) else: # Add attributes from custom template to timeseries file if templateCustom is not None: ut.add_attribute(inps.timeseriesFile, templateCustom) # Save to HDF-EOS5 format print('--------------------------------------------') hdfeos5Cmd = (' {t} -c {c} -m {m} -g {g}' ' -t {e}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, c=inps.tempCohFile, m=inps.maskFile, g=inps.geomFile, e=inps.templateFile) print(hdfeos5Cmd) SAT = hdfeos5.get_mission_name(atr) try: inps.hdfeos5File = ut.get_file_list('{}_*.he5'.format(SAT))[0] except: inps.hdfeos5File = None if ut.update_file(inps.hdfeos5File, [ inps.timeseriesFile, inps.tempCohFile, inps.maskFile, inps.geomFile ]): status = subprocess.Popen(hdfeos5Cmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while generating HDF-EOS5 time-series file.\n') ############################################# # Plot Figures ############################################# inps.plotShellFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../sh/') plotCmd = './' + os.path.basename(inps.plotShellFile) inps.plot = template['pysar.plot'] if inps.plot is True: print('\n********** Plot Results / Save to PIC **********') # Copy to workding directory if not existed yet. if not os.path.isfile(plotCmd): print('copy {} to work directory: {}'.format( inps.plotShellFile, inps.workDir)) shutil.copy2(inps.plotShellFile, inps.workDir) if inps.plot and os.path.isfile(plotCmd): print(plotCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(plotCmd, shell=True).wait() print('\n' + '-' * 50) print('For better figures:') print( ' 1) Edit parameters in and re-run this script.') print( ' 2) Play with, and for more advanced/customized figures.' ) if status is not 0: raise Exception( 'Error while plotting data files using {}'.format(plotCmd)) ############################################# # Time # ############################################# m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60) print('\ntime used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs'.format(m, s)) print('\n###############################################') print('End of PySAR processing!') print('################################################\n')
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file, abspath=True) inps.outfile = os.path.abspath(inps.outfile) return inps
def main(iargs=None): # Actual code. inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs) # Time Series Info atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] print('input file is ' + k + ': ' + inps.timeseries_file) if not k in ['timeseries', 'GIANT_TS']: raise ValueError('Only timeseries file is supported!') obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file) h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r') if k in ['GIANT_TS']: dateList = [ dt.fromordinal(int(i)).strftime('%Y%m%d') for i in h5['dates'][:].tolist() ] else: dateList = obj.dateList date_num = len(dateList) inps.dates, inps.yearList = ptime.date_list2vector(dateList) # Read exclude dates if inps.ex_date_list: input_ex_date = list(inps.ex_date_list) inps.ex_date_list = [] if input_ex_date: for ex_date in input_ex_date: if os.path.isfile(ex_date): ex_date = ptime.read_date_list(ex_date) else: ex_date = [ptime.yyyymmdd(ex_date)] inps.ex_date_list += list( set(ex_date) - set(inps.ex_date_list)) # delete dates not existed in input file inps.ex_date_list = sorted( list(set(inps.ex_date_list).intersection(dateList))) inps.ex_dates = ptime.date_list2vector(inps.ex_date_list)[0] inps.ex_idx_list = sorted( [dateList.index(i) for i in inps.ex_date_list]) print('exclude date:' + str(inps.ex_date_list)) # Zero displacement for 1st acquisition if inps.zero_first: if inps.ex_date_list: inps.zero_idx = min( list(set(range(date_num)) - set(inps.ex_idx_list))) else: inps.zero_idx = 0 # File Size length = int(atr['LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) print('data size in [y0,y1,x0,x1]: [%d, %d, %d, %d]' % (0, length, 0, width)) try: ullon = float(atr['X_FIRST']) ullat = float(atr['Y_FIRST']) lon_step = float(atr['X_STEP']) lat_step = float(atr['Y_STEP']) lrlon = ullon + width * lon_step lrlat = ullat + length * lat_step print('data size in [lat0,lat1,lon0,lon1]: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f]' % (lrlat, ullat, ullon, lrlon)) except: pass # Initial Pixel Coord if inps.lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): y = int((inps.lalo[0] - ullat) / lat_step + 0.5) x = int((inps.lalo[1] - ullon) / lon_step + 0.5) inps.yx = [y, x] if inps.ref_lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): y = int((inps.ref_lalo[0] - ullat) / lat_step + 0.5) x = int((inps.ref_lalo[1] - ullon) / lon_step + 0.5) inps.ref_yx = [y, x] # Display Unit if inps.disp_unit == 'cm': inps.unit_fac = 100.