Exemple #1
    def run_diis(self, se, diis=None):
        ''' Runs the direct inversion of the iterative subspace for the

            se : SelfEnergy
                Auxiliaries of the self-energy
            diis : lib.diis.DIIS
                DIIS object


        if diis is None:
            return se

        se_occ = se.get_occupied()
        se_vir = se.get_virtual()

        vv_occ = np.dot(se_occ.coupling, se_occ.coupling.T)
        vv_vir = np.dot(se_vir.coupling, se_vir.coupling.T)

        vev_occ = np.dot(se_occ.coupling * se_occ.energy[None], se_occ.coupling.T)
        vev_vir = np.dot(se_vir.coupling * se_vir.energy[None], se_vir.coupling.T)

        dat = np.array([vv_occ, vv_vir, vev_occ, vev_vir])
        dat = diis.update(dat)
        vv_occ, vv_vir, vev_occ, vev_vir = dat

        se_occ = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_occ, vev_occ), chempot=se.chempot)
        se_vir = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_vir, vev_vir), chempot=se.chempot)
        se = aux.combine(se_occ, se_vir)

        return se
Exemple #2
    def run_diis(self, se, diis=None):
        ''' Runs the direct inversion of the iterative subspace for the

            se : SelfEnergy
                Auxiliaries of the self-energy
            diis : lib.diis.DIIS
                DIIS object

            tuple of :class:`SelfEnergy`

        if diis is None:
            return se

        se_occ_a, se_occ_b = (se[0].get_occupied(), se[1].get_occupied())
        se_vir_a, se_vir_b = (se[0].get_virtual(), se[1].get_virtual())

        vv_occ_a = np.dot(se_occ_a.coupling, se_occ_a.coupling.T)
        vv_occ_b = np.dot(se_occ_b.coupling, se_occ_b.coupling.T)
        vv_vir_a = np.dot(se_vir_a.coupling, se_vir_a.coupling.T)
        vv_vir_b = np.dot(se_vir_b.coupling, se_vir_b.coupling.T)

        vev_occ_a = np.dot(se_occ_a.coupling * se_occ_a.energy[None],
        vev_occ_b = np.dot(se_occ_b.coupling * se_occ_b.energy[None],
        vev_vir_a = np.dot(se_vir_a.coupling * se_vir_a.energy[None],
        vev_vir_b = np.dot(se_vir_b.coupling * se_vir_b.energy[None],

        dat = np.array([
            vv_occ_a, vv_vir_a, vev_occ_a, vev_vir_a, vv_occ_b, vv_vir_b,
            vev_occ_b, vev_vir_b
        dat = diis.update(dat)
        vv_occ_a, vv_vir_a, vev_occ_a, vev_vir_a, \
                vv_occ_b, vv_vir_b, vev_occ_b, vev_vir_b = dat

        se_occ_a = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_occ_a, vev_occ_a),
        se_vir_a = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_vir_a, vev_vir_a),
        se_occ_b = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_occ_b, vev_occ_b),
        se_vir_b = aux.SelfEnergy(*_agf2.cholesky_build(vv_vir_b, vev_vir_b),
        se = (aux.combine(se_occ_a, se_vir_a), aux.combine(se_occ_b, se_vir_b))

        return se
Exemple #3
def build_se_part(agf2, eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, os_factor=1.0, ss_factor=1.0):
    ''' Builds either the auxiliaries of the occupied self-energy,
        or virtual if :attr:`gf_occ` and :attr:`gf_vir` are swapped.

        eri : _ChemistsERIs
            Electronic repulsion integrals
        gf_occ : GreensFunction
            Occupied Green's function
        gf_vir : GreensFunction
            Virtual Green's function

        os_factor : float
            Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0
        ss_factor : float
            Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0


    cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    assert type(gf_occ) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir) is aux.GreensFunction

    nmo = eri.nmo
    tol = agf2.weight_tol
    facs = dict(os_factor=os_factor, ss_factor=ss_factor)

    ci, ei = gf_occ.coupling, gf_occ.energy
    ca, ea = gf_vir.coupling, gf_vir.energy

    mem_incore = (gf_occ.nphys * gf_occ.naux**2 * gf_vir.naux) * 8 / 1e6
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    if (mem_incore + mem_now < agf2.max_memory) or agf2.incore_complete:
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, (ci, ci, ca))
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_outcore(agf2, eri, (ci, ci, ca))

    if isinstance(qeri, np.ndarray):
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_ragf2_incore(qeri, ei, ea, **facs)
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_ragf2_outcore(qeri, ei, ea, **facs)