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'm': inps.unit_fac = 1.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'dm': inps.unit_fac = 10.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'mm': inps.unit_fac = 1000.0 elif inps.disp_unit == 'km': inps.unit_fac = 0.001 else: raise ValueError('Un-recognized unit: ' + inps.disp_unit) if k in ['GIANT_TS']: print('data unit: mm') inps.unit_fac *= 0.001 else: print('data unit: m') print('display unit: ' + inps.disp_unit) # Flip up-down / left-right if inps.auto_flip: inps.flip_lr, inps.flip_ud = pp.auto_flip_direction(atr) else: inps.flip_ud = False inps.left_lr = False # Mask file if not inps.mask_file: if os.path.basename(inps.timeseries_file).startswith('geo_'): file_list = ['geo_maskTempCoh.h5'] else: file_list = ['maskTempCoh.h5', 'mask.h5'] try: inps.mask_file = ut.get_file_list(file_list)[0] except: inps.mask_file = None try: mask =, datasetName='mask')[0] mask[mask != 0] = 1 print('load mask from file: ' + inps.mask_file) except: mask = None print('No mask used.') # Initial Map d_v = inps.timeseries_file, datasetName=dateList[inps.epoch_num])[0] * inps.unit_fac if inps.ref_date: inps.ref_d_v = inps.timeseries_file, datasetName=inps.ref_date)[0] * inps.unit_fac d_v -= inps.ref_d_v if mask is not None: d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask) if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] data_lim = [np.nanmin(d_v), np.nanmax(d_v)] if not inps.ylim_mat: inps.ylim_mat = data_lim print('Initial data range: ' + str(data_lim)) print('Display data range: ' + str(inps.ylim_mat)) # Fig 1 - Cumulative Displacement Map if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') fig_v = plt.figure('Cumulative Displacement') # Axes 1 #ax_v = fig_v.add_subplot(111) # ax_v.set_position([0.125,0.25,0.75,0.65]) # This works on OSX. Original worked on Linux. # rect[left, bottom, width, height] ax_v = fig_v.add_axes([0.125, 0.25, 0.75, 0.65]) if inps.dem_file: dem =, datasetName='height')[0] ax_v = pp.plot_dem_yx(ax_v, dem) img = ax_v.imshow(d_v, cmap=inps.colormap, clim=inps.ylim_mat, interpolation='nearest') # Reference Pixel if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] ax_v.plot(inps.ref_yx[1], inps.ref_yx[0], 'ks', ms=6) else: try: ax_v.plot(int(atr['REF_X']), int(atr['REF_Y']), 'ks', ms=6) except: pass # Initial Pixel if inps.yx: ax_v.plot(inps.yx[1], inps.yx[0], 'ro', markeredgecolor='black') ax_v.set_xlim(0, np.shape(d_v)[1]) ax_v.set_ylim(np.shape(d_v)[0], 0) # Status Bar def format_coord(x, y): col = int(x + 0.5) row = int(y + 0.5) if 0 <= col < width and 0 <= row < length: z = d_v[row, col] try: lon = ullon + x * lon_step lat = ullat + y * lat_step return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f, lon=%.4f, lat=%.4f' % ( x, y, z, lon, lat) except: return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f' % (x, y, z) ax_v.format_coord = format_coord # Title and Axis Label ax_v.set_title( 'N = %d, Time = %s' % (inps.epoch_num, inps.dates[inps.epoch_num].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) if not 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): ax_v.set_xlabel('Range') ax_v.set_ylabel('Azimuth') # Flip axis if inps.flip_lr: ax_v.invert_xaxis() print('flip map left and right') if inps.flip_ud: ax_v.invert_yaxis() print('flip map up and down') # Colorbar cbar = fig_v.colorbar(img, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit) # Axes 2 - Time Slider ax_time = fig_v.add_axes([0.125, 0.1, 0.6, 0.07], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow', yticks=[]) tslider = Slider(ax_time, 'Years', inps.yearList[0], inps.yearList[-1], valinit=inps.yearList[inps.epoch_num]), np.ones(len(inps.yearList)), facecolor='black', width=0.01, ecolor=None) np.round( np.linspace(inps.yearList[0], inps.yearList[-1], num=5) * 100) / 100) def time_slider_update(val): """Update Displacement Map using Slider""" timein = tslider.val idx_nearest = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(inps.yearList) - timein)) ax_v.set_title( 'N = %d, Time = %s' % (idx_nearest, inps.dates[idx_nearest].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) d_v = h5[dateList[idx_nearest]][:] * inps.unit_fac if inps.ref_date: d_v -= inps.ref_d_v if mask is not None: d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask) if inps.ref_yx: d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] img.set_data(d_v) fig_v.canvas.draw() tslider.on_changed(time_slider_update) # Fig 2 - Time Series Displacement - Point fig_ts = plt.figure('Time series - point', figsize=inps.fig_size) ax_ts = fig_ts.add_subplot(111) # Read Error List inps.error_ts = None if inps.error_file: error_fileContent = np.loadtxt(inps.error_file, dtype=bytes).astype(str) inps.error_ts = error_fileContent[:, 1].astype( np.float) * inps.unit_fac if inps.ex_date_list: e_ts = inps.error_ts[:] inps.ex_error_ts = np.array([e_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) inps.error_ts = np.array([ e_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) def plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax, dis_ts, inps): dates = list(inps.dates) d_ts = dis_ts[:] if inps.ex_date_list: # Update displacement time-series dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates))) ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) d_ts = np.array([ dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) # Plot excluded dates (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, yerr=inps.ex_error_ts, fmt='-o', color='gray', ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, mfc='gray', elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width) # Plot kept dates (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(dates, d_ts, yerr=inps.error_ts, fmt='-o', ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width) return ax def plot_timeseries_scatter(ax, dis_ts, inps): dates = list(inps.dates) d_ts = dis_ts[:] if inps.ex_date_list: # Update displacement time-series dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates))) ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list]) d_ts = np.array([ dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ]) # Plot excluded dates ax.scatter(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, s=inps.marker_size**2, color='gray') # color='crimson' # Plot kept dates ax.scatter(dates, d_ts, s=inps.marker_size**2) return ax def update_timeseries(ax_ts, y, x): """Plot point time series displacement at pixel [y, x]""" d_ts = read_timeseries_yx( inps.timeseries_file, y, x, ref_yx=inps.ref_yx) * inps.unit_fac # for date in dateList: # d = h5[k].get(date)[y,x] # if inps.ref_yx: # d -= h5[k].get(date)[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]] # d_ts.append(d*inps.unit_fac) if inps.zero_first: d_ts -= d_ts[inps.zero_idx] ax_ts.cla() if inps.error_file: ax_ts = plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) else: ax_ts = plot_timeseries_scatter(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) if inps.ylim: ax_ts.set_ylim(inps.ylim) for tick in ax_ts.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(inps.font_size) # Title title_ts = 'Y = %d, X = %d' % (y, x) try: lat = ullat + y * lat_step lon = ullon + x * lon_step title_ts += ', lat = %.4f, lon = %.4f' % (lat, lon) except: pass if inps.disp_title: ax_ts.set_title(title_ts) ax_ts = pp.auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax_ts, inps.yearList, fontSize=inps.font_size)[0] ax_ts.