    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ.chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmo, se.naux))
        coupling[mask] = se.coupling
        se = aux.SelfEnergy(se.energy, coupling, chempot=se.chempot)

    log.timer('se part', *cput0)

    return se
Exemple #4
def build_se_part(agf2, eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, os_factor=1.0, ss_factor=1.0):
    ''' Builds either the auxiliaries of the occupied self-energy,
        or virtual if :attr:`gf_occ` and :attr:`gf_vir` are swapped,
        for a single spin.

        eri : _ChemistsERIs
            Electronic repulsion integrals
        gf_occ : tuple of GreensFunction
            Occupied Green's function for each spin
        gf_vir : tuple of GreensFunction
            Virtual Green's function for each spin

        os_factor : float
            Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0
        ss_factor : float
            Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0


    cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    assert type(gf_occ[0]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_occ[1]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir[0]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir[1]) is aux.GreensFunction

    nmo = eri.nmo
    noa, nob = gf_occ[0].naux, gf_occ[1].naux
    nva, nvb = gf_vir[0].naux, gf_vir[1].naux
    tol = agf2.weight_tol
    facs = dict(os_factor=os_factor, ss_factor=ss_factor)

    ci_a, ei_a = gf_occ[0].coupling, gf_occ[0].energy
    ci_b, ei_b = gf_occ[1].coupling, gf_occ[1].energy
    ca_a, ea_a = gf_vir[0].coupling, gf_vir[0].energy
    ca_b, ea_b = gf_vir[1].coupling, gf_vir[1].energy

    mem_incore = (nmo[0]*noa*(noa*nva+nob*nvb)) * 8/1e6
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    if (mem_incore+mem_now < agf2.max_memory) or agf2.incore_complete:
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, (ci_a, ci_a, ca_a), (ci_b, ci_b, ca_b), spin=0)
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_outcore(agf2, eri, (ci_a, ci_a, ca_a), (ci_b, ci_b, ca_b), spin=0)

    if isinstance(qeri[0], np.ndarray):
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_uagf2_incore(qeri, (ei_a, ei_b), (ea_a, ea_b), **facs)
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_uagf2_outcore(qeri, (ei_a, ei_b), (ea_a, ea_b), **facs)

    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se_a = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ[0].chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmo[0], se_a.naux))
        coupling[mask[0]] = se_a.coupling
        se_a = aux.SelfEnergy(se_a.energy, coupling, chempot=se_a.chempot)

    cput0 = log.timer('se part (alpha)', *cput0)

    mem_incore = (nmo[1]*nob*(nob*nvb+noa*nva)) * 8/1e6
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    if (mem_incore+mem_now < agf2.max_memory) or agf2.incore_complete:
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, (ci_a, ci_a, ca_a), (ci_b, ci_b, ca_b), spin=1)
        qeri = _make_qmo_eris_outcore(agf2, eri, (ci_a, ci_a, ca_a), (ci_b, ci_b, ca_b), spin=1)

    rv = np.s_[::-1]
    if isinstance(qeri[0], np.ndarray):
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_uagf2_incore(qeri, (ei_b, ei_a), (ea_b, ea_a), **facs)
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_uagf2_outcore(qeri, (ei_b, ei_a), (ea_b, ea_a), **facs)

    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se_b = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ[1].chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmo[1], se_b.naux))
        coupling[mask[1]] = se_b.coupling
        se_b = aux.SelfEnergy(se_b.energy, coupling, chempot=se_b.chempot)

    cput0 = log.timer('se part (beta)', *cput0)

    return (se_a, se_b)
Exemple #5
def build_se_part(agf2, eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, os_factor=1.0, ss_factor=1.0):
    ''' Builds either the auxiliaries of the occupied self-energy,
        or virtual if :attr:`gf_occ` and :attr:`gf_vir` are swapped.

        eri : _ChemistsERIs
            Electronic repulsion integrals
        gf_occ : GreensFunction
            Occupied Green's function
        gf_vir : GreensFunction
            Virtual Green's function

        os_factor : float
            Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0
        ss_factor : float
            Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0


    cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    assert type(gf_occ) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir) is aux.GreensFunction

    nmo = eri.nmo
    nocc, nvir = gf_occ.naux, gf_vir.naux
    naux = agf2.with_df.get_naoaux()
    tol = agf2.weight_tol
    facs = dict(os_factor=os_factor, ss_factor=ss_factor)

    ei, ci = gf_occ.energy, gf_occ.coupling
    ea, ca = gf_vir.energy, gf_vir.coupling

    qxi, qja = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, (ci, ci, ca))

    himem_required = naux * (nvir + nmo) + (nocc * nvir) * (2 * nmo + 1) + (
        2 * nmo**2)
    himem_required *= 8e-6
    himem_required *= lib.num_threads()

    if ((himem_required * 1.05 + lib.current_memory()[0]) > agf2.max_memory
            and agf2.allow_lowmem_build) or agf2.allow_lowmem_build == 'force':
            'Thread-private memory overhead %.3f exceeds max_memory, using '
            'low-memory version.', himem_required)
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_dfragf2_lowmem(qxi, qja, ei, ea, **facs)
        vv, vev = _agf2.build_mats_dfragf2_incore(qxi, qja, ei, ea, **facs)