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=inps.font_size) ax_ts.set_ylabel('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit, fontsize=inps.font_size) fig_ts.canvas.draw() # Print to terminal print('\n---------------------------------------') print(title_ts) print(d_ts) # Slope estimation if inps.ex_date_list: inps.yearList_kept = [ inps.yearList[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ] d_ts_kept = [ d_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list ] d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(inps.yearList_kept), np.array(d_ts_kept)) else: d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(inps.yearList), np.array(d_ts)) print('linear velocity: %.2f +/- %.2f [%s/yr]' % (d_slope[0], d_slope[4], inps.disp_unit)) return d_ts # Initial point time series plot if inps.yx: d_ts = update_timeseries(ax_ts, inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) else: d_ts = np.zeros(len(inps.yearList)) ax_ts = plot_timeseries_scatter(ax_ts, d_ts, inps) def plot_timeseries_event(event): """Event function to get y/x from button press""" if event.inaxes != ax_v: return ii = int(event.ydata + 0.5) jj = int(event.xdata + 0.5) d_ts = update_timeseries(ax_ts, ii, jj) # Output if inps.save_fig and inps.yx: print('save info for pixel ' + str(inps.yx)) if not inps.fig_base: inps.fig_base = 'y%d_x%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) # TXT - point time series outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.txt' header_info = 'timeseries_file=' + inps.timeseries_file header_info += '\ny=%d, x=%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1]) try: lat = ullat + inps.yx[0] * lat_step lon = ullon + inps.yx[1] * lon_step header_info += '\nlat=%.6f, lon=%.6f' % (lat, lon) except: pass if inps.ref_yx: header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%d, x=%d' % (inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]) else: header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%s, x=%s' % (atr['REF_Y'], atr['REF_X']) header_info += '\nunit=m/yr' np.savetxt(outName, list(zip(np.array(dateList), np.array(d_ts) / inps.unit_fac)), fmt='%s', delimiter=' ', header=header_info) print('save time series displacement in meter to ' + outName) # Figure - point time series outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.pdf' fig_ts.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi) print('save time series plot to ' + outName) # Figure - map outName = inps.fig_base + '_' + dateList[inps.epoch_num] + '.png' fig_v.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi) print('save map plot to ' + outName) # Final linking of the canvas to the plots. cid = fig_v.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', plot_timeseries_event) if inps.disp_fig: fig_v.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid)
def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None): parser = create_parser() inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs) inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) return inps
def write_kmz_file(data, metadata, out_file, inps=None): """ Generate Google Earth KMZ file for input data matrix. Inputs: data - 2D np.array in int/float, data matrix to write out_file - string, output file name metadata - dict, containing the following attributes: WIDTH/LENGTH : required, file size X/Y_FIRST/STEP : required, for lat/lon spatial converage ref_x/y : optional, column/row number of reference pixel PROJECT_NAME : optional, for KMZ folder name inps - Namespace, optional, input options for display Output: kmz_file - string, output KMZ filename Example: from pysar.utils import readfile, plot as pp from pysar import save_kml fname = 'geo_velocity_masked.h5' data, atr = out_file = pp.auto_figure_title(fname, None)+'.kmz' save_kml.write_kmz_file(data, atr, out_file) """ if not inps: inps = cmd_line_parse() if not inps.ylim: inps.ylim = [np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)] west, east, south, north = ut.four_corners(metadata) # 2.1 Make PNG file - Data print('plotting data ...') # Figure size if not inps.fig_size: plot_shape = [east - west, north - south] fig_scale = min(pp.min_figsize_single / min(plot_shape), pp.max_figsize_single / max(plot_shape), pp.max_figsize_height / plot_shape[1]) inps.fig_size = [np.floor(i * fig_scale * 2) / 2 for i in plot_shape] print('create figure in size: ' + str(inps.fig_size)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=inps.fig_size, frameon=False) ax = fig.add_axes([0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() print('colormap: ' + inps.colormap) inps.colormap = plt.get_cmap(inps.colormap) # Plot - data matrix ax.imshow(data, cmap=inps.colormap, vmin=inps.ylim[0], vmax=inps.ylim[1], aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') # Plot - reference pixel if inps.disp_seed == 'yes': try: xref = int(metadata['REF_X']) yref = int(metadata['REF_Y']) ax.plot(xref, yref, 'ks', ms=inps.seed_size) print('show reference point') except: inps.disp_seed = False print('Cannot find reference point info!') width = int(metadata['WIDTH']) length = int(metadata['LENGTH']) ax.set_xlim([0, width]) ax.set_ylim([length, 0]) out_name_base = os.path.splitext(out_file)[0] data_png_file = out_name_base + '.png' print('writing {} with dpi={}'.format(data_png_file, inps.fig_dpi)) plt.savefig(data_png_file, pad_inches=0.0, transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi) # 2.2 Making PNG file - colorbar pc = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 8)) cax = pc.add_subplot(111) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=inps.ylim[0], vmax=inps.ylim[1]) cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=inps.colormap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label('{} [{}]'.format(inps.cbar_label, inps.disp_unit)) cbar.locator = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=inps.cbar_bin_num) cbar.update_ticks() pc.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.3, right=0.4, top=0.7) pc.patch.set_facecolor('white') pc.patch.set_alpha(0.7) cbar_png_file = '{}_cbar.png'.format(out_name_base) print('writing ' + cbar_png_file) pc.savefig(cbar_png_file, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor=pc.get_facecolor(), dpi=inps.fig_dpi) # 2.3 Generate KML file print('generating kml file ...') try: doc = KML.kml(KML.Folder(['PROJECT_NAME']))) except: doc = KML.kml(KML.Folder('PySAR product'))) # Add data png file slc = KML.GroundOverlay(, KML.Icon(KML.href(data_png_file)), KML.altitudeMode('clampToGround'), KML.LatLonBox(KML.north(str(north)), KML.east(str(east)), KML.south(str(south)), KML.west(str(west)))) doc.Folder.append(slc) # Add colorbar png file cb_rg = min(north - south, east - west) cb_N = (north + south) / 2.0 + 0.5 * 0.5 * cb_rg cb_W = east + 0.1 * cb_rg # Use mean height from existed DEM file if not inps.cbar_height: try: fileList = [ 'geo_geometry*.h5', 'INPUTS/geometry*.h5', 'dem*.h5', '*.dem', 'radar*.hgt' ] dem_file = ut.get_file_list(fileList)[0] print('use mean height from file: {} + 1000 m as colorbar height.'. format(dem_file)) dem_data =, datasetName='height')[0] inps.cbar_height = np.rint(np.nanmean(dem_data)) + 1000.0 except: pass elif str(inps.cbar_height).lower().endswith('ground'): inps.cbar_height = None if inps.cbar_height: print('set colorbar in height: %.2f m' % inps.cbar_height) slc1 = KML.GroundOverlay('colorbar'), KML.Icon(KML.href(cbar_png_file)), KML.altitude(str(inps.cbar_height)), KML.altitudeMode('absolute'), KML.LatLonBox(KML.north(str(cb_N)), KML.south(str(cb_N - 0.5 * cb_rg)), KML.west(str(cb_W)), KML.east(str(cb_W + 0.14 * cb_rg)))) else: print('set colorbar clampToGround') slc1 = KML.GroundOverlay('colorbar'), KML.Icon(KML.href(cbar_png_file)), KML.altitudeMode('clampToGround'), KML.LatLonBox(KML.north(str(cb_N)), KML.south(str(cb_N - 0.5 * cb_rg)), KML.west(str(cb_W)), KML.east(str(cb_W + 0.14 * cb_rg)))) doc.Folder.append(slc1) kmlstr = etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True).decode('utf8') # Write KML file kml_file = '{}.kml'.format(out_name_base) print('writing ' + kml_file) with open(kml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(kmlstr) # 2.4 Generate KMZ file kmz_file = '{}.kmz'.format(out_name_base) cmdKMZ = 'zip {} {} {} {}'.format(kmz_file, kml_file, data_png_file, cbar_png_file) print('writing {}\n{}'.format(kmz_file, cmdKMZ)) os.system(cmdKMZ) cmdClean = 'rm {} {} {}'.format(kml_file, data_png_file, cbar_png_file) print(cmdClean) os.system(cmdClean) return kmz_file