    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ.chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = ragf2.get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmo, se.naux))
        coupling[mask] = se.coupling
        se = aux.SelfEnergy(se.energy, coupling, chempot=se.chempot)

    log.timer('se part', *cput0)

    return se
Exemple #6
def build_se_part(agf2, eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, os_factor=1.0, ss_factor=1.0):
    ''' Builds either the auxiliaries of the occupied self-energy,
        or virtual if :attr:`gf_occ` and :attr:`gf_vir` are swapped.

        eri : _ChemistsERIs
            Electronic repulsion integrals
        gf_occ : GreensFunction
            Occupied Green's function
        gf_vir : GreensFunction
            Virtual Green's function

        os_factor : float
            Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0
        ss_factor : float
            Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS)
            calculations. Default 1.0


    cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    assert type(gf_occ[0]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_occ[1]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir[0]) is aux.GreensFunction
    assert type(gf_vir[1]) is aux.GreensFunction

    nmoa, nmob = eri.nmo
    nocca, nvira = gf_occ[0].naux, gf_vir[0].naux
    noccb, nvirb = gf_occ[1].naux, gf_vir[1].naux
    naux = agf2.with_df.get_naoaux()
    tol = agf2.weight_tol
    facs = dict(os_factor=os_factor, ss_factor=ss_factor)

    ci_a, ei_a = gf_occ[0].coupling, gf_occ[0].energy
    ci_b, ei_b = gf_occ[1].coupling, gf_occ[1].energy
    ca_a, ea_a = gf_vir[0].coupling, gf_vir[0].energy
    ca_b, ea_b = gf_vir[1].coupling, gf_vir[1].energy

    qeri = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, (ci_a, ci_a, ca_a),
                                 (ci_b, ci_b, ca_b))
    (qxi_a, qja_a), (qxi_b, qja_b) = qeri
    qxi = (qxi_a, qxi_b)
    qja = (qja_a, qja_b)

    himem_required = naux * (nvira + nmoa) + (
        nocca * nvira + noccb * nvirb) * (1 + 2 * nmoa) + (2 * nmoa**2)
    himem_required *= 8e-6
    himem_required *= lib.num_threads()

    if ((himem_required * 1.05 + lib.current_memory()[0]) > agf2.max_memory
            and agf2.allow_lowmem_build) or agf2.allow_lowmem_build == 'force':
            'Thread-private memory overhead %.3f exceeds max_memory, using '
            'low-memory version.', himem_required)
        build_mats_dfuagf2 = _agf2.build_mats_dfuagf2_lowmem
        build_mats_dfuagf2 = _agf2.build_mats_dfuagf2_incore

    vv, vev = build_mats_dfuagf2(qxi, qja, (ei_a, ei_b), (ea_a, ea_b), **facs)
    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se_a = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ[0].chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = uagf2.get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmoa, se_a.naux))
        coupling[mask[0]] = se_a.coupling
        se_a = aux.SelfEnergy(se_a.energy, coupling, chempot=se_a.chempot)

    cput0 = log.timer('se part (alpha)', *cput0)

    himem_required = naux * (nvirb + nmob) + (
        noccb * nvirb + nocca * nvira) * (1 + 2 * nmob) + (2 * nmob**2)
    himem_required *= 8e-6
    himem_required *= lib.num_threads()

    if ((himem_required * 1.05 + lib.current_memory()[0]) > agf2.max_memory
            and agf2.allow_lowmem_build) or agf2.allow_lowmem_build == 'force':
            'Thread-private memory overhead %.3f exceeds max_memory, using '
            'low-memory version.', himem_required)
        build_mats_dfuagf2 = _agf2.build_mats_dfuagf2_lowmem
        build_mats_dfuagf2 = _agf2.build_mats_dfuagf2_incore

    rv = np.s_[::-1]
    vv, vev = build_mats_dfuagf2(qxi[rv], qja[rv], (ei_b, ei_a), (ea_b, ea_a),
    e, c = _agf2.cholesky_build(vv, vev)
    se_b = aux.SelfEnergy(e, c, chempot=gf_occ[1].chempot)

    if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0):
        mask = uagf2.get_frozen_mask(agf2)
        coupling = np.zeros((nmoa, se_b.naux))
        coupling[mask[1]] = se_b.coupling
        se_b = aux.SelfEnergy(se_b.energy, coupling, chempot=se_b.chempot)

    cput0 = log.timer('se part (beta)', *cput0)

    return (se_a, se_b)