def correct_tropospheric_delay(inps, template): """Correct tropospheric delay with options from template""" inps.tropPolyOrder = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.polyOrder'] inps.tropModel = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.weatherModel'] inps.tropMethod = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.method'] # check existing tropospheric delay file try: fileList = [os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS/{}.h5'.format(inps.tropModel))] inps.tropFile = ut.get_file_list(fileList)[0] except: inps.tropFile = None # run if inps.tropMethod: fbase = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseriesFile)[0] # Phase/Elevation Ratio (Doin et al., 2009) if inps.tropMethod == 'height_correlation': outName = '{}_tropHgt.h5'.format(fbase) print('tropospheric delay correction with height-correlation approach') tropCmd = (' {t} -g {d} -p {p}' ' -m {m} -o {o}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, d=inps.geomFile, p=inps.tropPolyOrder, m=inps.maskFile, o=outName) print(tropCmd) if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=outName, in_file=inps.timeseriesFile) == 'run': status = subprocess.Popen(tropCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: raise Exception('Error while correcting tropospheric delay.\n') inps.timeseriesFile = outName inps.timeseriesFiles.append(outName) # Weather Re-analysis Data (Jolivet et al., 2011;2014) elif inps.tropMethod == 'pyaps': inps.weatherDir = template['pysar.troposphericDelay.weatherDir'] outName = '{}_{}.h5'.format(fbase, inps.tropModel) print(('Atmospheric correction using Weather Re-analysis dataset' ' (PyAPS, Jolivet et al., 2011)')) print('Weather Re-analysis dataset:', inps.tropModel) tropCmd = (' -f {t} --model {m} -g {g}' ' -w {w}').format(t=inps.timeseriesFile, m=inps.tropModel, g=inps.geomFile, w=inps.weatherDir) print(tropCmd) if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=outName, in_file=inps.timeseriesFile) == 'run': if inps.tropFile: tropCmd = ' {} {} -o {} --force'.format(inps.timeseriesFile, inps.tropFile, outName) print('--------------------------------------------') print('Use existed tropospheric delay file: {}'.format(inps.tropFile)) print(tropCmd) status = subprocess.Popen(tropCmd, shell=True).wait() if status is not 0: print('\nError while correcting tropospheric delay, try the following:') print('1) Check the installation of PyAPS') print('') print(' Try in command line: python -c "import pyaps"') print('2) Use other tropospheric correction method, height-correlation, for example') print('3) or turn off the option by setting pysar.troposphericDelay.method = no.\n') raise RuntimeError() inps.timeseriesFile = outName inps.timeseriesFiles.append(outName) else: print('Un-recognized atmospheric delay correction method: {}'.format(inps.tropMethod)) # Grab tropospheric delay file try: fileList = [os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS/{}.h5'.format(inps.tropModel))] inps.tropFile = ut.get_file_list(fileList)[0] except: inps.tropFile = None return
def read_template(inps): print('\n********** Read Template File **********') # default template inps.templateFile = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'pysarApp_template.txt') if not os.path.isfile(inps.templateFile): print('generate default template file:', inps.templateFile) shutil.copy2(inps.autoTemplateFile, inps.workDir) else: check_obsolete_default_template(inps) # custom template customTemplate = None if inps.customTemplateFile: # Copy custom template file to work directory inputs_dir = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS') if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=os.path.join(inputs_dir, os.path.basename(inps.customTemplateFile)), in_file=inps.customTemplateFile, check_readable=False) == 'run': if not os.path.isdir(inputs_dir): os.makedirs(inputs_dir) print('create directory:', inputs_dir) shutil.copy2(inps.customTemplateFile, inputs_dir) print('copy {} to INPUTS directory'.format(os.path.basename(inps.customTemplateFile))) # Read custom template print('read custom template file:', inps.customTemplateFile) customTemplate = readfile.read_template(inps.customTemplateFile) # correct some loose type errors standardValues = {'def':'auto', 'default':'auto', 'y':'yes', 'on':'yes', 'true':'yes', 'n':'no', 'off':'no', 'false':'no' } for key, value in customTemplate.items(): if value in standardValues.keys(): customTemplate[key] = standardValues[value] for key in ['pysar.deramp', 'pysar.troposphericDelay.method']: if key in customTemplate.keys(): customTemplate[key] = customTemplate[key].lower().replace('-', '_') if 'processor' in customTemplate.keys(): customTemplate['pysar.load.processor'] = customTemplate['processor'] for key in ['SUBSET_XMIN', 'SUBSET_YMIN']: if key in customTemplate.keys(): customTemplate.pop(key) # Update default template with custom input template print('update default template based on input custom template') inps.templateFile = ut.update_template_file(inps.templateFile, customTemplate) if inps.generate_template: raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after template file generation.') print('read default template file:', inps.templateFile) template = readfile.read_template(inps.templateFile) template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template) # Get existing files name: unavco_attributes.txt try: inps.unavcoMetadataFile = ut.get_file_list('unavco_attribute*txt', abspath=True)[0] except: inps.unavcoMetadataFile = None print('No UNAVCO attributes file found.') return inps, template, customTemplate
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() if inps.timeseries_file: inps.timeseries_file = ut.get_file_list([inps.timeseries_file])[0] atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] if 'ref_y' not in list(atr.keys()) and inps.ref_yx: print('No reference info found in input file, use input ref_yx: ' + str(inps.ref_yx)) atr['ref_y'] = inps.ref_yx[0] atr['ref_x'] = inps.ref_yx[1] #****reading incidence angle file***/ if os.path.isfile(inps.inc_angle): inps.inc_angle =, epoch='incidenceAngle')[0] inps.inc_angle = np.nan_to_num(inps.inc_angle) else: inps.inps.inc_angle = float(inps.inc_angle) print('incidence angle: ' + str(inps.inc_angle)) cinc = np.cos(inps.inc_angle * np.pi / 180.0) #****look up file****/ if inps.lookup_file: inps.lookup_file = ut.get_file_list( [inps.lookup_file])[0] #'geomap_32rlks_tight.trans' #****GACOS****/ delay_source = 'GACOS' # Get weather directory if not inps.GACOS_dir: if inps.timeseries_file: inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inps.timeseries_file)) + '/../WEATHER/GACOS' elif inps.lookup_file: inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( inps.lookup_file)) + '/../WEATHER/GACOS' else: inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) print('Store weather data into directory: ' + inps.GACOS_dir) #source_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('timeseries_file'))+'/Agung/GACOS/data';print source_dir #os.makedirs(GACOS_dir) -----------------------------------------------add part to copy/download weather data------# #----get date list-----# if not inps.date_list_file: print('read date list info from: ' + inps.timeseries_file) h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r') if 'timeseries' in list(h5.keys()): date_list = sorted(h5[k].keys()) elif k in ['interferograms', 'coherence', 'wrapped']: ifgram_list = sorted(h5[k].keys()) date12_list = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list) m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list] s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list] date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) else: raise ValueError('Un-support input file type:' + k) h5.close() else: date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd( np.loadtxt(inps.date_list_file, dtype=str, usecols=(0, )).tolist()) print('read date list info from: ' + inps.date_list_file) #****cheacking availability of delays****/ print('checking availability of delays') delay_file_list = [] for d in date_list: if delay_source == 'GACOS': delay_file = inps.GACOS_dir + '/' + d + '.ztd' delay_file_list.append(delay_file) delay_file_existed = ut.get_file_list(delay_file_list) if len(delay_file_existed) == len(date_list): print('no missing files') else: print('no. of date files found:', len(delay_file_existed)) print('no. of dates:', len(date_list)) #*****Calculating delays***/ print('calculating delays') length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) #initialise delay files date_num = len(date_list) trop_ts = np.zeros((date_num, length, width), np.float32) #reading wrf files for each epoch and getting delay for i in range(date_num): delay_file = delay_file_existed[i] date = date_list[i] print('calculating delay for date', date) trop_ts[i] = get_delay(delay_file, atr, inps.lookup_file, cinc) print('Delays Calculated') # Convert relative phase delay on reference date try: ref_date = atr['ref_date'] except: ref_date = date_list[0] print('convert to relative phase delay with reference date: ' + ref_date) ref_idx = date_list.index(ref_date) trop_ts -= np.tile(trop_ts[ref_idx, :, :], (date_num, 1, 1)) ## Write tropospheric delay to HDF5 tropFile = 'GACOSdelays' + '.h5' print('writing >>> %s' % (tropFile)) h5trop = h5py.File(tropFile, 'w') group_trop = h5trop.create_group('timeseries') print('number of acquisitions: ' + str(date_num)) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] group_trop.create_dataset(date, data=trop_ts[i], compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() # Write Attributes for key, value in atr.items(): group_trop.attrs[key] = value h5trop.close() ## Write corrected Time series to HDF5 if k == 'timeseries': if not inps.out_file: inps.out_file = os.path.splitext( inps.timeseries_file)[0] + '_' + 'GACOS' + '.h5' print('writing trop corrected timeseries file %s' % (inps.out_file)) h5ts = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r') h5tsCor = h5py.File(inps.out_file, 'w') group_tsCor = h5tsCor.create_group('timeseries') print('number of acquisitions: ' + str(date_num)) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] print(date) ts = h5ts['timeseries'].get(date)[:] group_tsCor.create_dataset(date, data=ts - trop_ts[i], compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() h5ts.close() # Write Attributes for key, value in atr.items(): group_tsCor.attrs[key] = value h5tsCor.close() print('delays written to %s' % (inps.out_file)) print('finished') return inps.out_file
def extract_metadata4geometry_radar(fname): """Read/extract attribute for .hgt_sim file from Gamma to ROI_PAC Input: sim_20070813_20080310.hgt_sim sim_20070813_20080310.rdc.dem Search for: sim_20070813_20080310.diff_par Output: sim_20070813_20080310.hgt_sim.rsc sim_20070813_20080310.rdc.dem.rsc """ # Get/read GAMMA par file # for loop to get rid of multiple dot in filename fname_base = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] for i in range(5): fname_base = os.path.splitext(fname_base)[0] par_file = fname_base + '.diff_par' par_dict = readfile.read_gamma_par(par_file) # Get/read LAT/LON_REF1/2/3/4 msg = 'grab LAT/LON_REF1/2/3/4 from par file: ' # get date of one acquisition try: m_date = str(re.findall('\d{8}', fname_base)[0]) except: m_date = str(re.findall('\d{6}', fname_base)[0]) # search existing par file geom_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) #PROJECT_DIR/geom_master ifg_dir = os.path.join(geom_dir, '../*/{}_*'.format( m_date)) #PROJECT_DIR/interferograms/{m_date}_20141225 m_par_files = [ os.path.join(geom_dir, '*{}*{}'.format(m_date, ext)) for ext in PAR_EXT_LIST ] m_par_files += [ os.path.join(ifg_dir, '*{}*{}'.format(m_date, ext)) for ext in PAR_EXT_LIST ] m_par_files = ut.get_file_list(m_par_files) # read par file if len(m_par_files) > 0: m_par_file = m_par_files[0] msg += m_par_file par_dict = get_lalo_ref(m_par_file, par_dict) else: msg += ' no par file found with date: {}'.format(m_date) print(msg) # initiate ROIPAC dict atr = {} atr['PROCESSOR'] = 'gamma' atr['FILE_TYPE'] = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] atr.update(par_dict) # Write to .rsc file rsc_file = fname + '.rsc' try: atr_orig = readfile.read_roipac_rsc(rsc_file) except: atr_orig = dict() if not set(atr.items()).issubset(set(atr_orig.items())): atr_out = {**atr_orig, **atr} print('writing >>> ' + os.path.basename(rsc_file)) writefile.write_roipac_rsc(atr_out, out_file=rsc_file) return rsc_file